The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 11, 1894, Image 1

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    ,1 ,-'! 1.6 J
XvV'.i..,Lw.'? man
VOL. XLII, NO. 58.
w mm;
A Warning Light.
We live and move and are,
And when this life is spent,
We find it mostly gone
' l vivuuw, all VI ICllk. ?0
i P
! R
f C
Will I LI
This warning light is to keep you jp
off the rocks of Misrepresentations
Do not let unscrupulous dealers 0MiMH
deceive you when buying Men's or
TiMto f'ii,;... TTt r tti
nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, i-IWlnO
Umbrellas, Blankets, or Quilts.
We can save you from 16 to 33J- per cent on these lines of
ilSf'This month we are making special bargains and
reductions in mnny lines, to kep trade moving, and to make
room for New lines now enroutefrom the factory.
Osgood pgcfljtTiLE Go.
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters And Furnishers.
506 and 508 ?rd St., Next to Griffin & Reed's Book Store. Astoria,
You Want A Good Novel?
We can put you on the riVht track. There hasn't been a
better piece of fiction published this year than THE HEIR OF
lk W 1"V V t W- WW a m . . m
KCUtLVhM:, Dy uiariotte 11. Young;
Nor has there been any work that has been more perused
by Athletes than that of SANDOW'S Method of Physical
Culture. Search the records of the Athletic world over and
you will not find any one who has attracted the attention as
tins modern Sampson.
Griffin & Reed.
Peixoto's Fleet Assembled in the
Harbor at Rio.
The Cruiser Nichteroy to Destroy
the Villegaignon Fortifications
..With Dynamite Shells.
Associated Press. .
(Copyrighted by Associated Press, 1894.)
Rio de Janeiro, March 10. There now
seems to be a definite prospect of a
naval battle and prompt ending to the
rebellion, as far as Rio de Janeiro Is
concerned. The dynamite cruiser Nle-
therov. the tnmnrtn hnat Ai.nn
peuo uoui destroyer, ana the thi tor
pedo boats brought over from Germany
have arrived here. When the sun rose
this morning the Pelxoto fleet was at
anchor In a small bay at the entrance
to the harbor, and well protected by the
guns of Fort Santa Cruz. The Nlcthe-
roy, from the position which she now
occupies, is expected to be able to
throw dynamite shells at Fort Vlllegaig-
non, and when Vlllegalgnon has been
silenced, it Is expected that the Niethe
roy's consorts will steam up to a shel
tered position behind the island upon
which Vlllegalgnon fortifications stand,
and will from there shell the rebel fleet,
while being protected from the heavy
guns of the Insurgent ships. The Par
nahyba, formerly the guardshlp at Fer-
nambuco, and the cruiser America, are
outside the bay, to watch, It is presum
ed, against a surprise upon -i! part of
from an iS-lnch howitzer, striking with
a velocity of 2,000 feet, was the second
shot.. This was shattered, Its point be
ing welded into the' i'ate, and two
cracks were made, neither of them
through the rivet holes. The third shot,
a 10-inch cast steel, with a velocity of
1,500 feet, broke the plate, the shell be
ing smashed also. Naval men consider
the tests proof of the superiority of ihe
Harvey plate, although this one was of
extra quality. Either of the shots would
have smashed a nickel plate. "
Another Project Being Discussed For
.: Its Completion.
Populists Hold Conventions in
the Various Counties.
Speculation as to the Republican
Nominee for Governor-Jndffe
Denny's Chances.
Fine lines afliMpfs,
I haVs made arrangements for supplying any brand of wines
in quantities to suit at the lowest cash figures. The trade
and families supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoria.
A. W. UTZIJlGEJt, - -
the Aquidaban or other rebel , All
the Insurgents' war vessels, as f "s
the goVernment fleet, have clea're-1 f'lr
action, and a battleiow seems Imif-
nent. The United States cruiser San
Francisco.' the flagship of Admiral Ben
ham, has anchored in a most peculiar
position (neaf the small island on which
Fort Lage stands. The San Francisco
Is but a little way out of the line of fire,
should the Nictheroy open up on Ville
galgnon with her dynamite guns. On
the other hand, no better position could
have been chosen by the United States
admiral for judging of the efficiency of
the dynamite guns. The other United
States war vessels are just outside the
harbor, and It is presumed they will
come Inside when the action com
mencesl The general opinion seems to
be that the battle will commence to
night or tomorrow night.
Paris, March 10. At a meeting of the
shareholders of the Panama company
today, it was resolved to favor the for
mation of a syndicate to undertake the
Bartissol project to finish the canal.
M. Bartlssol proposes to build stone
tunnel six miles long from the hagres
This would bo used to carrv to
. shores of the Pacific the soil exca-
.ated from the bed of the canal. Civil
engineers calculate the canal could bv
this means be completed in about four
years, and estimate the maximum ex
pense of the undertaking at $100,000,000.
i ne commissioners reported to the judl
clal liquidator of the company 'hat they
were not sanguine of success, -jut thev
thought it expedient to try .the experi
ment under certain conditions?
Two New Schemes to Raise the Price of
the White Metal.
IWain Street, Astoria, Oregon. prospective rate war.
Str. R. P. ELiJvIORE
tQill Leave for Tillamook Every four Days as leaf
as the weather mill permit.
The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and
iuiuuii utncis aic iucu iiwmi luiuuiiuw l illtllliuui Ody pulIlLS
by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight
by Union Pacific Steamers.
ELHORE, SANBORN & CO., - Agents, Astoria.
UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO., Agents, Portland.
J2 fofl U $80iton
TO ASTORIA. LUib will Bfc ucLivcKtu wttNLY. Ar
Liot to Build a Hme, for
The Packers, of Choice
:olumbia.-:-i River Salmon
Their Brands and Locations.
Astoria rk"4 Co 'Astoria.
Booth A. Pk'g Co Astoria.
ColnaibUUiTcrrkgCo; stori
Klmore Samuul ,i Atorla
George & Barker AitorU
- I
J O. Hanthorn & Co. Astoria
I J,G Meglar Ca - lirookBcId
- FliiHi-rnit'n't Ftg Co... ArtorU ,
i (Astoria Pk'gCo.i
... Kinney'.........-... Sf, J. Kinney
(John A. ievlin..
I Warlr ninnlnnil ' . . . '
j I Oval.... ... v-l;ootn & Son - Chicago .
1 ' I
i i "an Francisco
!lvimoU Elmore, Panborn ' , .
( W bite Star & Co .Aatorta-
fZG' BkerA8torIa...
.! J.O.Haulhorn&Co J. O. Ilanthom ' Vjrtorla -
The Atchison and Southera Paoidc
After the Scalp of the Union
Chicago. March 10. A bicker war In
transcontinental rates than has yet oc
curred Is looming up. The fight, when
it conies, will be between the Atchison
and Southern Pacific on one side and
the Union Pacific on the other. The
Rock Ilsand, and poesibly the Burlintr-
ton, will favor the Atchison and the
Southern Pacific. Great indignation Is
expressed by the Southern Pacific
against the Union Pacific for the recent
cutting of rates. It is announced today
that the Northwestern and Union Pa
clfio are making through brokers a rnte
of $31 one way and $54 for the round
trip to California, The Atchison was at
first Inclined to meet the reductions.
but concluded that pending the settle
ment of the dispute with the Southern
Pacific It would create no more compli
cations. Once this matter Is out of the
way, the Union Pacific will be given
all the fight It cares for. The settlement
between the Atchison and Southern Pa
cific Is progressing smoothly.
Washington, March 10. The presi
dent has approved the joint resolution
authorizing Gen. O. O. Howard to ac
cept the decoration of the Legion of
Honor from the president of the French
republic, and the act appropriating $45,
000 for the rescue of the armament and
wreck of the United States steamer
Kearsarge, and the act establishing a
port of entry at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho.
Success of the Harvey Armor1 Demon
(Copyrighted by Associated Press, 1894.)
Berlin, March 10. The silver commls
sion will resitme lta sittings Monday
next. The bimetalllsts have announced
their Intention of moving that the pow
ers send delegates to a fresh Interna
tional monetary conference, with or
without the participation of England
Two fresh suggestions for raising the
price of silver will be submitted to the
commission next week. It Is proposed
that all contracting countries maintain
the free coinage of silver and replace
the present coinage by a new coinage
at a ratio of 24 to 1. The other plan
provides for the co-operation of Import
ant Btates, not Including such countries
as Mexico ind the South American
states, on abasia of 21 to 2.
An Alleged Confession By M. B. Curtis,
the Actor.
San Francisco, March 10. The Even
Ing Post prints' a sensational story, giv
ing the details of a confession alleged
to have been made by M. B. Curtis, the
actor, well known ns "Sam'I o' Posen,"
who was acquitted here a few months
ago of a charge of murdering Policeman
(.Hunt. It Is charired thnt w T i,.!
ski, the lawyer who defended Curtis
has given to the chief of police the sub
stance of a confession made to him by
t-urtls on the night of the killing of
orant. Curtis Is said to have admitted
he shot the policeman after the latter
had placed him under arrest for being
arunK and disorderly.
Associated Press.
Portland, March 10. The populists
held conventions In a number of coun
ties of the state today for the purpose
of nominating county tickets and coa-
ing delegates to the Btate convention,
which meets at Oregon City next Wed
nesday. The Multnomah county con
vention met In this city today, and tor
a time it looked as though there would
be a split in the "party, but they finally
adjusted their differences and nomin
ated a ticket. It was a cold day for
the" democrats, as the sentiment w
overwhelmingly against- fuBlon. The
prevailing opinion now is that the dem
ocrats and populists will each nominate
state tickets and make the fight a three-
cornered one, which Is highly satlsfuc
tory to republicans. It seems highly
probable that Nathan Pierce, of Uma
tilla, will head the populist ticket.
Among the democrats the naae of
Gen. H. B, Compson. is most frequently
mentioned as a candidate for governor.
The republican nomination is looked
upon with covetous eyes by more than
one. Judge O. N. Denny would be will
ing to accept the nomination, and It is
said he has not been Idle during the
past! two months. D. P. Thompson is
sounding the public pulse tt ascertain
the degree of his popularity. It Is "said
that Judge Lord, of '.he supreme bench,
has also been ur&ed by his friends to
become a candidate for the guberna
torlal nomination.
principal wheat-growing states Is about
73,000,000 bushels, 63.8 per cent of the
amount being in the producers' hands
In -the country at large. The average
weight of the crop of 1S93 per measured
bushel Is calculated at a little over
381,500,000 commercial bushels, against
306,000,000 measured bushels as hereto
fore reported. The corn in the produc
ers, hands Is estimated to aggregate
589,000,000. bushels, 66.4 per cent of the
crop of 1893. The proportion Is less than
for any year in the past five, except
1891. 'Official and commercial estimates
of the world's-wheat crop for 1893 make
it 32,000,000 bushels less than last year.
The final estimate will probably still
further reduce the total for 1893.
Amicable Proceedings . of the Senate
Finance Committee,
Washington, March 10. The . senate
committee of finance met this morning
to consider the tariff. -bill. The proceed
ings were entirely amicable, and np
points on which the committee are ex
pected to' divide were discovered. ' It
looks as If It will be comparatively easy
to arrive at an understanding In the
time which the bill Is to remain in
committee. Aldrich. after the commit
tee adjourned, snld they would begin
the real work Monday morning, and he
thought possible It could be concluded
next week. Republicans will try to se- '
cure some changes, and If successful
probably attempt more. They are hope
ful., McPherson will Join, them In an
attempt to modify several of the sched
ules. If he does this the bill will be
amended as far as he is willing to co
operate with them, -
Brooklyn, March 10. The committee
of Gravesend citizens who have been
examining the accounts of that town
are said to have found many Irregulari
ties. The bonds amounting to half a'
million in possession og "Boss" John Y.
McKane, now in . Rlnar Slna-. nr ro.
ported to be hypothecated. Just how .
much the town will lose Is not known.
It is said that the committee has so
far fpund a shortage of $200,000 in Mc- -.
Kane's accounts.. His friends say the-
apparent shortage is due purely to his
lackof business methods In conducting
the affairs of the town. .
The Labor Problem Prominent in.. the'3 Troubles.
. . . , . -
nEiiiiigiuii, juarcn io. There am
good reasons for the belief that the de
ficiency in the revenues of the govern.
ment for the present fiscal year will
ran considerably below Mr. Carlisle's
estimate. In a statement befinv. ih
house Judiciary committee January 25
the secretary expressed the opinion that.
the deficit for the year would be J78.-
000,000 or $79,000,000, but It Is now the
opinion of experts, who base their esti
mates upon the best data obtainable.
that the deficiency will be found not to
exceed $70,000,000.
San Francisco,, March 10. Following
is a summary of today's races:
Auout six ruriongiv-Winnlfred, 1:15.
Half mile, for two-year-olds Sea
Spray, 0:51 1-2. . .
Mile and one furlong, handlcan
uoyai inush, 1:58 3-4.
Short course, steeplechase, haiullrnn
ueti uioud, :325.
About six furlong Conde, 1:15 1-4
Baltimore, March 10. The murrinre
license for the approaching nuptials of
ireaerick Genhardtof New York. n.i
Miss Louise H. Morris, was issued here
today to Mr. Gebhardt In person. He
made affidavit that his age was 35, and
Miss Morris' 22.
..; tag, St George... 'J. G. Megler. .. Kioolfleld Wn
Fij.hermen' . !
Sfi -.lii.ari.n . ' V " ' ' Morit
riMifrnifii "
Washington, March 10. The navy de
partment has tested the first armor
plates completed by the new Harveylz-
lng plant of the Carnegie works. The
plates do not represent the particular
lot designed for the vessel, but are ex-
I perlmental plates. Only one plate was
tested, being ten Inches thick, eight by
ten feet Three shots were fired at It
from a distance of 200 feet. The firs'..
shell, with a velocity of 1,841 feet, was
welded Into the plate, and the frag-
ments scattered." Two slight cracks were
inf!ined upjn the plate. A projectile-
Charleston, March 10 The preliminary
examination of the Eagle rioters was
concluded tonight. It resulted In one
being heid for murder, without bail.
Nineteen were held In $1,000 to await
the action of the grand Jury, and five
were dismissed.
San Francisco, March 10. The steam
er Australia arrived this morning- fr"m
Honolulu. She brings Hawaiian ad
vices up to March 3. Since the salllnj
of the Inst steamer there have been no
developments of a disturbing nature.
There has been considerable restless
ness, however, on the part of the Portu
guese and Chinese, and the labor ques
tion has been the government's most
serious problem. The Chinese registra
tion bill now before the council imposes
severe restrictions on Chinese Immi
grants, and provides a registration sys
tem even more strict than the Gearv
act- The Portuguese, on the other hand
have openly declared against the Chi
nese, and many of their leaders are
warm supporters of the provisional gov
ernment and members of the Annexa
tion clubs. The advisory council has
also passed a law for the exclusion and
deportation of paupers, fugitives and
other undesirable white characters. The
general elections, which under the old
constitution should have been held In
February, have been set aside. It is
believed a constitutional convention
will be held within four or five months.
Latest Estimates by the Department of
Washington. March 10. Statistical re
turns of the department of agriculture
for March consist principally . of esll-
mates for the distribution of wheat and
corn, and the amount remaining in the
farmers' hands. The proportion of mer
chantable corn and the average price
of, both merchantable and unmerchant-
able Indicated that the stock of wheat
In the farmers' hands Is 114.060.000 bush
els, or 28.8 per cent of the volume of the
crop of 1893. This Is nearly 21,000,000
Dushels less than the estimate for
March 1 last year, and nearly 20,000,000
bushels less than the average for the
past eight years. The amount remain
ing In the farmers' hands In 11 of th-
Washington, March 10. Secretary
Herbert has made a response to the
outVle resolution In the house calling
upon him to state his authority for is
suing Instructions placing;-the naval
forces at Honolulu under the orders of
Blount. In substance .the answer Is
that uch action was necessary In order
to prevent a conflict of authority, and
that the secretary's authority for issu
ing the orders was the president, com
mander In Chief of the army and nnvv.
and cites a number of precedents for
the action.
New York, March 10. The Maasdam.
of the Netherlands line, which sailed
today for Rotterdam, carried 11 mem
bers of the Mormon church, who ar
rived here yesterday. The Salt Lake
City Mormon church Is sending 1,000
missionaries to Europe in search of
converts. Five parties of missionaries.
about 60 persons in all, have already
passed through New York on the way
to Europe.
Berlin, March 10. It Is understood
that the Hamburg and Bremen steam
ship lines will follow the example of the
government and press and warn the
public against the agents of the Illinois
Central railroad, sent to secure emi
grants for the Mississippi valley. Th
German newspapers declare that emi
gration to any, part of America, for any
class of people. Is highly Ihjudlclmmc
the present moment.
Chicago, March 10. The Idaho hunt
ing at the world's fair haa been nlri
for $4,000. The original cost was X25.fl(in
It will bo taken to New York state for
a country residence.
New York, March 10. The Amrl.n
Sugar Refining Co. declared a quarterly
iimuen-j or 3 per cent on the common
and 1 3-4 per cent on th rmf..i
1 1 ri
Washington, March 10. The commis
sioner of tho general land office has di
rected that all action on the applica
Hons for permits to cut timber on pub
lie lands in Aluxka be temporarily suspended.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
rv - v '
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