The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 09, 1894, Image 4

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' -"I Tf ...
The Great Work Beln Rapidly Pushed
forward The Force Employed. :
IutcMt news from the Cascade locka g
U th t'ffijj-t that work in being" crowd
ed forward vigorously, and there is
every prospect of art parly completion,
caya Wednesday's Telegram. At pres
ent there are about 400 men: employed,
and theae are being worked In shifts of
eight hours each. The Pay Brothers,
the contractor, are busily engaged In
putting liv an electric plant, which will
facilitate work at all hours of UieWght.
This will soon be finished, and the bed
- of the canal will then be Illuminated by
arc and Incandescent lights, As srtfm as
this system Is In operation 200 more
men will be put at excavating. Not
withstanding the work In the canal
there Is a large force . of stonecutters
employed, and the stones are. prepared
and numbered for their position in the
Jocks. ,., . , .; .
. Wall work will be necessarily slow
as every portion will be examined by fa
government Inspector, and if not suit
able will be condemned. Favorable
weather may be .expected from now
,unU! the June freshet, when work wlU
of necessity be suspended. The con
struction of the canal and locks at this
point,. says,,,n exchange, is. on the
grandest scale or any In the country,
and when completed will be second only
to the one at Sault Ste. Marie, in Mich
Igan. , ; . .. ... ...
New Whatcom, 'WaMli., -March 8,-P,
M. Isenzc, cx-clty treasurer, who
charged with the embezzlement off J00,
OUO of city funds, was today found gull
ty by the Jury In the superior court.
10 .1. w. Conn, Esc. Dear HW: We,
the, undersigned, hereby remiest tluil
you allow your name to be used as a
candidate for the otlk-e of School Di
rector, of School District No. 1, of the
City of Astoria, county of ClatHnn. m il
State, of Oregon, at the election to be
neia on Monday, the 12th day of March
President Harper, of the University
of Chicago, says that he did not, In a
recent lecture, declare" the story of Cain
and Abel in the bible to be a myth
His language on that point was as fpl
, lows: "When we compare, the biblical
material with that which resembles It
on the outside, we find that It Is free li
its form from impurity of every kind
the myth Is gone; the exuberant poly
theiBm is gone; all that degrades and
lowers Is gone. The form Is here (Just
as the form of the rite of circumcision
was retained). It Is only in the form
that there is much if any resemblance
' and this has been thoroughly cleansed
and purified. You ask, Why did npt
Qod choose a different' form that there
might ' be no possible joining of the
sacred and the profane? I answer, God
does not work In that way."
' ' , i'V'
. Hicks They tell me that Munniinake
Is a smart financier.
Wicks Smart? .No name for It. He't
the brightest Intellect I ever knew; he't
tk phenomenon. Why, the other day a
'fellow, came into Munnimake's ofllce
when Munnlmake was all alone and de
manded, ' at . the point of a revolver,
Wicks He saw It was no use to re
fuse, so he drew his check for the full
Hlcks-T-Nothlng very smart about
that.- ,! . . , i. ,.
Wicks But listen. After handing tho
fellow the check, Munnlmake began to
talk confidentially with the chap and
actually Induced him to invest the
Whole um and $10,000 besides In A., Q
and W. bonds Uiat ain't worth the pa
per they're printed on I That's what I
call intellect. Boston TranBcripU
It has been figured out to the satisfac
tion: of refiners that raw sugar landeii
at San Francisco can bo shipped by sal'
to New. York, refined there and sent by
rail as far west as Missouri cheape:
than It can be refined at San Franclsc
and shipped east the same 1
Is announced that 50,000 tons ate to It
sent to New York, at a freight rate oi
$2.50 a ton, for refining and reshlpmenl,
and the Pacific Coast people are trying
to reckon' tip how much they will lose
in wages, etc.
P. A. Stokes,
A. L. Fulton,
D. Campbell,
R. N. Carnahan,
J. E. Hlgglns, :
Geo. Noe,
W. J. Scully,
A. Montgomery,
Isaac Bergman,
J. T. Hay,
F. W. Keen,
P. J. Goodman,
J. B. Wyatt,
B. b Packard,
O. B. Estes,
L. Lebeck,
John 10. Oratke.
C. P. Upshur,
John Bryce,
Herman Wise,
E. H. Hawes,
B. F. Allen,
N. Clinton,
F. II. Stokes,
A. Hlldebrand,
Chas. Hellborn,
O. F. Hellborn,
P. S. Cook,
Wm. Pohl,
L. E. Sellg,
A. A. Cleveland,
O. W. Dunbar,
John Kopp,
' Notice Is hereby given that pursuant
to a reholutlon of the Common Council
of the City of Astoria, adopted March
6th, 1894, bids will be received by the
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria for $10,000 of municipal bondi.
of the City of Astoria, to run ten years
and bear Interest at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum. Bald bonds being is
sued for the purpose of refunding cer
tain indebtedness of the City of Astoria
for street Improvements. Ordinances
authorizing the Issuance of said bonds
to be submitted to attorneys of any per
son of corporation for their approval.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, March -Sth, 1891.
In the Circuit Court of the . State of
Oregon, for the County of Clatsop.
Rose O. Jackson, Plaintiff, vs. J. J.
Kinney, Defendant.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale Issued out of and tinder the seal
of the above-entitled Court, in the
above-entitled cause, on the 21st day of
February,. 1894, and to me directed,
upon a decree of foreclosure and Judg
ment rendered therein, on the 23rd day
of December, 1893, in favor of the above
named plaintiff, and against the above
named defendant, for the sum of
$386.25, and the costs and dlHburBements
of this action, taxed at $16.80, and notice
Is hereby given that on Tuesday, the
Jrd day of April, 1894, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. ro., of snld day, In front of
the County Court House door. In the
City of Astoria, in said County and
State, I shall proceed to sell all the
rlitht. title, claim and interest of the
above-named defendant In and to the
following described real estate, to-wlt:
Lots numbered five (;), thirteen (13)
and fourteen (14), In block numbered
one hundred and sixty-two (162), in the
town, now City, of ABtorln, as laid out
and recorded by John McClure, and ex
tended by Cyrus Olney, and situated in
Clatsop County, Oregon, or so much
thereof as shall be sufllcient to satlttfy
the asld Bum of $386.25, and the costs
and disbursements taxed at $16.80, and
accruing costs of this suit, at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for cash
In hand, In United States gold coin, at
time of sale. H. A. SMITH,
Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon.
Dated Astoria, Ore., March 1st, 1804.
ciitKV or vouwn pai.k.
Notice is hereby given that hf- virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria,- to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
Junuary, 1891, and against
Commanding me to levy upon the north
I2I-2XI.0 feet, or t 12, in block mini
berr-d f,s, -isHessed to Nimey Welch
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which wus laid out and recorded by
John Al. Hlilviy, lit Clatsop county
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$52.58 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Approved August Oth, 1891.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, in front of the Court
House door, ir sai-1 City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop ar.d State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay Baid assessmen',
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Of Completion and ' Acceptance
Young's Bay County ltoad.
Mrs. Jason I wonder what them city,
folks won't do next! I seen In the papei
that they are having, vaccination beet
now. i ,
Mr. JasonI guess, about the time
they get vaccinated real good and hari
by a healthy bumblebee, they won
want no more of It for a while. Indl
anapolls Journal.
They tay that when Mrs. Lease, of
Kansas, denounces a political opponent
as no gentleman, the dreadful man re
torts, "Neither are you."
Notice is hereby given to the legal
oters of the school district comprising
the city of Astoria, that there will be
held in snld district an election on th
second Monday In March, being the 12th
day of Murch, 1894. Polls to be kept
open from 2 o clock p. m., till 6 o cloc
m.. of said day. This election Is Mill
for the purpose of electing one director
to serve said district.
Polling places Engine house of Res-
.Sue Co., No. 3. Judges, J. H. D. Gray,
N. Clinton, C. II. Stockton; clerk, H. U
Enulne house of Rnul'io On. Mn
fudges, P. A. Trulllnger, Chas. Wilson
Victor Mlkelson; clerk, P. Shistad.
,. floss, Hlgglns & Co.'s Upperfown
More.. ..Judges, Churles Goddard, Fred
Wright, 1' , C. Reed; clerk, Wm. Young.
ny order of tho Board of Directors i
School DlBtrlct No. 1.
, J. W. CONN, Chairman.
It. B. FERGUSON. Clerk.
Dated at Astoria. Ore., this 24th day
oi r eoruary, a. u. it4.
Charleston,, 'V. Va March 8. By re
quest of a committee from, the strikers,
a conference was held today with the
military and civil authorities. The mln
era will probably resume work at a re
duction. The trouble la considered as
settled. .
Washington, March 8. Representa
tive Springer Is very much displeased
at the action of the senate finance com
mltte in restoring the duty on wool.
"The house will never agree to It, nor
to the duties on coul and Iron," he suid.
Berlin, March 8. The relchstag com
mittee passed the Rutwo-Oerman ornn
merclul treaty by a voto of"18 to 14
Washington, March 8 The iwesldent
today nominated J. T. Brown for post
master at South Bend, Wauh. '
Notice is hereby glven,,that the com
tr.on council of the City of Astoria pro
poses to estnuilsn the grade of Ceda
street, Alderbrook. in the Cltv of As
torla, Oregon, at the following heights
aoovo tne base of grades as established
by Ordinance No. 71. entitled "An or
dinance establishing a base of grades
tor tne streets or the City of Astoria,
as follows, to-wlt:
At intersection with the west bound
ary of the Shortest D. L. C 24
At crossing of First street 24
At crossing of Second street ,,
Al crossing of Third stj-eet .nv
At crossing of Fourth street.... 4ii
Ana unless a remonstrance signed by
owners oi inree-rourt lis or t h iu-,,i,
my rronting on snld portion of said
street be tiled with the Auditor and
t'ollce Judge within ten duva fmnviho
linHl IHlll icailon or thlu nr.ll. .. t.,. l,.
On or be Tore Tuesday, March 20th. 18!)4,
the common council will establish said
By order of the Common Council.
v Attest: K. OS BURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1S94.
Washington. March 8. In the senate
Sherman be-.'un his speech on the selsn
lorape l.Hi.
W.i-hirn'.-.m.. ?-lsrch
ut L.ittt.tct ot
ivi-Htitlim !;!: ,
8.-The luui-e
4, O.UMi'.ltt-
Notice Is hereby given thnt the com
mon council of thi City of Astoria nro
poses to establish the grade of Birch
street, In the City of Astoria, Oregon.
su uie following Heights above the base
i kuui- m esiunusneu nv ornliuinee
No, ?l, entitled "An ordinance establish
ng a base of grades for the streets of
ne city or Astoria, as follows, i-ytt:
At crossing of Birch and First street.
At crossing of Birch and Second
street 23
At crossing of Birch and Third street. 23
At crossing of Birch and Fourth
stifct..... 23
And unless a remonstrance slKiied by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on wild portion of said
street be filed with the Auditor and
1'oUce Jiidne wltliln ten days from the
final publication of this nolle, to-wlt:
(m r before Tuesday, March imth, lvu.
tte coir.iuori council will establish &x,d
grade. ,
!'v on!t r r,t the Oorryrinn Council.
Auditor and l'oli'-e Judge.
Ast.ri.-H -On-ron, J'cl. l!M.
Notice is hereby given that M. Kron-
quist, contractor, on Young's Bay county
roau, unaor me provisions of Ordinance
No. 1840, did, on the 16th day of Febru
ary, 1894, file In the office of the Auditor
and Police Judge ot the City of Astoria,
the certificate of the Superintendent of
Streets and the City Surveyor, approved
by the Committee on Streets and Public
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, if no objection to the
acceptance of such work be filed, and
me common council shall deem such
Improvement properly completed ac
cording to tho contract and plans and
specifications therefor, the same may be
Objections to the acceptance of said
work, or any part thereof, mav be filed
In the ofllce of the Auditor und Police
Judge on or before Tuesduy, February
20th, 1894. '
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Ore., Feb. 10, 1894.
Notice la hereby given that the Com-
mon Council of the City of Astoria pro
pose io esiaonsn tne grade of Fourth
street, in the City of Astoria. Oregon.
as laid out and recorded by John Adair,
at tho following heights above the base
of grades as established by ordinance
No. 71, entitled "An ordinance estab
lishing a base of grades for the streets
of the City of Astorlu, as follows, to
At. Intersection wich Auirer avenue 9? n
At Intersection with Abernethy 26.6
ai intersection with Bonneville 38.6
Anu that the grade of the interven
lng Btreets be a straight line between
the crossings mentioned.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the Auditor and
Police Judge within ten days from the
final publication of this riotlce, to-wlt-On
Monday, March 12th, iffll, the Com
mon council will establish said grade.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: k. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Ore., February 16, 1894.
Notice is hereby givn that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1SM, and against
Commanding me to levy upon the
Bouth 130x50 feet of lot No. 12, In block
numbered 5S, assessed to, Z. Ansrlnson,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$.)46.86 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion ot West
Eighth street, in said cltv. between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the cltv. annrove.l
March 11th. 1891. which iu
ueciareu ana assessed upon nndl l,,t hv
Ordinance No, 1133 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
i iwiB ui improving west lilghth street.
Approved August Sth, 1891.
I have this dav levied imon
above described property, and on Tues
day. March the 20th, 1S94, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. in front of tho Court
House door. In mid f,ty -,f Astoria,
County of Clatsop and Staco of Oregon,
will sell said property to tho highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and evrienupa ,.f
Dated Astoria. Oree-on. Febrnarv mih
Chief of Police for the Cltv of Astol-ln
Notice is hereby irlven iimt v vii.ii,
of n warrant issued by the Auditor and
i-miee judge of the l" ty of Astoria tn
' wivcicu. u.ueii ru -nih
Kiiiimr.v, iw), ana against
'."u.r me to levy upon
ot Ao. 1, In block iiiimlu.,.,,.!
08, assessed to G. W. T.:illlmlu,-V
n that portion of sal.l ntv of a..,..!..'
w uicn was la ii cut -n, ii.i
" omve v. in c -itunn ,.,
"Wll, UlHin Which nn oeiMinunl t
,,,-,...,..: - Kit is unpnut. assessed for the Im
1'iovciiieni or that portion of v..f
fclghUi street, in s-ild .-in- h
south side of Water street and the
uim-rn limns of the city, approved
"" Mill. IMI. u-M,.h nuv.uu, I
eclarcd and asressed nnon Ki,t i,,i k
Ol-lllmi t,w KTrt 1M . r , . . .. . . '
. .......... ,,,,, ,,t j,.,,,, cll,yt entitled aeoinrtng the probable
".-IB oi i.nprovmg est Eighth street,
-neproveu jugusi btn, 1891
1 PaVO this llav ll Vied li,-..n .oll
above described property, and on Tues-
iuj, marcn tho st'tli, 1894. at S o'clock
. m. or said rtnv. In front f th Pmin
House dmr, In Er.ld Cltv of Astorln.
'ounty of Clatsou and State of Oreuon
will sell said property to the hlglnst
oiooer .nervrer, to pay said assessmeiil
lOKeiner wun costs and expensea r.f
lated Astoria. Orecoi. Fehnmrv iqii
...... " - -
hlef of Police for the City of Astoria.
Act on a new nrinctnle rcmlaiin
ui- iivkp. ana nowem through
tne nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
Miles' piils srveedllv rAn MHIrmimeM
o taito. torrid liver, piles, constlna
lion, l luHiiialed for men, women and
""!". ;'.:::.-.-!. jr.::,:.-t. t ..
docea 15 e'a. Samples free, at Chos.
Rogera. .:.
ono;;AiCB xo
Ah OVilliiiiiice Providing for
Lleem-lng and Regulating
Rooiu.j nnd Drinking f.hnpn mid
I'l;iecs .Where Llcpiors Aro
Sold U'Mhln the City
of Astoria.
The City ot. Astoria does ordain
Section 1. That no person or persons
shall, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop
County, Oregon, either directly or indi
rectly, in person or by another, Eeil,
l.arter or deliver, or knowingly permit
:) be sold by another, or for or on his
fcjeount, or otherwise, any wine, malt
v spirituous liquors In less quantities
mn one gallon, without first obtaining
. .p. ovj iu uu irom ine city of As
ria, In the manner In this ordinance
c emaiier provided. Provided, that
nothing in this ordinance shall be con
. trued to apply to the Sale of liminra few
Medicinal purposes, made by a regular
..W.-HOCU imu-rmacisi upon a prescription
therefor made bv a ren-oin nn.,,i
physician or surireon. in tho,
wu,i,l! "l "cn pnysician s or Burgeon's
practice to a patient, and for medicinal
purposes only.
Any person violating any of the pro
visions of this section phuii r, ,i
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof before the police judge,
shall he l.ned not less than Twenty-five
more inan Two Hundred
Dollars, or by Imprisonment I., n.,. i...
ail until such line lie oni.i ,
ceed One Hundred days. And it Is here
by made the dutv nf the ci,iuf ..n...
and each police officer of the city to
make complaint to the City Attorney of
each and every violation r,r h .....
slons of this ordinance, and such viola-
torney prosecuted by such at-
bection 2. Every person
iin.,nV i i ' " mfllc or spirituous
iquors, In less quantities than one gal
lon, under the provisions of thi r,ii
anna ol. 1 V . .... .. ..
lmy lmo tne city treasury
the sum of Four Hundred lion.-,
annum, and in no case shall any license
...v.v iul u. less penoa than one
year, and no license shall be in any
manner transferable. Provided, fur-
i, uwi me common council shall re-
",c u,'u "ae me right to revoke a
license at any time.,
Section 3. Before a license shall Issue
as provided in this ordinance, the ap
p cant shall petition the Common Coun
cil in tho manner provided in Section 4
'"" oiuinanco, ana shall also, with
said petition, present to the Common
Council a bond in the sum of Five Hun
dred Dollars, with two or more sufll
cient sureties, payable to the City of
Astoria, conditioned that the applicants
shall keep an orderly house, and will
In all things comnlv with the n.-nviuinr,a
of this ordinance during the period of
one year from the date of such license
Attached to said bond shall be the affi
davit, verified by the oath of the sure-
ues, to me eti'ect that they are free
holders of the City cf Astoria, nnd are
in the aggregate worth the sum of One
Thousand Dollars over and above all
Just debts and liabilities, exclusive of
property exempt from execution. The
applicant shall also present with such
petition and bond, a receipt of the City
Treasurer fop the amount of money de
posited for such license, to-wit, $4no.
Section i. The petition required by
this ordinance shall state:
1st The name of the applicant.
2nd Whether such :m,.iint,, i,o. i,
fore held, or holds at the time of the
uppucuiion, a license, and if so, at what
...M.c sui-u license nas or does expire,
. "T number nnd street where
oucn iioute is situated where the llouors
are to be sold. .
Such petition shall be verified by the
-i'!"'""1'. 01 it more man one, then by
0n.i.?f sald aPPllc-ts, stating that such
fjtruwon true.
The receipt of the Treasurer men
tioned in Section 3 of this ordinance
o.m.i Biure tnai tne amount paid by
such applicant is paid for liquor license
-v tv.iuiiucu III I "H mm Flirt I 'nrnmnn
Council shall refuse tn arm lit thn natltln
of the applicant otherwise upon the
D8!I,nsrr,0f ?ucn lleense to go Into the
route r unu or saia City of Astoria.
oci:uoii o. eaia petit on phnii ho
granted on condition of the approval of
the bond by the Mavor. ty ..i,i nt..
c.aum,- w,e Dona or tne applicanl
and either approve or disapprove the
same. Upon the provisions of this or-
uomuee nemg compiled with, the Aud
toor and Police Judge shall issue such
i. cnne io sucn applicant.
Section 6. The peace bond given by
the applicant, as nrovi,iu,i in h,i
dinnnce, in case of any violation of any
of 1,8 provisions or conditions, shall be io uu prosecuted therefor in a
civil neton, and it shall be .the duty of
the City Attorney to prosecute the bond
given by such applicant for any viola
tion of Ha provisions.
Section 7. Any keeper of a bar-room
or drinking shop, or place where liquors
are sold, who shall permit any breach
of the peace or disturbance of public or
der or decorum, by noisy or disorderly
conduct on the premises, when it Is In
u ,power t0 prevent the same, or who
shall sell or give any intoxicating liquors
to any person already Intoxicated, or any
person under the age of legal majority
or who shall allow or permit any minor
to remain In or about any bar-room or
drinking shop, or nlnee uh n,
are sold, or who shall permit any the
atrical or minstrel show, exhibition or
concert to take place in such bar-room
or drinking shop, or place where liquors
ate .sold, or who shall permit any minor
to be or remain in any theatre or jdace
l amusement In u-iiir-h i.
liquors are sold, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof l-efore thn !.. . ,
.... . r . unu i, snail oe
lined not lees than twenty-five nor more
than one hundred dollars, or by impris
onment in the city Jail not less than nor more than fifty diva, or
; dlN,:retl"n the court, and
shall forfeit the license to such bar
room, or drinking shop or place where
a a if sum.
otl-u..n . j.acn and every place
where wines, malt or spirituous liquor-.
hi ,i i w or aeuvered. shall
be deemed a bar-room, or drUiklng-shop
or place where liquors are sold, under
the provisions of this ordinance
having a license und..i- th. r.,,Vi,..
2f Ji sor,1"lare shall exhibit the same
at all times, while the same is in force
In his or their place of business, and'
persons violatinsr the provision. .,r .n.
section shall. tlPOn COnvlet Intl Ihapanf
before the Auditor and p,,ii.. t., k.
lined not to ext-ed fifty dollars, or' by
Imprisonment in the cltv fill not .
exceed twenty-five da vs.
Section 10. Ordinance No. 1322. entitled
On Top
Is conceded by all to le Uie best.
It fishes better and wears better
than any other twine used on
tho Columbia river.
.If You Want Cannery and
Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on '
Cotton Kope,
Cotton Twine,
Marshall's Twine,
Trap and Seine V.eb, '
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Plato,
Tin and Zinc,
In Stock.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 7, in block numbered
59, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$934.40 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891. which assessment u
declared and assessed upon said lot b
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probablt
costs of Improving West Eighth street
Approved August 5th, 1S91.
I have tills dllV leWeil nnnn ool.
above described property, and on Tues
day, Murch the 20th, 1S94, at 2 o'clock
,.. .... ui pi,i ...iv, in iioni or me ix-cn
House door, In said Wv of r.
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,'
n ui pen oniu jnoperiy io the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment
together With COStS Olid P-nennea r.('
Oated Astoria. Oreeon.
1S94. '
C. W. LflTTHHiruv
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
levy upon
Notice Is hereby riven thnt h !,.
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the mith ,i r
January, 1S9I, and against
uommanuing me to
lot No. 7, In block
on v .
cw, ttssessea to Murv vr
m u P0, t1.01? ,of PaM C!ly of Asrla
which was aid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely. In Clatsop county.
UPn W.hlch an asssment of
J99S.00 is unpaid, assessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said cltv. between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city "Coved
ZurJXtUlm- Whk'h Ct is
n.nn "" a!!rsed- "Pon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street
Approved August ith, lS'H
.1 haYe thJ8,(lRy levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day. March the 20th. liD4. at 2 o'cloJk
1n,0H,a,(, ?"y- ,n fr,,l,t f the Cour!
House door, ii Kald fily ..r i,rri
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a wan-ant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot. No. 6, In block . numbered
59, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and rfecorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$781.00 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of Baid city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
;osts of improving West Eighth street,
Approved August 5th, 1891.
1 have this day levied upon said
-ibove described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, I89f, at 2 o'clock
m. ot wild day, ir. ln.nt oi' the Court
House door, in Enid City of Astoria,
bounty of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
Jidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a. warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 6. In block ntimVu1
89, assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$l,2tifi.00 is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the '
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1S91, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Approved August 5th, 1891. '
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day. March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the C. iri
House door, in said t'ltw i.r -i-i-
. -a J-v
WU sell snl f n? Bnd 8,850 of Sn. ! CV,"nty of ""'P and sta' Oregon!
ui, i.i iv. . ij io me night st '' Bt" 'a'0- property to the hlchest
to her with' ';ay Wid cessment. J bidder therefor, to' pay said assessment
together with costs and expenses of! together with costs and expenses of
' . . I sale.
iaucu Astoria, Oregon. February 19th.
Chief of Police frtSria,
An ordinance providing for Veen, Z ! ZX. tfVr-U?A, Capsules
nd regulating bar-rooms nn,l hhi,i" 1 - .u,r5cl " prevent
T?"S,h,!-" Interests by having
. x CI Krause a Headache Pa
at hand: taken as dirt
v. -.op any Kind of a headache. n
luted Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Ch.of of Police for the City of Astoria.
Turk Obesity Tills will reduce your
weight PERMANENTLY from IS to 15
pounas a monm. ru STARVING, sick-
aiid regulating bar-rooms and drinking
-'".t.v "iimii iim t-riMirarA limit nflha v . a v """"nr
"Vr Astoria, Clatsop County. Or- skull were crieki ? ,T " ,.Cl " your R,or '"J" NO PUBLICITY. They
Ron." approved March 11th. 1S9L be and ! pain The ff.flJ.1 W.ouid Prevent ""J up the health and beautify the n nenhy repelled. I will diminish aiwtk attacks ""nl"exion, leaving no wrinkles or
Peetlon 11. Thi or.llnan .hni. i iml"l.n' nd b" taking the cbd-I "abhiness. STOUT ARDOMKN'S nrt
eff.t and be l force from and af'er its vou will never h?? hache. i f." I breathing surely relieved. NO
w"drprnvalth.M"o but a scientific and
President of the Council - I Flr 5?"- P 'siuve relief, adopted onlv after vrar.
. ,11 niiu I , V l-hnv T . . - . . ' -
j v-..u-, (.,irers. Atnir in exnerien.--a.
rass.Nl the Common rv?meii
6th. 1SS4. ",J
Attest: K. OSDURV.
Auditor and Po'.lc JmlM
il-ft'.'Vt?d rTRruary i Iwt.
(Oregon. Sole Agent
I rect from
All orders supplied 01-
"T,F,.!r '"one S-oHBile B-
One Smcli rtetin rrerr nhhl mrm
W -a T.i,l Ut,. tV.Vr iHlTu
r PfxkHri-or -three packages for
. I... . i . ... i . . . K .
. ........ .,,i, l e0TiT7,rmn !tz cji.i
ni.ituurs, (sealed) s oeni
I - Ail correspondence strictly conflden PARK REMEDY CO., Postnn. Maw.