The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 08, 1894, Image 4

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Wi; ore disappointed in Mary Ellen
Lease. And we don't care who knows
For several weeks Mary has been
given a preferred position, top of col
umn, In all the newspapers In the land,
solely on the strength of the claim that
she had ridden the Masonic goat and
mastered the grip, signs and the pass
words. ,
Now she shatters all this at a single
blow, by acknowledging In a shame
faced way that she haa never been
within 20 feet from a- goat and that she
obtained her Masonic Information by
hiding In a closet and working the old
familiar panel game on an unsuspecting
lodge down In the wilds of New York
For shame, Mary! How unlike you!
lion unmanly! Instead of tackling Sir
William Goat manfully by the horns
and mounting him after the good old
bifurcated style, Mary confesses that
she hid in a cloHet actually hid In a
closet like a sneak thief in the night.
and drew In her Inspiration and her
Information through a vulgar keyhole.
This settled It. The sidesaddle never
haa invaded the lodge room'. The old
clothespin method of riding is still in
full force and favor. . And Mary has ob
tained notoriety and free advertising by
false pretenses, Chicago Dispatch.
San Franclecov March 7. The racing
today resulted aa follows:
Six furlongs, maidens Sam Brown
first, Orizaba second, True Briton third
time, 1:21.
Five furlongs Annie Moore first, Joe
second, Queen Bee third; time, 1:05 1-2.
Five furlongs Georgetown first, Con
de second. Redllght third; time, 1:041-2,
Six furlongs, handicap Artist first,
San Louis Key second, Semel third;
- time, 1:1.
Hurdle, mile and one-sixteenth Red
Cloud first, Floodmoore second, Cauda
lupe third; time, 2:05.
London, March 7. The British naval
chief at Rio de Janeiro reports to the
government that he has arranged not
only with the Brazilian government.
but with the Insurgents, so that Brit
ish ships may be enabled to obtain
ballast without molestation and leave
the harbor. He also says the ports
should be closed and all vessels ordered
to leave, owing to the rapid spread of
yellow fever.
Omaha, March 7. Gen. Brooke, com
manding the department of the Platte,
charging the Indian company of the
today issued an order practically dls
Eighth infantry. The order is directed
to the commandant at Fort Washakie,
to furlough his Indians for three months
nnd then discharge them,
' Victoria, March 1. Two gentlemen
from Seattle and Blaine are here in the
interest of the Blaine and Eastern rail
way and of a connection between it and
the Delta railway. They project thus
to give Victoria another outlet by way
of the United States roada
Chicago, March 7. Assistant Prose
cuting Attorney Bottum .closed his ad
dress in the Coughlln case tonlghU af
ter talking three days. Judge Tuthlll
will charge the Jury in the morning,
and It is expected they will go out dur
ing the day. 1
' Tacoma, March 7. The Tacoma Morn
ing Union, started by the locked-out
printers of the Ledger, has been sold to
a syndicate of republicans, headed by
City Treasurer George W. Boggs. Col.
Will U Vlsscher will take editorial
' Ran Francisco, March 7. It is an
nounced here that on the 14th Inst.
nnvenue Airent McGlachlln will trans
for the office of collector of Internal
revenue at Portland from Weldler to
Lima, O., March 7. J. M. Archer,
rich stock dealer, has been murdered
bv highwaymen hear North Baltimore,
He was robbed of 3,000 while on the
way home after selling a large drove oi
hogs.. The murderers are unknown.
' New York, March 7. Hunter, Clark
A Jacob, stockbrokers, have fulled. It
Is understood ttiey were caught in the
sugar deal. They wei also recently
hurt In cordage. The failure caused no
Leavenworth, March 7. Mrs. Ellon E.
Moonlight, wife of ex-C.ov. Moonlight,
minister to Bolivia, died this afternoon
Hi her home in this city, after a few
lays' Illness.
Topeka, March 7.-This afternoon
Gov. Uewelllng removed John F. VUI
Ma from the wtate board of pardons.
No cause was assigned.
New Orleans, March 7. Congressman
Blanrharil has been appointed United
rttates senator, to succeed Judge White,
whose resignation takes effect March
Victoria. March 7. Henry Founders,
tin extensive grocer, b.-i altrned the
outcome of the lireen-Worli K f.illure.
tr.'!) .MK.iu,S( .f gold shipment
The Astorlan has determined to bring
the life-work of this wonderful Idol of
the people closer to the minds of its
readers, to put them in possession of
the Incidents of his career, his ambi
tions, hlb sacrifices, his honesty and his
sterling manhood.
How? you ask. Read carefully, and
see for yourself. We have secured at a
very large outlay the magnificent vol
ume entitled "Life and Work of James
G. Blaine," (Memorial Edition.)
This work is the Only authorized pub
llcatlon of the memoirs and history of
Blaine. It is written by John Clark Red
path, LL.D , Gen. Selden Connor, ex-
Governor of Maine, and the eminent
friends of the dead statesman.
It contains a full length portrait of
Blaine, with his autograph negative and
an autograph letter sent to the pub
It contains an autograph letter from
Mrs. Blaine, which proves its authen
Uclty and its claim to being the only
volume of the kind published by au
It contains several hundreds of splen
did pictures, nearly all of them being
original copyrighted drawings.
It contains 505 pages of description
printed on the heaviest book paper, in
large, handsome type, and is heavily
bound in cloth two colors with gold
lettering and ornamentation on the cov
ers. This book cannot be purchased else
where. It is not on sale at bookstores,
and you could not buy it for less than
FIVE DOLLARS if It were. It Is a
work of art and a book that no citizen
should be without. The reading mat
ter is of enthralling Interest.
Our regular subscription price for the
Week v Astor an is 12.00 per annum.
Our regular subscription price for the
Dally Astorlan for six montns is ti.w.
You can, by paying in advance, re
ceive the Weekly Astorlan for one year
and the Life of Blaine for J3.00.
You can, on the same terms, have the
Dally Astorlan for six months and the
Life of Blaine ror 14.50, muKing me cosi
to you of this wonderful work 11.00.
Don't take any snap Judgment. You
would be foolish if you gave us your
order without first coming to this office
and seeing the book for yourself. It has
delighted all who have looked at it. It
will delight you. Our subscribers can
rest assured that the only reason why
we have taken hold of this work is Its
surpassing excellence and its wonder
fully cheap price.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headache Capsules
wherever 1 have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
fumlly agalnBt any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been this day appointed
the administrator of the estate of A. K.
nirAiif Hnfiauupit hi th pnnntv court
of Clatsop county, Oregon. All parties
having claims uguinst said estate must
present the same, duly vcrliled, to the
undersigned, at the ofllce of Fulton
Rmd - atinriiuva in Astoria. ClatBOU
county, Oregon, within six months frcin
this date.
a. 11. AJMJ!'i
January 2d. 1894.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of the Bchool district comprising
the cltv of Astoria, that there will ne
held in said district an election on the
eeond Monday in March, being the Jin
day of March, 1894. Polls to be kept
open from 2 o'clock p. m till 6 o'clock
t. m.. or sal a day. This election is ;aneu
for the purpose or eiuc'.ing one -Jirector
to serve sulu district.
Polling places Engine house of Res
cue Co., No. 2. Judges, J. H. D. Gray,
N. Clinton, C. H. Stockton; clerk, H. G,
Engine house of Engine Co., No. 1.
Judges, P. A. Trulllnger, Chns. Wilson,
Victor Mlkelsoni clerk, P. Shlstad.
Rosa, Hlgglns & Co.'s Uppertown
store. Judges, Charles Goddard, Fred
Wrlirbt. F. C. Reed: clerk. Wm. Young.
Iiy order of the Board of Directors f
School District No. 1.
J. W. CONN. Chairman.
H. B. FERGUSON, Clerk.
Dated at Astoria, Ore., this 24th day
of February, A. D. 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the City of Astoria pro
poses to establish the grade or Cedar
street. Alderbrook, In the City of As
toria, Oregon, at the following heights
above the base of grades as cstaullsned
by Ordinance No. 71, entitled "An or
dinance establishing a base of grades
for the streets tit the City of Astoria,
aa follows, to-wlt:
At intersection with the west bound
ary of the Shortess D. L. C 21
At crossing of First street 24
At crossing of Second street 25
At crossing of Third street ..... 31
At crossing of Fourth street 4l
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be tiled with the Auditor and
Police Judge within ten days from the
Mnal publication of this notice, to-wlt:
On or before Tuesday, March 20th, 1S9I,
the common council will establish said
Jly order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSHURN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Fob. 24, 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the City of Astoria, pro
poses to establish the grade of Kirch
street. In the City of Astoria, Oregon,
it the following heights above the tome
of grade," a established by ordinance
No. 71, entitled "An ordinance establish
ing a base of grades for the streets of
the City Of Astoria, as follows, to-wlt:
At crossing of Birch and First street. IS
At crossing of Kirch and Second
street !3
At crossing of Kirch and Third street. 3
At crossing of Kirch, and Fourth
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on snid portion of said
street be Hied with the Auditor and
Police Judge within ten days from the
final publication of this notice, to-wlt:
On or twfore Tuesday. March ?oth, 1VJ1.
the common cvi;')"'1 will MMawwn mm
grade. . ..
K. o.-u;uu.
A.-!'" U, e m vi i i. f'-. it. l--'L
; . chief of roLrcrv PALE. '
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
Of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon the north
12 1-2x50 feet, of lot 12, In block num
bered 08, issessed to Nancy Welch,
In that portion of snid City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$52.58 is unpaid, assessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Annroved Aueust 5th. 1891.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. in. of said d;ty, I" front or the Court
House door, v. sal. I City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Of Completion and Acceptance
Young's Bay County Road. .
Notice is hereby given that M. Kron-
qulst, contractor, on Young's Bay county
road, under the provisions of Ordinance
No. 1840. did, on tne letn day or 'ebru
ary, 1894, file in the ofllce of the Auditor
and Police Judge or tne city or Astoria,
the certificate of the Superintendent of
Streets and the City Surveyor, approved
by the Committee on Streets and Public
After the explratjon of the time here
inafter specified, if no objection to the
acceptance of such work be tiled, and
the Common council snail deem sucn
Improvement properly completed ac
cording to the contract and plans and
specifications therefor, the same may be
Objections to the acceptance of said
work, or any part thereof, may be filed
In the ofllce of the Auditor and Police
Judge on or be 'ore Tuesday, February
20th, 1894.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Ore., Feb. 18, 1S94. i- ;
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria pro
pose to establish the grade of Fourth
street, in the City of Astoria, Oregon,
as laid out and recorded by John Adair,
at the following heights above the base
of grades as established by ordinance
No. 71, entitled "An ordinance estab
lishing a base of grades for the streets
of the City of Astoria, as follows, to
wlt: , Feet.
At Intersection wlch Auger avenue.. 22.0
At Intersection with Abernethy.. .. ..26.0
At Intersection with Bonneville 38.6
And that the grade of the Interven
ing streets be a straight line between
the crossings mentioned.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion or said
street be filed with the Auditor and
Police Judge within ton days from the
final publication of this notice, to-wlt:
On Monday, March 12th, 1894, the Com
mon Council will establish paid grade.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Ore., February It), 1894. .
Notice is hereby glvn that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1S94, and against
Commanding me to levy upon the
south 130x50 feet of lot No. 12, in block
numbered 6S, assessed to Z. Anstinson,
In that portilon of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$f4ti,86 Is unpaid, ussessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment la
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Approved August 5th, 1S91.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20lh, 1S94, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of suld day. in front of tho Court
House door. In s.ild City if Astoria.
County of Clatsop and Stato of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay Baid assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, tot"- amusement In which intoxicating
mo directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1S94. and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 1, in block numbered
:.8, assessed to G. W. Lounsuerry,
In that portion of said city of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oivson. uixin which an assessment of
$1,031.80 Is unpaid, assessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of. Water street and the
southern limits of the cltv, approved
March 11th. 1S91, which assessment Is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1133 of said ctt.y, entitled
An Ordliu.iee declaring the probable
costs or improving West Eighth street.
Approved August 5th, 1891.
I have Jhis day luvled upon said
above descrllwd property, and on Tues
day. March the 20th, 18t4. at 3 o'clock
p. m. of a;iid day. In front of tha Court
House door, In suld City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State cf Oregon,
will sell paid property to the hlprlicst
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon. February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Asu4a.
Act on a new principle regulating
the llvr, stomach and bowels tiiroiiKh
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
Miles 1111.1 FpewlPv cures bll'loosirss,
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa
tion. I'neoualed fur roeo, women and
children. Smallest, mlldext. surest I 60
An Ordinance Providing for Taxing,
Licensing and Regulating Bar
Rooms and Drinking Shops and
Places Where Liquors Are
i Sold Within the City
of Astoria.
The City of Astoria does ordain as
Section 1. That no person or persons
shall, In the City of Astoria, Clatsop
County, Oregon, cither directly or indi
rectly, In person or by another, sell,
t trter or deliver, or knowingly permit
t.i be sold by another, or for or on hlB
t count, or otherwise, any wine, malt
(,. spirituous liquors in less quantities
t.'.an one gallon, without first obtaining
i license so to do from the City of As
l ria, in the manner in this ordinance
.. relnafter provided. Provided, that
l. .thing in this ordinance shall be con
f rued to apply to the sale of liquors for
1.. edldnul purposes, made by a regular
1.1. cnscd pharmacist upon a prescription
l icrefor made by a regular licensed
physician- or surgeon, in the regular
course of such physician's or surgeon's
practice to a patient, and for medicinal
purposes only.
Any person violating any of the pro
visions of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof before the police Judge,
shnll be lined not less than Twenty-five
Dollars, nor more than Two Hundred
Dollars, or by imprisonment In the city
Jail until such fine be paid, not to ex
ceed One Hundred days. And it Is here
by made the duty of the Chief of Police
and each police officer of the city to
make complaint to the City Attorney of
each and every violation of the provi
sions of this ordinance, and such viola
tion must be prosecuted by such at
torney. Section 2. Every person applying for
a license to soli wine, malt or spirituous
liquors, in less quantities than one gal
lon, under the provisions of this ordin
ance, shall pay Into the city treasury
the sum of Four Hundred Dollars per
annum, and in no case shall any license
oe issuea ror a less period than one
year, and no license shall bo, in any
manner transferable. Provided, fur
ther, that the Common Council shall re
serve and have the right to revoke a
license at any time.
Section 3. Before a license shall'issue,
as provided In this ordinance, the ap
plicant shall petition the Common Coun
cil in the manner provided in Section 4
of this ordinance, and shall also, with
said petition, present to the Common
Council a bond in the sum of Five Hun
dred Dollars, with two or more sulll
cient "sureties, payable to the City of
Astoria, conditioned that the applicants
shall keep an orderly house, and will
In all things comply with the provisions
of this ordinance during the period of
one year from the date of such license.
Attached to said bond shall be the affi
davit, verified by the oath of the sure
ties, to the effect that taey are free
holders of the City of Astoria, and are
In the aggregate worth the sum of One
Thousand Dollars over and above all
Just debts and liabilities, exclusive of
property exempt from execution. The
applicant shall also present with such
petition and bond, a receipt of the City
Treasurer for the amount of money de
posited for such license, to-wit, $400,
Section 4. The petition required by
this ordinance shall state:
1st The name of the applicant.
2nd Whether such applicant has be
fore held, or holds at the time of the
application, a license, and If so, at what
time such license has or does expire.
3rd The number and street where
such house is situated where the liquors
are to be sold..
Such petition shall be verified by the
applicant, or if more than one, then by
one of said appllcai.ts, stating that such
petition is true.
The receipt of the Treasurer men
tioned in Section 3 of this ordinance
shall state that the amount paid by
such applicant Is paid for liquor license,
to be refunded In case the Common
Council shall refuse to grant the petition
of the applicants otherwise upon the
Issuing of such license to go into the
Police Fund of said City of Astoria.
Section 6. Said petition shall be
granted on condition of the approval of
the bond by the Mayor, and said Mayor
shall examine the bond of the applicant
and either approve or disapprove the
same. Upon the provisions of this or
dinance being compiled with, the Aud
ltoor and Police Judge shall Issue such
license to such applicant.
Section 6. The peace bond given by
the applicant, as provided in this or.
dlnance, in case of any violation of any
ui no provisions or conultlons, shall be
liable to be prosecuted therefor in a
civil acton, and it shall be the duty of
the City Attorney to prosecute the bond
given by such applicant for any viola
tion of Its provisions.
Section 7. Any keeper of a bar-room
or drinking shop, or place where liquors
are sold, who shall permit any breach
of the peace or disturbance of public or
der or decorum, by noisy or disorderly
conduct on the premises, when it la in
his power to prevent the same, or who
shall sell or give any Intoxicating liquors
to any person already Intoxicated, or any
person under the age of legal majority,
or who shall allow or permit any minor
to remain in or about any bar-room or
drinking shop, or place where liquors
are sold, or who shall permit any the
atrical or minstrel show, exhibition or
concert to take place In such bar-room
or drinking shop, or place where liquors
are sold, or who shall permit any minor
io ue or remain in any theatre or place
liquors are sold, shall be deemnd militv
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police Court, shall be
lined not less than twenty-five nor more
than one hundred dollars, or bv Impris
onment In the city jail "hot less than
twelve nor more than fifty davs, or
both. In the discretion of thp ronrY nn,i
shall forfeit the license to such bar
room, or drinking shop or place where
Section 8. Kach and evory place
where wines, malt or snlr'tuous llminrs
are sold, bartered or delivered, shall
be deemed a bar-room, or drinkiiig-shop
or place where liquors nro sold, under
the provisions of this ordinance.
Section . Kach and every person
having a license under h mwu.
of this ordinance shall exhibit the same
at all times, while the same is In force.
in nis or toieir place of business, and
persons violating the provisions of this
section shall, upon conviction thereof
before the Auditor and Pollen Jml era lu.
fined not to exceed fifty dollars, or by
Imprisonment In the city jail not to
exceed twenty-live davs.
Section 10. Ordinance No. 1222. -entitled
"An ordinance providing for licensing!
and regulating bar-rooms and drinking
shops within tho corporate limits of the1
City of AstoHa, Clatsop County. Ore-1
gon." approved March 11th. 1S9L be and i
the same Is hereby repelled. . J
Section It. This ordinance shall tnfci.
effect and be in force from and after its i
r-tissnire and approval by the Mayor or
iiciiem oi tne t cum II I
Is--d tho Common Ccunetl February
th, isi.
Attest: K. OSRCRN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Approval Fe-bnmnr IS, 14
" Mayor.
On Top,
Is conceded by all to bo the best.
It fishes better and wears better
than any other twine used on
the Columbia river." - -
.If You Want Cannery ancf
. "".Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on--
ELJV10HE SflpW & GO.
Notice Is nereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 7, In block numbered
69, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shively, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$934.40 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of improving West Eighth street,
Approved August 6th, 1S91.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said dav, in front of the CVvrt
House door, In said City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 189 i, and against
Commanding me to lew ,mr,n
lot No. 7, in block numbered
89, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
Which was laid out nnri rtu-nHo.! v...
John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
tt'98.00 Is unpaid, assessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
soutnern limits or the city, approved
March 11th. 1)1 tvhl,.h n,, .
declared and assessed nnnn i... v...
- ----- - h.u.L. IV
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
ii viuiuum-e declaring me probable
costs of improving West Eighth Btreet
Anorovod AumiRt nth is'n
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m, of said day. In front of the Cour.
House door, In said Cltv cf Asf rlu
County of Clatsop and Staie of Oregon'
will sell said property to the hlghrst
bidder therefor, to pay wid assessment
together with rosts and expenses of
lS91lUa Astor,a 0reen' February 19th,
, , . t ,. C W' LOUGHERY,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Consults his best interests by havtnc
a box of Krause's Headache Capsules
at hand: taken as directed will prevent
or stop any kind of a headache no
matter what the cause In fact If your
skull were cracked It would prevent
pa,?'A, T,h1 vfrc(len(,y of the attacks
will diminish, and by taking the cap
sules at the rpproach of a headache
you will never have another. Twenty
five cents per box.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria
Oregon. Sole Agent
To M Pipestlou trntf ow Small Tife Bcaa
One Small Hito Xhun rrcr meit for a
" k i.nii'T.ii u.l Liver. IU: r Uau
Cotton Hope,
Cotton Twine,
Marshall's Twine.
Trap and Seine Web,
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Plate,
Tin. and 'Aim,
In Stock.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor nnd
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding . me to levy upon
lot No. 6, in block numbered
69, assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county,
Oregon, -upon which an assessment of
J781.00 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement .of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declarlns the probable
costs of improving West Eighth street,
Approved August 5th, 1891.
1 have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, in limit of the Court
House door, In said City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell suld property to the highest
bidder thcrc-for, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 6, in block numbered
89, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
Which wis laid out nnd rannrilul k
John M. Shively. in ClatsoD countv.
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
i.uo.TO in unpaiu, assesseu ror tne- Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street-, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of-said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of improving West Eighth street.
Approved August 5th, 1x91. '
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20lh, 1894. at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the C"ti:l
House door. In said City of Astorli,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to tho highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
1894. k
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your
weight PERMANENTLY from 12 o 15
pounds a month. NO STARVING, sick
ness or Injury. NO PUBLICITY. They
build up the health and beautify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkles or
fiabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and
dlllculti breathing surely relieved. NO
EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and
positive relief, adopted only after years
of experience. . All orders supplied di
rect from our office. Price $2.00 per
package, or three parkages for" $5 00
by mall, postpaid. Testimonials and
Particulars, (sealedl 2 cpnts.
All coriciMjuuci.t fciriciiy confiden
tial. PARK REMEDY CO, Boston. Mass.