TIIE )ATliYv 4ST0RIAX, ASTORIA, S At URt) AY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1894. ABOUT JTHE CITY. The steamship Columbia sailed yester day for San Francisco. The ship Pactolus, hence with Grain, arrived at Bristol on the 18th Inst. The mmdate from the supreme court In the Hansen case Is expected early next week. I There will be servlcea In the German ter will be discharged at the Union Pa lansruase at the Congregational church clflc bunkers, and the merchandise at Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. J. O. SehmlU, pastor. A dnnce was given ut Cathlamet cn Thursday evening, at which 112 couples were seen on the floor. The affair was highly successful In every respect. Morning service In the Presbyterian church tomorrow at. the usual hour. Sunday school mesta at 12:15, and the Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m. There will be no preaching In the even ing. The British ship Port Tarrock, which recently went ashore on the Irish coast, all her crew, 23 in number, being lost, had on bo-id a camo of c.uuer trom Santa Rosalia, Mexico, valued at 70,- 000. George Noland will assist DlBtrlot At turnev W. N. Rnrrptt In the nrosecution ! of the case of the State of Oregon vs. rhn.-in ni in,i.tri fr thp nfrVnse of Oshing (or salmon during the close Two strangers reached town yester day In search of employment. Both are destitute, and make a total of five In all who have applied for assistance in this city since the beginning of the win ter months. Judge McBride yesterday made a rul ing that will be of Interest to attorneys In this city. It was that resident at torneys should be allowed to take pa pers from the court by giving the clerk a receipt therefor. Services at the Congregational church as usual. Subject In the morning: "The Bible and Man's Wants." Evening sub ject: "What Shall We Do?" The Sun day school meets at 12:15, and the En deavor at 6:30 o'clock. The last of the Oregon grain fleet to arrive out Is the Clackmannanshire, which reached Queenntown February Iff, 117 clays from the Columbia river. The ship's cargo consists of 01,777 centals of wheat, valued at ?48,000. . Rescue hall was crowded last evening, the occasion being the entertainment given by the W. C. T. U. The "Experi ences" were all related in such a man ner as to prove very entertaining, and throughout the evening the large num ber present enjoyed themselves im mensely. Until further noUce, the water will be shut off from the residences of consum ers, except at 7 a. m., 11 n. m. and 5 p. m. Hurt. Smith has decided to take this step in order to prevent any unneces sary waste until the main 13 repaired at John Day's. It will be some days yet before the repairs can be completed. M. E. church At 11 a. m., sermon by Rev. J.-W. Bushong, D. D. Subject: "A Means to An End." At 6:30, Epworth League rally. At 7:30., sermon by Dr. Bushong. Subject: "One ln a Hundred, and Who Is Ke?" The citizens of As- torla all cordially Invited, especially at the 7:30 service. The church members all expected to be present at both ser- vices. I ' 1 Rev. Nissen went up the river yester-. day to visit a couple of his regular I preachlnj places, he states that there re a great many smaii oiaiiuiiiaviau settlements on bo..h slues of the river, j "the residents of whLh are anxious to get the pure word of God ln their own!jr for 10 cents than -you can get for tongue, but the preachers of the old Gospel In the Scandinavian 'tongue are very scarce out here." The funeral of Olaus Eelland, who committed suiciae in ban Fianclco on the 20th inst., will take place today. L. O. Eelland, his brother, states that he has not yet received any particulars ts to the cause of the rash act During his j nr.:nn..A I n tia rf nTirl at T.V,t Wia. I Jovial disposition, and the news of his death was a great surprise to those who knew him. The lighthouse steamer Columbine will leave Portland for this city Sunday morning. Capt. Farenholt will come with her, and possibly Major Post. The tender's first work will be to carry a rupply of coal out to the lightship, says the Oregonlan. Her future movements have not yet been decided upon. Capt. Richardson observed Washington's birthday by gaily decking his steamer with flags and she was photographed while thus equipped. Lest evening, about 9 o'clock, SherlfT Smith received information that a case of r;ipe had occurred ln Uppertown, the party complained of being Andrew E3 kohu The sheriff at once instituted a Eear h for the accused, and shortly af ter 10 he had him sacurely locked up in the county jail. The alleged victim of the asn-ult is a child 11 years old. Es kola, when arrested, claimed he knew nothing of the affair, but from his ner vous appearance Sheriff Smith was of the opinion that. If guilty, he will make & confession before morning. Another fair houre greeted the Stuttz company last evening ln their rendition of "Fanehon. t'.ie Crl-ket." Mr. Stuttz disKnguithed himself es the handsome Lcndry Barbeau, as did ris-s Jsd Ciri tcn as DIdler, the twin brother, and the Jllsees Noxon, Morris and Myers, ln their respective roles, not forgetting Baby Alberta and E. A!ma Stutts. The Utter elicited r!t- "f -?''Us in her famous "shadow dance" and song, "I wish I had a piece of ntrlng-e-e," etc. "Fanehon" la repeated for the matinee today and also tonight, Its laBt performance. The British steimer Slirnal arrived In yesterday from VI-i ii.-, v.-lth about 80 Chinese passengers a number of whom seek admission here. The Signal his a quantity of Chinese merchandise and several hundred tons of coil. The lat- , the bonded warehouse. An :S0 lot tor $2. Mcany la the leading tailor and pays me nicnesi casn price ror rur skins. For J2, a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's First addition. Lovers of a good cigar can always And mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. 01 sen's - Hill's First addition Is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now selling In it for 12. PERSONAL. Marcus Wise came over from Ilwaco yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Smith, Deputy Houghton and Constable Oberg returned yesterday ' morning from Salem Dr. W. T. Lo?an was a passenger on the Columbia yesterday morning, en ; route to San Francisco. j reter Grant' wh hns been serluu8'y , ' lumbigo, was out yesterday, ; apparently recovered. Fresh fish and poultry at Welcome's Market, next to Foard & Stokes'. I If you want a first class photograph, call on Crow, the Photographer, 63$ Third street. There Is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full valu of their money. St-e-e-dman's Soothing Powders suc cessfully used for children, during the teething period, for over fifty years. IS NOT A CANDIDATE. The following communication will be found self-explanatory: Astoria, Ore., Feb. 23, 1894. Editor Astorlan: Referring to an ar- tlcle In your local columns this morning, : In which my name Is mentioned as one I in a three-cornered contest for the As i torla poslofflce. I beg to state that I ! have never filed an application, nor at any time have I considered myself as a probable candidate for the office. E. C. Lewis, (It has been currently rumored around town that Mr. Lewis was a candidate for the office of postmaster, and some have gone so far as to say his appoint ment was assured. Hence the referenoc to him yesterday as an applicant for the position. Ed.) Japanese novelties and fancy dry good.4, can be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar store. II. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used In the manufacture. Ladles' writing desks, rocKing t alia, and dining chairs, suitable for Christ mas presents, at G. V, Porter's, See n street. Handsome crayon por'raits with $25 purchases. ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES. The exercises held yesterday at Court street school were of a high order, and .were listened to by many appreciative visitors. Longfellow, Lowell and Wash ington, whose anniversaries occur so closely together, were each remembered and the students fully entered Into the spirit of the occasion, and came away wiser, -Jjetter and more thoroughly pa,t rlotlc. Space will not allow us to pub llsh the program entire. Such occasions are productive of much good,' and too mucn tlme can hardly be given to their preparation. All the finest brands. Including Pel i mont, Flor de Madrid, Lillian Nordlca, n ,1 I .no linlmao ,ir-n u 1 . 1 , i . W ' P W. . . eridg's Columbia Cigar Store. 01sen has 29 brands of clear Havana cigars and he will give you a better ti street. Anything In the line of gents' furn tshing goods, ln the newest styles, can be h,.d from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be 'or equalled. THE MINERVA SOCIETY. An Enthusiastic Audience at the Las".. Entertainment. - 111c iimitan.li lJUliuiiLl ii Ui 111c wurn- I ly literary and musical entertainments given ty the Scandinavian Young Peo ple's Society Minerva was thoroughly demonstrated Thursday evening, when an audience was present that filled the basement of Bethanla church to the doors. The program was opened with a short address tyy Paul Stengeland, and the other numbers were as follows: Recttatlcn, Peter Walde; reading, Fred Johnson; vocal solo, Ludwlg Chrlston sen; reading, Chris. Tldslevold; paper, Miss Annie Larsen; recitation. Miss Emma Erlckson; reading, Miss Annie Gunderson; recitation of orljdnal poem, A. T. Brakke; reading of society paper, "Fremad," by Editor Olsen; debate on the question, "Which has caused the greater harm to man alcohol or war?" A lively and prolonged discussion re milted in a verdict by the house that alcohol had been the cause of more harm. Ten new members were elected. On account of the lecture by Edward Brek hus, there will be no entertainment next Thursday evening. An Interesting program Is In preparation for the fol lowing Thursday. A good, tenant can be found at The Astorla.i office for a .house of 6 or more" rooms. Inn't K9 to Portland to buy yout lloketB for the "Old Country" nnrl the F.rt whpn you ran eet I hem for thf amp price nt the I'nlnn PaHflr nfflr In thl lty. and fherpby save your In t1 fare to Portland. All th pitf-nt medl.-'npK advertised In thin prn.r. together with the chnle "Pt perfiimerv. and tolift nrtlolea. etc.. nr ur ti :t at thr lmr?t rs st J. w. Conn' dm store, opposite Oc cident Hotel Ai torla. THINK HE IS A FRAUD. - Norwegian Tapers . That "Take No Stock" In Mr. Ereakhus' Inspiration. The Norwegian papers of Chicago de nounce Mr. Urcakhus, "the Inspired," In vigorous language, and pronounce him either a fraud or a. crank. Norden, the leading democratic paper of the Norwegian people In the "Windy City," recently detailed a reporter to ask for an opinion from one of the professors in the Chicago medical college, end the professor sent the following letter: To the Editor: In response to your re quest, I would say that in my opinion there are two explanations, and only two, that can be ndvani t .l In regard to such exhibitions as are credited to this Individual Breakhus: They are fraudu lent or evidences of serious nervous dis eases. In other wordsi, such men as Braekhus are either Impostors or they are sick. If the first explanation be true, the sooner the fraud Is exposed the better for all. If tho seennrl evninnniinn h the tmp one, then there can be no greater harm done to the unfortunate patient thin to encourage, and provide chance for the active manifestations of the disease Ir. the way in which it Is reported that misled ministers are doing in the pres ent Instance. It Is positively and abso lutely the very worst thing that could Derail the patient, and the local authorl ties should take such decisive steps thai an runner disgustine performances of cms sort were promptly stopped. LTTDVT1 ''"KTOEN, M. D. Chicago, Feb. 12, 1894. oi,-ii .... ... lea,ng repuuncan vuper, puunsnea uy me Norwegian- shaking residents of Chicago, takes t if nr. ,. oicjiiiius ever reacnes mat section or the east It does not seem as If a hearty welcome will be extendi tn him. . A.uv., iiiiciL ia iiinjjiicsicu ill LI1C coming visit of Breakhus to this city, and he will certainly speak to large audiences. Snow Flake" Flour, claimed to be superior to all others, yet costing no more man inferior brands. Ross, Hlg- gins at i..o., Boie Agents. Special attention Is called to our largt stock of staple and fancy groceries, which we are now selling ab largely re duced prices for cash. Ross, Hlggins & CO. THE TEBO CASE. Claims He Was Illegally Restrained of His Liberty. M. Tebo, who was arrested on De cember 10 last, called at The Astorlan ollleo yesterday, claiming that he "had been unjustly restrained of his liberty since that date by Sheriff Smith." lit also claimed that Judge Cleveland, In the preliminary examination, held hlin to await the action of the grand Jury on the sheriffs statement that he hat a telegram from North Yakima stating that Tebo was also wanted there. Mr. Tebo Is evidently "drawing the long bow." In the first place, he wab arrested on a warrant Issued by Judge Cleveland on a complaint sworn to b J. G. Ross, of the Astor house, charging him with obtaining money under falsi pretenses. In the next place, the sherlf. had no option but to hold him wher. Judge Cleveland bound him over, and ln the third place, Sheriff Smith was lr. Portland when Tebo was examined. Tht cause of the complaint by Mr. Ross laj in the fact that Tebo had Induced the hotel man to endorse two drafts on t bank in the Northwest Territory, and had left for parts unknown before the drafts, which were returned unpaid, hat been heard from. Tebo had once before drawn on the same bank for a Einal. sumt and the draft was paid, and thit fact, together with the fact that wit nesses could not be got from Moos Jaw Without great expense to tho county, probably caused the grand Jury to re turn "not a true bill." If Tebo had been a sailor he woulc have achieved a great reputation as u "sea lawyer." During the time of hit Incarceration he asserted that he knew how to conduct his case, and "did not want to go before the grand Jury," I. order to avoid this apparently unpleas ant duty, he sent a note to Judge Mc Bride, asking his honor to call on hlrr. at the Jail. His honor declined the in vitation, ana Tebo then accused the sheriff of refusin? to deliver tho note. At the time or Tebo's return from Yakima, Jock Williams asked him wha caused him to skip out, and Tebo's re ply was that he "hadn't a bean." anc thought there was no use returning. G. C. Fulton was called upon last evening and asked what he knew o: j.ccua chbu. rur. r niton saw: "I war his attorney, and simply know that tht complaint was sworn to by J. G. Itoss Sheriff Smith having nothing to do with the matter further than executing hlr orders. I may say further that on Hum orous occasions the sheriff and his depu ties carried messages from Tebo to me and were certainly most courteous to him." SMOKE! SMOKE! SMOKE- SMOKE' If you want any thing irood to nmnW Key West, Imported, or domestic vmi m,ii.. n in 1 1 .. ' I mum ft. iv, viiai. vl.TiCII. NOTICE. After this date the undersltrnerl wir not sell coke or coal by rctnll to sn'N one witinn inc limits or tho r rv r.r Astoria, ineir reian mislnrss ' hsvlnp this day been sold to H. F. Pracl & Co ASTORIA GAS LIGHT CO. Astoria, February 1. 1S34. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR8 Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothinar SvniD tma onn ueu nir cnunrfn tefthln tt wwithes thi child, doflnn lli nin allays sll pnln enrs wind rhollc and Is the best rcmly fur dlarrhiwn Twon. ty-five c"nts s brittle. Sold by sll drug- f l(E inniuKnoui iop worin. BUCKLEN'S An.VICA SALVE. The tt alve In the worH for rt. riilws, wrea. ob-eni. ll rheum tfv " tr cHaimwl h;in.!- ,.!, m 1 . 1 .... ron. and all cktn eruptlonn, and pmfilv ly cure piles, or no pny rrniir it (?uarant-'l to lv prf-t ' BJitiEfao- If.n nr rr.-.:ii r-r.;r,.!-.. er box. For sale by Cbas. Rogers " . vssor to J. C. htmnuL ' CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Mrs. Christine Nissen, Teacher of Uie Piano and Orsan, has removed to the house of Mr. M. Lar sen Ben-Inn, V. Fifth street, at the back of Scow Bay Foundry, and oppo site the Finn church. A SUlifc, OUKt, Foil PILES. Uehtng Piles u.e known by molMurr like persplmtlun, causing Intense lidim Alien warm. Tula form, uh well as tillnu. itiecturm or Protruding, yield at once tu Lr. I'.osanso s file Kemcdy, which acu directly on the pans ulTccted, abaorbt lumurs, allays itching and effects a virnmnent cure. sue. Druggist or mail. Circulars free. Dr. BosanKo, && Arch uvei, Philadelphia, l'a. Hold by J. W Conn, A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell, SharpBburg. Pa, Dear Sir- 1 am glad to say a good wortl ror Krause s Headache Capsules, Alter sunering tor over three years wltn acute neuralgia and Its consequent tnsonviKi cvhieh seemed to battle the efforts of some of our best physicians) suggested this remedy which gave me almost instant reliet. words fall lo " mi awe i bhuuiu iikb to btslow " Kraune s Headache Capsules. . Viou p n ' Mt-o ' , Y iviuuui'ce. r ti, For sala by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., toie agent. HEALTH IN OLD AGE. Edward Colllnson, Queens, N. says: "l commenced using Brandreth's PI1U over fifty-five years ago. I first bought them in London, m.l liuve continued uniu-s uiciii einre i came to mis country ln ls3c.. t am ... ,,... aPvPni.v-ftvi. years oiu, nile and hca.-tv, and attrlb- uta mv wondarJal health to the persis- "MS.l ""uinuns nns. ucca I - ' " " ' vu vjiu ll I I 111- tack of rheumatism, Indigestion or bill ousness, nut four or five iljas of Bran dreth 8 1 llls. n'wnys cure me. When- icariet rev.-r, measles, rcid stomach. nisoraereo 'iur;scio:i or o r tlveness. few doses of Urandrc-th's j'llls 4-estored tneir neaun at once. 4DMINISTKaTOK'3 riNAL AC- COUNT. Notice Is hereby -rlv.'n tnnt the nn. lersignca, lumiiiis'.rator or the t'nte if Alexander McDonald, ban Hied In tht- mnty cour' or the state of O.vgon foi -uuoup county, nis nnui account at men administrator, praying -'or lettlo ment of SHld estate and his discharge tun ine saiu court nas set Alond ty. ceuruary &tn, mm, at the hour of i i clock p. m., of said day, at the coun muse, ror the hearing of said account. ma an persons interested sre notified lcreuy to men and there appear anc mow cause tr any, wny the same shouh iot oe allowed. william Mcdonald. Administrator of the estate of Alex- inder McDonald, deceased. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A good farm on Lewh ind Clarke River Apply to J. V. Mar- len, care Ross, Hlggins & Co. BOARD AND LODGING. F1KST CLASS BOARD With O. .vithout rooms, ut reasonable rates. Ap Hly at E. C. Holden'8, corner Main am. eilerson. . WANTED. ?25.00 to $50.00 per week using anc oeiuna Old tic-liable Plater, Every fam ily n-s ruijty, worn knn'es.foi'KS, pouii. etc. UuiCmv liiaicd ov tlinuniE: In mi-l.nj metal. io eAj,ein.iiv.e ur iiiuu wur, eoou snuauoii.- Aaaiess w. r. Ham- oon & Co., clerk No. it, Columbus, o. WANTED Agents to represent lead mg ipewnter. exclusive lenliory. Au ureas raciric 'typewriter Excnanat. roruana, ure. AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great- m kiuc-nen uuniMl ever invented, lie .ails iiucu. 2 to ti Boid In every huum. jump e, postage paid, live cents. Foi- jnee & rviciHaiuii, Clncinnatti, O. FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of smal ueans can buy real estate In Hill's tlru. locution. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the AstorL. .eul Estate Exchange and eet a lui ai mips First Addition for ti. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wins -.ee nas just receivea u lull line o. upanese curiosities and fancy goodb viii sen at cost. 59 Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. rtoTEL. Remember McGulre's Hu el at Seaside is open the year around CALL ON P. BAKER. 478 Third St.. inu nave your domes dyed unc .leaned. EW1NG MACHINES And genera, .painng, lock-littlnff. etc. C. A. Mav. a main street. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As- iur streets, does a general business u. lacksmlthlng and repairing. WHIN IN PORTLAND Call Oli rlandley & Haas, 1W First street, anu et the Dally Astorlan. Visitors neet not miss their morning paper whlli ihere. yOUIi FRIENDS IN EUROPE. Il ou have friends in Europe whose pas- ge you wish to prepay to Astoria. .all at the Northern Pacific office, iltainer Telephone dock, and make nown your wants. Reduced fare viii til tne leading steamshlii lines. - ARE YOU GOING EAST? Patron- tne nortnern pacific railroad 11 you are Going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage check- id lo destination. All purchasers of -econd-clasB tickets can slop over at Portland Rates of fare same as from ''rtlnnd. , Portland and Astoria, i STEAMER TELEPHONE. leaves Aatorla every evenlna- excc-Dt ounoay ai 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every dav exrent Sunday at 4 p. m. fvei Portland evprv rlav ercpnt Sunday at 7 a. m. C W. STONE. Art. Astoria. E. A. 8(pIv. fnM a rwtil, Portland Gna-anfee-il to cum Tl'Mnua Attacks an4 Ctnat uitoiH i i'lie 1h.uuu BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Call at August Danlelson's Sample Koohib. ONLY TIIE PUREST Wines and lienors are sold at Alex Campbell's VJCIil. a ungual) US DRINK. -There lx no place In' Astoria where John K.u.nv tuiiiuus uecr in Kepi in sucn good con dition as at Utinger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zin- tanaei wine msteud of coffee or tea. fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French c'ognae and wtne at Alex Gilbert s. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COM MISSION El tb-Thc rejr ulur meetings of this board will be helu on ths tii si Monday of each munth m 10 a. m at the oltice of Kobb & Par- Kr. W. L. Kubb. tteo. NOTICE Tie regular meetings ol the Astoria Building and Loan A&soela- tlon are held at m d. m. nn ih hi weunesuay or each month. Omce Genevieve street, south of Chenamus, w. l Komi. Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. w. l- . nebular meciings or Ocean En- I anipntent No. 13, In the Odd Fellow. ttulidlng, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Kn- journing oretu-en cordially in Ued. ay oraer c. P. COMMON COUNCIL Kemiliir mMi. lugs first and third Tuesday eveningb oi eacn monin at o o'clock ln city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acteo " J"'"if nava manors acteo lnr,r,.. . ,nr-., upon by the council at any regular FREEMAN & BREMNER, uiHHllncr miml num ilia . .i...l v meeting must present the eame to the auauur ana clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on wuicn mo council noius its regulai meaung. k. OSHUKN, Auditor and Police Judge, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0s JJj H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2. Pythian Bulldinit ver v. a. cooper s store. AT. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third street, . E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. in the Flavel building, opposite Occident tf'L'LTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4, 5, and 6. Odd Fellows' dulldlng, Astoria, Oregon. W. M LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. olLA3 B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ln Flavel's brick building. t'RANIi J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - Astoria, Oregon. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlco on Second Street, Astoria, Or. jR O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of woni- in and suiKeiy. Office over Danziger's store, Astoria. iAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms 3, 4, over Astoria Na- aonul Buna. Hours, 10 to 12 and 3 to I j. nesiuence, ceuar street. oR. STRICKLER, PHYSlClAiN AND BURGEON. Dealer In uRUUS AND DKUUGISTS' SUN DRIES. 3D7 Second Street, Astoria, BUSINESS CARDS. WICKMAN, CONTRACTOR. House moving and street planking. screws ana diocks tor rent, call on r address 2037 Pine street, A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., iu eiiuemoque street. J. II. MANSELL, HEAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR' ANCE AGENT. Office, U2 Benton street, Astoria, Or. IT3 C "XT rr q XV. OC 1. ,KJ, O Steamer Ilwaco. Leaves Atstorla dully at 7:30 for II- waeo, calling at Tanzy Point, and con necting wun railroad running north ai ul a. in., and with hoittn on Hhoalwaiei bay for SOUTH UEND, SUNSHINE, kOitTIl COVE, and other polnlt ilirouRh to GJiAV'8 HARliOll. Return ing, connects at Ilwaco with stwmn-rs Ani.m.. and MUHT LOAT8 FOR PORTLAND. JOHN It COULTER, Pecretary. U A. LOOMI3, President, IL V. EGBERT, Superintendent. TO SUBSCRIBERS -Thoae vho do not receive their papers regularly and on time should notify this office. If :c pap"rs r:!!verri by rsrr:;rs trr wet or In bad condition, dnn't fall to make complaint at the business o(Hce. I. V. CASK, Insurance Ae nt, Ri;iRi.;.r..NiiNG German-American, Nkw York Cily. Y. t'nion hire arU Murine, of Nf ' !' " ' National Hre an J Mamie lus. '.. ,i tljnlorJ. Connecticut Hre Ins. Co., ol li.-.i ..-'J J. Homo Muiml Ins. Co.. ban I rancliCO. new 1 Ol K rlttlv 111. Phoenix, of London, . ui-yum., of LorUon. A. G. SPEXARTII, UfAlER IS Watches, Clocks, T t tl Ht rs UQVJZiXU, Plated WQrC , r-ine Kepainng a specialty. Agent for Winchester Repeating; Fire Arms Company, Kashbara's Guitars arid fflandolics. Largest stock of Fishing Tackle and Bamboo Poles. 1 he I rade supplied. BARGAINS IN Wheeler & Wilson Seiuicg .lachiccs. Kopp's Beer Hall. Cholc Wines, Ll.juors and Clg.irj. KENTUCKY W HI STIC 1C Y Only banded over the bar, The largest g!.n of N. P. Bier. Half-and-half, jc. pre Lunch. Erlckson & Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Conromly and Lafayette bis. UluckfeivilthH. Special attention nuld to steamboat re- pairing, first-class horseshoell'ig, etc. L0CG1HG CflJVIP 010RK A SPECIALTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. "the Astoria Rational Bank TRANSACTS A TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts ul I'll ln urni lnuivliiu.ilH 'elicited on favorable terms. Foreign and Domestic Exehnjuro uought and Bold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid ot. time deposits as Iol iows: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum For 8 months, 5 per cent per annum For 13 months, 6 per cent per annum A Savings Department having been established ln connection vim inu aoove, ueuouits win uh re. elved In sums of one dollar and nn. mi I'd. interest will be allowed as followa; .n ordinary savings books, 4 pei cent ir annum; on term savings books. 8 jit cent per annum. D. K. WARREN, President. J. 'E. HIGUINS, Cashier. J. C. DEMENT. Vlce-Prest, IX K WARREN, J. C. DEUKNT, C. S. WRIGHT, JOHN HOBSON, H. C THOMPSON', THEO. CRACKER, Directors. TlEJlSTOtp SAVINGS BflM Acts as trustee for coiDorarlons and individuals. Deposits solicited. . Interest will be allowed on savlnirs deposits ms fiillows; On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent ptr annum. On term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: ror tnree months, 4 per cent per an- l. inn. For six months, 6 per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. '. Q- A. BOWLBY Vice-President FRANK i'ATTON Casnler DIRECTORS: J. Q. A. Bowlby, Gust. Holmes. Bent. Young, A. 8. Reed. M.C.CROSBY, JlKAI.lK IS Hardware, Iron, Steel, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves and Tinware. Home Furnishing Goods, Sheet aud Strip Lead, Tln and Copper, and Sheet Iron Central Hotel dr. )rj and West Ninth Sts. On the European Dlan. Larw. ulrv mnmt mA first-class restaurant, Board dally, weekly or monthly. Private rooms for families. Ovvti'rs and fish In season. I litest Wines, Lluuors and Clears. EVENSON & COOK, Proprietors. Jorth Pacific Bfectwy JOHN KOPP.Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to FISHER BROS., iSfyip Chandlers IICAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wtiaontsf, Vehlcliew In Stoclc Flm Machin.rv. Pain... oh.. v-,i.s.. i . , .vKr,, Supplies, I alrfank s Scales, Doois and Windows. "'"Visions, Klnur, and Mill Fee l Astoria, Oregon. HUNTER St MERGER Oa rroprlotorn of tti od Butchering Co.'s Corner Recon-1 nnd r.cnton ntr,-t Corner Third and West eighth streets SEASIDE SflWHIFil.. A complete Stock of luint,:.r j , In the roiiKh or Ii-c-m d. i. ;,,,,.! , , tic, ccliii"., tiUA ail kimi.-a ti l( niutildliiKs anU b'uiriKl' 4; u!;,j V . work done to cr ier. T. ,. Pfft At - KioniKiiy tttini-d to. lifilffl" I i v , ' St mill. H. v U LOGAN, j Seaside, Oregon, "