f THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 18. 1894. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION DAILY. " Served by carrier, pepr week.. 15 els Bent by mail, per month 60 ct Sent by mall, per ytar $7.00 . WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscriber!. The Astorlan guarantees to Its suit crlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on application to the.. business, manager... This paper is in possession of all the telegraph franchises, and jIs the. only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. The Daily Astorlan's circulation is five times as great as that of the. com blned circulation of the-other dally pa pers of Astoria. - The. Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly in the state of Oregon, has, jitxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state. Subscribers -to the Astorlan are re quested .4o-, notify, thlsi office, . without loss pf time, immediately- they fall to recelve-thelr daily paper, or when thr do not get it t the usual hour. By do ing this they wll enable the management-to place -the. blame on the proper parties and to JnsUre a speedy remedy. Handley & ifaas are our Portiand agents and copies of the-Astorlan can to. hod every, morning at. their stand on .First street - . DATS TIDE TABLE. -For th Week, Beginning To-day, I MW WAtKB I A.M. PM. h in i It II h m l it. h m ft. h mT. HIOU WATKK ,m. r.M. Sun.. 18 Tue.. 20 Wed. 21 Thr. 22 Frt.. 23i Sat.. 24 Sun..- 2D 11 21 125 2 01 9111 8 3 8 Git 106191 1 54:8 7 2 3618 7 2 39181 3 088 7 8 267 6 8 4G8 6 8 6 4 156 71 I4 C 115-9 6 3513 6 718IZ2 8 04117 8 4911 3 9 3211 21 10 22 1 Ji 11 16 1 Si 2112 14210 8 81810 2 8 52 OS S 3111 3 10 or,l2 2 10 4113 1 from other nations not to allow their department of the University of Wis- "Jf WSFT'S EPIFI O o fiag3 to bo used to protect depredators, oonsin in 18S7. She is 25 years cf age, V- " i4iirBj . ra . '3 . ,.,,,vu,,R lne entire avstrm, Win., and iciaduiilpil from the hlgn dor,, are supposed to be directed to that school In that city. In 1886 Miss I'ier The labors of fWrto n.'Bm .i tall and handsome, a decided brunette. im T.. . . . . ; Miss Pier was born Jn Fond du Lac, amiiuij-aunceroie, tfrillali ambassa-; wl ,.,,,.,,, ,, malu end at this time. Russia and Japan are believed to have already expressed their willingness to co-operate In measures to protect seal life In Behring sea, but whether the consent of any' other na tions has been secured cannot be ascertained. Clatsop county Is not the only part of the country where road improvement agitation is a stirring clement, and meetings are being, held all over the country at this season of the year with the laudable object of obtaining better country roads. One of the most recent of these meetings was that of the New Jersey State Road Improvement Asso ciation, which met at Trenton last week. The statistics given In the president's address as to the extent of improve ment by means of state aid were not, It is true, very Imposing, but they at any rate point to an advance, though it iimj ue oiuy ft raouiw mip. iiujipewa . . . . M nA one-half tons, and can throw 1,330 gal- wcured last year through state uld, that ions of. water per minute. Her boiler and her mother entered the university law department, ond by hard work were both enabled to finish in a year. For almost a year Miss Pier held a position in the legal department of the Wiscon sin Central IUdlroad, after which she opened a law office with her mother. Miss Pier Is a familiar figure in the courts of Milwaukee, and she often op pears before the supreme court at Mad ison. Harriet, aged 24 years, and Car rie, aged 22 years, are Miss Pier's sis ters, and both are apt disciples of Blackstone. Col. C. P. Pier, an old prac titioner, is the head of this Interesting family. JUMBO OF FIRE ENGINES. Runs Forward or Backward and Can Be Stopped Within Fifty Feet. The largest and most powerful loco motive steam fire engine in the world is owned by the City of Hartford, Conn., and is of the Amoskeag type. The name with which she has been 'christened, "Jumbo," is one to which,-says Har per's Weekly, her dimensions will en title her. Over ten feet high and sev- J origin, tlds r ' .ionliauoeiiuul. " ForelRl.tech months I hiulan eating .,re oa my tongue. 1 was trail, ljy ,,,st lcal i livsician. but ..i.uiiineil no relief ' the soro gradually grew worae. I finally took &. s. S., ami wiu entirely cureJ after iimiig a f(.w lj,tt lea." u. ..icLUMOBt:, Henderson, Tex. Trsatiso on Itlnoil and Skin DIs caaei ci.iilcil frcw. Uiiz Swim Epemfio Co, A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN .. Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Kiiiis. Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Wnre. Lowers' SUppiK Cor. Css anj Squemoque Streets. Alorl.Ore. EVERY REQl'ISITE FOR : first Class Fals : AT Atlanta, us, POIi'S Undertaking Parlor9, I - THIRD STREET. T"Bi-,(nwn Rates Reasonable. Embalmings Speclalty- The report that Mr. Gladstone means to sail in to abolish. the. house of lords Is premature, is not preposterous. , A bird In the hand is worth two in the bush, and a deed In the subsidy fund is worth twenty-two in the bank. . Mr, John Barretts United States min ister to Slam, must have a little bitter ness In his flagpn of Joy. There are, alas, no Toung Men's Democratic clubs In that, land of the famous twins, and the white elephant, and ''Jacky's", elo quence must of necessity get rusty for the next four years. There was a cabinet dinner given the president this week, In which the cen trepiece on the table was a bed of ferns, from which arose a great horn of plenty made of scarlet carnations, and spilling from its tops were f rults of different kinds. And yet the horn of plenty Is not exactly the sign of the season thirty-three miles have been approved and are in course of erection for the present year, and that thirty-six more have been applied for which cannot be obtained under the present appropria tion from the state." Evidently there are portions, of the continent In whlth good country roads are not set at their true value and duly appreciated. NAMES OF THE STATES. Indian Titles Given to Most of Those m the tiiwnt West. It Is a remarkablo fact, and a con Mont experience of the presont subsidy committee, that when those parties who have persistently held back from con tributing property have been prevailed upon to open their purse-strings, the have proved of the very greatest assist ance to the committee In bringing In others who have been dilatory. The Toronto Empire says: "Tho rich govern the poor In tho United States. For that reason they will not consent to the income tax. Instead, they ask the government to Increase the deficit for the poor man to pay when time lm prove. It Is tho wage-earner wha have always supplied the revenues of the re public, and apparently It has been de termlned that they shall continue to do so." The Toronto paper is evidently un aware that the main objection to thr iniquitous tax is that it la class legisla tion, and that In this country, if not un der the British flag, all men are "en dowed with equal rights and prlvll oges," whether rich or poor. An income tax law is not possible of an Impartial operation, and in addition simply putr a premium on fraud and perjury. The late dispatches published In The Astorlan concerning the scaling regula tions for the present year ore of peculiar interest to the vicinity of Astoria and the Puget Sound country, Indicating ar they do that there is reason for doub whethor the Bohring 8ea regulation can be perfected before tho sealing sea son opens. As the time approaches fo putlng the regulations In force, it If said, it becomes more and more evl dent that lb will bo difficult to malt' regulations in conformity with the ree ommendatlons of the Behring sea trl bunol. The United States and Grea' Britain, even by agreement and co-operation, cannot protect seal life beyond the three-mile limit of the land and the Islands except against their own citl sens under their own flag. Most of the depredations In the past have been com mitted under the British flag by Cana dian sealers. This can be prevented, W If Canadian sealers can sail under the flag of any other nation not party to the agreement they cannot be prevented from, pursuing pelagic sealing, .nor can the citizens of nations not a. party to the agreement be molested. .The main Is therefore the securing of asreemonts Naturally, the thirteen states which first comprised the federal union wen called after foreign personages or lo calities, says Washington. It was in 1739 that the Plymouth company con veyed a certain portion of Amcrlcar territory to Capt. John Mason by pat ent. The patentee was governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire, England, so the new colony came to be New Hamp shire. Rhode Island was named stil' earlier, in 1M4, for the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean. Earlier yet, lr 15Ci, the Carollnas were so called bj their French settlers in honor of .Caro lus IX., of France. Another colonj which received its name In the six teenth century was Virginia, the name sake of Elizabeth, the virgin queen o' England, which had Sir Walter Ralelgl tor its sponsor. Indians called the great New England river Connecticut, am' the while settlers simply transferred l to their united settlements. Massacliu setts was the name of a tribe of Indlani which had its wigwams in the vlcinit) of Boston. These Indliins are supposed to have derived their appellation frorr the blue hills over which they roamed. New York has been known by varlou names, but Its present title was bestow ed In honor of the Duke of York, tt whom the territory was granted by En. 'f ml. Pennsylvania was christened ir 1681 after Willlarn. Penn. Delaware li said to get its name from Lord do If Warr, , who Is supposed to have beer burled In tho bay. This, however, scemr o ' bo more legendary than historical t is certain, on the other hand, that he tribe of Indians which roamed ove his territory were called Delawarcs. A ne time Delaware and New Jersey were cnown as New Sweden, but in 1C44 th atter was rechrlstened out of compll ment to Sir George Cartarct, one of th jiiglnal English proprietors of that tei .itory, because ho had defended th Island of Jersey against the long pnrllt. neut In the English civil war. Georgl was so called in honor of George II Maryland . was named for Henrlett Mai lii, Charles I.'s queen; while Ver mont had no separate title until the dec araMot of independence, when the pen pie named their state from verd nnc mont. words .typical of the beautlfu mountains of which the state Is Justl; proud. While , Maine was not admltetd t .he union until 1820, the territory bore ts present name as early as 1CS3. Queei lenrletta, of England, had the hono f having It called after her possession n Franc. Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio flssourl, Termesste, Mississippi, Arkan as, Wisconsin and Illinois were called .fter rivers. The Indian word Tennes ee is said to signify a curved spoon Mississippi, a river formed of many lllnols, a river of men, while Missouri was the name of a branch of the D kotas. Louisiana took its name fron Louis XVL, of France; Indiana from th iriirinal inhabitants of this country; th. -Jakotas. Kansas. Omaha, Utah an- "owa from tribes cf Indians. It was oi Caster SunJay In Spanish, Pascu Florida that Ponce de Leon discovered Florida. Texas was also named by thf Spaniards When thry drove out th French In W0. contains 301 copper tubes. This engine at her first trial threw, through 50 feet of hose, 3 1-2 Inches in diameter, a hori zontal stream of water a distance of 348 feet, and two streams, each as large as that thrown by an ordinary fire en gine, a distance of over 300 feet. The size of this leviathan Is better appre ciated when we think that a common horse draught engine only weighs about 6,000 pounds, and has a capacity of only 500 or 600 gallons per minute. The road driving power of the engine Is applied through two endless chains mnnlnp over sprocket wheels on each of the main rear wheels, permitting these wheels to be driven at varying speeds when turning corners. The engine may be run either forward or backward Mid can be stopped inside of 50 feet, when running at full speed. When Ir the house tho boiler is connected with steam pipes from a heater In the base ment, and steam Is always kept up tc about 95 pounds, which would run het about a quarter of a mile. The fire-bo? 's kept full of material ready for lteht Ing, and a steel arm under the engine -arrles a quantity of waste saturnter with kerosene oil In close proximity f a card of matches in a holder under t watcher, the latter being attached to cord tied to a ring In the Hoof. At nr Mann of fire the steam-pipes are dis -onnected, the throttle opened, and be 'ore the engine has moved six lnchec he cord pulls the scratcher, and tin od carrying the blazlwMvasto swings round under the fire-box, igniting th' ihavings and wood. Cannel coal i burned, and steam enough can be gen aratcd In two minutes to run the engine at a speed of 31 miles nn hour. u is esscnticl to in pastry you cannot fin cither without a good shoi i cning. LarJ has always had very objectioaablc features, causing indigestiou and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of tho cook, nd of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, . Music Hall -:- h 3 3,4 First Street. Aslorlt, Or, H. CHRISTENSEN. Prop. A FREE CONCERT every ninht beginning t 8 o'clock. Good music. The best of wines, "J"" an J cl us always on hand. It i3 composed of tha choic est bscf suet ond highly refined vegetable oil, iu many r;spcct3 as good as the finest imnortod nliv oil. Physicians endorse it, t C00ii:i experts rccom- V ? . 1 !. "... i-j ) menu it, aua tnousands P : j ore now using it iii prefer- C i J) cuce to any other shorten- i iug. Refuse all substitutes. y I '; riCTl throe cents It ehrapa to S. K. rl ) l'irt4i A .o.,CiiicHro, for hand- t y D..u.uvwwiHiov,ouii uuoic. contain In I r;lx liunilre.l n-clpes. prepared hy nlimoral ifiit outborltleon cooking, t-ouoleoe b sold by all urocc-rj. Noe & Scully, Dealers In Stoves," Sbrel Iron and Copper Ware. Sole Aent for MAGEE STOVES AND RANGES. Jobblnuu Specialty. 431 Second Street, Astoria, Or. Washington flleat Market. Corner Second and Main Streets. Wholesale and Retail U4 RnfrhAfc nnrl ? PflckefS. Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short notice. Families supplied promptly at the lowest rates. CHRISTENSEN & CO., Props. Mado only by IT. K. FARBANK & CO., ST. LOIJJS end t 'CHlCAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. tt These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections. Iftfffi They cure in 43 hours tho V J same diseases without nnyincon-l reuienco. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A SURE CUIIE FOK PILES. Itching Piles a.e known by molstui kb perHpliution, causing Intense Itcliii hen warm. ThlB form, as well aa Itltn leedtnK or Protruding, yield at once I r. UuHaiiKo's Pile licmwly, which act irectly on the parts alti-cted, absou unors. allays Hchlng ami effects ermanent cure. DOc. UrusK'lst or mai Iroulurs freii. Dr. Bosaiiko, 3a Ar treet, Philadelphia. Fa. iSold by J. W 'onn. EXTENDED SYMPATHT. "Do unto others as you would havi thers do unto you." I.s sympathetica!! own in tne tonowing Uiu'H, the pre umptlon bclnft that sympathy is born r uiuu to pain r sorrow: "uemlenien: Please send Krause' ieadache Capsules as follows: T. .oxea to Flora Seay, Ilnvannn, N. Dak wo boxes to Llllle Wllco.x, Brookland f r-. w . . i. unn. i mive aiways ueen a greai unerer irotn ncaaucne nna your Cap uies ure mo oniy ming mat relieve. ie." yours very truly, FLORA SEAT, Havana, .V. Dak. For pale by Clrns. KoSers, Astoria T., Sole ARcnt. FOUND THEM THE BEST. This Is to certify that I have use., cause's Headache Capsules perioUi tlly for over u year, and have verj inch pleasure Ir statins that tht "ave always proved very tienellelnl an! ;ave relieved me In from ten to llfteet nlnutes. I have beer, a sufferer fron itadache for many years, and haw lever rourd nnytlilnK to do me at uueh good as Krause's Headache Cap ties. Your Truly, LOUIS HiCRMAN, 231 Toplnr St., Wichita, Kan. For sale by CliaB. Rogers, Astoria, ir., sole BKcnt. NF.ARINO THE CRAVE. . BRIGHT WOMAN LAWYER. Only 25 and Practices Before the United ' States Supreme Court. Miss Kate H. Pier, of Milwaukee, wb" has Just been admitted to practice be fore the, United Stattt supreme court comes from a family of lawyers. IIj?r father, her mother and her two sisters re attorneys, and good ones, too. Miss Pler'i mother, Kale rier, ts the only woman court commissioner in m United States, and the bill making he appointment possible as lobbied through the legislature toy the younc woman YvtiO now iuo umu w v .......r- r,,e .:.:, (. t,;:...i.i in Hi 1. MIm pier graduate! from tne law In old arc Infirmities nnd weakiies laaten to close the gap between us am he grave. Happily sclentlile researc nd phnrniaral skill have allied them elves In furnishing us a reliable mean f ameliorating the ailments Incident t l-v-llninor years, and of rciifwinv .ng physical energy. ts name is Hos. iter s i-tomach niters, a wuteiv c-o,. rehenslve remedy in olseis.-. hihI ai nestlmable blessing to the el.lerlv, th -eble and the convalescent. Rheu'niati llments, trouble with the kidneys anc nmbago are among the more commor iiiueiuB vi me ageu. These are effectu uy counteracted by the Hitters which s likewise a prevention and curative ol ....,....,, uyspepMin. conslt- ation and biliousness, it is highly pro- V. . tueep nnu trie acoul ilion of vleor. ' THE BEST BREAD MAN n this city is A. A. CLEVELAND, the aker. he kneads good bread for all (ho need good bread, and "takes the :dke" for making the choicest confec--lonery. Whenever you are not busy, nd feel inclined for a loaf, don't foigei .o call on CLEVELAND, at the Oregon Jakery, STAMPS lave changed colors very frequently o late; but our competitors change colon very time they see our work. We make wagons, shoe horses and d ill kinds of general BLACKSniTHING Perhaps you know this already. Cei .alnly you do, If you have ever era jloyed us. G. A. ftinson & Co. r0! Your Stomaeh's Sakel - You often need a little wine, am should never be without it In the house But be sure that it is good; bad wini aight injure your stomach, and cer ainly cannot improve it. Good liquor dealers have good custom rs and keep good wine. They can't ifford to sell any other kind. We claim that ours Is the best stort n Astoria for every brand of wine, fron. hampagne down to sweet Catawba. -w HUGHES & CO J. B. WYATT, DEUER IN HARDWAfJE AND SfilP CfJAfJIMflY, Pure Oils, Brlrht Varnish, Blnacle Oil, Cot ton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. GROCERIES, ETC. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAX. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans -Continental Railway System. FSOJtt 0CEAH TO OCEAfl -IN- Palaee Dining floom and Sleeping Cars. Loxarloos Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. ALSO Observation Cars, ailoming Unbroken Vieuis of the Wonderful fIoantain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. almi CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan, Empress of India leaves Vancouver February 5. Empress of China leaves Vancouver March 5. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. AUSTRALIAN STFAMFR JFRVK E Leaves Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rak3 raid Information, call on or address, J A3. FINLAYPON. Agt. . Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. ai.. Tacoma, Wash., Geo. McL. Brown, DIst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C. THE OCCIDENT' HOTEL Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. ajN unexcelled table. Rates, $i daily and upwards. J. A. FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR', Pile Di'ivina, House. Bridae anrl . . . j- WHARF UU1LDEH. UJress. box 180, postoflke- ASTORIA, ORE. 0SS HIGGINS k CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Ine Teas and Coffees, Tahle Delicacies, Domestic and 1 ropical Fruits, VeRetablcs, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, fctc. Choice - Fresh - and - Salt Meats. AJK-V it U lilt1. PICT0? ONE 3f the shrewdest men In this count. A'as recently married. On returnln from the honeymoon he and his wlii lecldad to furni.i) n- house throughout i'hey came to our store together, actin. n the principle that In cases of thi itnd TWO .leads are better than one. Our lea din lalesman was deputed to serve then. '.nd tho best thing we have heard I that, we have heard expressions of satl: action from all THREE HAS. HRIM ORN & SON FOn OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Window's S'thlng Svnin ha wen turn) for nhlMr-n teething u .v,h the rhll.l .ftnn.7h" i,mV ollays sll pnln euros wind ohollo 1 .y.tlv cents brtftl. s-lrl by aU dru tints throuBhout the world land. DUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. . Ion or money refomled J I?r C. P. UPSHUR, Shippings Commission Astoria . Oregon. ASTORIA WOOD YARi D. & D. R. Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers In all kinds of First Class Fuel. Fir, Vine Maple, Spruce Limbs, Alder. Hemlock ami Asii. Also, lst na le- . YTeillntrton. Newcs.'tie. Conncl. hi Cunilx-rlanJ cual. Leave oiders t Canrohrtri A C iirire. r at yard, frjt of Spruce n- Orders pnir.ptly nileo. and SATISFACTION GUAIcATEEO. POTS YOU in Chicago )maha, Kansas City, St. .ouis and al. Eastern Points X 24 to 36 Honrs Ahead y Of Any Other Line. CfUCAGO, HlMilUpE find ST. PAMt RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontlnenta Lines Is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago, The Express Trains consists of Vestlbulcd, Sleeping, Dlnlng-and Parlor Cars, HEATED I3Y STEAM, . And furnlslied with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel, For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further information Inquire ol any ticket ag;-i). ir J. EDDY, General Agent. J. VV. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- 'uliman and Tou.l.t Sleeker Free ociining C)ir Cnr8 . (r tr.g car an- run da I, v , th Union Pacific Fyer lew Pori land at 7:00 p. m. storia to San Francisco. OCEAN Sl'KAMEKS sailing dates. Columbia, baimda'- b 3 dlaie, Thursday,' jA-b' S ' ' Columbia, Tuesday, Feb 13. State, Sunday, Keb. ij. ' Columbia, Friday, Feb. 23 State, Wednesday, Feb.2S. Astoria and Portland Steamers. steamer R. R. Th,imi,, 1 SAH FRANCISCO AND ALL POINTS Ijt CALIFORNIA Via Hie Mt. Sli.i5U Roufe of the Southern Pacific Co. The Only Route Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF HE pacific COAST. - PULLMAN BUFFET LEEPER AN SECOND-CLASS SLEEPERS Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc, call on or address E. p, ROGERS, assistant fcei.e'.al hm.,' ser and Freight Agent. Portland. Dr. ASTORIA IRON WORKS, Concomly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. , orU ai 6:45 a. it dailv 7i , , c As" 1 wa Washington s-je of iht rtft' I General Machii ists ard Bo ler Ma! ers turning, leaves i'ortlllld a, h" ' fc 'r' iuraay. The T,,n-r ne river above Wute.tord on uu .nd down trips. w"-n LanJ anJ Marine Kngfnes. titolicr work, Ste.Mr boat anJ Oinnery Work A Specialty, Castings of All Descriptions Made 10 Order oa Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox .-Vice President O. Ii Prael Secretary S. H. H. CLARK. OLIVFR MINK JOHN' V. DOAV S0N- FREDERIC n. COinETlT. Receivers. aForr:dCCnera,lnrotincal, LOCSRFoRY W. H. HrRLBURT51, Ast"ria- 6p- BOOTS and SHOES The Largest bLxk, Bt Qunliiy and Lowest Prices at The sga ( Uie CoMea Shoe Aat Gen. Pas. Agt. Portland. Or. JONN HAHN & CO.