ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOI j. XI.II. NO. 41. AST KIA, OKE'JOV, -SUNDAY MO tMNT,, FEBRUARY 18, 1894. PRICE, FIVE CENTS, Special Reduction Sale. On account of removal to $c6 and 508 Third St., next to the Astoria National Bank, on February 21, we snail, regardless of cost, sell from February 12 until removal Men's or Boys' $8 Suits and under, for 55 00 S12 " " ?7 5 $15 " $1000 $18 " " 5i2 5 $25 " " $1500 Boys $2 50 Knee Pants Suits $1 5 $3 " " ?2 0O S3 50 " " ?2 5 $4 " " ?3 co $5 ?3 50 56 " " 54 Men's and Boys' Overcoats, also Pants and Vests at the same reductions. Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, same proportion. GSPA child buys as buyer. Osgood IIergaiitm Go. The The One Price Clothiers, 600 Third, Cor. West Ninth Whew! How the Box Writing Paper has gone out of this store the last two weeks! Two or three dozen boxt-s some days! Yes, more than that. They were the rea' old-time sales days. It looked as though Ave wouldn't have enough. Yesterday we got some more. The writing paper trade tide is surely turned this way. All prices too, from the high-priced down to within. reach of the very slenderest of purses. GRIFFIN & REED - Astoria, Ore. CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE. Fine fines and Mqaofs. I have made arrangements for supplying any brand of wines in quantities Jo suit at the lowest cash figures. The trade and families supplied. All orders delivered free In Astoria. JL W. UTZIflGER, Str. R. P. Klill Leave for Tillamook Every Foup Days asT flear as the meathep mill permit. The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland anc" through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight by Union Pacific Steamers. ELflORE, SANBORN & CO., UNION PACIFIC R. R. &y for flfl $80 Lojn RY BECOMING A ME.V BY BECOMING A YOU CAN GET A FIRST CLASS rrv ASTORIA. LOTS WILL BE NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE A Llot to Build a Home, for The Packers of Choice olumbia River Salmon Their Brands and Locations. I.0CATI' V ( io A,Mrk-gCo.... jworti Booth A-mCo jwofl Colabi.RiTcrPkK'o'o , Antorla. ' 1 oval Elwore ssrau" 1 jO-B-homSros-nrla- J,G i!e6rCo 1 .. ricCO -'A5'-07' truth X (0 Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises Etc. in the cheap as the most experience Halters And Furnishers. Sts., Opp. Foard & Stokes. Jdala Street, Astoria, Oregon. ELuVIORE Agents, Astoria. CO., Agents, Portland. MEMBER OF HILL'S LOT CLUBS LOT IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION DELIVERED WEEKLY. JL k V AOKMT8. la Pkrr. i Kinnev'. . ..J m.j Klnnej. , John A. I)c lin! 4atnrla.. " Booth & ons Chicago I I lllfc ,forl. ! 1 E loiin- P,m I ' j ' ' , ' ' ", 1 It- iilerann. "Oeone ft Rrker -torl........ ! I I J.O.nan'hrna.-"o J. 0. Hanthorn'.' trla ! i tR,Bt. r.pore... J.c. Mcgler . ISrookfleld Wo ! l Fl-hf rami '. . , - ftC.r.Hn,.an AitcU J liiii.-iaen l rC Co - 1 CAREER Embezzler Brady Caught in Leavenworth. SKIPPED OUT WITH $15,000 The Absconder on His Way to Port land in Charge of r Detective. Frank C. Brady, whi left thin city early In July, 1892. with J15.000, mainly funds of the Sunnyslde Land and Im provement company, was arrested yes terday at Leavenworth, Kan., says yes terday's Oregonlan. He was apprehend ed through the Instrumentality of Mr. Henry W. Minster and Mr. Thomas G. Conklln, the respective superintendents of the Portland and Kansas City branches of the Pinkerton National De tective Agency. The story of Brady's criminal career Is an Interesting one. He came to this city about six years ago, and took the position of bookkeeper and confidential clerk of the Oregonlan. He was a very competent man, and his diligence and attention to business soon gained for him the position of secretary and treas urer of the Sunnyslde Land and Im provement company. During his con nection with this company he embezzled thousands of dollars, but so cleverly did he conduct his operations that not a shadow of suspicion was fastened upon him until after his departure for un known pastures. Brady applied to the management of the Oregonlan for his usual summer va cation about July 1, 1892. He represent ed that he was very much fatigued by his year's work, and his request was readily granted. He then took his de parture for, so he Btated, the mountains of Idaho. Weeks passed and nothing was heard of Brady. Then his long ab sence alarmed the officers of the Sunny side Land and Improvement company. They lhvestlgated his accounts and found that he was a defaulter, and then determined to cause his apprehension. On December 30, 1892, Mr. A. II. Brey man, one of the officials of the com pany, called on Superintendent Mins ter, explained the affair to him and re tained the agency to "work up" the case. Operatives were Immediately placed on Brady's trail, but before they had got fairly started, Mr. H. L. Pit tock received a letter from his truant bookkeeper. It was dated July 18, was apparently written from Liverpool, Eng land, and the envelope bore the cancel lation stamp of the postoffice of that city. Brady stated that he had gone to England to arrange some money mat ters with his father, and expected to be able to sail for the United States In two days or in six days at the most. Dr. Bell, of Portland, furnished the first clue to Brady's whereabouts, hav ing met the absconder in Montreal, and the Pinkerton mn continued their ef forts until Brady was finally located In Leavenworth, Kan. Before February 2 the detectives had positively established the Identity of Brady, alias Howard, Durham and Mc Laren. But as a precaution It was de termined to have some Portlander Iden tify him. Secretary Clark, of the Sunny side Land and Improvement company, jvas sent for, and arrived In Leaven worth on the 8th of this month and ecognlzed Brady, and this fettled the ..uestlon of identification. The necessary requisition papers were then obtained, ind Brady was placed under arrest yes terday. Detective Hols.ipple, of the Portland police force, who went east with the requisition papers, left Leaven worth yesterday for this city, with 3rady In custody. THE WIRES STILL DOWN. Yesterday Lineman Darling of the Western Union succeeded In getting the .vlre up as far as Knappa, but dark .iess set In before the breaks beyond chat point could be repaired, and the work was necessarily abandoned for the day. RUNNING SLACK. A reporter stepped Into the Astoria Iron Works yesterday on his rounds and found all hands there finishing up re pairs on a half-dozen buoys belonging to the United States lighthouse service. The Job has taken a week to get out, and n?xt Monday the force will start to repairing a lot of canning machines. Thes? machines werj broutht up from San Francisco on the steamer South Coast, and will, as soon as they leave the shop, go up to Alaska. Mr. Fox states at present he has only 12 men at work, but In ordin ary times his working r rro Is no less thin so. It Is to be regretted thnt As toria has not more such Institutions as the Astoria Iron Work-. vM-h ersr-lcys skilled labor all the year round. SLOWLY GAINING. Seven More Property Owners Give Ad ditional Subscriptions and Join the Ranks of Progression. Although a number of the members of the subsidy committee worked all day yestcj-day, from early morning until late In the evening, there were but seven property owners upon whom the eloquence of the. committeemen was successfully expended. These seven were persuaded to Join those who have give i additional deeds to property suffi cient? to complete the 20 per cent sub scriptions. The committee are now pre paring for publication a list of those who have absolutely refused to do any thing toward Increasing the subsidy, In order that the public generally may un derstand who are the stumbling-blocks. One of the tracts of land secured yes terday comprised about 107 acres, given by Collector Page and S. S. Gordon, and, wjiile It Is outside land, would, in the .event of the railroad being built, I conJnand a ready sale at a handsome figure. ..THe names of those ,who gave the deeds yesterday are: D. K. Warren, H. G. Smith, the Boelling Estate, Henry Langworthy, George Davidson, S. S. Gordon and John Enberg. The following is a corrected list of the names of those who have done their share in full: C. ,w7 Shlvely. Alfred Kinney. Van Duson Family. . . G. Wingate. . ; C. n. Thompson.. . '.' " . ' James W.- ".Valch. S vv George Hill. II. A. Shorcy. Nancy Welch, V. Boelling. . I. W. Case. IX II. Welch. Peninsular Land and Trust Co. G. W. Wood and wife. W. B. Adair. Lafayette Park Co. A. McFarland. W. a. Kinney. LymVn Kinney. S. D.'. Adair. W. C,; Howell. . ' Juhn.,riIa!r.. C. H. Page. J. C. Dement. S. H. Crow. John Hahn. West Shore Mills Co. Isaac Bergman. J. II. Mansell. . ' F. S. Daniant. W. Edgar. Ben Young. D. McTavish. Charles Olsen. S. T. McKean. J. A. Fulton. F. Spittle. J. P. Dickinson. B. F. Packard. A. C. Dal?ity. R. L. Jeffery. s W. W. Parker. . Mrs. B. Grant. J. N. Griffln. A. A. Schenck. C S. Wright. Herman Prael. P. O'Hara, 1 W. L. Robb. A. Danlelson. John Kopp. Charles RogerB. Mrs. L. P. A. Barker. A. Holman. H. S. Ward. C. J. Trenchard. . , Columbia Land and Investment Co. A. H. Stone. C. J. Curtis et al. Maxwell Young. E. C. Lewis. ; Astoria Real Estate Association. O. F. Morton. G. Reed. Martin Dillon. H. W. Strlekler. ' Cosmo Franclscovlch. T. A. Hyland. J- Q. A. Bowlby. George C. Flavel. T. L. Osgood. W. E. Dement. Mary E. Carruthers. Sophia Klrchoff. II. A. Smith, John Lewis, Mary A. Jordan. B- F. Allen. Thco. Bracker. Sarah K. Saxe. James F. Carney. S. Freeman. J- W. Hill. D. K. Warren. H. G. Smith. Boellln Estate. Henry Langworthy. George Davidson. 8. S. Gordon. John Enberg. The birthday nf Lou, Kartwig was celebrated t the rrsldence of his par-en'.-, on Frld-y ev;nfr, between forty end f fty of his youthful friends beln present. Onmp, cf many descr,pt,on, -e-o Indued ;n, and tne youn(r foIk re-rtlly r-nlr.v tu , . hr,i,i.-., provided In the way of re I freshmcnts. - But Eight Republicans Vott for His Confirmation. MITCHELL ESPOUSED HIS CAUSE The President's Favorite Finds Ablt Supporters, but aulnsnf flciency of Votes. The following dispatch was taken from yesterday's Oregonlan, The As torlan having failed to rccetve It Frlda evening on account of the lnterruptloi. In telegraphic communication with Port land: Washington, Feb. 16. The senate ad Journed a few minutes past V O'clock, after spending the better part of two days considering the nomination of W. H. Peckham, of New York, to be asso ciate justice of the supreme court. The vote taken on the motion to confirm tht nomination resulted 32 for and 4. against, and accordingly the nomination was rejected. The proceedings of tlu executive session, prior, to taking thi vote, consisted, entirely of specchmjil; Ing, Vilas, Mitchell of Oregon, Gcorgi and Gray speaking for confirmation am. White of California and Hawlcy agulns It. All addresses, except those of Vllat. and George-, -were very 'brief and con sisted mulnly of .explanations of th.. Vote of the speakers. Vilas spoke fo. two hours, devoting himself to a de fense of the character of Peckham am. the president's right to appoint in t. case like that of a justice of the su preme court without consulting the sen ators from whose state the nominee lb chosen. He read extensively from let ters concerning Peckham, which huu been laid before the Judiciary commit tee, giving extracts from letters of con demnation as well as praise, and an alyzed and dissected the letters as ht progressed. Summing up,' he declareu the balance of the tesUfiony was fav orable to Peckham, and showed him to be a man deserving of the high hoflbf the president had sought to confer upol him. Vllaa also made an explanation ot Peckham's telegram to Judge Caldwell, concerning the receivership of the At chison and Topeka, saying his motive In saying Judge Caldwell's older would not be obeyed was found In the fact that the Union Trust company, for which Peckham vas acting, was of the opinion that the order would place the trust company In the light of a pre ferred creditor, Instead of the bondhold ers, for whom It acted. Senator George discussed the consti tutional points Involved In the case and declared his belief to bo that Peckham. was a man entirely fit for the position. He had given the subject careful con sideration, and had reached the conclu sion that Peckham should be confirmed. White, of California, Bald the selection of a supreme court Judge was a matter which greatly Interested the people of California. There was now pending In the courts a suit involving the owner ship of the water front of valuable prop erty In that state, estimated to be worth $20,000,000. This suit, he added, would eventually reach the supreme court, and be determined by that tribunal. He had observed some friends of the nom inee In the present Instance were men Interested in the result of this and other suits, and while this might be a mere coincidence, It. was sufficient to decide him against the nominee. Mitchell said he had become con vinced, from an Investigation of all the facts, that Peckham was well fitted for the supreme bench. He called atten tion to the fact that eminent lawyers of New York and elsewhere had spoken In the highest terms of him. A lawyer, who had personally known all the su preme Justices for 20 years and had been acquainted with Peckham during that time, had assured him the nominee was entirely capable of filling the office. The same gentleman was quoted as say ing he was a great deal llko the late Justice Miller, firm and Judicial. The speeches of Gray and Hawley were brief, but emphaUc, the former for and the latter ogains the confirmation. The vote In detail, with pairs and ab sentees, was: Ayes Bate, Blackburn, Brlce, Butler, Caffery, Dixon, Faulkner, George, Gray, Hale, Harris, Hunton, Kyle, Lindsay, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MePherson, Martin, Mills, Mitchell of Jregon, Mitchell of Wisconsin, Palmer, 'asco, Pettlgrew, Piatt, Proctor. Ran xm, Roach, Squire, Stoockbrldge, Tur tle, Vilas, Voorhees and White of Lou slana 32. Noes Aldrlch, Allen, Allison, Berry, Jail. Cameron, Carey, Chandler, Cock ell, Coke, Cullom, Daniel, Davis. Dolph, .''rve. Oilllnirer. Gibson. Gorman, Hans- orough, Hawley, liigglns. Hill, Hoa .rby, Jones of Arkansas, Lodge, Mc--Aurln, Manderson, Morrill. Murphy. defter, Perkins, Power, Pugh, Snoup. itewart. Teller. VeBt.Wa8hburn, Wldte jf California and Wilson 4L Paired for Peckham Camden, Gor don, McMillan, Morgan and Smith, 6; gainst Peckham Dubois, Jones or ie ada. Quay, Vance tnd Wolcott, G; ab nt without pairs Colquitt and Sher .nan. Colquitt released Wilson, who voted vgalnst confirmation, and Sherman re eased Brice, who voted for confirma tion. ", AN ANALYSIS. , . , An analysis of the vote shows the distribution, politically, to be: ' Rep. Dem. Pop. T 1. For confirmation 8 23 1 2 Against .23 15 - 3 aired for 1 4 0 AgalnBt .-. 4 ' 1 0 Vbsent and unpaired... 1 1 0 41 5 6 2 THE NEXT NOMINEE. Occasionally there is heard specula Ion as to what will be the president's :ourse,. In view of the rejection of his second nominee for the associate Jus ticeship. No one, whose opinion Is of 'alue, will venture to surmise or sug--cst a name. The supreme court Is now n recess, and will be until March 6, so hat the necessity for a full bench will ot be urgent until that time. DECLINES AN INTERVIEW. New York, Feb. 1G. A reporter called tonight at the home of Wheeler H. ''eckham and sent up his card. Peck ham sent back word ho had nothing to say In regard to the rejection. William H. Hornblower said: VI am very sorry, the. senate has refused to confirm Mr. Peckham's nomination. Of course, under the circumstances, It is proper I should say very little on the subject. I am only sorry Mr. Peckham was not confirmed. I say this because I think Mr. Peckham would have been a good man for the office and would have filled It with credit and dignity." Hornblower courteously declined to express himself any further on the sub ject. ... J BRIEF mention; All the ships that sailed from the Co lumbia river prior to October 14 have arrived out. The tug Fearless is expected today from San Francisco with the Hawaiian ship Hawaiian Isles In tow. The High School Choir will furnish the program for the Rescue club en tertainment next Saturdoy evening. The passage of the Peter Iredale from this port to Liverpool was 122 days. Her cargo consisted of 07,000 centals of wheat. - ' Tho captain of the Brltlwh ship Clan McFherson was an apprentice on board that vessel when she arrived in this port eight years ago. , t - The Football club had an exciting re lay race last evening between two teams composed of five men each. The' dist ance was a mile and a half, and there wero not half a dozen yards between the leaders from start to finish. The heavy-weight wrestling match was post poned until next Saturday evening, on account of one of the contestants being not quite In condition; A game of bas ket ball between teams captained by Messrs. Tallant and Gunn was won by the latter by a score of two goals to one. Throughout the game the play was fast and close, the teams being ex cellently matched.' ( A THOUGHTFUL PERSON. Consults his best Interests by havlnc a box of Krause's Headache Capsules at hand: taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the causein fact If your skull were cracked it would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, and by taking the caD ules at the approach of a headache you will never have another. Twentv flve cents per box. ' For sale by - Chas. Rogers, Astoria RaI A A front