The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 17, 1894, Image 1

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1 :
XLll, no. 40.
Special Reduction Sale.
On account of removal to 506 and 508 Third St., next to the
Astoria National Bank, on February 21, we shall, regardless of
"st, sell from February 12 until removal
Men's or Boys' ?8 Suits and under, for $$ 00
?7 50
?io 00
S12 50
Boys ?2 50 Knee Pants Suits Si 50
Sj " " ?2 00
$3 50 " " ?2 50
?4 " " ?3 00
5 " " ?3 50 .
" " ?4
Men's and B ys' Overcoats, also Pants and Vests at the
same reductions.
& in J,;!
laai . I, .-;
Associated Presa.
Los Angeles, Feb. 10. Southern Pa
cific train No. 20 was robbed at Roscoc
station this morning: about 1 o'clock.
The train was heavily loaded with pas-
sengers. and Wells, Fargo Co.'s ship
ments weri iiiiiioimii,, v,.,.... ii T
UQg A child buys as cheap as the most experienced i c. 'our miles north of Burbank, there
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises Etc. in the
same proportion.
Deadly Work of Robbers Near
Los Angeles.
The Express Car Blown Open With
Dynamite and the Booty
J to foreigners. Admiral Bcnham con
ferred with the commanders of the
American vessels, and nothing will be
(eft undone which can lead to preserv
(nB the health of the American sailors. Swedish Lutherans Who Saw
LOCAL BRIEFS. No Harm In n:.
-;- vanning.
The British ship Annesley arrived
down irom Portland yesterday morning. I a
Osgood Pwtm Go.
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters And Furnishers.
oo Third, Cor. Wert Ninth Sis., Opp. Foard & Stokes.
Is no station, but a siding. As the train
approached this switch Engineer
Thomas saw the switch misplaced and
tried to stop the train, but he could not
do it, and the engine and two fruit cars
of oranges went Into the ditch, the en
gine turning over and burying the en
gineer and fireman. The two fruit cars
wore a total wreck. As soon as the wreck
occurred three masked men sprang up
I lOW the BOX Writing Paper has jrone OUt Of this out of the bushes and commenced
r- . a 1 1 l i m I
aim i. me idbi two weeks! iwo or three dozen boxes fusilade- and evei-y one knew that the
some days! Yes, more than that. Tliev were the rpal mlssion of the desperadoes was rob
a . - . I
old-time sales days. It looked as though we wouldn't 1)60 ' A few 86001,118 later a coule ot
have enough. Yesterday we got Some more. dynamite bombs were placed under the
The writing paoer trade tide is surpli, h.rn express car. The messenger refused to
J I v. . tut 1 1 V- VI LI 1 13 V ill . I
All nrices too. frnm thn l'n,h.nrnA An,n . . -.1 . open, and the whole side was blown
' -".s1 "-i.uuuivii iu wumu ream
f J 1 1 r ntf
ui uie very sienaerest oi purses. - . i
nDICCIM JC nben . . . urakeman Foster then rose to the
imu - Astoria, lire.
' i pmprirpnnv Aa m um n u Vi n liaarA t,,
shots he made a run for a neighboring
ranch house, where he saw a light,
Here he got a team and drove back to
Burbank, four miles, and gave the
alarm. He cannot tell how much the
robbers got, but It is probable they
cleaned out the express car, as tjiey had
their own way when he left. A posse
has gone in pursuit
The British ship Clan McPherson has
finished loading, and is on the way
down the river.
lb Is rumored that Pennoyer is sup-
porting the Oregon City Industrial Her- Members of the Congregation
Attend A Charity Ball And
Objeck to Discipline.
Rockford, 111., Feb. K.-Thi members
of the First Lutheran church who at
tended the recent cluvliy bull are now
awaiting the next meeting of 'the church
The Thermopylae, which sailed In the b0ard'. at wWch ,lnal act'u. will be
early part of the winter for Hong Kong, laKen on 'er Punlahmjnt for ttai.s-
arrlved In Victoria on the 12th, after a greasing the church rules. ' The preml
passage of 52 days. nence of the narUoa wlm nm ,,'i,. ....
, I " vmui IMC
The British bark Peter Iredale, hence disapprobation of the deacr,n nd their
with, wheat for Queenstown for orders, pa8t gooJ" in inVinleveHts Jt the
was spoken in latitude 30 south, longi- u . . ,
. LcMuivh have madu It a natter r.t
The barkentlne Tarn O'Shanter ar
rived In from San Francisco yesterday
morning. She will load at Vancouver,
tude 7$ 36 west, on December 14.
Telegraphic communlontlun with Port-
land .w(S Interrupted ia evening at I
o'clock, and in conse'tuenee only the
afternoon dispatches wens revived.
Interest In thn congregation and out-
s-de as well. Ther Is a feeling among
the younger members that tho older
''ghts of the body aro loo slow and too
exacting for the general good of the
society. .
On the other hand, dcucons and
The bark Aureola is due at this port
from San' Francisco. She sailed on the
6th Inst., the same day as the Tarn
O'Shanter, and may probably be heard trustees regurd the matter as too serl-
from today. ous to be pused ever, whatever they
Tho; Aetoria Football club promises its have overlooked jr. the rust, and that
members a treat this evening, 8 number if some puiilshmrnt Is not inflicted the
of events having been arranged. Anion
them will be a wrestling -contest, three
fine Wines and Liquors.
I have made arrangements for
in quantities to suit at the lowest cash figGres. The trade
and families supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoria.
IHaln Street, Astoria, Oregon.
There were only two robbers, both of
whom were masked. Besides Arthur
Masters, the fireman, an unknown
tramp was killed.
San Francisco, Feb. 16. The Jury In
the West case this morning returned a
verdict of murder in the second degree,
The crime of which Dr. Eugene F. West
was found guilty Is the murder of Addle
Gilmore, a Colusa milliner, upon whom
he committed criminal practice. The
tflill Leave for Tillamook Every foap Days as Jlear
as the weather will permit.
The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and body of the murdered girl was horribly
mangled and thrown In the bay, por
tions of it being found and Identified,
Queenstown, Feb. 19. The American
line steamship Paris, which sailed from
Southampton on February 10 for New
York, is In a disabled condition oft
Daunt's Rock. All are well on board,
,liao lo ri rtanfrnr. A Tlllot find tllfir
nr-OlMU . I "
bl BCWMirtu A mtMBbR OF HILL'S LOT CLUBSknvP mn(l to her assistance. The Paris
YOU CAN GET A FIRST CLASS LOT IN HILL'S FjRST ADDITION iga first-class passengers, U6 second-
through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points
by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight
uy union auni. oiramers,
ELnOKc, 5AlNbUKiN ec CO., . Agents, Astoria.
UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO,, Agents, Portland,
FOR fljl $80 LOT I
Iiot to Build a Home, for
class and 250 steerage on board.
Upline of the church will bo sadly dls-
tlirbpfl nnrl ntfimllniy r.tVr.. ' Yirt.'
falls, Greco-Roman, catch-as-catch-can ..... n
Rnd collar-and-elbow stvlea. between lnakes the m,u'J'' nicrp complicated is
two of "the heavy-weight members. tnat one of the trustees, Alderman A.
There will also be some interesting J. Anderson, Is one of tho guilty mem-
races and other exercises. ' W Am.. ,11 U
A London dispatch says: "A small the ball are City Clerk F. 0. Hogland
bottle was picked up on the beach of and wlfe. Mls8 Mnpv N ...
one of the Hebrides islands containing
x iPn. nf ,vor c.,n " pnnuiwve xvoiing: u Jackson.a
waa written the following: 'September, member ' thj choir; Mr. and Mrs. Au
1893. Sinking In mid-Atlantic, Horn- fust LInd, Mrs. W. J. ichnson, Mrs,
head. Collision with an Iceberg. The William Nelson, Mrs. Oscar Nelson and
steamship Hornhead. commanded by Mr. and Mrs. wmlalll j..hns,on.
Capt. Scott, Balled from Baltimore Au
gust 19, and Hampton Roads August 20
for Dublin, and until todny nothing was lo meel lne tlIe"Ut U way and set-
heard of her. She had a crew of 35 on il? the matcur upon a promise being
board and no passengers." made never ta repeat the offense. This
A GREAT SUCCESS. proposition did net meel with favor.
The Library Association Entertainment The committee which v.altcd upon them
at Rescue Hall Last Evening. waa Informed by several that they did
The entertainment given by the ladles not feel tnu church rules had been
of the Library Association, assisted by t roken oy their attendance ut the char
Un. I A i . I
evening, wa a ,ty ;1)ere, ?reotalors. 0nIy tw0
pronouncea success, although the In- , .
r. me nieuiucrs inuuigea in aancing.
A mini
ber of the ieacrns were at first disposed
theatre, and if the church board should
attempt to sit djwn upon it they will
have a big J.b on their hands.
of the Advantages to be Enjoyed
by Mr. Barrett.
Yesterday's Oregonian has the follow
ing: "The Young Men's Democratic
League, of which Mr. Barrett used to
be vice president, are greatly elated
over his appointment as minister resi
dent and consul general to Siam. They
have ordered that President Cleveland
be notified of their high appreciation if
the appointment, and the secretary, V.
E. Pulllam, has telegraphed to Mr. Bar
rett their congratulations, ' anr an ur-
gerft request that he Visit Portland and
be wined and dined by the league while
en route to Siam. Some of thou.; who
have not received consular appoint
ments are endeavoring to make light of
Mr. Barrett's. They say Slam Is tv hot,
tllllnjf,i:ialilqis, mUcdorous country,
where what Kipling calls" the "smell of
Asia' reaches Us full perfection, and
that no Christian can live there, and '
hint that for this reason Mr. Barrett
was given the position. It Is a fact that
Bangkok, the capital of Siam, 'where
Mr. Barrett will be' located, 1b In a very
marshy region, most of the houses are
built on pll;s, and the remainder on
rafta, sometimes eight or ten hoiiij; on a
single raft, and that two-fifths of tho
500,000 Inhabitants are Siamese, many
of them being twins, one-fifth are Chi
nese, and tho remainder ore Malays,
Burmese and such like .'cattle,' and that
he plains and forests are subject to
malignant fevers. But think of tho
hunting! Elcphunts,. rhinoceros, tigers
and huge serpcnt3 abound, and tho riv
ers aro rich in fish. Tho women are
beautiful and numerous, and they all
smoke cheroots, .which aro plenteous.
The government Is an absolute mo?:-
archy, which makes It ery pleasant for
the government. A suit of pink pyjamas
Is a wholo wardrobe tn Slam, and thero
are other advantages too numerous to
mention.". ' ,
Chicago. Feb. 16,-Judge Brentano t rht
who tried Frendergastv Mayor narri-
clement weather deterred many from
attending who would otherwise have
been present. The presentation of the
views by the Camera club was preceded
by a solo, delightfully sung, by MIbb
Pearl Ilolden, and a dialogue, entitled
"The Lost Prayer-Book," by Miss Bes
sie Rutter and Terry McKean, who fur
nlshed an ample fund of amusement by
their clever conception, of the require
ments of the piece.
The views shown by the Camera club
comprised ocer.'.-s from all parts of the
world, and to say that a better seloc
tlon could not poesibly be obtained Is
no exaggeration. The world's fulr scenes
were first .presented, and so realistic
were they that by a slight stretch of
the imagination one could almost have
led himself to believe he was In the
The Packers of Choice
Columbia River & Salmon
Their Brands and Locations.
son's assassin, rec3ived a letter threat
ening his life unless he Is lenient with
the prisoner. The officers guaruea mm
today while hearing the argument for
a new trial.
1,8 A SD.
Adrian's Co- torla
Boom A.PfgCo.-....:AorI
,IO.H:ii.tnrn&'o- 5,nrU
J,G Megh-riCo.;....-:"'1'1
jfto-la n Kc0.
Kliiner'n i , K.
Ijltim-li Hiainoni. . '
; I ' n al. ; A. Ky.tli 4 Jqm ... Ciiico .
! I Vnjrnnlia
rnttlne pkg Co.
!-an Francisco
' ' iKwlt'Tnona ."ieorco ft Barker torla....
. J.O.Han'hornfo'j. 0. nanthorn ... Artorta-
U.St Cor;e.J.CjMeglCr....
1 FI-hpTTnn' !
i.tnrla . -'A bcar1inain .FlheT..r!'
ruUattCo"'kt J tc:',i J'iw...
Biookfleld Wo
Washington. Feb. 16. After routine
business in the house, Bland moved to
go Into committee of the whole on the
seigniorage bill. He was unable to get
a quorum.
The old world views were equally
good, and the audknee was delighted.
It is safe to say that under more fav-
.iuie weatner conditions, the enter
'alnment could be repeated with a cer-
vt an attendance that would fill
Kescue hall to the doors.
During the presentation of the views
.re .Manl..)ln club discoursed a number
or beautiful selections.
Eueone Bebon brought down a fishing
u irom tne Cowlitz river last Satur
day fcelcntrlng to Samuel Elmore.
IIpVl'i n ti i. ,1 1. 1 .
. ma miiies. Mf.rtln ITitrncv
' Rio da Janeiro, Feb. 18.-Yellow fever ",u '"amn Luketta. anchoredlt In
,s increasing. There were 60 death. g 2';JU"d,n to take " to
yesterday addition to 15 from other permit" Yestey" ZZTZ Zld
fevers. The .captain, of an Austrian that s,m- time during the nltrht the
warship in these waters died today, A fow e"hr had got adrift or had been
number of other are . on bnrd. "nKnown parties. Should
The Portugu wrsfctp here Is alin- 61, nf douU M;;- ' x -
fected. The situation U growUig serious to hear of Us location.
The deacons held another meeting and
decided to hold out the alternative of a
promise to reform cr expulsion. There
he matter rosts. A number have as.
nerted that they linvo no promises to
make, and opsnly iminiatu that expul
sion will not disturb them In the least.
If they .ire thrust from the church It Is
feared that ethers mny lollow them,
nd those who huvu tuken no part in
the. controversy are anxious ' that the
deacons do nothing further.
The First Lutheran church is the
largest Swedish church cf that denom
ination In An erica. While It is com
posed In great majority of foreign-born
members. It incl'iden a lnrge number of
wealthy SwedUn Americans, . whose
prominence leads thent nioro or less Into
the social ivont3 of the city. Their with
drawal would seriously affect the best
Interests of 'hi church. A few years
ago a similar riuhle arose between the
younger and older members, in which
the form?r came out victorious. The
church ruls are very strict In regard
to dancing and tl ca'.re-going, It Is a
general practice for n.nny to attend the
Kiel, Feb. 16.-A terrible disaster oc
curred here today through the explosion
o a steam pipe on the Iron-clad Bran
denburg. As far as is known, 46 per
sons were killed and a large number
San Francisco, Feb. 10. The Nlcar-.
uagua canal was tho 'subject under "con
sideration at the session of the Trans
MIsslsslppl congress this morning. '
Feb. lO.-The senate
went Into executive session on the Peck
ham nomination. Mitchell, of Oregon,
spoke in favor of tho confirmation. !
Peckham'e nomination was rejected
31 to 40.
Gentlemen: This is to certify that I
huVH us?1aK':au8e's Heodacha Capsule
with satisfactory results. I toutrht
box which cost me -5 3. ,.nd nn .
cured me of a dreadful sick hvidach
XT 1, fa An4 m ..... 1 1 . 1 1
"vt I'ljncu nave Doth used
the medicines manufactured hv thl
Norman Llchty Mr Co.. nn.i "e
commend them to the publio as hinir
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette. Pleasunt Hill m'o
Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chns
Rogers, Astoria, Or., sola agents. - '
Consults his tiest interests by havlne
a box of Krause's Headache Capsuled
at hand: taken as directed will prevent
or stop any kind of a headache, no
matter what the cause ln faet if your
skull were cracked It would prevent
pain. The frequency of the attacl-
will diminish, and by taking
sules at the approach of a heainr.h0
you will never have another. Twentvl '
five cents per box. wv.uiy
For sale by Chas. Eosrers. At.i
Oregon. Sole Agent
afU-rvullus. Jo. por Uauu. ,a
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
S. f 9 .