;jr v T- J." ,'." V."" Kansas Cltv. Feb. 10. Capt. ,'W. D. Hogerty,' an Inspector attached to the treasury department, today called on Common Picas Judge Andrews, Who on Tuesday granted final naturalization papers to Quon Loy, a Chinese, and de manded that the Judge recall the pa pers, as they were Issued in violation of a law which prohibits the. naturaliza tion of Chinamen. Judge Andrews reaul ly acquiesced In the Inspector's demand ,and probably Loyswill be deprived of his American citizenship within a day or two, if he can be found. Inspector Hogerty threatened to proceed against Judge Andrews if the papers are not returned. . 'A FORTUNE FOR A FIGHT. . New York. Feb.' 10. James Mitchell president of the Otsego, Mich., Sports man Association, has sent the following dispatch to the Associated Press: At a meeting of the Sportsman Association held here today, it was decided to offer $60,000 for the Corbctt-Jackson mill, the fight to take place on Government Island,, in. Klaamazoo river, one mile from any railroad. The money has been subscribed by prominent business men of this place, who go "Into the scheme as a speculation. ' FURNISHED BONDS. ; Kansas City, Feb. 10. Populist J. A. Smith, arrested last night on a charge of criminal libel,; was released on $1,- 000 bond today. He has retained Mrs. Mary Lease to defend him, and a racy trial is expected, as It was Mrs. Lease who gave Smith the letter which he In turn furnished tho newspapers that caused the trouble. " WHIP AND SPUR. San Francisco, Feb. 10. Tho winners of today's races, with the time made In each event, were as follows: Six furlongs Roadrunner, 1:17 1-2. I Three furlongs Kitty Scott, 0:38 1-2. One mile Wlldwood, 1:50. Steeplechase Longwelt, 3:36 1-4. ' Five furlongs Zeelem, 1:051-4. RELIEF FOR KEARSAROE CREW. Washington, Feb. 10. The navy d(s partmcnt is In correspondence- with tht New York agents of the City of Para, which has gone after the ship's com pany of the Kearsarge. The department believes relief reached the ship's com pany today, and they will be back li. Colon tomorrow. , , ATHLETIC RECORDS BROKEN. Boston, Feb. 10. At tonight's meeting of the Boston Athletic association, Swee ney, of Davles, broke the in-door high Jumping record by a quarter cf an Inch, making 6 feet il-4 Inches. Ber nard, of Dorchester, broke the In-door three standing Jumps by 1 1-2 inches, making 34 feet 0 inches. LOVE'S DEFALCATION. Elmlrn, N. Y., Feb. 10. No clue has been obtained to the whereabouts of John W, Love, the missing cashier of the Watklns bank. The suicide theory is scouted. It is believed he is now bound for foreign parts. , It is thought the shortage will reach at least $110,000. ' s,;,v:; r On Top. MARSHALL'S TWINE Is conceded by all to be the best. It fishes better and wears better than any other twine used on the Columbia river. TRY IT AND HFC CONVINCFCD. - oh .If You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's Supplies, Call on EltJVIOHE SApOW & GO. DETAILED Tq, BEHRINQ SEA. Washington, Feb. 10. The United States steamship Nlilc, undergoing re pairs at Mare Island navy yard, Is t have her batteries changed for sen-Ice in Retiring sea patrol. 8LOSSON THE WINNER. Boston, Feb. 10. -Sloflfton beat Ives to night in tho billiard tournament (KM) to 467 thus winning fust prUe; Sclmefer, second; Ives, third. TREATY SIGNED. " Berlin, Feb. 10. Tho Russo-Qerman treaty has been plgned by both coun trios. DEATH OF AN EX -CONGRESSMAN Wilmington, DW., Feb. R Ex-Con gressman James Bush, of Iofland, dead. STREET BONDS FOR SALE. Notice Is hereby given that scaled proposals will be received by the Audit' r and Police Judge of the city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, until March 1st, 18D4, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the sole of Astoria street bonds, in the num. of $3,000.00, at per cent, interest, for Ten Years. For full particulars ad dress K. Osburn, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon. . The right to reject any and all bids Is Hereby reserved. ' My order of the Common Council. . Attest: K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge, . Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 10, 1894. MIDWINTER FAIR TICKETS. Commencing with the steamship Col umbia, leaving Astoria Wednesday, January !u. the Union raclfia win sell round trip tickets to San Francisco at the rate of $22.00. These tickets will be limited to SO diwys from date of sale. O. W. LOUNSBKRRV. Agent A GOOD WORD, i Mr. J. 3. Kell, Sharpsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over thr years with acute neuralgia and Its consequent Insomnia (which seemed to baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almost Instant reuer. woroi rail to express the praise I should like to bistow on KrauHtt-s neaaacr.e vapiuies. Gratffuny 1 ours, llltS. K. It HOLMES. Montrore. Pa, For sals by Chns. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. Byron was club-footed, and the fact was a source of constant ml ry to him all his life. Dent, pas"?! T- .t his life as an exile . from, the only oit in' which h cared to live. " . NVvrr.-.n'a rrent regivl was a 'lack ofj ASTORIA, Cotton Kope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine, Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Salt, Strip Load, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Plate, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. OREGON. .."V-i- 'Job TIIE DAILY ASTORIAN . Job Office is me oesi eij-i'- Printing ped for all kinds of First Class work, and at prices as low as prevail in Portland or San Francisco. Legal Blanks In Stock.;. i ji i L Briefs Printed on Short Notice. ASTORIAN PRINTINQ-:-HOUSE. How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and Marine. WHAT AMERICA e Does not Revere The Name ot We aro agents for the largest and best companies ' represented in Astoria. Royal Insuranco Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n iEtna Insuranco Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insuranco Co., Combined Assets, 21,502,376,00 8,630,425,00 10,91o,R2 '.00 1,6 17,1 05.00 2,677,219.00' $45,403,014.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. Willi FAT PEOPLE. Park Obesity Pills will reduce your welKht PERMANENTLY from 13 to 15 pound a month. NO STARVING, sick ness or Injury. NO TUliUClTY. Tbv bulla up the health and tx-uutiry the complexion, lvln no wrinkles or nabulnwa. STOLT AliDOMENS. and dlffleult hrwuhlnn surely rellev.!. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and posit! v relief, adopted only after years of experience. AH orders supplied di rect from our office. Price 11.00 pr r-aokasw, or threo t&rknfrs for ji-00 by mall, postpaid. TwnlmonUIs and rsrtloulars. t cents. j pfiwwiwitninfninifK 33 3 OvJ wwft o lovlj-Music tor Fr ..'Hi. cunM&nnv or luo mm MliN.'tkins, KKh ui4 taistrumr.Il. tnilm up In th. (k( letnt lunocr, fa cluJiag tout Urxc sii Hwtralts. T- CAHHEDCIT. tin 9pM Oamtfr, AOiUHA Pntm4 UIMHlt SCUCHAH CUTVK9. iZ THE NEW YORK BUSICAUCHO CO. BlrTbMwBUr..NYorllaiy. J AS. G. BLAINE? Patriot Author Statesman American -. The ASTORIAN has determined to bring the life-work of this wonderful idol of the people closer to the minds of its readers, to put them in possession of the incidents of his career, his ambitions, his sacrifices, his honesty and his sterling manhood. HOW? YOU ASK; fead Carefully, ar?d See for Yourself I - .c JK, -A A. 2V A fW A A A A -A A. AJkJt Jk. J JL jl 3 8 TT' A . TT "TV T" 1 " hi , A N H I We have secured at a Very Large Outlay the Magnificent Volume entitled "MfE AIM) HOW Of JAflES G. BMIflE." (MEMORIAL EDITION.) This book is the onlv authorized publkatinnof the memoirs and history of Blaine. It is written bv JOHN CLARK REDPATH, L. L. D., GEN. SELDEN CONNCm, Ex Governor of Maine, and the eminent friends of the dead Statesman. It contains a full length portrait of Blaine with his autograph negative and an autograph letter sent to the publishers. It contains an autograph letter from Mrs. Blaine which proves its authenticity and its claim to being the only volumn oi the kind published by authority. It contains SEVERAL HUNDREDS of splendid PICTURES nearly all of them being original copyrighted drawings. It contains 50s pages of description, printed on the heaviest book paper, in large, handsome type, and is heavily bound in cloth-two colors-with gold lettering and ornamentation on the covers. This book cannot be purchased elsewhere. It is not on sale at bookstores, and you could not buy it for less than FIVE DOLLARS if it w ere. It is a work of art, and a book that no citizen should be without The reading matter is of enthralling merest. - Our regular subscription price for the WEEKLY ASTORIAN is 82.00 per Annum. Onr regular subscription price for the DAILY ASTORIAN for 6 months is 3.50. Yon can, by paying in advance, receive the WEEKLY ASTORIAN for one year and the LIFE OF BLAINE for 53.00. ' Yon can, on the. name terms, have the DAILY ASTORIAN for 6 months and the LIFE OF BLAINE for SU0, making the cost to yon of this Wonderful Work 1.00. ; Don't take anv snap judgment. You wculd be foolish if you give us vour order without first coming to this oflfice and see ing the book for vou s.ir. It has delighted all who have looked at it. It will delight you. Our subscribers can rest assured that the only reason why we have taken hold of this work is its surpassing excellence and its wonderfully cheap priced . - V; 1". Yours, for Literary Progress, iilUiriiiiaiitilliliiiUiiilllliSi T put for Ms life tank. ! ITI 'VV Ai T;-At ... . . r