TIIE IVAILY ASTOTITAX, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY 310RXIXG. rEnrJCAHY 7, ISM. gaily otorimt. . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. -DAILT. Served by carrier, pepr week.. 15 els Bent by mall, per month..; CO cts Sent by mail, per ycar.......,..$T.OO WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to Its gul scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising: rates can' be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper is In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and is the only paper on the Columbia river that tub llshes genuine dispatches. The Daily Astorian's circulation Is five times a great as thot of the com bined circulation of the other daily pa pers of Astoria, . The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has mxt to the Portland Oregonian, the - largest weekly circulation in the state. Subscribers to the Astorlan are re quested to notify this office, without loss of time, immediately they fall to receive then daily paper, or when they do not got It at the usual hour. By do ing this, they -will nabUj the manage ' ment to place the blame on the proper parties andto insure a speedy remedy. Handley & Haas are our Portiand agents and copies of the Astorlan can fce had -every morning at their aland on First street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the U. s. Department of Ag ' rlculture weather bureau. Maximum - temperature, 47 degrees; , minimum temperature, 39 degrees; pre cipitation, 1.6S inches. Total precipitation from, .July 1. 1893 to date. 61.96 inches; excess of precipi tation from July 1, 1893,' to date, 16.04 Inches. , The generosity and public spirit dis played by Mr. Shlvely yesterday by hie munificent donation of 'six blocks of city property to the railroad subsidy will prove to. the citizens and to the out . side world that there are men in As toria who not alone propose to, but will, stand by our fair city and make her prosper. . His example will doubtless have, good results. ; Mr. Shlvely. recog nizes the undeniable and stem truth that If Astoria's efforts for n railroad fai: this time,'" the last opportunity shali have been lost, and we shall be doomed to a perpetual struggle to make sum clent money for the payment of taxes. Better have an acre of land worth 15,- 000 than a hundred acres for which there is no sals at any price. A few more such men as Charley Chlvely and our city Is made. These have been compelled to subsist upon their savings, which they laid aside in the prosperous days before a democratic congress attempted to raise wages by lowering the tariff, with the result so far of bringing poverty and distress upon a multitude of households. There can be 'no question that many manufacturers are moved to start up their works out of syrr.rathy for these employees, and in the hope of an end to tariff tinkering. If congress, would settla the tariff Question, and go home, then a multitude of courageous manu facturers and business men would make the best of the situation, and go to work again, where there was even a ghost of a chance of making a profit. . Astorlans have come to the conclusion that If they are to have a railroad, must be bought.' We have waited long enough, depending upon our natural ad' vantages and Indulging the false but fond hope that the railroads had to come. There is not a business man in town ,who would hesitate a moment about purchasing a bill of goods If hi were assured of a profit of 25 per cent Why, then,- should there be delay It making an investment that would ia several hundred per cent and give ui a great and thriving city, insieaa oi one In which the people are compellec to depend upon two or three Industries Do you want the railroad? Ask your- f self this question, .and -If , the answei comes that you do, then contribute your mite towards buying one and reap Jiuj the benefits. Don't wait for youi neighbors to ask you to do your duty, Because you have only ono lot or ont acre to offer for the good cause, dun stand back, but come forward with yout deed without further solicitation. Thus far in the Cleveland administra tion differences which aro almost irrec oncilable have occurred which affect the executive, Judicial and legislative de partments. No possible blunder hat ' been left uncommitted. These might b enumerated as follows: First, the un aeomly fight between the president and senate over the appointment of tht resident's personal favorites to bf Justices of the supreme court: second southern domination In tha house,, anu the demand for such a free trade meas ure as would Ieav the treasury behind at the rate of ten millions a mouth, and the Income tux inserted to make up lart of the deficiency. Third, the report from the Judiciary committee of the house denouncing the proioil of the secretary of the treasury to Lsue bond to supply the treasury with gold; and lastly may be mentioned the fact that the president ha few friends In either house of congress on the Hawaiian policy, and democrats are thoroughly torn up as to the propriety and-possi bility of making a few Mmsiy excuses for him, la the hope of Inducing public forgt'tfulness. That the course of true religion some time shares the fate supposed to' fall to true love Is evidenced by a recent occurrence In Connecticut. The occur rence referred to also 'demcmstrates the fact that It is not safer to meddle with the working, of the former than with vhe latter. The Rev. Alexander Hamil ton, rector of Emanuel church, at Lyonfc Plain, and son of the old general of the same name, had by arduous effort won four converts, said to be exemplary young men, and prepared them for con firmation on the occasion of a promised visit of the bishop of Montana. The bishop - came, the converts were gath ered, . but before the time for the im portant ceremony occurred, an unlocked for obstacls interposed, ani the placid Btream waa . not only turned aside, but was transformed into an angry tor rent This obstacle was a person named J. Oullck, who was considered a "pll lur" of the church and a religious light He did not approve of the converts, de claring them unfit for confirmation be cauxe of their "wcrldilnc-ss and wicked ness," and he told them so "right out in mee'.ln'." The young men, surprised. and with their religious fervor chilled left the sacred edifice, and Mr. Cullck congratulated himself on a deed well done. But the cold air wrought a change in the converts; the result was that they waited for Gullck and gave him a sound thrashing, and extorted a promise that he would be less active in church affairs In the future. Then the rector got after Jullck, and there is more trouble ahead for him. The lesson of this Incident ecms to be, whatever you do with true love, be very chary how you meddle with true religion. A terrible calamity has befallen Ver nonla. The following from the Nehalem Journal, a populist paper published at that place, speaks for Itself: Some are complaining about their pa per. We expected some complaints, but are surprised that there are no more than there are. The complaints that nave come In are, no doubt, from the PPoslng ranks they cannot stand the iruth. We hate to write thus, out we have the faculty of expressing jur thoughts and will do so. It is a part jf our business, and no man can say us nay. Mortgages are mean things to deal with, that is the rook jpon which this paper struck. They .an sink our vessel, but our principles will never go down. A populist paer Is not wanted In this county, and there are a few who ore jolng to do all they can from having ne here. They have crowded us to the wall, what they have done it for Is cer -aln not for what wo have said In the past, but they know full well that we have garnered material enough thut as won as we begin to use It will make things rather lively for those whose in terest are In conflict with a paper fly ing the colors of the people's party. 1 mi censured by some, because I have not edited a paper that came up to their expectations. When I took charge of this office I did w with the understanding that I would have control until after the election at least. But there are two reasons why 1 .xnild not keep It, a sort of a wheel within a wheel. The most Important .-eason Is, that the politics was not the right color, and the second reason is. hat tlila paper was about to sap the ife-blood from the "ling" organ at St Helens. They have knocked us out. If the populists had a few more such brlllU.nt leaders as the editors, of the lournal and the Fomerjy Independent, tho success of their movement would be assured. AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETINO. The Subsidy Committee Give Mr. Blilve ly a Cheer. The meeting of the subsidy committee yesterday was by far the most enthusi astic of any yet held. Dr. Kinney, in speaking of the raising of -he J-ubsiOy. reminded those present that liie l all road would have to be bougnt. He aid the call for inside lots was being re sponded to nobly, and one fellow-tit I ien who had not previously had nn oppor tunity to show his good wishes had i-ov given seventy-two lota of as good pnp erty as there was In AstorM. "I revcr," concluded Dr. Kinney, "to CJifivlcs M. Shively." The applause that greeted the n nonement was deafening, and it was f pral minutes before Mr. t'hlvely ceid get an opportunity of exprcing his satisfaction at the wlJ'iw "f friendly feeling evinced. Vie f;"d ')e was deeply sensible of the good tiding of every one toward him, and appel ated it highly. He uad cxU.iuk! the olive branch and It had Veen njocrteil by those with whom he ever had any differences, and now that the hatchet was buried he wished to kin the friendship of every one. He concluded by expressing his firm belief in the success of the undertaking. Then there was renewed cheering for Mr. Shively, all feeling that his example was a most cuinniendaole one at J worthy of lnh'iS followed. GRAND SUBSIDY RALLY IN UP PERTOWN. The subsidy committee, accompanied Ly a brass band, will meet the itl;.ens of Alderbrook and tlclnit In the Eas'e Cannery building on Thmiiy at 1 20 p. m. Let every man, woman and child who hopes for the prosperity of the city attend this meeting. GRAND SUBSIDY RALLY FOR ADAIR'S ASTORIA AND MIPDLE TOWX. The subsidy committee, .mvnii faiiied by the band, will meet with the pewile of Adair's Astoria and Middletnwn at Matron's hall Thursday aft:iniu'i at ...30 c'eloc!:. Let every'wd al'er.d .u.d help to build a railroad. GRAND SLbSlOY RALLY AT ANON. -K.I- The BUhsidy committee will take on Friday an excursion to Sklpanon, ac companied by a full brass band, and request all citizens 'f tne Clatsop Fide of the bay to meet them and Join v ith them in their endeavor to socure a lall- road. Come everybody. Rome ii' the date Friday, February Mil, at 1 p. m., In Gray's hall. fJfT The X FastMail PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. uouis and all Eastern Points 24 to 36 Hours Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleeper Free Reclining Chair Cars, Cln. Ing Cars are run daily via tho Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Saturday, Feb. 3, State, Thursday, Feb. 8. Columbia, Tuesday, Feb. 13. State, Sunday, Feb. 18. Columbia, Friday, Feb. 23. State, Wednesday, Feb. 28. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As torla at 6:45 a. m., dally except Sunday, via WashlnKton side of the river: re- turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. Tne xnonip' son makes landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. - S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOANE. I'RliDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address G. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria, Or. W H. IIURLBURT, Ast. Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or. C. P. UPSHUR, Shipping & Gommission Astoria, Oregon. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Veeetables. Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Cor. Cass an J S-niemoaue Streets. Astoria, Ore. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : i -AT POHli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalmlnc a Specially; BOOTS and SHOES j The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at The Sign of the Golden Shoe. JONN HAHN & CO. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. C. fl. STIflSOfl & CO., BMCKSjMITHlNG! Ship and Cannery Work, Horseshoe ing, Wagons mado and repaired. Good work guaranteed. On Cas ntreet. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world foi cuts, bruises, Fores, plcers, milt rheum, fevur sores, tetter, cnnppeu nanas, cliilnlalns, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satlsfac lon or money refunded, hrlee 25 centh oer box. For snle by Clias. Rogers, lessor to J. C. Dement. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. The distress which haa been caused by the demoralisation of the Industries of the country during the iuit year Is ap- j alUng. This distress haa had the effect 'f cttuwlng enrnious tosos t deposits to th savings banks throughout the country, much of which has been drawn by jwxms Uirown out of mployacent. The Cosmopolitan for February Intro duces a famous European author to its readers Valdes, of Madrid, and the ar tist Marold, of Paris, "well known as a French illustrator. A profusely Illus trated article on the designing and building of a war ship appeals to the Interest taken by all la Ihe new navy. and a thrllllnir description of a naval combat under tho significant title, "The Meloban and the Pentheroy." di-serlbes. after the manner of the Rattle of Poik lng. a possible sea fight, the outcome of which l watched y the entire naval world. "(.Hiding Flight" is an Interest-. Ing yontrlbuttort to the problem of aerial Itching Tiles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense Itching wnen warm, xnts rnrm, us wen as liiinu, Rleedlng or Protruu.'nR, yield at once to Dr. llosanko's Pile Hsmwly, which acts directly on the parts AtlecUd, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a permanent cure. 60c. DrUKKist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosunko, S2S Arch street, Philadelphia, la. bold by J. W. Conn. '.'A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to uso several Toxes of Krause's Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my lvturn, which Is reuiarkabla. Tours, respect fullv, JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Renovo (l'a.) Record. For sale by Chos. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. SELF PRAISE. Self praise is no recommendation, but there are times when one must per mit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says Is support ed by the testimony of others no rea sonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcnck's Porous Plasters stre the only genuine and reliable porous plasters made is not self prulse In the sllghtcBt degree. They have stood the tost for over thirty years, and In proof of their me lit s u only necessary to call attention to the cuivs they have effected and to tho voluntary tetlmon- lals of those 'who have used them. Keware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allcoek's, and let no solicitation or explanation Indues you to accept a substitute. ll'.TUTI -"TT-I ITT HALAHIAL: POiSDN Krttnro should be assisted to throw oll'ininurt tlrsof tho lilooit. No! hi at, dors it go well, 8 safely orso proi'.'.plly its Swift's Specific ursr HAD NO CH RMS. IV T Viirfi y-.MTi T wi troubled witN malarial fy'soii, liivll .ui (i ii.n.u:o t.- t. il. r.o.l 1 w! fiicatly re. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans " Continental Railway System, FROjVI OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN- Palace pining Room and Sleeping Cars, Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. ALSO Observation Cars, allouiing Unbroken Vieuis of the Wonderful fountain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 i Saved on nil tickets east. Tourist cars i the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. Al-sP A FREE CONCERT every night beginning ! 8 cmDAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China ind Japan, Empress of India leaves Vancouver February 5. Empress of China leaves Vancouver Slarch 5. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leavis Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. ftfusic Hall -:- 314 First Street, Astoria, Or, H. CHRISTENSEN. Prop. o'clock. Good music. The best of wines, liquors and cigars always on hand. Noe & Scully, Dealers In Stoves, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Sole Agents for MAGEE STOVES AND RANGES, Jobbing a Speciulty. 431 Second Street, Astoria, Or. Washington Meat Market. Corner Second and Main Slreeis. Wholesale and Retail Butchers ; and : Packers, Steamboats, Ships and Mill; supplied on short notice. Families supplied piosiptly at the lowest rates. CHRISTENSEN St CO., Props. For Hoket ratos and information, call on or address, JAS. FIXLAYSnM. Atrt, As'.oila, Op. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. At.. Tacoma, Wash., C!eo. McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Agt Vancouver, B. C. CHICAGO, jaiLWflUKEE m' RAILWAY Wraneht Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. OTPnPT?OTr vrn-n iConnectin8 with -A" Transcontlnenta CjrKUUtVKItVa, J-Vi-M Lines is the Only Line running J. B. WYATT, DEALER IN i HARDWARE AND SHIP CH.I.NDIiERV, Pure lis. Brlirht Varnish. Binacle Oil. Cot- I ton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Agricultural Implements, Sewing M4chlr.es, faints and Oils. . I ELECTRIC - WGJ4TEP - CARS THE r.rrTf.rlT KnTcr : between Is tht Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast, Atf UNEXCELLED TflBhll Rates, $J daily and upwards, St Paul and Chicago. AND Chicago, The Express Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, ri.. 1 n-4 r J.A.FASTABEND,! A7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, I I And fnrnishprl ivl'h Kvprv Ltixurv known in moder Pile Driving, House, Bridge and ' ra!lw:'3' trav!- ' " ' WHARF nUILDIili. i ' AJdres,. bo, .fa, postoffica- astoria, ore, j For SPEED) COMFORT and SAFETY tall itivlt.vm. I tried mrr I "t ((' JIei. I could pet tin lu.li.ngd l 11r1.1l a ill ixii.iih f.'iii vondrri'il trx tl'unc PSi,--5:,ii'C a eoinnic iKttcrtK-tiia uunovi. A. Alii; xwao. 0-r loaV cn HooJ ami tikm CUss nulled free. t .JIrTCPGCtPtOCO.iATUltlT ,CA. "We always fry ours ii? Cottoleoe" Our iMeat, Fish, Q)-sters, Saratoga Cliips, Eggs, Doughnuts.Vegetables.ctc, Like most other people, our lollcs formerly used lard forall such purposes. When it disagreed with any of the fannry (which it often did.) we said it was " too rich." We imally tried ROSS HIGGINS & CO, This Line is Unequaled. Tfc---. 1 flckets on sale at all prominent railway office. GrOCCrS, : and : BlltcherS' F"r funW Information Inquire ot any ticket agent, Astoria and L'prxr Astoria. I Fine Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic : an4 Trujiicsl Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Curei llauk, Ijuin, ktc. Choice Fresh ar.J Salt - Meats. ! .1 C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. VV. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK time: M.C. CROSBY, I l'AI.KR IN I Hardware, Iron, Steel, Iron Pipe and Fittinqs, , Stoves and Tinware. j i v House Furnlshlnc Goods. Slieet and Strip Lead, TinSMN JKMjL1DLU -TO- and Copper, and Slieet Iron THE OREGON BAKERY. A. A. C!,r;VELA.D, Prop. GOOD BREAD, CALL'S ar.J PASTRY None but the Best Materials uced. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CUSTOMERS. Bread delivered to any part of tlie citv. A IVXD SLIDE. Tho ttnn landstldn imimllv con-v IntellltriHice of rtUHKter. wherobv maiv aru klllnl, hut litis ttitio It is used to in-rti.-a' th Iriimens aalos of J)r, Miles' Rcatoratlve Nirvlnp. a rvniedy thit if Juily Mvlnrt the lives of thousun.la uho ar sufforlii from ihtvohs dsonl-rs. ,t cure MtlnliMlon. iwrvous uriwtiatlon. headjielip, backnole, itnal i)!stHii(i. hys torw. Ill effects of spirits, confusion of mind, etc., and builds up th body sur prisingly. Tti-own A Mahury, Courtlaml. N. Y.. av one patient used Narvino and Kulned liftoen pounds of ftobli. Sold by 1 luiries Kotrers. tne anitrKisi on a guar antee. Get a book froo. KOKLE ART OF SELF DEFENSE.' ikt Fofth by ait Author. lf defens Is lntlnelivt. Persons who find thms'lvea nftlleted wliii kert disease s manifested bv It manv syuiv oniB. palpitation, vnort mvntn, imiriiur nine. wm in sine or snouiaer, smotner ib. falntliiK or (Imnnr. e'e.. nnt'irallv 1- i.,,i,, i.r ,, ahn haa studied the iro defetu aunlnst what may termln- fllsht of soaring- birds in me st iw tonty yoar. liHaln tiOdaw( ho mar rlHl a memler of the Sioux liattoB, has .wine Inteivatlng inf.rnviion of Indian War r.i4 "Warrior. and not one of us has had art 'Attack of "richness " since. We further fouuJ that, unlike lard, Cottoler.e had no unpk-asant odor when jzcoking, and lastly Mother's favorite and con? servativc cooking authority pamp out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's why ye always fry ours in Cottolene. Sold by all grocers, A r rur"' suBSTiTUTr s , N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NtW YORK, BOSTON. Alvt,diVitf uivvcui, ..)iwM rcmflv haa rver approached Dr. allies' New Heart Cure, sold by Chaa.VoRcr on a pimrantee. Mrs. O. K. IVrklns, of Northwood. to.. Hys, Hr. ilea' K-w Jieaj-t tire, saved her life. She uflo-ed I rom paliatation and her heart would f re itientiy tx-at as hich as ! a minute. Was not expected t Jive. Waa mere skel eton, no relief from pl;ysjciitia. Hew j J Tli'Vi flnr ffv-n'ra nmr.urtcricr ;tO Rikaai cf I'opaiha. ITbcj cure la 4o toun iLa sarno diseases without any Jiu:a- irenteneo. SOLO BY ALlORUCulSTS AND Central - Hotel Cir, 3rd and West Ninth Sts. On the European plan. Urge, ay rif,m5 an4 nnt-class reotaurant, Board dJilv, weekly cr ' monthly. Private rooms for ftirilifj.' Q s:crs and ' fish in season. Finest Wines, Liquors and Clears EVENSON & COOK, ALL POINTS' IN CALIFORNIA Via the Mt. Sfwta Route of hf Southern Paeffle Go. The Only fjoute Through Califor nia to Points Esst ewd gpytti, Jjpptb Pacific Breoiery j JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer AnJ XX PORTER, All orders promptly attended o Proprietors. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST.. Portland Astoria. STRAMER TELEPHONE, Uavsta Astoria every avening etueut Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. v PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-CI-ASS 5LEEPER Attached to express trains, offording superior accommodations for second cIurs pP-sen?ora. For rates, tickets, 8leeplnr car rJirr vttions,' tc, can on of aores3 E. ROGERS, Assistant General passen ger and Freight Agent, Portland. Qr. i CoBcom;ySt.,foot!f Jkjao, 4;tpnr General Machinists and Boiler Makers Leaves Portland every day except i Ul,i Mine En:lnes. Boiler orlc. Steam Sunday at 7 a. m. epl ; . .. ... r. w. . . . c,... F A w"in?F'.At: A,stora. Castincs of All Dcrlrrlons Made to Order on A- SeeIt,y. Keneral asrent, Portland, i bhon Notke. ' - j JOHX FOX, . . .President and Secretary TRAP PILE? "ANTED. ; V. L. FOX Vice-President ' 7 SS-foot, li butt. , 501 40-fgo 13-15 butt. I 5') :fout, 1S- butt! SO down hiui Ptak, to 23 feot lensnh. 3 Inches In diameter. Apply with prices delivered In Chi nook and llwaoo. MipWN'j:Ea FIR Oommencinff with "the steamship pol liniUa, leaving Astoria Wednesday, January 2l:h, the Union pacific wfl 611 round trip ticktvU to Ban trvnciu at the rate nf f-22.00. These tickets will le llmitnl to ) dsvs from date of sale.