THE DAILY A.8T0IIIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY C, 1894; ABOUT THE CITY. The pilot schooner San Jose went out Sunday. Axel Ullstrom and Sarch Mannl were yestorday granted a license to wed, Ilwaco expects her new Y. M. C. A. building to bo completed In a few days. The buoy station was Inspected yes terday by Commander F.irenholt, 17. S. N. The subsidy committee will meet ut the usual place this morning -at 10:30 o'clock. The steamer Eclipse Is on the beach at the Astoria Iron works undergoing rr pall h. The address of a lady teacher of gym nastics, at present in this city, is de sired by the members of the Ladles' Annex of the gymnasium. The costumes for the ball tonight nrc very elaborate, and a great number f Astotians are looking forward to a great evening's amusement. Mayor Kinney will today request Auditor Osburn to prepare an official list of dellnq lent taxpayers, with the amounts dellnquenu The document will be road at the m?etlns of the city coun cil. The fishermen are making active preparations for the season's work. Cannerymen are giving out twine and other needed supplies, old r.ets ere be ing repaired and new ones are being made. The street cars will leave the corner of Third and Olney streets between 12 and 1 o'clock tonight In order to ac commodate those residents of upper town who may wish to leave the Sons of Herman ball at that time. Many complaints were heard yesterday about the explosion of fireworks Sunday night and Monday morning by '.he Chi nese, and within a radius of Hire? blocks from Chinatown but llttln sleep ing was possible until a late hour. Weather permitting, the Columbine will take coal to the lightship during the present week. At present the crew of the Columbine are engaged In clean ing, painting and repairing buoys for the coming summer's work. Official statistics, Just compiled at Port Townsend, show 2350 Chinese pas- sengers, In transit from the Orient by way of the Canadian Pacific steamers, landed in Portland and Astoria last year. With the exception of 500, all obtained admittance as merchants. "The Cactus" Is the new addition to the list of papers In Oregon.- It Is pub lished in Forest Grove, and the editors confidently assert their ability to create a stir in politics at the coming election, at the same time regretting that "some of the merchunts missed a good oppor tunity of advertising in No. 1 of volume 1. The steamship State of Cllfornla ar rived In yesterday from San Francisco and proceeded up, after discharging the following freight at this port: 256 pack ages groceries and fruit, 121 packages sundries. The consignees were A. V. Allen, Ross, Hlggins & Co., Elmore, Sanborn & Co., Foard & Stokes and G. W. Lpunsberry. An $SQ lot for $3. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. For $2, a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's First addition. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmpnts at Chas. 01 ??!)'? fill's First addition Is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now Belling In It for $2. A number of Nehalom ranchers were in the city yesterday, anions them be ing Judge Walker, Sli-J Oragg, Post master Medley, V.'alOT Way. ''rft i fclsrsou. aaii jt ;t-r:t They claim that jf-.e rqajj tax of onejliul' mill will i'it be more than sufficient to cut out the logs which fall every year, much less keep the road In condition for travel and repair bridges, etc. The new lighthouse tender Columbine jvilj be; pat Jn ary dock about the mid dle of next nionth to be cleaned and put in thorough order, says the Ore gonlan. This co-ild be dour considerably cheaper at Esquimau than on the Sound, but Captain Farenholt has de cided to have the work done in the United States and by Amerjcans, jn. Sttai bf gojng tq a. foregn 'country. It a about time there was a dry dock i-re, but then has npt yet been enough talking about if. tfhere is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money, rtasnllspt photos of the maskers; al ow erinting on silk and satin, now on exhibition at Crow's gallery. St-e-e-dman's S'Kt.hine lo vJers pre serve a healthy state of the constitu tion during the ffTjor of ttiCiff- iT . . , - -t.x The-can buoy at "present off the en trance to Tillamook Bay will be re placed about the 1st of March by a whistling buoy, orders to that, efft having been made by Commander O. V. Farenholt. U. 8. N., lighthouse In-, Fpector",' yesterday mornine. For some i tetters Stomach Bitters, disciplines the ii'me past the Tillamcok Head'ighf has 1 rebellious organ thoroughly: ltidnceaiiori ,W agitating the ,, hav,,, a weakness of the,, whistling buoy pjaced pear thenar, but. power to dlgfcst, ueeomposes and acidl uniij ivcpn'iy Commander Farenholt ' "es, giving rise to heartburn, (ltulcuce did pot fcnEidt-r'that 'he shippini; busb ' f"(' iU', '"Ultiiude of ' symp, " u . , , , 5 '",nH tyth changeful and perpltxtn?, ne?s In that qusr.r juuuntrd any gut pe g00n rtiiirns When the fr' changes. stomachic is rewrted to and used with perrfptence. Dyspepsia, gives rise to tat on eat'ir?3v nirht. while passing morbid discomposure of mind, and even logins' Co.:s more on Soco.d m& treet. iFred.- Mur.fon srw some one in -l flf thee the Pl'ters s fu'l" fde the acV cf ' fretting through a hole in '"""'te. Liver complaint, constipation. lU Mo lW. Instead' of pae1n3 IonS rhemitlsm rpd WW jut wy n . j ?. . T-mrietcly subdued by th genial used jjuletly and Informing Offl-er 5 Innott. ! cine. who waa in the near vicinity, Manson! gave a yeU like a Comanche Indian, and R;)MUa' the would-be burglar dlsapieared. The enpture was thus frustrated. The offi cers are of the opinion that a boat was below the hole through which the youth endeavored to climb, and In that man ner escape was easy. ' Japanese novelties and fancy dry good.j, can be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar store. H. Ekstrom hns fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used In the manufacture. Ladles' writing desks, rocking cults, and dining chairs, suitable for Christ mas presents, at O. V. Porter's, Second street. Handsome crayon portrait with $25 purchases. The seventeenth birthday of one of Ilwaco's belles, Miss Ida Dalton, was celebrated a tthe residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murray Friday evening. Music, singing and dancing made the hours fly rapidly, and at midnight a col lation was served. Those present were: M13S Ida Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. It. A, Hawkins, Mrs. J. Bable.-, Misses Ethel Hunter, LotUe Wirt. Nellie Phillips, Kate Smith, Messrs. Walter Seaborg, Norman Marrs, George, Ed. and Joe Smith, Chas. Phillips. Ben Wise, Dr. Belt and Mr. Ross. Frank Damant had an exciting expe rience yeterday afternoon. He wat bringing some horses from Smith's Tolnt to the stables, and when near Washington cannery wus endeavoring ti. head off the band. Some residents of I-nlontown appeared suddenly on the scene, and lent their aid, w!th the re sult that one of the animals ran off the ryudway, falling about ten feet t the Iorb and rocks beneath, but escaping with a severe bruising. The horse Da mant rode then grew frightened, and taking the bit in his tectl- dashed oft In Hie direction of the business portion of town. The rider succeeded in bringing him to a standstill u the store of Fish er Bros. All the finest brands, Including Bel mont. Flor de Madrid, Lillian Nordlca. and Las Palmas, are sold at W. T Btv eridg's Columbia Cigar Store. . Olsen has 29 brands of clear Havana cigars and he will give you a better ci gar for 10 cents than you can get for 15 cents at any other place. 627 Third street. Anything In the line of gents furn ishing goods, In the newest styles, can be hud from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be fore equalled. PERSONAL MENTION. T. J. Hamilton, of Seattle, Is in the city. N. H. Webber, of Knappton, Is In the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murray, of Ilwaco, me guests at the Occident John S. Howell, of Sn Francisco, ar rived in this city yesterday. Miss L. Williamson, of San Francis co, is a guest at the Occident. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hawkins, of Il waco, are registered at the Occident. , George W. Thomas, of Portland, came down the river on the Telephone yes terday afternoon. L. II. Cordes, driver of 2's en glne, who has been visiting relatives In the east, will return to this city on or about the 15th of this month, "Spow Flak?" Flour, claimed to be superior to all others, yet costing no more man interior Dranas. uoss, xiig gins & Co., Sole Agents. Special attention Is called to our large stock of staple and. fancy groceries, which we are now selling at largely re duced prices for cash. Ross, Higgins & THE CJHOUIT COURT. A Number of Cases Disposed Of Others Set for Trial. Judge McErlde open 3d court yester day morning, and began proceedings by setting for trial on February jpth,.the care of thai MpCague Co. v, P, W. Bush and E. G, Rogers, The case of S. A. D. Puter vs. Camp bell Bros, was set for trial Wednesday, February 21st. The case of Rosenlleld, Smith & Co. vs. F. R. Rogers et al. was set for the 22d Inst. An order wis made confirming sale In the case of C. E. Hunyon vs. Mary Ann Adair et al. The case of C. A. McGulre vs. J. S. Kelly was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff. Default was allowed an decree of for,;cli).ure grantt'd n the cos,e of J. C. Llridell y'sT Frank' S! Craven. Adjournment was taken until the l!Hh Inst. B-on't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can est them for the name pric at the Union Pacific office in this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, fti"! toil.t articles, ttc, can lie bAyir'lit at the lowest: price at J. W, Conn' drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Ai.toria. WHEN WAR IS DECLARED. Aftaltiat a man's happiness by his stom-a-i, the rierhy may ;be pacified and That tent re(nilator of dleestion. Hos- COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In the county court yesterday, before juuge McGulre and Commissioners Car ruthes and Wooden, the following busi ness was disposed of; The bonds of the sheriff as tax col lector were fixed at $15,000. In the matter of the estate of Mrs. i. Corcoran, decoased. petition to hav I? Tt n . miprenant, administrator, re moved; get for hearing the first Tues- iny in March. John Eiickson, Johan Peter-Wedin, natives of Sweden, and Oscar Makl, native of Russia, were admitted ua citi zens. Ordered that an alias warrant be is- ' sued for the collection of all delinquent taxes ror the year 1891. In the matter of the estate of O. P. Henry, deceased, Mrs. O. P. Henry was appointed administratrix with bonds fixed at $1,100. petition from E. r. Noonan and others for a county road In township 7 north, range 8 west, was withdrawn, Applications of D. B. Howater and John Chltwood to have taxes refunded were disallowed. In the matter of the estate of F. E. Nelson, deceased; confirmation of sale allowed. The report of J. W. Walker, super visor road district No. 13. was placed on file. Report of S. B. Smith, supervisor of road district No. 14, read and approved. Report of Win. Kartell, supervisor of road district No. 4, read and approved, In the matter of the estate of O. P. Henry, deceased; Oliver Stewart, J. P. Scothan and D. P. Williams appointed appraisers. PRESERVE YOUR RECEIPTS. John Hotson Demonstrates the Value of Such Documents. The Herald's publication of a ltt of alleged "tnv-c apers" has caused more or less of a stir among the property- owners, among them bMng several who assert they were never delinqient. The following communication Is self-explan atory: Astoria, Ore., Feb. G, 1894. To the Editor of the Astorlan Sir I saw In the Herald Saturday evening a long list of alleged non-taxpayers, which is misleading and not true. herewith present to you for Inspection my tax receipts for the year 1S90, and I will add that I have tax receipts ex tending over a period of forty years, the Uixes represented by which were never delinquent. JOHN HOBSON P. S. I. wonder If C. J. Curtis has found the long-lost assessment and tax book that was stolen from the city hall about 1SD0 or ISM? JOHN HOBSON. In support of the above Mr. Hobson showed in this office receipts as follows March, 23. 1S91, county tax $214.68 Oct 10, 1S90, city tax 123.75 Uct. 10, 1S90, school tax 52.1 1 Aug. 2, 1SM0, road tax 12.50 Total $403.10 Mr. Hobson further states that Mrs. Badollet, the Astoria National bank, Robert Carruthers and the Adair es tate have also paid their taxes. OTHER NON-DELINQUENTS. Statements by Several dentlemen Who Feel Indignant, Cashier Hlggins adds to this that the Astoria National bank not alone -was not delinquent, at the time mentioned by the 'Herald, but furthermore was never delinquent. Some of the friends of J. C. Dement assert with confidence that he -was never delinquent, Robert Crruthers says a mistake, was made jn including his nanus among the list af non-taxpayers, apd similar statements arc made by Fisher Bros, and by W. L. Robb. W. B. Dement explains the appear ance of his name among the list of de linquents by stating that a mistake was made by the assessor and admitted, to be such by that offlcjal, but tui offer of thfi cprrvict amount was refused, the as sessor advising that he (Mr. Dement) get a lawyer to draw up an affidavit setting forth the facts of the case and present It to the county court. This Mr. Dement declined to do, very properly refusing to go to any trouble to cc.rrect work of an official which ha4 been in correctly (lone., lie therefore thinks It unfair that he should be made to ap pear as having refused to bear hla share: of the fxpenfp of ttip BQvei'nmeut, when as, a niatter of fact he had tendered an amount In payment) which wan not alone jllt and equitable, but which was so admitted to be by the assessor whose error caused the trouble. The name of the late Captain George Flavel appears In !h, 1ml fnibtahed by the Herald, but the taxes, with those of dozen of 'others, woro settled In 1892. It Is very well known that on account of the legality cf the assessment of 1891 being questioned, ri'.aV troporty- owncrs. K1 tbt pay until the following year, 'and that those who had settlef In 1891 were given a rebate In 1892 upon presentation of their receipts for tuy. previous year. Doub'-leas the HenJd's mlwtake was -aused by a failure to remember-that the 1891 taxes were, ( a great part, paid. 1R 1SP3.. Among the names mentioned In the Herald's list are those, also, of Page nd Brown, and C. H. Page et al. Col lector Page said to an Astorlan repre sentative last venlng that tl-. yUU' Tient waa ai jirtiuUigated' filBwhood, ut 'i!s receipts showed. In 1S?1 he had pi!d '1 taxes due by him, hd h9d nothine n wl'.h thotw due by others. As for ho unp"Id street assessments, for im--troveftients near the can factory, tht .jroperty had ben sold fcfr the a sessment was levied, C. R. F. U. NOTICE. Regular monthly meeting of the Col unibla River i-Ishermans rroiecuv Union will be held at their reading rooms Tuesday, February 6, 1894, at 7:30 d. in. sharp. Business of impor ancc to be transacted. Members in good standing requested to bo present and have their book or receipt along. SOFUS JENSEN, Sec A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell. Shnrpsburg, Ta. Dear Sir: I am glud to say a good word for Krause s Headache capsules. After suffering for over three years with acute neuralgia and its consequent insonviia (-.vhlch seemed to baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almost instant rener. woras ran to express the praise I should like to bistow on Krause s Headache capsules. Gratefully Yours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES, Montrose, Pn. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or. sole agent. SELF PRAISE. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are times when one must per mit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says Is support ed by the testimony of others no rea sonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock s Porous Plasters are the only genuine and reliable porous plasters made Is not self praise In the slightest degree. They have -stood the test for over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimon ials of those who have used them. Beware of limitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allcock'8, and let no solicitation or explanation Induce you to accept a sub stitute. BOARD AND LODGING. I'IKST CL.ABS BOARD- With Or without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply at li c.xioiaen's, corner Main and Jeirerson. WANTED. $75.00 A WEEK paid to ladles and gents to sell the Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and dries them in two minutes without wetting the hands. No expert ence necessary; sells at sight: perma nent position. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. WANTED Work for a good man or woman that you will easily make 5 to 10 dollars a day. Send $1.25 for samnle anu seieci tne territory you want in your county ror Shaefter's Cake Griddle. Sells on sight. Geo. S. Casedy, 27 Mc Kay Block, Portland, Or. WANTED Situation doinsr litrht housework. Apply over store of Fisher tiros. AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great est kitchen utimsil ever invented. Re tails 35cta. 2 to 6 sold in every house. Samp e, postage paid, five cents. For. snee & McMakln, Clnclnnattl, O. WANTED Pushing canvasser of irood address. Liberal salary and expenses paia weekly; permanent . position Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Port mud, Oregon. WANTED. $100 on Rood security. Address H. J., this office. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A good second hand Sin ger sewing machine for Bale cheap. Ap ply to Batn cottage, West Sixth street. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for $2. JAPANE3E CURIOSITIES Wing Lee has Just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. win sen at coat. Ma Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre'a Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER. 478 Third St and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWING MACHINES And eeneral repairing, Iock-nttlne. etc. C. A. Mav. 132 Main street. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As ter streets, does a general business in blacksmlthlng and repairing. WHEN IN PORTL ANU Call on Handley A Haaa. 1M First street, and get the' t&ily Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their mornlnff paper while there. TO SUDSCRIBERS.-Those who do not receive their papers regularly and on time should notify this oifice. 11 mo papers delivered by carriers are wet or In bad condition, don't fail to make complaint at the business office. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE.-If you have friends In Euro.De whose nas- sage you w&h to" prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific office, ateamer Telephone dock, and make unown your wants. Reduced fare via all tne leading steamship linefi, ARE YOU GOTNn KART? Patron. Ize the Jioithorn Pacific railroad If yo,u are Ciolnz East. Tjiw rufpn nf fare, through tickets, baggage check ed to d-stlnation. All purchasers of aecond-class tickets can fetop over at Portland Ratcj fre aanie as from Portland BEVERAGES, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell' Gem. A DELIC;c.p3 DRINK. There Is nq tUiW In Astoria where John KoppV fHmoua beer U kopt In such good con d'tion as at UUlngcr's popular resort WINES AND BRANDIES. Use ZIn ;inrel wne ngte!,(j of cfr M tea "-v ents f.Pr ration. Don't forge aru5 a'rl"c fcfautiy. Also Frencl rnCTi" ""' wine a Alex Gilbert's. Itatinc-iw, SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMI3SIONER!-Thc reg ular meetings or this board will be held on th9 first Monday of each month at w a. m at tne olnce of Robb & Par ker. w. L. Robb. Sec NOTICE-T'ie regular meetings of ino Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m.. on the first Wednesday of each month. Oifice on uenevievo street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 1.1 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13. In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each nicnth. So journing brethren cordially lnited. , By order 'CP. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings or eacn montn at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds its regular meatlng. -K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building. over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third street J. E. LuFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. -Mn the Flavel building, opposite Occident FULjTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4. 5. and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlcev Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. SILAS B. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ollice in Flavel's brick building. FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon, . Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surxery. Ollice over Danzlger s store, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms 3. 4, over Astoria Na tional Bank. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street DR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dealer In DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS' SUN DRIES. 357 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. . WICKMAN, CONTRACTOR. House moving and street Dlonklnit. Screws and blocks tor rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street, A GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co.. 515 Squemoque street. J. II. MANSELL, REAL ESTaTB BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or. SHORT-HAND Se"d for Catalog ol ELF TAUGHT Books and helps for self instruction, by BEN PITMAN and JER0JVE B. HOWARD, to Phonographic nstitute Co., Cincinnati, O. ASTORIA WOOD YARD & 4 D, ft, Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers in all kinds of . First Class Fuel. Vine Maple, Spruce Limbs, Ali'er, Hemlock and Ash. Also, Vest grade t Wellington, Newcastle, Cannel, and Cumberland coal. Leave orders at Canrahan & Go's store, or at yard, foot of Spruce street. Orders promptly filled, and SATISFACTION GUARATEEO. I. R, a N. CO.'s Steamer Ilwaco. T-eaves Astoria daily at 7:8 for Il waco, calling at Tanzy point, and con necting with railroad running north at 10 a. m and with boats on Bhoalwater bay for SOUTH BEND. 8UNSHINE, NORTH COVE, and other points through to GRAY'S HARBOR. Return iue. connects at Ilwaco with ptenmprs f.,r Antorla, and NIGHT BOATS FOR PORTLAND. ' - ' JOHN R. COULTER. Secretary. L. A. LOOiilS, Fivulilent. R. V. EGRERT. Superintendent. I. W.CASIV Insurance : Agent, The Following CoWnlM Union Mr. .nd JVUnnc, of j New Igw National Hro and .Marine ''.rtrord. , - t Connecticut hire :1ns. Jt'Mt?Ko.- ' Home Mutual Ins. Co - . - New York PU Olass Co. .,,. Phoenix, of London. P"'-"' 01 A.G.SPKXARTH, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelrg, Plated Ware. Fine Repairing a Specialty. Agent for Winchester Repeating Hre Arma Company, Iflashborn'a Caitars Jfnd mandolins. Largest stock of Fishing Tackle and Bamboo Poles, The Trade Supplied. BARGAINS IN" . Wheeler & Wilson Sealing IKaehlne3. Kopp'a Beer Hall. : Cholc. Wines, Liquors nd Clean. KENTUCKY WHISKEY . Only handed over the oar, The largest gtas of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, je. -Free Lunch. Erickson & Wirkkalff, Proprietors, Cor, Concoraly and Lafayette St. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, flrst-cluss horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CAJHP OJOIW R SPECiJLLTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. . THE Astoria Rational Bank TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited on favorable terms. Foreign and Domestio Exchange bought and Bold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid on time deposits as fol lows: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum For 6 months, 5 per cent per annum For 12 months, 6 per cent per annum A Savings Department. Having been established in connection with the above, deposits will be re ceived in sums of one dollar and up ward. Interest will bo allowed as follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum; on term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. D. K. WARREN, President. J. E. HIOGINS, Cashier. J. C. DEMENT, Vk-e-Piest. D. K. WARRKN, J. C. DEMENT, ' , C. 8. WRIGHT. - JOHN HOBSON, H. C THOMPSON, THEO. 3RACKER, Directors. THE flSTOlp SAVINGS BflK Acts as trustee for coroorations and individuals. Deposits solicited. interest -will be allowed on savings deposits us follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent ttr annum. on term savings books, 0 per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: ror three months, 4 per cent per an- For six months, 5 per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. !. Q. A. BOWLBY...... Vice-President FRANK I'ATTC IN Casuier DIRECTORS: J. Q. A. Bowlby, Gust. Holmes, BenJ. xoung, a. a. iteea. - - - TOES&CO. Wholesale and Retail ,' LIQUOR - DEALERS. Importers of all brands of foreign and aomestio wines, liquors and cigars. J. H. Cutter whiskies a snecialtv. Vni Blatz bottled beer. Finest brands of Key West and Imported cigars. liquors ror medicinal purposes. Family trade solicited. All orders from the country and city promptly filled. v 8quomo-iue Street, Astoria, Oregon, CHAS. : tfEIIiBOi$: v&.'SOH. "Importer and Dealer In FURNITURE ; Carpets and Upholstery. gpi. 803 " BP Third Street, ASTORIA, OR. FISHER BROS., Sf?ipGhar?dIers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons AVehicheB In Stock Farm Machinery, Paints. Oil, Varnlshej, Lot?,.' wrr.iw, 4fiv.nK ocaiei. Doors and Windows. Proviton, I-'lour, ana Mill I-eea, Abtona, uregon. Proprietor of ttio Cornor Second and Bon ton strecta Corner Third and West ElKhth slrWls SEASIDE SMllMh. A complete stock of lumhe i the roukh or Okma -i ' V.-i.. tic, celling, ana nil k,n,,-" mouldtnio uJ si,itigi,.s: J';''; wura ouiie la order, and prices at X.'i 14 y'T.j I To