The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 03, 1894, Image 4

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nicjiQO-3 ,BRv6ir..-Bit(tfAPg. ;
. ; .' '.' " !d. M. iutcwe.. ; Y.;,
TWA Freedom' land, the proud domain
Whoso glories never fade.
Called forth her sons in rags and shame
To form & brush brigads?
I see them comtner down the street
Wlvn vi uo,,v "
With no heroic soul to lead
Their lll-dlrected tread.
I only see suspended trade
And hear misfortune's cry; .
"Forward! Chicago's Brush Brigade!
Or Btarve yourself and die."
Alone the street they press their way.
And shame our country's worth;
The Idle tollers of the land, .
The proudest land on earth.
From mills and factories driven out,
As culprits, thieves and knaves, -
By schemes and tricks and greed of
men, " ' i
Transformed to hungry slaves.
And still misfortune's cry goes forth,
Our country's rending blade, j
"The mills are closed, the factories too;
Forward! ye Brush Brigade 1"
The men who might be blessed with
With tender love a caress,
March onward through our busy streets,
In poverty's distress.
Where Is the pride we once beheld?
The honor for' the flags.
The stars and stripes that float today
O'er poverty and rags?
Where is the voice,- the patriot's voice.
Of olden times parade?
It cries today In ghostly tones,
"Forward! ye Brush Brigade!"
O proud dominion of the free.
Has honor left thy throne?
Has all thy happiness been changed
Into an Idle groan?
The old-time latch-strlng drawn within,
The shutters closed and nailed,
The boundless sources of the land
By sharks and misers paled?
Kind heaven forbid a thought like this.
'Tls but a darkening shade.
And soon industry's voice will call
Chicago's Brush Brigade.
tii'lty :.' 1: ''.
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On Top.
a t f
Representative Bynum, of Indiana Is
a prominent Democratic Member of
the House of Ways and Means Com
mittee, and has taken an active part
in the tariff discussion. Wm; D. By
num is a lawyer of Indianapolis. He
was born In Indiana In 1840. Ho gradu
ated at the State University at Bloom-
lngton, In 1809, and was admitted to
the practice of law In tho Baine year
Ho wn Pltv Attornev of Washington
Ind.. from 1871-'75 and Mayor of Wash
ington from 187G to 79. He was a Dem-
ocratlo elector in 1876. In J88Z Mr,
Hvmirrt was elected to the 8tate Legls.
lature and became Speaker of the
House at the beginning1 of the session
of 1883. He was elected to the Forty-
eeootid congress and was re-elected to
the Fifty-third congress as a Demo
The new five-masted British steamer
nothlo. attracted a great deal of ut
tentlon In England before she left last
month on her maiden voyage to the
Australian colonies. In spciUiiiir of her
departure the astute "Look-out Mnn
of Fairplay says: The vessel on her
first voyage takes-a fairly lively cv
lect.'on of passengers, no loss ht.
till! t; five of the dately iroiio. irwsilv
Blr'u, having arranged for Lcrtha In I r.
George F. Barrlngton, a clerk In the
San Francisco. Custom House, has in
vented a boat davit which seems to
he far superior to those now In use.
He has a working model of It which Is
viewed with great Interest by ship
masters visiting the Custom, Housn.
Unlike tho curved davits now In use
his davit consists of two parts, an up
right stanchion with a bar attached,
on which the boat hangs. This lr
works on a Joint, and by pulling on a
tackle on each davit the boat can be
swung Inboard or outboard In a very
small space of time. Barrlngton claims
that by his device one man alone can
swing outboard and lower In the wa
ter any bIbc boat In ten seconds.
A bill for the promotion of aerial
navigation has been Introduced in con
gress by Senator Cockrell which author
ises the appropriation of $100,000 for
payment to any Inventor from any part
of the world who shall, at any time
prior to the first of January. 1900. con
struct a vessel that will demonstrate
the safety of navigating the air at a
speed of thirty miles an hour and capa
ble of carrying passengers and,, freight
to the extent of five tons.
The term lamtsnde usually conveys
IntelllfCMic of dlsanter, whereby may
are killed, but this time It Is URed to in
dicate th Immense sales of Ir. Miles
lUulnmitlvk V.i-iiinu a rtmipdv that IS
dally navlng tha llvrs of thousands who
nrs sun'erlng from nervous dsorders. ..t
eurwi palpitation, nervous prostration,
bFudach, b&rkaclia, spinal dlteaatn. hys
teria, ill effects of spirits, confusion of
mind, etc., and builds up th body sur
prisingly. Brown A Mabiiry. CourUaml,
N. Y., say one patient used Nervma and
Kiilned II (teen pounds of flehh. Bold by
Charles Holers, the druggist on a eur
aiitve. Get a book free.
Set Forth by an Author.
self deform is Instinctive. Tersons
who find IhemselvM altlleted with heart
disease aa manifested by lis many symp
toms, palpitation, abort breath, Irrwilar
nula, pain In aide or shoulder, smotner
lnif. falntlnd or dropsy, He., nat'iruily de
mii a d. feiiiie SKUiimt what my ti-mln-ui
fatuity. For this express nirpose no
rvnifKiy ,Ht ever appriHiched Ir. illlea'
Now lleHi't Cure, Bold by chus.Popors on
r : irantw. Mrs. U. X. k'i' of
Nwi..k.m. la., savft rr. Miles' NW
Ji. ;irt -ur, saved-her ltf.. biio sndered
from pa'iitatln an.l her heart would frw
mmlv ), :.( , h...;, M y, m mUmHh W as
n't to iivPj v. sa a mrr4 sk I-
i ' 1'i-H- f from hvtr-inri. New
Is conceded by all to be the best.
It fishes better and wears better
than any other twine used on
the Columbia river.
.If You Want Cannery and
-"".Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on
Cotton Jiope,
Cotton Twine,
Marshall's Twine.
Trap and Seino Web,
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Plate,
Tin . and Zinc, ,
Tn Stock.
How Are You Fixed for Insurance?
Fire and Marine.
Wo aro agents for tho largest and best companies
represented in Astoria.
Royal Insurance Co., assets,
London Assurance Corp'n
iEtna insurance Co.
WesternU. S. Branch,
NeY Zealand Insurance Co.,
Combined Assets,
Parte fWsltv Pills will reduce your
welnht I'KKMANKNTLY from 13 to 15
Bounds a innnth. NO KTAUV1XG, slok-
news or injury. iuohh.. .
build ui the health and beautify the
complexion, lnvlna; no wrinkles or
flabblnes. mutr AiLn.i.Aic.-ir nu
ditnrula breathing surely relieved. NO
KXl'KniMKNT,-but a SolentlllO snd
nrvHltlve i-ellef. adonted only Oer years
of experience. All orders supplied dl-
, mm nfHr. I'rii- 2.00 net
packatre, or three packages for $i.00
by mull, postpaid. Testimonials and
partlcuUu-s, (si-alod) 3 cunts.
All coiTrspondoncs strictly eonfldon-
t'-. ' "... . .
n. t'm'.-'-i ml'.: '" .fSiS-
FiSBE) i
Itt. rtEhtr. llvfllrst mi most pom,lr S
arkvlioos. boib vocat n4 Inurumtrul,
sitirn up in tii. aiost tkfsnt nann. In-
iaMg h.ur hrgt tit Kutrjlts. S
ABiUHA PAtll nut '
' uumiunHun
lXMayThntrbl4j..NfwYorkQr,-. Z2
jou umce i " -
Printing ped for all kinds of First
r-i- work, and at prices
cis low as prevail In Portland or
San Francisco.-
Legal Blanks
In Stock
Printed on
Short police.,
Docs not Revere The Name of
The ASTORIAN has determined to bring the life-work of this wonderful Idol of the people closer to the
minds of Its readers, to put them In possession of the Incidents of his career, his ambitions, his sacrifices, his
honesty and his sterling manhood.
fead Garefullg, arpd See for Yourself !
i vmm .Mm W tliTZ.
yap V ss as- ' -J W as IP V
We have secured at a Very Large Outlay the Magnificent Volume entitled
IilfE AfJD 010RH OF JAPES G. BliAIflE."
ThN book is the only authorized ri'tinn of the memoirs and history of Blaine. It is w ritten by JOHN
PATH. L. L. D., GrfN. SELDEN CONNOR, Ex Governor of Maine, and the eminent friends of the dead Stat,
REDPATH. L. L. D., GbN. btLUtiN V'"1 PA ""a,lVil anj tlie eminent fr ends of the dead statesman.
It contains a tull lenRin ponran u ."" ". " -iu an auiograrn letter sent to xne puousnas.
It contains an autograph letter from Mrs. Blaine which proves Ks authenticity and its claim to being the only volumn oi the
kinJ P?!?ffi HUNDREDS of splendid PICTURES nearly all of them being original copyrighted drawings.
It contains 50-; pages of description, printed on the heaviest book paper, in large, handsome type, and is heavily bound in
rlnth two co ilorsvitli 1 gold lettering and ornamentation on the covers.
This book cannot be purchased elsewhere. It is not on sale at bookstores, and you could not buy it for less than FIVE
DOLLARS if it were. It is a work of art, and a book that no citizen should be without. The reading matter is of enthralling
Our resolar subscript ion price for the WEEKLY ASTORIAN is $2.00 per Annum.
Onr regular subscription price for the DAILY ASTORIAN for 6 months is $3.50.
You can, by paying in advance, receive the WEEKLY ASTORIAN for one year and the LIFE
F yJnSotKme terms, have the DAILY ASTORIAN for 6 months and the LIFE OF
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Don't take" any snap judgment. You weal l.J f, without first coming to this office and see
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. Yours, for Literary Progress,
...... "CCy;;iij