THE DAILY ASTOiUAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MQUSIX", JANUARY 9, 1804." ... i 1 I t ! TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Vi virrler. nepr week.. 15 eta c.,i i,u null Dcr monlh W ts Sent by mall, per year Ji,0 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, 2.00 In advance, Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to Us sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on application to we DUBinen nmimer. This paper Is In possession of all the telegraph rrancnises, ami 10 ma ui.i paper on tne uoiumum m mat iu' llshes genuine dispatches. The Dally Astorlan's circulation Is five times as great as uiai 01 me com bined circulation of the other dally pa pers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorlan, the third old ot tiktv In the state of Oregon, has, iitxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in me mate. Subscribers to the Astorlan are re quested to notify this office, without loss of time, immediately they full to receive their dally paper, or when they do not get It at the usual hour. By do ing this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper parties and to insure a speeay remedy. Handley & Haas are our Portland agents and copies of the Astorlan can te had every morning at their sluncl on First street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, fur nlshed by the U. S. Department of Ag rlculture weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 42 degrees. Minimum temperature, 34 degrees. Preolnitatlon. .01 inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, 46.08 inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, .5H inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Jan. 8. For Western Wash ington, fair weather, followed by rain, slight temperature changes. For Oregon and Eastern Washington, fair weather.sllg htly warmer. Owners of coal mines in the Eastern states are growing alarmed at the pros pect of competition with the product of the English mines, over a million tons of which can be thrown yearly Into Eastern ports free of charge If the duty Is removed. That Is to say, if that com modity were used as ballast. The Mar itime Association of the port of New York, report that the number of vessels which entered into United States portt from the United Kingdom wore 3,143, of 6,030,030 tons, of which were with car goes, 2,109 vessels, of 4,041,487 tons; leaving in ballast, 1,034 vessels of 1,394, 642 tons. These figures readily show that the amount of English coal which could be brought into the Eastern mar kets would be Hn Important factor In llxlng prices, and that the alarm of the mine-owners is not without good foun dation. This would strike In two far apart places. The grain Bhlps could come to the New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia ports loaded with soft coal from England or Nova Scotia. Then the cotton and cattle ships, returning to the Gulf In cool ballast, would tnke the Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston nnd other coal markets, and with a lower rale of transportation across the Atlan tic than down the Mississippi, thu com paratively underpaid miners In Englam and Wales would cut under the West Pennsylvania and Virginia miners. Th fact of the extensive Influences of bo simple a matter as placing con I on the free list, shows how vastly Increased Is the Importance of the protective principle, as the commercial facilities of the nations are augmented by the prodigious fleets that sweep the sens. With the exception of Bame of the Holland canals, that recently completed to Manchester is the most Important maritime work which capital has ven tured to construct since the completion of the Sue. The Manchester canal cost within $25,000,000 of the sum which would complete the Nicaragua, and yet It is only an approach to an Inland town, while the Nicaragua project would prove a link between two great octmns, save thousands of miles of navigation around the stormiest cape ever known, and would, there Is good reason to be lieve, be the means of eventually giving maritime commercial supremacy to the United States. It Is a mistake to suy that the navies at France and Russia are at thin mo ment superior to that of Great Britain, but the program of the Gaul and Mus oovlte will soon put John Hull In the jdiade unless he bestirs hlnwelf. The total tonnage of England at the close f the year In effective battieidilpa and toast defense vessels Is 441.C40, and the number of ships 1 forty-six. France and Russia together have the same category In tonnage of 270,933, and the number of vessels is thlrty.rfx. Hut after April next France and Russia will have twenty-three vessels of 210,300 tons .building, and the English program of hlpbutldlng Is much less extensive. Hence the navy scare. This haa had I he effect of stimulating the British to tfwwh efforts. England began the eom ct!tlGa ty Mitrliig Hi great in- crease and France and Russia have followed suit, perhaps not cheerfully, but vigorously. Ho the jpuno will KO on while resources hold out, and the tax payer's back Is not positively broken. There are more fighting men and ships in the world today than at any former epoch, and yet the world la at peace. In the French chamber of deputies, the president has a heavy bell fastened on the desk at his right, and he can silence the votes of the most vociferous statesmen by vigorously working the handle. When the bomb exploded the other day, the president, M. Dupuy, whose life had been especially attempt ed, and who was slightly wounded, sat for a moment silent in the smok a terrible clamor in the hall, nearly every body crazy then rang the bell, and in a loud but calm voice said: "aentle men, the session will continue." The panic was over. The New York Sun, In the following few words, strikes a great fact with a dull thud. Referring; to Mr. Cleveland's income tax plan, the Sun says: "Whether a man has a family or not, or people dependent on him or not, the government will get nothing out of him by an Income tax if he haa no Income." The Sun might have added that the Income tax places a premium on fraud and perjury. UNION BIBLE MEETING. New Officers of the Society Elected on Sunday Afternoon. Rev. Daniel Staver presided at the union meeting of the Bible Society ir. the Methodist church on Sunday after noon, and Mr. Lowther officiated at t' organ. The services opened with th singing of a hymn, followed by the reading of the 19th psalm, and prayei by Rev. Staver. A duet, by L. H. Pederson and Mr. Lowther, was then sung. The re)ort of the secretary was read and approved, and the treasurer's nnr' depository reports were read, adopted, and ordered spread upon the minutes. The president appointed E. C. Holden, O. Stewart, nnd Mr. Franks, a nom inating committee. An intereHting address was then giver by Dr. Bushong, and was followed with a song. The report of the nominating com mittee was n follows: President, W. I. Crawford; vice-president, Mrs. C. J Curtis; treasurer, A. S. Reeil; secretary, Mrs. J. T. Ross; depository, Griffin & Reed; executive committee, Daniel Sta ver, L. H. Pederson, Duncan Stuart. The report of the committee wai adopted and the officers elected. An address by Rev. B. D. Sinclair, of Seattle, was listened to with much in terest, and the subject, "The Work of the American Blhlo Society," was ablj handled by Rev. Hetzler. A collection was then taken up, from which the sum of $10.75 was realized. After the singing of another hymn, the meeting adjourned, with a benedic tion by Rev. Smith. SUNDAY NIGHT AT M. E. CHURCH Is religious excitement in accord with the culture and refinement of the nine teenth century?" The abovo Is the sub- Ject presented by Rev. J. W. Buslions at the M. E. Church on Sunday nigni. The doctor In ids usual lively manner, showed that religious excitement wat in full harmony with the culture am refinement of the times. He certainly hu8 a knowledge of society nnd political- party excitement that stands hin In hand, for his most convincing and clinching arguments are made by com parlsons so simple and plain, that tnej . ill. ll.,.i At 11, carry conviction wim -"v close of the sermon Rev. L. C. Lowther . In n sang "jjeeKoning " effective manner. SPECIAL MEETINGS. The revival meetings at the M. E. church began last night at 7:30, with r spirited song service, the subject pre sented being "Get Out of the Way,' which was ably presented by Dr. Hu t,,r Th solo bv Rev. L. C. Low- va very effective. The Bubjecti fr.r the rest of th week are as follows Tuesday evening. "The Methodist Mourner's Bench; what Is It? Has II om urrtl'fflnt til the word of God?" wnrtnosduv. "Groans." Thursday. "Y miiBt be Regenerated." Friday. "The World's Great Want." Upon the Invi tation of BuHhong. about sixty per sons rosjionded. A GOOD WORD. t t i-oii Rhni-nshurar. P:l. i rm olad to say a good word for Krause's Headaclw Capsules. After suffering for over ; thw years with acute neuralgia and Its consequent insomnia Cvhlch seemed to baffle the efforu of some of our best physicians) vou suggested this remedy which m? S&t instant relief. Word. ifaH to express Me prplse I should like to bestow on KfMiirt HjMutaehe Capsules. MR. K. It- HOLMK3. Himiroae. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world tat cuts. hrulHMI (!-. tlKWS. . rmrain, 'V DTUiaeS, """ t v..-. nhllhltklny. i? eiiris Dilea. or no pay required. It Ly iuTrlnCaV fBlv perfect satisfac tion or n.ney ref de4L rjL cf r.r box. For sale by ChM. Rogers, c- vssor 10 J. v. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. WlnsIOWB wootnuiw atrvv been used for children teethin. It soothes the cmui. n ! Stay. Tall Pln. w,nd cholle, wd ta th . best Vmedy for diarrhoea. Twen i" - -.V hottu. Sold by all Crur- gist throughout tne wo id, . i HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. William E. Rockwell, No. C12 West C7tli street. New York, says: "I have Ix-en a martyr to bilious head ache and dyspepsia. Any Indiscretion In diet, overfatigue, or cold, brings on a fit of Indigestion, followed by :i head ache, limtlnK two or throe days at a time. I think 1 must have tried over twenty remelles, which were recom mended as certain cures by lovlnir friends, but It was no use. At last 1 thought I would take a simple course of purgation with Hrandreth's I'lllf. For the first week I took two pills every night, then one pill for thirty nlslits: In that time I gained three pounds in weight, and never have had an ache or pain since." Disease in one part of the body will eventually rill the whole body with di sease. Every year or two some part of the system grows weak and begins to decay. Such prt should be removed at once, and new matter be allowed to take Its place. There's no need of cut ting It out with a surgeon's scalpel. Purge away the old, diseased, and worn out parts with Brandredth's Pills. MUSCLE AND VIGOR A DIFFER ENCE. Many muscular men succumb to fa tigues bourn with ease ry persons iui their Inferiors In physical strength. Muscle does not Imply vigor. In fact, It is not difficult of proof that athletes do not live as long nor enjoy as gx,(i health as the average Individual who If vigorous that Is to say, whose diges tion and sleen are unimpaired, whose nerves are tranquil, ami who has no organic tendency to disease, lliuse re qulsites or vigor are conferred upon those inherently weak, no less than upon those debilitated through wasting disease, by a thorough, persistent course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the leading national tonic, indorsed and recommended bv Dhislclans of eminence It will not endow you with the muscle of a Corbet t. but It will infuse energy Into your system, and renew the active and healthful performance or us tunc tions. It averts and cures malarial rheumatic, and kidney complaints, and overcomes dyspepsia, constipation, nvei trouble and nervousness. HAY! HAY!! HAY!!! t n,m t, i.uiftv Hitvu Roll choice bar at $8,00 ''per ton. Call on Ross Hlggine & Co., ior sample. D. K. WARREN BOOTS and SHOES The Largest Stock", Best Quality and Lowest Prices at The Sign of the Golden Slice. JONN HAHN it CO. Heart Failure. now TO AVOID IT. TIio epitaph on many a tonilistono in "heart failure." Ko wonder, when we con nider the immense strain whicli is put on tliat small organ. Marvelous ;is it is, beating 100,000 limes anil exerting a force equal to 6,184,000 ponntlti ditily, it Ims it-- limit-ils endurance often h too severely tested. Ko common aro diseases !' the iieart though often for a consiiler;il)!e lime without the suspicions of fiie aillii tcil person being in the least excited Unit it i.i stated that one person in fimrhui a M heart Dr. Franklin Miles, ol Klkliur', Jml., lias for years made a special study of all diseases of the heart, and his remarkable success has nuiilc liis name n familiar one in nil liarls of our lam! He has found the most common symptoms of heart disease to be ;h'h,i(W'(s.-' or . inter nes! in tho cAfitf, bad:, stoimieli, lum-eh, left thoulder and arm, shortness cf breath, smother iny spells, fainting, etc. Mr. George It. Smith, of Birncp, Yules Co., N. V., writes: "Dn. Mir.r.i' Nkw II k ART t'unH has varied vomit rfuliu on mind and budy B 1 can il a (jnod day's vnrk IJeel ten years youni'T and tune more imeresi in a Hairs. I had slmrtncss of hreat li, imlpi tation, pain under left shouhler blade, ;nu'i uroiiiij i heart, 1 eoM not deep on my riijht side. Since I Imvo tnUen Dr. jLw A, Heart Cure 1 sleep veil, and mm no ptlptn- twn. It has made my heart stronyr. s wish you would print this, because I want nil to know what Dr. Hides' Heart Cure lias done for me." " For mouths my wife Buffered with jicyii tation. sinotlierinn fin7y, uml was iinahle to sleep on lier left Fide. Sho tried t-evera! doctoH without relief. Your Jeurt Cin was reeoninientli'il. After taking three bottles, she fully lecoveicd her health. Your medicines do what you claim." Cn.vs. Ciiiiistman, Toledo, (). Dr. Miles' New Cure for tho Heart is so!o Uy all drugci'ts on a positive guarauue. It is safe, agreeable, ami does cure. Dr. Miles Medic il Co., Kll.harl, Ind. Progress w$ Coojtery. "Ttio World Moves." There is no better illustra tion of this okl saying than the numerous schools now-a-days ilevoteJ to practical Kitclic n processes. These schools Jiave been aleiFto fim.1 a reasonalile substitute forlartl.thetiseoruhichTsso generally cotu!ermie(l.TT;s want has been luiFy t;7ct by coTMiii the new vegetable Lard. When science stnkesthe kitchen, it strikes vwTaiid cverybodv gets the benefit j-'ottolene i a clean, deli cate and ecoiiQiiiical substi tute for La r d c 1 ea nert haa the hog, dciicaje"astd!c"fin est vegetable oil, econortiH fa fronHts lovuiceaiui stnaii quantity required to be used. Prove it for youY self by a trial"" At srocereveryvriere. REFUSE All SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAjR BANK & CO ST. LOUIS og 1 "r " "oto n . WITH IX THE REACH of every woman health and strengtu. They're brought to you uy Dr. tierce's Favorite rresenption. Take this nicdi ) cino oud tiiere's a safe and certain cure for all the chron ic weaknesses, derangements, and disuses peculiar to the a It will build up, strength en, and Invigorate every "run down " or delicato woman. It reinilnte and assists all the natural functions, never con fli,4ii with them, and is por- L'Nfoctly harm less in any coudl J tion of tbe female system. .( At somo period in her life, K woman requires a general. I 'as '.vi 1 t..i uterine, tonic, and II ni.1 I'il.M. Vrnr- r t'iv-1 or nfffl-'U-1 wMJion, you raTi iii 1 i.o oi'ler reii'et ,y t.ias ttran f,v,f if tho " i'r -":tion " f.u to Ijo-io-fit or cure, you Imve your money back. So smn!l is tho chance of failure, with Dr. Paro's Remedy, that its proprietors aro wliling to make this promise.: ' If we can't cure your Catarrh, no matter how irad your also is, we'll pay you $500 in cash." Relieved me of a severe mood trouble. It hns also caused my hair to grow out aram, as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain, I am so happy lo find a cure in S .S. S. 0. II. Llukut, Galveston, Tex. C TDPC isy forcing ont genas of di. 1UiIjJ tasouail thu i.o:ou ajwull. 'r'.l I entirely vt-pctable a:nl harmless. s s s Tiw.i"e "'i l'!"'"l :"' Kldn wnllcil free H-virr si'S.-inc Co.. Atlanta, Ga DR. GUMS SYRUP FOB COUGHS, COLDS GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. iDralaineafimllTof nlin chililrcn, my only rem edy for ConfTh CjHi nnd Croup woa onion syrup. It IsiuM m cir-jciH., to-tliv a It wns forty yriire ago. Now my Bnnd"hlHr-n 00 Dr.'i Onion Syrup which ifl tilroadv prpir(-d and mor rlpiaftnt to tho tMte. Bold 8V,?rvwhro. Lirio botllfn 60 oontB. ko no eubitltuto lor it. -i-nero a hoiiuuk ma uooo. for sale by J. W. Conn. Druggist. WANTED. WANTED Pushing: canvasser of good address. Liberal salary and expanses paid weekly; permanent position Urown Uros. Co., Nurserymen, J'ort l.iud, Oregon. WANTED. 100 on pood security. Address 11. J this oflice. WANTED A position as bookkeeper, .-stcnoirrai) her. or clei'K. ur wouiu umu a set of books to "straighten up" for I he nc.v year. Addl tt s uooKKerpei care Astorlan. FOn SALE. FOR SALE A ivood second hand Sin ger sewing machine for sale cheap. Ap ply to tiath Cottage, West Sixth street. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate In Hill's ilrst addition. LOTS FOR Sl-Call at the Astoria Heal Estate Exchange and get a lot In Hill's First Addition for V- JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wing Lee has Just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 02D Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho tel at Seaside Is open the year uround. CALL ON J'. RAKER, 47S Third St., and have yuur clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWINU- MACHINES And general repairing, lock-titting, etc. U. A. May, Ui Main street. ilEO. McLEAN, corner Olncy and As U.r streets, does a general business In lilacUsicithiiig and repairing. WHEN IN FORTLANP-Cull on Handley & liisns, 150 First street, and set the Daily Astorlan. Visitors need not ini3 their morning paper while there. Ml'tilC I.I'h'ONS. J. AV. Thomp son, organist tit the M. E. Church, sits lessons in music, piano and oi tfan. Organs tuned und repaired. Ad dress ;'ij Astor street, Astoria. TO SUiiSCRlllKRS. Those who do iu.t rcciivo their papers reguiariy ana n time s!unii, luilify this qttlee. " :he papers d-iivered by carriers are wel or iM l,;Hi condition, don't fail to nuiue complaint nt the business oiuce. VOI'H FRIENDS IN EUROPE.-rH you have friends in Europe whose pns m.w you wish to prepay to Astoria, cull r.t the Northern Pacitlc oilice, -Ueamcr Telephone dock, und make Miown your wants. Reduced fare via all tlie leaji'v; steamship lines. ARE YOu'UOINf I"" h'-e the Northern Pacific railroad ir you are Going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, bagsaffe check ed lo destination. All purchasers of ed lo seeon id-class tickets can stop over at Portland Portland. Rates of tare same " AVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Call t Aupust Danielson's Sample Rooms. rIiE PUHKH1 "V" liquors are sold at Alex Campbell "nil. fandet wine instead of coffee or tea. Plf.y cents per gallon. Don t forget Pach and apriect brnndy. Also F rencn Ccfnae aud wipe ct Ales Gilbert . ll'flHSOHWPY! 3 B5Tp mm jr u A DW.IC1DLS PRINK -There Is no place in Astoria s litre -Jofirr Kop famous beer Is kept in such good con dition fis nt Utzlnger'n popular resort. NOVELTIES -6Beautiful and Appropriate Christmas Presents. Rave and Tasteful Designs in Jewelry. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. Business Must be naving concluded to retl.e from business I will disponent my entire stock at a tacriflte SCHOOL 110. -K8 AND BTATIONEKY at actual cost. All olh-r Roods will he sola below co. No reserve. The entire stock must be closed out before the new n'"- Hxturcs and show cases lor sale cheap. This is a bona tide sacrllicc closhiK sale. R. STRAUSS, I'.s. Country Merchants will find It lo llielr advantupc to Mil on ii-i o rchnaiinf eUcvheie. Tliis ciosinif out siile is Mru-lly Mr asn oniy, before pu SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISSIONERis The reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the first Monday of each month ut 10 a. m., at the otllce of Robb & Tal ker, w. L. Robb. Sec. NOTICE The regular meetings of the Astoria Building und Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Oliice on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L,. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. So journing brethren cordially in '.ted. By order C. P. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to hava matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds its regular meeting. K. OSBUKN, Auditor and Police Judge. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, T. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third street. J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavel building, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4, 5, and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, uregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Flavel's brick building. FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLUY, ATiOttfi-li. A.NU tuUis,LUti AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. F.L1V JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oilice, Itooin 7, over Osgood's Cloth ing store, hours, It) to 12 in., 7 to S p. m. buuday, 1U to II a. in. i DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en und surgery. Otllce over Danziger's store, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACVOITnH EtIR . Office, Rooms 3, 4, over Astoria Na-! tlonal Bank. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 1 5. Resjdence, 69, Cedar street. j DR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dealer In DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS' SUN DRIES. 307 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. P. WICKMAN, CONTRACTOR. House moving and street planking. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street. A. GIECONS. j ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and j ' PROFESSIONAL ROOKKEEPm I Office, with General MesseriEer On 515 Squemoque street. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident 8u ranee. W. W. PARKER. REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. O.Tlce. li: Eciton street, Astoria, Or. IN JEWELRY H. EKSTROM, Third St. Closed Out Sure! NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE ill on in and price our goods the Astoria Rational Bank TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts of Firms nnd Individuals solicited on favorable terms. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid or. time deposits as fol lows: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum For 6 months, 5 per cent per annum For 12 months, 6 per cent per annum A Saving Department. Having been established- In connection with tho above, deposits will be re ceived in sums of one dollar and up ward. Interest will bo allowed as follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum; on term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. I). K. WARREN, President. J. E. IUGGINS, Cashier. J. C. DEMENT, Vice-Prest. D. K. WARREN, .1. C. DEMENT, C. S. WRIGHT, JOHN HOBSON, H. C. THOMPSON, TIIEO. BRACKER, Directors. THE flST0?m SAVINGS fiAM Acts as trustee for corporations and individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent rtr annum. On term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an For six months, C per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBY Vice-President FRANK i'ATTON Casnicr DIRECTORS: J. Q. A. Howlby, Gust. Holmes, BonJ. Young, A. S. Reed. HUGHES & CO. Vhole1e nnd lietnil LIQUOR - DEALERS. Importers of nil brands of foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars. J. II. Cutter whiskies a specialty. Vrl l'.iatz bottled beer. Finest brands of Key Ye:;t and imported cigars. Liquors for medicinal purposes. Family trade solicited. All order from the country and city promptly 'llled. .(tiomopio Street, Astoria, Oregon. CtffLS. HEIItBOW & SOJl. Importer an! Dealer in FURNITURE i Carpets and Upholstery. 501, 503 end 505 Third Street, ASTORIA, OR. Electric Iiights. lncnndeeoent, all ni'uut, . . .. fl.BO " J2 o'clock... 1.00 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of any member oi the tlrm or at the oilice, foot of Con eomly West Snoitu Wil ts Co., con T. O. TrulliDKer, President. FISHIER PRQB Sfyip Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wngona& Veliiclies In Stoclc Fifm .Machinery, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Loggers' Su;."rlies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors I nnd Windows. Provisions, Ulour. uncj f.'cejj Auioria, Orugon. HUNTER St MERGERS, I"roprletor of tlio Poind BoicheriniCOi's Markets r.,ner Second mid B'nN'1 sir- cin. L'Diiier tliird una Wert tiniiJi iireetS. ,'SEASIDE SAWfULL I . A complete slock of lumber on hand I'l th r uig'fl or classed. F-lDcrtui;.'ri&? i w- ceiling, and' all kinds of finlsVii i nu,ululnes nnd Fhinles; also bracket 1 work done to order. Terms reasonable jnd prices at bedrock. All orders f'omptiy attended to. Office and yard "" mill. 11. f. L. LOGAN, Prop r. Feaslde, Oregon. V