THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTOUIA, SUNDAY MORxNJNG, DECEMBER 31, 1893. NOTICE. ThebuHlness office and editorial rooms of the Asloviau ofiice will be closed nfter 11 p. in. of each day. All commu nications or busiiiesH locals should be handed in before that lime, ns the editor will be at the down town oliice nfter that hour. At the present time the business office and editorial de partment will be found In the office of rcimore, Sanborn & Co., where Ihey will remain until the work of remodel ing the Astorlan building, on the cor ner of Third and Cass streets, Is com peted. ABOUT THE CITY. The school census Is being taken by Clerk Ferguson. A girl baby has been born to the wife of Albert Johnson.- No cases were tried yesterday In or the Justice or police courts. :1th The schooner Jewett is on the way tr this port from San Francisco. The pilot schooner San Jose Is ex pected to leave out early in the week. A marriage license Was granted yeir terday to Arvld Nlemi and Alaulla Uri. vala. The street lights were out for an hour or so last evening, and the city was left In almost total darkness. A year's subscription card to the Library would make your friend a very nice New Year's present. The steamer Bandorllle, which arrived from Sluslaw on Friday last, Is expect ed to sail for Coos bay today. The next meeting of the subsidy com mittee will be held on Tuesday morning at the office of the Astoria Real Estatt Exchange at 10:30 a. m. Auditor Osburn yesterday straight ened up the affairs of the city for the year about to close, and deposited the funds with tiic treasurer. Americans would have no cause to' of Kalania, says. The stakes were $75 blush, and the ltuwaiimi question would Ion since have been settled satisfacto rily to all concerned, if Gresham's rtlpK macy and patriotism had been equal to that of his illustrious predecessor James G. r.Kilne. For full particulars of the negotiations in theChlllan affair, the Ilalian Mafia troubles, and the Bering hea controversy, see the Astoria n's Life of Dlalne. A dispatch -ecelved from. Tillamoo via Forest Grove yesterday conveys thi Information that ths steamru Elmore, although still aground, is considered on of all danger, and expectations were In dulged In that she would be off at high tide last night. With a favorable wind, It was considered the steairor would U quickly lifted Into deep water. She Is now In such a-position thit there but little danser of a strain, and Cap tain Tatton is not alarmed at the ou: look. Positively all goods sold must be for cash at the present great, sale at C. H Cooper's. Wagner & Co. have a new lino of souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew elry repairing a specia!ty.Opposite the Astorian onice. The Coffee House, E22 Third street best place for chops and steaks: oys ters by the quart; received dally and always fresh. Zoe, the little eight-year-old daughter of Mrs. Weatherford, was fearfully burnt yesterday by the ignition of her clothes while popping corn. The little one was standing In front of the stove, and her dress caught fire, the flames rapidly encircling her entire body. Her mother hastened to the scene und made frantic efforts to quench the flames with her hands, but before Bhe was successful .Mrs. Weath erford was seriously burned about the hands and wrists, and will be unable to attend to her household duties for some time to come. Every person should attend the New Year's social Monday night at the M E. church. Fine program, home talent, A fine series of tableaux. Frae to till. Services as usual at Grace church to day a 11 and 7. Sunday school at 12:30, p. m. Divine service with holy com munlon Monday (Jan. 1) at 10: 30 a. m, There will be services In the Swedish Lutheran church, Upper Astoria, this evening at 7:30. New Year's flay a 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. F. Carlson, Pastor. The steamship State of California sailed yesterday for San Francisco, Among the shipments from this port were 1513 cases of salmon, 115 sacks o! oysters, 14 boxes of fish and 41 empty barrels. An S0 lo or 12. Groceries cheap for cash at Howell Sc. ward a. The Helmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olaen's. All groceries sold at bottom prices lor cash at Howell & Ward s. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest caBh price for lur skins. Tom Irving, says the Cathlamet Ga zette, ls'in receipt of a lettsr from Tom Boyle, who went to British Columbia recently to search fur his brother, Hugh Boyle, stalling he had located the lost man, who was sale and well J. P. Bushee, late grand lecturer ol the Masonic order for Oregon, wIk was killed by falling from a movii, train In tiie city limits of Pendleton, as he was returning to his home on Christmas morning, was well known to a number of people in Astoria. Three victims of the opium habit named W. H. Page, Ella Wilson ami iac8 Morris, were exairjliKsd yester day as to their mental condition by Dr. W. D. Baker before Justice Cleveland, and committed to the asylunt for the insane. One of the girls is but twenty years of age, and the other but twenty-one. Rovers of a good cigar can always nna imiq, iresti .uqimonis at Chas. oi sen's For Sale Thrre good lota at Smith's Pclnt. A bargain, Address A. B., thl3 ulhce. Ohinawnre, in the latest designs, at E. II. H4Wps'. Prices nevor before equaled in this city. Jvlisa li.t!iei Andrews has heen ap pointed to fill the vacancy jn Court Street Scboo) caused by the resignation (if Mis3 Cullie Brodle, whose marriage to Mr. Borchers was celebrated recen. ly. Beginning with the next term of school, Miss Andrews will take the Un jontoyn school and Miss Bayles will bp transferred to th Court Street School. If money Is scarcer In this city ai present owing to the effects of the gen eral business depression, so much of ii is not. needed as in former times. Pur chasers of dry goods can readily satis fy themselves of the correctness of thir statement by calling at C. H. Cooper's tnd examining the" first-clafcs goods that are being offered at Immense reductions from the former price. For $2, a lot is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's First addition. The City Chop House and" Restaurant at 410 Second street is open day and night. Everything first-class. Nothing but white labor. John Dragolich, Pro'r. Eastern and Shoalwater Bay oys lu quarts or pint at the Third street restaurant. Private rooms for families. Jo Kinckelia, proprietor, Vi Third street. Anything in the line of gents' furn ishing poods, in the newest styles, can tie had from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be fore equalled. JEf F'S, The Only Restaurant The trustees of the Public Library art ery anxious to Increase the Bubscnp lion list to that institution the begin ling of the new year. The only way it seems, Astoria can have a HbraVy 1. by popular subscription, so If you arc- not already on the list, send In youi name. The library is improving as fast as means will allow, The past month there have been added to the reading iables,w eekly editions of New Yoik, Xew Orleans and Chicago papers. Tin principal periodicals are always to be found on lh tables with encyclopedias dictionaries, naps, etc., for reference. The use of the reading room Is free and nine-hundred and thirty-nine per sons availed themselves of its benefits during the month of November. Tht library hours are 3:30'to 9:30 each day, except Thursday and Saturday, wher for the benefit of country subscriberr the opening hour Is 1:30. Hill's First addition is located in the centre of the city. Lots are now selling in it for J2. There is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money. Ladles' writing desks, recking cralis, and dining chairs, suitable for Christ mas presents, at G. V. Porter's, Second street. Handsome crayon portraits with $25 purchases. THE RESCUE CLUB. a side, it Is alleged. The sequel to the affair la told in the following, which also appeared in the Bulletin: "I wish to state to the public thai II. J. Powell, who backed me in the foot-race at Woodland last Saturday, sneaked oft with the Btakes and did nr.t divide up with me as he promised to do. C. Ii DISVOL. Flashlight photos of the maskers: al so printing on silk. and satin, now on I exhibition at Crow s gallery. The dining room at the Astor house has again been opened. Only the best of I white labor is employed. Give the fa vorite a chance. The following goods at C. H. Cooper's sale are exempt from reductions, owing to manufacturers' restrictions: 13. & W. collars and cuffs, Centemerl kid gloves, "W. C. C." corsets, oil clothing ana ruDDer goods. Everything else will oe slaughtered. COOPER'S Great Midwinter Sale Commences Tuesday, January 2. Our Immense Stock of Fine Dry Goods, Clothing: Etc., ' To be Sacrificed. ASTORIA LEATHER. The Product of tno Tannery Gaining a Great Name. Charles Olvls, the tanner of Upper- town, has returned from the East. Dur ing his absence he visited the World's Fair, where exhibits of Astoria leather took four prizes. A. Ortmeyer & Son, of Chicago, who made one exhibit of the product of the Astoria cannery, was awarded three medals, and John O'Kanc, of Sau Francisco, took the only prize for horse-boots made from the same material. Mr. Olvls has entered tilt-, ivintl-nnt 1 1 1. nutmntm, 0- Unn . I ship them leather twice a month. ' He I M"e determined to place our immense stock on the market. Bargainsand great bargains will siaiea uiai in cnicago me poverty is I nmnnthlnff frto-hf ful nviv inn ASM nAAnla I ...... q lQll.a.wa.a v T v. ivv,vvv svsjyiG being out of employment; while St. Paul had 20,000, and Minneapolis 10,000, In St. Paul some men are sawing wood at the rate of twenty sticks for a meal ticket, and hundreds watting their turn to earn sufficient food to keep them from starving. "Here in Astoria," said Mr. Olvls, "I do not think there is a single person starving, and nowhere in the country can a city be found the residents of which have so much cause for congratulation." given Our Annual Inventory of Stock takes place on January 31, and before that time we ned to place our immense stock on the mark Many goods will be sold regardless of cost. C. H. COOPER, The Leading House, Astoria. Dalgitus Iroi? Works. At Cooper's Midwinter Sale you car. buy fine imported dress goods formerly sold at from $1 to $1.25 for fifty cents per yard. Combination suits, formerlv sold at from 515 to $22.50, can be had Boiler Repairing and Cannery Work. uuiuig me iii-eeem saie ior (.ou. All ine JAJ1ES DALGITY, Proprietor, (Successor to Arndl & Ferchcn.) Repairing of River Craft a specially. worK ot an kiiiJs none, Machine Shop, foot of Lafayettt St. goods are new and of the latest style. A great sale of dry goods will be commenced at the store of Shanahan Bros, on Wednesday next. It. is thi, intention of the proprietors to retain their well-earned reputation for1 giving bona fide reduction sales, and in the coming one, as In those that preceded It, will be offered bargains in dress goods, fancy goods, notions, ladles and gents' furnishing goods, etc., that musi appeal to the good Judgment of all who examine the goods and prices. It is needless to sav that the stnek cnntnlna nothing but new and fashionable goods CHRISTENSKN & CO., or ail descriptions, Shanahan Bros, in arlfiKlv iv.fnl ulnar ovnnlUn, rvmn. . n making their quarterly purchases I i VV Y A I f Vashington ftleat Market. Corner Second anJ Main Streets. Wholesale and Retail Butchers : and : Packers Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short notice. Families supplied promptly at the lowest rates. FREEMAN & BREMNER, HIockmitli. Special attention paid to steamboat re- t 1'ttlrlDK, Hist-cla-'B horaaihuelng, etc. LOGGING CAJVIP (HOW A SPECIALTY. 197 Oliicy street, between Third and Fourth, Astoria. Or. Prop, PERSONAL MENTION. . DEALER IN Miss Bessie Arndt Is visiting friends HAflDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERY in Portland. ..... . ruie uiiiii varnisn, mnacie LJII, l-OI- ton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine. Lard OH, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. GROCERIES, ETC. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints and Oils. A Short Program and a Large Audience Last Evenlne. The meeting of the Rescue Club last evening brought out a large number; oi the friends of the club, and while the program waa short there was much enthusiasm displayed. President ITstes was In the chnh and Miss Frankle Hoi den officiated at the piano. The pro gram was as follows: Song, "There's One Who Will Never Porgt," Miss An nie Oratke, accompanied by Mrs. Ma- comber. In response to an encore Miss Gratke sank "Biddy Magee" very clev erly. A duet, piano and violin, by Mrs. John Wirt and Master Gus Wirt, was rewarded with an encore, and they re sponded with an attractive selection. Mr. Silas B .Smith was next intro- luced, and he entertained the audience for a short time with an address which proved very interesting. Dr. Estcs followed with some happy remarks, and after appointing a com mittee on program for next week con sisting of Miss Maggie Burns and Miss Laura Fox, the meeting adjourned. A. L. Gile came down from Portland yesterday. . raiss iNeine apencer, ot uare, is a guest at the Occident. Mrs, M. M. Hunter, of Portland, nr- Ived in, town yesterday. Miss Ocia Campbell, of Warrenton, visited this city yesterday. Hon. and Mrs. J. G. Megler came down from, Brookfleld yesterday. -H. Trenkman and family were pas sengers from Portland on the Telephone yesterday. Captain John Olsen, who has beei ailing for some time past, left for Cal ifornia on the ocean steamer yesterday. THE OGGIDENT HOTEL Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. RH UHEXCEbbED TABLE. Rates, Si dally and upward. WEATHER STATISTICS. Compiled at the Fort Canby Station by Observer Williams. J. A. FASTABEN D, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and WHARF BUILDElfc Address, box 180, postofice ASTORIA, ORE, E0SS, 11 IG GINS Butchers : and : Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffees, TaWe Delicacies, Domestic and I ropical hrults, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon. Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. Steedman's Soothing Powdura relieve teverisnness ana prevenc nis ana con vulsions during the tce'ining period. Gents' overcoats, in new and nobby styles, tailor made, will bo sold at from 25 to 50 per cent less than the former price during the greaj sals au Cooper's. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can get them for the same price at the Union Pacific office In this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland,. All the patept mudicb.ea advertised n this pausr. toisettior wiiu mo onoio- est perfumery, and tollfct articles, etc.. an be bought at the lowest prices at W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Aitoria. HELD THE STAKES. A foot-race of seventy-five yards was run at Kaiama lasi eaiuraay oeiween Charley Devol, formerly of this city, and E. E. Dunham, who has also fig ured In foot-races in this city and Vl- j velocity, ot the wind during any Jan clnlty. Dovcjl wen easily, the Hulletln, uary was M miles on me sun. ikki, The weather bureau at Fort Canby, Washington, furnishes the following data, compiled from the record of ob servations for the month of January, taken at that station for a period of ten years: Temperature Mean or normal tem perature, 41 degrees. The warmest January was that of 1871 with on ftvprage of. 46 degrees; the cold est January was that of 18S8, with an average of 36 degrees. The highest tem perature during any January wa3 CO degrees cn the 7th. 1893; the lowest temperature during any January was I hardware, Iron, Steel, 11 degrees on the 15th, 188S, Precipitation Average for the month 7.93 Inches, Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more, 20. The greatest niontiily precipitation was 12.07 Inches In 1890; the least monthly precipitation was 3.69 Inches In 1893. The greatect amount of precipitation re corded in any tw'-nty-fmr consecutive hours va 27 Inches on tho 23d and Tho greatest amount of snowfall re corded In twenty-four consecutive hours (record extending to tfie winter of 1884-5 only) was 4.50 Inches on the 5th and 6th, 1S90. CloucU and weather Average num ber of clear days, 6; average number of partly cloudy days, 8; average number cloudy day3, 17. Wind The prevailing wlritM have been from thu oulheast. The highest & CO., Grocers, M.C.CROSBY, Iron Pipe and F'ttings, Stoves and Tinware. House Furnishing Goods, Sheet aud Strip Lead, Tin and Copper, and Sheet Iron THE OREGON BAKERY. A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop. GOOD BREAD, CAKES and PASTRY None but the Best Materials used. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CUSTOMERS Bread delivered to any part of th dry. H- B. Parker, liealer in Lime, Brick, Sand, Fire Brick, Fira Clay, Cement, Mill Feed, Oats, Hay. Straw. Wood Delivered to Order. Draylng, Teaming and Express Business. Portland ant) Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria every evening except Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except ounuuy at i u. ril. Leaves Portland every day except ounauy hi u. in. C. W. STONE. Act. Astoria. E. A. Seeley, general agent, Portland. I. R. & N. CO.'s Steamer llwaco. leaves Astoria dully at 7;30 a. m. for llwaco, CbllliiR at Tansy Point, and connecting with rullroud running north at 10 a. m, aud with boats on shoalwuter bay for South Bend, Sunnlilne, North Cot And oilier points through to CJray'a liar bor. Itetiirnli'g connects at llwaco with a'eamersfor Astoria and Night Boats for Portland. JOHN It. COULTER, L. A. LOOMI8. nec-TOiury. President. K, V. KGllKltr, Bupettnteudent. TIie IJI EastMail "a pict Central - Hotel Cor. 3rd and West Ninth Sts. On the European plan. Larpe. alrv rooms and a first-class restaurant. Board dally, wixUy or monthly. Private rooms for families.. Oysters and fish In season. Finest Winei, LWuor's and Clears. EVENSON & COOK, Proprietors. AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS WCRLD'5 FAIR. PPIil'S floFth Paeifie Brewery JOHN KOPP, Prop, Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to The only I'ure Creata of Tartar Powder. No Amaiouia; Ko' Alum. tysed in-Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. JEFF'S Is the Bon Toa IJestatjrant of tfc? City The Finest on tho Coast. Dinner Parties and Banquets a Specialty. W. B. HCRtEURT, ?. W. Lot'KSDEKRT, Bt Wine, ana Uiru. - Y.'br. 1.0,. PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Eastern Points 24 to 36 Hoars Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Care, Cln. Ing Care are run dally via the Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port, land at 7:00 p. m. GJlICflGO, JMILWAUPE find ST. PflUli RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinenta Lines Is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGtfTED - CflS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. Th Express Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, ' Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line Is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices.' For further Information Inquire ot any tlckot agent, C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CASEY, Tav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- . SRH FRANCISCO AND fllili POINTS IN CALIFORNIA Via tht Ml. Shasta Rout of the Southern Paeifie Co. The Only ffoute Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STEAM ERR SAILINO DATES. Col-imbla, Tuesday, Dec. 5. Slate, Sunday, Dec 10. Columbia, Friday, Dec. 15. 8tae, Wedni.'edny, Dec. 20. -Columbia; Monday, Dec. 25. State, Saturday, Dec. 30. Astoria end Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leave As toria at 6:45 a. m., dally except Sunday, via Washlnsrton side of the river; re turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m daily, except Saturday. The Thomp son makes landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. it. n. rr ark, OI.IVKH iv.iiivji VBex-rrcra, For rates and general Information sail on or PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPERS Attached to express trains, affordlne; superior accommodations for second class passengers, l-'or rates, tickets, aleonlno- nr yatlonn, etc., call on or address B. p. UOaiiRS, Assistant General Pausen ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. Opposition Line! -to- . PORTLAND THE CITY OF FRANKFORT . Will lev Astoria Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 7;30 p. m. Sundays at 8:30 a, m. Leaves Portland, Morr!?a street .T.- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 11 p. m. F ARE Single trip l; round trip, fi.W. Astoria Shipping Co., Agents, , : Main street wharf.