THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1893. ail 2l0tortan. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION, DAILY. Served by carrier, peP' week.. IB els to cts Hent by mall, per monin... Sent by mall, per year Ji.Ot) WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, J2.00 In advance Postage free to subscribers. The Astorian guarantees to Us sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. . Advertising rates can be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper Is in possession of all the telegraph franchises, and Is the only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. The Daily Astorian's circulation is five times as great as wiai 01 me cum blned circulation of the other daily pa pers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorian, the third old ef wppIcIv In the statft of Oregon, has, ntxb to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in me buuu. Subscribers to the Astorian are re quested to notify th offlce, without loss of time, immediately they fail to receive their dally paper, or wnen u::o do not get It at the usual hour. Uy do Ivft this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper parties and to Insure ft speedy remedy. Handley & Vsum are our Portiand agents and copies of the Astorian can t had every morning at their stand cm First street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at E p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the U. S. Department of Ag rlculture weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 61 degrees. Minimum Itempenjiture,, 143 degrees. Precipitation, .82 inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, 42.12 inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, 11.61 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Dee. 22. For Oregon and Washington, light occasional rain. Cardinal Gibbons, it is announced, has receded from his stand In favor of di viding the public school funds in the Interest of parochial schools. The car illnal found too much healthy Amer lean sentiment opposed to his reaction' ary views, even men of his own faith declining to follow him, and publicly denouncing and protesting against the policy he proposed. They saw that once the door were opened on such a pretext as the cardinal gave, there would be no stemming the tide. There would, indeed, have been no reason why those of the Jewish faith should not demand their share of the funds, contributing, as they do, a good pro portion of the money. But they have not done so, nor have they shown any disposition to do so. The schools are as non-sectarian as possible now, and if any particular sect wishes to further Instruct the children of Its fulth In the teneto preferred by It, the Sunday school and the home circle are the proper places. The public schooln would not survive such a proposed divi sion. The tendency of the secului schools Is to Induce toleration for the religious beliefs of all good citizens, and that should satisfy any American. Scarcely a day passes that additional test-lmony Is not forced upon the publli attention of the widely prevailing des titution and suffering throughout tin country. Of course there Is alwayi suffering when the winter comes, but this season Is exceptional for the ex tent and severity of the misery. Ti begin with work has been slack, and the jreot houses upon whose actlvllj liumbers of worklngmen have depended for their dally employment and the means of earning their, dully bread, have been forced by the laws of sol: preservation to move with extreme cau tion, In many Instances declining ti fctart their machinery except on speci fic orders. Then, In utter disregard of this condition of things, those who con trol the movements of organized labor Jiave not hesitated to order strikes for real or fancied grievances. It has often happened, to paraphrase the populai motto, that the fancied Injury of one Is the real Injury of another who hai no concern In their grievances. Tho French are taking energetic meas ure to cope with anarchistic plots and propaganda. It Is a proper step when foreigners are caught dabbling ii l4mbs and Incendiary leaflets, to nend them across the frontles. but these bus pect doubtless avoid, their own country and go somewhere else to hatch more nihehlef. They would have no reason to complain If they were delivered to the tender mercies of their own people when they frightfully abuso the rights uf asylum. But there should be strict proof that they are not being deported for othr offense. The belief I growing stronger dally trat the letter from James G. Htalnr to ex-Mlnlster Stevens, alleged to have been stolen from the records In Wash ington, never had any existence. The probability I Mr. Blaine wrote no let ter to Steven. It U certain, If he did o. and there was a prospect for annexation, he was In favor of It, and did not hesitate to say so, If he ex pressed himself at all. There never was nn administration of the Government of the United States, up to Cleveland, Mutt would not have promoted annea tion; and there never before was. a civilized nation whose crlef executive would have played the- part that Cleve land has In preventing annexation; .ml there will not, in all human pro'uabilty, be another such. Princeton feels so elated over her remit victory at football that hho is breaking forth Into song, as it were. She is about sending her sweet singers South about fifty of them. If they wear the Princeton colors the Inhab itants of that sunny realm will think a flock of human orioles has burst upon them from the frosty north. Ambassador Bayard, who shared witl the deposed Queen of the Sandwich Is lands the shabby side of the Hawaiian conspiracy, and talked Just a little pre maturely In London, does not like the remarks Senator Hoar made In the sen ate. We should not think he would. The ambassador is quoted by cable too frequently for diplomacy. SPEAK TO THE CARRIER! Subscribers to the Dnlly Astorian who wish to procure the "Life of James G. Blaine," at an expense of $1.00 (worth $3.00) should Inquire of. Mr. Rannels, the route agent, who will give the do sired information. See advertisement on last page. "BORDER LAND." , Its Successful Production at Lilxrh Hall Last Evening. The entertainment at Liberty Hall last evening was liberally and deserved ly patronized, and the audience enjoyed the performance Immensely. "Border Land, or a Brother's Revenge," was produced in a manner much above tho average in amateur performances, it ml as far as some of the roles were con cerned, the acting would compare veiy favorably with that of many who gain a livelihood by histrionic ability. The honors were divided between Miss Eva Holmes, who made a most charming "Mary Lester," and little Fay Leber, whose talent was a source of surprise to all. Miss Clara Agnes jLun bar as "Wenona," also made a hit, us Jid Mark Warren, who appeared in the role of "Mr. Lester, r. Uankei'." F.-ank Farlej's "Jack Ralston" va3 excellent and Poslmuaier Hare's conception e "Jco Den-psey, the Rencpad-;," left nothing to be desired. As "Hon. Fat rick McFaddle," Captain J. V. Brown gave an Inimitable production, and Ter ry McKean showed his accustomed marked ability in the role of "Charley Lester, the Incorrigible." As "Miss Springing, a Would-Be-Young, Old Maid," Mrs. Farley scored a Buccess, The performance will to rpeutd this evening. ENTERTAINMENT. The benetlt entertninmeht to be given by Seaside Lodge. No. 12, A. O. U. W tomorrow and Saturday evening for the benetlt of the library fund eif the lodae promises to be one of the nest per formances ever given in this city. The ciist is excellent, and each one Is per iod In h Is or her mut. It is a siue splitting comedy. The tickets will be tor sale this morning at the following I-'aoes: New York Novelty store; urn tln& Heed's book store; Olson's, Rogers' Conn's and Ktrlckler's drug store's; John L. Carlson's, H. Grube's. I. J Goodman & Co.'s store: Danzlirer s, Herman Wise's. Marrua Wise's, ami John Aiicarola's places of business. The local talent Is to be assisted uy air. and Mrs. Farley, who are able and brilliant artists, and who have kindly consented to help the lodge. It is to te honed thnt everv one Will neip me Inilirn In thin lniwialile obicct. The lod'fl Iuiji irivon iiihmv turntables to which every one was welcome, und to which hundreds went. Now nit snouiu return the favor. The Master Workman desires ana re quests that nil members, who have the I mm uhmilil enine to Ills ortlce m JV o'clock this morning. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE: F. K NELSON ESTATE. Piimiinnt in on order of the circuit poni-t. of I'lntHiiii county. Oregon, made on the 4th day of December, 1893, 1 will nn I ho 111 h flllV or JlUlUttl V, lapt, u.-u Mt iiui pnnrt house door, in s.uld county, at the hour of 11 o'clock, fore noon, t tho highest punier iui nil tin. Ho-v.r tin., and interest that 1 . E. Nelson in his lifetime had In the southwest quarter section 10. and all of the southeast quarter same section, lying west of west bank of Gnat creek or slough, in township 8 north, range 7 west, in Clatsop county, Oregon, and all that he would have had, provided he had not mortgaged the same, to- wlh, an (undivided one-nair iinerem therein. JOHN JACKSON. Administrator of the estute of F. E. Nelson, deceased. December 6, 1S9S. A WONDERFUL ENGINE. Cannot He Surpassed. An nirlne exerting surpassing n0WJ Is always a source of wonder, and jei how many are entirely forgetful of ine exlateneo within themselves of an en gine more powerful and enduring than any ever invented, jnoi inii th.v nA,.ia..Aa.,iiIup milge. heart fluttorW ..rhmatln breathing, tender- IV n ankles, weak and hungry spells, smohering, ynri breath, or pain in Bide, when it existence l no lonirer to he denied, as i"" seaiior must know he has heart diseuse. xi r t.u.. i.-.i..kk..k- iLiioh had heart dlaeiae flfteen years; had to hire house neip; lived on liquid food,, uaeu u Heart Cure and all symtoms left her. Vnnrln,,.,! .... t- Knl.l bV CIlKS. Ro uri on a guarantee, who will Blv you a doctor's book free. MILES' NERVE AND LIVER TILLS. Act on . new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowel through the nerves. A Hew discovery. Dr. Miles' pitta peedily cure bllUouaneaa, bad taste, torpid liver, plies, constlpa tlon. Uneoualed for m-ii. woman ana children. Smallest, mildest, aurest! 60 doces a eta. Samples free, t Chas. Roger. w. 1HINCSS WORTH REMEMBERING When you fei-1 a kind of n gonenr-fj, About tiie stomach It Is a Sinn t.h;it your food does not set well, and that you are about to have a lit of indigestion. When you begin to feel nervous and are iinablo to sit still comfortably; whin your clothes seem to suddenly Ihho their fit and become too tight in places the lit of Indigestion Is surely i pon you. When this fit of Indigestion M re peated from iduy to May It 1 1 1 : 1 1 ;' lesolves Itself Into dyspepsia. Remember that three to ten of Bran dredth's Pills will cure the worst canf of indigestion or dyspepsia, or both and that a regular course of them, say two every night for a week or t days, will act as a preventative either complaint. SPECIMEN CASKS. S. H. Clifford. New Casscl, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumut ism. his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh ana strength, Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured I nn. Kdwerd Shepherd, Harrls'urg, III., had a running sore on his leg o eight years' standing. Used three Dot ties of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Ca tawba, O., had five large fever ores on nis leg. uociors saia ne was in curable. One bottle of Electric Bitters and one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salv cured him entirely. Sold by Chas, Rogrs, druggist. STANDS AVITIIOUT A RIVAL. 'Gentlemen:-! hav-i been troubled with very severe headaches for year and have taken a great many different remedies, but have never found any thing to give me as speedy and perrna ncnt cure as Krause's Headache Cap sules. In my opinion they stnnd with out a rival; they have cured me in every case. JNO. N. WILKIB 36 Adams ave., West, Detroit, Mich For sale by Chas. Rogers, sole agent Astoria, Oregon. NOTICE. Tho regular annual meeting of th stockholders of tho Pythian Land and Building Association will be held on Saturday, December 30th, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the ofllce of Dr. Jay Tuttle. K A. NOYES, Secretary. Astoria, Nov. 30, 1893. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc, can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn s drug store, opposite Oc cldent Hotel, Aitorla. Heart Failure. JIOtF TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstono in "heart failure." Ho wonder, vv hen we con sider the immense attain wiiicli U put on that small organ. Marvelous as it is, bent in; 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 5.18-1.000 pounds daily, it lins its limit its endurance often is too severely tested. So common aro diseases of the heart though often for n considerable time without the suspicions of Clio afllicted person beinc; in the least exciled that it is stated that one verson in four hat a bad heart! Dr. I raiikli Miles, of Elkhart, Ind., has for years made a special study ol all diseases ot tho heart and his remarkable success lias made his namo a familiar one in nil purls of our lam He has found the most common symptoms of heart disease to be pain, distress or ti nder' ness in the chest, back, ttomach, vowels, lejl ihuulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother tna spells, famtina, etc. Mr. George K. Smith, of Hinics, Yules Co.. N. V., writes : " Dit. Miles' New IIkaut Chub has worked wonderfully on mind and body si 1 can do a qmd ami s work. 1 feel ten years yowiy-v and take more interest in sfliiii'S. I had shortness of bre.ith, palpi tation, pain under left shoulder blade, ;ii'n ground tilt heart, 1 covll not deep on my riyht iMtt. Since I l.avo taken Dr. Mile? i'ie Heart Cure 1 sleep well, and have 110 paluita tion. It lias made mv heart stronnrr. I wish you would print this, becauso I want nil to know what Dr. Miles' Jleart Cure has dune for me." "For months my wife suffered with mini- UUion, smotherinn spelU, mid was tumble to sleep on her loft side. She tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Cure was recommended. After taking three bottles, she fully recovered her health, Your medicines do what you claim." Chas, Ciihistmak. Toledo. O. Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It is safe, aqixeable, rfficlire, and does cure. Dr. Milca Medical Co., J'.lUiart, I ml. irvTf -.TK'vv -y ryr rv-v rvxrvrv f- r. j).T . n ..,;wy f j Good h cswentid bv ill Good -, ' v - .... - cither without a pool blierl- jr. cning. Lord ruuuhvnys hud very objectionable features, ( cau.iiug indigestion mid in many ether elictcti; trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, nd of weak stomachs, will) tho new suorteuiug, Hi i e?5 s It is composed of thechoio f est beef suet aud highly f rcfiucil Ycgctahlo oil, iu t many respects ns newel as the finest importcel olive r oil. rhysiciaus endorse it, t cooking experts rccom- ; wend it, and thousands jf i ii lire now usiug it iu prefer- J ence to any cthrr sliortcn- ) 1 i frv! throe ccnta In ottmr to X. K. I utrtwnic A io,, CIiichak fur y d4 tJt humlml iwifBra. itrvintnl iiy v Coi(oittt fat sold by nil liruxnt i 1 Mi,? Anttf K ' j N. K. FAIRBAKS & CO, ST. LOUIS and I i ti r.RPS SCROFULA RHEUMATISM BLOOD POISON Xi every kindred llcae arising from Impure SlooJ cured by "ut i;ever-taUl..B . and best uf all me-diwiics, Book on Blood and SUia Dtaascs mailed freo. the sv:irr ipscino oo., DR. GUNH'S ONION smup I FOR COUGHS, m- COLDS AND CROUP. CRAN DM OTHER'S ADVICE. , . u. wnw nnlv mm. edy for Counlia, Cjlda and Croup wan onion syrup. It IsTuM m elT,ti o to-dsy a w lorty year; afro. Now my nr.mdphlMren tike Dr. (Sunn's Onion Syrup whlob is already prepared and more pleiisant to tno . . . n..i i. hnttiAB nn mtntn. VmlLt no substltuto for It. There's notliiug u good. For sale by J. W. Conn. Druggist. r j n ri u c In use ovor 50 yent-H. PC hum,!. J-jrrcttve. Hon moninlH. At UniRcrists, or inuilwl on nccipt of fig pricu-Ue. per box. WlfJKElMANN & MOWN crt'ja co., j Props., Lull iuiore.MtL A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and PlateJ Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass anJ Squc-moue Streets, Astoria, Ore Dalgity's Irot? Works. JAHES DALG1TY, Proprietor, (Successor to ArnJt & Ferchen.) Boiler Repairing and Cannery Work Repairing of River Craft a specialty. Machine work ot all kiius June. .-nnp, ium ui uiajtm ... Washington fJeat Market. Corner SeinnJ anJ Main Streets. Wholesale anJ Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships aiU Mills supplied on short notice. Taniilies supplieJ promptly at the lowest rates. CHHISTEXSEN k CO., J. B. WYATT, DIALER IN HARDWARE AND SHIP CJiAflDLERY, Pure Oils. Br'cht Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cot inn Canvas, Ht'mp Sail Twine. Larj Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, CalvanieJ Cut Nails. GROCERIES, ETC. Agricultural Implements, Sewing; Machines, Paints anJ Oils. 4 OCCIDENT HOTEL Is lite Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rates, Ij daily and upwards. J. A. FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and WHAKF ML ILlJICK. AJJiess, lv jSo, potufiioe- ASTORIA, ORE. IIOSS, IIKUUaS & ('()., Butchers : and : Grocers, Astoria and Upper Astoria. Tine Teas and Cofi.vs, Table Delicacies, Domestic and I nipiral Emits, Vei'tjbk-s, Cua-d llai:.s, Eic. Choice Fresh - and - Salt Meats. M.C.CROSBY, IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves and Tinuinre House Furnishing Goods, Sheet aud Strip Lead, Tin and Copper, and Sheet Iron THE OREGON BRIBERY. A. A. CLEVELAND. Prn. GOOD BREAD, CAKES and PASTRY None but the Best Materials used SATISFACTION Cil'AHANTLLD CUSTOMERS. Uread delivered to any part of the city. Central - Hotel Cor. jrJ anJ West Ninth Sts. On the Eurortin nl.-m t ., mommy,, ;. "? ;?!" "'y 0I. tish in season. I inest Wh,,s. Uauor, ,Yi Vl !,f "J EVENSON & COOK, - Proprietors. North Pacific Bremepy JOHN KOPP.Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orJers promptly ittenjej to JEFF'5 Is the Bon Toa Restaarant d the City The Iln..t Dinner Parties and Banquets a Specialty inr. and Ukjuorm. 3o . i x s i LTOSB IP tW W UU ft1 IU BO I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTING x lie 1- ollowlnu Caninnnle. i German-American. New York Clty?N?Y n ? ?nd M3'i"' of New ZealanJ. National 1-lre ana Marine Ins. O.. of HarlfarJ. Connccllcul l ire Ins. Co.. of llartfor l Home Mutual Ins. Co., San I Ph . . "rk lla,e (,la5s 'is- Co. -."iLl!:": of London. A. Q. SPEXARThT DliAMD IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware. Fine Repairing a Specialty, Agent for Winchester Repeating Fire Arms Company, Washburn's Guitars and mandolins. Largest stock of Fishing Tackle aid Bamboo Poles. The Trade Supplied. "BARGAINS IN-- Wheeler & Wilson Sealing JHaehines. C. P. UPSHUR, Shipping & Commission Astoria, Oregon. Noe & Scully, Dealers In Stoves, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Sole Auentti for MAGEE STOVES AND RANGES. Jobbing ct Specialty. 43i Second Street, Astoria, Or. BOOTS and SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at The Sign ol the Golden Shoe. JONN HAHN & CO. G. fl. STItfSOJl & CO., BliflGKSJVIITHlNG! Ship Rud Cannery work, Ilorsadioelng, Wag ons uiaue riim itjiaired. Ho Hi w jrk guaranteed On Cass street, FREEMAN & BREMNER, Klacksrnitlis. Fpoclal attention pnlil to steamboat re pairing, Qist-clas horseshoeing, tie, LOGGING CflJVlP taOHK A SPECIALTY. 11)7 Olney street, between Third and Fourth, Asturia. Or. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : First Class funerals : AT POIi'S Undertakirpg Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. we Vtusic Hall -:- . 34 First Street, Astoila, Or. H. CHR1STENSEN. Prop. A FREE CONCERT every night beginning at 8 o'clock. GooJ music. The best of wines, liquors anJ cigars always on hand. Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ICENTUCICY V H I S K K Y Only handed over the bar, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5c. Free Lunch. E.ickson &Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. ASTORIA IKON WOHHS, Concomly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines, BolLr work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Pox A. L. Fox ..President and Supt. Vice Presidt-nt. B.' Parker, Dealer in Lime, Brick. Sand, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Cement, Mill Feed. Oats, Hay, Straw. Wood Delivered to Order. Draylng, Teaminz and Express Business. Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria every evening except Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 7 a. m. 1.pvo3 Portland every day except Sunday at 7 a. . , . . , E. A. Seeley, general agent, Portland. I. R. & N. CO.'s Steamer Ilwaco. At.ria ilallr at for nwac c&llinR ( Tan.y Point, and connecting with railroad runninp nortii at 10 a. m, and with boatt on saoal water bay f r South Bend, Snmne, nana ct And other voluts ttroush W ."?' bar. RetuniliR eonnee's t Ilwaco with Mrr.en.fnr AiUriaana Xtgut ior JOUNKGOrLTE S3nt B, V. KG3Si:f. Supe:lntendcct. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans Continental Iinllway System. FROIW OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN- Palaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allouiing Unbroken Viecus of the Wonderful fountain Country. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan, "Empress o! India" leaves Vancouver Oct. 18. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE TJie "Mioweia" leaves Victoria Oct. 10 for Honolulu mid Australian Torts, For tickets, ruics and information, cell on or address Jas. F.nlayso.v, Apt. A'totla, Ore. I. G. Knucky, Traveling Fas. Agt., Tacomn. Clco. McL. Brown, Dlst. l'ns. Agt. Vancouver, B.C. 0(t 3-!B CHICAGO, IVIIIiWAUHEE and ST. PAUL t- tt xxr AAr IVi All V i I Connecting with All Trans:ontinenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, Dininp and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxurv known In moder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is UnegtialeJ. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inquire ot any licket agent. ur C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- SAiM FRANCISCO AND- ALL POTS IN CALIfOHNlfl Via the Ml. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific Co. The Only Route Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST- PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPERS Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on or address v p ROGERS. Assistnt -o ., ?, V ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. Opposition Line! -TO- PORTLAND THE CITY OF FRANKFORT Will leave Astoria Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. Sundays at 8:30 a. m. Leaves Portland. Morrison street dock Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and ' Sunday at 11 p. m. FARE-Single trip $1; round trip Ji 50 Astoria Shipping Co.. Agents, Main street Mharf.