THE DAILY ASTORtAN, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. PERSONAL MENTION. M. P. Callender, of Knappa, la in the city. P. J. McGowan, of the Cascades, In In town. Mr. H. S. Olle, of Portland, arrived In town yesterday. Vt. J. Honeyman, of Portland, is a guaat at tha Occident. F. W. Pettyp-ove, of San Francisco, arrived In town yesterday. Frank Cornahan, of Knappton, came over to this city yesterday. Sheriff Smith went up to St. Helens jesterday on the Telephone. B. W. Roboon and son have gone east to spend the winter months. : Engineer Hepardt came up from Fort Stevens yesterday on a brier visit. ', David Morgan was a passenger on the . Telephone lost evening for liay view, , R. Q. Williams, of San Francisco, was among the arrivals in town yesterday. C. R. Hlsnrlns and D. R. Campbell left yesterday for a hunting trip of a few days to tne Jonn uay country. T. J. Srotchler, of the Arm of Scotch ler & Gibbs, of San Francisco, came up on the Columbia yesterday morning. The schooner Beulah will load lumber at Knappton after discharging Imllnst at Parker's dock. THE ART OF SINGING. Mrs. H. T. CroBby, lately of Wash ington, D. C, (pupil of Anton. Barill and others) begs to announce that she is prepared to take pupils in vocal and instrumental music. Instruction will be given after the school of the best masters, in the Italian method of train ing the voice. For terms and informa tion apply to 118 Second street. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111. was told by her doctors she had Consumption ana tnat mere was no hone for her. but two Domes or ur, King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says lb saved her life. Mr. Tlins. Eg?ers, 139 Florida St San Fran cisco, suffered from a ureaarui com, approaching Consumption, tried with out result everything else; then bought cne bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful eincacy of this medi cine In Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Chas Roger's Drug Store. AT A STANDSTILL. Jersey City, Nov. 22. All the Lehigh Valley switchmen here except three struck this morning, completely paral yzing freight traffic, NOTABLE DEAD. San Francisco, Nov. 22. Wm. T. Cole man, prominent in business and polit ical circles, died this morning, aged 69. Coleman was beut known as the fend er of the vigilantes In the IlttleB. THE RAFT SAFE. ' Marshfleld, Or., Nov. 22. The mam moth sea-going raft was successfully towed off the north pplt and into the bay thin afternoon. She may probably have to be rebuilt before she is ready for tea again. COLLIERIES SHUT DOWN. Pottsvllle, Pa., Nov. 22. Over a dozen of the principal Lehigh Valley collieries are shut down for lack of cars. More will follow tomorrow. Fully 5,000 men And boys are Idle. DISCOURAGES EMIGRATION. Rome, Nov. 22. A report has been Issued by the minister of foreign af fairs advising no further emigration to the United States on account of the esonomic conditions prevailing there. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that tho under signed, as administrator of the estate of. Thomas Shay, deceased, has tiled his lliiul account, in said estate, in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, and that Monday, the fourth day of December, 1M'3, at ten o'clock of said day, Is the llmo tlxed by said court for the time of hearing sail Html account. All per bona having objections to said final ac count, muHt present the same to said county court on or before said date. This notice la published pursuant to nn ordsr of tho aforesaid county court, made ani entered on the 7th day of November, 1893. Dated Novwnber 7th, 1893. F. L. PARKER, Administrator of said estate. RECEIVER'S NOTICE.. The undersigned having been appoint ed by tho circuit court, receiver for I. W. Case, banker, hereby gives notice to all persona owing said bank, cither by note or overdraft, that payment of Hime must be made without further delay. Tho offlco of the receiver, at Cane's bank, is open, dnlly from 10 to 13 o'clock a. m., and from 2 to 4 o'clock p. m., and all debtors are advised to call and settle at once, GEO. H. GEORGE, Receiver. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the wnte of F. K. Nelson, will present tliem to me at the otlk-e of J. Q. A. Howlby within six months from this date. JOHN JACKSON. Administrator. Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 19, 1S9S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the county court of I itsop county, Oregon, the under filled, administrator of the estate of I 'will E. Coffmnn, deceased, will, from laid after the 16th day of December, 1.93. proceed to sell, at private sale. , f ,r cash or approvtd security, all the rtptht, title and interest of the said Kvrah E. Coffman. deceased, at the time of her death, in the following cu-scrlbed real property belonging to jild estate, to-wlt: A tract or lot fifty feet wide off the north end of that I parcel of land belonging to fie said estate, described and bounded a follows to-wlt: Beginning at a Hl!it on the west side of the county i ml. leading from Seaside postottice ' bUlpanon Landing in Clatsop county norlh of th0 north ! ? Bri'Uo, . township 6 north. ? .V wef and 278 fet west of tiwns.ii. Thence north along the vest line of said county road 263 feet .iVlfu "? 213 feet st from wild west lino of mud section 15. thence wterly to wiinnry hlKh water mark of Neo;.niou.n Cmic. thence southerly ci ;::S V.:o line of ordinary high water IT IS ECONOMY To use Purest reliable "Si GAIL Use It in the. nursery BUY OUR WORLD FAHED "Fisherman's Choice" CHANO COTTON TWINE Following sizes always kept in stock by Elmore, Sanborn & Co.: Numbers 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, Soft Laid. " 15, 18, 24, 36, 42, 48, 54, Medium Laid. COTTON - ROPE. Our thread laid aud twine laid cork and lead lines guaranteed the befit over sold on the Columbia river nrark 2C5 feet, thence easterly to place of beginning. Said tract herein adver tised to be sold lies fifty feet on the county road leading from Seaside to Skipanon, and extends west from said county road to ordinary high water mark of Necanicum Creek, in Clatsop county, Oregon, and will be sold as a whole or In subdivisions. W. W. PARKER, Administrator of the estate of Snrah E. Coffman, deceased. Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 18, 1893. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop county: John Davis, Plaintiff, vs. Oliver Stewart, Martha Stewart, and E. L. Dwyer, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, on the 11th day of October, 1893, upon a decree of fore closure and Judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 2nd day of Oc tober, 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 19th day of October, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim and Interest of the within named defendants In and to the fol lowing described real property towlt: All that part of section ten lying east of a line drawn parallel with and one chain east of the east bank of Gnat creek, so called; also the south half of section eleven; also the south half of the north half of section eleven, all being situate In township eight, north of range seven, weBt, of the Willamette mcrldlun, in Clatsop county, Oregon. And I shall on Saturday, the 18th day of November, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., in front of the court house door, In . the city of Astoria, in said county and state, proceed to sell the same or so much thereof as shall be sulllclent to satisfy the sum of $0,408.34, together with the further sum of jaoo attorney's fees, together with the costs and disbursements taxed at $22.2.r, und the accruing costs of this suit, nt public auction, to the hlgheBt bidder for cash in hand in U. S. gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria, Or., Oct. 19, 1893. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned hna been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Charles T. Strom, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate must present the same to her, duly verified, at her residence in the flty of Astoria, Clatsop county Oregon; within six months from this date. November 17th, 1893. ELIZABETH STROM, Administratrix. NOTICE. Tho annual meeting of tho stock holders of the Masonic Land and Eullrt-mu- Association of Astoria, will be held on Wednesday, December 20, 1S93, at 2 o'clock p, m., at the usual place, for the purpose of electing live directors to serve for tho ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business us ;nay come before the mooting. S. T. McKEAN, Secretary. Astoria, Or., Nov. IS, 1893. k KJS?" LIVER PILLS ohir oxe FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, .rtlh bid or Hd .oh.nitr On. cf pm. t- For aale by X W. Conn. Drugging FEB gsio j I nQQ woiihof lovely Mulc tor Forty Cen!. consKtlnffof icopas fll rto Mwl IM1ISIC Ot U15 " !:.:. t tlLlitfit. tovei:kt nJ most popular ..!( ilurp. eo:h WVJl nJ l.:4truMCiiUl. ;w . tit n i:p In tii. most tiocJiM, ' CArvi". ;wr. at rvr.-w, '..'iTV-KW. fttOrtut fUtUt, "' AViLib I'Un ami iAic UtlHN CVTVHQ. rT3 lk o.r. T ; T( e KcVV YOttK MUSICALECKO . liiOiJv.-..v Tr..-i.c Bi-V- NwrYiwk City. - CANVAfeSiER WANTIO. a condensed milk that is made from th and Richest Milk to be had. The old BORDEH EAGLE Condensed Milk Is made from the milk of the finest breed of cows. The New York Condensed Milk Co. owns factories in only the best dairy regions of the United States. Its inspectors visit all farms and look most carefully after the con dition of the stock. All milk about which there is a shadow of a doubt Is at once rejected. Your Grocer and Druggist sell it and in the sick room. PastMail Koute. PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Eastern Points jVIany Hoops Ahead X Of Any Other Itine. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers F'reo Reclining Chair Cars, Cln Ing Cars are run daily via the Union Pacific Flyor leaving Port land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. OOEAN STEAMERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Sunday, Nov. 5. State, Friday, Nov. 10. Columbia, Wednesday, Nov. 15. State, Monday, Nov. 20. Columbia, Saturday, Nov. 25. State, Thursday, Nov. 30. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria at a, m., dally except Sunday, via Washington side of the river; re turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. The Thomp son makes landings on both sides ot the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips, B. II. H. CI-AMC) OLIVER W. MINK Re drivers. E. EI.LEUY ASDERSON J For rales and general Infm iniitlon call ou or address, W. H, IIUIU.HUK r, ;. v. lounhbekry, A. thMi eHL Aet. . Axeut rortlHid,Or, Aatorlu, Or, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans -Continental Hallway HyHteni. Vm OCEflft TO OCEAN -IN Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allouiing Unbroken Vicics of the Wonderful JWountaln Country. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan. "Kmprcuot India" lvci Vancouver Oi l. 10. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE ' The "Mtoweru" Uuvn Victoria Oct. lfi for Honolulu and Australian forta. For tU Vt'W, ru:e anil tntorrontlon, call on or aJilivM Jah, F KLAvsr.y, Act. A-loria, Ore. I. O. Knn ky.Travoli. g ran. Ant., Tacom. Met. htn. War. I'aa. Agt. Vanoouwr, B.L OitJ-93 Kiit uptnnrat wiiclKharbottli,m,(r Rll. Small tlilo Uuuu. ju. per font h STIItlt IH THE FRONT For Silver Side Fishing MARSHALL'S - TWINE The staying powers of Marshall's Twine are superior to those of any other ever used on the Columbia river. IT IS THE CHEAPEST GOOD FISHERMEN USE IT AMERICAN LABOR MAKES IT IT IS THE BEST " FOR FALL FISHING FOR SMALL ON HAND: 10-Ply 30's 8P:y40's . 15 l'iy 50' s 7-Py 30's 9 Ply 30's HOW ARE YOU FIXED FOR INSURANCE? FIRP. AFJD We are agents for the largest and best companies 4 represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n iEtna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets, JAS. G. BLAINE? .iPat riot The ASTORIAN has determined minds of its readers, to put them in honesty and his sterling manhood. HOW? YOU ASK; fead Carefullg, .ai?d .See for -.Yourself I We have secured at a "MfE fljU) ttlOHK Of JAJIES G. BliAIp." (MEMORIAL EDITION.) This book U the nnlr niiflmriTA! t miMir.irinn of the memoirs and history of Blaine. It is written bv JOHN CLARKE REDPATH, L. L. D., GEN. SELDEN ii contains a lull length portrait of Blaine wiui nis auiugrapn negative anu an It contains nn nntno-mnh utr from Mrs. Rlaine which proves its authenticity kind published by authority: it contains SEVERAL HUNDREDS of splendid ri dues, neany an ui mem ucing original copyrigntea drawings. It contains cos mcmc f ,w,-rir,tinn nrintfd on the heaviest book paper, in large, handsome type, and is heavily bound in cloth-two cotors-with gold lettering and ornamentation on the covers. ' This book cannot be purchased elsewhere. It is not on sale at bookstores, and you could not buy it for less than FIVE DOLLARS if it were. It is a work of art, and a book that no citizen should be without. The reading matter is of enthralling Interest. Onr regular subscription price for the WEEKLY ASTORIAN is $2.00 per Annum. Our regular subscription price for the DAILY ASTORIAN for G months is S3.50. You can, lv navino- in advance, receive the WEEKLY ASTORIAN for one year and the LIFE OF BLAINE for $3.00. Y'ou can, on the same terms, have the DAILY ASTORIAN for 0 months and the LIFE OF BLAINE for $1.50, making; the cost to you of this Wonderful Work $1.00. Don't take any snap judement You wculd be foolish if you give us your order without first coming to this oftice and see ing the book for vmirulf U ut -ii .k hiv looked at it. It will delicht vou. Our Subscribers -in rt nnr?.! the only reason why we have taken hold of CSB MESH NETS FOR LASTING QUALITIES 12 Ply 40's 14-Ply 40's MARINE. 21,562,376,00 8,630,425.00 '10,915,829.00 1,617,195.00 2,677,219.00 $45,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. WgAT AMERICAN Does not Revere The Name of - - Author - - Statesman - - American to bring; the life-work of this wonderful Idol of the people closer to the possession of the incidents of his career, his ambitions, his sacrifices, his BLAINE Very Large Outlay the Magnificent Volume entitled CONNOR, Ex Governor of Maine, and the u.r.. this work Is Its surpassing excellence and Yours, for Literary Progress, Is the line to take U nil points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It oilers the best service, comj blnlng SPEED am! COMFOItT It Is tne populnr route with those who wish to travel on the SAFEST! It Is therefore the route you etaoiiid take. It runs through vestlbuied trains every day In the year to St. Paul and Ghieago. No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Only one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of the civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all boats ronulny between Astoria, Kalama aud Por!land. Full Information concerning rates, time ol trains, routes aud other details itiriiMied on ai)plli:atlonto C. W. STOKE, Agent AKCortn. Hteainer Telephone Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (leneral Passeneer Agent, No. 121 First M , cor. Washington, Portland. Or?!r(i Easily, Quickly, Permanently Rettored WEAKNESS, McRVOUSMESS, DE3ILITY, and all tlio train of evils troni eai-ly errors or later excBea, the results ot cverwork, alcknegs, worry.eto. PullstreiiKih, development anil tons given to averjr organ and portion of the body. Btmplp.nnturalmethoda IminedlAtHlmprovenient fleori. Failure ImpoBftlble. 2,(M) references. Book, explanation and proofs mulled (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. O eminent friends of the dead Statesman. .mui ichci scm u me pumisners. and its claim to beine the only volumn oi the its wonderfully cheap price. 0F IE1 THE ASTORIAN.