THE DAILY ASfORlAfr, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sewed by Carrier, per week.... 15 cts Pout by Mall, per month 60 cts Bent by Mall, per year $7.00 WEEKLY. Bent by Mall, per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to Us ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Adertlslng rates can be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper Is In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and Is the only paper on the lower Columbia that pub lishes genuine dispatches. Th nnilv AHt.iriftn'n circulation is live times as great as that of the com bined circulation or me oiner aauy pu rcn et Aatnrl4 The Weekly Aatorlan, the third oldest nouiv In th ntntn of Oregon, has. next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weeKiy circulation in me mme ai.Hastril.nt'a in Thfl Antnrliin are re quested to notify this ofllce, without loss of time, immediately they fail to receive tneir tiaiiy paper, or wnen nicy do not get It at the usual hour. By doing this they will enable the nian o semen t to place the blame on the proper parties, anu to ensure u upetuy remedy. Handley & Haas are our Portland agents and copies of The Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First street. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Nov. 22. warmer; adngerous coant. , -Forecast: Rain, gales along the . I 1 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Locoi weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, rur nlched by the U. S. Department of Ag riculture weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 44 degrees. Minimum temperature, 34 degrees. Preelplkation, .01 Inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, 25.48 inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st 183, to date, 6.20 inches. THE HAWAIIAN QUESTION. The secret Intentions of the state de partment, supported by President Cleveland, have been tolerably well kent, If we are to believe the reports that Lllloukalanl has been or Is to be reseated on the throne. There were from time to time rumors that the true meaning of the Blount proceedings was the reinstatement of the fallen mon archy, but the mtiKses of men never dreamed It was so,' or that It could slgnlfyamore than thnt the royalists al Uwed themselves to have foolish hopes. It became notorious that the Sugar King was for the queen and her crowd, m he would to the actual ruler and go on with his monopoly, backed by the Asiatic slave trade. It is exasperating to know that while the American peo ple were studiously kept In the duik as to the fixed policy of our democratic administration the queen and her hang ers on hod the Information and were rejoicing over it, "claiming everything find doing it exultlngly," and getting drunk on champagne In celebration by anticipation. The game of deception was not discontinued until, owing to a flight miscalculation, the Oreshnm pa per was exploded two days before the arrival of the Bteamer that It was be lieved would bring the news of the ac tlon, under full Instructions, of the American minister, a gentleman reared in the diplomatic schools of Kentucky, and probably as plucky In doing a fool 1th thing as polite In stating a bad case. The document given out by the Btate department was only mennt apparently to prepare tho public for the shock about to bo Imparted at Honolulu I the civilized world. The steamer got away Just before the throwing of the dynamite bomb by the minister of the United States. The royalists had flxed the 7th of November as the day on which the queen whs to bo restored by the bayonets of the United States ma rines; and our minister, duly accredited to the provisional government, as are the representatives of other nations, was not telling anybody what, he was ordered to do, but carefully parrying the Impression to the provisional gov ernment and also , to the pretenders that their wishes were according to his Intentions. Wo may hope that there has not been bloodshed at Honolulu, and trust that the next steamer will ti Ids intelligence to lift the cloud that now hangs over the raeltlc. Perhaps the provisional government, which has given the Inlands a quiet business man 8 administration, and has a few huu died well-armed men at call, may de cline to surrender to the representa tive of a power which has professed friendliness, and has no more right of decreeing reaction than any other pow er. What then? Is the American min ister to transfer his person and lib potentiality to the queen's champagne court? Is he to call upon the seml IwrbarUns, the great Interests of jiugar. lotteries and opium, to rise and put down the republic that represents Americanism? Mr. Carlisle, the secretary of the tieasury, has been In New York, In ivnsultutlon with the Wall street men. Of ootinw h knnws Jit what the regr etful populistlc people will say that he come In order to claim his reward. The populists have the courage of the foolishness of thjlr convictions, and they do not in the least mind making the most absurd accusations, because they do not hnovr the extent and ex cess of the absurdity. Some of thein think the New York banks got up the panic that gave therm bo much trouble simply to scare the people into submis sion to the demonetization of silver. It gives In some portions of the West an aspect of financial learning to an ig noramus who gets off a thing like that. He Is suspected of profundity. As to: Wall street, It Is engaged In all the sins that are material, and Is to be re buked. But we cannot say the popu lists do not learn anything. They have found out that they had better let the markets for wheat and cotton alone, and they may reach tha efflorescence of knowledge that there Is valuable In formation for the secretary of the treasury on tap in Wall street, that It Is his duty as a public officer to acquire. Modern inventions are putting sav nge and semi-barbarous warriors at a disadvantage, much lamented by phil anthropists. The machine guns mowed ranks of the South African blacks, playing upon the massed thousands with awful certainty, ci-ttlng them down in long rows. There was a reaper whose name was death! And In North Africa the cruisers at Melilla Illumi nated the parade ground of the Moors nt midnight, and discovering the loca tion of their swarms, opened on them fiomi ships and forts, and the brave larbarlans could not understand It, but fled Ilka wild animals. Well, civilization needs all its advantages. Ex-Speaker Reed pointed out In a Boston speech the control of the ways and means committee of the house by Southern members, and said that sec tion "was neither affected by the elec tion, nor does It possess any knowledge or Instruction as to the desolation which reigns in Northern towns. Hence they are difficult to reach with sound knowledge of the subject." The re markable thing In the South Is the Idea that Uie passion of the Northern people for silver money smashed things the other day. Brazil has been buying German ships and preparing them for war. She will have to concentrate her fleet somewhere before swooping down on the mutineers. Meantime, there la a scheme that may excite some Interest. It Is to send up an enormous balloon, loaded with dyn amite, to be dropped on the decks of the rebel vessels. We suppose people can be found to go up In a balloon with dynamite bombs, but It must be ad mitted there are Beveral chances to take In such a venture. Ex-Qovernor Campbell, of Ohio, n.akes a curious explanation of the dtfeat of Neal. He says: "The people new that times were good and wheut dollar a bushel when Cleveland was elected. A few months afterward times were panicky and wheat drops to 50 cents. What Is the use of explaining?" Very little indeed. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It ... . i -v. M anftana t 1A ffllltll. soomes mo ----allays all pain, cures wind cholloand Is the best remeay lur ,", ty-tlve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout me wmm, ELECTRIC BITTERS. . . i mn well known tlon. All! who have uaed Electric Bitters SMS SoT nolst1 .nf iTta pSn: t. do all that f. iam vnTY bolls Salt rheum and other affections caused bv Impure blood.-Wlll drive ma aria from the system and prevent as well as Vur all malarial fevera.-Kor cure of headache constipation and Indication try intern! or money refunded. Price 6ue. ana 10C f per bottle at Charles Rogers' drug store. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tha best salve In the world fot cuts, h,f.f!L -or ulcers, salt rheum, -fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, cliliu aina, SSriuV, ana Bl skin eruptions, and posltlve- rand-to-Klv. perfect .atlrac tlon or money refunded Price J6 ce us er box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, ; . vHor to J. C. Dement. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. Itching Plies a.e known by moisture like Aspiration, cauilng Intense He jtnj when warm. This form, as well as Blind; Tlleedlni "r Protruding, yield a ! once o Dr Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs futmVrs Slays Itching and effects a pTnmnent 'cure. Wo. Wist or ma 1 &ro,il.r. free. Dr. in. jAr(vh treet. Philadelphia, Ta. bold by J. v. NOT CLOSED. A rumor having gone abroad that the Occident Hotel dining room has been closed, we respectfully announce to the traveling public that such U not fact. We are stlU at the old place, and in tend to celebrate Thanksglnlng a la Pennoyer and Cleveland, and we are also willing to go through another rail- " eXCUemMKbLEU WRIGHT Proprietors Occident Hotel. THE NEW BAKERY, Corner Olney and Second. T-.-U l.-f c-f fcowo maiSc bread In town for 6 cents. All kinds of fresh cakes and home made vanities. 3 I11LICM TICKET For Hie City Election to be Hold December 13. For Mayor, M. C. CROSBY. F.or Auditor and Police Judge. JOHN BRYCE. For Treasurer, . 8. REED. For City Attorney. J. A. EAKIN. For City Surveyor, W. T. BEVERIDOE. For Superintendent of Streets. CHARLES GODDARD. For Police Commissioner, J. O. HANTHORN. For Harbor Master, PHIL. JOHNSON. For Councilman First Ward, JOHN T. HAY. For Councilman Second Ward, CHARLES LARSON. For Councilman Third Ward, GEO. A. NELSON. Attempt at Suicide. It Might Hare Been Prevented. From the Boston Post. While the walks in the Public Garden were crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates at the corner of Beacon and Charles streets were horrified to see a man suddenly plunge- knife repeatedly into his throat and fall to the ground. While waiting for a conveyance an officer questioned the would-be suicide, who wus about 00 years of nge, as to Ins name, address, and reason for wishing to end his life, but the mun steadfastly refused to cive an; in fur mation regarding himself. He was taken to lie Massachusetts Ueneral Hospital and mirgical attendance given him. Although wenk frnra loss of blood it is probablo he will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him. lie said his namo was Samuel D , and that he came some weeks ngo from p-w Ilrunswick. The last few days hit head lm felt queer, and lie has been wan dm ing al.out tliocity.not knowing which way I ' tiiin. What impelled him to commit his rr -li net ho was mi;illi) lo say. Ti. - alxivo is tho familiar 1'tit terrible story .' the results of menial derangement caused ty overstrain of the nonmii" system. People who imvc I' -'int, himhu -H or back aihe, or who are troubled with it.'i.Vy or diiiwntlrnt feelings, are already well on the road which leads to imanily and tuiriile. "Dr. Miles Medical Co.: 1 cannot find language in which to express my npivreia lion of the great benefit I have ttt-iivul from tho use of your Restorative Nervine. When lifo became a burden I would ue the Nervine to soothe my weakened ix rves, and to calm my exhausted and irritable brain." Mils. II. Brown, Roehesler, N. Y. Dr. MM Retorativ JVeii'ine has no equal in ot'KiKO Nervous Diseases. It counting no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on n positive guarantee hy all druggists and Dr. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart, lud. IT gHdo not Eat Pastry How often you hear this expression, and the ex- i 1 At... : 11 luutuiuuu inai usuauy follows: "I am troubled with dyspepsia." The explanation is not far to f seek. In the past Lard -i has been used as the prin- rMi.-il cllrvrt i3n i n cr 111 nil I pastry, the result-dyspepsia. The dyspeptic need no longer lie troubled, providing fi is substituted for lard in !M the preparation of all food. Yi ?t It is composed strictly of t" liiflilv rpfineH vwptnlil-. . . --r,..-.- '-p". - m: y X ril oti lirf cuot VA'tin I healthful ci "is and pastry, rhyst- -l extert cooks X'i Si indorse it. Refrijnititnts. -wA i!ne cenw In stamps to N K s.' .nic o . t. ftimo, lor rMmftcatt y- o..'cn look loU, containing MX "i. 5 uitHU-Mi rctpcs. urtvir.1 br nint cuii- ? i.i-iil uUthorillM v;l cwkinj, J l ..iiijcnc is sold hy U ftoc-iv J ' 1 -"(Si' W k-i'VV rune only wy v ST. LOUIS and 60TT0LENE L-f used ns a shortening, it ranaTCI!E3JEH K0S3THS E J A troublesome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten months, and was cured by a few days' use of IKTi ' M. H. Wolff, iJji Upper Mailboro, Md. SWIFT'PEC!FIC I was cured some years ago of White Swelling In my leg by using jlf 4L'jN U an liave no iyniptoun ot re yrJff' turn of the dis ease. Many prominent physicians attended Die and failed, but S. 8. 8. did tbe wort:. PAUL W. K1RKPATR1CK, Johnson City. Toin. TiatiM un Dlood ind Skin uitcases mailed free. MHj BwitTSPEcino.CoiPAXY, Atlanta, C. L A DH. GUHfS ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS. m Mint AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. InrUlnrmn.TOf nine ohlldrsn. my only rem edy for Coughs, Colds nnd Croup wm onion syrup. It IsjiutMen-eotlva to-day s It was forty years ao. Now my grandchildren tske Dr. Ounu's Onn Syrup whloh Is already prepared and more pleasaTit to the taste. Bold everywhere. Larue bolllee 00 oente. Vaknoiubtltutoforlt. There's noUUM as good. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist A. V. ALLEN, . DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass and Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. Dalgity's Iroi? Works. JAHES DALOITY, Proprietor, (Successor to ArnJt & Ferchen.) Boiler Repairing and Cannery Work, Repairing of River Crafl a specialty. Machine . r . ... I.I- i. , CI.... ...... I .I.U.H. C worK oi an kiius mmc. in', iw... ui Washington jVIeat Market Corner Second and Main Streets. Wholesale and Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short notice. Families supplied promptly at the lowest rates. CHH18TENSEN tt CO., - Props, J. B. WYATT, DEALER IN HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERY, Pure Oils, Bright Vamlsh, Blnacle Oil, Cot ton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. GROCERIES, ETC. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines. Faints and Oils. CHAS. HEIhBOW & SON. Importer and Dealer In FURNITURE Carpets and Upholstery. S9i 59J and J03 Third Street, ASTORIA, OR. OGCIDENT flOTEIi THE Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. AH UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rates, $i daily and upwards. J. A. FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, . House, Bridge and WHARP HUILDER. Address, box 180, postoffice- ASTORIA, ORE. ROSS, HIGGIXS & CO., Butchers : and : Grocers, Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas anj Coffees. Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh - and Salt - Meats. M.C.CROSBY, DKal.KK in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves and Tinware. House Furnishing Goods, Sheet aud Strip Lead. Tin and Copper, and Sheet Iron. THE OREGON BAKERY. A. A.CI FVFIINn Pr GOOD BREAD, CAKES and PASTRY None but the Best Materials used.' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CUSTOMERS. Bread delivered to any part of the city. ASTOHIA IRON WORKS, Concomly St.. foot of Jackson. Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines, Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox President and Supt. A- L- Fx -..Vice President. H- B. Parker, ealer in Lime. Brick. Sand. Fire Brick. Fire Clay. Cement. Mill Feed, Oats. Hay. Straw. Wood Delivered to Order. Praying. Teaailng and Express Business. BETTON'S I PosM Can ILE FOR PILES. In u-e over AO yeora, &m, J:rtiv& ftio drruL lll-liwt tPtl nioniala. At drtHTCitta. Or m price-SOe per box. fniin wwi I us C3., 1 1 Prop., jiajiuuore, MX 8ALUI I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTING . The Following Companies i German-American, New York City, N. Y. Union Fir. and Marine, of New Zealand. National Fir and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.. of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. Phoenix, of London, Imperial, of London. THE MODEL CHOP fltfD OYSTER HOUSE. JOS. TERP, Prop. The Best Meal In the city for the money. Eastern Oysters. Next door to Odd Fellows' building, 403 Third St., Astoria. A. G. SPEXARTH, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Plated' Ware. Fine Repairing a Specialty. Agent for Winchester Repeating Fire Arms Company, mashbofn's Guitars and mandolins. Largest stock of Fishing Tackle and Bamboo Poles. The Trade Supplied. BARGAINS IN-- Wheeler & Wilson Sealing jWaehines. C. P. UPSHUR, Shippings Commission Astoria, Oregon. Noe & Scully, Dealers In Stoves, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Hole Agents for MAGEE STOVES AND RANGES Jobblnn a Specialty. 431 Second Street, Astoria, Or. BOOTS and Sf40ES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at The Sinn of the Qolden Shoe. JONN HAHN & CO. G. JL STIJaSOJa & CO., BLACKS ffllT.HlflG! Ship aud Cannery work, Hono-iioeliig, Wag ons made and repaired, uo hi work guaranteed On Cass street. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, flrst-cluis horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CfllHP dOW A SPECIALTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and Fourth, Astoria. Or. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POHli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. JEFF'S Is the Bon Tod Hestaorant of the City The Flnet on the Coast. Dinner Parties and Banquets a Specialty. Best Wines and Liquors. ffasic flail -:- 354 First Street, Astoria, Or, 'H. CHRISTENSEN, Prop. A FREE CONCERT every night beglnnlne at 8 o'clock. Good music. The best of wines, liquors and cigars always on hand. Central " Hotel Cor. 3rd and West Ninth Sts, n tha FumnMn nlan. Larce. airy rooms and a first-class restaurant. Board dally, weekly or monthly. Private rooms for families. Oysters and fish In season. Finest Wines. Liquors and Cigars. EVENSON & COOK, - Proprietors. The Store of John G. Neimi Has Been Purchased By BUTTErtflELD BrJOS., Who are goine to eloae out thj stock. Inteudinir purvhaaerj will Co well to call and f xainlue nooit and prices before DurchaslnR elsewhere. They also have a good watchmaker to do repairing. Jlorth Paeif ie Bremery JOHN KOPP.Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY W HIS K K Y Only handed over the bar. The largest glass ofN. P. Beer. Half-and-half. Free Lua'tk. E.ickson aWirkksla. Proprietors. Cor. Coecoaly and Lafayette ts. CfllGflGO, lailiWAUKEE and ST. PAUL- RAILWAY Connecting, with All Transcontinental Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestibuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known Id moJiin railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further information Inquire of any ticket agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- SAN FRANCISCO AND- ALL POINTS IN CrlLIFOMlA Via the Alt. Shasta Route of the Southern Paeifie Go. The Only Ioute Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPERS Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on or address E. P. ROGERS, Assistant General Passen ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. Opposition Line! -TO- PORTLAND THE CITY OF FRANKFORT Will leave Astoria Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. Sundays at 8:30 a. m. Leaves Portland, Morrison street dock. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 11 p. m. FARE Single trip 11; round trip, $1.50. Astoria Shipping Co., Agents, Main street wharf. Portland and Astoria, STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria evprv evenlne pxeent Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 7 a. m. Loaves Portland every day except Sunday nt 7 a. in. U. W. STONE, Agt, Astoria, E. A. Seeley, general agent, Portland. I. R. & N. COs Steamer llwaco. leaves Antona dallv at T:3o a. m. for Uw.k-o. r&lltiiK nt Tansy l'olnt, nnd eouuectlne with rauruau niimmx norm at iu a. in, ana wiia IwwtH on Vinalwatpr hav flir South Hrud, Rnnthlnt, North Coto Aim ui ui' r im'miis uiMUKn to uraf'i iiatr bor. Kr-tumii'B coniieoia at-4lwaco with Axlorla uuU Night Boat far rornnna. JOHN It. UOUl.TKR, L. A. Looms, (Vcrtarv. frealuenl. It, V. KtillKlif. 8uperiutendeut. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy a irae pvcino-ft pewtivt and pmaMti wirmrattaa ot all poiL from Um blood, and a mtontion oi healthy yitor to th tnxuM u oftcrtd lo auifenn for tbe tint lint in renmiy whK-h has bem nndrgtxng tbt moM wveiv v failrd. and it wifl aot fail, a it u Tro 8rl!l k S-phihttc pmsnn and all blood diaMM. Lo you he. Iwwttt Stnd for tuli parttculan and proof free. Srof liiltnf your tvrm wnb mercury and ctbar obon Thn remeily mil cure ymi in to to ou iUt witluut fad. e arUaUttBtat am MUM k MrikM4l Ut IMUMTi MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., ta rtnt Stft rOKTLAND, V&- (