THE 1)AILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. THE TIDES TOD AT. High water:-.63 a. m. (6 feet 5 In.) 6.18 p. m. 6 feet 6 in.), Low water 0.06 a. m. (1 foot) 12.51 p. m. (4 feet 1 in.) ABOUT THE CITY. . Colds are prevalent. The thermometer is going down. The Elmore left out at 7:30 yesterday morning for Tillamook. Martin Foard and family teiu from Germany yesterday. The railroad men are booked for an other visit to Astoria today. San Francisco steamer Oregon went out at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. The steamer Truckee came down the river and left out at 9:30 a. m. yester day. Yesterday afternoon the pilot schoon er Louis Olsen came In and went down to Scow Bay. If the postofllce returns are any cri terion, Astoria's business Is picking up well after th depression. At 7 o'clock yesterday morning the British ship Cuthona left np the river in tow of the Emma Hayward. L. E. Glllet's elk heads In the torestry exhibit at the World's Fair excited a grant deal of admiration and were gen erally commented on. The regular weekly drawing of Hill's Lot Cluba took place last night. The lucky winners are John Juryns (lot 51 block 57) and Charles Wlrkkalu, (lot 63, block 27). The "Parish Circle" of Holy Inncents' Chapel meets this evening at the house of Mr. Maxwell Voung In Alderbrook. A merry night of enjoyment Is promised all who attend. The bill of exceptions taken by Ful ton Bros., In the case of Hansen, has been signed by Secretary of state Mc Brlde and will be presented to the supreme court by Hon. C. W. Fulton on Monday. Mr. Fulton will plead for a stay of execution on that date. An S0 lot for J2. Groceries cheap for cash at Howell & Ward's. The Belmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olsen's. All groceries sold at bottom prices for cash at Howell & Ward's. The Astorian has always contended that Astoria's volume of trade was much greater than Salem's. Last week the Statesman published some figures showing the business done weekly in the Salem post office, and these figures were republished in this paper on Sun day. On an average week the Salem postofllce issued 131 domestic monev nr. ders" with an aggregate total of $1264,44, In the same time the Astoria postofllce issued 156 domestic orders amounting to 13142.72! Salem Issued 32 postal notes valued at $44.31 Astoria issued 85 pos'. notes valued at $173.19. Sulem Issued three International money orders for $32.75 In all. Astoria Issued 45 Inter national money orders, calling for $1 814.84 In all. These are plain figure? and cannot be disputed. Salem Is good' live town, but Astoria leads her by a long shot and don't you forget it. The Coffeehouse. 522 Third Kfroot best place for chops and steaks: ovs- ters by the quart; received daily and always rresn. Wagner & Co. have a new line of souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and lew. elry repairing a specialty. Opposite the Asiorian otnee. Theo. Bracker keeps a varied and choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, playing cardi, cutlery, stationery, pipes, amoer gooas, etc. The mayor of The Dalles has recehed the following live letter: "You what Is you any how. I am here from Celllo and mean business. I want a position that you can give me and If you don't give it to me In three days you will die. We need no hot headed crank as mayor like you tleing up horse, etc., put them In the ponds for If you do you will die, and I believe you will die In two days anyhow. I want to make a phrensy like the man that shot presi dent Harrison. Lo,ok here for if you wont do it their Is a man In town that look something like you, and if you don't do It you will suffer; resign your position. Every man, woman and child Is laughing at you that through beet ability read German and see what Wil liams say. Caesar was a warrior and statesman, and Napoleon a great war rior, but look at Cyprus the oriental and Epanomabo of Thebes and states man of Athens, Pericles," Reiter and Hansen hear the wielding of hammers and the moving of heavy timbers a few feet from their cells with out much display of feeling. Hansen seems to have got himself into a medl-1 me in giving easy terms tative frame of mind, while the other murderer still exhibits his air of bra . do and callousness. The finest and most extensive line of blue and white steel enameled ware ever displayed In Astoria, has been received at Foard & Stokes. Sportsman intending to purchase their winter's supply of ammunition should communicate with Foard & Stokes before purchasing elsewhere. Doing business on the installment plan; pay the installments when you get ready. That Is the system I have been compelled to do business on for two years, and expect to continue un- tlll we get a railroad. No one can beat B. F. Allen, 571 Third street. For $2, a lot is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's First addition. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur Bklns. For all kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olsen's C. W. Bishop had a splinter of steel extracted from his right hand yesterday afternoon by Dr. Estes. He was driv ing a wedge Into a log of wood, when the top of the bar smashed off and flew upwards, a portion of it running Into the muscles surrounding the knuckle, making a very painful but not danger ous wouna. For Sale Three good lots at Smith's Pclnt. A bargain. Address A. B., this office'. Hill's First addition is located in the centre of the city. Lots are now selling in it for $2. There is no risk taken by joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money. The curtain at Utzlnger's theatre will in future rise at 8 o'clock p. m., prompt ly, every evening, Instead of at 9 o'clock as heretofore. The Eugene Register tells the fol lowing: "Mr. H. Harlow Jr. reports the best crop of potatoes we have' heard of this fall. He planted 25 bushels of potatoes in the- spring on three acres of ground and has just harvested 800 bushels of good sound potatoes. A man in Josephine county has been boasting of having planted 500 pounds, or one third as many as Mr. Harlow, and har vested 12,000 pounds, or one-fourth ns many. We call him down. Mr. Har low's crop sold at 40 cents per bushel, the ruling price at present, would yield him $320, or $96,672-3 per acre. On ou table is a paper from Iowa, one of the beet states in the East, telling of a man who has sold his crop from 10 acres for 75 cents per bushel, bringing $75 per acre and boastlngly asks, "What other crop will do as well?" Could Mr. Har low sell his crop at the same price, they would bring him $600, or $300 per acre. How does that compare with Iowa? Oregon against the world." MR. JOHNSON AT HOME. lie Id Highly Gratified with the Success of Oregon's Exhibits. Mr. A. J. Johnson, of whose splendid services at Uie World's Fair on behalf of the state of Oregon the Astorian has before had reason to speak, is back home again, with a glowing account of the exposition, and with' the two best medals that were awarded in the whole vast' forestry building. When inter viewed on the subject of Oregon's For estry exhibit, Mr. Johnson said: "Although we had an exhibit that compared favorably with any in the building, It "was not such as we might have had If we had been given more time in which to get it together. Our space measured 24x35 feet, and in ad dition to this we were given credit for several of tho huge tree trunks that formed the colonades of the building Itself. Our exhibit was entered as a whole in competition for the first med al, as an. Instructive, comprehensive, collective and commercial exhibit of native woods, in the natural and manu factured state and we secured the prize, ine only other award made on tha GENTLEMEN. you can save, from $5.00 to $10.00 and make your wlfo happy by getting one of those handsome Jackets. Keep your eye on the store. We will be here only a few days. Occident block. ADMINISTRATOR'S RALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the matter of the estate of Charles Kamln, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Charles Kamln, deceased, will, pur suant to an order of the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon, made and entered in said matter and court on the 17th day of October, 1893, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Saturday, the 3d day of December, 1893, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., of said day, at the court house door of Clatsop county, Oregon, in the City of Astoria, in Bald county and state, the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: The northeaBt quarter of section twenty-three (23), township seven (7), north of range eight (8), west of Willamette meridian, in Clatsop county, Oregon. : C. F. PFLUGER. ' Administrator of the estate of Charles Kamin, deceased. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. Business Must be Closed Out Sure! The undersigned having been appoint ed by the circuit court, receiver for 1 W. Case, banker, hereby gives notice to all persons owing said bank, either by note or overdraft, that payment of same' must be made without further delav. The office of the receiver, at Oregon exhibit, and it was the only one I Case's bank, Is open, daily from 10 to asked for. was for monufaeturlnir nnner 12 o clock a. m., and from 2 to 4 o clock from spruce pulp an Astoria Industry, Wo entered written claims for recogni tion, claiming merit on special points, and for having a complete classifica tion of local and botanical names. Many of the other exhibits were only labeled with common names, and were really of no value. Tho California ex- p. m., and all debtors are advised call and settle at once. GF40. H. GEORGE, Receiver. to MILES' NERVE AND LIVER PILLS. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and. bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr, Miles' Pills nneedllv cures bllllousness. I nimi was very Dcautirui, but not prop-1 bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constlpa erly classified . There was too much tkm Unequaled for men, women and living concluded to retlie fiombuslnfralwill dispose of my entire Mock t a sacrifice SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at actual cost. All utlf r good will be sold below cost. No reserve, lho cniiro stock must bo closed out before the new year. Fixtures and show cases for tale cheap. This Is a boua fide, sacrifice closluK sale. R. STRAUSS, NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE if18' Co.,,nryMrchHniwlll find ittollielr ndvmitiiKe t. tall onui and r,rlco our goods purchasing eUca here. This eiolug out sulo is Mrlotly lor cash only. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISS ular meetings of this board will be held oil th9 first Monday of each month at iu a. m ai Me olllce of Robb & Par er- W. L. Robb. Sec. NOTICE-The regular meetings of me Miuns uunaing ana Loan Associa lion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Office on uenevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT Nn D i n. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m on the second and fourth Mondays of ench month. So journing brethren cordially In (ted. By order c. P. polish, and nothing of practical inter est. Ours was the only state that had living specimens of the trees' on the ground. We exhibited some twenty- five varieties of evergreens each from eight to ten feet high, and come of thc-m very rare. Perhaps the greatest object of interest for the crowd was ne section of a spruce tree, 10 feet In children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doces 25 ct3. Samples free,, at Chas. Rogers. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings nrst ana third Tuesday evenings vi eucn montn at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tin" council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on wnicn mo council nolds its regular me3iing. K. OSRUhW, Auditor and Police Judge. JOHN W. CROW'S WALL PAPER and DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMENT at 637 Third street. During the next 30 days we will take iameter, and 2Vj ftet In thickness, and I orders to furnish material and do dec- weighing, four tons. Every time we ora ,wr ana P lam Vver hanging PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THE Astoria Rational Bank : TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited on favorable terms. Foreign and Domfstlc Exchange bought and sold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid or: time deposits us fol lows: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum For 6 months, 6 per cent per annum For 12 months, 6 per cent per annum A Savings Depurtment. Having been established In connection with the above, deposits will be re ceived In sums of one dollar and upward. Interest will be allowed as follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 er com per annum; on term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. D. K. WARREN, President. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. J. C. DEMENT, Vlce-Prest. IX K. WARREN, J. C. DAMENT. C. 8. WRIGHT, JOHN 1IOHHON. II. C. THOMPSON, THEO. BRACK UK, Directors. it cost $20, but it was the largest solid section of tree trunk on the ground. Wo advertised it as cut from a tre e305 feet In height and 300 years old. This tree at the butt was 16 feet in diameter, ani the section exhlbltd had been cut at a height of of 26 feet. It was the largest piece that the railroads were willing too haul. All of this was per fectly true. California had some sec tions 16 feet In diameter, on exhibltioh, but they had to be carried to Chicago in sections. One big spruce block was presented to the Central Park commls- siners of New York City, and now rests Central park. We had perfectly lear fir planks on exhibition that meas ured four feet in width, three Inches in thickness, and from fourteen to six teen feet in length. These were the terms -and prices. r T LOOK OUT for breakers ahead when pim ples, doiis, car buncles and like manifestations of impure blood ap- pear. They wouldn't armour if your blood were pure ana your system in the right condition. iney snow you what you need a good blood-pu rifier; that's what H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over c. n. cooper s store, W. C LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 673 Third street. J. E. LuFORCE, D. D. S. DENTIST. Klaul building, opposite Occident. Astoria ladles have an opportunity of getting the correct style In a wrap, cape, or jacket. Sale opens today in Hill's sample room, Occident Hotel block. The garments are of a charac ter and style never shown outside of the largest cities. Mr. A. J. Johnson, assistant super intendent of the forestry exhibit of Or egon at the World's Fair left Astoria last night for a trip through southern Oregon. He will attend the meeting of the World's Fair Board in Salem on The following from yesterday's Or- egonlan would seem to point to the fact that Clatsop county is fast becoming recognized as the hunter's paradise of the state, which it certainly is: "Veni son has been very plentiful In market Monday, when he with other gentlemen here thls 8ean' 11 beln no unU8uaI inmg to see lue cu.rcttse ul . uiraeii or more deer In a market at one time, Interested will advocate the placing of a blgforestry exhibit from Oregon at the Midwinter Fair in San Francisco. Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Water colors, crayons, and sepias crayons, copying and enlarging, a spe cialty at Crow's gallery, Third street. Rare bargains in Jewelry are being offered daily by H. Ekstrom. Any ar ticle in the Btore can be had at cost price. Elk meat has, however, not been seen till yesterday, when a fine ham, weigh Ing seventy-five pounds, came in from Clatsop county. It was rapidly bought up by persons, who have a liking for big game, as elk meat is a scarce arti cle In this market. There is quite a number of elk killed in this state every year, principally In the coast range, but so far away from any lines of trans portation that it is difficult to get the meat out to where it can be sent to market. Probably a good beef steak is better than elk steak, but one gets tired of beef, and an elk steak is an agreeable change. The ham received here yesterday was from a very fine When the bloom of morn is on the pine, And the boughs are softly bending To the music of the whispering wind With the forest perfume blending; When the bloom of morn is on the pine, And in sunlight touch it glistens, With the fairy sweep of art divine e,k whlch weIghed 509 pounds. ah nature slops ana listens To the music of the dawning, Of the wlldwood's perfect morning, When the blush of waking sunshine Rests upon the stately pine. zzz ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. With the wet weather comes an in creasing demand for seasonable shoes, and the best place to get a fine pair made to order is at Fred Olsen s, Olney sirvt-t. Anything in the line of gents furn ishing goods, in the newest styles, can be had from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be fore equalled. All the patent medicines advertised In this papor, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. ran be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Ai torta. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country." and the East when you can get them for the same price at the Union Pacific office In this city, asd thereby save your lo cal fare to fort land. JEFFS, The Only Restaurant! All persons having claims against the estate of F. E. Nelson, will present them to me at the office of J. Q. A. Bowlby within six months from this date. JOHN JACKSON. Administrator. Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 19, 1893. yon got whon you take Dr. Piorce's Golden flmucal Discovery. It cornea health with It. All Blood. Skin. and Scnlp Diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to tho worst Scrofula, are cured by it It invicroratos the liver. Diirifloa and ... . . 1 .-.1 1.1 1 1 " envy ot tne Washington commissioners, 1";u w uioou, auu rouses every organ who hnrl nnfhinp- nir0 (hm .... th into healthful action. In the most stubborn wno had nothing like them on the forms of Skin Disoases, such as Saltrheum, ground. The fact-13, they did not com- Eczema, Totter, Erysipelas, Carbuncles, and U-ncO fcOj mt tliplr nvhlhlt tnirolhnr n. I UUDITOU OlimelllS. BIIQ WltU McrOlula In BVPPV til they had seen Orecon's and thnn It """P8. uiooa-uunuj, u 11 rails to Dene- uity una seen uregon s ana men " tit or euro, you have your money back. And was too late. That much-talked-of- that makes it the cheapest blood-purifier sold. utile nouse, iuxiu, and lti feet high, fin ished In native woods, was very much admired. We also had sections of 50 varieties of trees, all properly labeled with common, local anl botanical names. Our specimens of hard woods, such as myrtle, three kinds of oak and mountain; (laurel, Iwere admitted . by manufacturers to be of the finest qua! lty. To show how luxurious was veg etable growth In Oregon, we exhibited FULTON BROS., ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4, G, and 6, Odd Fellows' Duildlng, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce, Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Flavel's brick bulldlmr. JTORJ3ALE. UI1ANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate in Hill's first auaiuon. LOTS' FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and eet n. lni in jtiiu s irst Addition for $2. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Win Lee has Just received a full line of & section of elderberry bush 20 Inches Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. FRANK J. TAYLOR, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoi'lu, Oregon. J. Q. A. liOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT L.x,. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or, TtfEflSTOlp SAVINGS BAM Acts as trustee for corporations and individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits us follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent pt-r annum, on term savings uooks, b per cent per a nnum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an- ,11m, For six months, C per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. W. CASE... President I. Q. A. UOWLBY Vice-President FRANK i'ATTON Casnler DIRECTORS: W. Cuse, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Gust, Holmes, BenJ. Young, A. S. Reed, F. J. Taylor. In diameter." CLOAK SALE. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. Owing to the condition of finance In I HOTEL. Remember McGuire's Ho me h.ast, the Great King Cloak Makers I tei at seaside is open the year around. ' .WurzburEW. Goldsmith On. 472 I Broodwav. New York aro fnrorl nut I CALL ON P. BAKER. 478 Third Sh into the wild Northwest with their high u nave your clothes dyed and class novelties in ladies Jackets. The "enneu. Mrmpnta yiH 1 1 Ye f,v aala Thiirmluir I morning November 16th, in Hill's sam- SEWING MACHINES And general pie room, Occident HoteK block. The foP8;. e' 'cK-fltting, etc. C. A. May, stock consists of lockets, rans newmnr-1 104 main street. DR. W. C. BELT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over store of J. B. Wyatt, Sec ond street near Genevieve. DR. ELIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. Room 7, over Osgood's Cloth ing store, hours. 10 to 12 m., 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 to u a. in. kets, in cloth, matalusse and silk sea-l lette all the latest styles. There are hundreds of them and no two alike. STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. Gentlemen: -1 have been troubled very severe headache for years. and have taken a great many different remedies, but have never found any vJEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and Ab- lor streets, does a general business in niacKsmitning and repairing. JOB PRINTING Dell Ferguson, gen eral Job printer, Astorian building, up stairs. First-class work at reasonable rates. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Dunzlger's Btore, ASioriu nent cure as Krause's Headache Cap stiles. In my opinion they stand with out a rival; they have cured me in cery case. JNO. N. WILKIE. 36 Adams ave., West, Detroit, Mich. For sale by Chas.' Rogers, sole agent. Astoria, uregon. IV n : m I 1X1 VI I I ' I ti i 'n 1 1 nn i!lgrl S? 89 8-Py nd Pe""a- Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get tne Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while mere. MUSIC LESSONS. J. W. Thomp son, organist at the M. E. Church, gives lessons in music, piano and or gan. Organs tuned and repaired. Ad dress 689 Astor street. Astoria. TQ SUBSCRIBERS. Those who do not receive their papers regularly and on time should notify this office. If tho papers delivered by carriers are wet or in bad condition, don't fall to maae complaint at the business fflce. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office. Rooms 3. 4, over Astoria Na tional Bank. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Residence, 639, Cedar street. THE NEW BAKERY, Corner Olney and Second. Largest loaf of home made bread in town for 5 cents. All kinds of fresh cakes and home made candies. ALL FREE. YOUR FRTENDS IN EUROPE.-If i you nave irienas m JDurope wnose pas- Those whs llivft lilted Dr. Kne'm Kcwl sage you wish to nrpnnv In Astoria Discovery know its value, and those who! call' at tho Nnrfhom Unifl J1 "iof' ""T6.. now,the opportunity to steamer Telephone dock, and make glsV' anrKetf ,"7 L wan VH your name and address to H. E. Bucklen leamns Bteamnnip lines. & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box oil . . Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well a I ARE YOU GOING EAST? - Patron- a copy of Guide to Health and House- Ize the Northern Pacific railroad if hold instructor, free. All of which Is you are Gnlns- Kmr. Tiw rate of DR. WALTER I .HOWARD, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN , AND SURGEON. Office, 454 Third street. HJurs, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday, 1 to z. item dence, 468 Third street. DR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dealer in DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS' HUN- DRIES. 357 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. F. WICKMAN. CONTRACTOR. ed to destination. All purchasers of c,. a KlrUa fill rpnt. nn ocwuu-iaou nuncio uo4i diui over m Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. '"". "'-""i c. ; ui mnuii m i you txiv uuing .ast. xw rates oi WrZLl,01 you' th.rough tickets, baggage check- or address 2037 Pine street. Ip it f.iu i biti BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS Call at August Danlelson'B Sample Rooms. til 'tt&a .to s a LA it ti B if 41i"- I m IB i ii i ss wuu4rii Tlie only l'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Auimouia; No Aluin. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There Is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good con 1 ditlon as at Utzlnger's popular resort WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln- fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 615 Squemoijue street. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident insurance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Olllce, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or. Agents' Wanted. Gold and silver can be made, easily by active men and women. Secure an gency immediately for amujkica WONDERLANDS", the fastest Bell ing book since Grant's Memoirs. A erltable boom has set in on mis dook, and bucccss Is knocking at your very door. 540 beuutlful pictures, (over 300 full mo pictures) In tints, by a new pro cess: 200 pages of stirring text by the celebrated writer and traveler, J. W. iluel, equal to 3,000 pages of an ordi nary book. This beautiful work Is gotten up as a memorial of the Columbian year, and touches an American chord In every home In the land. Popular prices. Territory worth a ' inn. Ruing rapidly. Send at once $1,00 for prospectus, and application for ex elusive agency to THE J. DEWING CO.. San Francisco, Cal. HUGHES &GO. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR - DEALERS. Importers of all brands of foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars. J. II. Cutter whiskies a specialty. Vnl tllatz bottled beer. Finest brands of Key West and Imported cigars. Liquors for medicinal purposes. Family trade solicited. All orders from the country and city promptly filled. Pquemoque StrWt, ABtorla, Oregon. SEASIDE SAWIBILL A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dresHed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings nnd shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II. F. L. LOO AN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. EleetPie Wghts. Incandescent, nil nitrht. ... $1X0 12 o'clock... 1.00 " - 10 - ... 75 For particulars inquire of ouv member of the firm or at the ofllce, foot of Con comly Ht. West Shork Mills Co., 'I. O. TrulhnRer, President. FISHER BROS., Sfyip Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wiitfonwa. Vehlcheln Stock Prm Machinery, Paints, Oils. Vrnlhes, Loggers' Mirplles, hairbanlt s Scales, Doors ani Windows. I'rovlmlonn, Flour, unci Mill VaceH. Astwia, Oregon. HUNTER & MERGERS, Proprietor of tli forty Eibirifo's !.'::' ;!s KJ Ciirnpr Hucoiid and TVutun trfl1i. Uoiiii-r XlnrU u J VVuU tlxliUi suovts.