THE DAILY ASTORtAtt, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1893. WREAKED A REVENGE. Pine Bluff, Ark.. Nov. 14. A negro mob at mob at Varnier, on the Iron Mountain railroad, thin morning igok a negry murderer named Nelson from Jail, hung him to a tree, riddled his body with bullets, and then set fire to It. - SUSPENDED CFERAT10N3. Mlddleboro, Ky., Nov. 14. The Coal and Iron IJmk, the largest bank d In hnqinpaa here, cloned its doors this mining. The assetB and llabllllleg ere unknown. It had a er.pilal of half a , million. A STKAMER FOUNDERED. Chicago, Nov. 14. The uteamer Can- ihto la believed to have foundered In so Michigan near the Straits of Mackinac and all hands drowned. The Canlsto carried a crew of fourteen. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop county: John Davis, Plaintiff, VD. , Oliver Stewart, Martha Stewart, and v.. L. Dwver. Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out or ana unuer me seal of the above entitled court Jn the above entitled cause, on the 11th day of October, 1893, upon a decree of fore closure and Judgment duly maue ana rendered therein on the 2nd aay or Oc tober, 1X93, which said execution and ordpr of sale was to me directed and delivered, 1 did on the 19th day of October, lms, levy upon on me ngni, title, claim and interest of the within named defendants in and to the fol lowing described real property towlt: All that part of section ten lying east of a line drawn parallel with and one chain east of the east banK or unai , creek, so called; also the south half of section eleven; also the south half of the north half of section eleven, an lelng situate In township eight, north of range seven, west, of the Willamette meridian, in Clatsop county, Oregon. Arid I shnll on Saturday, the 18th day of November, 1893, at the hour or lu o'clock a. m., in front of the court house door, in the city of Astoria, in said county and state, proceea 10 sen the same or bo much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy tha Bum of 0,4O8.34, together with the further sum of $300 attorney's fees, together with the costs and disbursements taxed at $22.25, and the accruing costs of this suit, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand in U. S. gold coin at time of sale. II. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria. Or., Oct. 11), 18'J3. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the county court of Llatson county. Oregon, the under- nlgned, administrator of the estate of Sarah E. Coffnmn, deceased, wilt, rrom und after the ltith day of December, 1M)3, proceed to sell, at private snle, for cash or approved security, all the light, title and Interest of the said Sarah E. Coffman, deceased, at the time of her death, in the following described real proprrly belonging to said estate, to-wlt: A tract or lot ntly feet wide off the north end of that particular parcel of land belonging to the said estate, described and bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the west side of the county load, leading from Seaside postolllce to Skipanon Landing In Clatsop county Oregon, 480 feet north of the north line of Section 21, township 6 north, of range 10 west, and 272 feet west of the west line of section lu, of the same township, Thence north along the west line of said county road 2ti5 feet to a stake and 213 feet west from said west line of said section 15, thence westerly to ordinary high water mark of Necanlcum Creek, thence southerly ulong the line of ordinary high water rrark 205 feet, thence easterly to place of beginning. Said tract herein adver tised to be sold lies fifty feet on the county road leading from Seaside to Skipanon, and extends west from Bald county road to ordinary high water mark or Necanlcum Civek, in Clatsop county, Oregon, nnd will be sold as a whole or in subdivisions. V W. PARKER, Administrator of the estate of Ha rah E. Coffman, deceased. Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 18, 1893. I CAVEATS. KPDI MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, 00PVRI0HT8. etc. lor intnrmaiinn nun rree mnalxxii wrltfl to MIINN i:o IIIIOADIVAY, Nltw Yolllt. OWint hun au for aeeurln patciila In Amorliv, Kverr natout taken out hv iia u hrmiulu i.if.-. Uie publlu by a uuiiou glvuu f iuo of oluirije lu Ilia, Ijumwt clrenlntlnn of any aelentlflo paper In tha world.. Mvudiillr llluntratol. No InlolllKout man ahmild bo wlllmut, It. Wuvilr, ,'1.011 tnr H.Mlll month. Aildroaa MUNN A m. uuUfUkUS, aUl Uroiulwuy, iier i'urk Citr. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE tmputt tho moot delicious taste tod teat to EXTRACT of UniiR from a M KDIC A i. GENTLEMAN at Kladraa, to hl brotlier at WOKCtSl'ER, Mar, i8y. B -ten Yea & PERKINS' that their aauc 1 hli;lil ealeem rd in India, and ! In my opinion Ihe moat pal. atoble, a well tha moat holoma auca thai ta made. Pflwire of Itnitfirirmst Vlil1a1airiliii hi tiaiTia m w it sea that you get Lea & Peras, Vmx " tvefj twltle of tha original and gMuin, John Duncan's sons, new vork. T!!;. r. ... i. hviaaiu..Mj'I.iijitl Uvcra. Eiu. er botUo. JSclcntlflo Amorican Agency 'op t SOUPS, CRAVIES, FISH, HOT k C010 Srij; ' CAME, w-----1 RAREBITS, fcw kJj to A GOOD REPUTATION lenrp tion been Take no substitute BUY OUR WORLD FAHED. "Fisherman's Choice" BRAND COTTON TWINE Following sizes always kept in sto k by our local agents, Elmore, Sanborn & Co.: . Numbers 24, 28, .'52, 30, 40, Soft Laid. " " 15, 18, 24j 30, 42, 48, 54, Medium Laid. COTTON - ROPE. Our thread laid and twine laid cork and lead lines guaranteed the best ever sold on the Columbia river Wm. J. HOOPER & CO. Mountain Island Mills, North Carolina. DR. GUHN'S XHFBOVXD LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, 1 .1. .A TTA .nhln.a Hn. fit tllf.t- T)U li! I't.' llevea dltrei In the tomach and ourca i.ecdcn( on oaoh night for awcokgweetanlthoatouiaon and purine tho breath. The luaure prrfeotiilKCBtlon, regulate the bowel and cure inrj aot promptly, yoimiiaiy,iivi-r wi" . t Z Drugglam or mail. Boaaoko Med. Co., i a. For sale by J. W. Conn. Druggint j Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitti;:! constipation, dispel cokis, headaches and. fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed bv the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Cent. One I'Jck.ige (I'our Uoxe)lwo Dollara. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt ot price. i'tw fret lample addrft$ RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. 1 Mii 00 worth of lovfly Music tor Fort" ttnll. consisting of loo pages full site Sheet Music of the J latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular JJ selections, both vocal anj Insttumental. nicn up in tn most eiepant manlier, in f cluJInjf four larp-e site I'oitralts. -2 CAKMCNCITA, tht Spanish Dancer, o AUCUHA 'PA TTI ana aUiAiaurir tu'i iiiu iu ni.rrrf ui THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. SS UtuaJway Thoitie UUj;.. New York City, 1 CANVAeHRRS VCANTIO. i' Ifti Those tiny Gcpaulos aro superior to IJivlaam ot iapaiiia, Culil ami Injootlona. I fiflft The j euro la 43 lwnra tlo uuo dlsoasos without onylncoa-l vcnieucc. SOLD BY ALL 0RUG0JSTS CLA'S POISON.IW PlLLS-A ' cure lot IT. ,.imniK uum Ivv-vmc hi unU. if hk tt iuoiiry. ."ta ly tttt iitAu'ViM. si Is often ruined by manufacturers, who, relying upon that alone allow the char nrter of their yoods to deteriorate. The GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BHD Condensed Milk is always the-same Rest assured that its standard of excel is constantly maintained. Its purity, cleanliness, richness and perfec of process in manufacture has never equaled. It stands First. It has lut nun,)' iuus, Your Grocer and Druggist sell it for the Eagle brand. MANUFACTURERS. PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and ail Eastern Points IVIany Hoops Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars, Oln. Ing Cars are run da ly via the Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port, land at 6:30 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. O0EAN STEAMERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Sunday, Nov. 5. State, Friday, Nov. 10. Columbia, Wednesday, Nov. 15. State, Monday, Nov. 20. Columbia, Saturday, Nov. 25. State, Thursday, Nov. 30. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria at 6 a. m., .dally except Sunday, via Washington side of the river; re turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. The Thomp son makes landings on both sides of tho river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. For rotes ami Ri'iieml liifoinintion call ou or aittlrt's.1!, W. n.IUIRMUTKT, (5, W.I,niW8BKKRY. A. tii'ii I'll. A if I. AuenU rortlitml, Or, Astoria, Or, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans -Continental Hallway System. FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN- Palaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO - - - , Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken ' Vieuis of the Wonderful Mountain Country. - ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China ami Japan. "fmirvs of India" k-avri Vnconvor Oil. Mi. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Tin! Mlowirta" leaves tcri Oil. 16 tor llimoliilu ami Auilrullaii Torta. Ko itrVet. rules and iiiformtiun, call on or addiv'M Jas, K HI.avsoV, AL t Astoria, Or. I. U. Kim-ky, Traveling Pas. Agt.. Taroma. ('.. .. M.T.. Pi..n, r:l. r, At. Vancoutvr, B.C. CKS-S3 L I llQ iW PastMail Iloiite. STIlili Ifl THE FROUTI For SHvere Fishing MARSHALL'S - TWINE The staying powers of Marshall's Twine are superior to those of any other ever used on the Columbia river. IT IS THE CHEAPEST GOOD FISHERMEN USE IT IT IS THE BEST FOR FALL FISHING FOR SMALL MESH NETS ON HAND: 10-P1y30's '8P:y40's 15 Piy 50' s 7-Ply 30'b .9 Ply 30's HOf ARE YOO FIXED FOR INSURANCE? FIRE AND MARINE. We are agents for the largest and best companies represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n iEtna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets, JAS. G. BLAINE? - Pfltriot The ASTORIAN has determined minds of its readers, to put them In honesty and his sterling manhood. HOW? YOU ASK; tead Garefally, arpd See for Yourself! r A tA. J. J, We have secured at a "MFE ftp (MEMORIAL EDITION.) , ' ' This book is the onlv authorized publicatinn of tlie memoirs and history of Blaine. It is written by JOHN CLARKE REDPATH, L. L. D., GEN. SELDEN CONNOR, Ex Governor of Maine, and the eminent friends of the dead Statesman. It contains a full length portrait of Blaine with his autograph negative and an autograph letter sent to the publishers. It contains an autograph letter from Mrs. Blaine which proves its authenticity and its claim to being the only volumn of tlie kind published by authority. It contains SEVERAL HUNDREDS of splendid PICTURES, nearly all of them being original copyrighted drawings. It contains 50s pages of description, printed on the heaviest book paper, in large, handsome type, and is heavily bound in cloth-two colors-with gold lettering and ornamentation on the covers. This book cannot be purchased elsewhere. It is not on sale at bookstores, and you could not buy it for less than FIVE DOLLARS if it were. It is a work of art, and a book that no citizen should be without. The reading matter is of enthralling nterest. Our regular subscription price for the WEEKLY AST0KIAX is $2.00 per Annum. Our regular subscription price for the DAILY ASTORIAN for 6 months is $3.50. Yon can, by paying in advance, receive the WEEKLY ASTORIAN for ofle year and the LIFE OF BLAINE for $3.00. Yon can, on the same terms, have the DAILY ASTORIAN for G months and the LIFE OF BLAINE for $4.50, making the cost to you of this Wonderful Work $1.00. . Don't take any snap judgment You wculd be foolish if you give ns your order without first coming to this office and see ing the book for yourself. It has delighted all who haye looked at it It will delight you. Our subscribers can rest assured that tlie only reason why we have taken hold of this work is its surpassing excellence and its wonderfully cheap price. Yours, for Literary Progress, ' USE AMERICAN LABOR MAKES IT FOR LASTING QUALITIES 12 Ply 40's 14-Ply 40's 21,562,376,00 8,630,425.00 10,915,829.00 1,617,195.00 2,677,219.00 $45,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. Wf4AT flpERICAH Does not Revere The Name of - - Author. - to bring; the life-work of this wonderful idol of the people closer to the possession of the incidents of his career, his ambitions, his sacrifices, his . -Ar Jl- Jt- AAAAAAAAAAAA A A Very Large Outlay the Magnificent Volume entitled OF JJUHES.G. BMIJlE." In the line to take to nil pululs EASTand SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It oilers tlie best service, com? billing SPEED am! COMFOJffl It Is the popular route with those who wlili to travel on the SAFEST! It is therefore the route yon rtiould take. It runs through vestibuled trains ever; day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago. No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, ( Only one ehange of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of the civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all boats running between Astoria, Kalama and Portland. Full Information concerning; rain, time ol tniiim, routes and other details furnished ok apnllcatioDto C. W. STONE. Agent Axtorla. Steamer Telephone Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Ageut. Mo. 181 First SI . cr. Va.shiiit,'tou, Portland. Oreni'ii Easily, Quickly, Pmnanantly Restored WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, bikI ail (he train of evila from i-aily errors or later excesses, tbe results of cterwork, alckoeaa, worry.eto. Fullslrengih, development and itme given to every organ and gortlon of tho body. Implp. nnturalmethoill Imniedlatelmprovemenl nonn. Failure fmpoaslbie. 2,ll referencea. Book, explanation and proofs mulled (tooled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. ran am aaMoaaaaHMaoaa' xvaautra THE ASTORIAN.