J j . WMJM, it 6V U l ! M IPs 1 i EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XL, NO. 261. ASTORIA, OREGON, .WEDNESDAY ' MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1893.' PRICE, FIVE CENTS, BOUND TO PLEASE! Cleveland Master of the - waiian Situation. Ha- MUCH NOT YET MADE PUBLIC Bound to please, and the determination to sell goods at the very lowest prices is what wins the confidence of the people, which is nine points in business, while sup plying the trade with Men's 14 19 BeliJ .HaGooil Ground and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Furnish ing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Rain Clothing, Etc., at prices from 16f to Thatcher's methods. It Is slated that Thatcher has awarded over eighty thousand medals, when he was only authorized to make fifty thousand. HILTON BAN1 I for Taking Hfs Present Position. ' an unsurpassed feat. The Columbia Develops a Splendid Rate . - of Speed. Boston, Mass., Nov. 14. The new commerce destroyer Columbia was sent for her preliminary trial over the gov- etc men t course from Cape Ann, Mass., trt Vn.no Pnrnnlnp MaItia trtrtnv ' TTnilor a trced draught she developed a speed Special Trains Sheriffs of Two Counties Have Them Cornered. A HARD BATTLE IS EXPECTED Associated Press. of 22.87 knots an hour, and Under a I natural draught, 20.2 knots, The offi cial test will be made next Tuesday, when it is thought she will probably make 23 knots, and earn a premium for her builders, William Cramp & Chicago, Nov. 14. A Washington spe- Sons, Philadelphia, of 400,000. The rial says that both secretaries Morton lencth of the course was 43.97 knots. Affcl . m - I I 66s Der Cent. less than else- and Hoke Smith tendered their realg- and it was covered in 4 hours and 18 r uuoiih 10 uieveionu as memuers oi miuutes, wnicn includes zi minutes ex- hls cabinet. The reasons assigned were where. 25 per Ceptf Reduction on Men's and Boys' Clothing. I. Iv. OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hat ter and Furnisher, Cor. Third and West 9th Sts., opp. Foard & Stokes. If You Want Anything in. .FINE STATIONERY, . Office Supplies, Letter Presses, School Books, Typewriting Supplies, Inks, Mucilage Etc., Call on us GRlFFIfl & $EED. the radical and emphatic disagreement of these two gentlemen with President Cleveland's Hawaiian policy and the countenance given to the restoration of the queen. President Cleveland, through Secretaries Carlisle and Gresham, pre vailed on the brace of disgruntled statesmen to withdraw their resigna tions or at least dc-fer them for a time. Washington, Nov. 14. It is accepted as inevitable that the Hawaiian inci dent will come up In congress as soon as the session opens.- All the Indica tions are that the division will be on strict party lines. The republicans take Cleveland's position to be a reflection flh Harrison's actions In the premises, and will doubtless attack him therefor. The democrats expect this and are preparing to be put on their defense. The democrats believe that at the open- lng of congress Cleveland will send in Tablets. Blanks. Miscellaneous Rnnks. a which he win make pub- this country, which may put the case In an entirely new light. This is ex pected, especially in view of the fact that Commissioner Blount's report has never been given out. Congressman Geary, of California, a member of the committee on foreign affairs, today said: "All the facts are not before the people yet, and I would prefer to say nothing till later." Concerning the reported dissension In the cabinet, It can be said that Mor ton Is In accord with the president on his Hawaiian policy, and that Holce Smith has not given a reason to sup pose thnt he entertains opinions dif fering fromi those of the president on the matter. Washington, .Nov. 14. The fear of the friends of the present government of Hawaii is that Minister Willis will push President Dole to an Immediate surrender of his authority on the ground that the provisional government Itself put a limit of duration to Us own authority, and that limit expires when It is decided that there Is no chance of annexation to the United States. There have been rumon frm the state department that the United States has not entered upon Its attempt to restore the queen without a thorough under standing with all the foreign powers, and It is said that the government has received assurances that no objec tion will be raised to its plan. Great Britain will unquestionably welcome the restoration of the queen and the prospect of the early accession of Prin cess KailulanI, as the best .hope of a government distinctively In British In terests. By the convention in France In 1843, England agreed to refrain from over annexing tha Hawaiian Islands or taking them unJer a protectorate, but she has never ceased to try to influ ence the control of the local govern ment to her interests. The restoration question has affected her Interests in tho Pearl River Harbor. The exclusive .;..; CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE. Fine Wines and Mqaofs. I have made arrangements for supplying any brand of wines in quantities to suit at the lowest cash figures. The trade and families supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoria. pended in the turn. This Is the fast est time ever made by an American warship, and, when the exhaustlveness of tho test and the length of tho course are considered, the feat is unsurpassed among tha navies of tho world. ANOTHER ACCIDENT. Tho Big Raft Not Gone from Marsh- 1 field Tet. Marshfleldi Or., Nov. 14. An unfa vorable accident again prevented the large raft -from ' being towed to. sea today. It was a pleasant day, and the bar was as smooth as a mill pond, and a. good depth of water was reported. Cnpt. Roberts was down at the bar about 10 o'clock with the tug. Ranger, aiid.wnen he returned he took hold ot the raft and started to tow her down to the bar. The tug Liberty had hold of the raft also. The Ranger had scarcely straightened out her tow line when the two main Journal binders to her low pressure cylinder broke and cracked her rudder. Captain John Roberts is much disheartened by the mishap, but when seen just after the accident said that he would strain every pr.int to ba ready to go to sea Thurs day. Fully five hundred excursionists went down from Marshfleld today to (ho raft go out. Have Been Sent along the Kiver to Head tho Thieves. Associated Press. Pendleton, Nov. 14. It Is believed that there Is little chance for the Mil ton bank robbers to escape. All tbo ferries along the Columbia are guarded Hopson, who was shot, Is but slightly Injured. ' The officers have accurate descriptions of the robbers. It Is thought they have headed for Wnlluia. Walla Wallri, Nov. 1- It Is report, that the Milton bank robbers are sur rounded by a posse at Sheep Camp, on Pine Crock, 15 miles west of Milton A hard fight is anticipated, and the sheriff of Walla Walla county has been called upon to furnish an extra posse. The sheriff and a posse left Pendlelon on a special train, arriving at Milton U:is evening. The sheriff of this coun- v has dispatchel a posse to guard the bridge over the Touchet at the mouth of Pine Creek, and another Is stationed at the Nine Mile bridge above Wallula. STATE BANKERS MEET. Decatur, 111., Nov. 14. The State Bankers' Association of Illinois met in annual session oday, J. Carl Russell, cashier of the Bank of the Republic, at St. Louis, was Introduced, and spoke at length about the International coin age of gold and silver. .He. said the government's present plan was dishon est. W. P .Holllday, of Cairo,, called him to order, and said his statements were an Insult to any Intelligent meet lng. At this, Mr. Russell left the stage. ANOTHER ACTION. fl. W. flTZIflGEfc Jflain Street, Astoria, Oregon. Sir. R. P. ELMORE -"' ANOTHER row. .1 . Will These Brlggs DIssentlons Never be Finished? New York, Nov. 14. The annual meet ing of the directors of the Union Theo logical Seminary was held today. The meeting was secret, but it is said that the action of the Presbytery was not ouurlit up. Rev. Dr. L. Samuel Hast ings, L. L. D., professor of sacred rhe toric at tha seminary, was asked by the Associated Press to give his views on the proposed action of the New York Prasbytery. He said: "It is an outrage, and shows a spirit of bitter ness which could be renounced. It Is a continuance of the crusade against St. Paul, Nov. 14. In the United States court this afternoon tho Farm- en;' Loan ,ind Trust Co., of New Yol k, brought suit to foreclose mortgages for threo sets of bonds on the Northern pacific railroad, aggregating $53,000,000, and asked for the appointment of a leceiver. Judge Caldwell appointed the ss-nio receivers as heretofore, and (II :'..mI Unit nil Indebtedness be con sldored preferred claims. WILL BE SENT BACK. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 14. Edward Spooncr, one of tho Portland otnclals Indicted by the grand jury lust spring for opium smuggling, was brought be tore United Stales Cuninlssloiier an Dr. Brlggs, bub the blow Is aimed dl-1 Dyke to'day and held until Judge Ross rectly at our students, and really means returns, when a warrant of transporta to dictate where they Bhall or shall not Jtudy. All our directors are op- rosed to the proposed action of the Presbytery. The Union Theological Hon will bo Blgned. Spooner was ar rested In Morrell, Kern county, by Dep uty Marshal Llddell. Ite.ave for Tillamook Every Four Days as Folloms: November 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 33, 27', The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and xnrougn ticKets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points . by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight by Union Pacific Steamers. tLnUKu, SANBORN & CO., - Agents, Astoria. UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO., Agents, Portland. nilnary has no tchnlcal connection with tho Presbytery. They are in no way related." . $2 FOR AH. $80 LOT! . GOOD BYE, PAGUE. San 'Francisco, Nov. 14. B. S. Pague has taken charge of the weather bu reau station in this city. "My Instruc tions are to give the people of the Southern Pacific district the very best forecast service possible," said Mr. Pague. "The future wiU show whether I .am equal to the requirements of the work." A local paper says that Mr. Pague is from Portland, Oregon, and for some time it is natural to expect that he will labor under the disadvantage HOCIE HAS DISAPPEARED. I Roanoke. Va Nov. 14. Colonel John E. Penn, of this city, brother-in-law of J. Hampton Hoge, who was recalled from his mission to Amoy. China, has received a letter frm Henry C. Shaw, of the San Francisco Morning Call, savinar that Colonel Hoge lert Han Francisco 011 Monday, November 0th, for Washington. Col. Hoge's relatives and friends here kn.w nothing of Ms whereabouts. ALL TO BE INDICTED. BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF HILL'S LOT CLUBS YOU CAN GET A FIRST CLASS LOT IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION TO ASTORIA. LOTS WILL BE DELIVERED WEEKLY. NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE A Buffalo, Nov. 14. The names of sev tntv-flvB citizens. Including an editor right of the United States to use this of pre(lctlng rain oftener than It comes, lawyers, business men and even eler- gymen, win u iracm grand Jury for Indictment for conspl- Liot to Build a f4ome, for $2 The Packers of Choice Columbia River : Salmon Their Brands and Locations. Astoria Tk'g Co Booth A. Pk'gCi.. Alorl.v.. Antnri Colmr.biaRirfrrViKV ftorl.... Elmore Banni-l 'Actoria.. Attoriii Pk'gCo, Kinney's John A. Devlin. harbor was a reciprocal consideration, granted for the free entry of Hawaiian sugar into the United States,, but the general free sugar entry under the Me Kinley law worked to the abrogation of the special advantage enjoyed bv the Hawaiian, and they hold that the rlht of the United States In Pearl River was terminated by it. Some dis appointment is felt in administration elides at the expressions of public opinion against the Hawaiian policy, but there are no Indications of any wa vering of Cleveland's purpose. There was a meeting between Secre tary Gresham and Minister Thurston, of the Hawaiian government this af lernoon. Both gentlemen declined to state the result. It was learned from Mr. Thurston that the meeting was a friendly one. FOP. THE CHINESE TRADE. Pittsburjr. Nov. 14. Mark Ten Sul, a Chinaman, representing '.he Great Nor thern railway, was in this city today establishing a Chinese agency. The company is reaching out for the Chin- cse trade, and is placing .Chinese agen cies In all the large cities. Mark Ten Sul says that the company will start a line of steamers between Seattle and Hong Kong January 1. M. J. Kinney Antorl.1 I oldlLS! A- Bo-th ft Sons . Cocktail.. ,ChIctRO.. 1 ...... Culling Pkg Co--,,,, KfallcUco 1 J Mitnl! ,Elmore, Sanborn, . 1" w Oeorge ft Barker- .J AKtoila 1 J O. ill nthnrn & Co. Atoris. 1 I E: lcne Plm.. ill I Oenlfinooa I -.jJ.O.Haf'hornftCo'J. O. Hanthorn ItKtoris. I iGeorge ft Barker Astoria I J,G MrgtoftCn iRrookHeld ) tag, Stf George... J. G. Megler. IBrook field Wn Finhermi-n'i Pkf Coj Atori I I rllm a.. -A Scarifinavian I Ktuhermen't ', Fishrmen'i Pkgt'o-- ' Astoria......-.-. A TEACHER EURNED TO DEATH. Nur.da, N. Y., Nov. 14.--The school house at Coopervllle was burned today. May Porter, the teacher, and Wlllard Johnson, aged 4, were burned to death. CENSURED THATCHER, ' Chicago, Nov. 14. The executive com mittee of the national World's Fair commission met this evening. " The principal business was the report of the special committee about the comn'- frit against 3. Boyd Thatcher's methods of rraklng awards. The reports sustained A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Tacoma, Nov. 14. Albert Lauren shot Mrs. John Peterson In the abdomen and arm tonight and then went to the woods near Peterson's house and blew his brains out with a revolver. Mrs. Peterson will recover. Lauren as in love with Mrs. Peterson before her marriage to his rival three months ago. tacy for being members of the new ontl-CatholIc organization known as the American Protective Association. ACCEPTED HIS RESIGNATION. Washington, Nov. 14.-Secretary Car lisle today accepted the re!?natlon of Supervising Special Agent Tingle, to take effect on December lf,th. THE NEW TARIFF BILL. Washington, Nov. 14. The new dem ocratic! tariff bill will probably be given to the public In ten days or two weeks. It Is the generally accepted Idea that wool, coal, iron ore, lumber, and salt, will be added to the free list. But the committee Jealously' guard the list of manufactured articles to go on the same list. Sugar is still under consideration, though the tendency, so far,. Is to re peal the duty and put it on the free list. The iron and coal men continue to protest against placing those artl-. on the free list. ' 1 A HORRIBLE DEATH. Nanalmo, B. C, Nov. 14. A young wan of Union, named John Roy, went cut hunting yesterday and took with him a few dynamite caps. By accident the caps went off In his pocket and lore away part of his side. He expired a few hours afterwards in great agony. REC.EnERS APPOINTED. New York, Nov. 14 -Andrew Klrk- patrlok and Thomas Reld have been ap palntid receivers for thi Thurbcr-Why-land Company, wholesale jrocers. The liabilities are $800,000. The assets are estimated at two million dollars. MURDEPED IN THE WOODS. Fresno, Cal., Nov. 14. -Wllllnm Far- row, the late nominee for Ux collector In this county on the populist ticket, was kiv.eJ a mile and a half west of this city this motnlng ! a parly whom he was trying to arrest. THE BOMBARDMENT CONTINUES. Washington, Nov. 14. A dispatch from Commander Picking, says the bombardment of Rio de Janeiro con tinues dally with small arms and ma chine guns. Picking says both stues , app.ar to be to blame. REMOVED FROM OFFICE. Washington, Nov. 11. The president has removed from cfilce 1 nomas v. Cooper, collector of customs for the port of Philadelphia. PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER. Pails, Nov. 14. M. Perrler has been ' Med president of the chamber of t'cputles by a vote of 291 to 191, de feating M. Biisson. THAT FUNNY LITTLE MONKEY, .locko, the oldest exhibit lit the mon- het hous at the aoo, Central park, lights his many battles with sawdust. Jocko comes front Africa. He once adopted an orphaned rhesus monkey baby and created quite a name for him self. Since then he's had two wives, both of whom have died, and now he has a third, of whom he Is very fond. He is so much n love with her thai If anyone attempts to pet her he gets furious, and If there Is any mlssle handy he lets fly at the intruder or into the crowd. He has learned that In.iclful of sawdust thrown Into the faces of a gating crowd causes great llMt-uinfort. Yesterday two elderly . women approached Jocko's cage. Oh, what a funny little mankey!" one observed to the other, singling out M;-a. Jocko and handing her a nut. Jocko was on the watch ana botn women received several handfuls of taw dust plump in the face. It ran down their necks, got into cne woman's tbrs, and into the hair of both. Jocko followed this up with two or three crusts of bread, an applecore, and a sticky piece of banana. 'That monkey's trained," Keeper Cook observed. "He knew that feeding the animals Isn't allowed. He's a great help to me in tho discharge of my duties." PLENTY LEFT OVER. In a certain church In Ireland a young . .. . . t. n.l.t IMlt'Ht WHS ueuuieu 10 yreucn. nun occasion was his first ai pearance, and he took for his text: "The Feeding of the Multitude." He said, "And they fed ted people n llh ten thotiwind loaves of bread and n.l ten- thousand fishes." An old Irishman said: "Thnt's no miracle; begorra, I could do that myself,"-which the priest overheard. 7 he next Sundns the priest announc ed the same text; but he had It right this time. He said, "And they fed ten thousand people on ten loaves of bread nd ten fishes." He watted a second or two and then leaned well over the pulpit and said, And could you da that, Mr. Murphy?" Mr. Murphy replied, "And sure, your everence, I could. . 'And how could you do it, Mr. Mur phy," said the priest. - "And sure, your reverence, I could do It with what was left over from last 8unday." A .CALIFORNIA AGENT. San Francisco, Nov. 14. The state I board of trade today decided to raise! SCOO to defray the expenses of John P. I Irish, who will be sent east to repre sent California Industries, when the question of revising the tariff conies up I in congress. LOOKS LIKE A FAKE. ChicagD. Nov. 14. A special from Washington declare Cleveland never I Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I tho fcr.-!rn -xl.:i.il..t-f and censured goes out without a body guard.