THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1893. 11:14 p. mi (7 In.) THE TIDES TODAT. The issue of the Philadelphia En I nnlrer limt tn hnnri rnrttnlna a Inner It High water-6:ll a. rn. (6 ft. 2 In.) 4:1J ' ,.. . " " P nU (7 ft 1 in ) 1 vm.vv vi u(,u.ijuuiq tilC IJUI1U- Low water 10:28 a. mi (4 ft. 3 in.) some turnout or ne Pennsyl vania College of Pharmacy 500 strong, in a late medical pro- cession in Philadelphia. They made a fine showing, all wearing blue and white uniforms, and headed by brass bands. A son of Mr. J. B. Wyatt of this ABOUT THE CITY. Thanksgiving Is coming. Pague is going out in a blaze of glory, city, was among the marchera, being a At noon yesterday the Vulcan took we known and PPuIar membcr of " the ship Morna up the river. Councilman Welch will retire into private life at the end of his present term. college. Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed, Water colors, crayons, and sepias crayons, copying and enlarging, a spe- The ship Philomene crossed out to clalty at crow's gallery, Third street, sea at 2 o clock yesterday afternoon in tow of the Wallowa. The Elmore' brought in a large load of salmon and several passengers from Tillamook yesterday. Rare bargains in jewelry are belnsr offered daily by H. Ekstrom. Any ar ticle in the store can be bad at cost price. The old Lelnenweber cannery, says the Headlight, went down In the storm Saturday night This was an old land The Geo. W. Elder went out at 11 o'clock yesterday mornlnf, deep laden mark in Tillamook Bay, having been with wheat for San Francisco. built about 14 years ago. The piling have been In bad shape for a long time many of them being eaten off by land lice, and as parts of the building have been going down at different times A barge load of coal and three of during the past six months, none were rock were towed down the river for surprised to hear that ib had all gone Carpenters began work on the en closure yesterday in the county Jail yard, for the execution on the 1st. the Jetty by the Cascades yesterday. Now doth the little busy bum Improve each shining hour, By gathering hundreds of his kind To keep the "Cits" in power. A. R. Kanaga left yesterday morning for South Bend to attend the regular term of the superior court, which con venes there today. down. The machinery was sold to the Elmore Packing Company about a year ago and all taken away. The building lodged against the Hobsonville wharf, and if the tide does not carry it out to sea the Elmore will tow It over to Garibaldi. The Coffee House, 622 Third street: best place for chops and steaks: oys ters by the quart: received daily and always fresh. Wagner & Co. have a new line of souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew elry repairing a specialty. Opposite the The committee appointed by the Port land Presbytery to look after the In terests of the Astoria Presbyterian ,.LZ mi n,..u u .u. Astorian office, ""' """'""' "",. The0, Bracker keeps a varied and c.,m, -r.,, ,,.,,,. k ... choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, " playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes, uij u large nu ui lui i uyuiL-u iaiiuy ui-1 amber goods, etc. lng for Portland contractors, from Glad-1 ding, McBean & Co., In San Francisco. 0ncc uPn a T,me tnere was a Yo"nB Man. And Behold, he died. And he The Nehalem cannery has closed went to The gates of Heaven, but St, down. The pack this season was 7600 Peter beckoned him Violently away, cases. The run of chlnook salmon was Then he went down to the Portals small, and the run of silversides only wnere reigns Supreme. But Sa- aoout an average. tan also could Have nothing to Do with One of the prettiest sights of the tne Youn& Man- But he 8ald to hlm a seaport of magnitude and splendid advantages. Tears are creeping on the Colonel fast, but his bearing is as erect as that of any young man. He was delighted yesterday when he met many old-time friends whose fathers were boys with him. It Is probable that he will visit the Columbia- River Jetty to day, going on to Portland tonight. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Aitorla. Doing business on the installment plan; pay the installments when you got ready. That is the system I have cecn compelled to do business on for two years, and expect to continue un till we get a railroad. No one can beat me in giving easy terms. B. F. Allen, 571 Third street. Mr. J. W. Welch has sent the follow ing communication dated today, to Mr. G. Wlngate, chairman of the republican city central committee: "I have been notified by the secretary of the repub lican city committee of my nomination for councilman In the second ward, While I certainly appreciate the high honor conferred, I am compelled to de cline the nomination. I have served as councilman from the second ward for six years, with satisfaction to myself, at least, and I hope to the taxpayers of the city of Astoria, and I believe I have discharged the duties of the office to the best interests of the city. The nom ination coming) from the republican party is certainly a still higher honor which I appreciate as a recognition of my past services. With best wishes for the success of the party, and hop ing you will be able to find a good man for the position, I remain, very respect fully, your obedient servant, Jas. W. Welch." THE NEW BAKERY, Corner Olney and Second. Largest loaf of home made bread In town for 6 cents. All kinds of fresh cakes and home made candles. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing J3ywp has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the srunm allays all pain, cures wind chollo, and Is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN W. CROW'S WALL PAPER , and DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMENT at 637 Third street. During the next 30 days we will take orders to furnish material and do dec orative work and plain paper hanging on the installment plan. Coll and get terms and prices. For Sale Thrte good lots at Smith's Pcint. A bargain. Address A. B., this office. year was presented to people along the water front on Sunday when the four- masted ship Falls of Clyde sailed out of the river to sea In the bright sun light. Verily, If I let you come in here, you Will try to run me out. Take this Brimstone and some matches and Start a little Hell of your Own." And, be hold, the Young Man did so. And, after One Moon had gone by, the Fire The entertainment and candy pulling he had himself made burned him up contest at Grace church tonight will g0 that only Ashes remained. And lo, no doubt be a great success. An ex- he was remembreed Among men as the cellent little program has been pre- Disgruntled Political Bub, who would pared by the Ladies' Guild under whose neither be Fish, nor Flesh, nor good auspices the affair will be held. I Red Herring. The Norwegian bark Nordlyst, 1518 The finest and most extensive line of tons reeister. was towed In as far as blue and white steel enameled ware Tansp Point by the Wallowa on Sunday ever displayed in Astoria, ( nas oeen evening. She came up to an anchorage . rfBmon ,tmMw tr, niireha3. opposite the city yesterday. She is 90 thelr -winter's supply of ammunition days from Montevideo, in ballast. should communicate with Foard & Stokes before purchasing elsewhere, -ouuen, general manager 0 ,,,.. of frnighlne houses or tne cuiien jonuge company, oi rori- can flnd g00a bargains at U. v. land, was in the city yesterday conferr- Porter's as at any other store in the insr with some of the members of the Northwest. Give him a trial and prove AofnrlEi and fiatlohnfA Tatf tu-ta1 tfV I about a drawbridge in Young's Bay. The weekly meeting of the Clatsop Literary Club was held at Gray's Hall Friday evening. The following pro eram was presented. Instrumental An $80 lot for )2. Groceries cheap for cash at Howell & Ward's. The Belmont cigar can be had at music, Ida Gray; quintet, A. Condlt, M. Chas. Olsen's. Meek, Will Hill, Mrs. Gray, and Mrs. All groceries sold at bottom prices Parker; declamation, C. J. Stupp; song for cash at Howell & Ward's. wltn plan() accompaniment, A. C. Si A portion of the members of the fert; readin&- M"fl- B- B. Smith; decla- nhh on mnm,.tinn of th Phv. matton, Paul Hansen. A snon l.ue.- terian church met at the residence of mission was then taken, after which the Rev. R. B. Dllworth last night and following question was presented him with a leather library "Resolved, That Morality Increases ok nl on1 H-fva TitliirMirh txr t Vi a Bat with Civilization." Affirmative, P. F. ,u,r ow Halferty, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. S. B, ' Smith; negative, C. J. Stupp, Mrs. Ab- The British ship William Mitchell, Dott, Mrs. Wirt. The question was 1885 tons register, arrived in port yes- very abiy argued by the affirmative, terday in ballast, 34 days from San but lhe Judges with great fear and Diego. Captain Cutting says that she trembling decided in favor of the neg- made the mouth of the river four days QtJve. ago, but the bad weather induced him to lay outside till yesterday. Mitchell carries 22 men all told. The For $2, a lot is delivered every week to the buyer in HiU's First addition. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash puce for rur skins. For all kinds of jod .printing, go tol"" ' "f " th at nriron never be Tel. Ferguson, uostairs. AstorlaA build- he Present month, at prices never oe with the wet weather comes an in- proa-sin!? demand for seasonable shoes, and the best place to get a fine pair made to order is at Fred Olsen's, Olney street. Anvthlnir in the line of gents' furn- iRhino- irnnda. In the newest styles, can be had from P. A. Stokes & Co. during ing. fore equalled. T .1 l I Tlfin't 1 t Portland tO DUY YOUI find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Oi- tickets for the "Old Country" and the cast wnen you etui Kami nrlr at the Union Pacific office Mr. Ben. L. Ward desires the Asto- in this city, ana tnereoy save yuu. .u rian to say that, contrary to malicious ""c rumors, he feels that the republican H0n, Benjamin H. Stark was a caller convention in choosing Mr. Reed to ftt this office yesterday, having Just run for treasurer, acted in a perfectly j uome fram his Connecticut home on a honorable way, and that he wishes to I visit to this state. He is staying with be recognized as an ardent supporter I his friend. Rev. W. S. Short. Col. Stark, of the ticket in the present campaign. I after whom Stark street in Portland, " ... is named, is a pioneer of Oregon plon Mr. D. J. Ingalls writes the Astorian '8 " ahnr nff thin citv frnm Bi,tnn OnW that, he Intend cerB- u"u ",Bl . . to leave there with his family for Bos- In the year 1845. He was one of tne founders of Portland, and his life from youug manhood to the present time has been bound up very closely with that city's prosperity. From the days, nearly fifty years ago, when he used to buy produce from the farmers of Clatsop, he has had unbounded faith in the future greatness of Astoria, and be- Hill's First addition Is located In the lieves that in a very short time Port- ton today and concludes his letter by saying: "We will stay in , Boston a week long enough to get all the baked beans we want, and then we start for home. .All of us have had the grippe. Our sufferings were graphic and un translatable." centre of the city. Lots are now selling In it for 2. There is no risk taken by joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value or their money. land's increasing prosperity will force this city Into very great prominence as 'Oregon, sole agent. A magazine Is usually satisfied with one strong feature for the month. The Cosmopolitan, however, presents for November no less than five very unus ual ones. William Dean Howells gives the first of the letters of the traveler, who has been visiting this country from Altrurla. We have read Mr. Howell' impressions of the Altrurlan; but in thla first letter we have the Altrurlan1 Impressions of New York, with some comments upon our government and so ciety, calculated to awaken the most conservative .minds. The second fea ture of the Cosmopolitan Is the portion of the magazine given up to color work. no less than ten superb colored lllustra Uons being presented for the first time in magazine history,- accompanying an article by Mrs. Roger A. Pryor on "Changes In Women's Costumes." The third feature Is "American Notes," by Walter Besant, who was recently In America and is doing the United States for the Cosmopolitan a la Dickens. The fourth feature is an article by General Badeau on "The Forms of Invitation Used by the English Nobility." The article is illustrated by the facsimile of cards to the Queen's drawing-room, to dinner parties, to dinner at the Princess of Wales, and to many leading houses of England. Finally, we have a new and very curious story by Mark Twain, called "The Esquimau Maiden's RoJ mance." It is in his happiest vein, and Is Illustrated by Dan Beard. The curtain at Utzlnger's theatre will In future rise at 8 o clock p. m., prompt ly, every evening, instead of at 9 o'clock as heretofore. DEEP CUT IN DRESS GOODS. We are closing out our dress goods stock. From now until the first of De cember we wlil sell our dress goods at greatly reduced prices. Examine our prices and judge for yourselves. SHANAHAN BKUS. SEE THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR FIF TEEN CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents In postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition the regular price is fifty cents, but if you want one, we make the price nom Inal. You will flnd it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page views of the great buildings, with descriptions of the same, and is exe cuted In highest style of art. If not satisfied with it after you get the book, we will refund the stamps and let you keep it. Address H. E. Bucklen & Co, Chicago, 111. SAFE, SURE, AND SPEEDY. No external remedy ever yet devised, has so fully and unquestionably met these three prime conditions as suc cessfully as Allcock s Porous Plasters. They are safe because they contain no deleterious drugs and are monufacUired upon sclentlno principles of medicine. They are sure because nothing goes into them except ingredients which are exactly adapted to the purposes for which a plaster is required. They are speedy in their action because their medicinal qualities go right to their work of relieving pain, and restoring the natural and healthy performance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. Do not be deceived by misrep resentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause's Headache Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon in my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Messrs. E. A. Seeley and Walter C. Smith will be in the city -again tomor row, and until then nothing definite will be decided about the newly pro posed railroad deal. The Astorian has In its possession the facts concerning the progress of the negotiations up to the present time, but cares to say noth ing about them until something tangi ble has been effected, when ft will Im mediately make public everything ofl interest. JEFF'S, Ths Only Restaurant I 1 : ( W' 11 Mil - ff-Zfk villi :r 1 The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. Itchlns Plies ae known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, -which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, anays iicning ana eiiecis nermanent cure. 50c. Druinrtst or .mall, Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by J. W Conn. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world foi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money rerunaea. trice zt cents per box. For sale by Cbas. Rogers, m-." "essor to J. C. Dement. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appoint ed by the circuit court, receiver for I. W. Case, banker, hereby gives notice to all persons owing said bank, either by note or overdraft, that payment or same must be made without further delay. The office of the receiver, at Case's bank, is open, daily from 10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and from 2 to 4 o'clock p. m., and all debtors are advised to call aid settle at once. GEO. H. GEORGE, Receiver. IT TAKES TOUR MONEY only 25 cents to buy a glass vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets- k 'ZkiCZ but then you get a lasting benefit Ti.fSJand a permanent curt of your y-jumuvui or oicz xieauaone, uon- &ujjnuun w iuuigusuoii loss ox $iupixjuia, ana au uioee trouDiei a which follow a disordered liver. The time to treat an inaotivs liver is before it becomes a dis ease. If these tiny Pellets were in every day use people would be ;-r:a germ-proof. The germs of disease trfjjr 3 make tboir entrance to tne system PTi 3 throucrh the liver vour health and 3 well-being appends on uie uver. ! If you suffer from wind and pain Font in tho stomach, giddiness, oostive ness. disturbed sleep, you cret Imme diate relief from the use of " Pleas ant Pellets." They're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money returned. Think of tho thousands of hopeless cases which must have been cured by Dr. Sage's uatarra tfmoay, Deiore its proprietors could be willing to say, as they do: "For any case of Catarrh, no matter bow bod. which wo cannot euro, we'll pay $500 cash." WANTED. WANTED By a capable girl, a chance to do housework in a Btnall fam ily. Inquire 224 West Ninth street. FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for 2. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wins Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods, win sen at cost. 628 Third street. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE, Business Must be Closed Out Sure! HtiVlim concluded lo rttlie from business I will dispose of my entire tock at a sacrifice SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at actual cost. All o.tu. t goods will be sold below cost. No reserv.'. 7he entire stock must bo closed out bufore the new year. Fixtures and show cases for sale cheap. This is a bona lido sanrlUce closing sale. R. STRAUSS, . NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE , tpB Country Merchants will find It lo Itinlr advantime to call on m and price our goods before purchasing elsowheio. This dosing out sale Is ctrictly lor cash only. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISSIONERS The reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the first Monday of each month at iu a, m., at tne omce of Robb & Par ker. W. L. Robb, Sec. NOTICE The regular meetings of m ABiona nuuuing and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first weanesaay or each month. Office on uenevieve street, south of Chenainua. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. j. r . neguiar meetings or Ocean En campment No. 13. in the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. So journing Dretliren cordially in (ted. By order c. P. COMMON COUNCIL - Regular mebU nigs iirst ana tmro Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock In city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds its regular meeting. k. OSBuRN, Auditor and Police Jmlsre. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Buildlngi over c 11. Cooper s store, W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 673 Third street. J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. DENTIST. Flavel building, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4, 5, and G, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Flavel's brick building. FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER. 478 Third St. and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWING MACHINES And general repairing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A. May, 132 Mam street. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As- tor streets, does a general business in blacksmlthlng and repairing. JOB PRINTING Dell Ferguson, gen era! job printer, Astorian building, up stairs. First-class work at reasonable ratee. WHIL'N IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas. 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while mere. MUSIC LESSONS. J. W. Thomp son, organist at the M. B. Church, gives lessons in music, piano and or gan. Organs tuned and repaired. Ad dress D8S Astor street, Astoria, TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those who do not receive their papers reeularly and on time should notify this office. If tne. papers delivered by carriers are wet or in bad condition, don't fall to mane complaint at the business office. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you have friends in Europe whose pas sage you wisn to prepay to Astoria, can at tne .Northern Pacific office, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced fare via au the leading steamship lines. ARE TOU GOING EAST? Patron ize the Northern Paclfio railroad if you are Going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage check ed to destination. All purchasers of second-class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS Call at August Danielson's Sample Room a ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good con dition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zin- fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. THE Astoria Rational Bank - TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited on favorable terms. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid on time deposits as fol lows: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum For 6 months, 5 per cent per annum For 12 months, 6 per cent per annum A Savings Department. Having been established In connection with tho above, deposits will be re ceived in sums of one dollar and up ward. Interest will be allowed as follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum; on term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. D. K. WARREN, President. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. , J. C, DEMENT, Vlce-Prest. D. K. WARREN. J. C. DAMENT, C. S. WRIGHT, JOHN HOBHON, , H. C. THOMPSON, THEO. BRACKER, . Directors. THE flST0l?m SAVINGS BflKK Acts as trustee for corporations and individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits us follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent ptr annum. On term savings books, 0 per cent per nnnum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an- For six months, 6 per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. BOWLBY Vice-President FRANK I'ATTON Casnler DIRECTORS: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Oust, Holmes, Benj. Young, A. 8. Reed, F. J. Taylor. DR. W. C. BELT, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over store of J. B. Wyatt, Sec ond street near Genevieve. DR. EL1V JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, nfflne. Room 7. over Osgood's Cloth ing store, hours, 10 to 12 m., 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday, iu to it a. m. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria, JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms 3, 4, over Astoria Na tional Bank. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. DR. WALTER I .HOWARD, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 454 Third street. Hours, 18 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday, l to . nesi dence, 48 Third street. DR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dealer In DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS SUN DRIES. 357 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. F. WICKMAN. CONTRACTOR. House moving and street planking. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street. A GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 15 Squemoque street. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident in surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or, Agents Wanted. Gold and silver can be made easily by active men and women. Secure an agency Immediately for "AMERICA'S WONDERLANDS , the faHteBt sell ing book since Grant's Memoirs. A veritable boom has set in on this book, and success Is knocking at your very door. 640 beautiful pictures, (over 300 full page pictures) In tints, by a new pro cess: 200 pages of Btlrrlng text by tho celebrated writer and traveler, J. W. Duel, equal to 3,000 pages of an ordl nnry book. This beautiful work Is gotten up as a memorial of he Columbian year, and toucheH an American chord In every home In the bnd. Popular prices. Territory worth a 'arm, roinar rapidly. Send at once 91,00 f r prospectus, and application for ex elusive agency to THE J. DEWING CO., San Francisco, Cal. HUGHES & CO. Wholesale and Hetall LIQUOR - DEALERS. Importers of all brands of foreign and domestio wines, liquors and cigars. J. H. Cutter whiskies a specialty. Vnl Blatz bottled beer. Finest brands of Key West and imported cigars. Liquors for medicinal purposes. Family trade solicited. All orders from tho country and city promptly filled. Squomoque Street, Astoria, Oregon. SEASIDE SAWpiIiIt. A complete stock of lu mler on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. Electee Lights. Incandescent, nil hiifht..., f 1.50 " 12 o'clock... 1.00 " 10 "... 75 For pnrticalftrs inquire of any member of the firm or nt the office, foot of Con oomly Ht. West Shobr Mim.b Co., X. U. irnilinger, rrenidtwt. FISHER BROS., Sfpip Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagonna. Vehlchein Stock Farm M ichliwry, PalnU, Oll, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbank I Scales, Doors and Windows. ProvlMlona, flour, ond Mill Fed. Astoria, Oregon. IVoprletorn of tli Fortland Butchering Cu,?s f!crkels Comer Bwonil said Bentn tre! Comer Third aud Wea tumii sii etrt.