TIIE DAILY ASTOllIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. THE TIDES TODAY. High water 0:61 a. m. (7 ft 4 In.) 12:36 p. m. (8 n. o Low water-6:43 a. m. (2 ft 3 In p. m. (4 in.) ) 7:21 ABOUT JTHE CITY. Citizens' primaries today. virt-nr An vou like the rain? Good weather for water tanks. Big audiences at the gospel meetings notwithstanding tne Daa wemner. The bark Iredale went up the yesterday morning In tow of the lahama. river Ock Th nhin Tarana did not go out yes iv mi Hccount of the rough weather on the bar Tho county court adjourned at 1:30 o'clock p. m. yesterday, after transact ing routine business. The little child of Mr. Gelo Parker, whose arm was broken about three weeks ago, has now quite recovered. The State of California came in at a. m. yesterday with a large cargo freight, and left up the river at noon of John Barrett, city editor of the Port land Telegram, la a candidate for the I'oslt.-m of consul at Nagasaki, Japan, Dr. Bushong's lecture on "Jerusalem has been postponed for a week on ao count of the Inclemency of the weather. Yesterday afternoon the infant son of Professor Wright was christened by Dr. - Bushong, at the residence of the parents. The membership of the Methodist church in this city has been divided int six sections in order to allow of more efficient work. Neither of the vessels reported as having pilots aboard on Monday were p.Ichted by the tugs that went down to the bar yesterday. On account of the gospel meetings now being held In this city the Y. W. C T. U. have decided to postpone their social that was to have been held on Friday night, to some future occasion Four years ago the rains started In at their present gait and kept up con- tlnuously till the beginning of July People who remember that dreary win ter are beginning to pray that a like fate is not In store for us this year. The democratic state committee will soon meet for the purpose of naming the time and place of meeting for the next state convention. Salem1 seems to be in the lead, and the middle of March will probably be the time chosen for the meeting. An $80 lot for $2. Groceries cheap for cash at Howell & Ward's. -"The Belmont cigar can be had at ' Chaa. Olsen's. For $2, a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's Jnrst addition. The R. R. Thompson stuck In the sands near Beacon No. 2 while on her way down from Portland at 3:30 yes terday morning. The heavy wind took her a little out of her course. She got off at 9 o'clock with the rise of the tide and came along to her dock. No damage was done. Editor Geo. H. Moffett, Attorney Gen eral Geo. E. Chamberlain, Senator J. K. Weatherford, and Judge A. S. Ben nettv of The Dalles, are the most prom Inent candidates for the governorship o the democratic side; while Mayor Mason, Speaker Keady, and Josh Geer, of Marlon, are the republican aspi rants for Pennoyer's shoes. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. For all kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan bulla ing. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Ol- sen a Hill's First addition Is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now selling in it tor J2. One of the most pleasant surprise iartles of the season was given last n'ght to Miss Olga Noe at her parenta' residence on Benton street. The young hostess received her unexpected guests ery heartily, and singing, games, and recitations filled up many pleasant hours. Those present were Misses Ber tha Fannon, Alma Johnson, Ida Shaw, Florence Ross, Olga Noe, Alice Noe, Lulu Kates, Fannie Noe; Masters Carlo Ross, Loring Stinson, James Babbldge, Tommy Ross, Archie Jones, Chas. John son. Elk steaks and Mallard ducks at the Portland Butchering Co.'s markets to day. The Ladies' Guild of Grace church purpose giving a candy-pull and short entertainment November 14. Water colors, crayons, and sepias crayons, copying and enlarging, a spe cialty at Crow's gallery. Third street. Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. There is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the, full value of their money. The New York World mentions a boy in the Interior of New York whose fath er 13 a republican and at present post master of the town; his mother Is a strong democrat, and so is the boy. The postmaster's term has expired and there are a great many applicants for the office, among whom Is this boy. He wrote a letter to Baby Ruth asking her to use her Influence with the pres ident; a few days later he received a reply signed Baby Ruth and evidently written by Mrs. Cleveland, In which the boy la Informed tat she will try to pemiads her father to appoint her cor respondent, and expressing the belief that she will be successful. JEfFS, The Only Restaurant The Clatsop Literary Club gave the Cist of their monthly entertainments at Gray's Hall on Friday evening, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the hall was nearly filled with the people of Clatsop, and the following program was presjnted: Instrumental musec, Prof, Sifert's ttrlr.g band; ad dress, "Municipal Law," S. B. Smith; quartet, C. J. Stupp, Will Hill, A. Con tilt, and Eva Parker; song by the Rag' ged Bard; Instrumental music, Miss Callie Munson; sermon, "Where the Lion Roareth," etc., P. F. Halferly Instrumental- duet, Ida Gray and Eva Parker; lecture on Woman's Rights, C, J. Stupp; recitation, "The Shipwreck," Paul Hansell; play, "Frog Hollow Ly ceum." Subject for debate, "Shall Women Have the Right of Suffrage. Disputants Affirmative, Polly Snipper, negative, Peleg Swipes;, music by Si fert's minstrels; recitation, "Specially Jim," Mrs. S. B. Smith; select reading, Mrs. O. B. Wirt; septet, Will Hill, C. J. Stupp, A. Condlt, Mrs. Gray, Edith Dawson, Eva Parker, and Mrs. Hill The music was very good, all the parts were successfully rendered, and the au dlence seemed to be well pleased with the entertainment. Rare bargains In Jewelry are being offered daily by H. Ekstrom. Any ar ticle in the store can be had at cost price. The finest and most extensive line of blue and white steel enameled ware ever displayed In Astoria, has been received at-Foard & Stokes.' Thor Fredrlckson, piano tuner, has lemoved to 1053 Third street, Adair's Astoria, near Eagle cannery. Leave orders at Uritlln & Reed's book store, Anything in the line of gents' furn ishing goods, in the newest styles, can be had from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be fore equalled. The Astorlan has received a letter from Murat Halstead, calling attention to the Auto Book Concern, a corpora tion of which he has, after Investiga tion and consideration, accepted the presidency, supported by a board of directors embracing names of the high est distinction, and whose prospectus will be found In our advertising col umns. The foundation of the new com pany Is the ownership of the patents of machines that are revolutionary in book manufacture, and a vast store of plates of standard and populur works, The patented machines are binders and trimmers, whosj automatic perfection names them and the company. The felicitous combination of the Auto Ma chines and the plates make confident promise of great, results, giving cheap circulation for literature as the per fected presses have to news. This opens an immense and lucrative field of use fulness. Mr. Halstead informs the As torlan it is the intention of the com pany to Issue libraries (to be known as the A. B. C. libraries) of the very best books known for the masses at extreme ly low prices, as well as series of A. B. C. school books, that will equal In merit those now in use with a material re duction In prices. AUG VUUKU AAVUWU, v - -J best place for chops and steaks: oys ters by the quart; received dally and always fresh. nfomai. JPr rn Yiava n npw linn nf souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and jew elry repairing a. specially, iujubhc mc Astorlan office. FTliA mna l n nrlanTTlO find tllo-VlPSt grade Wall Paper ever seen In the city. I will furnish paper gratis to anyone Aninr. thfa atatAmant nnt Imp. Call and see for yourselves, at B. F. Allen's 571 xmra sireei. The following beautiful lines have been written by John Thomas, the bard ct Clatsop, on the death and burial of his highly esteemed and lamented friend, Mrs. Esther Taylor. Mr. Thomas ha known and been Intimate with the Taylor household for forty years, and feels the death of his beloved old friend almost as keely as her husband and children: inika.a tii. rnrla anrf In murmurs low. a.i fMah th. wAatprn breezes blftW. Where flowera perennial wont to blow, A syivan niauc Across whose virgin glebe, a plough Ne'er furrow made. Yet, neath Its consecrated soil, Full many rest from care and toll. w puthicafl one'd Its verdant breast And laid a mother down, to rest. (One of the lew lam mere ui ine, Entitled "mothers of the state.") A faithful friend and neighbor dear, A much loved Clatsop pioneer, Now calm beneath the yielding sod. . to worshln God: And where her winsome charges trod With childish glee. Now In the flush of proud manhood, ' Move reverently. For, faithful to her every trust, They venerate her crumbling dust, r.oio-i.hnrs. in. full sympathy. Tread softly, as they pass it by." ' f." i rtn, otwi Intu nt Smith's Pcint. A bargain. Address A. B this office. m TinVaf IrPPflB ft Varied Blld A lieu. xi " ' , - -- - choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, playing card?, cutlery, stationery, pipes, amber goods, etc. m j.imni nt fnrnlnhini? houses AHUSC UCBiiu --- can find as good bargains at G. V. Porter's as at any oiner mure in me Northwest. Give him a trial and prove It vviiu me " v. v creasing demand for seasonable shoes, and the best place to get a fine pair made to order is at r reu wisen b, vmey street , tn Portland to buv vnnr ,"v ho "OM fViiintrv" and the liCKeia iw - " - - - East when you can get them ror the same pnuo In this city, and thereby save your lo-1 i a. .no r: 1 1 1 1 1 r n ( 1 1 1 c . , i j cal fare to Portland. m i h ) k. W IM m R Si I A 1 P H n H v The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. Tho entertainment to be given by the young ladies of Upper Astoria will take place tomoiTow evening, and promises to be excellent In every way. The pro moters have spared no labor In their efforts to please those who attend. As will be seen by the appended program, some of the best talent In the city has been procured for the occasion, The walks leading from the car to the build ing will be cleaned and lighted to ac commodate those coming on the cars. The admission fee will be 25 cents, and the proceeds of the entertainment will be applied toward the purchase of a piano for the Uppertown school. The following is the program: Instrumental solo, selacted, Mrs. J.' A. Rannels; vocal solo, "Tne Bridge," Rev. Mr. Short; "Blind Girl of Castel Cullle, Illustrated; vocal duett "Curfew Bells," Misses Lelnenweber and Feeley; tableau, "Childhood;" vocal solo, "The Day Is Done," Mrs. J. T. Ross. Part II. Vo cal quartet, "Trust Her Not," Messrs. Short, Smith, Barker and Griffin; tab leau, "Hiawatha;" vooal duet, "When the Wind Blows In from the Sea," Mes dames B. Van Dusen and Trenchard; statuary, "Remorse;" vocal solo, "The Village Blacksmith," Mr. Wm. Barker tableau, "Night;" vocal duet, selected, Messrs. Jurgens and Luxseth. All inw'prlen sold at bottom prices for cash at Howeii a waras. TiVata tnr thn nntortftlnment In the Tfniiprtnwn Rchnol can be purchased at the Btores of Griffin & Reed, J. W Conn, and R. Strauss. Admission 25c. Snnrtamnn (ntpnrtlner tO DUrtfiaSO th. . nriniarn Hiinn v r uiiiiiiuiiiiiuii should communicate with Foard & Stokes before purchasing eisewnere. ah iha rntnt mpillHnps advertised in .hia rnnnr rno-arnpr w rn nie cuuii: toilet articles, etc. nun ha hnnirlil nt lhf InWPRt Tll'IffS at J. W. conn s arug store, upuuttno w cident Hotel, Ai.ioria, The following were the proceedings of the county court yesterday: Report of J. W. Surprenant and C. L. Houston on the Walluskl and Olney bridges was read and filed. N. C. Jensen, a native of Denmark, was admitted to citizenship. The clerk was lnstiructed to .draw a warrant In favor of J. Walker for bridge work In the Nehalem for $150. The matter of books for the school superintendent was laid over and dis allowed. In the matter of the estate of Olof M. Peterson, deceased, an order was made allowing the administrator to turn over to the heirs notes and mort gages to apply on his account. It was ordered that Antoine Contos be served with a notice to support his family. In the matter of bids on the Nona lem road work as advertised for, It was ord3red that tho contract be let to Kelleher & Surprenant, and that they give bonds for fulfilling the- same at 50 per cent of said contracts. Ordered that J. W. Surprenant be authorized to fix the Olney bridge ns per his report. ABOUT PENNOYER. The following Is an extract from a sermon preached concerning Governor Pennoyer on Sunday In Seattle, by Rev. Wallace Nutting, of tho Plymouth Congregational church: 'If It required a great man to muke a great fool there would not be so many egregious examples of folly. . The sympathy of the country Is with Ore gon. It is a case of the olive tree calling on the bramble to rule It. ' God spoke once from a burning bush, but the bush did not grow In Oregon. Ev ery year of the life of our republic sees men taken more and more for what they are worth, and r.ot at what' they think they are worth. Thanksgiving from the ancient times, has been appointed for the last Thurs day in November. From the fact that the governor of Oregon has named it for November 23d, and the president has named the usual date, we are probably to presume that the gover nor feared he could not digest a Thank igivlng dinner eaten on the same day that the president eats his. Or does the governor know no better, as we might infer from the substance of this extraordinary message? The president. If he Is to be Judged by his public acts. Is a gentleman. The gov ernor is a buffoon, for we shall be char itaWe enough not to suppoao him a boor. A public and stinging rebuke ought to be administered to an asinine char acter, elevated to high place, when he attempts to bray through the minis ters of the Christian church as his mouthpiece. Among all their causes for gratitude the people of Oregon will have this as chief, that their names are not Pennoyer. Pofcslbly .the governor did not think of this as his range of vision seems narrow. Inas much as he has not enumerated a single Instance of the goodness of God, but occupies himself In ascribing the business depression to a law which was not even formulated until long af ter the financial crash occurred. The country Is fast nearing a period when It, will demand for Its officials In high places men of culture and sense. not to say Intellectual honesty or Christianity." r. ; h H H U SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN W. CROW'S WALL PAPER and - DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMENT at 537 Third street. During the next 80 days we will take orders to furnish material and do dec. oratlve work and plain paper hanging on the Installment plan. Call and get terms and prices. LOST. LOa r A pocket DooK containing a few dollars. Finder will please return to this office and receive the thanks of the owner, who is a poor girl, Lost A ladies' black silk handbag, containing gold rim spectacles and purse with a small amount of money, Finder will be suitably rewarded. WANTED. AGENTS WANTED J5 a day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever Invented. Retail 35 cents. 2 to 6 sold In every house. - Sample, postage paid, 5 cents, Forshee & McMakln, Cincinnati, O. WAN teu By a capaDio giii, a chance to do housework in a small fam ily. Inquire 224 West Ninth street FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR 2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for VI. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities ana fancy goods. Will sell at cost. C29 Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McQulre's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around, CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St., and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWING MACHINES And general repairing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A. May, 132 Main street. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As tor streets, does a general business In blacksmlthlng and repairing. JOB PRINTING Dell Ferguson, gen eral Job printer. Astorlan building, up stairs. First-class work at reasonable rates. . WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Daily Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper wmie there. MUSIC LESSONS. J. W. Thomp son, organist at the M. E. Church, gives lessons In music, piano and or gan. Organs tuned and repaired. Ad dress 689 Astor street, Astoria. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those who do not receive their papers regularly and on time should notify this oilice. If the papers delivered by carriers are wet or in bad condition, don't fall to make complaint at the business office. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE.-If you have friends In Europe whoso pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific oilice, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced fare via all the leading steamship lines. atjtc vniT finran WAST?-Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are Going East. Low rates oi fare, through tickets, baggage check ed to destination. All purchasers of ppnni1.plnfltt Hnlrptn KU1 BtOD OVer at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Cali at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. nMT.V THIS TTTT)TT'T WlnpH and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There Is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer Is kept In such good con dition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT CQMMI3SIONERSs-Thc reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the first Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the office of Robb & Par ker. W. L. Robb, Sec. NOTICE The regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion ota hnM at ft n in. nn the first Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, soutn or cnenainun. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. IVK1M ITMr'AMPMF.NT No. 13. 1. O. ci v Wptminr mpptinca of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on tne seconu aim ft iirH 1 nnrln va nt onph month. So journing brethren cordially In '.ted. By order r- COMMON COUNCIL -Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds its regular mestlng. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. ALL OVER TTIE GLqpE- Dr. Pierce'i jrioftmiiit iu- are known, riiuoumi- ican manufacture ou"j lead. Why I Becauie .tiav'r nnallcr ! tne r..i.iA aTtrscta are con- T CliM." w . ,i tHani are manT liver pilW. yei "',"VV reason why Dr. Pierce's Pel- fcnja lets Kie wio rrooaoiy Decauve wvj ro uB.-- , aa grain of mustard aoed, therefore, easily iwallowea. Mow or on uwy 7 " " ural way, and are effective in remit Then, too, after they're taken they can't be foIt-yj different from the old-fashioned pUK thoir griping and violence. .iv. ear lnrtig'wtion, pain m wAmu, y-r Ben and habitual constipation, as well a i and bilioun boadacbe., Ue " Pellet " bring such a laoting curt, that they can be guaran teed. Your money is returned, if tbey do not gl7C satlsfart!'. The stepping-stone to Consumptlon i Catarrh. It don't pay to let . when the makers of Dr. 6age' IUmedy will give tOOO If they can't eflcct per manent curt of your Catarrh. GREAT SACRIFICE Business Must be lUrlux concluded to retlio horn business I will dispose of toy entire stock . saerif'ie SCHOOL BOOK8 AND BTATIONKBY at actual cost. All otlur goods will be sola below cost. No reserve. The entire stock must be closed out before the new Tear. Fixtures and show cnx s for sale cheap. This is khoua fide sanrlfloo closing sale. ( R. STRAUSS, P. 8. Country Merchants will find It to Iholr boforo purchasing ebsewlieie. This closing out PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third street. J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. DENTIST. I'lcl uiilldlng, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4, 5, and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. II. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Rooms 7 and 8, Kinney's build ing. I . SILAS B. CMITH, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Flavel's brick building. FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. W. C. BELT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over store of J. B. Wyatt, Sec ond street near Genevieve. DH. EL1V JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oilice, Room 7, over Osgood's Cloth liiir store, hours, 10 to 12 m.. 7 to 8 p. ni. Sunduy, 10 to 11 a. m. DR. 0. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Socclal attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Oilice over uanssiger B Biore, AHioriu. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office. Rooms 3. 4. over Astoria Na tional Bunk. Hours, 10 to 12 and 'i to 5. Residence, G39, Cedar street. DR. WALTER I .HOWARD, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. 454 Third street. . Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. riunday, 1 to 2. Resi dence, 4u8 Uhl.d tu'cL-l. DR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. lon lor ln- DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS' SUN DRIES. 257 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. . WXCKMAN, . ' CONTRACTOR. Mniina mnvlna- and street nlanklne. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street. A. GIBBOWS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., G15 Squemoque street. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident ln surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or. THE Astoria Rational Bank TRANSACTS A General Banking Business Accounts of Firms and Individuals illclted on favorable terms. Pnrelim and Domestic Exchange fo bought and sold. Money loaned on personal security. Interest paid or. time deposits as fol lows: - For 3 montns, 4 per cent per annum For 6 months, 5 per cent per annum For 12 months, 6 per cent per annum A. Bavinca Department. Having been eniablished In connection l.h thA ntvlVA. nonnHiis Will UB IC- iflved in sums of one dollar and up- nii.i h,mi hf nllnwpii as follows: Ir ordinary savings books. 4 per ceni per annum; on term savings uotma, o prr Ceni per annum. D. K. WARREN, PreHtdc-nt. J. E. HIOGIN8, CHPhler. J. C. DEMENT, Vlce-Prest. T. K. WARREN, J. C. DAiihii'T, C. S. WRIGHT. JOHN HOli.SON', II. C. THOMPSON, THEO. BRACK ER, Directors. Closed Ou NEW YORK NOVELTY ST0R advantiipe to lall on U' aud prlco our g lc lsUriclly for cash only. THE ASTOtllA SRVIHGS fiilHK Acts as trustee for corporations an. I individuals. Deposits solicited. - Interest will be allowed on saving ! deposits us follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cei t ptr annum. On term savings books, 6 per cent p, . annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per ur -i.um. For six months, 5 per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent pc." annum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. BOWLBY Vice-President FRANK I'ATTON C'aonler DIRECTORS: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby. Clusl, Holmes, BenJ. Young, A. S. Reed, F. J. Taylor. EflRLiV CLiOSIjMG. A petition widely circulated amon;: the business men during the past few days, reads as follows: "We, the un dersigned, hereby agree to close our stores at 7 p. m. every evening except Saturdays', from November 1st, 1M13, to April 1st, 1894. It Is understood that this agreement shall not be In force during the holiday season." The fol lowing are the signers: Charles Ileil- born & Son, Foard & Stokes, Roe., Hlgglns & Co., Fisher Bros., Howell & Ward, A. V. Allen, "A. G. Spexarlh, Gramms & Co., E. R. Hawes, Car nahan & Co., Noe & Seulley, P. A. Stokes, I. L. Osgood, Shanahan Bros., C. H. Cooper, M. C. Crosby, John Hahn 3. Schlussel, J. B. Wyatt, I. Cohen, S. , Dunzlger, II. Wise. Agents Wanted. t Gold and sliver can be made easily by active men and women. Secure an agency immediately for "AMERICA'y WONDERLANDS', the fastest sell ing book since Grant's Memoirs. A veritable boom has set In on this book, and success is knocking at your very door. 540 beautiful clotures, (over 300 full page pictures) In tints, by a new pro cess: 200 pages of stirring text by tho celebrated writer ana traveler, J. w. Buel, equal to 3,000 pages of an ordi nary book. This beautiful work is gotten up as a memorial of the Columbian year, and touches an American chord in every home in the land. Popular prices. - Territory worth n farm, going rapidly. Send at once $1.00 f..i' iiruiipcctus. and application for e elusive agency to THE J. DEWING CO.; San Francisco, Cal. HUGHES & GO. Wtioleiaule and Ketall LIQUOR - DEALERS. Importers of all brands of foreign and domestic wines, Uqinrs and cigtirs. J. H. Cutter whiskies a specialty. Vrl Blatz bottled beer. Finest brands of Key West and imported cigars. Liquors for medicinal purposes. Family trade solicited. All oidom from the country and city promptly filled. Squomo-iue Street, Astoria, Oregon. SEASIDE SAYpMi. A complete stock of lumber on hand in the rough or dressed. Flooring, run- tic, ceiling, and all kinds of llnlsli; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All ordeni promptly attended to. ottlce anil yaru nt mill. H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. Eleetfie Lights. Incandescent, all cibt. . . . $1.50 12 o'clock... 1.00 " 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of nny memlxT of the linn or at the office, foot of Con- oonily 8t. West Snoits Mima Co., X. u. lruinnRer, fresiuect. FISHER BROS., Sf?ip Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons & Vehichea In Stock Firm Machinery, Painu, Oils, Varnlshei. Loggers' Supplies, Falrliank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Provision, Flour, and Mill Feud. Astoria, Oregon. HUNTER & MERGERS,. Iroprietor of th n. ii I n i i . ' f r i i i rcniana mm s izc Corner fl'-cnnd and Pcnt.m n'n-t Comer luuii ud ttcii L.Iiia