The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 21, 1893, Image 3

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xa.u ileitis iuvax. captain Haaven says that he never Harry Cramer, committed by the
Hitrh water 10-23 a. m n ft in J experienced rougher weather than what county Judge of Washington county
10:18 p. m. (7 ft. 2 In.) Low water 4:01 he raet wItn at Destruction Island on is the latest boy to be enrolled at the
b. m, (l ft. 1 in.) 4:37 p. rru (2 ft. S In.) the 6th and 6th of this month. The atato reform school near Salem. This
lBland Is 1000 feet long, and about 70 wakes sixty-seven-boys on the roll, and
feet above the sea level, but the spray the consecutive number Is 111. This
from the enormous seas dashed cleun last boy was first committed by the
across the- place In a continuous show- Justice of the peace of Hlllsboro pre-
er'durlng the two days, soaking every-, having pleaded guilty to larceny
thing like a heavy downpour of rain of 180. The new law passed by the last
would have done, and preventing any legislature allows only circuit and
Portland v Astoria today.
The tramcar company had Its open
tars out yesterday.
The City of York crossed out to sea work being done on the lighthouse or county Judges to commit boys to this
at 10 a. ro. yesterday.
At noon yesterday the Harrison left
out for Tillamook loaded with pas
sengers and freight.
The barkentine Argus, left out from
Knappton yesterday for San Fran
cisco, lumber laden.
outbuildings. And all this time the Institution, so the boy could not be en
sun was shining brightly, and the sky rolled on the Justice's commitment,
was almost clear. The deputy who brought him, how-
returned home and secured
Fifty dollars will buy a ticket to the
The date for the monthly meeting of
the water commissioners has been
changed to the first Tuesday In every
World's Fair and return, via the Un- c,aer or tne county Judge and the boy
Ion Paclflc. was, of course, entered upon the books
Monday, October 23rd, will be Union uPon that commitment. It Is a sln-
Paciflc Day, at the World's Fair. gular fact that the last three commit-
There is no risk taken by Joinlne meats to that Institution ha. vo hpon
m' 11 LU&, ,.Erbdy ets the by Justices, and in each case the order
full value of their money.
Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per
of the county Judge had to be after-
cord delivered, at the Astoria ' Wood wards recelved- Oregon Justices of
Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. the pence should read the new law and
The finest and most extensive line of not be guided by the old one that was
blue and white Bteel enameled ware repealed by the new one. On last
The pulpit of the First Presbyterian
church will be occuDled at both ser-
vices tomorrow by Rev. Mr. Mackay, er playrtlta '.has been Sunday the new regulation uniform
of Ilwaco. I ' for the boys of the state reform, nnhnnl
xtioq irioio n,rw ha. Wn nnnnlnt- me regular weekly meetine of the l"c
aPtnrv nf tho tw., ri,.h in th Ciceronian society of the High School are a 'ray m"ary style, with the Ore
k tit w cw.t ,. Ka9 held ye3terdav afternoon. Tho U &tate militia brass buttons and the
World's Fair.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold
or any trouble with throat, chest or
lungs. Dr. King's New discovery for
Consumption, coughs and colds Is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from la grippe
found It Just the thing, and under Its use
had espeedy and perfect recovery. Try a
sample at our expense and learn for your
self just how good a thing It Is. Trial
bottle free at Chaa. Rosrera' drug store.
Large size 60 cents and (1.
FOR RENT. A, house with five
looms furnished for housekeeping.
Inquire at the Real Estate Exchange,
Occident Hotel building. George Hill.
GIRL WANTED. Young girl to do
light housework. Comfortable and
permanent home for a suitable person.
Address G. A. R., this office.
WANTED Competent teacher for
banjo. State terms per lesson. Address
"Banjo," this office.
CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small
means can buy real estate in Hill's first
lots rnn isnoii n t.A au..i
subject of debate was "Resolved, That look dressy in and are proud of Real Estate Exchange and get a lot
the Deportation of Chinese would be a Ulelr new-domes, 'ine new gymna-
detriment to our country,", and Miss slum tnat 13 bel"S bllllt W te boys of
Nettle Tuttle and Paul Rodollet sup- the Behot1 for tnelr use wl11 be im
ported the resolution. Tha negative laned ,n a few Jays Tne building Is
side was taken by Miss Frankle Hoi. 1uxlw reel ln 8lze-
The barkentine Chehalls went out "en ana air. ioya Dement, whose ar- The Coffee House. E22 Third street-
Member laden from Knappton at 9;3l I guments were so excellent and so well best place ror chops and steaks: oys'
The Hon. Jno. Fox has received an
invitation, as president of the Astoria
Iron Works, to attend the launching
of tho Oregon.
In Hill's First Addition for ii.
HEMLOCK WOOD. The nncnl hnn.
lock wood ever sold in Astoria' can be
had from C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Only $3.25 per cord, delivered.
a. ml yesterday.
San Francisco.
Her destination Is
At daylight today the ship Poseidon
finished discharging her 1000 tons of
ccal. She will leave up for Portland
this afternoon. "
Mrs. J. W. Conn went to Portland
last evening on the Telephone to see
her daughter, Edith. She will return
on Monday morning.
nrenarerl that thov mrHort th j.v tors by the quart; received dally and
Tha IiicId-ph worn MIsm HurlrJlot mib a,ways rresn-
Hatt.e Tailant. and Mr. Alfred CtoL&F
land, and they gave a unanimous vote should communicate with Foard &
In favor of the negative side of the Stokes before purchasing elsewhere.
debate. Altogether vthe discussion was I Owners of horses can purchase Camp
one of the most enjoyable that the bo,1w ?emedy- aU h CoJ'
. .. ., v , uuu. I ShI?' Knrlrilorv catolillohniont
Rare bargains in Jewelry are beins Those desirous of furnishing houses
offered dally by H. Ekstrom. Anv ar- ca't ""d as good bargains at G. V.
tide ln the store can be had at cost sorter s as at any other store in the
price. rviorinwest. uive mm a trial ana prove
At the Monoerrara vou can find fra-l
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet. La"1 night the water commission met
Flor de Madrid and all other choice to consider bids for a lot for the stor.
an1 founnlfa tiwinJn aIimm I
Aii j LiiiiiK in nic mie ul kcuis iui ii- i . ... , . , . n
Ishlne- ennrtn. In tho r.owl atvloa nnn were reix-iveu; west nan oi 101 ot
Lee has Just received & full line of
Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
win sen at cost. bi' Tnira street.
By becoming a member of Hill's Lot CIub3 you can get
a first class lot in Hill's First Addition to Astoria. Lots
will be delivered weekly. Now is the time to pro-,,
cure a lot to build a home, for
Dalgity's Iron Works,
J AS. DALGITY, Prop'r.
(Successor to Arndt & Forcbon.)
Boner Kcpairlng and Cannery Woik. Kcplr-
wpcciaiiy. Mui'iiine wurit
Hhon, toot of Lafayelto St.
lug of Klvor Cnill a Specially,
oi auKiuaa aonc.
HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho
tel at Seaside Is open the year around
CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St
and have your clothes dyed and
A milk wagon came to grief yester
day and was considerably battered
about when the runaway horse in the
shafts was pulled up.
It is estimated that up to last night
Kinney's cannery has put up 7200 cases be had from P. A. Stokes & Co. during block 17, Adair's Astoria, $850; lot C,
block 38, Adalr'o Astoria, $1500; lot 2,
block 112, Shlvely's Astoria,-$3500; lot
4, block 4, Shlvely's Astoria, $2000; lot
block 4, Shiveley's Astoria, $2000;
holce of lots 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. in block
e, Shlvely's Astoria, $1500; lot 1, block
11(1, Shlvely's Astorit, $5000; lot 2, block
116, Shlvely's Astoria, $3500; lot 50x100
repairing, locK-nttlng, etc. C. A. May,
m Main street.
GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As
tor streets, does a general business ln
oiacksnuthing and repairing.
of fall salmon, and Hanthorn 9000 cases
of fall salmon, and Hanthorn 9000 cases,
close down on the 1st of November.
An $S0 lot for $2.
Groceries cheap for cash at Howell
& Ward's.
The Belmont
Chas. Olsen's.
cigar can be had at
All groceries sold at bottom prices
for cash at Howell & Ward's.
Captain Haaven has presented Cap
tain Farenholt with a novel arm chair
It is made out of the ribs of a whale
and Is very ingeniously put together.
The commander is extremely proud of I along to victory this afternoon, if ap
the present month, at prices never be-
rore equalled.
A merry crowd of excursionists aa-
stmbled at "Hustler's dock last night
when the City of Frankfort got ready
for her trip to Portland with the rep'
resentatives of tho Astoria Football
Club on board. About a hundred peo
ple went on the boat, and there must cn Concomley street, $2000; lot 1, block
have been three times that number on 128, Shlvely's Astoria, $1500; lot 1, block
the wharf to wish the players good 00, McClure'3 Astoria, $2000; lot 5, block
luck. Several of the excursionists went 122, Shively's Astoria, $1500; lot 6, block
up on the Telephone earlier in the even- 123, Shively's Astoria, $2000; lot 6, block
ing, so that altogether, the Astoriansp6, McClure's Astoria, $3000; lot 9, block
will havo plenty of people to help them 140, Shlvely's Astoria, $1000; lot 7, block
17, Adair's Astoria, $3500; lots 5 and 6,
JOB PRINTING Dell Ferguson, gen
eral jod printer, Astorian building, up.
stairs. First-class work at reasonable
Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and
get the Daily Astorian. visitors need
not miss their morning paper while
son, organist at the M. E. Church.
gives lessons ln music, piano and or
gan. Organs tuned and repaired. Ad
dress 689 Astor street, Astoria.
TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those who do
not receive their papers regularly and
on time should notify this offlce. If
the papers delivered by carriers are
wet or in bad condition, don't fail to
make complaint at the business offlce.
his novel seat.
The pilot schooner San Jose came
In yesterday for supplies and an over
hauling. The Louis Olsen also came
In and laid up for a general overhaul
ing. Both vessels will take out sup
plies to last them some time.
For $2, a lot Is delivered every week
to the buyer In Hill's First addition.
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
For all kinds of Job printing, go to
Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build
ing. For Sale Three good lots at Smith's
Pclnt. A bargain. Address A. B., this
Judge Frank J. Taylor received a
dispatch from his father in Portland
last night, informing him of his moth
er's serious illness, and asking him to
come up the river at once. The judge
plause can do it. Everybody will be block 68, Adair's Astoria, $400; lot
glad to see them bring back the pen- block 139, Shlvely's Astoria, $1500; lois
nant, which has been held ln Portland 11 and 12, and 1 and 2, block 126, Shlve-
for two years, but the odds are a Iy's Astoria, $10,000; four-fifths of lot 0,
llttla In favor of the metropolitan team, block 126, Shively's Astoria, $2500; lot
They have had better weather for prac- 2, block 22, McClure's Astoria, $3000;
tlee, and a hundred more players to half of lot 7, block 18, Adair's Astoria,
choose from than the A. F. C. If the 900; south half of the Susanna Walk-
latter, therefore, score a win, they will ley homestead property, Alderbrook,
be entitled to a great deal of credit. I $1200; part of lot on West Sixth street,
you have friends ln Europe whoBe pas-
satra you wish to prepay to Astoria,
call at the Northern Pacific offlce,
steamer Telephone dock, and make
known your wants. Reduced fare via
all the leading steamship lines.
ize the Northern Pacific railroad if
you are Going East. Low rates of
fare, through tickets, baggage check
ed to destination. All purchasers of
Zl'XlOU reet between water ana Cusn-1 second-class tickets can stop over at
Washington Meat Market,
Corner Second and Main Strcota,
Wiioli tale and Kotall
Steamboats, fillips ami ni 11m supplied
on ahort notice, fumlliea auppled
promptly at tho lowest niton.
CHRISTENSEN & CO., Proprietors
J- 13. WY-AJPT-
Ksntaart snj Ship Cftanokrj,
Pun? Oil, Bright Viirnlsli, Humcle on. Cot
ton CmiviiM, Hemp Hull Twii'd. lnl ml,
Wrought Iron Hiilkei. (;nlviuii.lHii('ut Null
0TOO ft OS, . TI1C3
Aitrtciilluiiil Impli-mi'Ms, B-wIiik Ma
liiut liliiei, I'.imls Oils.
Clias. Hoilborn & Hon,
Importers mid Dealeia lu
And Upholatery.
" Ml, 505 Third Street, Astoria.
-18 THE
Bon Toa Ton Restaurant in the Town
(And the Finest on tha CoaaU
Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specialty
Tha Finest wiBM aid Liqiora.
Gents' - Furnishing - .(Ms
Clothing in Endless Variety
AT i." '
S. -Dauzigcrt, Third Street
ll'roptletorx olllie
Oorner (World mid Itenton strvetn
Comer Tblrd and Went Klitluli street.
Is the Best of Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
Hiilea, $2 dully and upwards.
Hea'era In
Stoves feet Iron & Copper Ware
Sole aeenU for Mbgoo Storea and
Jobbing of all kinds promptly at
tended to.
431 Becond street, Aatorla.
The Clatsop Market,
7-.!J Third atroct, opposite BiiRut ofllcc.
j'isli, Oysters, Poultry and Produce.
Free delivery lo any pint of
tins cliy.
The lArgeat Block, Best yuulUj ana
Lowest Prices at the 8ltu of
The Goldeu 81in.
Ing Court streets, $1600.
The biua were referred to a com
mittee consisting of Commissioners
Bowlby, Dement, and Fisher, for re-
rcrt at the next regular meeting.
Wagner & Co. have a new line of
souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and lew-
elry repairing a specialty. Opposite the
Astorian otnee.
Theo. Braoker keeps a varied and
choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos,
playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes.
amber goods, etc , The most handsome and highest
Dry hemlock wood delivered at S.1.2K grade Wall Paper ever seen ln the city.
per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. 1 will furnish paper gratis to anyone
Leave orders with Ben Coe. care of this finding this statement not true. Call
offlce. Terms cash. and see for yourselves, at B. F. Allen's
571 Third street.
Tha following information is to hand All the patent medicines advertised
Rates of fare same as from
at August Danlelson s Sample Rooms.
liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's
lejivpu nn tha Thnmrann. ttila mnmlnir I t rrm tho. crcAcHn mm-au of nrv,i I In this Pttpr, together With the cholC-
' - B-l" - - -J noouiliB- , ,(,,. r,A tlli .!! 4-
ton, D. C: 'Columbia River. Bakers L,.m hn hm?h nr tho ios,t nri .t
UNEXCELLED. The Offlce liquors
and mixed drinks are unexcelled. Uen-
evieve stree, between Second and
i new xsuoy. ine jr. b. spar Duoy, east i -"m. ac.iuuu. i iamous peer ib Kepi in sucn gooa con
anchored ln midstream. She has 20
Chinamen ln all on board, three for
Montana and the balance for Portland,
Her cargo consist's of cement for this
city and coal for the bunkers, and a
large quantity of cement for up river.
She leaves
dltion -aa at Utzinger'a popular resort.
end of Sand Island, has been removed,
and Is replaced by second-clsas can P.
S. buov. moored in 29 fpt nr low wo. I This will be Union Pacific Day at fanrlel wine inntearl of rnffeo or tea.
ter. on the followinir bearlnes- 'he World's Fair, and there will be ex- Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
iei, on ine louowing DearingS. cape tra fpntnres nrpspntefl tn tho vlaltr. I ,...k j i i a.. ii tt. .... i.
" '"-' "B-". ".i c.u ui jcujiuu iiiui. uay. everyone snouia atiena cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert s,
mw i -K w nnn nr trinm. iirriit i ine iir nnw hr rnp n nn t'nninn nnvp
f.H Dn.lnnJ . . . . . I " I, -i . . .. . . .
vi ivuiouu wiiiuiiuH i a ia a u.. .i r. i uiaceu ine ionowinit reuucea rates in
I CUIU ID ICfltVlCU Ujr DCV.U1IU-L1UBB Cilll f. I " ... . , . J
u.cwn, u. x, uceu inuoreu J50.00; to St. Louis and return, $47.25.
in 14 feet at low water at west end Intermediate points correspondingly
of Sand Island, on the following bear, reduced. For further Information call
tn I'liion rueuic omce.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olsen's
Hill's First addition is located in the
centre of the city. Lots are now selling
in it for J2.
Water colors, crayons, and sepias
crayons, copying and enlarging, a spe
cialty at Crow's gallery, Third street.
Thor Fredrlckson, piano tuner, has
lemoved to 1053 Third street, Adair's
Ings: Cape Disappointment light, NW.
3-4 W., end of Jetty S. by E., 3-4 E.,
and Fort Stevens wharf ESE., 1-4 E.
Grays Harbor. North Channel to Ho-
qulam. Buoy Number Changxl. New
ular meetings of this board will be held
on th9 first Monday of each month at
10 a. m., at the offlce of Robb & Par
ker. W. L. Robb, Sec.
NOTICE The regular meetings of
Slnc (tn first intrndneiinn Fieeti-in nn. the Astoria Building and Loan Associa
tes has gained rapidly in popular favor, t,on are held at 8 p. m. on the first
I ..... 1 1 ....... . I .. 1 1.. . , 1 I 1 1'.. .1 . . . 1. it- .-wi I
n..nw Daflnnn TM,ti..,i ti i I ",Il,t ,lu" ln vicurijr in mo teau aiuuiii cunt--Buuy ui cuuii niuiilil. uuice uu
. x.vw.. iunuuvu. - um pgn rncaicinai tonics ana alteratives Genevieve street, south of Chenmnns.
Har b:ioy to the eastward of Gray's containing nothing which permits Its use W. L. ROBB. Secretary
, .. . , . , as a beverage or Intoxicant, it Is recog- w.m. iwm, muewiy.
vxv., t"i vi niaeu un ine uphc ana uuresc meaicine ror i r nvrnniMfr.Tn -.t -
Astoria, near Eni?If ran nrv Tmvp Nr.rih i-iinnnai in. nAAninm ,,.c all allmentH of Stortmnh. lAver nr Kirl-I . K':lltJX Awrmwi mid, i,u.
orders at Griffin & Reed's bo,k store. BnmT . w7? n!u w"i..",S-fl lIe?d.ach,v J1"1.'- Mr i1?6?! 0Ct?J?,.1"
It.. 1 1 , . I V.a a,n xtr.r- .. 1 t.. 1 I T t..t 1 ,1 i . m . A 1 1 1
The bark Bowman B. Law. 13f,9 tons 1,1 lne 8ame cnannei nearer Hoquiam '"V"-"' i,,e.e"u "u
. ... ... -. . . nm h,,m h w in i .r.r."" r. " "c": 'n monuayi oi eacn montn. o-
legister, captain MiDDert, arrived ln ' "T" Tha Rora y v BOlanoumlng brethren cordially inited.
vesterdav afternoon. 83 davs from Java ul ,ow waler al lne Polnl OI e muu
She had llirht and vP.Hahlo wlnrla oil nats on tne following bearing: Outer
the way across. The captain's wife end of GrayB Harber city wharf, SW.
By order
C. P.
and child accompany him, and the
vessel carries a crew of 18 men and
flies the Canadian flag. She hails from
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. A tug will
take her up this morning.
by W.
Inner end of Gray's Harbor All persons having claims against the
estate of F. E. Nelson, will present
rltv uhnrf WVW 1.1 W Tho ,v.H
day beacon No. 3, heretofore shown to Bowlby wltnln Bl!C monthB fromwthls
tne southward or Grays Harbor city
wharf, has been discontinued and Is
erased from the chart.
n.intaln L. G. Haaven returned home
t,. ti j . Elegant bath tubs, first class shav-
inc uni iiuui irrau ulliuii xaiaitu lie i , . . I
ing and neat and artistic hair cutting
iia urrii BuiTCii.iiciiuiiii, icpanQ ki i al tne Astoria Baths. Glllct & Corbett,
that place, and reports that everything I proprietors.
has been done satisfactorily. The whole
lighthouse has been caulked and paint-
Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 19, 1893.
COMMON COUNCIL - Regular meet
ings nrst and third Tuesday evenings
or eacn month at 8 o'clock ln city hall.
Persons desiring to have matters acted
, upon by the council at any regular
meeting must present the same to the
auditor and clerk on or before the Fri
day evening prior to the Tuesday on
which the council holds Its regular
meeting. K. OSBUKN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup bag
boon URpd fnr phlMron toothlnor Tfr
Fred Olsen takes the lead ln manu- soothes the child, unftona fh r,,m
facturing boots and shoes. All work is allays all Dain. cures wind hnlln md
ed, and all the leaks have been effect- "a warronieu. xiepainng a is tne Dest remedy ror diarrhoea. Twen-
ncv-mny. corner dcixhiu ana umey iy-nve cents a Dottle, sola cy an drug
streets. giBts throughout the world.
ually stopped. Two large boat houses
have been erected, as well as a roomy
blacksmith shop. A wharf, track and
sidewalks have also been built.
Don't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you can get them for the
same price at the Union Pacific offlce
ln this city, and thereby save your lo
cal fare to Portland.
Every girl that Vnys her school
books at the New York Novelty Store
will be presented with a manicure I
set. r.verr boy that gets his school
books at the New York Novelty Store
win get a nice memorandum book with
mirror attached.
Jun" 0, lilt Uiilj UbutaulQiil.
W'' lit
la kin
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No A uiuionia; No AIu?n.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
ia floss yiaia, hermetically sealed, and
aiwayi irau u we way ut.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellet come.
When you tak a pill it's an
Important point to have them
mttU provided they have
equal sireugia ana eflicacv.
You'U find what yon want In
then httla liver pills of Dr.
tierce's. They're put tip in
a better war. and thn art in
better way, than the huge
old-fashioned pills. What yon
want wnen you r " all out oi
aorta" grumpy, thick-beaded
and take a gloomy view of Ufa,
ia these Pelluta to clear op your
ayirtem and start your liver
into healthful action. Bkk
'Com(tiiation, Indlgertion, Ell-
iuu Auacu, ana au aeraogo
mcnU of the liver, stomach
and bowel, are prevented, ra
lipved, and cured. They'ra fi
eheaiitst pill yon can buy, for
tlv re ertArnn ftt -rr
bMuuu.-ituu, or your money if
returned. You pay only for
l to 1 inch points in
all styles. -
8-inch Sturgeon
Files, $1.30 por
Chop and Oyster House
JOS. TERP, Proprietor.
Tho best meal In fhi city for the monov
Kiwfcrn oyNlem. Si-xt door to ort.l Ki !
lowt' l)iillilliiK,4(UTlilrO HI., Aatorla.
German-American, New York Citj, N. T.
Union Fire and Marin, of hi Zealand.
Natioual fire and Sarins Int. Co., of Hartford,
Connecticut Firs Ins. Co., of Hartford.
Homo Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco.
, . ' : l'hiruii, of LnJun. . I Imperial, of UiU.
A. 6. SPEXARTH, C8S3 H'WYn'kPlatcCla5lni,Co.
Incandescent, nil night. . . . $1.50
" 12 o'clock... 1.00
" 10 " ... 75
For pnrticulars inquire of any member
oi trie nnn or at tne oiucc, loot of Uon-
comly tit. West SnoBB Mills Co.,
T. O. Trulliuger, VrcBidcnt
Pile Driving, House, Bridge and
Wharf Building.
Adilrpss, llox ISO, pontolllce.
(Ioiim PuniMilne (leoili, Hlieet lml.Slrlp
Lead, Hlieel Irun Tin uiid Cpix-r.
Kopp's - Beer - Hall
Choice Wlnei, I.liiuori and Clgara.
Only linndi'd over tha bur. The InrKcat
KlaM of N. p. jjcor. lliilf and half, be.
Kroo liiuch,
Cor. Connomly and Lafiijctle St.
North Pa::LC Brewery
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.
Bolieininn Laser - Jiecr
butchers - and - Grocers,
Aatorla and Cppcr Antorla.
Fine Tens and Con-, TaMe DIIi-hpIimi,
Doincillc and Tropical Kruila, VtKia
bles, miKar curud lmiiii, buixm, c.
Good Bread Cakes and Pcstrr.
None but the Bett Uatvrlais used. -
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customs s
Bread delivered ln any part of the olty
Seaside Saw Mill.
Aromnlete ito k nf lumber nn hamt In lh.
rough or drewl Flo 'r'mr Hr.-Vc, Celling,
ml iill klii.l.of flnitli; Moi liliiiKu' and Hlilu
f lei; alio Bracket Work dunu to order. iVrrn
ruanoiinble and price! at boil rock All 'iidt r
promptly (ttudcd to. Oflice nl ynr.l nt mill.
ii. r. u. buui.i, I'lopr,
Beaiide, Oreeon,
Astoria, - Oregon.
And XX l'lirtt-r.
All (Mler promptly attended tn,
8.1) Kirat utiPol, Attoria, Or.
A. UVroo Oonoort
Fverv nlnht tffrlnnltifr at 8 o'clock.
Good inimic. 'J lie bvt of wlnei, 11
quor, and cl(ftr ulwayii on Imud,
Corner Casa and Wt Ninth.
On th Huropca'i p!an-Iirae, Airy rnomi
and a lira Chun ri'tnnnint. hoard dally, w. ek
ly or monthly. I'jlvnle rooiiia for fairilici
uyi-ni aim uith in aenion.
finest Wlocd, Llipioii and CUara.
EVENbON ft COOK, - . Proprli Ion.
Coucoinly urecl, iiMit Jack'nn,
AKtorla, Orvicou.
Ccncrul Kacliinisti & Boiler flak-
Ijind and Marine Hnsrlnw, Holler work. Steam
boat rud Cannery Work aHptM;Jty.
Cssilrjs cf All r-:jc.-:r:;;j Zii U C.J.r ai
Bhori Notice,
JOLN FOX...-......i'reiit1nt and 8up
. L. VOX -.Vlc FrtnlUoo
u gooa yoa get.