'THE DAILY AST01UAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1893. The Daily Astorian. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. rVi vcd by Carrier, per week.,.. 15 ct Kent by Mail, per month 60 ct Bunt by Mall, per year 7.W WEEKLY. Jio.it by Mull, per year, $2.00 In advance. PuBtiitfe free to subscribers. The Astorlun guarantees to Its ad vorllucrs the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia liver. AdertlHlnjf ratos can be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper Is In possesion of all the tclL'irrapn rrancnises, aim io mo paper on tho lower tjoiuinma uiih puo lichen Knuliio dispatches. Tho Dully Astorlan's circulation li (lvo times as great as that of tho com blned circulation of the other dall pa rr.f rt Afltm'll- Trm Weekly Astorlun, the third oldest .,,,..1,1. In Inn ytnto flf flrniron. llllH. next to tho Portland Oregonlun, the htwRt weokly circulation in me siaic Hubscrlbers to Tim Astormn nn ru ......ulr.il til tlllllfv tlllM OlIICC. Wlt.lOU low of time, Immediately they fail to receive their dally paper, or wnon mej do not K"t It at the usual hour. I'l dolntf this they will enable tho limn m..m.ttif in tiliipa Ihn hlnme on 11 I proper pnrties. and to ensure a' speedy remedy. Hundley & Haas are our Portland , r iml nmilna nf Tho Aatorlun can be had every morning; Ht their stand on Hint street. TOPAY'S WEATHER. IMitland. Oct. 10. For Western Ore Ron nnd Western Washington, ticca- Klon.il showers, slight temperature rh -.nws. For Rnstern Washington and K.-'tern Orvgtui, fair weather, slightly ot tiler. YESTICKOAY'S KATI1KK. Irfie.-i! weather for Die twenty-four loun onillng at 6 p. m., yesterday, fiii-iil died by the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, G5 degrees. Minimum temperature, 43 drives, Precipitation. .70 Inch. Total precipitation from July 1st. ISM tii date, 11.85 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st, 1S93, to date, 3.20 Inches. MONEY AND IUTSINESS. There has been Utile real Improve ment In business during tho pnst week, In spite of repented statements and the general belief that the silver repent bill Is certain to pass, and within a short time.. The fact Is that business men begin to understand how little the present act really has to il with the present state of things, and how little certnlnty there Is thai its rep'itl would now produce the good results once ex leeted. Fear of a free coinage cer tainly did do much harm from the day the change In the control of tho gov ernment was assured, but the vote In the house was accepted by almost ev erybody ns proof that five coinage need no longer be feared. Hut the fat grows upon tho minds of men that the arrest of Industries nnd the tremendous decrenso In pur chases for consumption a.re far more serious and not to lie so readily cleared away or compensated. The tariff bus iness Is the real stumbling block. The "Christian Enquirer," one of those productions that foists Itself Into existence under the pretext of relig ions motives, and keeps nllve by means nf boiler plate sermons and memorial v lndow advertisements, suys In Us last Issue Just to hand, that the- World's Parliament of Religions "Is the most singular and grotesque collection of ruttle headed doctors, creeds, nnd cranks that ever shook hands over the chasm of unbelief." and compares It With "tho Hindu orgto of the Plel snnee," It will be news to most' peo ple that Edward Everett Hale, Profes sor Rilggs, lllshop McLaren, Dudley nnd Kerne, Lyman Abbott, Cardinal Olbbons, and a number of the most em inent clergymen In the country are "rattle headed deleters." Hut probably the gentlemen In question can stand the clanat (teat Ion If the Inquirer can. Among the novel societies, Incorpo rated in Europe recently Is "The So tlety for thei Protection of Non-Smokers, " In Lower. Austria. The members, already numerous, proviso no campaign ng.tinst smokers, but they Intend to Accomplish, If possible, the strict en forcement of the regulations regarding the prohibition of smoking In certain railroad train compartments, public buildings, restaurants frequented by nnn and women, street cars, concert hiills and other places rf amusement. They wish to prevent smoking. If pos sible. In all public places. Circular are to be aent to restaumnt keetwra asking Hint rooms bo at apart for non-snuik-t rs. Hmnchea ot the society are to be established In Vienna, Prague, Hruenn and Oiai. Influential names are mi the roll of motubtsrshlp. The Philadelphia Ledger Is known to 1 o In cUne relations with tho president. It says that I not In favor of any compromise, &ud that the statem.-nt following va t confidently accepted us IrrefutaWo and conclusive." "There is tJ h highest authority r-r the KiAlciauUt Unit the president tuts not changed his views upon the- nc cewslty and urgency of unconditional re peal, and that he Is now more firmly convinced of the correctness of the ut terances contained In his message to congress urging speedy and uncondl tlon repeal than at the time that docu ment was Issued. So far from favoring a compromise, there Is no reason to believe the president would withhold his approval from a bill in which the evils of the preBont law were contin ued even for a limited period." There Is a strange headline In a Van couver exchange, thus: "Pr-flVr'a Hpeeh Ended." Potter's speech Is nev er ended. That Is the peculiarity of nil his speeches. They arc forever to be continued. itlsmarck has sold his memoirs for a large sum, the condition lxlng that they are to bo published Immediately after his death. Won't this bit of in telllgenco make William squirm! Sarh Bernhardt was In Rio de Ja nolor during tho late bombardment end she says It was extiulslte. Something about the Oregon. A strange sen-monster Is the bnttle- Milp Oregon when viewed from tho platform surrounding her ponderous frame, about which circle sv-nrms of mechanics too busy to stop to talk, and too Intent upon the work of preparing tho big vessel for her first dip In the waters of the bny of San Francisco. Planted firmly upon the stocks some ll.lrty feet above the surface of the ground, the Otvg.,n loeka like a mon ster turtle lying upon its back. There are no graceful lines or sweeping curves to admire. Simply a broad expanse of riveted Iron plates giet the eye, Im pressing the sight-seeker with the enor mous strength nnd solidity of the bat tleship. Viewed from a distance the Oregon assumed a most attractive up- I'earance. Strength nnd speed are ex- cuiplllU'd In every detail of her con struction. The day of iho launching of the Ore gon Is drawing near. It has not bei-n definitely determined upon, but It is Mil very distant. Two of tho fairest daughters of this state have been de lected to press tho button that shall send tho big ship slipping down the ways uud to christen her In tho name of the people ot the Pacific Const. rretty Miss Eugenia, Shelby, daugh ter of Eugene Shelby, assistant super intendent of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s ex press at Portland, will press the but ton, and Miss Daisy Alnsworth, daugh ter of Captain Alnsworth, of the Alns worth National Rank, of Portland, will do the rest. As a lighting ship the Oregon will be capable of defending herself In any position. She can concentrate thei fire of six heavy guns on any point of at tack, nnd her supplementary batteries are sulllclently powerful, If focused up on a given point of attack, to crush In five-Inch armor. Naval experts claim that the 8-Inch and fl-lm h rifles of the battle-ship will do more execution In an attack on a fori or earth-work than her 13-lnch guns. The reason for this supposition Is that stone or metal cannot resist the constant concentrated lire of an 8-Inch or 6-lnch gun, as no time Is allowed the defense to recover from the shock of n broadside from such a battery before another round Is fired. The rapidity with which a buttery of light rifle guns can be handled offsets their lesser penetrative power. The Rrltlsh gunboat Temernlre si lenced the cltlelel at Alexandria by the concentrated fire of Its 6 and 8 Inch guns In a few hours' bombardment. This same stronghold has been shelled for twenty-four hours by some of the heaviest guns In the Rrltlsh squadron without any apparent effect. The battleship Oregon Is built to make a rapid-fire fight at close range, and will be equipped to stand off nn enemy nt long range. The Oregon's 13-Inch guns will be mounted In bar bettes, nnd all four of these can be i fed either for a starboard or port broadside. Stwindary batteries of rapid Are Holehklss and Gaining guns are mounted In the military top nnd in the superstructure. About a doien Hotch klss rapid-fire cannon can be brought lo bear simultaneously upon an ap proaching torpedo-bont or boarding crew. A Hotchklss rnpld-flre gun throwing & 6 or 14 pound conical bullet enn In the hands of nn experienced gunner, be made to shoot with the ac curacy of an ordinary rifle in the hands of a hunter. Four men usually consti tute the crew of a rapid-fire gun. and these can load, aim, and fire the piece t the rate of about thirty shote a min ute and do good execution. At Tultnl, Chile, during tho recent revolution, the 14-pound rapid-fire guns of the torpedo cruiser Almlrante Lynch silenced a land battery of Krupp 24 and ) pounders In fifteen minutes. The Oregon can have, every available structure above her deck line and su perstruetuiw not Including her bar It ttes. shot away and ho In as good fight I ig trim as ever. A special committed from the cham bers of comnveive in this city and IVrt land lll be present at the launching. "The launch of the first battle ship ever constructed on the Pacific Oast will be an event for special no tice." said Mr. Scott, of the Cnlon Itvo. Intend to lend a band to make it uch." SPECIMEN CASES. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumat ism, -hi.! stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de grce, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured i-...id Shephord, Ilarrls'ourg III., hud a running sore on his teg of cigni years- standing, usea inree uoi lies of Kli-ctrlc Hitters and seven box ofHuckl'-n's Arnica Salve, and his log Is Humid and well. John Speaker, Ca tawb::. O.. had flvo large fever sore on his leg. Doctors said he was In curable. One bottle of Electric Hitters and one box of Hucklen'B Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Chan. lingers, druggist. SET HIM RIGHT. (Jon. Augustus Sala, tho well known Eirlliili writer, on his last Australian trip, wrote us follows to tho London Dally Telegraph: "I cspeclaly have n pleasant remem brance of the ship's doctor a very ex perienced maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly during a horri ble spell of bronchitis and simsmodlc asthma, provoked by sea rog wnicn had swooned down on us Jimt after we left Han Frunclsoo. R it the doctor's proscriptions and tho Increasing warmth of the temperature as we near- ed the tropics, nnd In particular, n couple of Allcock's Porous Plasters clapped on one on the cnest nnu nn ol her octween the shoulder blndcs soon set me right." UUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Th be'st salvo In the world foi cuts, bruises, sore-s, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ttiuvs, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd oil skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required, it Is guaranteed to give perfect satlsfac ilim or money refunded. Price 25 cents ner box. rer sale ny Unas. Kogers, r.v essor to J. C, Dement. THE OPEN SWITCH. AX ESTABLISHED SAFEGUARD. Anybody who ttavels by cars knows what is meant by nn open switch." It is the terror of railroad men, nnd the dread of the traveler. I la victi nis killed, horribly man gled or liiiiiai I for life are numbered by tho score each year. ct even the dreaded "open switch " u not so widely fatul as is a certain disease, which without ceasing its activity for an instant, is daily tilling hundreds ot graves. What is that terrible ailment I you ask ft is Heart Disease "But," you reply, con fidently. "I haven't any heart disease my heart is nil r itrht- Are you sure? Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Inu., the distinguished specialist in diseases of the heart and nervous system, states that disor ders of tho heart are as common as those of tho lungs, liver, Btomncli, bowels or kidneys, though ofton unsuspected. The reason peo iilo are not awaro of this important fact is because symptoms of heart disease are not usually recognized ns proceeding from this orenn, but are attributed to some other source. If you have shortness of breath fluttering or palpitation, pain or tenderness in left breast, shoulder or side, oppressed or choking sensation, fainting or smothering spells, vir heart is n ectcd. "1 had been troubled with heart disease for years. My left pulse was very weak, could nt times scarcely feel it, excitement would weaken my nerves ond heart, and fear of impending death stared me in the face for hours. Dr. Miles' Nervine and New Heart Cure are the only medicines that have proved of any benefit nnd cured nie." L. M. DYEli, Cloverdale, Md. " Mv wife has been taking Dr. Miles' New vure tor me ueuri. one mimes uwonueriui. Slio lias not been troubled with pain or smothering spells since using it. We have also used Dr. MileJ nils, and wo find them all they nre claimod to be." GEO. L. FINK, Philadelphia, Pa. These and lmmlreJs of similar testimo nials aro convincing proofs of the wonderful powers of Dr. Miles' Acto Cure for the Heart. It is ttftvtive, agreeable, nnd above all, SAFE. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, or Dr. Miles MOdical Co. .Elkhart, ind. o 0 O is a simple one easily decided by reason and common sense, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the new scientifically prepared shortening is made from pure beef suet, and highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lard is made, in tbe majority of cases, in the packing-bouse, and not as of old, from the pure leaf of the hog. Which is likely to be the most healthful ? Decide for yourself. It mast be OOTTOL 0 0 0 0 0 Send three cents In stamps to N. K. yirbnk & Co., Chicago, for handsome Cottolena Cook Book, containing six hundred recipes, prepared by nine eminent autho rities on cooking. Cottoleoe is sold b j I1 grocer. RefuM tU substitutes. 0 nide only by jj? 8n. k. fairbank & ca,lf JJ ST. LOUIS and f CHICAGO, NEW YORK, & 0 BOSTON. 0 pa io a SYRUP Fcaccusix CCLES ; GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. dy fo C'.h. Calda b4 Croup vm onra yruiK l hi ium m ertwvHu to-dsor it wa friri xrm Nw my -ael.'hiidra tk Ir. Viinnffi 8yrJf Hi tm Sitrwirt twiM - t-f MMtttMittftFtw TbtfrVs BoOliuC Hm4 .For &&le by J. W. Conn, Druggist. IIAFP! BOTTLES OF Relieved me of a severe lilood trouble. It also caused my hair to grow out a;iinr as it had been falling out by the handful- After trying many physicians in vain, I am so happy to find a cure in S.S.S. O. H. ELUtitr, Galveston, Tex. C IPF1? ilyforcliiBontpermsof tlls- H, v IV l-"-" caao anil ilio j.oisou as wnll. P! Is ontircl vcpotal.lo sad haim'.oss. ts3.' , rrra'lic (. i l ''.n.l nnd Pkln mailt-il fno v '. '.',;n- fii-!-.'-ine Co., Atlsnto. Cia. PKOKESSIONAIj cards. II. A. SMITH DENTIST, Kiioiiis 1 nnd 2, Pyllilan llulldlng. over C. H, Cooper's store. W C. LOC4N D D- 8. V . UKNTAIi PAltl.OHS. Muii.se!! Block, Third Street. T E. LaFORCE D. O. S. V. UliNll.sr. 1-luvel Ilulldlng, Opposite Occident Hotel. PULTON B08., ltoonis 3, 4, 6 and 0, Odd Fellows' building, WM. LAFORCE A1T0RNKY AT LAW. Olllco, Kuoms 7 and 8. Kiuney's building. B. SMITH tl ATTOKN KY A T LA W. Otlleo t.vt-r a, V, Allen's Htore, corner Third tRANK J. TAYLOR, J ATTOItiNliV.Ar-I.AW, Astoria. Oregon. J O. A.BOWLBY, AITOMfiY AiD COUKGELOK AT LA ' Olllce on Second Street, - AstuilA,Oi TR. W. n. BFLT, Offlco over store of J. B. Wyatt, Secoud street DR . A. L, and J. A. FULTON. btirnery Uy . r. J. A. Fulton. OlUco 178 Jaij miudl. lionet to to 12 and 1 to 4 nV,,m'y. JAN.3.0N-, Ms ruioiuiAn ct ni)tn,r.o. a u.n . Ollicoover OMjooil'sClollihig Store, hours, 10 to 12 111, 2 to 6 p, m, 7 to 8 p in. ciuiiday.'lU to 11 in. fR. O, B, ESTES, If iliVsu,.fAM Vxin uimiiirnw peci:U ulU-nttou to Dlseasos of Women and I AY TUTTLE M.D., tl I'llYSlClAN, .sUlltiKuN & ACOOUOHKUlt. Ofilcf, rooms 3, 4 over Astoria National Bank, hours, 10 to 12 & 2 to5. llMldence. 63! Cethu-St. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. llU.UiKni'ATU10 I'llVrilCIAN & 8UK gon. Ollics, 451. Tlilril street. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to2. ltosideuue 4ti8 3d street JJR. STRICKLER, .! rilYSlCIAN AND PITRGEON, Dealer in - Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 3SI Second Street, Astoria, BUSINESS CARDS. ? WICKMAN X1 . CO.N rRACTOK. House moving slid street planking. Screws nml htoeks for rent. Call on or address 2037 l'inn street. A GIBBONS. . aU.iTjsi'kk'OK ACCOUNTS and 1'KOt-KSSlONAL H JOKKEKJ'KK. Okfiob: With UuntTiil Messenger t'o 615 Skamotiiie street. T H. MANSELL. tt . JthAI, hSiAI'E nitOKRB. Notary Public. Fire and Accident Insurance, w, W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT umce m uenton streot, Astoria, Oregun. J. A. FASTABEfJD CKNEKAL- CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and Wharf Building. Address, Box ISO, postotliee. 3IASXl'!S O. I'llOSHY, DKAI.KH IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, IRON PIPK AND FITTINGS. STOVES - AND - TINWARE, House Furnishing Uooils, Sheet l-ea.l.Strlp Ixad. Sneet Iron Tin and Copper. ROSS, HICCINS A CO.' butchers - and - (irocers, Astoria and I'pper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffres. TaMe Delicacies, loiiiestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeta bles, sugar cured hams, bacon, etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS THE ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts ol Firms and Individuals -olicited on Favorable Terms. Forcigu anduomesilc Exchange bought ar1 old. Money Loaned on Personal feenntr. Interest paid on Time Deposits as follows: F.ir S months, 1 per cent per annum. a 5 . ' 12 " 6- " " u A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been established in connection with the alwve, depoi! will ie received la aiuoinu f one iloiUr and u-rrf. lnlcresl will be alioaed as follows: On ordi-n-uy Kvui 4 per cent per aonum ; oa terw saving t nw', rr rein p-r an aura. 9. K. WaiTM, Pretident. -J. K. Hlsrtaa.t'whier. J.C IImmm, Vk Preaident. . K. Wum, I J- C IVmenU ! C H. Ttrlckt, J?l! Kr-fcsom. Direetora. Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom ofindigestlon, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difliculty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Viils) Seventy-five Centi. One 1'ack.ige (hour Boxes) Two Dollats. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample address RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK if- fllcrcliaut Steamship Co.'s Line, Connection with Canadian Pacific and Great NtUiot-u Hallway and China Hteamsttlp i'n? Taking frelpht and nassenttors fur Vancouver ami Victoria U. C. and Seattle, faeoma and ail Houun foluts. Ijavliie Abturla ovcrv 10 days. For particulars apply at the otlleo Astoria Abstract t. X. u. FEKOUSON BROS., Agents. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evuniug except Sun dav at 7 d. m. Arrives at Astoria Everyday except Suuday at 2 p.m. Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a. in. t;. w. hionk, Agent, ARioria. K. A. Skkliy, General Agent, Portland Or. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Ketah LIQUOR DE A LERS. Importers ot All Brands ot Forli-n and Domes tic Wines. Liquors and Clears. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vas Biiite Bottled Heer, finest brands of Key West and Doniestio Cigars. Liquors for Metltctual Purposes. Family Trade Solicited -,!! orders from the City and Country proiiy Rlloi. Squemoquo Street, Astoria, Oregoi. THE ASTORIA SAYINGS BANK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individ uala. Deposits solicited Interest will be allowed on savings 'deposits as tollonrs; on ordinary savings mots 4 per con: ner annum. On term savings bookd 6 per cent, per annum. On certificates of deposit: f or tnreo montns, 4 per cent, per aunum. For six months, 5 per cent, per annum. For twelve months, 6 per cent, per anuum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. B0WLBY..... Vice-President FRANK PATTON Cashier W. K. DEMENT -.Secretary directors: L W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Oust Holmes, C. H. Page, Ben. Younir, A. 8. Reed. F. J. Taylar. The Store of John G. Niemi Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who are going to close out the stock. Ioleiidtng purchasers will do well to rail and examine rooJs and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Tliey also have a good watchmaker to do repairing. H. B. PARKER DEALEtt IN Ume. Brick, Sand, Fire Brick. Fire Clay, Uement, Mill Fecd.uau. nay. mraw Wood Delivered to Order. Draring, Teuninjr and Express Bniiness. O. A. STINS0N & CO.. , BLACKSM I T HING 8hfp aud Cannery work. Horsesnoeliig, Wag ons made and repaired, tioid work guaranteed On Casa street, opposite Ine i.--n Talk ou'.cf FKEEMAN & BEEMNEE, BLACKSMITHS. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-clan horseshoeing, etc. Logging Camp Work a Specialty, 19T Oluey street, between Third and Fourth, Astoria. Or. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heary and Shalt . ' HAEDWARK Carry la t wk "Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paints 'Ms, arniihe lxCXers Sappues, rauoanai M-aiea, Soon aad Wioi.owa. PROVISIONS. 4n4 HILL FfSO. ASTORIA, - - 0HT.G.NO. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST PAUL RAILWAY CONNECTING WITH ALL TRANSCONTI NENTAL LINES lis HE OXTL7 LUTE RUNNING ElQctrio Lighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AN OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS THA1N8 consist ol VEHTI BULED, BLEEPInu, D1N1NO AND PARLOR OAKS, HEATED BY STEAM And lurnished with every lux:u- knonn modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Saletj this Line is Unequaied Tickets on sale at all prominent rail ofllces. For further Information inquire of any tick agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASFA Trav. Pass. Agt. POltTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FBANCISCO ..AND ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route ot the Southern Pacific Comp'y Tit Crlj Bout Tirongli California ta a Foiati East and South The Scenic Routt of (he Pacific Coast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPER9 -AKB SKCOXD-CULS8 BLEEPING CAN