The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 07, 1893, Image 3

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Rescue Club tonight.
"Tha rain ye have always with you."
New version.
Rev. W. S. Short Is visiting the con-
demned murderers at the county Jail.
Ah Lung was sentenced by Judge Mc-
Brlde yesterday to two years Imprison.
ment In the penitentiary at Salem for
An $80 lot for 2.
Groceries cheap for cash at Howell
& Ward's.
The Belmont cigar can be had at
Chas. Olsen's.
Men of small means can buy real
estate in Hill s first addition.
' Remember McGulre's Hotel at Sea.
side Is open the year around.
All groceries sold at bottom prices
for cash at Howell & Ward's. .
For fine Wines and liquors call at
August Danlelson's Sample Rooms..
The rain Is making things lively on
the heights and blocks of acreage prop
erty are merrily falling Into roadways.
C. H. Jones, Carey Bros, bookkeeper,
with his wife and relatives left here on
the Columbia yesterday for San Fran
cisco. Mr. W. H. Wattls accompanied
them. They will- remain away till the
spring. ' - '
The police are looking for Mr. Frank
Foster, a gentleman who Is missing
under peculiar circumstances from the
Occident Hotel. He registered at the
hotel from Cleveland, Ohio, and on
Wednesday night disappeared. He has
not been seen slnce and It Is feared
that he has met with a fatal accident.
Only the purest wines and liquors
are sold at Alex. Campbell s Gem.
For $2, a lot Is delivered every week
to the buyer in Hill s First addition.
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
For all kinds of Job printing, go to
Jjei. Ferguson, .upstairs, Astorlan build
For Sale Three good lots at Smith's
Pclnt. A bargain. Address A. B this
office. ,
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Ol-
sen s
Sewing machine and general repair
ing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A .May, 132
Hill's First addition is located In the
centre of the city. Lots are now selling
in it ior i.
It seems as If the railroad subsidy
is beginning to break upi Yesterday C.
W. Shlvely who gave ten acres consist.
lng of 60 lots to the Remington guaran
tee, received his deed to the property
back , from the Commercial National
Bank In Portland where It had been
placed in escrow.
The Ciceronian Literary 'Society of
the High School yesterday afternoon
elected the following officers for the
ensuing term: President, John McCue;
vice president, Bessie. Ross; secretary,
Maud Stockton; treasurer, Violet Bowl-
by; censor, Dora Badollet; marshal,
Hall Barclay; chorister, Frances Hoi-
Call at the Astoria Real Estate Ex
change and get a lot in- Hill's First
addition for $2.
Lots'COxlOO, all cleared, In block CS,
Adair's; for sale by W. B. Adair, at
from $300 to $450 per lot.
The Office liquors and mixed drinks
are unexcelled. Genevieve street, be
tween Second and Third.
There is no risk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
full value of their money.
cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood
Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Del. Ferguson, general Job printer,
Asiorian ouiiaing, upstairs. rirsi-
class work at reasonable rates.
Water colors, crayons, and sepias
crayons, copying and enlarging, a spe
cialty at Crow's gallery, Third street.
Wing Lee has Just received a full
line of Japanese curiosities and fancy
goods. Will sell at cost. 629 Third street.
From the office of the lighthouse in
spector at San Francisco, comes the fol
lowing notice to mariners: "Notice Is
hereby given that on and after this
date the fog-bell at Alcatraz Island,
San Francisco bay, California, will run
regularly during thick and foggy
weather, the necessary repairs having
been completed."
Yesterday it transpired that the mem
bers and congregation of the First Pres
byterian church of this city had virtu
ally dismissed Rev. R. B. Dilworth
from the pastorate and had appealed
to the Presbytery of Oregon to send
them another minister. This result was
the outcome of a meeting on Wednes
day night at the Presbyterian church
when Mr. John Bryce moved the res
olution to the effect stated above. It Is
unnecessary to dwell on the details
leading up to this split between Mr.
Dilworth and his flock. They are known
to everybody in the city, and the only
surprising thing about the whole btis-
li e3s is that such action was not taken
by the members of the church many
months ago.
Rare bargains in Jewelry are being
offered daily by H. Ekstrom. Any ar
ticle in the store can be bad at cost
The finest hemlock wood ever sold In
Astoria can be had from C. W. Ever
est. Alderbrook. Only $3.25 per cord
Elegant bath tubs, first class shav
ing and neat and artistic nair cutting
at the Astoria Baths. Gillet & Corbett,
The Coffee House, 522 Third street;
Host niarp for chocs and steaks: oys
ters by the quart; received daily and
always fresh.
There is no place In Astoria where
John Kopp's- famous beer is kept in
such good condition as at Utzinger's
popular resort.
Wagner & Co. have a new line of
souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing a specialty. Opposite' the
Astorlan otnee.
JIFF'S, Be Only Restaurant I
lere is an appeal that should meet
with a very quick response, It has been
left with the Astorlan for publication
by Mesdames M. II. Lcinenweber, Jo
hanah Kronqulst, and Mary Hansen, a
committee from the Woman's Chris-
tian Temperance Union. The document
speaks ror Itself:
In view of the approaching winter,
and the hard times, the W. C. T. U.
have appointed a committee to look af
ter the" poor those actually In need
Mrs. Fred Sherman has kindly consent
ed to have-all donations left at her res
Idence for the present, where all char
ltably disposed ladies are Invited to
meet on triday- afternoon of each
week to make over clothing. The com-
mlttee respectfully solicit donations of
all kinds, not only cast-off garments,
but anything that can be spared, and
we promise to give Judiciously and (so
far as possible) only to the deserving
po8Blule' only 10 lne acserving
Theo. Bracker keeps a varied and
choice assortment of clears, tobaccos.
playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes,
amDer goods, etc.
Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25
per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Leave orders with Ben Coo, care of this
office. Terms cash.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp-
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col'
umwa Veterinary Remedies at Fred.
Salz' Saddlery establishment.
The finest and most extensive line nf
blue and white steel enameled ware
ever displayed In Astoria, has been
received at Foard & Stokes."
Ab the Monogram you can find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor do Madrid and all other choice
J 1 . M ,
fl nil TnvrtflrA innla nf nfirnito
Once again it becomes the Astorian's
pleasing duty to call attention to the
grand entertainment to be given by
the Rescue Cliib on Saturday, the 14th
This affair has been got up for
the purpose of paying dff the debt on
the hall and to raise money enough to
purchase extra seating aecommodotion.
Lost week It may be mentioned, fifty
extra chairs were placed In the build-
lng and on Saturday night the number
of people standing up was as great as
ever. To say that the Rescue Club rich-
ly deserves that Its big entertainment Park herself came fully up to expecta
next Saturday should be a financial tlons. Her songs were all beautifully
success, is putting It very mildly. The
admission has been placed at fifty cen
for adults and twenty-flve cents for
children. Everybody should take a tick
et, and show even in this slight man-
nerhis appreciation for the Institution
that does so much good for the city,
land that has assisted to such a great
degree In elevating tha minds of Asto
ria's young people.
Thor Frederlckson. niano tuner, has
moved to 1053 Third street, Adair's As
toria, near Eagle cannery. Leave or
ders at Griffin & Reed s book Btore.
Sportsman Intending to purchaa,
their winter's supply of ammunition
should communicate with Foard &
Stokes before purchasing elsewhere.
J. W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, gives lessons In music, pi
ano and organ. Organs tuned and re
paired. Address 089 Astor St., Astoria.
Those desirous of furnishing houses
can Una as good bargains at G. V,
Porter's as at any other store in the
Northwest. Give him a trial and prove
AH the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel,
The wonderful runs of salmon In
Alaska described by the surveying par
ty Just returned, says the S. F. Call,
are no doubt familiar to those who are
in the canning business. A generation
ago the big fish in shoals were quite as
numerous on the upper waters of the
Columbia and its tributaries, and would
be as numerous still but .that business
men have 'pushed this enterprise fast
with a view to supply the markets of
the world, and the catch has been In-
discrlminale and extermlnatlve. Alaska
will in time fall off in the productive
ness of her fisheries, but at present
the seas and rivers teem with magnifi
cent food fishes, and the capitalist
thinks less about supplies than prices.
On the Siberian and Japanese side of
the Pacific, the salmon is also abund-
ant to an astonishing extent. A net
cast across some of the rivers, lands
several hundreds of grand fish at a
haul. Europe was perhaps, equally well
supplied In far-off times."
Fred Olsen takes the lead In manu
facturing boots and shoes. All work is
first class and warranted. Repairing a
specialty. Corner Second and Olney
Anything in the line of gents' furn-
be hud from P. A. Stokes & Co. during
the present month, at prices never be
fore equalled.
The annual meeting of the members
of the Norwegian Evangelical Luther
an Church will be held tomorrow (Sun
day) at 2 p. m., at the church.
If you have friends in EurODe whose
passage you wish to prepay to Astoria,
call at the Northern Paclllc offlce.steamer
Telephone dock, and make known your
wants. Reduced rates via all the lead
ing steamship lines.
Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad
if you are going East. Low rates of fare,
through tickets, baggage checked to desti
nation. All purchasers of second class
tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates
of fare same as from Portland.
Dbn't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you can get them for the
same price at the Union Pacific ofllce
in this city, and thereby save your lo
cal fare to Portland.
The onlv Pure Cxaiu cfT;irtf P-
vJsed in Millions cf I lone:.'
There Is a singular appropriateness
In the selection of the young lady who
is to touch the button that launches
- the battle-ship Oregon. Miss Shelby Is
the gTeat-granddaughter of General Joe
Lane, the pioneer patriot, and soldier
whose name Is lndissolubly associated
with Oreeon, hlstorv npnornl T.nn
had achieved a national reoutatlon be.
fore he crossed to the sunset side of the
Rockies. The rugged quality of his
courage and statesmanship fitted him
for leadership In a frontier settlement,
- aml wnen he came to Oregon the little
- bftnd of Pioneer8 were onlv too elad to
put him In the foremost rank. And it
wa8 fortunate for the new territory
that it had a leader so magnificently
equipped for the work before him. Now
that our reat Btate -un on thp
8om foundau0i whlch General
heIped to u ,8 fortunate tnat there
j a i. . ,t
l8 a descendant of the third generation
to help Identify his name with an event
that is to signify Oregon's importance.
The most handsome and highest
cracio wall paper ever seen in the city.
I will furnish paper gratis to anyone
linulng this statement not true. Call
and see for yourselves, at B. F. Allen's
!7l Third street.
C k. Hlgglns wishes to announce
that he will meet those Interested In
the study of the French language, at
Rescue Hall, Tuesday evening, October
10th, at 7:30, for the purpose of form
ing his winter classes,
Evary girl that buys her school
books at the New Tork. Novelty Store
win be presented with a manicure
set. Ever- boy that gets his school
UUUhO ill lilU ilCtT 1U1A UVVllY OIU1C
I . .
will get a nice memorandum book with
mirror attached.
The entertainment given last night at
the Methodist church by Miss Marie
Park, under the auspices of the Young
People's Society of tha Presbyterian
Church, was a very great success. The
building was comfortably filled, not
withstanding the inclemency of the
weather. Miss Park was accompanied
In all her vocal selections by Mrs. Otto
Heilborn, and was assisted by Mrs. J.
T. Ross, whose sweet rendition of "The
Merman," was loudly encored. Miss
rendered, particularly in the low, notes.
Her elocution, too, was of a high or-
ier and "Pot Pourrl," a ridiculous Jum
ble of favorite recitations, brought
down the house. Her first piano solo,
'Petit Bolero," was one of the best
things of the evening and was loudly
applauded. The gem of her vocal se-
lections was undoubtedly de Koven's
"Oh, Promise Me." The large audience
was liberal In appreciation of the tal
ented young lady who almost unaided,
held them amused and Interested for
nearly two hours.
The following busines was done In the
circuit court yesterday:
C. E. Runyon vs. Ellen Adair Men
dell et als.; ordered that C. R. Thomson
be appointed guardian ad litem and W.
B. Adair in place of B. Van Dusen.
Jurors- excused for the present until
specially notified by the clerk, for the
term or other order of the court.
C. E. Runyon vs. Ellen Adair Men-
dell et al. ; default and decree for plain.
State of Oregon vs. John Hansen; or.
dered that the court reporter furnish
defendant's attorney with copy of testl
mony at county's expense.
August Kynzte vs. J. E. Soarl et al.
plaintiff entitled to 85 per cent., and
his costs and disbursements of this ac-
L. LebecK vs. City of Astoria; on
Foard & Stokes vs. John Glasser et
al.; allowed to amend sheriff's return,
Default and decree in favor of plalnt-
The Earlscourt came down the river
at noon yesterday.
The steamer Elmore left out for Tlll-
amook at 7:30 yesterday morning with
cargo and passengers for that port.
Tha Columbia came down the river
at 8 o'clock this morning and left out
three hours afterward for San Fran
cisco with 7000 oases of salmon and a
miscellaneous cargo.
The bark Allonby left for the United
Kingdom yesterday morning.
The Dttrlck line of steamer Noyo,
reached here yesterday from Sna Fran
cisco with 42 tons of miscellaneous
t,ri,t tv,,. ioirin
Mrs. Frank J. Taylor with her moth
cr and brother went down to San Fran
cisco yesterday.
J. M. Rogers will In future make
Portland his home, having severed his
connection with Van Dusen & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Macomber wont
up to Portland last night.
Mark Warren came down from Salem
C. W. Bursch of Brooklyn, N. Y., and
D. F. W. Bursch of Portland, came
down the river yesterday. They are
staying at the Occident.
J. W. Seaborg of Ilwaco, is in town
Hugh Jory and wife of Salem are In
the city.
II. Tuggy came up on the San Fran
cisco steamer yesterday.
"::"C-.ia: :.o r.u:.i.
40 Years the St!a.d
S. H. Clifford. New CnHHol Wla ' w
troubled with neurale-ln. nnrl rhanmnt.
Ism, his stomach was disordered, his
uver was anecteu to an alarmlnir de
gree, appetite fell away, and he was
terribly reduced in flesh and strength.
Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured
"ii. - i-.dward Shepherd, Harrlsburg,
iw., nuii a running sore on his leg
eight years' standing-. Used three hnt.
ties of Electric Bitters and seven boxes
or Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his le
Is sound and well. John Speaker, Ca-
lawDa, naa live large fever sor
on his leg. Doctors said he was 1
curable. One bottle of Electric Bitters
and one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured him entirely. Sold by Chas.
Rogers, druggist.
The undersigned having been appoln
ea Dy me circuit court, receiver for
W. Case, banker, hereby gives notice to
an persons owing said bank, either by
note or overdraft, that payment
same muBt be made without further
delay. The' ofllce of the receiver.
Case's bank, is open, daily from 10 to
12 o'clock a. m., and from 2 to 4 o'clock
p. m and all debtors are advised
call and settle at once.
Five dollars less oyer the Union Pa
cific to Missouri river and lntermedl
ate points, effective Sunday, August
20th. Rates to all Eastern points corre
spondingly reduced. For full Informa
tion, call at Ticket onice, Union Pa-
cine dock.
Notice Is hereby given that I will sell
at my Auction Rooms, Monday, the
16th day of October, 1893, at 2 o'cloc
p. m., to the highest bidder, for cash,
note given by John Howard of Cath
lamct, Wash., for $1,000, on which
duo, including unpaid interest, the sum
of $1,408.8!) at this date.; also a niort
Rage collateral thereto conveying the
following described real estate: The
southeast quarter of Section twenty
three In Township No. Nine North, of
Range No. Six West, Wahkiakum
County, Wash. Also a note given by
the aforesaid John Howard for $1,000,
on which Is due including unpaid inter
et-t, the sum of $1,408.89 at this date; al
so a mortgage collateral thereto con
veying the following described real es
tate: The north half of the northwest
quarter;- the southwest quarter of the
northwest and the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of Section No,
Seventeen, in Township eight north, or
Range five west, Wahkiakum County,
The aforesaid notes and mortgages
being collateral to a note given by W,
P. Mclntlre of Cathlamet, Wash., to
the First National Bank of Astoria
for $1,995, which Is now past due and
Astoria, Or., October 4, 1893.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
been appointed administrator of the es
tate of James P. Metz, deceased. All
persons indebted to said estate, are no
tified to pay the same to me, at Astoria,
Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav
ing claims against said estate, are
hereby notified to present the same to
me, - at the above place; within six
months from the date hereof.
Administrator of the above estate.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th,
day of July. W3.
U to Uo uuuneworK. inquire at 4(X Astor Bt
j T poiiioii.;Mnmp sua rod renccH; aadruse
A. l. Aioiinig, care uus paper.
X work for board and go to bcliool. Inquire
si tins onice.
j and dhvo your clothes dyed and cleaned,
n ko. Mclean, corner olney and ah
VjT tor street, dues a general buslneits In bluuk-
ltinnir ami repairiiitc.
agree that the use
jmicmi An. I of a liver plU after
5 ?S 2 I dinner, or to ao-
: JllirlSl'ir1 5m complish special
Jml k results, uulm-
Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets are better
than other livor
pills in almost ev
ery respect. They're
the amallRst. mslest tn
toko, most natural in the war they act;
faction, or money returned. We all have
vxah tpotf. Gonorally it's the liver. An
active fiver prevents impurities and poisons
from entering the blood. " Pleasant Pellots "
have a tonio effect upon tbo liver and the
general system. I uoy curs indigestion, llys
pepio, Dizzy Spells, Sick or Bilious Head
aches, and all derangements of tha liver,
nuiuouu anu Dowels, q
Tub makers of Dr. Sale's Catarrh
Remedy will pay you $500 If the? can't
giro you a complete and permanent cure.
BrmthbadorHMitwhliiKP Ono cf Ihow- pill
lleve dlatraa In the tomach and cure i twaenc.
m eoh nlBht for weli weeten the tojinch ava
pnrinsa the breath. The Inaure ixrfeoluigcatli
reculate the bowel and cure eonatlpatl'-n. 1 l"J
aot promptly, yet mildly.nevr gripe or aickr: . ! to
Drutfgiat or, mall. lJjaako Jdtd. Co.. It u., 1 ft.
For sale by J, W. Conn. Druggist
Every ilc'itiUltc for
AT -
Polil'u Indcrlaling Parlors,
Third Tueet.
Eatct Seasonable. Em!);l!nln a
We have a
To be sold at the American Book Com
- pany's price list.
A big reduction from last year's prices
By becoming a member of Hill's Lot Clubs you can get
a first class lot in Hill's First Addition to Astoria. Lots
will be delivered weekly. Now is the time to pro
cure a lot to build a home,
I linve nuide nrrnnfremenlH for supplying nny lirnnd of
wini-H in quantities to suit nt lowest chhIi Hollies. Tlie
iraile ami fumilmfl Rupplitnl, All orders doliveretl five
, in Afitorin.
Mnin Street, Alofi:, Ori'i'i-ii-
Leaves for Tillamook Hay Points the day following the nrriviil
j)f the Union Pacific steamers from San Francisco.
Hie steamer R. P. Elmore connctu with Union Pacific learners for 1'oi-t lantl
and throngii tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook liny points liy
the Union l'acillc Co. Ship freight from Portland by Union Pacillc
ELMORE, SANBORN fc CO., Agents, Astoria!
Dalgity's Iron Works,!
JAN. IALITY, J'rop'r.
(.Successor to Armlt & Forclion.)
Holler KcnaliiiM fi iil faiincrv Woik. Ilcnalr-
lnir of Klvor Craft Sriuclallv. Mnehlno Work
of all kinds done. .Shop, (out of Lafayette HI.
Washington Meat Market.
Corner Scrond and Main Streets,
Wholesale and Ketall
Steamboats, Hlilpa and mill mppHed
on short notice. 'iimllirn upp led
promptly al the loweul lines.
CHRISTENSE:i f: CC, P..jv.i -t . s
jr. 13.
Dealer In -
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Blimole Oil. Cot
ton Canvas, Hemp Hull Twine, (.aril oil,
Wrought Iron Spike., Oalvautzted Out Nalla
(3-rooorios, lino.
Agricultural Implements, Swing Ma
niachliieH, 1'alnts and Oils.
has. Heilborn & Son,
Importer and Dealeis In
And rpholstcry.
Ml, WB, 505 Third Htrcct, Astoria.
Is the Best ot Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
Itatet, $2 dally nnd iipwnriK
The Clatsop Market,
'M Third atrect, opposite Hii;et ofllco.
is!i, Oysters, Poultry and Produce.
Free delivery to any pmt ot
the city,. t.
1& to 1 inch, points in
all style's.
8-inch Sturgeon Hook
Files, $1.30 per doz.
full supply of -
Agents Portland.
mrimiiun in .initriLiin ,
oiurrjmixiiim liujuiuiaajiM
i Astoria, Oro go p.
-18 THE -
Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in tho Town
(And the Finest on the Coast. ,
Dinner Parties, Banquets a So r.i
Tk Flaeat Wlaaa and Liqior
Gents' Furnishing' - Goods
Clothing in Endless Variety
S, Danzigcr's, Third Street
ll'roprletors of the
Portland Butchering Cos Markets
Comer Heeond Ami RiiiUm sir els
Coiner Third and V-l Kkhlh slrcrK
Denier in
Stoves, Meet Iron & Copper Ware
Bole aeenl for Mugee Htoves and
.(outline o( all kinds promptly at
tended to. . t . '
4111 Beeond street, Astnrin. "
The Largest Stock, Beat Qu&lil) an-'
Lowest Prices at the Sign of
Tbe Golden Bhoe.
Chop and Oyster House
JOS. TERP, Proprietor. .
Tho bent meal la the city for the moner
Knxteru ovsters. Next door to Odd K. t
tows' building, 4&1 Third HI., Astoria.
Cermai-Americai, Set Tork fitj, S. I.
I'aim Fin mJ Sarin, f Net lealaai
Jiitiosal fire aid lariie lit. C., af BartFuriL
foaaedif at Tin Int. Ca., af Hartfurl
Pbffaii, af Londua. Imperial, af haJL
Sew loik Plate Glut Int. Ca.