The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 30, 1893, Image 1

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    v. t y
VOL. XL, NO. 223.
t if.S 3
a ' '
IIP P J V " j-
The Reliable One Price
600, 002 Third Street, Opposite
itill in the Front!
The staying powers of
tn those of any other ever used
10-Ply 30s
8 Ply 40's
15 Ply 50' a .
7-Ply 30s
9-Ply 30's
J. G. BOSS, Prop'r.
Hues $1 and $1.25 per day. Good accommodations. Clean beds a specialty. Yon
are invited to call, i ree
We are agents for the largest and best companies
represented in Astoria.
Royal Insurance Co., assets,
London Assurance Corp'n
Etna Insurance Co.
Western U. S. Branch,
New Zealand Insurance Co.,
Combined Assets,
Choice Columbia
' I ("Astoria Pk'g Co.
Alori i rk'g Co Astoria . Kinney's. M. J. Kinney Airtoria ..
(Joliu A. Devlin..,, A.rk'iCo... Astoria A-Boothft8onS..Cl.icto -
.... I Mspnolla... Elmore, 8nborn i-ji,
I liviire Samuel Astoria.. - yjite star & Co Asiona
(;,.orgenark,-r.. Astoria.. j fgffi. ZSSHlZ GeOT Barker Astoria...........
j.dll Mhorn & Co. Astoria . J.O.HanthornisCo J. O. Ilantliorn Astoria ;
J. G Megk-r & Co. Brookfleld Stag, St George... J. G. Mcgler .. liiookfleld Wn
i Fishermen's.. Bi.hermen'i .
Scar..lh.avin Alor-
Fishermen s .
Ca!:tH!7crrtjCo Astoria .". CuUI Tl? Co..h"h Frm-iw
Any Boy in Astoria Can
Show You!
"Where rolls the Columbia
And hears no sound save its own flashings."
And where is the larges
in the United States with
a railroad? Or, where is
best place in Astoria to buy
your men's and boys' clothing.
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks
Valises, Umbrellas Etc. at lbf
to 33 pei cent, less than else'
where? ' ' "
25 per cent reduction
mens' and boys' cloth
until lurther notice
Clothier and Halter,
Foard & Stokes', Astoria, Or.
Marshall's Twintf anr superior
on the Columbia river.
12 Ply 40's
14-Ply 40's
Astoria, Oregon.
dub meets an Bteamooats.
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
River Salmon,
Thirty-two Miners Entombed aii
to Drowned like Eats,.
A Brave Foreman who went back to
Warn his men anil waa never
seen again.
Associated Press.
Iron Mountain, Mich., Sept. 29. It
was reported this morning that the
Mansfield mine, a few miles from Crys
tal Palls, caved In last night, killing
40 miners. The miners are burled un
der a heavy mass, and there Is no pos
sible chance of escaping alive. Rescu
ing parties are hard et work. Unless
the Imprisoned men can be reached In
a short time they will all be lost, as the
wuter Is rising fast, and will soon
reach them even If they are not already
dead. The main shaft of themlne ex
tends under the Mlchlganne river, Ind
The subsiding of the ground turned the
stream Into the mine,, flooding it al
most instantly. There were sixty" men
in the mine, but fifteen eajied.
Later There are now said to have
teen only three men who escaped. l!4ity'
were In the shaft at the time of the
accident, and were literally blown out
by the rush of water and air. Thirty
seven are actually known to be dead.
The mine is flooded to the level of the
river bed, and it is impossible for any
cne of the missing to be alive.
Tony Bulletto, a skip tender, was
standing with Frank Rocko," the night
boss, at the shaft on the fourth level.
They 'heard the crash and realized
what was coming: . Rocko went Into
the drift to Inform- his men of the dan
ger, and did not return. Bulletto came
to the surface in the skip alone. An
drew Sullivan, another night boss, was
cn the sixth level at the time of the
accident Uncalled his men to follow
quickly. All but four on this . level
rtached the ladder In safety. As they
ascended, however, they were nearly
suffocated, so great was the air pres
sure caused by the water pouring
down the Bhaft. They were able to
breath only at each landing place and
came to the surface more dead than
r.Hve. Mine Inspector Roberts says his
deputy has been employed in the mine
and has given the work his dally at
tention. He also says he visited the
mine personally at required Intervals,
It Is clearly demonstrated," said he,
that the ring system of mining cannot
be employed in that sort of ground.
The company has taken all necessary
precautions in the conduct of the
The lost miners are: Samuel Peters,
married; Jas. Strong, married; "W.- H.
Pierce, married; Frank Brocker, Swan
Johnson, Sam Johnson, Mike Harring
ton, Al. TarresanI, Frank Johnson,
Sheltlmo Zodra, Pete Tury, Nocclo
Fontani, Charles Pohl, Bax Torurall,
John Klrruppa, John Llndstrom, John
Randalo, John Warner, Oscar Lund-
qulst, Chlrlc Arcanzelo, Ant Stlfano,
August Cologr.o, O. D. Constant!, Vig
ils Zodra, and Celisti Nezrl. The mine
was developed about pix years ago and
worked continuously since. It is es
timated that 200,000 tons of ore were In
sight when the accident occurred. To
day It is a worthless pit, only marked
by a small bay caused by the sinking
from the natural bed of the Mlchlganne
Cut Indignant Citizens Made Him Dis
gorge in a Hurry.
Boise, Idaho, Sept. 29. News comes
om Mountain Home that a few days
ago a Chinaman was held up by two
men and robbed of 1200. The highway
men were recognized and arrested,
their names being Clark and Shirley.
Shirley was released for the reason
that the victim could not identify him
owing to his being masked at the time
the robbery. The citizens then took
hold of the matter. They took Shirley
out and suspended him from a tree.
After being well choked he was let
down. He then disclosed where half
the money was. After being suspended
cain he said that of the other hair ne
paid a lawyer fifty to defend him, and
constable twenty dollars to let his
partner out of JaiL The remainder
as spent about town. The Chinaman
was glad to recovei" half the money.
last the Deadlock in the Senate
May Me Broken.
Washington, Sept 29. The democrat
: repeal senators have practically giv
i up the idea that the Sherman law
in be repealed unconditionally, and
have, after numerous conferences, ae-
cided ujon a compromise which they
holieve will end the long fight and
secure the passage of a bill to relieve
prt.-nt situation, by the ena oi
next w'K. ?-'
democratic repeal senators are actively
engaged in arranging the terms of a
compromise and tonight It Is believed
they have succeeded. It involves con-
sessions on both sides; it repeals the
purchasing clause; provides for the
coinage of a specified amount, of two
or two and a half million per month
until the total silver coinage shall
bo $7,000,000,000; . then the coinage
of all bullion in th-i treasury and
gold reserve to an amount which is
deemed, sufficient to Insure the main
tenance of, gold and silver at a parity.
When the proposition was submitted
to Secrelarv ftorllsle lost nleht he In
sisted uWj latter provision to the
agreement"'1 rfc general understanding
tonight is tut the silver republican
penators agr. to the compromise. The
only thing in the way ofthe program
now seems to be the president.
Washington, ' Sept 29. In the houne
he debate on the Tucker bill repealing
the federal elections bill was resumed
tcday. Lacy, of Iowa, spoke In opposi
tion to it.
Washington, Sept. 29. In the senate
Cameron, of Pennsylvania, presented a
petition from the Philadelphia manu
facturers asking for legislation to re
tain . in'otectlon and the integrity of
silver -a a money metal on the basis
heretofore sent in these dispatches. The
repeal bill was tehn taken up. Harris,
democrat, of Tenness33, spoke against
It. Ho would accept any reasonable
Morgan, of Alabama, then addressed
tile senate. He " began by discussing
the ; probability of securing a treaty
with. Great Britain on the silver ques
tion," which he said was very remote.
An International agreement in respect
to monetary matters was impossible of
(xeoution. Morgan did not conclude his
speech this evening, and in reply to a
question from Voorhees said he would
go on in the morning; if it was con
sistent for him to do so.
Washington, Sept. 29. The president
has nominated
PEtlRY BICKFORD, of Wyoming,
to bft surveyor general of Wyoming;
a rear admiral;
a commodore.
Denver, Sept. 29. Word has been re
ceived from Monitor, Yuma county, of
the murder of Postmaster H. M. Pot
ter and his assUtant, Robert Roberts,
possibly by Indians.
In order to add to the exact knowl
edge of ocean currents, ther-s are forms
which are called "bottle papers." On
these little papers, an invitation, in
six languages, is extended to the mas
ters of vessels, to enter occasionally
upon the proper lines of the form the
name of the vessel, and her captain, the
date and .the ship's pobltlon; and then
to seal the paper in a bottle and cast
it into the sea. In other lines of this
form, a request is made, in the same
six languages, that the finder will write
clearly the exact place where, and date
when, any bottle waa picked up, and by
whom, and then forward it to the hy
drographlc office at Washington, or to
any of our consulates abroad. These
bottles, ' of course,' drift in the ocean
currents. Some are . picked up soon
after they'are thrown overboard, others
drift for over a year before being re
covered. They furnish valuable, rec
ords for more correctly fixing the cur
rents already known. . .
Day after day these reports are re
ceived by the meteorological office;
each one is acknowledged promptly,
and then given to the staff of workers
known aa nautical experts.
The result of their labor is that on
the last day of every month is Issued a
chart on which appears all the informa
tion received during the month that
has .gone. The chart, then, contains
a review of the past month, and a fore
cast for the rqonth that is to follow.
- The prevailing winds to be expected,
and their strength, as foretold by men
of many '- years experience, are given
for the month.' to coma The various
sailing routes best adapted for that
month are mapped out, as well as the
steamship routes adopted by the prin
cipal transatlantic steamship compan
ies. Every floating wreck, with its
position when last reported; each ice
berg as met with in Its place during
the preceding month, and the fog banks
determined in thj same way, are fixed
end shown by marks. Besides all this,
the latent charts that have been is
sued by the office, and the last "No
tices to Mariners" are mentioned. In
the upper left-band corner is either a
Httle chart prepared in addition, on
rome . subject of, timely interest, or
some further remark about things on
the great chart Itself. Lieutenant-Commander"
Sturdy, in St. Nicholas.
' Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 29. Snow fell
here very briskly half an hour this
ufjraissz. ...
Conflicting Reports Continue - to Coie
lrom all sides,
While the Government Troops Announce
Demorallaatlou among the
Associated Press-
London, Sept. 29. Alarming cable
messages have been received from tho
Argentine Republic. Anarchy, It Is as
serted, prevails in the River Platte
teglon. When :ha dlspatcheB left Bue
nos Ayres heavy fighting was reported
In progress north of Buenoa Ayres. The
surrender of Santa Catharlna Is looked
upon as an Important victory for the
rebels, as It Is contiguous to Rio Grand
do Sul, which la not seriously dlHaf
fected, and will serve as a base from
which the rebels will direct their in
land operations, as the rebel comman
der Intends to carry on the war on land
and gradually, if possible, to gather
together an army strong enough to
meet president Pelxoto's forces in a
pitched battle. Pelxbto is said to be
greatly annoyed and alarmed at this
fresh success on the part of the rebels.
New York, Sept. 29. A cable from
Rio Janeiro received at the coffee ex
change today says that the coffee mar
ket la paralyzed, and that no bonks
are open.
London, Sept. 29. A private dispatch
received here from Rio de Janeiro by
a prominent firm engaged heavily in
Brazilian trade gives the following im
portant Information: "Tha American
minister yen'.sr&xf instructed the com
mander of the United States steamship
Charleston to protect American goods
in barges in the bay from seizure by
the revolutU nlst squadron. He also
telegraphed the government at Wash
ington advising the. United States to
Vigorously protest against, the further
bombardment of Rio de Janeiro. Many
non combatants have been killed and
much property destroyed by repeated
firing on the city. The United States
government has instructed' Minister
Thompson to make every possible ef
fort to protect American persons and
property, and has advised him that all
the moral force of the government
should be exerted to prevent further
debtructlon and bloodshed.
Buenos Ayres, Sept. 29. According to
advices received here the iinurgenlr
at Rosarlo are in a slate of demorali
zation, and u speedy ending of the rev
olution Is looked forward to. Gen. Eo
plna, who incited Uie attack mujlo by
tho rebel torpedo boats upon the gov
ernment war vessels, will bo shot to
St. Lbuls. Sent. 29. A special to the
Republic from Fort Worth, Texas, says:
"The treasury of the state of Texas has
obligations to meet in October with
only half tho money necessary to pay
them. Appropriations in excess of the
comptroller's estimate of possible re
ceipts is the cause of tho present trou
ble. Governor Hqgff has suggested as
a solution that the clerks In the depart
ments do not take any pay for thirty
or forty days, and also send out cir
culars to all county and district offi
cials asking that they withhold their
demands for thirty or CO days.
Hundreds of Tramps from Oregon Vis
iting the Golden fetate.
San Francisco, Sept. 29. The super
intendent of the Southern Pacific at
Sacramento telegraphed to railroad of
ficials here today that about 200 tramps
were en route to that city, coming from
Portland and other points to the north
and east. The men were represented
as a rough lot, and the superintendent
asked for instructions as to the course
he should pursue. He said that about
100 of them had traveled on passenger
trains out of Ashland, and had defied
the' train hands for a time In their
effort to eject them. They were put
off In Hornbrook, but were pinked up
by the following freight and are, again
on their way. In addition to thlB gang,
100 more had started out of -Red Bluff
Highest of all in Leavening fWcr, Litest U. SGov't Report
zy vr ;. Fry r?
this morning on a freight, and mem
bers of both these parties openly stated
that they were merely tho advance
guard of what was to come. The srew
on the passejiger train were kept busy
In their efforts to keep the fellows off,
and the latter were unspalrlng In their
threats to got even with the railroad
company for ejecting them. No efforts
were made to put them oft the freight
trains. General Superintendent. Fill
more telegraphed Instructions to carry
the men when It was found that they
were lit too large numbers to be kept
Ihe Collector In San Francisco to Act
as a Disbursing Agent.
Washington, Sept. 29. Assistant Sec
retary Hamlin has Issued tho follow
ing Instructions to the collector of cus
toms in San Francisco concerning the
Chinese held for the violation of the
Geary law and other acts:
"Chinese persons whether convicted
under the Geary or previous acts, muHt
not be received by you but must re
main in custody of the marshal until
deported. You are authorized to pay
oil actual and necessary expenses In
curred by the marshal in the transpor
tation of the Chlneso from Inland ports
to Fan Francisco; al3o steamship charg
es for the deportation on vouchers cer
tified by the marshal to be taken by
you In each case. You will be made a
special disbursing agent for this pur
pose. Should any case occur before
jour qualification aa special disburs
ing agent, such expenses may be paid
from the funds in your hands to be
relmbursad from the Chinese appro
priation. Mako the best temporary ar
rangements possible with the steam
ship companies as to rates and advise
the department."
Vienna, Sept. 23. The excitement
over the discovery of an anarchist plot
Is still ab fever heat. Four anarchist
more arrests are hourly expected. The
more arrests are hourl yexpected. The
police are In possession of facts of the
greatest interest to the police of the
several European capitals, as well as
Chicago and New York, establishing
beyond ai doubt connection between
tho Austrian -plotters and anarchlata
In Chicago and New York.
Portland, Or., Sept. 29. About forty
members of tho Washington Press As
sociation arrived here this afternoon
snd are guests of the Oregon Press As
sociation now In session here. The Or
egon Press Association today elected
Q. L. Campbell, of the Eugene Guard,
president. A. L. Tozler was re-elected
New York, Sept, 29. A morning pa
per nays: "A business associate of
.lohu J. Van Allen, Cleveland's nominee
for nmb-isHp.dor to Italy, said Inst night
that Van Allen had written to the pres
ident declining th9 mission to Rome.
Sedall.T,, Mo., Sept. 29. Heavy rains
here have 10 softened the track that
the races down for today, including
Dlrectum's great trial, are postponed
until tomorrow.
Mt. Vernon, Go., Sept. 29. At noon
today five ncgroe murderers were hang
ed on the Sams scaffold, at the same
time, In public. Thousands witnessed
the execution.
Morris Park, Sept. 29. Domino today
lowered the world's record for six fur
longs by three quarters of a second.
His tline was 1:09
Of Herman Wise's stock is now In full
blast. Everything sacrificed.
M. WISE, Mortgagee.
P. S. All persons Indebted to ller
.min Wise will please settle at once.
Notice is hereby given that I have
been appointed administrator of the es
tate of James P. Metz, deceased. All
persons Indebted to said estate, are no
tified to pay the same to me, at Astoria,
Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav
ing claims against sold estate, are
hereby notified to present the same to
me, at the above place, within six
months from the date hereof.
Administrator of the above estate.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th.
day of July, mi.