Tltfi DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTOllIA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1893. The Daily Astorian. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . DAILY. Poi-vcd by Carrier, per week.... 15 cts Kent by Mail, per month 60 cts bent by Mail, per year 7.00 WEEKLY. Kent l)y Mall, per year, $2.00 in advance. Montage five to eubacrlbern. The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any m-wspaper published on tho Columbia ' Advertising rates can be cbtalnet? c.i application to the business managi r. This paper Is in possession of all .he telegraph franchises, and is the . ujy paper on the lower Columbia that y llHies genuine dispatches. The Daily Astorian's clrculatlor is five times us great as that of the com bined circulation of the other dally pa- F Th Weekly itorian, the third oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation in the state. Subscribers to The Astorian are re quested to notify this oftlce, without loss of time, immediately they full to receive their daily paper, or when they do not get it at the usual hour. By doing this they will enable the man ocement to place the blBme on the "proper parties, and to ensure a speedy Handiey & Haas are our Portland aeer.ts and copies of The Astorian can be had every morning at their stand on First street. TIDE TABLE. II Mill WAT Kit. LOW W TKIt "JUL fiTnii ft l. III. . in. t in. fun i rtl h nil (I'll ml It HHinr-liiy...' 8 in. I, iv ....'J I Ainu l .y,...; I Ml 2' 11 !H 7 7 ii 2!i 6 on 6 41 5 r2 2 4 6 .HI I ! T (i II H ill) (MO 0 12 51(7 8 1 fci'H Si I) JlliH W T"IAY"S WEATHER. Portland, Sept. 23. For Oregon and WaKhngliiii, general fair weather, slightly warmer. Local weather for the twenty-four In urs ending at 5 p. m yesterday, fi.rnlshcd by the U. 3. Department Of A'-iunlture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 66 degrees. Minimum temperature, 45 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1893 to date, 4.02 inches. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, .99 Inch. AN OPENING FOR REFORM. The Oregon Mist Is advocating a re form that certainly seems needful, and If what our little contemporary says Is correct the mntlor should be tuken up and Investigated. The Astorian will next Wednesday present the views of both log scalers and 'oggers on this question: The Mist snys: "An officer whobe services are badly reeded along the Columbia river Is a Blat log scaler. The gigantic steals which are systematically perpetrated by men who scale for the mill men have become such a loss to the logger that for the sake of simple Justice some action should be taken to give them Immunity from the bold-fuced robberies of which they are the help less victims. This matter has become such a crying evil that Immediate ac tion should be taken to suppress It mid give the logger a square deal. The present process Is to tow a raft to Ihi mill and scale tho logs after they are in t-he boom. This work is done y nn employe of the mill to which the logs are sold, and his term of O'TUo and the amount of his salary depends altogether upon hlr ability as a thief. If he can step upon a 300,000 foot rnft and make It scale about one hundred and reventy-flve thousand feet, his Betrvloes are, of course, inval uable to tho mill rrmn. He Is, of course, well aware of this fact, and governs himself accordingly. After the raft Is In the boom the logger Is completely at tho mercy of the mill man and has nothing to do but accept the mill scale. If the office of state log sealer could be created tho loggers could pay him. five cents a thousand fur his services and Rive about fifteen or twenty cents more than they now get for their logs per thousand. By a little concerted action on the part of the loggers this ouieo could be created and by paying him a little more on the side than the mill men would be willing to pay, the lookers could ex pect better treatment." The good work being done In this city by the Rescue club cannot be overestimated. Apart from the main spring of Its actions the temperance cause the club is responFililo for a public, entertainment every Saturday night that forma a welcome break In the monotony, for hundreds of Asto ria's residents. These entertainments are gaining fust In popular favor. First, they are fre: second, they are merit orious In the highest degree; and last ly, such an air of welcome permeates the hall and surrounds the new comer that he must of necessity call again. until It becomes a habit from which he has no Inclination to break. We no tice that a commute of the club has ben appointed to make arrangements fur a grand social evening In order to il.-fray the balance of the expenses in -nT.d In enlarging the building. The -y-yi j a iNl u-o-jw, and the public can by purchasing tickets generously, show to some extent that they are not ungrateful for the effort that have been mad steadily for years post to please and amuse them. We publish in another column a com munication from Dr. August Kinney. It is valuable, principally because It points the way to a scheme; that culls for self reliance, and the bringing out of a feeling of confidence, without de pendence on outsiders. The letter should be carefully read and com mented on by every business man In this city We Invite a discussion on Its merits, through these columns. Tho Astorian publishes the following communication from Mr. John L. Carl son in reference to the small-pox dldl- culty. There Is an affidavit extant sworn to by Louis Olsen to the effect that tho trunk destroyed was his per sonal property. There Is a mistake somewhere, and the following Is glad ly printed as it gives one side of the controversy: I see your paper maintains that the claim of Chas. Olsen against the city Is fraudulent. This Is not so. Chas. Ol sen let a chest containing clothes In my house about two months before the smallpox patient came there. Ho had often before left his clothes In this same chest in my house during five five or six years last past. When Louis Olsen came, Chas. Olsen was at Ilwaco and Louis Olsen was assigned the room where Chas. Olsen's cheBt was. Dr. Walker took the chest and destroyed It, and before he did so I particularly told him the chest was not that of the smallpox patient, and asked him not to destroy it Now there is no job bery in this affair on the part of either Charley Olsen or myself. The health officer simply destroyed Charley Ol sen's chest, clothes and effects, and he Is trying In an honest and straight forward manner to have the city do justice by him. I know what Is right In! the matter, and should like to see Mr. Olsen get his pay for hns property in asmuch as it was left in my house. SET HIM RIGHT. otna Knln. the well known English writer, on his Inst Australian trip, wrote as follows to the London Dally Telegraph: t aanArlu lv have a nleasant remem brance of the ship's doctor a very ex perienced maritime medico Indeed, who klnrllv diirlncr a. horri ble spell of bronchitis and spasmodic asthma, provoaea uy eea. iu wmin had swooped down ou us jUBt after we Hun svnnpia.-iv rt it tha doctor's prescriptions and the increasing warmth of the temperature as we near ed the tropics, and in particular, a ,.,,! r.r AinnU'n Porous Plasters clapped on one on the chest and an other oetween the snouiaer oinues soon set me right." HERE'S YOUR CHANCE.'"' A Most Magnificent Offer by a Dry Goods House. tori tn estimate the weight of the 50.00 Doll (Jenness Mill er) jUBt as It now appears in me win dow of Shanahan Bros. Tho Ann will ho ptvpn tn the rjer- son making the best estimate. If two or more persons guess me correct weight, they must settle the owner ship between themselves. The Doll will be weighed and cards examined by the following committee: F. Stokes, of the firm of Foard & ctniraa r w ntinlmr prlltnr Budeet. and C.' J. Curtis, editor of the Herald. Every purchaser or arygooas to me amount of $2.50 is entitled to a guess. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Thin mmpriv la hecomlntr so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and It is guaran tor tn An nil that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try v.iivtt-in nittora Kntlra satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Price 60c. and $1.00 per bottle at Charles Rogers' drug store. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XT,a(..v la VamW crlvAn lint the lin- dersigned has been appointed admin istrator or tne estate oi caromie nn sen, lato of Clatsop county, Oregon, II nersons having claims against said estate must pre sent the sam amy vermea iu mo uu j,..uni oi tha iiio of Pulton Bros, itlnrnlni In thai CitV of ABtOrlll. in said county within six months from this date, August Din, THE FORCED MORTGAGE S.VLE. Of Herman Wise's stock Is now In full blast. Everything sacrificed. h. wisia. Aiorigngw. P. 8. All rersons Indebted to Her man Wise wUPpieas seme at once. Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. lire uvi . , i . , , . bruises, sores, picers. sail rneum. vo sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, anu an sain eruptions, uu """."'V, ly cores plies, or no pay reinuru. i. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents ct box. hor sale Dy cuaa. xoger, v vasor to J. C. Dement PROVEN A BOON. l!onllamnn T hfflvn IllwnVS IV CO 111 mended KrauBe's Headache Capsules wherever i nave nna a cnance. hnt.i nnw.An n voritnlllA Ihmn in IUV family against any and all kinds of headache, lours truiy, J. E. WALTER. Tjn von worth. Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, solo agent. It Should Be In Every House. J. n. Wilson. S71 Clay strect-Phnrpsburg. fa., says ne vui not uv wimvu ' t'ouKhs and Colds; that it cured his wife a-ii.. iiiMatriii with nni'tinionla after an attack of la grippe, when various .ii.. . I (. ti v wi H n in nail none ner no goon, iwi" i"ii. . . . . . i . ..... . i ... i ' iiu m New IMscnvery has dune him m.we Rood anyiiung ne ever uscn nr inns ....-. Nothing like It. Try 11. rw mm .i..- . i..... a.... mrv KNOCKS lira a l v nan. "r tor tn J. C. n.muiit. Lal'iiii botji-S W ceii i ana u. Call at ths At..ii Ti-al Fjlat F.x- addition for Ji A SAFFRON COLORED INDEX. Of the condition of a bilious stomach and slupq-Rlsh liver is the human coun tenance. Not only the skin, but the eyeballa, uie tinged with the yellow hue when tho bile gets into tho blood. Uesdlea this, sick headache ensues, the tongue becomes furred, pains are felt in the liver and through the right shoulder blade, and dizziness Is exper ienced upon rising from a sitting or recumbent posture by the bilious indi vidual. For these and other indication of biliousness, Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters Is the sovereign remedy. It is also efficacious in chills . and fever, dumb ague, ague' cake, inactivity of the kid neys, and bladder, rheumatism and l'Orvr.ii:mt:s. It stimulates, restores dl pesliini, rind sleep, ' and tends greatly to mitigate the infirmities of age. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twen ty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. A Sure Cure lor J'ilca. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Bemedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays . Itching and effects q permanent cure. 60c. Druggist or main Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 31!9 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hold by J. W. Conn. NOTICE! Use Zlnfandel wine Intead of coffee or tea. DO cents per gallon. Dont forget Peach and anrlcot brandy, nlso French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. Handley & Han, 150 first street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorian, so that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. TOO 0FTENTHE CASE. INTERESTIKG PROOFS. A youncr society lady, after a round of gayety, becomes suddenly conscious of an mi usual sensation. Slie Iiuj frequent attacks of dizzinc&o, her bck aches, and she feels blue and generally run down. Mothers, look well to your daughters! Daughters, look well to yourselves I Let the first symptom denoting the ai- prouch of disease receive your instant atten tion. Healthy women are the hope of the race, and it is well-nigh criminal to neglect anything which promises relief. There is hope ior o( sulicrers from jservous Dineasts. Keud what follows : Mrs. Jennie C. Davis, a fine artist and an accomplished authoress, of Westfielil, Wis., had been subject to headache ever since she could remember. So severe were her at tacks as to cause at times temporary delirium. All treatment had failed to relieve her, but after using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine s'ie writes: "My record is to meat least, satisfactory. No headache, constantly in creasing appetite, and a consequent gain iu weight of two and a half pounds in just one week." Six weeks later she writes: "Ilavo read mid sewed immoderately oi late, but my headaches do not return," Mrs. John R. Miller.of Valparaiso, Ind., was attacked three years ago with turn of life in its worst form. It finally went to her lioail, and all indications were that it would result cither in insanity or softening of the brain. Her husband thus writes; "Itwould be impossible for mo to attempt a description oj her aufferingi duriug all this time. She was treated by ouruery best local physicians, with but temporary benefit. She hns takeu four bottles of Dr. Miles' Restobativb Nervine, and is cured. She lias gained twenty pounds in weight. I tel! yon, sue often blesses you for what you have done for her." Recollect that for the curb of all Ner vous Diseases there is no remedy which ap proaches Dr. Milat Restorative Nervine. Il is free from dangerous drugs and opiates. Sold by all druggists, on a positive guarantee, or Dr. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind. Those who have a rii p Digestion 3 have little sympathy rj for the dyspeptic. They U can eat everything that y comes along. While f they can eat rich food " without fear ofi the t Htrcnmfir c pvnprl. ml ences, they neverthe- L less greatly appreciate J3 a delicate flavor in fl Molenei m when used as a short- I enuig, always pro- yj duces the finest flavor- f ed pastry, which is en tirely free from the many objections which t the use of lard always j produces. Test its - value by one trial. I Pond thrpe cents In stumps toN. K. f ? J noiuefottolene Cook Book, coutin- H lnu xl humlnsl recl5s, pnprwl by j i Dliis eminent mithorulra on cooklog. 1 S i . X .. .. .1...... t. .1., ... .I, BnUVM I -J I Cuuoleat) is sold by all grown. n j Made only by 1 N. K.FAIRBAN2 & C0 U 1 ST. LOUIS and h HCHICAOO. NCW YORK, BOSTON i DR. GUMS mmwsrnip COLDS AA J CSUUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. tHXJ'ii-i o( omn vrupt P'kM, the nxt moraiua r- ortnih w r ". r Cnp It t vi r.o rMl. 4ta uumUMivwWMiuoaASoi(lii60ai For eale fcy J. W. Conn, Prugtst. nOTIilfJG LIKE j SWIFT'S Hl'KClFIC is totally unlike any ij other IiIihhI medicine. Itciiremiiseasesof u " tlielilood and skin by removlni; the iMiiiton, and at tlie dame time snpiilies good blood m the wasted parts. Don't he imposed on hy snlisti tutes, which are Bald to be just as Rood, it is r.ottrur. No medicine (M TUC l"ftf8 II hasiierforniedasuiany 111 I lib IIUtiLV wouderlul cures, or relieved so much nulli-ring. ' My blood was badly poisoned last year, which eot my whole system out of order-.dlseaseil and I. ciliBuaiii. wjiiiwj i d..i. . ...p.. "v "i...- no enjoyment of life. Two bouleaof pSrSffni broiit;lit mo rifiht out. There is no B&S yl better remedy for blood diseases. nwmx a ,i . - . . . . m.u ii juiin UAVjn, uajiuii, umu Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, (la. PKOKE&SIONAIi CAKDS. J A. SMITH DENTIST, Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W C. LOCAN D D. 8. V . DiiNTAIj PARLORS. Mausell Rloek, Third Street. I E. LaFORCE p. O. S. Havel HuildliiK, Opposite Occident Hotel. HULTON BOS., AT'luHN liV'S-AT-L AW, Rooms .'I, 4, 5 and ti, Odd Fellows' building, Astoria, Oregon. WM. LAFORCE AITOKNKY AT LAW. Olliec, Kooiiih 7 and 8, Kluuey's building. A A. CLEVELAND, AT'i'OKMKli AT LAW. oillee-Kluuey's new brick building, corner Third and Genevieve strceta ; up stairs. SILAS B. SMITH AnouMCV a r LAW, (llllco over A. V. Allen's stoic, corner Third aud Cass streets. FRANK J. TAYLOR, A'n'OKM.Ar-I.AW, Astoria, Oregon. J O.A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AiI) COCXCELOtt AT LAV OfUcs on Second Street, - Astoria, Or. R. W. C. BELT, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OSlce over store of J. b. Wyatt, Second street near (iencvleve, DRS. A. L, and J. A. FULTON. Ul.SEAJlii UU' WO.MKN Aal'KClALrY. surirery by r. J. A. Kultou. Olllce 178 Oa-is street.. Hour. 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN l HUKCiUON: R lOM 7. (Ullceover Osgood's Clothing storo, hours, 10 to 12 in, 2 to 6 p, in, 7 to 8 p in. Sunday, 1U to 11 111. DR. O, B, ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women aud Surgery. Ouice over Duoziger'g store Astoria. TAY TUTTLE M.D., O I'liYSICtAN, sUKGEmN & ACCOUCHKUK. Olllce, rooms a, 4 over Astoria NatlonalUank. hours, Id to 12 Si 2 to5. Residence. 639 Cedar at. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. HOMlKofATlllO PHYSICIAN & SUR gooii. OlUee, 45t. Third street. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Residence 4G8 3d street f P. MULLINIX, M. D., JJ. dives special iieatment for Catarrh, lluoat Lungs, Kidney Uenito-Urinary organs Olllce upstairs,5S4 1'hlrd St. Hours,!) a.m, p.m. JJR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dealer iu Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 357 Second Street, Astoria, BUSINESS CARDS. ? WICKMAN l1 . CON I'RACTOR. House moving and street planking. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 l'ine street. A GIBBONS, . aUjUsIHk OH ACCOUNTS and PROf ESSlONAL H30KKKKPKR. Offh k : W.tli Oeiieral Alesseuger Co,, 615 Skaiuo(iie street T H. MANSELL. J . ItbAl. fiSiAl E IIKOKKR. Notary Public, t'ite aud Accident Insurance, w W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCB ACEN1 Olllce Hi lleiiuin street, Astoria, Oregon. W. T. BUKNIT, J. W. OKAFKK Burney & Draper, A liorneya Oregon City, Oi egon. Twelve years' experience as register of th U. 8. Ijtiul Olllce here, reeoinmends us In out specially of .Mining and all other business be fore tho Uiiid oillee or the Courts, and involv ing the practice oi Iho Geueral Laud Olllce. B ROCKENBROUCH A COWING. LAW OFKICK, OREOON CITY, Ott. Kieciul alteiition given to land business. 8et tlers on homesteads or pre-emption claims and llinlicr laud purchaics shown every advantage of tho law. For assistance in making dual proof call on us. J. A. FASTABEND GKNEUAL CONTUACTOK. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and Wharf Building. Address, Box ISO, postolllee. 31 AGS US V. KOSHY, DltALKH IN HARD WAKE, IKON, STEEL, IRO.V P1P AND FITTINGS. STOVES AM) - TINWARE, Hons FumKhlng Goods, Sheet l-esd, Strip Leal, Sheet Ir Tin and t'oper. ROSS, HIGCINi A CO. butchers - and - Grocers, Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffees. Table DellcaclM, lVinirstic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeta bles, sugar cured limns, baeou, etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS Every Requisite for FIRST-CUSS FUNERALS Mi's Fiidcrtatiiig Parlors, Third Ttreet opevuiltT. Ripans Tabules Ripati3 Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual, constipation,, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of SDirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription .widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Sevtnty-five Cents. One Packjge (pour Boxes) 1 wo Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample addreit RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. Merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connecting with Canadian Feed do and Great NTtlii-n Hallway aud China Hteanishlp K.'nt Taking freight and passengors for Vancouver and Viutorla 11. 0. and Seattle, Interna and nil Hound rolnts. lnvinL' Astoria everv 10 daw". For particulars apply at the office Astoria ADstraa i . s I. cxi. FEBtfVJSON BHOS., AgenU. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Bun rifiv fit. 7 n. m. Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday at 2 p.m. Leaves Fortland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a. m. V. W. S'iONE, Agent, Astoria. E. A. tiKKLSY, Oeneral Agent, Portland Or, HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Homes tie Wines. Llouors and (Jlirars. J. H. Gutter Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blab Bottled Beer, Fluest brauds of Key West ana Domestic (Jigars. LlnnnrN for Medicinal Purnoses. Family Trade Hollottod Ail. orders from flu City ana Country proi'v,y flllod. Squemoque Btreot, - Astoria. Oregou THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts s trustee for wrporatlouB and Individ Interest will be allowed on savings deposits OB 1U11UW n, On ordinary savings h Kks 4 per cen: nei annum. On term savings books 6 per cent, per annum. On certificates of deposit: For threo months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months, 6 per cent, per annum. s For twelve months, 6 per cent, per annum. - I Tir oi an Praalri ATI! J. Q. A. BOWLW.7.3.V.7..'T.Vioe-Pr'aideJil FKANK rA'ITOJN - t""' W. E. UKMEST -...Secretary dirkctobs: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Gust Holmes, C. H. Pace, Benj. Youni;, A. a. Reed. F. J. Taylor. The Store of John G. Niemi Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who are goiiiR to close out the stock, intending purchasers will do well to call anil examine goojs and prices before purchasing elsewhere. They also have a good watchmaker to do repairing. .Foard & Stokes cmooEna Dealers In Olasswai-o, Crockery. Ship Supplies, Tobacco, Wines and Fine Whiskies. Hue Teas and Coffee a Kneclalty. The Finest Display of Fruits iu the Citv, Fresh on Every Steamer. Comet of Third and West Eightu streets. TEL B. PAEKKK DEALEK IN Lime. Urlck, Sand, Fire Brick, Fire Olay. Cement, Mill Feed, Oats. Hay, straw Wood lh)liveri to Order. Draying, Taminjt wid Kxpmi Btuinesi. Q. A. STIIJSON & CO.. BLACKSMITHING Ship aud Cannery work. Horsesnoeinfr, Wag ons made aud repaired. IH d w.rk pmranteed Ou Cass street, opposite lue ' i mi Talk olllce FISHER BROTHERS SHIP "CHANDLERS. Heavy and Shall HAEDW K Carry in ! Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paints, 'lils, Vamishe, Loggers' Supplies, Kaiibsnk'i Scale, Poors and Windows. f r 0 " ? ! r. P i mi. V I V I V W. FLOCK ind MILL FFED. ASTOEIA. - - 0BEG5O. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE S ST PAUL RAILWAY CONNECTING WITH ALL TllANS ENTAL LINES -IS BE RUNNING Eloctrio Lightod Cars BETWBENI ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AN' 0MAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS TKA1N8 consist ol VKST1 BULED, SLEEPIMti, DIN1NU AND PARLOR CARS, HEATED BY STEAM And lurnlshed with every luxury known modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safetj this Line is Unequaled Tickets ou sale at all prominent rail offices. For further information Inquire of any tick agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CA.SEY, Trav. Pasn. Asrt. POKTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ,.AND... ALL' POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Rente of the Southern Pacific Comply Th. Or Ij Boat Through IC&Ufornia to a Point Eut and South The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS 8XCOND-CUS8 SLIEPtNO CASS Attached to er press trains, affnt .1ln Kor ralea, tickets, sleeping cr rwrtiont et'-, call upon or aridrem K. P. ROUaiiS, A-ist-ant Creneral f reU;Ut aud taasenger Aent,fort