THE DAILY ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1893. : LUMMERING NOTES. The Prospects for Milling: Better than for Some Time Past. The following lumber notes come from a Seattle correspondent: There Is a noticeable Improvement ln the shin gle business In this section. All the railroad companies report an Increase In the demand for cars for this pur pose, and there la a slight Improve ment in the demand for lumber cars. Managers and proprietors generallv are petting things In readiness to begin run ning again In a few days. The Ii .rn Ing & Ayci'nt Company, which is burnt out ct Ballard some time a.., Is clearing the old site on the water frcnt at that place preparatory to the er c tlon of a new saw mill. The mo t of the machinery which passed through the fire, Is now being renovated at Seattle. Eurl & Donohue are building a new saw mill at East Clallam with a dally capacity of 50,000 feet or more. The Puget Sound Machinery Depot, of Seattle, is building the plant. The Estus saw mill at Elma is being oper ated by the hands this month, they taking the output for their pay. Gran ger & Slater's mill at Summit has been closed down for the present, with sev eral thousand dollars' worth of product on hand. The shingle and planing mills of the Standard mill at Snohom lull have resumed operations, after a month's Idleness. Extensive repairs have been madei on the Auld shingle mill at Ballard, and sawing was re- sinned this week. In Sparks & Mona- Khan's mill, at Gctchell, a young lady has been employed for some time pack ing r.hlnglos; she is making a success .f the business and earns good wages. Her pioneer determination has opened up a new (leld of employment for her sex, hitherto In this section monopo lized by the sterner gender. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is nereoy given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of Jamea P. Metz, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the tame to me, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against 'said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. JAMES W. HARE. Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th, day of July. Wi. ANOTHER CUT IN RATES. PASSENGER Five dollars less over the Union Pa cific to Missouri river and Intermedi ate points, effective Sunday, August 20th. Rates to all Eastern points corre spondingly reduced. For full informa tion, call at Ticket offlce, Union Pa cific dock. G. W, LOUNSBERRY. Agent. If you have friends In Europe whose passage you wish to prepay to Astoria, rail at the Northern Pacllic offlce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your Wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Han Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper Is kept on file at his olllce. Theo. Braoker keeps a varied and choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes, amber goods, etc. Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this oflice. Terms cash. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going IOiiHt. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti riulluu. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates i f fare same as from Portland. Those desirous of furnishing houses can find as good bargains at G. V. Porter's as at any other store in the Northwest. Give him a trial and prove It. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given, that Bealed bids will be received by the committee on streets and publlo ways, at the of tlre of the auditor and police judge, until Tuesday, September 2fith, 181KI, at 2 o'clock p. m of snld day, for the Im provement of Wall street In Shlvely's Astoria, fronv the west side of West Sixth Hlivet to the Western, boundary of the J. M. Shlvely donation land claim, all In the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. St. Shlvely, Said Improvement consists of grading such portion of said street (except crossing of West Eighth street) to its full width, and to the gnulo as now established and by planking the same with new and sound llr plank three Inches In thickness to the width of twouty feet through the center thereof, and by laying sidewalks of fir plank 1 1-2 Inches In UilckncHs, on both sides of the street, ten feet width, leaving n space of two feet between the curb ti.nd the end of the sidewalk and by laving gutters on both sides of wild street through the crossing thereof. In com pliance with the provisions of ordinance No. 14G3, so far lis said ordinance is applicable thereto and in accordance with ordinance No. 17S3 and the plans and Bcclileatlons now on Ille In the olllce of the auditor and police judge, Ulils must Btate tha price per cubic yard for earth work, also the price per lineal foot for wood work. No bid will be considered that does not embrace all the work in each block bid upon. Mils must be made on blanks fur nished by the auditor and police Judge and must accompanied by a guaranty signed by some responsible tHx-pnyer to the effect that If the contract 'be awarded to such bidder he will enter Into contract therefor with good and sulllclent surltles for Its faithful per formance, Work to bo completed on or before November 1st, ISiKI. and tho contract "hull provide that in case Biich work is not completed on or before said 1st, day of November 1X33, it shall be law ful for the city upon giving nolle to such contractor or com motors of Its Intention so to do, to proceed to the completion and to complete such work at the expense of the contractor or contractors therefor, and In such event the city shall have entire charge of such work from the time of giving si I eh not Ics. The right to reject any and all bid? Is hereby reserved. ty order of the Committee on street and public ways. Attest; K. OSBl'RN. Auditor and Polhw Ju1r, City Astoria, Oregon, September 22, 1SSJ. TIME OF CLOSING THE MAIL AT THE ASTORIA POSTOFFICE. . K.istern mall, daily except Sun day , .5:30 am For the night boat, (steamer Telephone) 6:30 pm Knappa, Clifton, and Westport, (steamer Mllur), daily except Sunday 1:30 pm Ihvaco, Fort Canby, Sealand, , etc., dally except Sunday 6:3a am Warrenton. Eklpanon, Seaside, Nehalem, etc. 6:00 am TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Knappton, Frankfort, Oneida, , and Deep River 1:30 pm WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Olney, Medley, Jewell, Mlsha- walca, etc 6:30 am Grays ltlver and Rosberg 7:30 am Chad well, and Molvllle,(Lewls and Clarke) 12:15 pm Hare (Bear Creek) 12:45 pm Only mall for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia goes up at night, except Saturday night, when ev erything goes. Office Hours:-Money order and regis try, from 8 a. m., to 6 p. m. General delivery, from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Sundays: 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Holidays: 8 to 9 a. m. and 6:30 to 6 p. m. No mon ey order business transacted on Sun days or holidays. JAMES W. HARE, Postmaster. VICTORY I The Greatest the World has Known. To many a man stricken on the field of battle, the cry of victory has fallen gratefully; but even more grateful to on Individual Is a realizing sense that by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine he has' achieved a victory over any ner vous affliction, such ns prostration, siek headache, ior memory, dizziness, sleep lessness,1 neuralgia, hysteria, Ills, dull ness, sexual debility, Irritability, convul sions, spinal Irritability, St. Vitus' dance, etc. Testimonials of thousands of such cures are In the possession of the Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Res torative Nervine Is sold by Charles Rog ers, the popular druggist, on a guarantee. Ask for a book, free. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, gives lessons In music, pi ano and organ. Organs tuned and re paired. Address C89 Astor St., Astoria. All the patent meatcrnes advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Easily, Quickly, Prransntly Restored WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, a DEBILITY, ami all tho train of evils I run cm. iy crrui h r later exci'Mtm, Uie results of otruoik, sickling, wnirv.em. FullHtrmigth, development and tono (riven lo every organ and potllnn of the body. F.ln.)li'.natnralmethMla linnioQlatniinprnvenient W'en. KntlurefmpoiiKlhle. a,i) references. Book, explanation and proofs moiled (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy - A true Specific ft positive and permanent elimination of all poison from th blood, and a restoration of heAlthy vigor to tlie tiuuet it ottered to sulferen for the first time in u re muti y wliu-h hns been undergoing the most severe piivnte experiments for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it is a True HjHwtllc for Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. lo you be lieve it Y bend fur full particulars and proof free. t Stop filling your system with mercury and other 'poisons. This remedy will cunt you in 30 to 00 days without fail. AVfl friiumuiee t our or refund the money. Address 1 MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 'To First Street PORTLAND, OK- BETTON'S UWfVa Cur I run Ft les In use over 3( yciii .. titmile, J-y'cliiv. i,. tlerfiil. llliihrxt tcsli. uiotiliiK Ai driiKvlms, or m.'tili'ri oil irceipt of prtiii SQe. per box. WlilKUUriN ft, SHOWN 0;t'!5 P., Props., t,.ii::.mire, Md. rati Those tiny Capsules aro superior to iMiisam or Uopiilba, Cubcla and Injections). fff$f They cure In 48 hours tho V Jsriuio diseases without any Incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS CAVEATS. TRAD! MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, I COPYRIGHTS, etoJ For Information nfl fro nndhook wrlto to MIINN IX tkil IIhoauwat, NiiW YoniT. Clilent bnroiMi for loeurliiK ptent In AitwrliW. Kvery pattmt taken out bj n la brought before the pubJlo by a uotloa girou trot) of clurga iu Ui IjUTrest elreiilMton of any (Kilontlflo psncr tn th worlO. Hpleiulullr UlimtrateU. No liitolllitout Bum should be without tt. WVli'l.0-' jtiuiri fl.Walz nioiithfc Adrtrej!! AlONN A (.XJ, Vuuutoutui, 301 iirowlntur, Nor Vork Clt. InoamUoeut, all uiht . . , , $1.50 l'ioVlock... 1.00 10 " ... 75 For particular inquire of auy memlw of the tlrm or t the ollk-e. foot of Con oomly Kt. S I'iik Mills C., T. O. Tu'lingcr, I'reaMent. CENTRAL HOTEL Comer CHiinlv vi Ninth.- On th Fnro nn v'iiii- I-:iip, Airy room, a. tirn- ls r.i.l-iiu'"'. UourJ dally, ly or nionllilv. l-itvitf rooms for niiiulii. OytiT nl lih In . i::;Kt n t : riiiri. " KVEXSOX l-OOK, - - I-ro rlrtors. RLE ARB I AS lob ft I Sclentifio American W VI TRAD MARKS, hyir 0S8IOM PATENTS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS ON THE BREAKFAST TABLE You can use it for general liousehold purposes. Buy our World-famed "Fisherman's Choice" BRAND COTTON TWINE Following sizes always kept in stock by our local 'agents, Elmore, Sanborn ct Co.: Numbers . " 2-1, 28, 32, 30, 40, Soft Laid. . ' 15, 18, 21, 30, 42, 48, 54, Medium Laid. COTTON - ROPE. Our thread laid and twine guaranteed the best ever river Wm. J. HOOPER & CO. Manufacturers. Mountain Island Mills, North Carolina. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian Lager - Beer And XX r-ortcr. All oiden promptly attended to, MUSIC hi ALL Ktl First street, Astoria, Or. H. CHRISTENSEN, PROP'R. . 37"i'oo Oonoort Every night t'fglnnluK at 8 o'clock. Good miisli 'Hie bent of wines, II lior mid cigars always on liuntl, Kopp's - Beer - Hall Choli'o Wluot, Manors mid Clgara. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, Only lisnded over (lie liur. The InrgeRt glius of N. 1 V'rco linn li. glass of N. I'. I'.eer. Half and half, I'. ERICKSON & WIIMCAM, lrs. Tor. Conoonily and ljf;iclte Sts. Seaside Saw Mill. A eonili'lo slock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Kloering, Ktistio, Celling, and all klmlsof tlnlsh; Moitldlugs and Shin gles; also ilrHcket ork done to order. Terms reasoiiiilile und prlees at hod rock. All orders promptly sltnided to. Olllce iiml yard nt mill. II. K. h. LOOAN, l'ropr. Beosldo, Owgon. ASTOHIl I HO ft WOUUH, 0 Hii'omly street, loot Jiickton, Astoria, Oivm. General MachiitisLv & Iloiler takers tiiid and Marine Kmrlno. Holler work, SUiain and Cannery Work aSpecialty. 08tiug of All Descriptions Madt to Ordor at Short Notioo. JObN KOX , lKsldent Mid Sup- U TOX - -....Vice rreslden THE : 0KF.00& : JiAKERT A. A. I'l.KVKLANP, Troii. Good Bread Cakes and Pastry, None but the Acst Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Broad delivered tn any part of the city ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Adair, de ceased. All persons indebted to a&ld estate r requested to call at my of flee at No. 119, Genevieve-street. Aato rla. Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay the same. And aU persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same to me with the proper voucher", at the above named place, within elx months from date of thl notice. nated, Aotorla, OrMrrtn, Jul JS, 1R9S. B. VAN Xijfciitf. Administrator of said estate. In coffee, tea, chocolate and In many delicious beverages, Richness Is added by the use of the Bnnnrij Jliutlt EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk. For More than Thirty Years the Eagle brand has stood the test, has given perfect sat isfaction to the American people, and has had an enormous Export Trade. It is the Best, it goes the farthest and is economical. Your Grocer & Druggist sell it. laid cork and lead lines sold on the Columbia P THE MODl-MILDEiiS, THEIR WORKS AND RELICS, EV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. KD'TOH Or AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN,. Author of Animal Effigies and Emblematic Mounds, vie. This hook treats of the Monnd-hnlldcrs; tholr occupation, moiles of life, religious systems, tribal divisions and early migrations. The work contains descriptions of the earth works of all classes. The classification of the mounds Is nuul according to their uses, whether as village residences, ns defenses, as religious structures, or as sacrltlclal or burial places. The work contains ninny Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-builders' relics, es pecially pipes and pottery. The value ol the book Is that It contains s comprehensive view of the wholo field, and givvs Information about (he mounds and relics of all stales and districts. It is one of a series which ia devoted to prc-historle America, and perhaps would bo regarded as the most inter cstlng volume. The authorsollcitssnhRcripllons. Ordersean be sent to the publishing house, ITS Wabash avenue, ;hlcngo,or to the author at Avon, III. PRICK,3.ffO. SOCIETY MHUTINUS. Astoria Lodge No. SO, A. 0. 17. W. TlfEETa EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 1J. 8 o'clock In the Odd fellows' Mail, So journing aud visiting brethren cordially In vited. J.T. KOUEItS, Recorder. Ooean Knoampmo-.t Mo. 13, 1. O. O. F IJEOCTLAR MEKT1NG8 OF OCEAN KN l cainpment No. 18. 1. O. O. F., at the Lodge In the Odd Fellow BulMim', ct seven r. M ou the second and fourth ioiulavs of each month. Sojourning brethren contlally i:,vlteil. By order . p, Astoria Bulldtug &IiOan Association THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS ASSO elatiou are bold at 8 p. m. on the tint Wednesday of each mouth. Oflloe on Genevieve street, aeuth of Cbenainus. W.L.ROBB, Secretary, Common couueu. UBtlULAR MEETINGS, FIRST AND third Tuesday evoulngsot each mouth at 8 o'clock. -Person desiring to have matter acted uic by the Council, at any regular meeting must present the aru to the Auditor and C'rk on or before the Friday evening prior loth Tuesday on which the Council rmuls re-Uliu meeting. K. tKBPRN, Auditor and Pollen J udge. Board of Pilot Commluionar. rpH K REOCLA R MEETIXG80KTHI8 BOARD, I will he held on the first Mondav. nfe., mouth at Wa. m. at tha orhce of Kohb & Par kcr. W. L, ROBB.gee NOTICE TO POLICT HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given to all persons in the State of Oregon holding policies in the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California. - Of the withdrawal from tho state of Oregon of the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California, and to all other persons In terested, that the said company lias reinsured Its business In the State of Oregon, In the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw Its securi ties on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing bUBlneBS In nald state. Any policy holder In the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (C) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 3504,, 3068 and 35S0, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon, as Complied ana Annoiatea Dy w. Jair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1889. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., ay ueorge J., grander. President. Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Astoria iron works Plaintiff vs. Dean Blanchard Defendant. 13y virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, on the 22nd day of June, 1893, upon a Judgment duly mode and rendered therein on the 19th dnv of June, 1S93, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed end delivered, I did on the 8th day of . opt., 1893, levy upon all the right, iltlo, claim and Interest of the within named defendant in and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: Be ginning on the meander line 30.23 chains, westerly from the NE corner of the S. C. Smith Donation Land Claim, thence N 65 deg. 30 mln., E 300 feet, thence N 24 deg. 30 mln., W to ship's channel of the Columbia River, thence westerly along the said channel to a point 24 deg. 30 mln. W. from the place of beginning, thence S. 24 deg. 30 mln. E to the place of beginning, In Section 7, Tp. 8 N, R 9 W, of the Will amette Meridian, Clatsop County State of Oregon. And notice is hereby given that I shall on Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in the City of Astoria, in said county and state, pro ceed to sell the same or bo mucn mere' of as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $530.58, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from June 19. 1S93, together with the further sum of $16.90 costs and dis bursements and accruing costs of this suit, at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash in nana in u. a. uoia coin at the time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated, Astoria, Or., August 14, 1893, SECOND STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the con mon council of the City of Astoria pro pose 'to establish the grade of Second street, in the City of Astoria, Oregon, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by or dinance No. 71, entitled an ordinance establishing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria as fol lows, to-wlt: At the crossing of Welker ave., C8.4 ft " ogden " 47.4 " " " Polk " 43. " " ' " Mendell " 25. ' " " Lane " 24. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourths of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wlt: On or before Thursday, Sept. 14,. 1893, the common council will es tablish said grade. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 22, 1893." OCiDEN AVENUE GRADE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the com' mon council of the City of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Ogden avenue, In the City of Astoria, Oregon, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by or dinance No. 71, entitled an ordinance establishing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria as fol lows, to-wit: At intersection with First street, 25 ft. " Second " 47.4 And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourths of - the property fronting on said portion of sniil street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wit: On or before Thursday, Sept. 14,. 1S93, the common council will es tablish said grade. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 22. 1893. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. . ORDINANCE NO. 1829. An ordinance to provide for the repair of streets. The City of Astoria does ordain as follows: Section 1. The owners or agents of any property fronting or abutting on any street improved by the direction of the common council, or under a per mit authorizing such improvement, shall, when notified by the superin tendent cf streets, at their own ex pense, make or cause to be made such local repairs to Buch street, roadway, sidewalk, or crosswalk, as will place the same in good condition. Section 2. Materials used and work done shall, as far as practicable, con form to the provisions of this ordinance or ordinances relating to the improve ment of such streets, or to the permits granted therefor, and upon the com pletion of the repairs all surplus ma terials shall be Immediately removed, and the street cleaned up to the satis faction of the street superintedent. Section 3. A failure to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before the auditor and police Judge, the offender or offenders shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars or more than twenty five dollars for each and every offense. Passed the common council Septem ber 6th, 1893, approved September 6th, 1S93, Magnus C. Cosby. Mayor. Attest: K. OSBT'RN, Au'.liter and Fitic Jifls, City of Astoria. Astoria, Ortgon, Sept. 8, 1S93. The te Fast Mail Route. Of an other line. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars t In. Ing Cars are run da ly v!n tho Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port, land at 6:30 p. m. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 18i)!j. Columbia Siinda' August 27. tHte Friday Hei.tctnber 1. Columbia Wednesday BeptcmberO. fitntt-Monday September 11. Columbia t-atilnlay September 10. State I liursJay Septembers. Columbia Tuesday September 20. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMEKiJ Steamer Harvest Queen leaves, As toria at 6 a. m., daily except Sunday, via Washington side of the river; re turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. The Queen makes la-ndlngs on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. For rates and general infoimaiiun ell on or ad dreys, W. H. HURMJUItT, 6. W. LOUNSllEklt V , A. Gen. fas. Am. Apeut Portland, Or, ., Astoria, Or. lb tb line to lake to all points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers tbe best service, ron.S binlng "" SPEED ami COMFORT It Is tne popular route with those who wish to travel on THE SAFJ' ST It is therefore the route yon 'hou'd take. " It runs tluoUKh vestibuled trains every day m the year to , ST, PAUL AND CHu m 0 No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Seeoml-tlass Sleepers. Only one change of cars Portland -to New York Through Tickets To Any Part oftno civilized world. Pissencers ticketed via. all boats rnnnlnn between Astoria, Kaloma and Por!laml. Full luformatiun concerning rates, time ol trail1, routes and other details lumisbed on application to C. W. STONE, Agent Anion. Steamer Telephone ifcx-k. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Ageut, Nc 121 First fc't . cor. Wailimcton, PorUaud. Orecou I- xi. cto 2xr, 00..0 Steamer llwaca - - - - - - - - - - ii. -i i i. . , u. ill- -1 1 1 1' n- - i-AiniiK at jaiisy rnini, ami ronneciin railroiid running north at 10 a. m, aiu! boat on h,Mju-tr tuiv P.,r with with rave Ana other points tinutrh in UriTii Hi vpjimfrs fivr Astoria aud Klglit Hniili lor JOli-N K. liOl LTEn, U A. LOOMIa, KeTtitry. President E. V. Et.BrO;!'. Superintendent. mm Puts You mCnicago And all Eastern Points, Many lours aleafl