THE DAILY ASTOWAN, ASTORIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1893. The following weekly bulletin reaches The Astorlan from the United States (Tepartmont of agriculture, giving sta tistics of weather and crops for west ern Oregon: During the past week the t( mperature averaged 57 degrees, which was cooler than the normal by five de giees, The raitu'all was (.lightly below the normal.' The dally normal rainfall for Western Oregon for the past week was 0.05 of an Inch, and the dally actu cl average rainfall was 0.04 of an Inch. The sunshine was about the average, The week closed with threatening con ation. Harvesting and threshing Is practically" it an end. All grain ana !,ay cropi been secured. An it cugiluiiM n iiit In received recounting !i;e-dfim.i; c caused by the rain vhlcli occurred Y-i'mz the week ending Sept. 12th. Wo lr'icn that the damage con ri.'ited principally In blowing down late sown Bluing wheat or oats, and liijr grnl.i !o mold or heit which had r-eeri;left in the Knock. Such, damages occurred In widely, separated localities and were not general. It Is the unlver nnl opinion that the rain of the previ ous week proved a benefit on the whole Farrtiera hail with pleasure the condi tion of the ground to receive the plow. Preparations are being made to fallow, in fact, some have already begun. In southern Counties and coast districts where fruit lad ripened much, plums cracked slightly and some were blown from the trees. The damage was not so great as to Injure their market val ue. Since the rain, winter apples have begun to color, vegetables are growing more vigorously, pastures have become green and the face of Nature more pleasant to look upon. The dairy prod uct has Increased In quantity and In quality. In some sections a third crop of alfulfa will be cut. It has become too cool for melons and late tomatoes, which will not ripen without the us eliiliince of the sun and warm weather. The potato crop Is too far advanced to be benefited by the rain and It Is thought the crop will average well. Hop picking was first retarded by showers, but the weather of the past week was favorable and progress has been made'. The crop will be large and the quality excellent. There Is a no ticeable absence of damaging Insects. The weather was too cool to assist lice In multiplying, consequently the prod uct will be unusually clean. Wheat Is being marketed slowly. TIME OF CLOSING THE MAIL AT THE ASTORIA FOSTOFFICE. Eastern mall, daily except Sun day 5:30 am Vat the night boat, (steamer Telephone) 8:30 pm Knappa, Clifton, and Westport, (steamer Mller), dally except Sunday 1:30 pm IUvaco, Fort Canty, Sealand, etc., dally except Sunday 6:30 am Warrenton, Sklpanon, Seaside, Nehalem, eta. .....6:00 am TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Knappton. Frankfort, Oneida, and Deep River 1:30 pm WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Olnoy, Medley, Jewell, Mlsha waka, etc 5:30 am drays River and Rosberg 7:30 am Chadwoll, and Melvllle.tLewls and Clarke) 12:15 pm Hare (Dear Creek) 12:45 pm Only mail for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia goes up at right, except Saturday night, when ev erything goes. . OHice. liours:-Money order and regis try, from 8 a. m., to 6 p. m. General delivery, from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. pi. Sundays: 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Holidays: 8 to 9 a. in. and 5:30 to 6 p. ni. No mon ey order business transacted on Sun days or holidays. JAMES W. HARE, Postmaster. ANOTHER CUT IN PASSENGER RATES. Five dollars less over f'e Union Pa cific to Missouri river and Intermedi ate points, effective Sunday, August 20th. Rates to all Eastern points corre spondingly reduced. For full informa tion, call at '1'lcket ofiice, Union Pa cific) dock. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent. if you have friends In Europe whose Puhkiko yon wish to prepay to Astoria, (all ut the Northern raelilc onlce.steainer Telephone dock, unci make known your wants, Itcduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. L. P. Fisher, newspnper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Han Fran cisco, Is our authorised bkoiu. This paper U kept on Ale at bis office. Theo. Rracker keepB a varied and choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes, amber goods, etc. Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook, Leave order with Ren Coo, care of this oillee. Terms cash. l iiironlxe the Northern Pacific railroad If )u a ix going East. Low rates of fare, tliiuiigh tickets, baggage checked to destl ii.tlluit. All purchasers of Second class tickets can Mop over at Portland, Rates of fare same as from Portland. Those desirous of furnishing houses Ci.n find as good bargains at O. V. Porter's as at any other store In the 'orthwenL Give him a trial and prove All Pre. Those who nave used Pr. King's New recovery know Us value, and those who have pot, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to 11. 10. Hucklen ts Co., C'lilcuo, and pet a sample box of tr. King s New Life Pills free, us well as a copv of Oulde to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which Is iniranttt'd to do you good and cost you nothing. Cbaa, Rogers drugstore. VICTORY 1 Tho Greatest the World has Known. To many a man stricken on the field of buttle, the cry of victor. hns fallen ' gratefully; but even more grateful to an InUi'. hlmil It realizing sense flint by the use of Ir. Mllrs' Itentoratlve Nervine lie has achieved a victory over any ner ii affliction, such us prostration, sick htnuPu he, bor memory, illnsl!ns, neuralgia, tstrln. fits, clull-ii.-.h. re mil debility. Irritability, spinal irritability, 8t. Vitus' dunce, etc. Testimonials of thousands of such lines are In the possession of the lu ' '' .V -Ileal Co.. UMiurt. lnd. Ivea-tn;a!i.-o Nervine la sold by Charlea ltog- in, iit popular druggist, on guarantee. f.,r a, Umtk. free. Four of the pilots finding business too slack, several days ago concluded to launch out In a new enterprise, and decided to charter a vessel themselves, take out pilots' licenses for the state of Washington, and run their chances for picking up ships. The Louis Olsen, the steam schooner lately teturned from the sealing grounds, has been obtained at a rent of $75 per month, and she is now being fitted out to make her quar ters more convenient for her occupants. The pilotage dues of this state and Washington differ to some extent, but not vey materially. The Oregon law allows pilots to charge $5 a foot and 2 cents per ton on the not tonnage of u vessel. The Washington statute allows $8 per foot up to 12 feet' and $10 per foot for anything over that. For In stance, on a vessel like the Lodestar, now In port, the pilotage dues would be for Oregon pilots, $139. For Wnshing ton pilots the bill would conio to near ly $170. While the Oregon idiots are assisted by a $1000 annual subsidy, they are paying at present 33 per cent, of their gross earnings to the Union Pt clflc Company, so that, even with the cost of their own vessel to keep up, and no appropriation, the men who are making the new venture will not be so much behind. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause's Headache Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon in my family against any and nil kinds of headache, xours truly, ' J. 13. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole, agent. , ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is herety given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of James P. Metz, deceased. .All persons indebted to Bald estate, are no tified to pay toe same to me, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and an persona hav Ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me. at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. JAMES W. HARE. Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th, day of July. 193. Easily, Quickly, Pnananlly Rottcred WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, rem all the train of evils fP'iKiai ly errors or later txci hben. tUe resiilm of otM-ftuifc, slckueei, worry. eta FullHtrungili, riuvtjlopmcut anil tone given io avery organ and umtlon of tbo booy. Simple. nRturnlmelhmJg, lm:neitat"lniirovemeiit si'en. Failure Impossible, U.iiui reforenceg. Book, explftiiuliou and proofs Dialled (uealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO N. Y. BETTON'S I Pvstive Cure I Utta DM r In use over 50 vei'ira. titniile. HfrrctHe ll'ui. ilri fid. JlhUient tentl uuinlalSi At tliUKKlsta, or imileil on niwlit of prli e 3lje, per liox. WlliKUVANH SROWK Pr"w.. ji.iii;.,Mjrc, Mi!. aires wt??' : Theso tiny Cepsult aro superior T, i r I, - CtihelM and Injoctiona. ((1DY) They euro in 48 hours tho samo diseases -without anylncon- vcnlcnco. SOLD BY ALL DRUG01STS SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive and permanent elimination of all puison from the Hood, anil a restoration of he.iltliy vigor to the tissues II ollered to lullerers for the first time in a remedy which has bean undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three yean. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, us it is a True Kpeellle tor Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. IV) you be lieve it t Send for full particulars and proof free. i Slop filling your system with mercury and other .tisons. This remedy will cure yon in jo to oo days without fail. We Kuitrnntee u vtir or rvluml tho money. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., Tt) Flrat Straot rOllTLANU, OB Sclentifio American Agency for a I -au&f- M-V JfVr CAVEATS, U )t WJr TDI MARKS. a.'. - jk' niiiru it.uTS COPYRIGHT, etc For Information and frwo Handbook writ to MUNN it W., Slil IlKllAUWAT, Nkw Yuttir. Oldnt bureau for aecurlnit patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by us Is brought before Uia public by a uotlot) given true of obaiite In tb Ltuvat elrmilatlon of any elentlfto pstnw In th srorld. Mpleiulldly llliiBirate-i. No lutellik'oiit man ahould be without, It. Wookly. i;t.ttt yeart H.SUalx niomlis. Aililrcss Ml'NN A I XX, Vuuuauiuu, 301 liroadn-u;, tie-r VuiS City. T Inoandosoent, all nilit. . . . $1.50 u 12 o'clock... 1.00 10. - ... 75 For carticularg ituiuire of auv nioml)f r of the firm or at the nllU e, foot of Con eomly HU Wrst S rniiu Mills Co., 1. 0. Jri linger, t'resiaent. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner CattnJ W Ninth. t)n th Pnriio.'a i n!an -I.'tiae. Airv rivitns, autl a llrst elnss re.t-iiriuit. linanl ilailv, iM-k-ly r nmiitlily. Tilvute roon a lor f:tn ilien. Oysters ami iis.ii In m-iimui. Finest M lires, I.lijuo? st and ( 1.,'sir". KVKNKON It CiiiiK - - )v.....i..t"r. V.HEH mi ... rA ELEC R LIGHTS IT IS ECONOMY ssrTrTN n t. n r, r n kmi,. h,, Ja&X'"? Use it lu the nursery u Sar&L-iiW' ?iTTTl I i Buy our World-famed "Fisherman's Choice" BRAND COTTON TWINE Following sizes always kept in stock by our loop! 'i agon ts, Elmore, Sanborn-& Co.: Numbers 24, 28, 32, 30, 40, Soft Laid. ' . 15, IS, 24, 30, 42, 48, 54, Medium Laid. COTTON - ROPE. Our thread laid and twine laid cork and lead lines guaranteed tho best ever sold on the Columbia river . Wm. J. HOOPER k CO, Manufacturers. Mountain Island Mills, North Carolina. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietoi. Bohemian -.Lager - Beer And XX rorturl All onlnrxprumptly nttoniletl to, MUSIC If-ri ALL SSI l'irst street, Astoria, Or. H. CHRISTENSBN, PROP'R; ja. Froo Oonoort Svory nik'lit 'IfRliinliiK at S n'eloek. (iooil nuiHle. 'Ilin best of wines, li quors ami cIkju iilwuyx on liand. Kopp's - Beer - Hall Choice Wlnor, Lliti'irs and CiRars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, Only handed over tho bar, Th largest Klaa of y.i; neer. Hull nun linir,(r. rreu innen. EK1CK80N & VIIlKAliA; Frs. Cor. roncoinly mid l.afujrttc Sl. Seaside Saw Mill. Aromplotn atoek of lumber on hand in the rtuiKh i" dressed. Klonriiiy", Knstle, I'eilliiK, and nil kinds of lllllsli; MoiiMIiiks iiml Sliln Kles; nlfti llrarket Work done to ordor. Terma reaiiniiilile and prleos at bod roek. AH 'inters promptly attended to, Ollleo and yard ill mill. II. K. L.J.OtiAN, I'ropr. Seitsldo, Orefroti, ASTUHIA litO WOKKM, O iiictmilv street, loot .'iRckson, Aittorht, Oteitoit. General ffiacbiuistn & Hoilur Makers Land and Marino Knultii't, Holier work. Sleam . boat nmt Cannery Woik aSpeoially. Caitiogs of All Descriptions Ms-da to Order at Sliort Notioo. JOKN KOX...!dtnt mid Snp- . U KOX .-...-...Viee lTraldon THE : .OREGON : JUKEIiY A. i. CLKYKLAMI, Prop. Good Bread , Cakes and Pastry, None but tho et Ma'xiials Used. Satisfaction Cu.van'act; Customs. Bread delivered In aoy j'art ol the citj; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Adair, de ceased. All persons Indebted to Sold estate are requested to call at my of flee at No- 119, Genevieve street. Ato rla. Clatsop county, Oregron, and pay the same. And all persons having claims against said estata must pre sent the same, to me. with the proper voucher", at the above named place, within 'six months from date of this notice. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, July 25, 1S93. B. VAN DUSEN. n OJI To use a condensed milk that Is made from th Purest and Richest Milk to be had. The old reliable ' ' " ' GAILB0RDEI1 EAGLF BRAI1D Condensed Milk is made from the milk of the finest breed of cows. The New York Condensed Milk Co. owns factories in only the best dairy regions of the United States. Its Inspectors visit all farms and look most carefully after the con dition of the stock. All milk about which there Is a shadow of a doubt is at once rejected. Your Grocer and Druggist sell it. and in the sick room. THE MOlfflD-BlllLDEiiS, THEIlt WOUK9 AND RELICS, . EV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph.D.., KD TOK OF AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN, Author of Animal Effigies and Emblematic Mounds, etc. This book treats of the Mound-builders; (heir oeeuiintlou. modes of life, religions systems, tritiai aivmous ana early migrations. Tho work contains descriptions of the earth works of all classes. The classification of the mounds is niacin at'cordine to- their uses. whether as vitiligo residences, as defenses, as religions structures, or as sacrlnvial or burial places. The work contains inanv Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-builders' relics, es pecially tilpes and pottery. The vah'.e of the book is that It contains a comprehensive view of the whole Held, and gdvus information about the mounds and relics of all states and districts. It lx one of a series which is devoted to pre historic America, and perhaps would be regarded as tho most inter est ing volume. The author solicits subscriptions. Ordorscan be sent to tho publishing house, 175 Wabash avenue, Chicago, or to the author at Avon, 111. rniCK.:i.fto. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Imparts the most delicious taste and sett to EXTRACT of a i LETTER from . a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras, to his brother at WORCESTER, May, s8ji. "Tell I.EA ft PF.RR1NS' that their sauce la . hlelilr esteem ed in India, and is In my opinion the moat pal atable, as well aa the moat wholesome auco that is swao. ....... TWnra of Tmitntions: ftislrsili-l'liilWs nil i m Eea that yon get Lea & Perriii y jTatiirs on ever) Coltle al the sriRai and gaouaa. t SOUPS, GRAVIES. FISH, HOT k COLO ka' 1 GAME. r- ; RAEEBITS, NOTICE TO FOJACX HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given to all persons In the State of Oregon holding policies. In the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California. " fir tho strlthdtawal from the state of Oregon of the State Investment & In-J surance company, 01 nun riautw, California, and to all other persons in terested, that the said company has reinsured its business in the State of Oregon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw its -securities on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing business in .said state. . . Any policy holder In the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said Insurance company, are hereby notified to file the saie with secretary of tato of the state of Or egon, within six (6) months from tho date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 3664,, 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the. Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon, as Compiled and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1889. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., By George L. Brander, . President Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Astoria Iron Works Plaintiff , vs. Dean Blanchard Defendant. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, on the 22nd day of June, 1893, upon a Judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 19 th dny of June, 1893, which Bald execution ninl order of sale was to me directed nud delivered, I did on the 8th day of ept., 1893, levy upon all the right, tltlo, claim and Interest of the within named defendant in and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: 'Be ginning on the meander line 30.23 chains, westerly from the NE corner of the B. C. Smith Donation Liana uiatm, thence N 65 deg. 30 mln., E 300 feet, thence N 24 deg. 30 mln., W to ship's channel of the Columbia River, thence westerly along the . said channel to a point 24 deg. 30 mln. W. from the place of beginning, thence S. 24 deg. 30 mln. E to the place of beginning. ' In Section 7. Tp. 8 N, R 9 W, of the Will amette Meridian, Clatsop County State of Oregon. And notice is hereby given that I shall on Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of Bald day, in front of the Court House door, In the City of Astoria, in said county and state, pro ceed to sell the same or so mucn tnere of as shall be Bufflcient to satisfy the sum of $530.58, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from June 19, 1893, together with the further sum of 116.80 costs ana ais bursements and accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand in U. S. Gold coin at the time of sale. . H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated, Astoria, Or., August 14, 1893. SECOND STREET GRADE NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that the com rion council of the City of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Second street, in the City of Astoria, Oregon, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by or dinance No. 71. entitled an ordinance establishing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria as fol lows, to-wlt: At the crossing of Welker ave., 08.4 ft ugden " (. - " " Polk " 43. " " Mendell " 25. ' "j " Lane " 24. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners 'of three-fourths of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to- wlt: On or before xnursaay, sepi. 14,. 1893, the common council will es tablish said grade. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 22, 1893. OGDEN AVENUE GRADE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the City of Astoria pro pose, to establish the grade of Ogden avenue, in the City of Astoria, Oregon, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by or dinance No. 71, entitled an ordinance establishing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria as fol lows, to-wlt: At intersection with First street, 25 ft. "- Second " 47.4 " And unless'a remonstrance signed by tho owners of three-fourths of . the property fronting on said portion of paid street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wlt: On or before Thursday, Sept. 14,. 1S93, the common council will es tablish said grade. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge, City -of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 22. 1893. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. ORDINANCE NO. 1829. An ordinance to provide for the repair of streets. Th City of Astoria does ordain as follows: Section 1. The owners or agents of any property fronting or abutting on any street improved by the direction of the common council, or under a per mit authorizing such improvement, shall, when notified by the superin tendent cf streets, at their own ex pense, make or cause to be made such local repairs to such street, roadway, sidewalk, or crosswalk, as will place the same In good condition. Section 2. Materials used and work done shall, as far as practicable, con form to the provisions of this ordinance or ordinances relating to the improve ment of such streets, or to the permits granted therefor, and upon the com pletion of the repairs all surplus ma terials shall be Immediately removed, and the street cleaned up to the satis faction of the street superlntedent. Section 3. A failure to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before the auditor and police Judge, the offender or offenders shall be subject to a fine of not less thin five dollars or more than twenty- five dollars for each and every offense. Passed the common council Septem ber 5th, 1S93, approved September 6th, lisaa, Magnus C. Cosby. Mayor. Attest: K. OMHUKM. Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 8, 1S93. The Fast Mail Route. mi in nil lnnnrn v ilUS lUU'WbllMP Of any otlsr line. Pullman and Tourist bleeders Free Reclining Chair Cars. tin. Ing Cars are run da ly v:n tho Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port, land at 6:30 p. m. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS AUGUST AND BKPTEMBER, 18!)!J. Columbia Sunday August 27. tste Friday feitoinber 1. Columbia Wcdnemlay September C. Hntt Moudav (September 11. Colfimbin Miturilay September 10. htate lliursduy September 21. Columbia Tuesday Septt lnber 20. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERd Steamer Harvest Queen- leaves As toria at 6 a. m dally except Sunday, via Washington side of the river; re turning, leaves' Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. The Queen makes landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. For rates and general liif.iiiiiaUuii e..!l on or address, . W. H. HUltl.BUKT, G. W. LOUNSBEKItY, A. Gen. 'ai. Ast. AwM Portland, Or, Astoria, Or. I.i the line to take to all points EAST and SOUTH It is the DINING CAR RpUTE It otters tbe best sei vice, con B binii'g SPEED and COMFORT It is the popular route with tuos e who . wish to travel on THE S'AiFilST It Is therefore the route yen flion'd take. It runs through vestibuled trains every day tu the year to ST. PAUL ANDCIlUiAiiO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Seeond-elass Sleepers, Only one change of oars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of tne civilized world PiLwcucreri ticketed via. alf boats munim between Astoria, Kalama mid I'or.'land. iriill information conccmine rates, time ot traini, routes find other details furnished on application to C.W.STONE, Agent Astoria. -Bteamer Telephone lock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paweneer Agent, o. 121 First Ut.. eor. Washington, Portland. Oregon I. c EST, O0.,0 Steamer llwac Leaves Astoria dailr at 7:30 a. m. for fluaeo, culling at Tansy 1'uint.aiid coouectin with railroad running iiorih at 10 a. in, and with boat on oalwaW t-ar fur .Haulls Bend, Snnnhlne, Narlh C-e And oilier points U-rough to Urar'i Har bor. Ketuniing cornices M I'kucu with s'ewners for Asior'iaud Mclst Katt far Portland. JOH-N K. lH)n.TER. L. A. LOOMIS. R. V. EGBERT. Superintendent. M all Eastern Points Many Ifliirs aiM Ill IrTf HE!11H I