Tiiifi i)AlLY ASTORjLAN ASTOItIA, FRIDAY AlUItNrHU, SEPTEMBER 15, lbU3. ttm T h.brltlOB. DAILY. Fervcd by Carrier, per week.. .. 15 cts Hint by Mail, per month w cis Ko.it ly Mail, per year " WEEKLY. Kent by Mall, per year, 2.00 in advance, Postage free to subscribers. Thu Aoinrinn guarantees to its ad- ...rfiun th iarsr circulation of any i, vppapi-r published on the Columbia iver. dvertlsli. raten can be obtained on iipiilleutlim ;he buHiness manager. i'hls pup. . i.. In possession of all the li-l.-.Riai.lii. .niichises, and is the only ...ler un in- l-'wer Columbia that pud iiui.na nr.timit'i. ill ma.t dies. The iuil Astorlan's circulation In live times Ji ?'"Hit as that of the com i iiuin.'M t,r Antorla. The Wei-kly Astorlan, the third oldest Wffckly In Hit- state of Oregon, has, i.-,-t to Um: Portland OreRonian, the I --rest v-.-kly circulation in me rumc-. Bniin,.rii,rrH to The Astorlan are re- nueHWd lo notify this olllee, without loss of time, immediately they fall to receive their dally paper, or wnen An nnt oret it at the usual hour. Uy doing tills they will enable the man agement to placo the blame on the proper parties, anu 10 enmc nj"---j remedy. T..A 'S WBATHEIl. Portland, Hept.U For Oregon and Washington, continued fair weather, w irmer, light to fresh northerly winds. Dense fog In the coast districts. I, in-ill weather for the twenty-four In wis ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, fi.rnlNhcd by the U. S. Department of A'ti iilture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 65 degrees. Minimum temperature, 04 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total preclpitaition from July 1st, ISM, to date, 3.70 inches." Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, .64 Inch ANNOUNCEMENT. W. F. I). Jones, late proprietor of the Tillamook Headlight, and a news puper man well known throughout the entire state, has acquired an Interest In The Astorlan, and will at once as sume an active part In the business. Mr. Jones' long connection with the Or egon and California press, and his thorough knowledge In this direction, bespeak for The Astorlan a greater degree of strength than ever. THE EFFETE SENATE. The senate Is suspended before the country with a definite thing to do that senators know is to be done, ought to be and must be dime, it is undergo ing contemplation unusually analyti cal, not exactly unfriendly, or unkind ly, but impartial, unsparing. The im pression that from dny to day grows ribout the senate Is that It Is a degen erate body; that It is In part a mix ture of the boss, whose life Is In pat ronage, of the- moneyed man whose power is In Ills check book, of the iriink who worships himself, and of ihe chump, who Is stupid, and that this non-partisan combination, though a minority of the senate, under the rules of other dayB Is a manuole and a menace, and should ' be broken rough handed. We know what the senate is Colng t do, which Is the modification of the present evil situation, but the tedious goings on of droning essays with nothing new In them, nothing posnlble to come of them except Ihe dreariness of lium debate that in creases In weiirlness. Have the peo ple no redress? It is true we do not read the speeches in the senate; they will be hidden forever in the "Keeord" until the Historian delves In the rub bish to tell of the trials the ISepuhlic survived. It Is true also that the vote Is discounted, but It Is dcslrublp to turn to other matters and remove some way, any way, the cloud of un certainties that hangs over our indus tries, and In Us vague, vast, all-em-brai-lni oppression Is un Influence more disadvantageous than any realized evil however acute; for u wrong that 1ms boundaries Is terminable, whllo the calm and undisturbed monotony of p:u-alysls seems without end. Under the circumstances tho senate Is severe ly studied by tho people and losing tho reputation once so enviable faster than ever More We dcslra to call the attention of our readers to the letter from Citizen In this morning's Issue. Head every word of It; digest every line of It, for It talks sound common sense. How lung must we drive this matter Into the heads of our storekeepers and mer chants? How long will their bllndmv to self Interest keep back the prosper Ity of Astoria? The foundation of any kind of good fortune, the growth of any city, town, or village In these United States, dopendu on one motto 'Tat it. n Ixo noma Industry." Until we do this we are dead. When we begin to do it we will feel the pulsation of com rnercinl life, the heart's blood of sue- cess, throbbing: through every avenue i f trade among us. Why don't our citizens buyers and arliers hvik at this matter In the j imht HfclitT The Astotlau hus agl tatcd the question for tho last llfteen years, and the evil remains still un ch-'cked. Salem found it out In 18i)l, and Salem prospers today, -Seattle found It out after that terrible fire and Seattle stands In the front rank of commercial success. Will the. historian of the future be able to say that As toria found It out in 1893, and that As torla shot to her real place among the cities of the Pacific coast, or will he have to record that Astoria overlooked it-and died? Which shall It be? "Several times lately tho Oregonlan has stated that President Cleveland In relation to present questions of highest' Importance, Is more republlc- sn than democrat. Mr. Cleveland Jn fact Is com pelled to this position, lie- cause It is the only reasonable, or In deed possible one. Cut this excites the Ire of a large section of the demo cratic parly. The San Francisco Ex aminer, the leading democratic news paper of the Pacific coast, la Its Issue of yesterday, attacks President Cleve land furiously, accuses him of having become a republican, snys he stands for the maintenance, of a protective tariff and a gold standard, and asserts that he is using the patronage of the executive office to control members of congress, and Is centralizing power In the hands of the president to an ex tent that no chief magistrate ever dared attempt. This complulnt Is not surprising. It is what might be expected from the ex treme element of the democratic par ty, which for many years had been ac customed to denounce every method and practice of the government as ad ministered by republicans. President Cleveland cannot be a fool as to fin ance, and therefore he Is no democrat. He cannot be a fool about free trade and go in for utter destruction of pro tection, and therefore he is a repub lican. He finds It necessary to use such means as are at his command to con trol the action of democratic congress men In behalf of rational monetary principles, and therefore he Is a cor rupter, cenlrnllzer and usurper. President Cleveland Is rapidly mak ing It possible for the intelligent pat riotism of republicans and democrats to net together on vital questions. Or- egonlan. There is to be a convention of so- called "business" men in Washington today. The real business men nre at he mo hustling with the hard times, and trying to hang on by the skin of .their teeth until the situ" tlon brightens. The organized lobbies which go to Wash ington to Influence legislation are In no if-nso the representatives of tho butrt ness Interests, They are the profes sional axgrlmlcrs, the men who have Kpeclal Interests to subserve, and care no more for the general prosperity of this country than they do for that of any other country. mveniug u-ie- grarn. We Just want to say that the "so- called business men" were representa tives of one hundred and twenty of tha principal boards of trade In the country their collected votes standing for an aggregation of about fifty thous and of th principal burlness houses of the United- States. That's nil. We would really feel obliged it the 'Telegram" would explain awny a few hazy doubts about the democratic tariff platform. The nhle editor re ported' that document some time ago. und seems willing to accept the amend ment, and tho two contradict each other positively. Let us have the rec alculation of the reported with the ac cepted. We appeal to the "Telegram" or light on the doctrine of 4ftrift re form. It is wrong for our contempora ry to worry over the sliver repeal; that will come In tho good time of tho sen ate and that means a good deal of time. The country has got all the good there is In sliver reform, and while the senate wallows In Its courtesy, let us talk about something else, The kangaroo Is fast becoming, ex tlnct In Australia, and that peculiar species of mammal will soon be un known In the land where It once flour ished. One of the characteristics of this remarkable animal Is Its hatred of dogs, and It has been known t de troy hundreds of them by ripping them to pieces when they apicared too close. This process Is swift and sure. The kangaroo catches the offending canine with the claws of Its hind legs, pnd with one stroke, laterally flays It alive. Dogs regard.lt with horror and naturol'y exhibit every sign of fear when In Us vicinity. The Astorlan did not "taunt" the ptesldent and post master general con cerning their action over the local Dostoffiee al. all. On th contrary. It pmUcd tholr common i r "! fc" Judgment. Far from "being to blame.' as 'Democrat' says we Intimated, they are earning the thanks of everybody. Without any question of the merits of candidates for the position now occu pied by Mr. Hare, we can say with truth that nobody could fill the bill more satHfactorily-and this is some thing we believe the candidates thera sdves would be the first, to admit. A SAFFKON COLORED INDEX. Of tho condition of a bilious stomach and sluggglsh liver Is the human coun tenance. Not only the skin, but the eyeballs, are tinged with the yellow hue when the bile gets into the blood, liesilies this, sick headache ensues, the tonpiie becomes furred, pains are fell in the liver and through tho right shoulder blade, and dizziness Is exper ienced upon rising from a pitting or recuml'i-nt posture by the bilious Indi vidual. For these and other Indication of biliousness, Ilostctter's Stomach Bit ters Is the sovereign remedy. It Is also (rfllcacloiis In chilis and fever, dumb ague, ague cake, inactivity of the kid neys, and bladder, rheumatism and .irvousnoss. It stimulates, restores dl pestlon, and sleep, and tends greatly to mitigate tho infirmities of age. FOR OVEIt FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. NOTICEl Use Zlnfandel wine Intend of coffee or tea, BO cents per gallon. Dont forget Peach nnd arnicot brandy, also i-rencn Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. Hnndlov & Han. MO irifgr street. Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, so that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads: ' James C. II . a line looking and annarenllv health? man. was observed to stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this alternoon, ana niter lamng one or two un certain steps fell to tlio sidewalk. When picked up ho was dead. A physician ex amined the body.and pronounced heartdiseast the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of tlio case is that Mr. II was on his way to Maine, to settle in the home of his hovhood. He had passed the previous ten years in tlio western mining country, and had amassed a fortune. If YOU have any of the symptoms given in the followingtestiraomalB you should lose no time in seeking relief. From John L. Roberts, Slatington, Fa.: " I have BUtlered with palpitation, irregular imhe. faintina and smolnerma spells, pain shoulders, side, and arms for over forty years. For twelve years have been treated without avail by prominent physicians in my neigh borhood and in New York. Growing con stantly worse, smothering spells followed one . i i c .. r. : .innnnli .n.l mioincr, so my me was um-u ui uuug I needed constant care. As my son nau oeen cured bv Dr. Mild New Henri Care, he sent me three bottles. The first dose gave mo instant relit f. Ik-fore using the last bottle w:in completely cured. Although seventy- livo wars old 1 feel twenty years younger. rl.iim my cure to bo almost a miracle." lice U a loiter from Mrs. John Knlges, iifl li-vclund, O.: (iI had been troubled with my heart and stomach for years, but lor n.x-tei-n luonll s had been confined to my bed. I had four of the best doctors in the city, but none, of I hem could benefit tlio weakness of my In-art. I also had dropsy and rheumatism. 1 never took medicine that relieved me at once as iV. MM New Heart Cure docs. I am much stronger. My appetite is splendid. I gain strength with every dose. I have gained more in six weeks from your treat ment than in sixteen months from nil the duel ore." " r. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists. It is safe, effective, aijreenhle, and dots cure." Dr. Miles Medical Co., i-.iKiiari, mu. mas to eat are still better When tnade With fbrlhen ara R from CfREvSB and are easfy d- Aorfemiy ; and all (otfoLgHB lis ketfer anct bure inaii hrd. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine madt only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. ,s, dr. euntrs ONION SYRUP F0R COUGHS, COLDS AMD CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rataint fKmllf cf Bin rhMdrra. y anljr rem edy tor Couh, Cnlcia ami t roup wm onion iTrup, kj, L'o m to , iitiii-im !- It. Guuii Chiton By nip h.-h Jir--U prrparvd n1 nor phut vl to tb I! SuiU at M odUU ft ttoiUft. For sale by X W. Conn, rrurs1st Good n T IV E MM? SCRATCHED TEN KQNTHS CSJ A troublesome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten months,and was cured by a few days' use of IKSHHI M. II. Wolff, UESKM Upper Marlboro, Mil. SWIFT'PEC!FIC I was cured some year ago of White Swelling lnmyk'gbyii9ingiKifC3'2'anil liavo bad no nymptoii.s of iwpffy)J turn of tlio dis ease M;iny prominent jilivsicians attended Die and failed, but t. 8. S. did the work. PAUL W. KIRKPATRICK, Johnson Cily. Tcnn. Treaise on Blood and Skin uiseatcs mailrd free. 11 8wiKT Specific Comi-anv, Qtk Atlanta. Ga.W PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. SMITH DENTIST, Hooins 1 nn.l 2, Pythian Building. ovr 0. II. Cooper's store. WC. LOCAN D D. 8. DliNTAL I'AKMillS. Mansell Block, ftV. Third Street. I E. LaFORCE D. O. S. J. DliNTlSf. 1'l.ivcl HuililliiK, Opposite Occident Hotel. IULTON BOS.. mi Atir A.THHNlt.s"AT-I,AW, llnnmsa, 4, fi and II, Odd t'ellow' building, Af.ti.l li, Oregon. WM. LAFORCE ATl'OllNKY AT LAW. ollico, Kooms 7 and 8. Kiuuey's building. A A. CLEVELAND, ... ATTORNEY. AT LAW. ofllce-Kluney's new brick building, corner Third and- Genevieve streets ; up stairs. SILAS O. SMITH ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Onirei.ver A. V, Allen's store, corner Third nnd Cas Blreetn. PRANK, J. TAYLOR JJ ATTOH-SKi-Ar-LAW, Astoria. Oregon. J O.A. BOVVLBY, Al'TOMEY AM COUKCELOR AT L.t i)f Office un Second Street, - Astoria, or. DR. W. n. BELT, I'UYSICIaN'aNU SUliGEON, O.licc over store of J. B. Wyatt, Second street near (Jonevleve, D ft. A. L, and J. A. FULTON. uwco 173 Kim street, liour 10 to Vi ana I w 4 DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYdlUlAN & HUllUUO.V. B 'OM 7 (Hliceuvi-r Osgood's Clothing Store, hours, 10 to 12 m, 2 to S p, in, 7 to 8 p in. Sunday, 1U to 11 ill. DR. O. B. ESTES, I'llYSlUAIN aiVD 8 ORG K0N. Spoclal attention to Diseases of Women aud Surgery. Olllce over Uauzigei's store Astoria. JAY TUTTLE M.D., O fllYSlOlAN, SUKUKiiN A ACC0UCHK0K. Olllce, rooms 3, 4 over Astoria NatluniuBank. hours, 10 to 12 & 2 to 5 Residence. 6311 Cedar st. DR.- WALTER I. HOWARD. . IlU.Vli.Kui'A'i'1110 PHYSICIAN & Snil g.ion. olhee, -I'll. Tlilnl strjet. Uuurs 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Residence 4ii8 3d s'.reel LP. MULLINIX, M. D., . (iivus special uentment Air Catarrh, lliroat Lungs, Kid.n-y (lenito-Urinary organs OlUue uptaii's,58i; laird St. Hours,!i a.ni.9 p.m. JJR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON, Dealer In Drugs and Druggists' Sundries ;ir.7 Second Sired, Astoriu. BUSINESS CARDS. U WICKMAN 1 t'OMRACTOU. House moving ami sirei t planking. Kcrews and blocks lor rent, Call on ur address a.'u7 l'lnn sirt-i't. GIBBONS. IV. Ali.ll-.lltK iiK ACCOirNT-l and l'lMi-USSIONAl. itJOICKKl-TEIt. Okkii'K: W Hi General Mivuitingt-r l 515 kaiiin.pii- slieet I H. MANSELL. fj. itn.V.. I-.SIAI'K ItKO KM. Nuuiry 1'iiblie. l-'irt- ami Avridt-ut lusurauce, yy W. PARKER, KKAI. KSTAIK AND INSURANCK aGKNI ohlee lit lleiiuui sliet-l, Astoria, Oregon. W. T. lUlllNkV, ,1. W. PHAl-RU liiirney vV liraper, Attorney On.gont Ity, Oregon. twelve years' experiein-e as register of th U. S. Land Ollli-e here, recommends us III nut specially ot Mining and all oilier business bo lore ill.- Land (illlce or the Conns, and involv ing tile practice ol the General Laud Olllce. JjROCKENBROUCH & COWING. LAW 0FF1CH, OIIKGON CITY, OK. Npecial attention given to land business. Set tlers on hiiuiestea:is or pre-i-inplloii claims and limber laud iurcliait-s siiowu every advantage nl tlio law, l-'or assistance In making Uual pronl call on us. J. A. FASTABEND OKXHHAI. COXT11ACTOR. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and Wharf Building. Aildtess, Kox ISO, postolllce. 8UCICTY ItlKUTIKUS. Aatorla Lutlge No. CO, A. O. I', V. T TKET3 EVKRY FRIDAY k VEXING AT ill S o'clock in tho Odd 1-Vllows' Hall. 8o Jiniruiug and visiting brethren cordially in vited. J. T. ROtiKKS, Recorder. Oooan Uncampme-.t No. 13, 1. 0. 0. F REGULAR MKKTING8 OK OCEAN KN i camt.inent No. 18, 1. O. (I. F., at the Lodge. In the Oild Fellows Building, ai so fen p. n oo the secoud tuid fi.iu-ib iioiulays it each month. Sojourtiliift hrtthnq eprrlinitr 'nvlted. By order o. P. Astoria BuilcUug & Loan ABaooiation rjUlll REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS ASSti JL ciatiana-e held at a p. m. on lhi first Wednesday o each month. Olllce on Geoevlevc street, seulh of Cbenamvu. 'W.UROBB, Secretary. Common Uouncu, K KUULAlt MEETINGS, FIRST AND third Tuesday evenings of each month ai a o eioec. "Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, t any regular meettn must present tb same to tha Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday arening prior to the IiiKsday on which tr- Council hilds its ngulw Bieeuug. K. OSBPKN. Auditor and Police Judge. Itoard of Pilot CauiulMiaaera. TUT. RKGl'LAR MEETINGS OF THI8 BOARD, will be held ou the first Monday, of each nonili at 10 a, in. at Ihe onlee of Kobb A Par ker, W. UROBB.Seo II. Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole d'ifliculty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules arc com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Cenlt. One Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample address RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. .-,..WM'" ..... Merchant Steamship Co.'s Lino, Connecting with Canadian raclflo and Great lTthqrn Hallway ami China Steamship Vni TakinK freight and passengers for Vancouver and Victoria U tVand Seattle, Tacoina and all Bound Points. I..vliii' Aatnrinevcrv 10 dnvs. For particulars apply at tho offico Astoria Abstra.t T, & X. Co. - FERGUSON BROS., Agents, PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Loaves Astoria Every evening except Satur day at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday at 2 p. m. Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a.m. C. w. stunk, Agent, Astoria. K. A. SSILIY, General Agent, Portland Or. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Urnndnol Foreign and Domes tic Wines. I.liiuoni and Cluani. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vw Mute Hottl.-rt Heer. Hi. est oraiiiiNni ney wen anu Uoiiiestlc ClKitra l.lnmtrs fur Meillcinnl Pui iMises. Family Trade Solicited All orders (run. Ihr City and Country pri-i--,iy lllled. Squeiuoque Stnl , Astoria. Orrgi-u THE ASTORIA SAVIHGS BANK Acts as trustee for orporallona ami Individ ....... nn....i,. urtll. ....! Interest will he allowed on savings deposits HS ..tliuwni Ou ordinary savings h iok 4 per cent ncr annum. On term savinyhook 6 per rent, per nnntiin. On cerlillcatesoi ilcpohit: For thrcn months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months, b per cent, per annum. For twelve mouths, li per cent, per niiiium. I. W. CASK President J. Q. A. HOWI.BY Viee-Pr.-Bi.lenl FRANK PATTON t:ashier W. K. HKMENT riceretary dikrctors: I. W. Case, J. Q. A, ilowlby, (lust Holmes, C, H. Pago, Henj. Vouns, A. 8. Kecd. F. J. Taylnr. The Store of John G. Niemi Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who are going to close out the slock. Intending purchasers will do well In cull mill f xamine noo s anil prices before purelaslng elsewhere. They also have a guod watchmaker to do repairing. Foard & Stokes Gnooiuns Dealers In Glassware, Crockery, Ship Supplies, Tobaecn. Wines and Fine Whiskies. Fine Teas and ColTeea'ttpecialty. The Finest Display ol Fruits In the CUV, Fresh ou livery Steamer. Corner of Third aud West Klgutu streets, H. B. PARK KB DEALEH IS Uine, Brick, Sand, Fire Brick. Fire Clay. Cement, Mill Feed, Oats. Hay. Ktraw W'hrI Delivered to Order. Draying, TeamioK and Sxpresi Bosintss. G. A. STINS0N & CO., BLACKSMITHING 8hlp and Cannery work, Ilorsesiioeliig, Wag ons made and repaired, no id work snia'anteed On Cass street, opposite tne . . um Talk oll.ee FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and Shalt HARD"W AJ FC Car,7 In Mock Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Faints, )ils, Varnttbes. Loggers' Supplies, Faiihanka Scales, Door and Wini.owa. PROVISIONS FLOUR ind MILL Fi'ED. ASTORIA, - - ORECXO. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ...AND... ALL Pn,NlS IN CALIFORNIA, . Via the Mt. Hhasta Route of the Soiillio.ni Pacific Comp'y The IOi ly Ront Through California to a Fointi East and South Tlio Sccuic Route of the PaciGe Coast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS 8LEE1-INO CAltS Attached to express trains, affoidlng sup run acconiinodatlons for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleepliitt ear reservations etc., cull upon or address K, P. HO(l EltS, Aiiist ant (ieneriil Freight and Passenger Auent, i'.irt. and, Or. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST PAUL RAILWAY CONNECTING WITH ALL TRANS ENl'AL LINES -18 THE ONLY ZiXXTB RUNNING Electric Lighted Cars HETWKEN! ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AN' :0"AHA ar.d CHICAGO. The EXPRFSS ThAISS tonstsi ot VKST1 BULKU, SI.EKl-lNH, MN1NU AND PARLOR CAkb. HEATCO BY STEAM and furnished with every luxury known modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequaled. TlckcU on tale at all prominent rail oflScea. For further information inquire of any tick agent, or C, J. EDDY. General A?t. . J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Ajt PORTLAXD, OREUOS.