TTTTG DAILY AteTOltlAJSI, AtiTOUiA, AlOliNIJNtt- SEPTEMBER 10 1893. jam 2!l$torfjm. Imi or 8bwrlptlos. .DAILY, uw.l nu IVlirlnr. lief W6ek....M...... , lct 60 CtS $7.00 heat By Mail, per mouth ...... . cue by Mali, per Vear - WEEKLY. Bjiil by mall, per year, 2 00 In advauca. Fie poaWKe to jubscribui. I'jm A ohia guarantees to Its advertisers ..urgest circulation ol any uewspaper pub hi. 1. 1 nu tuo Columbia lliver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portlund, Or., Sept. 7. Forecast for Western Washington and Western OregJii: Light howf; slightly cool er; fieah southerly winds. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m., yesterday, furnished by the V. S. Department of A -iaiUine, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 61 degrees. Minimum temperature, 54 degrees. Precipitation, .72 inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1M)3, to date, 2.38 inches. IX'llclency of precipitation fnm July lt, 1893, to date, 1.26 inch. "SCHOOL KEEPS" AGAIN. Tomorrow morning the old, familiar sound of Bchool bells will again be heard among us, and three times a day the vicinity of the city schoolhouse will be alive with racing feet and the bimtle that attends recess and roll calls. The teachers are back home, very much refreshed by their holidays and nady to pitch In with renewed vlBor, nnd take hold of the work of the com ing term. We are glad to note that a spirit of harmony prevails among the principals and the school directorate, and that notwithstanding there have been many changes in rules and regu lations affecting many of the schools to u considerable extent, exerythlng has Veen completed to the perfect satlHfuc tlon of all concerned. This result Is due a great deal to the tact dlspluyed by the directors themselves. They lire all well qualified for the position they fill, and seem to give every question that arises concerning the welfare of the public schools of this city, Just as much care and thought as though it were a matter of private business. It is very pleasing to think that the Astoria educational system is In such good hands, and to know that we may ex pect nothing, but harmony in the con duct of school affairs. The children themselves will no doubt be glad to gat Into good hard work again, for even a holiday tires sometimes, Many mothers will beam tomorrow morning, and be glad to think that "school keeps" once more. A few of the older scholars have turned their backs forever on teachers and blackboards, and are beginning to mark out their course In life In various directions. Some familiar faces among the teachers themselves will be missed. But gaps like these All up, and (till the bell rings every morning, and the young idea is taught how to shoot and spell, with & regularity and precision that no minor changes can affect. To both teachers and scholars wo wlhh success, and, a. busy, profitable year. In view of yesterday's work in the ' house of lords, the following from the , speech of Mr. Chamberlain In the com mons last week against the homo rule bill sounds prophetic; "You will have the IrlHh coming to parliament demanding more and more, nnd putting pressure on ministry after mlnlMtry, until nt lust some minister will .be found weak enough or base imough to buy the IrlHh vote by grant lug final separation. ('Hear! Hear!') The mischief that the government has done by Introducing this policy Is irreparable. It has made enormously more difllcult the government of Iie- lund; It has postponed Indefinitely the hope of the completion of a better set tlement. "The bill is now about to o to an other place. We will probably never see it again. (Cheers.) But whether we see it or not, I am convinced that the Hrltlsh people will give the policy em bodied In It a deitth-niow at tV' first opportunity." With the throne and the lords nnd ths majority of the people of Krglnnd against the bill, there nnmt luenently be an appeal to the poimto, ami the chances are that Mr. Cluditone will bo beaten; but ho Is a wotdertul old man, and may still have ren mrccs be yond our calculations. An Inquiry In Chinatown, San lYan clsco, shows that there Is UJ material diminution In the number of Chlnamon In consequence of the pajsaqe of the deary act The outgoing coolies uinm the Chinese steamships. It Is reported, are few In number, an! their places ere quickly taken by others who have been smuggled over the border from liiltish Columbia. Wher the Chinese have diminished In number Is in the mining towns, but there Is a suspi cion that thee Chlne.e miner hav .-.I vi!;?-r occupations. The federal census of 1S92, showed that there were, 72,472 Chinese in CaliforniH, a decrease of 2,660 In ten years. But La the course of the same ten years the Chinamen Ir.crcassi In numbers in Oregon. Wash lngton, Utah, New MeMco, Colorado, Montana, Texas, Mississippi Alabama, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, low.i. Minnesota, aruVWIsconsin. Our lady readers will note with In terest the Item In our telegraphic col umns this morning which brings the news that Mrs. Cleveland hag present ed her distinguished husband with an other daughter. Baby Ruth now re tires Into seml-obllvlon and the nurs ery, while the little stranger takes pos session of the cradle and the whole household. We only hope for the sake of common humanity, that the big Eastern papers are not going to be flooded with illustrated and long drawn out descriptions -of the color of the new comer's hnlr, eyes, and nose. It may be presumed that Cleveland will now overcome some of his prejudices against the silver cranks and agree to take the metal at Pa. (Copyright. All rights reserved.) A side thought of ethereal origin leads us to say that a common thief who would appeal to charity on behalf of a helpless woman and her children and then deliberately rob them of what money , he obtains in this way, is so palpably on the level of the lowest scoundrels that we must refrain from commenting on his habits. It is for this reason that we refuse to publish the document sent us yester day, signed by nine citizens, and de tailing a disgraceful occurrence lust week In a local place of amusement, whon the crlmlnul to whom we refer acted as the principal figure. A great many people have not read this clause in the Wihton bill, whl.jh has pawned the national liotis,: 'This repeal shall not Jrr.rair nor In any manner affect the legal tender quullty of the standard silver dollars heretofore coined, and the faith and credit of the United States are hereby pledged to maintain the parity of the gold and silver coin of the United States at the present legal ratio or such other ratio as may be established by law." Governor Wulte wants blood up to the horses' .bridles while Governor Tillman, whose sensibilities are perhaps a little more delicate, prefers hanging It Is the capitalists that both of them are after. It Is dreadful to think that the day may come when the governor of South Carolina will complain to the governor of Colorado that it Is a long time between capitalists. FROM THE GOVERNOR OF SOUTH , DAKOTA. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find pos tal note for $1.00 for Krause's Head ache capsules. Allow me to sav that they are splen did; never failed to cure my head aches and save me a world of suffer ing. I am recommending them every where. The druKcists of Aberdeen, lleda tnd Brltton. Marshall counties, all promised me to get them and keep them in stock. I give your address to every sufferer I meet. I am going to Colorado in June, ana I snail uo you good there among the miners, nearly all of whom suffer from headaches in that high altitude. Yours, etc., J. H. FLETCHER, Lieut. Gov. Santa Clara. South Dakota. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, Sole Agent. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS XTko TtTlnplrrar'a Hnnthlnir Rvriin llOS been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, nllnva nil nnln nnrea wind chollo. fUld Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twen ty-live cents a fcottlo. sola Dy an urus- gists throughout tne worm. Now Try i ma lt will cost you nothing and will mire- 1.. .1.. it .mil liu ua n rnimn. COltl or any trouble with throat, chest or lllllKS. J-'r. Kings New uim-uvery i"i consumption, coukiib aim cuius (" . . i ... ,.. nf m (.n i v will be paid back. Sufferers from la. grippe round it jam me mint;, nu unin-r had espeedy and perfect recovery. 'Iry a sample at our expense and lenrn for Jjoiir seir jiiai now goou r iiuhk Dome rree at t;nns. ltoKer urns wn. Large else 50 cents and 11. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of James P. Meta, deceased, ah persops Indebted to said estate, ore no tified to pay the same to me, ai Astoria Oregon, forthwith: and all persona nav lng claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, wunin bis months from the dnt nereor. JAMES W. HARE. Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th day of July, 1S93. Riioklrn's Arnica Snlvw. The best aalvn in th world ful ruts. bruise, Bores, plcers, salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, chapped hnnda, i-lillblalnH. corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly rtir-ii itileR. nr no tuiv reoulrvd. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 85 cents per box. ror sale by Clias. nogers, nuu- vasor to J. V. Dement. Patronlx th Northern raclfto rnllrond If you are going Kant. Low rates of fav. through tkketa, baKttage checked to deatl--Tt(,n. All purchuaera of second elaaa t.'krts can stop over at Portland. Rates or rar same as rrom rorunnu. . If you have friends In Europe whose pnaaKe you wish to prepay to Astoria, all at the Northern Paclllc omre.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your want. F-l'i-e-.i rates via ail t" lad ing steamship line. MADE MISERABLE FOR LIFE. This you may easily be if you fail to remedy the indigestion and non-assimilation of the food, which are the at tendants and originators of nervous ness, that ever present oilment which no narcotic, mineral sedative or ner vine can ever do more than temporar ily relieve. Of course these-remedies have no effect upon the organs of dl testlon and assimilation, except to dis order and enfeeble them, thus aggra vating the original difficulty. Among the most alarming and dangerous symjjtomB . of chronic nervousness Is insomnia, which Is the professional term for Inability to sleep. Where this exists there is always a tendency to mental overthrow, paresis and event ual Insanity. - Begin at the fountain head of nil this difficulty with Hob tetter's Stomach Bitters and avert evil consequences. No sooner does the stomach resume its tone, and the sys tem ff.iln in vigor through the aid of thl.-t benlgit tonic, than sleep returns and the nerves grow tranquil. Chills and fever, rheumatism, biliousness, and constipation yield to the bitters. A Hnrc Cure tor Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture lllte perspiration, causing intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosunko's Pile Kfcmedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Druggist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, I'niiaoeipnm, ta. duiu uj . ronn. NOTICE! Use Klnfandcl wine Intead of coffee or tea. 50 cents per gallon. Dont forget I'each and apricot brandy, nlso l'rencb Cognac and wine at Akx. Gilbert's. llandley & Harin, 150 riist street, Port In nil. have on sale the Dally Astorlan, no that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. Attempt at Suicide. It Might Ha t Been Prevtnttd. From the Boston Post. While the walks in the Public Garden were crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates nt the corner of J5eacon nnd Charles 6treet were horrified to see a mail suddenly plunge knife repeatedly into his throat aud lull to the ground. While waiting for a conveyanro nu officer questioned tho would-be suicide, who was nbout 50 years of age, as to his name, address, and reason for wishing to end his life, but the man steadfastly refused to Rive anj infor mation regarding himself. He was taken to the Massachusetls General Hospital and surgical attendance given him, Allhonj;li weak irom toss oi uioou n is immauiu s.u will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him. Ho said his nanio was Samuel 1) , nnd that lie caino somo weeks pgo from New Brunswick. The last few day Ai'i head has felt outer, and ho has been wan dering about the city, not knowing a hicli way to turn. What impelled luni to commit ins rash net ho was unable to say. Tin above is tho familiar but lernlilo story ct'the results of mental (h i 'iimeniciit caused by overstrain of the iie-.-vj.ii-' s.s-iem. People who liaveivv-tif-ss, nnuni. u . ikhk aehe, or who are troubled with ' ''; or tksiwndcnt feelings, nre already will no tho road which leads to iiimnitij and oi. inVV. "Dr. Miles Medical Co.: 1 cannot fi; d language in which to express my npp rela tion ot the great Dcncni l imvp oitivcu from tho use of your Restorative Nervine. When life became a burden I would uc the Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves', and to calm my exhausted nnd irritable brain." Mns. II. Brown, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Milai Restorative Neniut has no equal in ctiRlNO Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. ikA on n positive guarantee by nil drnggisia and Dr. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart, lud. Kitcbeo Exter?sioi?. University Extension 13 good, but Kitchen Exten sion is better. Wider knowl edge of better cooking pro cesses means better health and comfort for everybody. Science can never do us better service than by the multiplication of the cook ing, schools which make ' healthful means and meth ods available for even the most modest home. The vegetable substitute for lard, is science's latest gift to the kitchens of the ' world. Every woman who has ever cooked a meal, knows that lard is disagree able in use and unhealthy in its effects. Cottolene is a most satis factory substitute clean, . delicate and far more eco nomical. At your grocers. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICaOQ, NEW YOWK. B09TOM. OR. CUNtfS Oinur. Wvl-'V COLDS rvOfei AKO CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. When a cMld, wottur rive me onlim Trnp ew vW, C a nd croup, in tnrn 1 K.w It to my m-tloon.-. ID, l nothing ao implo.Mle Mr. u.ion' Onion 8rtp l hnrmlM n pl- l lo tho t.ln M heuc. BVU",JW For Bale by J. W. Conn, Druggist BOTTLES OF Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble. It has also caused my hair to grow out again, as it had been falling out- by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain, I am so happy to find a cure in S. S. S. O. H. Elbkrt, Galveston, Tex. f f'l tnpc HyfurclnftoutKonnsof dls v5 VU l. 1-iJ case anil tlio jioisou as well. !, JT-It la cntircl y. veRctaWe ami harmless. 0 Treatise on I'.Iuoil nnd Skin mailed froe. C Svviit fcrEciMo Co., Atlanta. Oa. PKOKE8SIONAL CAItDS, H. a. sr J : '4? Ofllce 111 Py SMITH tiitnn Building. WC. LOCAN D D. S. DENTAL PAKI.011S. Mansell Block, 573 Third Street. T E. LaFORCE. J. UliNTIST. i'lavel BuildlnK, Uipisite Occident Hotel. J FULTON BOOS., Rooms 3, 4, 6 and 0, Odd Fellow' building, A.itoria, Oregon. W. M' LAANKV AT LAW. Olllcc, ituoms 7 and 8, Kinney' building. A A. CLEVELANO, .7 ATTOKNKK AT LAW. Olllce-Kinney's new brlclc butl(lio, corner Tlnrd and (Itinevieve streets ; up stairs. SILAS B. SMI JH AnilMEV AT LAW, Ofllcexvcr A. V, Allen's storo, corner Third and Onus streets. FRANKJATiir-iAW, Astoria. Oregon. J O.A.BOWLBY, A1I0MEY AiD COUKCELOR AT LAW Ulllco on Second Street, - Astoria, Or. JOHN H. SMI'H, . O atiok.nev'at law. Olllce In Kinney's iiovl brlclc building, nvr Astoria National Hank, ' i'uvhicun'ani) suuokon, Olllce over store of J. 11. Wyatt, Second street noar (lenovleve, DR. A. L, and a. A- FULTON. DISK ASKS OK WO.MKN A Hl'KClALIY. Snri?try by i r. J. A. Fulton. Olllce 178 Uls sireeu lloui'ii 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 DR. EILIV JANSON. , I'llVSlOlAN & SUKIJKOS. tt lOM 7. (illlcoover O-KOUil'sClloMilnj; Store, hours, 10 to ii til, 2 lo6 p, ni.7 to 8 p in. Sunday, 10 lo 11 111. DR" l'M8ISilD SOROEON. Special attention to Ditieases of Women aud fcuiwry. Olllce over Dauzlger's store Astoria. J A'U Y JlUIANLifu IWKoN'oi ACCOUOH EUK. Olllce, rooms 3, 4 over Astoria Nat ional Hunk, hours, 10 to 12 & 2 to5 Kesldence.C;9 Cedar st. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. nrTi TlOMlKorATllKJ PIVSKIIAN I SITR aemi. Olhce. 4'l. Third str-iet,. llours 10 to 12 uud2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Uesidence VA 3d street LP. MULLINIX, M. D., . (lives special tieaiuieiit fur Catarrh, throat Liiiiks, Kidney (ienito-Urinary nriuis Olllce up8t;iii,Mi; , l'nird St. lloun.U a.m.'j p.m. TR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND BUKOKON, Dealer in Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 3T,7 Second Street, Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. U WICKMAN V . CON CRACTOK. Jltmse niovliiK and street plankinp:. Screws mid blocks fur rent. Call on or address 3J37 Pine street. ACIBBOMS, . AOHK-.1ISU OK ACCOUNT and PKOf USSIONAI. KJOKKEKl'Elt. Ofkihk : With (ieueral Alesseuger Co,, 615 .-kaniixiue street I H. MANSELL. rl. KUAb tSlAlB liROKER. KoUiry Public. Firo uud Aceldeut Insurance, w W. PARKtR, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT olllce 112 lieutou street, Astoria, Oregon. W. T. BUKNKY, J. W. DUAFKB Rurney & Draper, Atiornev at-l.utv, Oregon City, Oregon Twelve years' experience as register of 111 U. S. i.iiii(l Olllce here, recommends us in our specially of Mining and all other business be- lore inu I. ami umce or me uouri.s, auu invoiv ug the practice ol the General Land Olllce. jROCKENBROUCH & COWING. LA W OFFICE, OREGON CITY, 0 It. Sneelal attention izlven tu laud business. Set' tiers on litiiiicsteails or nre-einptlou elaims and limber land piireli.ises shown every advantage oi tue law, r or asisiauce in niaKiiig ninu prool call on us. SOCIICTY RIKUTINUS. Astoria Lodge No. 50, A. O. V. W. - -iruiu fc-wnv tprniv AT JM K o'clock in the Od l'l-Vllows' Hull. So journing auu visum, orcinrt'ii conimuy tu vlted. J. I ROGERS, Recorder. Ooeitu Enwmpmr.i No. 13.1. O. O.F .K(Jl?LAR MKKTINt.S Of OCEAN KN- Alk eanipment No. 13, 1. . O. r., st the ltlge. lu the Odd Fellows UttliiiniK, m .tci. p. m., on the second and fuunh Mntxlays ul each mouth, Bojourulug bnah'eu cordlAllj i.viteu By orders O. P, Aatona Building & Ijoau Association UE REGULAR MEETINGS OK THIS ASSt 1 oiatinu are held at 8 i M. ou the first Veanedy of each month. Office on Genevieve street, somn n i iieimmut. W.L.KOBB, Secretary. CotuuiOTi Coubcu. KGUI.AR MKKTING. FIRST AND IV third Tuesday eveulinnoi eacu mouth at ft o'clock. nrlVrsnn desiring to have mailers acted Uion by the Council, at any regular meeting must present the same to tho Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Fndav evening prior to the Tuesday on wliicD tue council nouis us reuuiai meeting. ' K. OSIIUKN. Auditor and Police Judge. 1 Board of Pilot Commliwlonera. THK REnrLARMKETlVG3OFTIII8B0ARI, will lie held on the first Monday, ofeaeb month at 10 a. m, at the olllce of Kohb & Par ker. W. L. ROBB, See Dealer In - !tardsre and Ship Chandlery, Pur Oil, Brl:bt Varnish. Bliiarie Oil. Cot ton I'rtitT, Hemp fail Twine, Ijml Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Dalvauirted Cut Nails Orooorloa, Etc. Atneullnra! Imi'm ents, Swing liv . marhiues, Paints aud Oils. .H,ttlltMIHIHMtHllllH Ripans Tabules . Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ana intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of soirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six VlaU) Svity-f!ve Cents. One Package (l our Boxes) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample addreil RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. ' ' . m MHMMI Merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connecting with Canadian Pnrlflc and Great Northern Railway ami Clilmt KteaniHinp Line. Titblmr rrph'ht. nnd nasspnirers for Vancouver anil Victoria 11. C. auu seiuuo, lacoina auu an soiiuti minis. lavltirr AittoriA evnrv 1U iiavs. Etir particulars apply at the ollico Astoria Abstrai t t. T. Of. FERGUSON BR03., Agents" PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Steamer Telephone, Leaves Astoria Every evening except Satur dAV hL 7 n. ni. An Ives at Astoria Every day except Sunday at 'l p.m. Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a. m. o. w. btonk, Agent, Astoria. G. A. UEEI.KV, General Agent, Portland Or. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Urundsot ftnv.lgn and Dome tie Wines. Llouors aud Chrars. J. H. ('utter Whiskies a specialty. Vai Mate Bottled Beer. Kluest brands of Key West and Uoiuesl lo olgars. Llnuors for Medicinal l'urnose. Faintly Trade Holtclted. All orders from (!ir City and oountiy proP'tsiy linen. Squeniogue Street, - - Astoria. Oregui. THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individ uaIs. Dennslts solitdted. Interest will bo allowed on savings deposits as lollows: Ou ordinary savings bioks i per cent vet annum. On terra savines books Cper cent. per aunum. On certificates of deposit: For threo months, 4 per cent, per annum.. For six months, b per cent, per annum. For twclvo mouths, 6 per cent, per annum. I. W. CASE I President J. Q. A. BOW LB Y Vice-President FRANK PATTON - Cashier W. E. liKMENT Secretary .directors: . - ' I. W. Cose, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Gust Kolmes, C. H. Paee, Beuj. Younit, A. 8. Reed. F. J. Taylor. The Store of John G. Niemi Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who are going to close out the stock. Iulendinir pnrchivseri will do well to call and cxau'uue uoo a And prices beforo purc'iasli'K elsewhere. They also have a good wutclunaker to do repairiui;. Foard & Stokes Grnoorins Healers in Glassware, Crockery, Ship Supplies, fouacco, Wiucs and Fine Whiskies. Flue Teas and Colfee aSpeclslty. The Finest Display of Frulis in the Cilv, Fresh ou Ker,v Steamer. Corner of Third ami West P.lghtn Mieets. H. B. PARKKE DEALER IN lame, Brick, 8and, Fire Brick. Fire Clay, Cement, Mill Feed, Oats. Hay. Ktraw . Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, ToamiriK and Eipresi Bnsinein. G. A STUtSOK & C0 BLACKSMITHING Ship aud Cannery work, Horsesnoeing, Wag ons made and repaired. io d work jnnuanteed On Cass street, opiwwite lue '. cn Talk ofllce FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavr and KbJlf HARDW A.K K Cw.7 In lock Wagons an.l Vehicles, Farm Marhinery, Faints. His, Varnlshe. Logmen' Supplies, Kalilxnk't aies. Doors ana Wim.ows. PROVISIONS FLOUR Mil MILL FFXD. ASTORIA, - - OREGSO. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ....ANP... ALL Pn,NlS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Sonllicni Paciflc Comp'y Tba lOr ly tRoute Through Otlifornia to Points E&at and South The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS SLBEI'INO O.tltft Attached to express trains, affording grip -run accommodations for second-class pautAngers. For rates, tickets, sleenhiK car reservations etc., call iiKi or address E, P. IU Mi Kits, AhhIsI antdeneial Freight and Passeugor Aueut, Port imd.Or. , . The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST PAUL RAILWAY CONNECTING WITH ALL TRANS EN TAL LINES -18 THE RUNNING Electric Lighted Cars BETWKRNI ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AN , OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS ThAlNH enstn of VESTI BULEl, SI.KEHIhtt, 1IN1NU AND PARLOR CAK&. " HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every toxnry knows pjodern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequaled. TIekeU on laic at all prominent rail otneea. For further Information inquire of any tick cent, or C. J. EDDY, General AgL J. W. CASEY, Trar. Pa. Ajrt. PORTLAND, OREGOS.