The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 06, 1893, Image 3

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F Ft fires are coming closer.
' Y ir overcoat are gradually mak
ing ir appearance.
F'ouitiin beautiful halibut were tak
en up to a Portland fi9h firm list
Andrew Pictola and Caroline Eskola
were granted a marriage license yes
terday by County Clerk Trenchard.
Captain Stevens of the Vancouver
Wash., Salvation Army corps, came to
town yesterday and is staying at the
Parker House.
The beach season Is fast drawing to
a close. When th Ocean Wave went
down last night she barely mustered a
corporal's guard of passengers.
With the fog comes a little sickness.
Several peple are laid up with bad
colds. J. S. Kitchen hns a severe at
tack and Mrs. T. S. Jewett Is very 111.
The Columbia River F. P. Union
1 eld their regular monthly meeting
hist night. It is believed that the
settlement of the price to be asked for
fall Columbia river salmon will be ar
rived at in the next few days.
An S0 lot tor $2.
The Belmont cigar can be had
Clias. Olsen's.
For $2 a lot I sdellvered every .week
to uic uuyer in iiin s nrsi autumn
Bl;; discount on all goods at the
Boms' outlining store oi c. a. oiukbh
There was a most imposing funeral
ceremony yesterday when the little
child of George Baker was burled at
"Greenwood, according to the formula
of the Salvation Army. Captain Nor
wood of- that body oonducted the pro
ceedings. Remember McGulre's Hotel at Sea
side Is open the year around.
Groceries cheap for cash at Howell
& Ward's.
All groceries sold at bottom prices
for cash at Howell & Ward's.
Only the purest wines and liquors
are soid at Alex. Campbell's Gem.
There was a hot football practise
last night at Smith's Point. It has
not yet been definitely decided what
the next flixturo will be, but It is
probable that the club, will attempt o
vanquish a crack coast team within
the next few weeks.
For fine wines and liquors call at
August Danlelson's Sample Rooms.
Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per
cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood
Yard. Satisfaction, guaranteed.
For bargains In real estate, call on
Wm. B. Adair, 4';4 Third street.'
Men of small meana can buy leal
estate In Hill's first aidluja.
Miss Warren has engaged Mrs. D.
Airth, as assistant teacher in the As
toria Select School. Mrs. Airth is a
French scholar, and a teacher "of ex
perience. Miss Warren and patrons
are fortunate in securing the services
of so excellent a disciplinarian.
Sewing machine and general repair
ing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A .May, 132
Hill's first addition 18 located W the
centre of the city. Lots are now sel
ling in it for $2.
A great reduction sale is In progress
at P. A. Stokes" gents' outfitting
Del. Ferguson, general Job printer,
Astorlan building,' upstairs. First
class work at reasonable rates.
The public will be glad to know that,
contrary to expectations, the, rates of
pussemger trojvipl between here and
Portland have not yet been raised by
the combine, afid it is very probable
If matters progress satisfactorily, that
they will remain the same as hereto
fore on ' the Union Pacific steamers,
the Telephone, and the Lurllne.
Parties visiting in Portland can get The
Dally Astorlan at Handley & Haas' news
stand, 160 First street.
i . ..
Wing Lee has Just received a full line
of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
Will sell at cost. 629 Third street.
For all kinds of Job printing, go to
Pel. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan build
ing. Call at the Astoria Real EJtate Ex
change and get a 'ot :n HU' flrsj ad
dition for jl
' The following were registered at the
Astor House last night: Frank Han
re n, Vancouver, Wash; Frank Scott, L.
Seigel, J. O. Burroughs, Rev. J. Gan
tenbeih, Albert Cleveland, S. J. Bliss,
W. C. Alderson and wife, of Portland;
, R. L. Boyle and wife,. Ocosta, Wash.;
E. Ogllvle, Knappa, Or!; G. A. P. Bry
ant, D. P. Ross, C. D. Rogers, Ilwaco;
N. S. Staples, Walluskl; Mrs. E. B.
Stoner, Seaside; T. M. Henderson,
Young's River; Jno. Frye, Byron Kim
ball, Youngs River; E. C. Heacock,
Seaside; J. Akerstadt, Hare, Or.; C. Z.
Stanley, South Bend; Mrs. C. Willis,
Stockton, Cal.
Meany is the leading ai! .r and pays
the highest cash price fcr fur ikins.
The finest and most extensive line of
blue and white steel enameled ware
ever displayed In Astoria has been
received at Foard & Stokes.'
Wagner & Co. have a line of new
souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing a specialty. Opposite The
Astorlan office.
For delicious Ice cream soda go to
Coimann's Ice Cream Parlors. Choice,
fresh candies manufactured dally at
Wanted Purchasers for general mer
chandise. Every hjng at cost price
T, F. Laurin, 630 Third street.
S. F. Hess the milk rancher, whose
amusing assessment return was print
ed a few days ago, was in town yester
day. He is suffering from temporary
aberration which his doctor hopes will
develop Into nothing serious. Just at
present, ' however, his conversation Is
very wild. He believes himself the ln
entor of a huge system of World's
Fare transportation tickets, and a mill
lonalic. Yesterday afternron he wa- ted
to swear out a complaint against Mr.
JEFFS, Tie Only Restaurant
J 0. TrulllnBcr and 4 eve Win n-rested
for not sending lumber out to his
ranch on a special train. Ilcss pays
that 10 5 ns ten carpenters lying Mle
at his farm wailing for the lumber to
come, to build hini a barn and on ad
ministration building.
Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25
per cord by' C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this
office. Terms cash.
Sportsmen Intending to purchase
their winter's supply of ammunition
should communicate with Foard &
Stokes before purchasing elsewhere.
Theo. Bracker keeps a varied and
choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos,
playing cards, cutlery, stationery,
pipes, amber gooas, etc.
Elegant bath tubs, first class'shav.
Ing and neat and artistic hair cutting
at the Astoria Baths. Glllet & Corbctt,
Yesterday afternoon the little son of
F. Feakes of Alderbrook, was driving
a two-horse team along Astor street
with a large load of wood on the wag
on, when one of the wheels went into
a hole, the sudden Jerk of the' high
scat throwing the littlo driver hend
long to the ground. The horses stopped
Instantly but the wagonan ahead a
little, the off fore wheel passing over
the boy's left arm Just above the cl
bow. Strange to say, his arm was not
troken, and although It was badly
bruised and very painful, the little fel
low, with Spartan fortitude bore his
sufferings without a murmur. After he
had laid down awhile and recovered
from the shock somewhnt he started
back home although he was not able
to drive the team.
The 'Astoria Select School begins its
eighth year, September 11th, offering
enlarged opportunities, in its new de
partment and improved building. Tu
ition paid monthly. Miss E. C. Warren,
I won't be under sold on wall paper.
Always as low as the lowest. The best
stock to select from In the city. B- F.
Allen, Third street.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred.
Salz' Saddlery establishment.
There Is no place in Astoria where
John Kopp's famous beer is kept in
such good condition as at Utzlnger's
popular resort.
At the regular meeting- of the city
council last night, Councilman Welch
presided! There were present Council
men Barker, O'Hara, McGregor, Lewis,
Thomson, and. Bergman. Minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted.
Officers pay rolls for the .month of Au
gust were passed and ordered paid.
The sum of $G refunded to J. H. D.
Gray, pound charges for a horse cap
tured without cause. Mrs. McKenzle's
petition to build a woodshed at the
foot of West Ninth street was grant
ed. City surveyor reported on the ad
visability of building a tunnel water
shed 27x22 feet to drain through Shive
ly's and Adair's Astoria and prevent
land from sliding. Report adopted.
Decided that henceforth the city
should pay the rent of the city survey
or's office. The report of the assessor
cn the Wall street assessments re
ceived and adopted. The assortments
showed on the average a charge of
about $G2 on each lot. Further action
on the subject was postponed to the
next meeting in order to give Wall
street property holders an opportunity
to flic acceptance of the instalment
terms with the police Judge. The res
ignation of Dr. Walker as city health
officer was received. It was decided to
pay him $500 for all services rendered
to date. The committee on fire and
water reported that they could not
advise any curtailment in the fire de
partments alt the present time.- The
report of the city surveyor on the wa
ter line to Bear creek was received.
The report stated that the other sur
veys had not defined with any -degree
of accuracy the amount of property It
would be necessary to purchase from
each individual through whose land
the pipe would run, The matter was
referred to a special committee Thom
son, O'Hara, and Bergman, who will
confer with the water commissioners
and see what steps are necessary In
order to get water to the city by the
new line. Decided that the account of
the city surveyor, for drawing profile
be paid out of water works fund, and
that the account for abstracting the
property through which the line runs
be presented to the water commission
for settlement. Council adjourned.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas.
Olsen's. .
Thor Frederlckson, piano tuner, has
moved to 1053 Third street, Adair's As
toria, near Eagle cannery. Leave or
ders at Griffin & Reed's book store.
Water colore, crayons and sepias cray
ons, copying and enlarging, a specialty
at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street
Fresh fish received at the Albatross
Fish market .dally. Salmon 10 cents
per pound.
The program for the present week
nt Utzlnger's popular Cosmopolitan
Theatre is the best that has yet been
presented at this favorite resort. In
addition to several new selections by
the orchestra, the evening perform
ances will include "The Black Detec
tive," a highly amusing comedy sketch,
and "Everything,'' a side-splitting
farce in which Reynolds and Leslie,
the talented sketch artists, will par
ticipate. This is the last week of sev
eral of the performers who have made
U.e Cosmopolitan famous plnce its in
ception. viJ
a I i
Tue cn)y Tuic Cream tf
"Jsed in Millions cf Homer
at T
To the Editor of The Astorlan:
I am a new resident of this city,
and I find that I have got into a nest
of dogs, from the miserable mongrel
cur, with his exasperating whine, up
to the deep, bass voice of the more
respectable dog.
It is incomprehensible how people
can tie up these dogs in their back
yards, and let them howl by the hour,
making life miserable for their neigh
bors. Dogs can be trained, and an
application of hickory occasionally
would cure them of this exasperating
habit. A dog that can't be broken of
It Is only fit to have his neck broken.
As I passed by one house recently, the
whole family were on the front sloop,
and the' poor dog was tied up in the
back yard, howling like mad. A well-
behaved dog is a pleasure and a coin
panlon. What possible pleasure 13
there In keeping a dog like that? And
again, I came home one afternoon last
week for a rest and necessary sleep;
one dog kept It lively for one hour,
then It was continued by a miserable
cur opposite for another hour. In ex
asperation I wont across to ask the
owner "If he wouldn't be kind enough
to untie the iig," and I found that
the whole family had gone away for
'he evening and left the dog tied up
In the back yard.
It's a pity the authorities don't take
a. hand in abating these exasperating
nuisances. Everybody has not cast
ircn' nerves, neither can one remain In
a- neighborhood where he Is so con
stantly annoyed. It Is an outrage. I
hear dogs from the time I get home
until I leave In the morning, and am
gradually being barked out of the
neighborhood. It is said, "love your
neighbor," but I am getting so I hate
people who keep these imps of hell. .
I would go out of my way not only
to oblige my neighbor, but to prevent
his" being annoyed, and I can't under
stand how some people can be so
thoughtles and Indifferent and per
haps malicious. At this hour of writing
we are having a symphony from a
dog on the corner to destroy the quiet
ness of the afternoon. ?
Yours, etc.,
At The Monogram you can find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor de Madrid and all other choice
and favorite brands of cigars.
J. W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, gives lessons in music, pi
ano and organ. Organs tuned and re
paired. Address 589 Astor St., Astoria.
The Office liquors and mixed drinks
are unexcelled. Genevieve street, be
tween Second and Third.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the county court yesterday John Reed
of Great Britain,, and Andrew Adder
son, V. Mlckelson, and E. Ekblom, all
subjects of the czar, were admitted to
citizenship. All the court officers were
In attendance. Judge McBride made an
order appointing, F. A. Fisher, C. S.
Wright, and C. S. Gunderson adminis
trators of the estate of the late C. R.
Sorenson. It was ordered that a levy
of 12 mills on the dollar be levied for
county purposes, and lVj mills on the
dollar for road tax, and 5 mills on the
dollar for school tax. In the matter of
the delinquent tax roll of 1892,. the
time was extended until September,
1R93. In the matter of the estate of Sa
ra Coffman, deceased, It was ordered
that the following be continued and
citation issued accordingly, tot, appear
October 2nd, 1893. .
The'e is no risk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
full value of their money.
The Coffee-House, 522 Third street;
best place for chops and steaks: oys
ters by the quart; received dally and
always fresh.
a disordered liver that you'ro subject to
attacks of cold or chilis on slight exposure.
You got " tired " easily. The feeling is ac
companied by u " tired " digestion, which fails
to assimilate the food. This often results in
What we call IiidigcHtion or Biliousness.
Dr. Pierco'n Pleasant Pellets rouse the liver
to vigorous action, and this in turn starts the
machinery of the body into activity. Liver,
stomach ami bowels fcol tho tonie'effect, and
in consequence the entire system is invigo
rated. '1 be processes become self -regulating,
and a reserve force- is stored up against ex
posure to disease.
If you'ro too thin, too weak or nervous, it
must be that food assimilation is wrong.
This is tho time to take Pleasant Pellets.
They permanently cure Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Sick or Bilious Head
ache, Diziiiicxs and Jaundice.
Catarrh cured by using Dr. Sage's Remedy.
m. GUNtrs
spy oinur
When a chili, mother gv mo onion syrup for
Coughs. Cold and Croup, in rem I give ittomy lit
tleonea. There it nothing so ilmple, ufe ana jure.
Dr. Ounn's Onion Syrup U as uarmlew and pleas
ant to the taste aa homy. ThU la a mother horn
remedy, why not try ttf . Bold at 00 oaata.
For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist
U r" ? n m pit
P ler.X- A j:tm.?:ik; Xr i--'u:it.
-40 Ynrs the Stjnf1.i;c
boarn and go to school. Inquire t this
wages to the right pnrly. Enquire Wi As-
tor St,
j ana nave your ciotnes ayeu ana cleaned
m eo. Mclean, corner olney and as-
VJT tor streets, does a general business In bluek-
suiuiiiiig aim repairing.
transacts a
Accounts ol Firms and Individuals .-elicited
on Favorable Terms,
Foreign audOomustlo Kxchango bought anl
Money Loaned on Personal security.
Interest paid on Time UeposlU us follow
For 3 months, 1 iter emit per milium.
" 6 " 5 " ' . "
Having been established In connection Willi
me unove, flepo'ii win ne received in iiinn mis
ot one dollar ami upward.
Interest will b hIIk'.vh.I as follows : On ordi
nary savings honks, 4 per cent per auniini ; on
term savings uooks, o per cent per milium,
O. K. Warn, President.
J. E. Hindi. Cashier.
J.C. Itemeat, Vies President
l. K. Warm,
J. C. Dement.
f.. 8. Wright,
John llobion,
H. C. Thompson,
Tbro llraolier.
1J to l inch points in
all styles.
8-inch Sturgeon Hook
Files, $1.30 per doz.
Corner Cass and West Ninth.
On the Knropean plan I.iuse, Airy rooms,
id a llrst-rliisa restaurant. Hoard daily, week
ly or monthly. 1'rlvato rooms for inmilles.
Oysters and lisli In season.
Finest Wines, Liquor and Clears.
EVKNriON & COOK, - - Proprietors.
. r Dealer In
Stoves a Specially.
Lamps and Olossware in Endless
Second Street, Astoria, Or, .
Incandescent, oil niuht. . . . $1.50
" 12 o'clock... 1.01)
" 10 " ... 75
' For pnrtinulai'8 iiuiniro of nny member
of the tirin or at the office, foot of Con
eomly Ht. Wrst Shokk Mills Co.,
1. V. I ruiJinger, 1'reniUt'iit.
butchers and - Grocers,
Astoria and Upper Astoria. .
Fine Tons and Coffees, Tuble DeHencles,
a Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vej;elu
Mes,sugur cured hams, bacon, etc.
Troprletors of the
Portland Butcherinsc Co.'s Markets
Comer Second and Benton streets.
Corner Third and West EUlith streets.
Seaside Saw Mill.
A complete stock of lumber on hand In the
rough or dressud. Flooring1. Uimtic, Celling;,
and all kliidxof finish; MunldhiKS and Hliin
gles; also Bracket Work done to order. Terms
reasonable and prices at bed rock. AH orders
promptly attended to, Olllce and yard at mill.
II. k. h. Logan, l'ropr.
Seaside, Oregon,
. - HeaTT and HhiU
Can7 In tryk
Wagons aii.l Vehicles,
Farm Machinery, Paints. 'ils, Varnlshur.
Loggers' Supplies, Calibans;'! Hcales,
Doors and Wiuc.ows.
Chop and Oyster House
JOS. TERP, Propiietor.
The best meal in tha city for the moncv.
Kantcrn orxter. Next door to Odd Krl
lows' building, 461 Third Ht.. Astoria.
Gents' - Furnishing - Goods
Clothing in Endless Variety
S, Danger's, Tliird Slrcct
Remedy for a Lean Pocketbook.
A lean pocketbook is moie preva
lent in this country than cholera i
in Europe at the present time. The
best treatment is good nursing and
proper care, which can be had by
buying your Men's and Boy's
Suits, Pants, etc, at my 25 per
cent reduction clothing sale.
Also your Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises, and
Men's and Boys' Furnishing
Goods of all kind?, which arc new
fall lines direct from the manufac
turer, and from 1G 2-3 to 33 1-3 per
cent in price less than elsewhere.
liSP-A child buys as cheap as the
most experienced buyer.
The Reliable One Price Clothier and Halter,
(10(1, ti02 Tliinl Street, Opposite Fonrd & Stokf,a', AHtoritt, Or.
nUnk Hooks, Fino Stationery,
Itiiseball (jt)ods, Footballs,
Hammocks, Haby Carriages.
New Gods arriving daily. Low Pi Ices for Cash.
loaves for Tillamook Hay Points
of i lio Union Pacific steamers from S in Fnucisco.
riic steamer R. I Klmoro comirtt with Union Paclilo sfeanirra for Portland,
mid lliroiiirlrliclci'lsai'e issued from Porllinul toTillnmnok Hhv points by
the Union 'we Co. Shin freight from Portlii'dl ly Union Pacific
ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents, Astoria!
UNION I'ACIW l. If. i'imi ,Y. Ateiils Portland.
By becoming a member of Hill's Lot
Clubs you can get a first-class lot in "Sill's
First Addition to Astoria. Lots will bo
delivered weekly.
time to procure a lot
home, for
Dealers In
Stiim Steel Iron ft Cojjff Ware
Bol si! on I ii for Mngcc fltoven and
Jobbing nf nil klmli promptly nt'
tciidi d to.
CI Heemul street, Ant.pi In.
Is the Best of Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
Hates P2 rtitlly mi'l iijiwanlf.
Ciias. Heilborn & Hon,
Iint'Orter anl Penlcm In
And I'liholnte ry.
Ml, KB, 5(0 Thlril Htreet, Aftortu.
the -day following tho arrival
Now is ther
to build a
Dalgity's Iron Works,
JAM. IAI.JITY. l'rop r.
(Hneccmor to Arndt & Fcrohen.)
nnllerRepnlrliuiiKl 'Dticry Wotlt. Ilepalr
IiiK (' Klvcr Craft a Specially, Mxi'lilno Work
of nil kmilH donu. Hliop, foot nt I.Bluy. tto Ht.
A. A. (XKVKUNO. Prop.
Good Bread Cakes and Pattry,
Noue but the frett Mutoriali oied.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers.
Brcu) dcllvoreil In any part of the city
Kvery Iteijiiialte for
Nil's tnilcrliiking Parks,
Thin! Tlrect.
I Intel Rcannnble. Embalming a
-18 THK-
Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in the Town
. (And tho Plni-at on the CouO
Dinner Parties, Banquets a Spccialu
Th fliMt Wlaea aa tlqiort.