The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 05, 1893, Image 3

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City council tonight.
It doeh.j't know whether to rain or
not. , 7 -
The Red Men had their regular
weekly meeting last night
The Hook and Ladder Company do
not elect their delegates until next
Monday night.
The legislature of Oregon ought to
meet and abolish Labor Day. The
streets yesterday looked Uko Sunday,
only more so.
Fish were running a little better on
the sands yesterday, and several fine
strings of tomcod ere brought In
during the afternoon.
The Telephone brought tf!e mall
down last night for the first time. She
was crowded on her up trip, there be
ing no ether night boat.
A corps of surveyors is engaged plat
ting the Becker place at Elk Creek.
The property Is being laid out In lots
In four avenues a mile long.
Dr. W. C. Logan returned from San
Francisco. Sunday, after a vacation of
a few weekB, and resumed the prac
tice of his profession yesterday.
The Nob Hills of Portland were de
fr-niied bv the Scaland nine. Sunday In
a match game of baseball at Sealand.
The score was 20 to 8. Next Sunday
they will meet the Portland League
An S0 lot tor .
The Uelmont. cigar can be had "t
Clms. Olaen's.
For $2 a lot t sdellvercd every week
to the buyer in uurs nrst ruiuiuun.
The funeral services over the body
nf the infant child of O. L. Baker will
be held at the residence, 2G Madison
street, today at 1:15. Captain Norwood
of the Salvation Army will conduct
the services, and the funeral will be
held according to the rites of that
Big discount on ail goods at the
gents' outlining store of P. A. Stokes.
Remember McGulre's Hotel at Sea
Bide is open the year around.
Groceries cheap for cash at Howell
& Ward's.
Local cannerymen report that drafts
oh New Orleans are below par and
that the shipping of salmon to that
lilace is very inconvenient. The bot
tom fell away from New Orleans when
the great John L. was wiped out of
the pugilistic het.ven In that wicked
southern city. . -
AH groceries sold at bottom prices
for cash at Howell & Ward's.
. Only the purest wines and liquors
are sold at Alex. Campbell's Gem.
For fine wines and liquors call at
August Danlelson's -Sample Rooms.
I The regular monthly meeting of the
school directors will be held tonight.
The only important business outside of
routine work is the assistant prlucl
palshlp of the High School. It seems
very probable that! the office will be
abolished altogether, or that Miss Bad
ollet will be asked to reconsider her
resignation. .
Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per
cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood
Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. -
For bargains in real estate, call on
Wm. B. Adair, 4 '4 Third street.
Men of small means can buy leal
estate in Hill's first aldluja-
The Harrison went out yesterday
with a load of cannery supplies for
the cannery of Foard & Stokes at Cc
qullle. This cannery will open up work
Immediately on the arrival of the
steamer, and the business sagacity
and foresight of the owners of the en
terprise will no doubt make the sea
Bon a profitable one all round.
Sewing machine and general repair
ing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A .May, 132
Hill'" first addition is located in the
centre of the city. Lots are now sel
ling In It for J2.
Del. Ferguson, general Job printer,
Astorlan building, upstairs. First
class work at reasonable rates.
Neally's dredger finished the govern
ment work on the Armstrong: bar last
Saturday night, Bays the Willapa Pi
lot. There is now a channel at that
point 80 feet wide and with an average
depth of 9 feet at extreme low water.
This work has occupied nine months
end gave employment' to about a doz
en men during that time and, the cost
of the work was $12,000, a large part of
which has been put in circulation in
this vicinity.
Parties visiting in Portland can get The
Daily Astorlan at Handley & Haas' news
eland, 160 First street.
For all kinds of job printing, go to
Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan build
ing. " '
Call at the A&tona Real E-Jtate Ex
change and get a 'ot In Hld's flrsj ad
dition for VL -
The new postal money orders to be
provided by the government will soon
be Issued. In the new system there
will be no complication. Sheets will be
issued calling for amounts from one
cent to $3, which can be torn off to
suit the purchaser. The postmaster
wlU have no writing to do on it, the
sender Bimply endorsing it the same as
a check or drift. One cent will pay the
charges on any amount up to 'in
stead of three cents, as now.
Wing Lee has Just received a full line
of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
Will sell at cost. 529 Third street.
A great reduction sale ls'ln progress
at P. A. Stokes' gents' . outfitting
Meany Is the leading a'.! r and pays
the highest cash price f.r fur klns.
Last night several boys got In among
the timber at the back of Mr. Mo
Kean's new residence and fired a num
ber of large trees. All the evening the
JEFF'S, Tiis Oalj Bestanraut.
blaze kept up and It was only because
the firs in the vicinity were well filled
with sap that a conflagration threat
ening; the whole city did" not ensue.
Tills gang of young lads, sons of re
spectable people in Astoria, have been
terrorizing citizens in various ways all
summer ' without hindrance.
The dressmaking parlors of Mrs. S.
A. Ross at Miss McRae's millinery
store, Genevieve street, will be reop
ened September 1st. -
The finest and most extensive line of
blue and white steel enameled ware
ever displayed In Astoria has been
received at Foard & Stokes. ;
The large barn of A. Robnett, of Pine
Creek, was burned on the evening of
the 18th, and his fine stallion perished
In the flames. Mr. Robnett was also
badly burned In trying to save the
horse, which, after having been taken
from the barn, rushed back and was
devoured by the flames. There were
about twenty tons of hay consumed.
The flro originated from the explosion
of a coal oil lantern.' The loss of the
barn is about $1500, beside the stallion
valued at $1000.
Wagner & Co. have a line of new
souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing a specialty. Opposite The
Astorlan office.
Wanted Purchasers for general mer
chandise. Everything at cost price
T. F. Laurin, G30 Third street.
Gust Holmes, manager of the Anglo-
British Columbia Packing Company, on
the Skeena river, returned to town
yesterday with an interesting budget
of British Columbia news. At a meet
ing of the beard of directors of the Al
aska Packers' Association, prices on
the 1S93 pack of Alaska red salmon
were fixed as follows, net cash, f. o. b.
ex-shlp: 1,000-coso lots at $1.00 per doz.
less ZVi per cent.; 10,000-cnse lots at $1
per doz. less 5 per cent.; 25,000-case
lots at $1.00 per doz. less 5 per cent.
For delicious Ice cream soda go to
Colmann's Ice Cream Parlors. Choice,
fresh candles manufactured daily at
Colmann's. '
Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25
per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this
office. Terms cash, -
Sportsmen Intending to purchase
their winter's supply of ammunition
should communicate with Foard &
Stokes before purchasing elsewhere.
Willard Soule's dwelling house, about
a mile from Willapa, was burned to
the ground last Saturday morning,
with all household goods and wearing
apparel of the entire family: At the
time Mrs. Soule and two children were
alone on the place; Mr. Soule left the
house' early in the morning mentioned,
on -an errand and returned barely in
time to rescue the two children from
the burning building. The fire is, sup
posed to fcave caught from a defective"
flue. There was a small insurance of
about $300 on the house, but the loss
will be heavy and severely felt at the
present time.
Theo. Bracker keeps a varied and
choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos,
playing- cards, - cutlery, stationery,
pipes, amber goods, etc.
Elegant bath tubs, first class shav
ing and neat and artistic hair cutting
at the Astoria Baths. Gillet & Corbett,
The report has been circulated by
different newspapers throughout the
country that ex-County Clerk Chans
lor was a defaulter of county funds to
the amount of $11,000. The report got
out from the grand Jury statement that
there was a difference of that amount
between the clerk's annual' exhibit of
1S92, and 1893. The county clerk not
having the handling, of any of the
county funds, would in itself make
this a very Improbable., proposition.
The difference Is certainly a clerical
one and an expert will be employed to
trace up the error. Grant's Pass Ob
server. I won't be under sold on wall paper.
Always a low as the lowest. . The best
stock to select from in the city. B. F.
Allen, ThiiM street.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred.
Saiz Saddlery establishment.
All yesterday afternoon tlie,re was a
large and dangerous hole in the middle
of the road In 'front of Allen's store,
that obstructed and turned the course
of traffic for several hours. It was a
death trap for man and beast until
Bcme Good Samaritan put a large box
ever it. There are three more of these
pits on Third street. Somebody is re
sponsible for this. Who is it? If Mr.
Chadwlck's labors are too heavy he
should let the city council know it. If
he is not given enough assistance he
should let the public know it. But eith
er, one course or the other should be
taken without delay.
There Is no place In Astoria wher.e
John Kopp's famous beer is kept in
such good condition as at .Utzlnger's
popular resort.
Thor Frederlckson, piano tuner, has
moved to 1053 Third street, Adair's As
toria, near Eagle cannery. Leave or
ders at Grlflln & Reed's book store.
The following, was sent to the Astor
lan yesterday from the office of the
United States lighthouse inspector.
Twelfth District, San Francisco: No
tice is hereby 'given that a second
class spar buoy, painted with red and
black horizontal stripes, has been
placed In Carmel Cove, Carmel Bay,
California, Jn five fathoms water, about
Ml . B i K H u kl L. VL A li I!
The omy l'uie Cream vi T.trU-r 1'
Vsed in Millions of I ft -mr
ten feet north of the edge of a rock
having but five feet on it at extreme
low water. About sixty feet north of
the buoy is a shoal spot having on it
about thirteen feet at low water; this
latter shoal spot is not noted on the
chart. The following compass bearings
are given: West Entrance Rock, NW
by W, 3-8 W. Coal Chute, E 5-8 S.
. The Coffee House, 522 Third street;
best place for chops and steaks: oys
ters by the quart; received daily and
always fresh.
The'o is no ilsk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
run value or their money.
The following officers and delegates
were elected by the engine companies
last nlghti
Columbia No. 3: Foreman F. P.
Lelnenweber; 1st assistant Lars Lar-
sen; 2nd assistant Sam Olsen; presl
dent-C. Gramms; secietary G. W.
Morton; assistant" secretary E. P.
Noonnn; Treasurer John Kopp; dele
gates to Board Lud wig Larsen, N. P.
Johansen, Lars Larsen.
Rescue No. 2: Foreman Ross Clin
ton; 1st assistant O. I. Petersen; 2nd
assistant Terry Coe; president F. L.
Parker; secretary--F. J. Carney; treas
urer A. S. Reed; delegates to Board-
Captain J. W. Brown, C. H. Stockton,
Tom Corbett.
Astoria No. 1: Foreman Curtis Tren
chard; 1st assistant F. Hayburg; 2nd
assistant Jens. Hanrtn; president J.
Gratke; secretary J. Macomber; treas
urer W. Bock; delegates to Boanl
C. J. Curtis, J. Wirt, J. Reed.
Water colors, crayons and sepias cray
ons, copying and enlarging, a specialty
at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street-
Fresh fish received at the Albatross
Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents
per pound.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas
On Wednesday oi this week, H. S.
Rand, through his agent, W. Reynolds,
bought 4000 steers from the cattle men
of this county, says the- Prlnevillo
News. The prices agreed upon, are $
per head for' three-year-olds, and $27.50
for four-year-olds and over. The cattle
from the northern part of the county
to be delivered at The Dalles by .the
20th of September, and those from the
southern part of the county to be de
livered at Huntington. This is one of,
if not the largest cattle deals ever
made In this county since Crook was
nit off from Wasco. Several cattlemen
have pooled their cattle to make the
required number the minimum num
ber being 4000, and the maximum 5500.
Some of those who furnish the cattle
are A. R. Lyle, U. Mcl'nerson, sanuers
Logan, J. .W., Howard, Alf Allen, Will
iam Pollard; Frank Prlne, and several
others. This deal will bring over $100,
000 into the county to enliven business.
Ere long k a host of cowboys will be
seen scurrying over the plains, remind
ing us of years ago when the cattle
business was the principal occupation
of the people here. -
At The Monogram you can -find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor fle Madrid and all other choice
and favorite brands of cigars.
J. W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, gives lessons in music, pi
ano and organ. Organs tuned and re
paired. Address 5S9 Astor St., Astoria,
The program fop the present week
at Utzinger's popular Cosmopolitan
Theatre is the best that has yet been
presented at this favorite resort. In
addition to several new selections by
the orchestra, the evening perform
ances will include "The Black Detec
tive," a highly amusing comedy sketch,
and "Everything," a side-splitting
farce in which Reynolds and Leslie,
the talented sketch artists, will par
ticipate. This is the last week of sev
eral of the performers who have made
the Cosmopolitan famous since its in
a disordered liver that you're subject to
attach of cold or chills on slight exposure.
You got " tired " easily. The feeling is ac
companied by n " tired " digestion, which fails
to assimilate the final. This often result in
wbat we call Indigestion or Biliousness.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rouse the liver
to vigorous action, nnd this iu turn starts tbo
machinery. of the body into activity. Liver,
stqmnch ami bowels feel the tonic effect, and
in consequence the entiro Bystem is invigo
rated. The processes beconio self-rcguluting,
and a reservo force is stored up against ex
posure to d incase.
if you're, too thin, too weak or nervous, It
must bo that food assimilation is wrong.
This is the time to take Pleasant Pellots.
They permanently cure Constipation, Hour
Stomach, Dy.spqsia, Sick or BUioua Head
ache, Dizziness and Jaundice.
Caturrh cured by using Dr. Sage's Remedy,
When ,eliild, mother (tve m onion syrnp for
Coughs, Coldi and Croup, in turn I nut It to my lit
tleones. There IB norhml so limple, iafe oa
Dr. OannV Onion Bynip U in harmlew nd P'"
nt to the tuts honey. ThU It a mothert home
remedy, why not try It? Bold t 60 oenU.
For sale by J. W. Cenn, Druggist
." i Arni.iciiia; No lum.
Wars Ibe Stanford
board and go to school. Inquire ut this
i V wage! to the right party
Kuqtul'O 40S A3-
tor st.
recover by proving property aud pa) lug
expenses of this advertisement.
uuu uuve your clothes uyeu ana denned.
VJT tor st reets, iloes a general business 111 blnck-
sinitliliig auel repairing.
Accounts ol Firms ar.d Individuals .-elicited
on Favorable Terms.
Foreign andiinmestla KxehauRO bought n1
Monet Loaned on Personal .ecnrlty.
Interest paid on Time Deposit as follow:
Fur .1 months, 1 per emit per annum.
. 8 .. 8
4. 2 8 " " "
Having been established in connection with
the above, deixHt will bs received In amounts
of iino dollar and upward.
Interest will be allowed as follows : On ordi
nary savingH bunks, 4 per cent per aunnin ; on
term savings bunks, 6 per centner annum,
I. K. Warren, President.
i. K. HIkIuh, Cashier.
J.C. Dement, Vice President.
II. K. Warren,
.1. (!. Ilclllf lit.
I!. K. Wright, .
John HoIwob,
II. t. Thoinpo,
. iheo llmeker.
l-J to i inch points
all styles,
8-inch Sturgeon Hook
Files, $1.30 per doz.
A. 6. SPEXARTH, Cass St
Corner Cass and West N lnth.
On the Eiironean plan I.hikc. Alrv rooms.
and a first-class restaurant. Hoard daily, week
ly or monthly. Private- moms lor fiinillles.
Oysters and fish In season.
Finest Wlucs, Lhjnois and Cigars.
EVEN.-X)N & COOK, - - Proprietors.
Dealer In
Stoves a Specialty.
Lamps and (i)xsswnre In Endless
Second Street, Astoria, Or,
Incandescent, nil night.... $1.50
" 12 o'clock... 1.00
" 10 " ... 75
For particulars inquire of nny member
of the firm or nt the oflice1, foot of Con
comly St. West Shohu Mills Co.,
T. V. I rullnigor, tr resident.
butchers - and - Grocers,
Astoria and Upper Astoria,
Flno Tens and Colt en. Tabid DclleaclMi,
Domestio anil Trupieal Fruits, Vegetable-!,
sugar curod lianis, bacon, etc.
rroprlotors of tho 1
Portland. Bulchering Co.'s Matt
Corner Second and Benton slrrcts.
Corner Third and West Klitlnli streets.
Seaside Saw Mill.
A complete stock nf lumber on hand In the
roii(?h or dressed. Klonrinir. Ktistlt-, Ceiling,
and all kinds of finish; UonldiiiKS and Hliln
gles; alto ltracket Work done to urdcr. Terms
reasonable and prices at bed rock. All ordrrs
promptly atteuded to. Ollice and yard nt mill.
II. K. I. LOGAN, Piopr.
Seaside, Oregon.
Hearr and Shall
Ow In r lock
Wagons aii'.l Vehicles,
Farm Machinery, Valnts, Wis, Varnlshe.
Loggers' Supplies, Kaiibank'i Hcales,
boors and W ini.ows.
Chop and Oyster House
JOS. TERP, Propiietor.
The best meal In th city for the money.
Kastcrn ovslcrs. Next door to Odd Fel
lows' building, m Third 81., Astoria.
Cents' Fnrnishing - Goods
Clothing in Endless Variety
S. Daaziger's, Third Street
Remedy for a Lean Pocketbook.
A lean pocketbook is moie preva
lent in this country than cholera is
in Europe at the present time. The
best treatment is good nursing and
proper care, which can be had by
buying your Men's and Boy's
Suits, Pants, etc, at my 25 per
cent reduction clothing sale.
Also your Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises, and
Men's and Boys' Furnishing
Goods of all kinds, which arc new
fall lines direct from tho manufac
turer, and from 16 2-3 to 33 1-3 per
cent in price less than elsewhere.
ilSFA child buys as cheap as the
most experienced buyer.
The Reliable One Price Clothier and Hatter,
(10(, (i02 Third Street, Opposite Foard & Stokes', Astoria, Or.
rl ink Hooks, Fine. Stationery,
Hiiscball Goods, Footballs,
Hammocks, liiby Carriages.
New Goods
Leaves for Tillaiinjok JJay Points the day follow liif? tho arrival
of the Union Pacific steamers from S ur Francisco.
riiostonmfii'R. P. Elmore ennnaw with Union Pacific steamers for Portland,
and Miroiiiflt tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Huy points l v
the I'liion iville. Co. Ship freicht from Portland by Union Pacific
learners. -
ELMORE,. SANBORN A CO., Agents, Astoria!
Fr' ao
By becoming .a member of Hill's Lot
Clubs you can get a first-class lot in Hill's
First Addition to Astoria. Lots will be
delivered weekly.
time to procure a lot
home, for
Dn.iltT In
Stoves, f het Iron & Copp :r Ware
Soln ncenlK for Marpo Sloven anil
Jobbing of nil Idmla promptly nt
tended to.
tfl Second ttrcct, AhUiiIa.
Is the Best of Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
ltali'i, i2 dully and U.W';irin.
Ciias. lleilborn & Hon,
Importer and Ielei In
Ami Vplnjistory.
Ml, rir., m Third Street, Astoria.
Low-' Pi lees for Cash.
Now is the fS
to build a
Dalgity's Iron Works,
JAS. lAI,;iTY, l'rop'r.
(Huccouor to Arndt & Forchon.)
JlollrrRcpftlrliuranil Tannery Work. Repair
Inn of Klvcr Cm ft a Specially. Marhlne Work
of nil kind. dono. rihop, foot o( Lafuyi tto HI.
Good Bread Cakes and Pfttry,
None but the rient Material! used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers.
Bread delivered In any part of tho city
Kvery Rei)iilBlte for
1'olil's Indrrlaking Parlors,
Third Tircct.'
Itntea Reasonable. Rinbalinlnx a
w ii
Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in the Town
(And the Flnwrt on th? Of-t.l
Dinner Parties, Banquets a Sprclali,
Tk Plaaat Wli and Liqior.