THE DAILY ASTOIUAH, ASTOK1A, fttJNDAV MOHNle, SEPTEMBEll 3, lb3. ABOUT THE CUT. Labor Day tomorrow. The soldiers will have better luck next time. The Astoria Select School will reopen cn the 11th, of the present month. A larpe batch of Walluskl bricks from Eartoldus' kiln will be forwarded to this city next week. Colonel Hughes has not yet disposed of his horse. Bids were too slack at the sale yesterday. An J80 lot for J2- The lielmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olaen's. For $2 a lot 1 sdellvered every week to the buyer in Hill's first addition. Big discount on all goods at the gents' outfitting store of P. A. Stokes. The regular monthly meeting of the wardens and vestry of Grace church will be held at Van Dusen's office to morrow night. A chunk of coal, said to come from a seven-foot vein Just discovered on the line of the Gobel road was brought In yesterday and exhibited around town. ThU afternoon a grand concert will be given at Utzinger's popular Cos mopolitan Theater. The success of all previous affairs of the kind at this well conducted house will doubtless be re peated tdday, and all who attend are assured of spending a couple of hours very enjoyably. Tomorrow being Labor Day the post oJTlee will be closed for Ihe transaction of public business except between the hours of 8 and 10 a. m., and 5 and 0 p. m. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will mecic in the vestry of Grace church at 2:30 on Tuesday after noon. The total proceeds from Mrs. Trenchard's garden parties are $72, Which sum will go towards defraying the general expenses of the parish. Remember McGulre'u Hotel at Sea side is open the year around. Groceries cheap for cash at Howell & Ward's. All groceries sold at bottom prices for cash at Howell & Ward's. Several firemen leave for the Dalles tonight to attend the tournament there. The Astorian has, made its usual arrangements for a full descrip tion of the various races by telegraph, as soon as they are run. May the boys meet with every ' success. They will no doubt sustain the reputation for lightning work that they now hold all over the state. Only the purest wines and liquors are sold at Alex. Campbell's Gem. For fine wlnea and liquors call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 029 Third street. A great reduction sale is in progress at P. A. Stokes' gents' outfitting store. The ladles of the Methodist churcm In anticipation of the coming of Rev. Dr. Bushong today have spent some time in decorating the interior of the building very beautifully with flowers. It was a source of great disappoint ment therefore when their new pastor failed to arrive on last night's steam er, having been unavoidably detained in East Portland. He will be here in the latter part of the week. Get your hemlock wood for $3.25 per cord delivered, at the Astoria Wood Yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. . For bargains in real estate, call on Wm. B. Adair, 44 Third street. Men of small means can buy leal estate In Hill's first aldlUoa. Sewing machine and general repair ing, lock-fitting, etc. C. A .May, 132 Main. To show how wheat is falling as a crop in the Willamette valley, an In stance may be cited in this season's yield. Oliver Beers harvested from a arge field on the Old Mission place, thirty bushels of wheat to the acre. This was grown on land that had been in continuous service for half a century, too. New wheat is bringing 50 cents a bushel now; old wheat is as last quoted, 48 cents. Salem Indepen dent, Hill's first addition is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now sel ling in it for ,2. Del. Ferguson, general job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. Parties visiting In Portland can get The Dally Astorian at Handley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street For all kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing. Here is a chunk of hard sense from the Portland Dispatch: "A proper economy in everything is laudable at all times, hut there is such a thing as carrying this virtue too far. Times are hard, but to make them still harder, stop all public Improvements,' reduce wages to tiie lowest rates, and then hoard up the money. This will make hard times if nothing else does." The'e is no risk taken by Joining Hill' lot clubs. Everybody gets the full vaiue of their money. The Office liquors and mixed drinks are unexcelled. Genevieve street, be tween Second and Third. Water colors, crayons and sepias cray ons, copying and enlarging, a specialty at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market daily. Salmon 10 cents per pouna. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh BelmonU at Chas. Olaen's. Sportsmen Intending to purchase their winter's supply of ammunition should communicate with Foard & Stokes before purcdaslng eisewnere. In the. mining building at the World's Fair, one of the most attractive feat ures of the mineral display is a min iature appliance at the Oregon exhibit which shows the various processes of placer mining. A little stream of water comes running down an incline, wash ing away by dsgrees, a pile of earth which is supposed to represent a moun tain rich in the precious yellow metal. Regular placer dirt, full of gold. Is used in the mine and very naturally the process attracts a good deal of at tention, and great crowds constantly cluster around the place and watch with curious Interest the workings of the outfit. Each little particle of gold seems to act as a potent magnet to the fingers of those who stand around. It Is so easy and so natural to forget tc put them back again. This thing at first was repeated so often that it grew very monotonous, and the com mission was losing the gold as fast as they could wash it out. Finally It be came necessary to station a man at the place to specially guard the nug gets. Now, whenever any very curious spectator picks up a piece of gold juBt merely to examine it, you know, this faithful sentinel keeps his hawk eye on the person and does not fall to re mind him or her not to forget putting It back again. Call at the- AWorta Real Estate Ex change and get a 'ot 'n IlM's firs,; ad dition for $3. AnmAM tf Tiro!oa nan niirAliflBA fnmn.. V.al1'n TInnf TJowoflir nnrl nil ttio fnU limhln. Voterlnaxv Remedies at Fred. Salz' Saddlery establishment. WoiniAi Jfe- Cln linvo n. llnfl nf new souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and jew elry repairing a specialty. Opposite The Astorian office. Wanted Purchasers for general mer chandise. Everytlhlngi at cost price T. F. Laurin, 630 Third street. Here is tho best bear story of the !enson from the East Washlngtonlan. "The Widow Bosely and P. Browder, while picking huckleberries on Cum mins creek one day this week, came across an old bear and two cubs. The cubs were chaRed up a tree whore they were safely guarded by Mrs. Bosley, while Browder walked to a mill, two miles distant, and returned with a gun. While the widow was standing at the tree watching the cubs the old bear tore around, crashing the brush at a fuirful rate and growling frightfully, but kept some distance away. The widow stood plucklly at her post and delivered the 'bar meat' to the gunner who dispatched both cubs on short or der upon his return. The cubs made s( vera! attempts to get down the tree to the ground, but were as often beat back by the woman, who rapped them unmercifully with a stick, while she kept one eye on the old bear, who was kicking up such a racket . as would have caused the famous bear hunter of Pomeroy to either skedaddle or climb more rapidly than the cubs." T won't be under sold on wall paper. Always a low as the lowest. The best stock to select from in the city. B- F. Allen, Third street. For delicious ice cream soda go to Colmann's Ice Cream Parlors. Choice, fresh candles manufactured dally at Colmann's. rim, fcomlnslr to nnrl riallvpreri at 3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Leave orders with Ben coe. care or tnis office. Terms cash. Theo. Bracker keeps a varied and choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos, playing cards, cutlery, stationery, pipes, amber goods, etc. . Eleeant bath tubs, first class shav ing and neat and artistic hair cutting at the Astoria Baths. Gillet & Corbett, proprietors. The B. C." Commercial Journal says: "The methods resorted to by certain canners on the Fraser to secure an ex tension of time for cperat Ions' from August 25, to August 30, are Just now the subject of considerable animated discussion. It is contended that such extension will result in the demoraliz ation of the salmon market. Nearly all of the packers had filled their con tracts, and it appears that there was really no necessity for an extension. All contracts contain, or should con tain, the stipulation that they shall be completed in the time provided by law, barring accidents by fire, water, or in transportation. All have the same chance to complete their contracts, r.nd no cannery should be conceded privileges which must result in dam aging the market for ell. Of course the light pack on the Columbia may result in )the prices maintaining a stiff position." ' ONLT RIGHT TO TELL. The Rev. Mark Guy Pease, the emi nent English Divine, writes: "Bedford Place, Russell Square, London, Dec. 10, 1892. "I think It only right that I should tell you of how much use I find All cook's Porous Plasters in my family and among those to whom I have recommended them. I find them a very breastplate against colds and coughs." 4 ' There la no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in- such good condition as at Utzinger's popular resort. Thor Frederlckson, piano tuner, has moved to 1053 Third street, Adair's As toria, near Eagle cannery. Leave or ders at Griffin & Reed's book store. The Coffee House, E22 Third street; best place for chops and steaks: oys ters by the quart; received daily and always fresh. lyj I i li l IsS ILa AMONG THE CHURCHES. Sunday services at Grace church, Episcopal, at 11 a. m., and 4 p. m., to day, Rev. W. S. Short, pastor. There will be the usual services in the . Presbyterian church ' today, morning and evening. The Y. M. C. A. will meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the hall, corner Benton and Third. Mr. C. A. Hansen will address the members. - The Norwegian Evangelical Luther an church, on the hill above Columbia cannery, Uprertown: Divine services by Rev. L,. Nlssen, Sunday 11 a. m. (Holy Communion 10:30) and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school (Scandinavian) 9:45 a. m. (English) 2:30 p.. m; Song meeting, Friday night at 7. Services at the Congregational church as usual. In the morning, re ception of members and celebration of the Lord's Supper. Subject In the ev ening: "An Evil Heart of Uubelief." The Sunday school meets at 12 m., and the Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Divine service with Holy Communion will be held at Grace church this morn ing at 11. Evening prayer (children's service) with address at 4. The evening service at Holy Innocents, Upper As toria, at 7:30. At tho M. E. church today class meeting at 10 o'clock a. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Young peoples meet ing at 7 p. m. A telegram late last evening announced the unavoidable detention of Dr. Bushong. Preaching service will therefore be dispensed with both morning and evening. The dressmaking parlors of Mrs. S. A. Ross at Miss McRae's millinery store, Genevieve street, will be reop ened September 1st. Meany Is the lead in l- ' and pays the highest cash price f.r fur skins. The finest and most extensive line of blue and white steel enameled ware ever displayed in Astoria has been received at Foard & Stokes.' Rev. J. McCormac will conduct di vine service on board the ship Ther mopylae at 4 p. m., today. The ship Is lying at Kinney's dock, and all are cordially Invited. John R. . Cartwrlght, near Harrls burg, will have 10,000 pounds of hops from his 'yard, ready for the market this week. The hops are of the new variety known as Fuggles, an English variety which are proving a success, netting a fine yield and being much earlier than any others. They will be quite an acquisition. Albany Herald. The Bohemia gold mines are attract ing considerable attention this sum mer, and from the showing they are making it is safe to say that in the near future this will be an Important camp, Mills now" in operation have not the capacity to take care of the ore that is available, but are more of an experiment thin anything else. But the experiment is proving eminently satisfactory to the holders of claims in this district. Thera have been over $8,500 worth of bullion shipped from Cottage Grove this season, besides sev eral tons of concentrates, which in creased the output to at least $10,000. There are now about one hundred men In camp, and the ledges that are be ing worked are showing up well. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor do Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, gives lessons in music, pi ano and organ. Organs tuned and re paired. Address 589 Astor St., Astoria. Fred Olsen takes the lead in manu facturing boots and shoes. All work is first class and warranted. Repairing a specialty. Corner Second and Olney streets. LIGHT AND HAPPINESS COME TO YOU rs, W-Kf - ' u you ro a Buuurmg wu (OTSnSi :;S8Mnan, The messenger in v f,iM this case is Dr. Pierce's W'&frl'i 'W 'avorlte Prescription. Maidenhood, Womanhood, Wifehood, Motherhood, all need the beet of care, proper regard for hygiene and the " Prescription." Tt'a a ton in and nervine, a remedy pre scribed Dy an enunens ntivRininn and fmflcialist f. all fli nnnulior ilia and oiltnonta nf woman. Some dispositions are gunny even in pain. But. it was not meant that women should suffer so. She need not, while there's a reniody that regulates and promotes all the proper functions, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep and restores health and vigor. In the " complaints," weaknesses, and irregularities of womanhood, it's the only unaranUed remedy. If it fails to boueflt or cure, you get your money back. DR. GUNN'S IKPBOVXD LIVER PILLS M- ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Breath bad or Head achlnltP One of Ihea- Pl ' -Uevea dlalrcaa in the atomwh end cure. 'd,(-'j one each night for a week eweeten. the puridea the breath. They lnaure P?; f"' iwulate lha bowela and sure ulpaii..r i. a act promptly, yet mjidly.never iirlpe 01 Druggiata or mail. Boaauko Med. Co, Fl Ua i a. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist smmr. i mm suroa The tournament of "the Slate Volun teer Firemen's Association will be held In The Dalles, Monday and Tuesdav next, September 4th and 5th, says the Statesman.. The program for the first day will consist of the reception of the visiting firemen and the parade of the teams. The secretary of the association has reported that the following com panies had notified him of their inten tion to take part: Veteran Firemen's Association af Portland, Volunteer Firemen's Association of Portland, Or egm City Hose Company No. 1. Ore. gon City Hose Company No. 2, Oregon City Hook and Ladder Company, Van couver Hose Company No. 1, Vancou ver Hose Company No. 2, Fulton Hose Company, Astoria Engine Company No. 1, Astoria Engine Company No. 2. Multnomah Hose Company No. 2, Al blna Hose Company No. 1, Tlbbetts' Addition Hose Company, Woodlawn Hose Comnanv. Sunnvaide Vlnaa. fnm. pany. The committee on hose races at Ihe Dalles has arranged two races for next week's tournament. The first race will be similar to the New York test, being a total run' of 600 feet, lav 300 feet of hose, uncouple and recouDle several lengths of hose. The first prize is $100 cash, and $50 second The second race is the wet test, and $Cft Is the first prize, $25 second, and $15 third. The only representative from Salem this year will be in the person of F. E. Hodgkln, assistant state treasurer. He was secretary of the association for several years. Report of School District No. 21. Young's river, for the term beginnlmr April 10, and ending September 1, 1893: Number days taught, 97; number days attendance, 1354; number of pupils en rolled, 16; average number belontrlnir. ! 14.8; average daily attendance, 14; Tar dy marks a part of the dally Droeram. Number days absence, P5. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy: Jul ius Young, Daniel Young. Names of pupllB who averaged 90 per cent, or better In deportment: Kate Osgood, Lu lu Henderson, Emma Wright, Alice Wright, Anna Osgood. Harry Helcht. The school has received eleven visits from the directors and thirteen from others Interested In its welfare. Early In the term two fine blackboards were placed In the school, which have been a great aid in developing the minds of the young. The affairs of the district are admlnUtered In an efficient and intelligent manner by the board and the promptness and liberality with which school supplies are furnished by them would delight the heart of any teacher of varied experience in coun try schools. 'Altogether, the school is a desirable one and the teacher who se cures the position for the next term will find her lines have fallen in pleas ant places. Quite a novel, interesting and at tractive feature of the exhibit made by the state of Oregon in the agricul tural building t the World's Fair, Is the weather-crop bulletin of Oregon, as It Is telegraphed each week from Salem and posted on an Immense blackboard In the Oregon pavilion. This affords the enquirer an opportun ity to draw his own conclusions. He tees at a glance the condition of crops in Oregon and learns the state of the weather. Oregon Is receiving dally ship ments of fruit and vegetables and grain, and will continue this during the entire season. She wishes to Illus trate to the farmers and fruit growers Just what can be done in Oregon, and as nothing demonstrates so well as the pr.iduct3 themselves, the commission ers will keep constantly renewing their exhibits. Prairie Farmer. j WANTED. A SITUATION 11Y A I.APY TO WORK KOIl boiiM ami go to school, inquiro at thin Hi ... MISCELLANEOUS, afx A I T. AV l niVlru A1H THItfl, HTHWWT j and have your clothes dyed mid cleaned. Ceo. McLean, corker olney ani a--Ttor street, doe" a general bus! iH-!Mlu black- Smithing and repairing. STURGEON - HOOKS 1$ to 1J inch points in all styles. 8-inch Sturgeon Hook Files, $1.30 per doz. A. G. SPEXARTH, Cass St CENTRAL HOTEL Corner Cut and West N Luth. On the Humoral, nlan Lurac. Airy rooma. and a tlnit-clKa rcitaurtmt. Hoard daily, week ly nr monthly, l'rivute rooma lor tamillea. Oysierx and tiali In aeason. Finest Wined, LlijtiOfs aud Cigar. EVKN.-ON t COOK, - - Proprletora. E. R. HAWES, Dealer lu HARDWARE and TINWARE Stoves a Specialty. Lamp and Olrtinware In Eniilrai Variety. Second 8tree, Astoria, Or. Incandescent, all night. ... $1-50 12oVlock... 1.00 - 10 " ... 75 F7r nnrtirnlara initnirn of snv member r,f tlifl T.f in or el Ihe otiicc, f;ot cf Coa- comljr Ht. West hhorb mii.m tx.. ELECTRIC LIGHTS Money Slipping Through Your Fingers new, fmt-clnss and direct from tho m:uiuf:iclim'i-. iJA child buys as cheap as the mosl expt iieuei buyer. I. L OSGOOD, The Reliable One Price Clothier and Hatter, GvK), 1102 Third Street, Opposite Foard & Stokes', Astoria, Or. CITY Hooks, Fine Stationery, Baseball Uoods, Footballs, Hammocks, iJnby ( 'arriages. New Goods arriving daily. Low Pi Ices for Cash. GRIFFIN 5g REED STEAMER R. Loaves for Tillamook Hay IVints .tliu day following (n arilvjl of the Union Pacific stoiiinor.s from H m Francisco. ; Hie Hteamor R. I. Elmoro coiuitxu with Union Pacific Htpamrn for Porllim '. and Mmmirli tirkctsarn isHiiod from I'oi tliind to Tillamook Huy nninu l v thu Union 1'iu'ille U Shin IVdsrht from Portland liv Union hiclfL-Rteainoi'M. ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents, Astoria! UMO I'AClKlc It. It.'TOM ANY. Ariitx Port I a nil. TXT. 12 ASTORIA NATIONAL BA' K TIUNHACTd A GENERAL . BANKING BUSINESS Accoimtn ol Firms aud Individual olicllrd on Favorable Ternn. Foreign and Doincstlo Kxeliaiigo bought ain aold. Monei Lonncd on Pcraonal aecurlty. Interest paid on Time Deposits us follow: For 8 month, t per cent per annum. " G ft " " " i. 12 " 0 " " " ' A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been rstulilMind In connection wllh the Hliove, depo-tlt will be received hi amo iiils of one rtolliir mid upwiird. Interest trili be allowed as follows : On onll nary saving books, 4 per cent per Huniiin ) on term attvliiu bonks, 0 per cent per annum, D. K. Warm, President. i. K. Hlsvla. Cashier. J.C. Pemeni, Vlea fresldoiil, II. K. Warren. .1. C Dement. V. K. WrlKht, Joba llotMun. II, ('. Thomnsoa. Directors . T h Hrar It er. J NOE & SCULLY, Dclers In , Stoves, Met Iron SCoppir Ware Bole aienl for Magee Stoves and ltungea. Jobblnir of nil kinds promptly at tended to. 4.11 Second street, Astoria. ANTOKIA IXOA WORKS, Couci.inly street, loot JhcVoii, An tor I a, Oiejron. General Uinixt & lloilcr Makers Und and Marine Enxlnes poller work. Steam boat and Cannery Work aripecialty. Castings of All Description! Kadi to Order it Short Notics. J'M.N VOX , .l'res1de,ntand8np- . U FOX .Vice fresldeii EViriy rU'(lllIU) for FIHST-CLtSS FUOALS AT Polil's tiiderlaling Parlors, TblrdTlreet. put r-"M-''!". fcrnbat-aiag a K)H-eialty. Don't let your money slip through ywur fingers by buy ing your goods elsewhere when you can save from 10 2-3 to 331-3 per cent by buy ing at my 25 per cent clothing reduction salo your Men's and Boy's Clothing of all kinds. Al Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe.i or Boys' Furnishing Goods. Theso jLMiods niti II ;"ST P. ELMORE THE MODEL Chop and Oyster House JOS TERP, Propiietor. Tho best meal In I lie oily for I ho ninner. I' intern ovsters. ext door to Odd Fi ! lows' building, 4lill Third HI., Asiorlu. Cents' - Faroislung.- Goods -AMU- Clothing In Endless Variety S, Diiiizigcr's, Third Street no Occmen Bote! Is the Best ot Its Class On the Pacific Coast. AN UNEXCELLED TABLU Hales, J dally and upwards. Cli as. Heilhora & 8on, Importers and Dealer! In mmu, -.carpets. And UjilioMery, Ml, .VB, ritti Third Htrect. Atorla. Dalgity's Iron Works, JAM. IALITY. I'rop'r. (Huecessor to Arndt & Ferchco.) Boiler Repairing: and Cannery Woik. Repair ing of Klver Craft a Kneitlally. Maeblne Work of all kinds dmio. Hhop, foot f l.afuyt tie hi. THE : OllEUUA : BAKF.RY A.A.CLKTiXASD.Proi. Good Bread CaVet and Pastry, H"r lt the K::t Mitcrl-li Satisfaction Guaranteed Custoren. Bread delivered In any part of the city JEFF'S, Tie Ciij fiestairanL The only Pure Cream of Tiirtur p- Used in Millions of Home; 0 Ammonia; No Alum. Years t"he Standard T. O. Trullinger, f resident.