The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 27, 1893, Image 3

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Warm, Isn't It?
A" fSQ lot for $2.
I co .'rani .n.l at Smith's today.
The Belmont cigar can be had at
Chas. Olsen'B.
Notwithstanding the heat, the Res'
cue Club Hall was crowded last night.
For $2 a lot 1 sdellvered every week
to the buyer in Hill's first addition.
T'A'j discount on all goods at the
gent.i outlining store of P, A. Stokes.
Remembct McGuire's Hotel at Sea
side Is open the year around. .
Summer seems to be coining. It's
rather late, but today will make up
for It.
Remember that the Potter leaves for
the beach this morning at 8:30.
Groceries cheap for cash at Howell
& Ward's.
Only the purest wines and liquors
arc tioid at Alex. Campbell's Gem.
WoFtptrt cream fresh every morning
at Smith's Ice Creuni parlors. Third st.
There will be no church services to
day at either Grace church or Holy In
nocents. Vor fine wines and liquors call at
Augut-t Danlclson's Sample Rooms.
If you want some extra line photos,
Mooera' is the place to get them.
All groceries sold at bottom prices
for cash at Howell & Ward's.
Large crowds of Astorlans will visit
the beaches today, in the vain effort
to keep cool. '
Who brings the prices down? Shan
ahan Bros.
For bargains In real estate, call on
Win. B. Adair, 4"4 Third street.
Men of small means can buy leal
estate In Hill's first aldUtoa.
Rev. J. W. McCormac will conduct
divine servlee In the Methodist church
this morning at 11 o'clock, and on
brard the ship Thermopylae, lying at
Kinney's dck, at 3 o'clock. All are cor
dially Invited.
Speaking of deposits, the best place
to invest your money Is at Shanahan
Bros.' bargain store.
Meany is the leading -a,::., and pays
the highest cash price tc.v fur skins.
Hill's first addition Is located in the
centre of the city. Lota are now sel
ling in it for ?2.
Forever float that standard sheet
, and the standard dieting sold by
Shanahan Bros, floats from every fam
ily clothes line.
Last night a splendid social enter
tainment was held at Kneimeyer's
Hall under the auspices of the Scan
dinavian M. 13. Mission. The Rev. A.
Peterson of Portland, delivered an ad
dress, and recitations and music filled
In the balance of a most delightful
Buy your ticket to Clatsop and Gear
hart today at the U. P. dock. $125 for
the round trip.
For all kinds of job printing, go to
Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build
ing Del Ferguson, general job printer,
Astorian building, upstairs. First
clnss work at reasonable rates.
Parties visiting in Fortland can get The
Daily Astorian ut Handley & Haas' news
stum, lbO First street.
Kurly yesterday, morning Miss Annie
Gunderson, an employe of the Pacific
Can Company, met with a very dis
tressing accident that resulted in the
1sh of three of her fingers. She was
operating what Is known as a "top
ping" machine, and at the moment
when the accident happened was about
to withdraw her hand from a can she
had just put under the press, when the
latter caught the member and com
pletely smashed the first, second, and
third fingers. After being removed to
her home the Injured girl was attend
ed by Dr. Walker who dressed the
. wound and left his patient comfort
able. '
The-'e is no lisle taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
. full value of their money.
Fresh fish received at the Albatross
Fish market daily. Salmon 10 cents
per pound.
Get a room at the Hotel Tlghe. New,
clean and neat. M. Shanahan, proprie
tor. Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas.
The steamer Columbine returned last
night from her trip to Destruction Is
land and Gray's Harbor. Captain
Richardson reports that his vessel, af
ter landing' mechanics on Destruction
Island renovated all the Gray's Harbor
buoys and proceeded to the wharf at
Hoqulam. Here and at Newport and
Ocosta the whole population turned out
to welcome the Columbine, and for two
days there was continual visiting to
and from the ship. Major Handbury
and Commander Farenholt joined him
at Ocosta and from there the vessel
went to Damon's Point and Peterson's
Point, to decide which of the two lo
calities was best fitted for a light sta
tion. The result of their Investigation
will be kept private till it is announced
from Washington.
" Sportsmen intending to purchase
their winter's supply of ammunition
should communicate with Foard &
Stokes before purchasing elsewhere.
Call at the Attoria Real Estate Ex
change and get a 'ot n UU's firs ad
dition for 2.
A great reduction sale is In progress
at P. A. Stokes' gents' outfitting
The Office liquors and mixed drinks
ore unexcelled. Genevieve street, be
tween Second and Third.
On Thursday last, says the Takima
Herald, In the Horse Heaven district,
William Dennis, a man 60 years of age,
met with a tragio death while at
work on a threshing machine as feed
er. The wheat was being supplied with
a derrick fork to the platform or ta
ble, and from that he operated the
-hoe-down." During Its swing the fork
JEFFS, & Only BfistaaranL
struck' him, knocking him into the
mouth of tha machine, the rapidly
turning cylinder catcjilng his feet with
its unyielding teeth of steel "and tearing
one log from his body and cutting it
to pieces, while the other limb was
horribly mangled and torn. The unfor
tunate man lived only thirty minutes
after the accident. He has a family of
grown-up children, while he and his
wife occupied a comfortable home in
the Horse Heaven country.
If you are going to the beach today,
take the Potter from the U. P. dock,
at 8:30.
. Water colors, crayons and sepias cray
ons, copying and enlarging, a specialty
at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street
For delicious ice cream soda go to
Colmann's Ice Cream Parlors. Choice,
fresh candies manufactured daily at
L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising
agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran
cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper
is kept on file at his office.
The schooner General Banning ar
rived at Seattle Thursday, from San
Francisco. Captain Challlster reports
that August 6th, while off the mouth
of the Columbia rlvei, he Blghted a
dangerous derelict only half a mile
away. Not a vestige of the mast re
mained in the wreck, and it floated
with tha deck even with "the surface
of the water. The quarter deck could
be seen and the timbers f the after
house, but the poop deck had been
washed away. There was a very bad
sea at the time, and as the wreck
rolled from side to side the stan
chions could be seen plainly, but no
bulwarks.Captaln Challiston says it
was a wooden vessel, at least 200 feet
long, and he thinks the hold was full
of lumber, which kept the wreck afloat.
The deck being so low made it very
dangerous, as it would be impossible
to see the wreck except in daylight and
clear weather. A strong northwest
breeze was blowing when Captain
Challiston sighted the wreck, and he
could not make a close examination.
The finest and most extensive lino of
blue and white steel enameled ware
ever displayed in Astoria has been
received at Foard & Stokes.'
You can't knock the spots oft of the
sun, but Shanahan Bros. knock the
spats off competition.
Wing Lee has just received a full line
of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
Will sell at cost. 520 Third street.
Wanted Purchasers for general mer
chandise. Everyt!hing at cost price
T. F. Laurin, 630 Third street.
The Tacoma Ledger says: At pres
ent fishermen are mystified over the
non-arrival of salmbn. They 'claim that
the fish had been running over a month
at this time last year. Seattle papers
announce that they have reached there
and local fishermen are expecting them
here In the course of another day or bo.
A local canner stated yesterday that
the probable reason for their delay was
the lateness of the season, which, he
thought, had its effect on marine life,
as well as vegetable life. Fishermen,
he said, who last year at this time
were going out and returning with. 200
pounds, were returning now with two
or three fish. The Puget Sound Fish
ing Company expects to do a business
this year of nearly twice the volume
that it did last season. All the fisher
men are expecting the run to be fully
as large this year and say that the fl.?h
will continue a month later In Sound
waters, owing to their tardy appear
ance. Te first big nets or tne season
were drawn in Elliott bay last week by
the fishermen belonging to the Boston
Fish Company. On Thursday the first
one was hauled up with 2000 pounds of
jack salmon, and on Friday,, one haul
of the seine brought up 1400 pounds.
The fish had evidently thinned out, for
on Saturday, but 230 pounds were tak-
A errand concert and matinee will be
given today at Utzinger's popular Cos-
mono ltan Theatre, me periormanee
will begin at 3 o'clock, and the music,
as is customary at this favorite place
of amusement, will be of an excellent
Tha liwlloa of rirnro church will clve
n naiir nt tha rnsblpnrA Of Mrs.
M. Trenchard, on Tuesday evening
next, August 2Uin, Alston v euneruny
afternoon, at the same place, a lawn
party will be given for the children.
T Txrrvn t ho under sold on wall Daner.
Always as low as the lowest. The best
stock to select from in the city- ii- l .
Allen, Third street.
Tifv hoimlnnlr nod delivered at J3.25
per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Leave orders with Ben coe, care oi mis
office. Terms cash.
rMco-iTit hoih tiihn first rings shav
ing and neat and artistic hair cutting
at the Astoria Baths. GUlet & Corbett,
At The .Monogram you can find fra-
Rolmnnt Wedding Bouauet.
Flor de Madrid and all other choice
and favorite brands of cigars.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred.
Saiz' Saddlery establishment
Wagner & Co. have a line of new
souvenir spoons. Watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing a specialty. Opposite The
Astorian office.
Theo. Braeker keeps a varied and
choice assortment of cigars, tobaccos,
playing cards, cutlery, stationery,
pipes, amber goods, etc.
Of Herman Wise's stock is now In full
blast. Everything sacrificed.
M. WISE, Mortgagee.
P. S. All persons indebted to Her
man Wise will please settle at once.
The only Vacs Cream cf Tart-: V
Jsed ia Million.? of I If tne;
Yesterday morning, when the case of
John Reiter wus called at the circuit
court room, the prisoner looking very
awkward and abashed but not at all
broken down, was brought forward by
Sheriff Smith. Judge Cleveland asked
for the evidence and Prosecuting At
torney Curtis called his witnesses. Need
less to say, the courtroom was crowd
ed with spectators, but very few of
them even caught sight of the prison
er's face. His eyes were fixed on the
ground through the whole of the pro
ceedings. The. following Is the testi
mony: Dr. A. L. Fulton: Found three cuts
on the hend of Snellman and three
knife wounds in the abdomen.
Miss Laura Snodgrass, of a down
town dance house: I live in Astoria
and know the prisoner by sight, Saw
him Tuesday and Wednesday about
two weeks ago. He went away Wednes
day and came back Friday in the af
ternoon. When he came back he had
money. Showed me $15 In gold and
some sliver. When he went away he
had no watch, but when he came back
he had a watch. I never gave him any
money at any time.
A. R. Friend sworn: Identified
the watch taken from the prisoner as
the" one he had sold Snellman some
months ago.
Otto Johansen swOrn:Llve on Youngs
River near Green Mountain. Reiter
came to my house on the evening of
the 3d of August, and remained over
night. Victor Snellman was there, and
another man named August Dolphin,
Snellman had been working for him
about a week at that time. He had a
silver watch. I identify the watch
shown me as the watch belonging to
Victor Snellman. On the morning of
the 4ti of August, after breakfast, Au
gust Doflphini and myself left the
house, going to the house of Jas. P.
Fox, where we were to cut hay that
day. We left Snellman and Reiter at
the house together. Snellman had (Mild
that h3 was going to town. I do not
know what money he had.
August. Dolphin: I have been living
with Ottp Johansen. Was at his house
on the. night of the 3d of August. Rei
ter and Snellman were there, and 1
left them at the house next morning
when we wenC off to work. Snellman
was going to town thaJC day. I
recognize the watch in court as Snell
man'B. I never saw Snellman after the
morning of the 4th, until I saw him
dead. I saw Snellman with money, the
night of the 3d. Saw a $20 gold piece
and several half-dollars In his posses
sion. Jas. P. Fox sworn: Live on Young's
River. I knew Victor Snellman and I
saw the prisoner, Reiter, on the road
on the afternoon of the 3d Inst. Reiter
said he was hard up and wanted work,
and that he would work for 50 cents a
day and board. Had no work for him
but took him to the house and gave
him some supper. Then he went away
to Johansen's.
George Kohler sworn: Saw Reiter at
Oiney on August 2d. He was going
back Into the country. Saw him again
at Olney on August 4th. He was alone
and on his way to Astoria.
Jonathan Duncan and Louis Bruzce
testified that they were out searching
for traces of Snellman when they
found his body near the road on Green
Mountain where It had been thrown
among, some brush. It was lying on
the left side and the back of the head
appeared to have been Injured. This
was on the 19th Inst.
Two witnesses who had been sub
poenaed to attend at the request of
the prisoner put In an appearance
from Portland, but beyond saying that
they had seen him once, knew nothing
for or against him. To his pitiful ques
tions as to whether "they knew what
kind of a man he was" both answered
that they did not.
The prisoner was then bound -ver
to the grand jury without bonds.
J. .W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, gives lessons in music, pi
ano and organ. Organs tuned and re
paired. Address 689 Astor St., Astoria,
Fred Olsen takes the lead In manu
facturing boots and shoes. All work is
first class and warranted. Repairing a
specialty. "Corner Second and Olney
The Coffee House, 622 Third street;
best place for chops and steaks: oys
ters by the quart; received daily and
always fresh.
There Is no place in Astoria where
John Kopp's famous beer is kept in
such good condition as at Utzinger's
popular resort. .
Thor Frederlckson, piano tuner, has
moved to 1053 Third street, Adair's As
toria, near Eagle cannery. Leave or
ders at Grlfiln & Reed's book store.
We (tiirtiiee that on eor these ptlla at a dof. will
produce better rniilt in the cure oi Ueadacha.
CoitlveiiMa, Bonr Stomach. Bad Breath nl VMl
neas, than Ihreoto flvo of ac y other make, aid do It
without griping and alckening. Their wonderful
action m.kca you feel like a new being. &e. a ho
DruggiauormaU. Uoaauko Med. Co. J?iuJa, Pa.
For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist.
: n -
r.iiwi' . Csi-
Vf. ':.7.c.
.'-::u:;waia; No .'urn.
-Trs the Standard
J family or at housekeeper. Wages uot no
nmcii Hu oojet'i tin ft good home. Apply Aim.
SchoerluK, care tills otlice.
bahlra and toasnist In housework would
like a situation. Quick and wiilltiK to work.
Apply M. J., this olliee.
Jj ame by paying dam&i'es and cost of this
notice. John Mattson, Unlontown.
una have your clothes dyed iiud cleaned.
tor streets, does a general business lit black
siuitlilug and repairing.
Amount oi Firms and Individuals solicited
on Favorable Teimt.
Foreign auUDomestlo Exchange bought acl
Money Loaned on Personal soourlty.
Interest paid ou Time Deposits as follows:
For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum.
.. 6 J 11 H
I. j2 fj " 14 . m
Having been establMiel In connection with
the above, dopo-iUi will be received lu amo-liU
of one dollar and upward.
Interest wlli be allowed as follows : On ordi
nary savings books, 4 per cent iter annum ; ou
term savings book", 6 per cent per uiiuum.
O.K. VYarrea, President.
J. K. Higgles, Cashier.
J.C. Demeai, vice Presldoul.
D. K. Warrea,
J. G. Dement.
!. 8. W right,
John Hobaoa,
H. C. Thorn mo,
Theo Braeker,
iU -
Is the Best of Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
Hales, $'2 dally and upwards.
Dealers in .
Stoves, M Iron & Copper Ware
Bole asenls for Magce Stoves and
Jobbing of nil kinds promptly at
tended to.
431 Second street, Astoila.
l to 1 inch points in
all styles.
8-inch Sturgeon Hook
.Files, $1.30 pei-doz.
Corner Cass and West Ninth.
On the European plan L:uge, Airy ronton,
and a ilmt-chiss retUurnul. Hoard dully, week
ly. or monthly, Private rooms for families.
Oysters ami fish In season.
Finest Wines, Llquois and Clears.
EVENSON & COOK, - - Proprietors.
,l)enl r In
Stoves a Specialty.
I n nps and Glassware lu Cndli ss
Second Street, Astoria, Or.
Chas. Heilborn & Hon,
Importers and Dealers In
And Upholstery.
Sill, 9MS, m Third Street, Astoria.
Kveiy Requisite for
I'olil's I'lidcrlaliiiig Parlors,
Ihlrd Tireet.
Fates Reasonable. Embalming a
C'lncomly street, toot Jackson,
Astoria, Oregon.
General Matliinists & Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Etnrtne, Boiler work. Steam
boat and Cannery Woilt a (Specialty.
Oaatisgi f All Description! Midi to Order at
Short Nolioe.
JOKN KOX President and Bup
, l. FOX Vice Presides
Dalgity's Iron Works,
JAM. DALCalTY, I'rop'r.
(Hucceasor to Arndt k Ferchen.)
Boiler Repairing and Cannery Work. Repair
Introf KlverCraftaHpeelally. Machine Work
of all kinds done. Hhop, foot of Lafayette Ml.
The Largest Stock, Best Quality and
Lowest Prices at the Blgn of
Tha fiolden Shoe.
: W S
The Reliable One Price Clothier and Halter,
CM, (102 Tbiitl Street, Opposite Foard & Stokes', Astoriu, Or.
For an Lot
By becomiti a member of Hid's Lot
C ubs you can get a first-class lot in Hill's
First Addition to Astoria. Lots will bo
delivered weekly.
time to procure a lot
home, for
Buys the latest improved
White Sewing Machine at
Blank Hooks, Fino Stationery,
Baseball (ioods, Footballs,
Hammocks, Baby Carriages.
New (iniiils iiniving daily. Low Pi ices for Cash.
. GlIFFi J u, REED
P An (Eli Hi
Continued till old stock is closed out
at cost. New Goods arriving sold at
liberal discount.
W. W. PARKER,; Assignee.
Leaves for Tillamook Jlay Points the (lay following the arrival
of the rniou Pacific steamers from San Francisco.
Tlie gtp.iiiipr If. P. Elmore conuctw with Union facifle stennipra for I'oillainl,
and through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Hiiy (mlnlx by
the Union 1'acillc Co. Ship freight from Portland by Union Puclllc
ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents, Astoria!
Butchers - and - Grocers,!
Aatoriu an J LTi r AkUirlik
Fine Teft and CofT-en, Tul! DeHnaoli,
lufHilc niiil Tr'iic:il Kmlit, VeneM
lIf,. ig;ir cured hums bacju. etc.
Proprietors ot (lie
Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets
e,iifr -:.-.-c:i
(loriirr Third ami Vel Kitilitli alneK
To suppose you can get thf
right results if you don't gn
about it right. Be patient, per
J severing, and buy your Hen's
and Boy's Clothing at my
25 per cent reduction
Salo. Also your Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes.nnd Furnish
ing Goods and you will come
out all right and save from
10 2-, to ool-S per cent more
than buying elsewhere.
l"A child, buy? a."' i lie p a
the most experienced buyer.
Now is the
to build a
Seaside Saw Mill.
AromiiIHe flock of lumber on hand laths
Miiuh or dre.Rcd. Flooring. Hiintlr, (Vlllnx,
and nil klndaof tluMi; Monldintra and Uhlii
glii: ilK) ItrHckot Work done to order. I'crnm
rrniiiinhlu and prion at bad rock. Alt otltra
promptly attended to, Ollire and yard at mill.
II. V. L. LoilAN, fropr.
8oaldo, Oregon.
1. A. CI.KTKLiNO, Prop. '
Good Bread Cakes and Pastry,
None but the et Matoilal. lined.
Satisfaction diiaranldorf .
Bria1 delivered In any part of the city