riiJfl DAILY AbTOlUAJN, AtfTOHLA, SUNUAV MOUSING, AUGUST 27, 11393. fit 'torim in or Subwriptloi. DAILY, lerved uy Carrier, per week sent !y Mall, per mouth dent by .Uau, per k'ear mm is cts ... 60 eta ...17.00 dent by mall, per year, 2 Ou In advance, roe postage to subscribe!. h am iiuiam imnMuieea to Its advertisers ille latest circulation of any newspaper pub- laiej uu lie uoiuiiiuia niter. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Or., Aug. 26.For Oregon anil Wuahlngton: Continued fair weuthnr; cooler with cloudiness In woHlfin portions; nearly stationary temperature In eaBtern portlonB. Locul weather for the twenty-four hours eii'llng at 6 p. tn., yesterday, fiirnl' lu ll by the U. S. Department ol A'leiiJiuro, weather bureau. Muximum temperature, 82 degrees. Minimum temperature, 64 degrees. ivial precipitation tram. July .1st, 18'J3,lo date, 1.13 Inch. Deficiency of precipitation from Ju ly 1st, 1893, to dale, 1.07 Inch. Benator Harris of Tennessee, whogej remarks our telegiams this morning notice, Is a nice old gentleman to talk to Dan Voorhees about being a traltr. Harris Is a man of largo ability, and It Is a pity that ha should prove so fa natical on the silver question. We sup pose he must have a high and hot old passion for repudlatlon.He knows enough to know that free coinage of silver would reduce the market value of the metal, because It would make our mints & facility to grab gold. France (June has silver she would send for our gold to the amount of fiir whole gold supply. Harris, we pre sume, believes the war debt and pen sions pf the nation should bo settled as in the Southern Confederacy. If lie "abused Benator Voorhees, as reported, he behaved in a style equally foolish end malignant. When he declared Voorhees a traitor because he had ac cepted for those near him gifts of patronage, the old Confederate war horse of Tennessee meant to Intimi date others. Voorhees has permitted himself to see that the repeal of the Hllver purchasing clause would lie In the Interest of bimetallism. The rec oids of the Latin Union contain proof of this. The conduct of Senator Voor hees is rational and commendable, and the Inconsistency of it' is not extraor dinary. Harris is hide-bound. Mr. Gladstone applied closure to the home rule bill yesterday. However, it cannot be said that there has not been sulllclent debate. The main question Is ns well understood as It ever will be. Great Britain knows at last what Mr. Gladstone's home rule means. It Is, 1 ilmorlly, confidence In the Irish pi;o pie as loyal British subjects. Neither tlio Irish nor the Tories arc quite sat li-lled with it; and, for that matter, the Kngllsh are generally dissatisfied, save so far as the llberullsts g(f the w"rk liitftnen In polities, the socialists, and thy extremists In favor of anything that looks to a change, Appearances tiro that Mr. Gladstone will get his bill through th0 house; . that it will be thrown out by the lords, and that when the act goes to the country in the bulk, Mr. Gladstone will bo defeated, und end his surprising parliamentary career. The Irish complain bitterly of restrictions In tho bill, and tho English that home rule means tho Irish will govern tho empire. To the Pole-star, or North star, must be accorded the prize for being the nvst enduring sitter for a picture yet discovered by the photographic fra ternity. This celestlnl celebrity was photographed Wedncsdoy night by a Cambridge, Mass., photographer, and It took Just an hour to get a "natural expression." No objection to the "sit ter's" winking was made In fact It Is probuble that no loss than forty winks w.re Indulged In before tho process was complete. That Is where a mere mortal has the advantage of the North Star, for the former has to endure the ordeal but a second or two. Vet one hour Is.sajd to be a short time for a celestial sitter, as the subject has first to be brought near by the aid of a telescope. The negative was taken on a glass plate a foot and a quarter in slxe, and a twenty-four Inch lens was Used, the largest ever brought to bear on the heavenly bodies. The feat Is re garded as an astronomical triumph. Ber one for American progresslve ness. ' Murderer Relter Is already beginning to find sympathizers. Who superficially remark that "the poor young fellow looks very Innocent." Thg Innocent look they talk of is fur from being a guarantee of Innocence. . Relter Is a man who never In conversation with anyone lifts his eyes. He has a cruel, repuhdve forehead, and ' a head fi-om which all the fullness of any iruod characteristic t missing. He is not a "tough" chanu-ter in the common ac etri'Uiue of the term. Certainly nt a man who would kill his Opponent In a fair fight, but one who would never dare tackle an enemy exoetrt. from be hind. The tiger cat Is a fierce beast but he springs from the front. The co yote, that most cowardly animal that ever walked,' and not the tiger cat, is the terror of the WQods, though the one looks murderous and the other harmless. We haven't the honor of knowing the lunatio that manoeuvres tho fortunes of the Washington Independent, but ho ought to be padlocked and run In to a padded cell for the rest of his un natural life. He has the most pitiful case of swell-head we ever met with. In his editorial columns this week l.e makes a series of remarks. Here are a few; "This paper averages more editorial matter each Issue than the great dal lies of tho big cities; and ours Is a work of love and theirs Is well paid for. The rule Is to give the soup to t''e men. of this world who have a consul ence in their work and the pay to those who do the least and occupy prominent positions In the eyes of the people who worship glare, glitter and tinsel." Now then, what do you think of that! "We feel It -a compliment to this paper to note that a gentleman who haa Just returned from Europe de clares that these columns have uttered more good sense and proper argument op the finance question than even the great papers of this country. The gen tleman conversed with ail the leading financiers of both continents while away and his remarks are the more gratifying on this account. We refer to Mr. Bernard Cohn.who came in last Thursday." That settles it. "All the financial Journals of the country quote this paper on that sub ject.. Thanks for the compliment." . We are the people. "Mr. President: Regard It not us Impertinence for a democrat, who loves his country more than any polit ical party, to address you a short let ter." Fancy Grover taking his eur awny from the sizzle of tho brook and the rush of the catfish to listen to this ass and his ravings! Before tho silver senators proceed to blackguard everybody opposed to their vagaries, they- should answer a few questions: 1. What Is the cost of the produc tion of an ounce of pure silver? 2. Whut caused France to stop the coinage of legal tender sliver at about the time we commenced it, fifteen years ago? 3. What nation Is there, or has t hero been, during the last sixteen years, that lias coined both money metals on the same terms? 4. What Induced the silver monopo lists to consent to a departure from the ratio of 10 to 1, which, up to the hour of ills abandonment, had been held by all silver advocates to be sa cred? If it be true that under tho decision of the Parisian arbitrators there Is no protection of seal lire inmi marau ders under the Hugs of nations not oi. gaged in the arbitration, there should be no time lost In addressing to all friendly powers a circular proposing, and ao the utmost that amicable re lations will permit, co-operation In the protection of the seals. The regulations binding .upon Great Britain and the United States should lie extended to nil nations. ltuasuV we may be sure, would Join us. With Rupsla, Great Brit ain, and the United States agreed, other powers would enter Into a con vention to refuse tho use of their flags to privateers putting out to prey on commerce. Tho Rev. a. V". Chambers says of Seattle, that It, "approaches the near est to hell of any place I was ever In." Waterbury American. The gentleman has been In the place he mentions, then, has he? Or does he mean simply that he never got any nearer to it than Seattle? The remark Is capable of elucidation. WORTH KNOWING. That Allcock's Porous Tlasters are th hlirh,.t rcdiilt of medical science and skill, and in ingredients and meth od have never been equalled. That they aro the original ana genu ine porous plasters, upon whose repu tation Imitators trade. That Allcock's Porous Plasters never fail to perform their remedial work quickly and effectually. That this fact aliesieu oy mous- nnds of voluntary snd unlmpeaciiaiue k'stimonluls from grateful patients. . . . i. i... i. mat ior rneuiiiaiisiit, sciatica, lung trouble, kidney, disease, dyspepsia, miliaria, and all local pains, they are invaluable. That when you buy Allcock's Porous Plasters you absolutely obtain the best plasters made. . A hurt Cur lor I'llea. Tt,.hlitr Pllea i.e know by moisture iii,a nr-tiilrniiim. rauslnit intense itching t lien warm. This form, a well as IMnd. Mltnwtliiif or rolrudliig, yield at once to nr. liiMumko's l'lla Remedy, which acts directly on the parts anVcted, absorbs tumors, allovs Itching and effects a IM-rmHiient cure. We. Iwumrtst or mall. I'irculani free. Dr. UosanUo. 2 Arch olivet, lhlU.Mphl.. la. Hold by J. ,W. ttann. - OUR RAPID TRANSITORY EXIST ENCE. Is brief enough without our shortening It by seeking medical aid, when we are somewhat unwell, from sources wnere It is on v obtainable at great risk Even If the old doctrine were true that violent diseases require violent reme ules, It does not follow that drastic purgatives, narcotics, powerful "seda tives of the nervous system are ac vlsable In cas? where slight disord ers manifestly call for the use of mild er means of recovering, involving no subsequent danger, but equally effi cient, llostetter's Stomach Bitters not only relieves, but ultimately and com pletely relieves disorders of te stom nch, liver, bowels, and nerves. It is a genuino tonic, liealtifully stimulates the kidneys, Is a thorough alterativo, and a most effectual preventive of chills and fever and bilious remittent. The utmost confidence can be reposed In the purity and safety of its medi cinal ingredients. LAND OFFICE NOTICE. United Slates Land Office, Oregon City, Or., August 8th, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the Township plat of Burvey of T. 4 N., 6 W has been re ceived at this office, and on September 39, 1893, at 9 o clock a. m., of said day, said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein will be subject to en try on and after said date. ROBERT A. MILLER, il i Register, PETER PAQUET, Receiver. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. August 2, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the plat of survey of T 4 N, R 7 W has this day been received at this ofllc and on September 12, 1893 at 9 o'clock a. m., of Bald day, said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein will be sub ject to" entry on and after said date. J. T. APPERSON, Register. PETER PAQUET, Receiver. DmtvIhs Praise. We deslro to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life 1'llls, Uucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, artd have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or that have fciven such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popular ity purely on their merits. Sold by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. A CHANCE FOR HARD TIMES. J. W. Crow Is now prepared to sell the handsomest grades of Wall Paper In the city at the lowest ruling prices, and guarantees good goods. Give him a call before buying elsewhere., Note the address 637 Third street. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old country" and the East when you can get them for the same price at tho Union Pacific office in this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOY, PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON. Is In this city; She makes chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or gans and all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women, Consultation free. Cure or no charg es. Ofilo hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. ni.. Office rooms 18 and 19, Hotel Tigho. ; Tatronlzo the Northern Pacific rul'.road If you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. If you have friends In Europe whose passage yon wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific otllee.Hteumer Telephone dock, and niako known your wants. Reduced rates via nil the lead ing steamship lines. Hundley & Hann, iw first street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astcrliiu, so that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. What is It? A substitute for lard? Upsetting the customs, hab its, and prejudices of cen turies? Yes, all this and more. Cottolene is a new cooking product it is bet ter than lard or butter for cooking, so say such noted housekeepers as Marlon Harland, Catharine Owen, Christine Terhune Herriok, Emma P. Ewlng, Mrs. S. T. Borer, Mrs. F. A. Benson, Amy Barnes. Margaret W later, and many others;' it is healthier so says every thoughtful physician; and it is cheaper as every house keeper knows when shs finds that one-half the quan tity answers every purpose.' CGTTOLEHE is the purest clarified cot tonseed oil mixed with pure beef fat. It is the for cook ing material ever devised for frying anything and everything easily digested and highly nutritious. Beware of imitations. Ask your grocer for the genuine Cottolene. Macs by N. K. FAIRBANK& CO ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NCW YORK. BOSTON. DR. GUNTS mZrf nunin 557 oinur U colds .V yr-" .inn (,11ifr. GRAND MOTH EH'S ADVICE. In raialnffa ffcmSI dt i1nrhilSrl,my only pay fvMT Lortu OoHi ft.1 twup wj onion ymn. It Mjiutt c iiwcitvp to-dv j It wab forty ytmr Mix J.w vy tr.uuWhilavn. taha lr. Gumi1 tt lort Byrup which UfUrvJtl rf'lvuoU and mor rr by J. W. Conn, Irjst- Nature should he assisted to throw offimnurl tk'M of the blood. Nothing does it bo well, so safely or so promptly as Swifft Speciilc. CURES itmi n n a a a POISON LS.-B HAD NO CHARMS. F"f thrffo years I w.n troulJcd with mahrfal poison, r.hkh caused my appetite to fail, and I wan greatly re . "lfn ik"n, and Jiielnitall us charms. 1 inl hut n.'.l a id piiaih renfili'';, lut tinoefie.r, 1 could ffet i li f. I then trie) IJirSSil A f.;w bottlttof tint : l. itiil irnrdkhie PejypufJlmatl a compile t ; mianrrit cure. tfntrJ.., iwjft nd I now eiuy i Ualth than cvet. J. A. K1CE, Ottawa, Kan. . if": nn IHooJ and Skin Diseases rolled free. J, ?T GPSCPtO CO., ATLANTA, GA, SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive nnd permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of healthy vigor to the tissues is offered to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it is a True Hpevllio for Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be lieve it 1 Send for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury arid other poisons. 'his remedy will cure you in 30 to go days without fail. We guuruutee u cure or refund the money Address MOFFAT CHEMfCAL CO., To Flint Street PORTLAND, ) BUSINESS CARDS. DR' Wim?UNEANO StIUOEON, Ollloe at Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. DR' Wl'l?Y.SuflAN,ANl) BUKGKON. 0"1pp over store of J. B. Wyott, Soeond Btrcct neur Uencvievc, otllee, Booms 7 mid 8. KlDiiey'i building. A GIBBONS, . a U i II "!'!. It OP ACCOUNTS nnd 1'ROKKSSIONAL HOOKKEM'ER. Okkiob : With General Messenger Co,, 61r rkttmoiue street. J. Aft?!sfi?rE BROKE It. Notary Publ c. I''iriuud Accident Insurance, A A. CLEVELAND, . . Otllee-Kinney's new briek building, corner imm iiiu iteuevtevu iiueeu , up aium, IBANK J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Oregon. TO.A.QOWLBY, Al TORXEY AAU 0liCEL0Ii AT LAW OllU-e on Second Street, Astoria, Or. TOHM H. SMI'M, . , J atiuknkv'at law. Ottlco In Kinney's new brick building, over Asiona JNauonai u;wk, w W. PARKER, JtHAI, ESTATE AND IN8UKAKCB AGENT Olilce 112 Ileuton street, Astoria, Oregou. A. L, and J. A. FULTON. UlSKAMM Oe' Murgery by , r. J. A. tU)co UU iJ.iu .strdiil. FulLoii Hour 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 DR. EILIV JANSON. filVSlGlAN & SUlKiHON. It OM 7 oiliceovcr Osgood's Clothing Store, hours, 10 to 1 ui, 2 io 0 it, in, i ui s in. suiiaay, iu 10 11 in DR. O, B. ESTES, l'ltV.SIClAN AND SDRGEON. Special attention to Diseases ot Women and ssurgery. uitico over uan.iger s more Astoria. TAY T UTTLE M.D.. ) 1'IIYSICIAN, fSCKUUOiN & ACC0UCHKUK. Olilce, rooms 8. 4 over Astoria NatlonalBank. .hours, It) to 12 & 'I t5 Residence. C39 Cedar at. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. llOMlKKl'AflllO I'llYSIOlAN&SUU. Kcott. Olliee. 4"il. Tlilrd slrdet. Hours 10 to 12 Jtiul2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 3. itosldeiico -ItlsM street r P. MULLINIX. M. D.. A J. (iives special iicatiiieut for Catarrh, niroai Lungs, Kuiiiey (ieuito-Urinary uruans DillceupslaiiskSllg third Sc. Hour,!) u.m,! p.m. JR. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Dealer In Drugs and Druggists' Sundries :&7 Recond St reel, Astoria. W. T. IIUUNKV, J. W. DltAl'Kli Huriwy & Draper. AUontr) m mi,uw, Uregou City, Oregon, Twelve wars' exnerlcnce as reirisler of th Il S. Land Uitice here, recommends ns in our Heoiiilty ol Alining and all ot her business be- iire uw i.aiui imtce or the courts, ana invoiv tu Umi practice ol the (leueral Land Olilce. IROCKENBROUCH & COWING. LAW OKF1CK, OREGON CITY, Oil. Npoeial attention given to land business. Set tlers on lioiiiesteals or pre-emption clulun and limber laud purchase!) shown "every advantage of the law. For assistance in making llual lrooi call on us. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Astoria L..ilge No. 00, A. O. U. W. M KETit KVERY Flit I) A V iVKXIXrt AT 111 n o Chick In llio (lu 1 rellows Hall. Ao- Jomniug and visiting hrethron eordinllv iu vitcd. J.T. KOtiKKS, Ueco'.der. Uoauatnuvtan Benevolent. Socisty. CV at their rooms iu rjtlitan bu!l hiiRal eight u,Ks r uu me aecotiii aimi i.urii, lues dayi of each oniuth, AUG. llAMKI.su' Secretary. Ocean Kncamptue'.t No. 13, 1, o. O. F IJE;iTLAK MEETINGS OK OCEAN KN- campment No. 13. 1. O. O. F., at the IxKlge. In the Odd I'ellows Rulldluv, at seven p. m on the second and fourth Momlnvs nf eacli mouth, Sojourning brethren eordUiily li.vlted, Astoria Bulldiug & Iioau Association rilHE RKGCI.AU MEETINGS OF THIS ASSih M. elation are held at 8 r. m. ou the first Wednesday of each month. Office ou Geuevleve sirwv, seuiu oi Luenamus. W. U KOBB, Secretary CotumoQ (Jounciu IJKifllLAR MSKTINCS, FIRST AND I third Tuesday evenings of each mouth at 8 o'clock. -tVrins deshing to have matters act ed upon by the Council, nl avy rtYir meet'ng must present the sanm to Hie Auditor and Clerk, ou or before the Kriday erening prior to the Tuwday ou which the Council Nl3slt. nurular meeuug. K. OSBCRN, Auditor and Police Judge. BottrsI or Vllot Commlcniuners. THE REGl'LAR VEETIXGS OK THIS BOARD, willle held on the first Mon.Uv, otesoh month at 10 a. to. at the ollire of Kn'bb & Par er. W. L. KOBB, 8oc C. P. UPSHUR, SHHTJNG and COMMISSION Astoria, - Oregon. Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of soirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Cents. One Package (Four Boxes) 1 wo Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample addreti RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Satur day at 7 p. in. Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday at 2 p. in. Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE, Agent, Astoria. K. A. BEir.tY, General Agent, Portland Or. Merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connecting with Canadian Pacific nnd Great Northern Hallway and China Steamship Line. Taking freight and passengers 'for Vancouver and victoria 11 c ana Seattle, lacoma aim uu Sound folnts. InMne Attoria everv 10 days. For particulars apply at the olilce Astoria Abstract T, si r. vn. FERGUSON BROS., Agents, HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All brands of Foreign and Domes, tin Wines. Llouora and Clirars. J. M. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blata Bottled lioer. Finest oranaaoi Key west ana uoiuestic cigars. Manors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All ordors from the City and Couutry proinrsiy Ailed. Bquenioque Street, - - - Astoria. OreROu THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trnstee'for corporations and Individ n ills. Denoslts solicited Interest will be allowod on savings deposits as lollows; Ou ordinary savings bioks 4 per cent per annum. On term savings books 6 per cent, per annum uu certincates oi ueposit: For thrco months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months, 6 per cent, per milium. For twelve months, C per cent, pur annum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. HOWLHY Vice-President FRANK PATTON , Cashier W. E. DKMENT Secretary directors: I. W. Case, J. Q. A, Bowlby, (lust. Holmes, 0. H.Paee, Henj. Young, A. 8. Reed. F.J.Taylor. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK Or PORTLAND, OKKUON. Paid np capital -200,000 Surplus aud profits CO.000 D. P. THOMPSON, Vlce-Presldont H. C. 8TRATTON, Casblor The Store of John G. Niemi Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who are going to close out tho stock. Intending purchastn will do well to call and examine goo s anil prices before purclasl'ig elsewhere. They also have a good watchmaker to do repairing. Atlantic Beer Hall, Hi First street, AstorU, Or. PETE . DOUREL, Proprietor. Tho Finest Wines, - Liquors - and - Cigars. r oncert Every Evening. Foard & Stokes anooBiis Dealer In Glassware, Crockery, Ship Supplier, Tobaeeo. Wines and Fine Whiskies. Flue Teas and Colfee a Specialty. The Finest Display 0f Fruits iu the City, Fresh on Hvery Steamer. Corner of Third aim west Kigutu Streets. H. B. PARKER DEALEK IN Ume, Brick, Sand. Fire Brick. Fire Clay, Crnient, Mill feea.uaw. nay. Mtraw WiknI Delivered to Order. Drtfing, Tnmiojc ui Exprtsi Businej. 0. A. STUfSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING Shin and Cannerr work. IIarbuwiir w... oi. ..J rjirl. t,o 1 work guaiamerd Ou i3s strt ei. opposite tne . m Talk oihce QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO .....AND-. ALL Pn,MlS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th Q ly ;itoul Thiongh Cf.lifornis to a Pointi East tod South The Scenic Route or Hie hek Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS NKCOND-CLASS SLKKPING CAltS Attached to express trains, iitloiding superior accoininodations for second-class passengers. For rates, ticket!, sleeping car reservations, etc., call upon or address K. P. KOHKItS, Assist ant Heueral Freight and Pansenger Agent, Port and, Or. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE I ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH AM, TIJANSC0NT1N ENTAL lilNES, IS THE- ONLY LUTE RUNNING Electric Lighted Cars. BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AN" OMAHA art) CHICAGO. The EXPRESS THAI Nil consist of VESTI BULE!), Sl.EKl'lM., MN1NO AND I' A It 1.0 K CAIth, HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known modern rail way travel. For Speed, Comfort and Saletj this Line is Unequaled Tickets on stilo at nil prominent rail ofliccs. For further Information inquire of any lick agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Afft. J. W. CASKV. Trav. Puss. Art. rOIvTLAND, OitKGOX. JEFF'S BESTAURANT -IS TIIE- Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in the Town (And the Finest on the Coast.) Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specialt, Th Finest Wines and Liquors. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO. WILLIAM WILSON. Prop. FEED AND SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery Haziness. Office tlBOlney street. Staliles foot of W.st; Ninth st. Astoria. Teh plume No. 44. Kopp's- Beer - Halt Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY. Only handed over the lmr. Tho lnnrest class of N. P. Beer. Half and half,l.,c. 1'ree lunch, " ERICKSOX & WIKKAL A, Prs. Cor. Concoinly and lafaj ettc Sts. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - lieer And XX Porter. All orders promptly attended to.