The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 25, 1893, Image 4

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At the meeting of the chamber of
ronimcrt'u pursuant to adjournment,
Judtre liwlby was in the chair and E.
C. Huldcn secretary. The question of
the repeal of the Sherman Bllver law
waa taken up and discussed, resulting
In the adoption of the following resolu
tions: "Resolved, That the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce favors the un
conditional repeal of the purchasing
clause of the Sherman silver law, and
that the secretary be Instructed to tel
egraph at once to our congressional
representatives urgently requesting
them to use their Influence to effect
this result."
"Resolved, That the secretary be in
structed to inform the New York
Hoard of Trade end Transportation
that thg Chamber indorses the reso
lutions adopted by it calling for the
repeal of the Sherman sliver law, and,
also, notify said Board of the action of
this Chamber in the premises.
Captain J. H. D. Gray presented the
following resolutions:
Whereas, the congress of the United
Mates have caused to be built in .Han
l-'raiiolsco, California, a first class mod
ern steam battle ship, and will name
It "Oregon," In honor of our state, and
Whereas, It Is announced that the
war ship "Oregon" will be launched on
or about October 20th, 1893, and will
Mobably make her trial trip sometime
early In 1834, and
Whereas, It Is customary for the cit
izens of the stales after which war
ships have been named to present to
such ghlp a suitable and appropriate
memento as a token of our regard,
therefore be It
"Resolved, That the Astoria Chamber
of Commerce immediately proceed to
appoint a committee of five, memlwrs
to Invite the several Chambers of Com
merce, Hoards of Trade, City Councils,
or other societies or individuals of the
State of Oregon to co-operate with ub
in procuring the necessary funds and
the proper premutation of Buch testi
"Resolved, Further, that this Cham
ber Bend a representative to San Fran
clsco to bo present at the launch of
Hie 'Oregon. "
On -motion, the resolutions were re
ferred to a special committee to be ap
pointed by President Wlngate.
The subject of the long-delayed lay
ing of the sub-marine telegraph cable
to connect with Tillamook Rock Light
house was introduced and, on motion,
the secretary was instructed to again
address Major llaiidbury of the United
States Tnglneers on the subject and to
' urge that the cable bo laid before the
winter Btorms set In.
On motion, tho mooting was then
E. E. Austin Is over from Seattle.'
P. J. Zan of Portland, Is in the city.
Mrs. James Watson of Vancouver, is
at the Occident.-
n. O'Hara of Portland, Is registered
at the . Occident.
W. W. Jenkins and wife of Portland,
camo down' the river yesterday.
Colonel John Adair Is in town. He
came down the river yesterday.
Captain Coulson of San Francisco,
accompanied by his wife, came up
.from California yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hunthom went
down to tho beach last evening, nnd
will return this afternoon In company
with Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Owypno, who
leave for their home In Caldwell, Ida
ho, tonight.
The following were the arrivals at
the Astor House yesterday: J. F. Al
ien, Portland; Wm. Gram, Skamoka
wa: W. A. Hendren, Fort Canby; Silas
II. Smith, IdU'wIld; L. Selgel, San
Francisco; It, M. W'oden, John W.
Cleddla, Jewell; John Allen, Olney; O.
W. Forbca nnd wife, Albinn; J. E. Mc
Prune, C. W. Wolf, Portland; Sidney
Campbell, Virginia; II. L. Natherslndt,
Gray' River.
Notice Is hweby given that t'o com
mon council, of the City of Astoria,
proivoso t establish the grade- of Oir-
iien avenue, In the city of Astoria, Or
egon, at tho following height above
the Imho of grades, .as established by
orolnunce no. 71, entitled an ordinance
establishing a base of grades for the
thy of Astoria, as follows, tiv-wit:
At the Intersection of 1st street, 25
At to Intersection of 2d Btrcet, 47.4
And unless a remonstrance signed
by the owners of three-fourths of the
property fronting on said portion of
tuikl street, be tiled with the Auditor
and Police Judge within ten days of
the fiiml publication of this notice, to.
wit: On or before Thursday, Sept. 14th,
ISM, the common council will estab
lish said grade.
Hy order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSRUKN,
Auditor nnd 1'ollce Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Aug, 22, 1&!)3.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of AHtorln, pro
pose to establish the grade of Second
t.treet. in the city of Astoria, Oregon,
nt tho following heights above the base
"f grades as established by ordinance
No. 71, entitled 1111 ordinance establish.
Ing a liase of grades for the streets of
tho city of Astoria, as follows, to wit:
At ;'e crossing of Welkor Avenue
CS.4 feet.
At tho crossing of Ogden avenue,
47.4 feet.
At the crossing of Tolk avenue, 43
At the crossing of Mendell avenue,
25 feet. . ,
At the crossing of Lnne avenue, 24
And unless a remonstrance signed by
three-fourths of the property fronting
on said portion of snld street, be tiled
with the Auditor and Police Judge
within ten days from the final publi
cation of this notice, to-wlt: On or be
fore Thursday. Bejrt. 14th. 1S93, the
'-mimon council will establish said
Ity order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSItUKN,
Auditor and Police Judge..
Astrla, ir'grn. Aug. 22. 1S93.
Land office notice.
United States Land Office. Oretron
City, Or., August 8th, 1893. Notice Is
hereby given that the Township plat
of survey of T. 4 N., 6 W., has been re
ceived at this office, and on September
19, IMS. at o clock a. m., of said dav.
said plat will be filed in this office and
the land therein will be subject to en
try on ana after said date.
.United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
August 2. 1893.
Notice is hereby given that tho plat
of survey of T 4 N, R 7 v., has this
day been received at tula oflio and on
September 12, 1893 at 9 o'clock a. m.. of
said .day, Bald plat will be film In this
office and the land therein will be sub
ject to entry on and after Bald date.
At The Monogram you can find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor de Madrid and all other choice
and favorite brands of cigars.,
J. W. Crow is now prepared to- Bell
the handsomest grades of Wall Paper
In the city at the lowest ruling prices.
and guarantees good goods. Give him
a call before buying elsewhere., Note
the . address 537 Third street.
12. IMJek.l4WUfKU
A new and coropltitc treatment, ponslKllngol
auppopltorUn, ointment in capsules, also I 1
box and pills; a positive, nnra for e -tumid, I"
teriml oltiKl or Weeding, lldilng, rlirnnie
repent or licrcilitiiry piles, and many othi'r
diseases ami female weaknesse; it la always a
treat benefit 10 the tretit'ral health. Tho first
discovery of a medical cure rendering an oner.
Hon with the kuilo linnociswiry hurt after
This remedy lias iievcr hem known to mo
tl per box, II for JS; sent by mail. Why still'c
from this terrible disease when 11 written Hilar-
aineeis riven with U botes, to refund the
money II not cured, nemi stamps i r in
minipTo. Otiaranlee Isxw-d by Woodward
I'Urk It Vo., Wholesale anil Krlall Driuwis'
olo Agi-nts Portland, or. ror sale by .1. W .
U-niii. AxiuriH oni"''
itntrlim -'and - Grocers,
Atitorlit and Upper At-tor 111.
Flu" Tens nnd Colt -oh, Tnble Pelleaeio':,
honntstii! anil Tropleul KrulM, Vego ji
liN(,siig:ir enroll lialii", bau 11. iile.
I'roprletors of llio
Portland Buftcherins Cos Matt
Corner Bernini Hiul H lit-11 sir cts.
Corner Thirl ami nii.i. KliMrli streets.
Kopp's - Beer - Hal!
Choice Wine, Manors and Cigars.
Only handed over the bir. The largest
gliva of N. 1. Ileer. ila'f and linlf,tre.
Free Iniicli,
Cor. Concomly and 1 afajcttc Stv.
Seaside Saw Mill,
A complete stock f lumber on hand In the
r.tnirn or urefseti riooruip. iuihi e. t eiiina
and all bluila of finish: Moi.Ullnirs and Shin-
glen; also Bracket vork done to order. 1'erina
reasonable ami prlwi at bod rook. Al' tinlrrt
prompuy micuuva to. vineu nim yarn in mm
II. V. L. UOtJAN, i'lopr.
Hcaslclo, Oregon.
. A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop.
Good 'Bread Cakes and Pastry,
Nona out mo aen Materials useu.
Satisfaction Guarantied Customer
Bread delivered in any part of the ritv
Hoavy and Khali.
Oan-y In t lock
Wagons and Vohicles,
Farm Machinery, Vaintx, ' i !, V'arnlshca
ixigKurs HiippucH, I'liuKaiiK .'-caica,
Doors and Winnow.
In tho Circuit court of the State oC
Oregon, for tho County of Clatsop.
Astoria Iron Works I'lulntlll' VB.
Dean Illanchard Defendant.
Ity virtue; of an execution and order
of sale issued out of nnd under tho
seal of the nlmvo entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, on the 22ml day
of June, 1SU3, upon a Judgment duly
made and rendered therein on the liltti
day of June, lSit.l, which said execution
and order of sale was to mo directed
nnd delivered, I did on the 14th day of
August, isas, levy upon nil t'o right,
title, claim and Interest of the within
named defendant in and to the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt:-beginning
on tho meander lino S0.23
chains, westerly from tho NR corner of
the S. C. Smith Donation lim Claim,
thence N f.5 dog. SO niln., K 300 feet,
thence N 24 deg. 30 win., W to ship 8
channel of tho Columbia River, thence
westerly along the said channel to a
point 24 deg. 30 mln. W. from the
place of beginning, thenco S. 24 deg. 30
mln. K to the place of beginning, in
Section 7, Tp. 8 N. K 9 W, of the U ill
nmetto Meridian, Clatsop County State
of Oregon. And notice i hereby given
that I shall on Tuesday, tho 14th day
of September, 1S3, ot the hour of 10
o'cl.Kk a. m. of suld day, In front of
the Court House door, in the City ot
Astoria, In said county and state, pro
ceed to sell tho same or eo much there
of as shall bo sutticlent to satisfy the
sum of J130.M. with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent, per nn"m
fnm June 19, lS!i together with the
further sum ot 1C.0 costs nnd dis
bursements and accruing costs of this
suit, nt public, auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand in U. Ctold
coin at the time of pale.
11. A. euuiii
Sheriff of Clatsop County. Or. I
DnttMl, Astoria. t)r.. Atigsint 14, 1SJ.!.
1 1 1 j 1 1 1 'it
' w
Continued till old stock is closed out
at C03t. New Goods arriving sold at
liberal discount.
W. W. PARKER,, Assignee.
Notice Is hereby given, that under
and pursuant to the provisions of a
certain chattel mortgage executed and
delivered to me, the undersigned on
tho 15th day of February, 1893, by the
Astorian Columbian Publishing Com
pany, upon the personal property here
inafter described, to secure the pay
ment of tho sum of $11,925,80, and in
terest thereon from that date until
paid at the rate of eight per cent, per
annum, I have taken possession of the
said chattels because of default made
In the payments in said mortgage pro
vided, and will, on Monday the 28th
day of August, 1893, at the hour of ten
o'clock In the forenoon, at the Astorian
Ofllce in the City of Astoria, in Clatsop
County, State of Oregon, offer for sale
and will sell at public auction for cash
in hand to the highest bidder therefor,
as a whole, the following described
chattels In said mortgage described,
to wit: .
1 Bitting desk, 4 bricks, 4 maps, 1
standing desk, 4 Shannon files, letter
size; 1 bill file, 3 small spindle files, 2
clips, 1 letter press, 1 chair, 2 stools,
1 coal stove, 1 scuttle, 1 poker, 1 Joints
stove-pipe, 3 picture frames, 1 pen
wiping glass pot, 1 book -rest, 4 ink
wella, 1 mucilage bottle, , half full; 1
Amberg letter Illo, 1 duster, 1 hat rack,
1 letter box, 22 paper weights, 1 pair
shears, 200 letter heads, 100 envelopes,
DO J. G. Blaine pictures, 60 sheets-proof
of publication, 50 statements "Asto
rian" 6 large envelopes, B0 bill-heads
"Astorian" 1 waste paper basket, 1
dally paper pigeon-hole rack, 3 blue
prints, 25 yards oil cloth, (on floor), 2
yards twine, 3 copying clothes, 1 gas
fixture, 1 red ink pad, 6 pen holders,
2 rubber erasers, 1 12" rule, 1 18" rule,
1 ball twine, 1 Ink stand carpet, 2 doz.
Dicken's paper novels, 1 D. G. Coal
box, 9 office books, ncct. 4 blinds with
cord attached, 1 view, 1 National cabi
net file, 3 maps, 2 pigeon-holo racks &
contents, 4 newspaper tiles, 1 waste
paper basket, 2 blinds, 29 books, 1
blotting pad, 12 square feet of linoleum,
1 gum pot and brush, 4 spindle files, 1
editor's desk, 4 bottles Ink, 1 cupboard,
tl old letter files, 1 gaa fixture, 1 rocker,
1 chair, 1 paper case, 1 diary, 1 calen
dar, 1 spring lock, 1 breeches stretcher,
nickel plated, 1 House and Senate bill
file, 25 newspaper cuts, 1 wisp broom,
1 high cupboard, containing: 35 Binglo
person acknowledgements, 10 appoint
ment of road supervisors, CO old
acknowledgements, 25 corporation ac
knowledgements, 40 secretary or. ad
ministrators accounts, 25 affidavits of
attachments, 13 affidavits for publica
tion of summons, S anlduvltB on claim
and delivery of personal property, 30 1
appointments of road viewers, 4 assign-1
ments, 40 agreement or sale of real es
tate, 72 administrators of exc. bomd, 75
letters of administration, 75 writs ot
attachments, 25 articles of co-partnerships,
28 bond Of guardian sale of real
estate', 40 bond of guardian, SO bill of
sale, 20 bench warrants, 40 bond of
road petitioners, SO general indemnity
bonds. 150 bill of costs, 15 county
clerk's certltlcates, CO certificates ot
election, 75 bill of costs, nnd disburse
ments, 50 regular term circuit court
proceedings, 50 ccrtlilcates of natural
ization, 9 com. to tnko deposition, 10
regular term of circuit court proceed
ings, 5 special, ditto; 100 cover of judg
ment roll, 35 certltlcates of transcript,
30 creditors claims, 40 citation, 35 clerk
certltlcates of olllcial character, 35 cer
tificates of record, 20 deposition, 12
exc. fr. circuit court on Judgment
rendered In Justice court, 75 executions,
40 trial discharge, 20 Inventory and ap
pointment, 15 indictments, 3a letters
testamentary, 35 letters of guardian
ship, 25 lenso (long term), 12 mortgages,
8 per cent, end taxes, 1 ditto 11 mort
gago covenant of warranty, 30 ditto
battel, 30 mechanics Hens, CO notices
to Judges of election, SO ditto to clerk
ditto, 30 ditto of appeal. 40 ditto
sheriff's sale, 33 orders of publication
of summons, CO official oath nnd bond,
35 order appointing appraisers, 30 ditto
administrators, 25 orders granting writ
of habeas corpus, "0 petitions for ap
pointment of guardian, 20 orders ditto,
50 power of attorney to Bell real estate,
17 petitions for probate of will, 20
power of attorney, 25 petition for writ
of habeas corpus, 35 ditto letters of ad
ministration. 70 grand jury Bubpoenns
copy, 100 ditto original, 75 subpoenas
(copy). 20 unto (original), 10 ditto
criminal (original), 100 ditto criminal
(copy), 50 sheriff's certificate of sale
& foreclosure, 225 ditto on execution,
K0 summons (original, 20 transcript of
Judgment, 50 testimony of sub. witness
to will, ISundertnklng on appeal, 2
ditto Injunction, 10 ditto for attach
ment. 20 ventie. 40 ditto special, 12 verl
ncftion of claim against estate. 20
wills, II writ of habeas corpus, 40 ditto
review. 1 folding machine, 1 cylinder
pi ess complete, 1 gas engine, 1 monkey
wrench, 1 shooting Btlck, 1 fret Bnw,
1 14" flic. 1 6" file, 1 box copper rivets.
1 roll press tape. 3 oil cans. 1 dipping
table. 6 rfper trard, 1 cockroach bel
lows, 5 pieces pipe, 1 stove. 5 roller
moulds, i lamps, 1 dot. cans lye, 2 cans
machine oil, bdles. paper, 2 1-2 rms.
en, ?4"6 ?0-Ib, 3S bdles. paper, 3 rms.
ea, 23x32 23-lbs, 2rms. fiat news 40-lbs,
1 folders tnble, 5 stones, 7 frames, 3
That is the fundamental principle of our
business and on it we stake our reputation
when making the
Condensed Milk. In times of epidemics
when all foods are called into question the
public can rely with perfect confidence on
the . Ea"le brand and serve it with
the assurance that it is a food Free From
All Disease Germs. Remember that!
It.'s the food for children.
YourCrocer and Druggist sell it.
Every can, is sterilized and every microbe killei
(latteries, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel ink.
1 counter, 1 book case, 2 sets shelves,
1 elevator, 50 feet shafting, 7 pulleys
6 hangers, 175 feet of belting (about
that). 1 cabinet, 1 step ladder, 1 desK,
1 chair, 2 stools, 1 proof press, 14
chases, 1 folder table, 1 box wander
ings" type. 8 brevier cap cases & type,
4 ditto lower cases & type, 8 minion
upper cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap
cases, 4 noaparlel cap cases, 4 ditto
lower cap cases, 54 cases advertising
type-Italic Lull cases, 44 2-3 advertis
ing type-, 19 single galleys, 5 double
galleys, 9 gas fixtures with 150ft. pipe,
1 smoothing plane, 2 planers, 1 mallet,
1 shoo'tlng stick, 1 set Hempel's quoins,
2 keys. 2 lead cutters, 1 Mitre machine,
1 Webster's dictionary, 2 newspaper
files, 1 slug case & lead, 1 box wood
ouoln. 11 galley sticks, 2 iron lock-up
sticks, 1 lot type sorts, 1 hand-saw, 1
Mitre box, 1 box wrapped brevier type,
1 dust pan. 12 boxes stereotype plate,
1 gl. oil can, 1 shovel, 1 pan, 1 waste
paper basket, lsponge, 4 news sticks,
100 pounds leads, 12x13 em, 25 pounds
slugs, 12x13 & 26 1-2 em, 350 dashes &
rules, 125 warranty deeds, 45 quit claim
deeds, 62 New York B of lading, 35 for
sale cards, 16 for rent cards large,
house for rent cards, 39 for rent cards
small, 220 bonds for deeds, 60 chattel
mortgages, 250 bona tor aeeu targe,
200 lease. 60 criminal subpoenas (copy)
circuit), CO ditto (original) circuit, 75
civil subpoenas (copy) circuit, 125 ditto
(original) circuit, 100 ditto (copy) jus
tice, 125 ditto (original) justice, 40 writ
of attachment circuit, ditto iw auto
iustice (original). 75 ditto justice (copy),
40 summons ditto (copy), 60 summons
ditto (original, 130 writ of arrest aitto,
30 warrants ditto, 200 affidavit for writ
of arrest circuit, 40 ditto attachment,
300 writ of attachment, 300 undertak
ings for attachment,, 300 suopoenas
civil. 25 undertakings on bail before
indictment, 100 summons (copy) cir
cuit, 75 ditto original ditto, 35 search
warrants, 20 commitment after in
dictment justice, 25 subpoenas, 125 ex
ecutions (original) Justice, 2a garni
shees. lOOundertaking for costs, 25 in
formation, 100 complaints, 75 bonds for
costs (Justice), 40 shippers mamrests,
25 ditto coasting, 100 marriage certifi
cates. 30 county disbursements, 75 mar
riage licenses, 75 notice of protest, 30
protest, 2 file backs, 75 for rent cards
small, 9 road supervisors notice books,
200 relief of tax applications, 22 fur
nished rooms to let cards, 12 "This
awning Is dangerous keep off" cards,
5 "All statements etc.," cards, 9 "Posi
tively no credit etc.," cards, 6 "No
soliciting etc.," cards, 11 promlsory
notes, 50 teacher's agreements, 600 ho
tel call lists, 100 complaint backs, 1
half med. challenge job press, 1 nos-
narlel press. 1 paper cutter, 1 card do,
1 lead do, 1 mitre machine, 3 stoves, 1
coal stove, 18ft. stove-pipe, 1 perrorat
ing machine, 1 glue pot, 2 composition
buckets, 3 half medium chases, 1 chase,
17, 24x17, 5 nonpariel chases, 6 half
med. rollers, 2 galley racks, 75feet gas
pipe and fixtures, 2 stapling machines,
1 hand saw. 1 screw driver, 1 pair com
passes, 1 half med. roller mould, 1
quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood
and furniture, 1 single galleys, 6 double
gnlley,2 job galleys, S job Btlcks, 3
stools, 24 hemple quoin with key, 1 bel
lows, 1 broom, 1 rule shaper, 6
wrenches, 1 butcher knife, 1 punch, 1
hatchet, 1 coal bucket, 7 tin lamp
shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short step-ladder,
1 looking glass, 1 funnel, 1 dust pan, 1
pinner, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 ink
knives, 1 proof roller, 2 dust brushes,
1 job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 past pot
and brush, 1-2 paper steel wire brads,
1-2 paper copper tacks, 2 small screw
drivers, 1 box (500) small Btnples, 2
spools thread, 1-2 box McGllls paper
fastners 10 lbs, 1 awl, 2-3 qt. diamond
dye, 2 cans roller composition, 2 cans
green copying ink, 1 1-2 lb. can purple
copying ink, 1 pound Ultramarine blue
Ink, 1-2 pound bronze, 1-2 lb. printers
gloss Ink, 1-2 lb. Bteel blue Ink, 1-2 ID.
photo brown ink, 1-2 lb. gold size ink,
3 lbs. -red ink, 1-4 lb. blue ink, 1-4 lb.
gold ink, 1 1-4 lb. white ink, 1-2 cardinal
red ink, 3 lbs. poster red ink, 2 lbs.
ultra blue Ink, 1 lb. red Ink, 3-4 lb.
Hose Lake Ink, 1-2 lb. green Ink, 1-2 lb.
yellow Ink, 1-2 lb. Queen ctty red ink,
1 ounce purple Ink, 1 blue blank ink,
30 lbs. book ink, 63 packages grocers
statements, 49 packages single state
ments, 21 packages double statements,
28 packages mere, bond paper, letter
heads, 9 pkgs. Ulster linen, letter
heads, ' 52 pkgs. Pacific mills letter
heads. 13 pkgs. - heads, 9 pkgs.
ledger statements, 12 pkgs. packet
heads, 18 pkgs. linen note-heads, 16
pkgs. No. 6 bill heads, 8 pkgs. No. 4
bill heads, 10 pkgs. No. 2 bill heads,
45 pkgs. No. 2 close ruled bill heads, 32
pkgs. No. 4 close ruled bill heads, 6
pkgs. No 2 close ruled bill heads, 26
pkgs. memoranda, 20 pkgs, cold press
lines, 11 pkgs, Atlanta mills, 9 pkgs.
No. 2. Atlanta mills, 1000 six and one en
velopes XXX, 6 boxes No. 6 XXX en
velopes, 2 boxes No. 6 yellow envelopes,
15000 wh. XX envelopes, 250 wh. wove
XX, No. 10, 9000 No, 4 shipping tags.
6000 No. 3 shipping tags. 6000 No. 1
shipping tags, 600 No. S shipping tags,
SO0 sheets white card board 22 x 2S, SO0
assorted colors card board 22x28. 125
sheets R. TL board, 71 pkgs. thin China
cards No. 9, 11 pkgs. ditto No. 9. 18
pkgs. tough check cards Nn. 9, 12 pkirs.
tough check No. 12 cards, 35 pkgs. R.
R. board, 6 reams chromatic folios, 1
ream gun paper, 6 reams white folio,
17 X22-20 lbs. 1 1-2 ream pink folio, 17 x
22-20 lbs. 1-4 ream yellow folio, 77x22
20 lbB. 1-2 ream linen folio, 17x22 20
lbs. 1 1-2 ream Japanese linen folio
17x22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream Super Royal
folio 17 x 22 20 lbs. 1 ream cap 14 x 17, 3
ream book folio, 200 sheets cover paper,
600 sheets glazed paper, 1000 sheets
ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil
paper, 7 sheets straw board paper, 9
sheets heavy manllla paper, 50 sheets
thin straw board paper, 200 Bheets
black cover paper, 3 reamB colored
poster paper, 3 drawers Bcraps paper,
200 lbs. labor saving slugs, 1 font labor
saving leads, 2 fonts dotted rule, 2
fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17
fonts border, 10 ft. border, 15 $-lago-
types, 15 No. logotypes, 6 shears, type,
8 bought of type, 1 ree'd. of type, 1
dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments, 47
boxes assorted sizes, 1 drawer cuts,
Gr. Prls. Ex. Cond. No. 3, Ronoldson
Cond. brevier wide gothic, French
Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonpariel, long
primer, pica, steel plate gothic, pica,
3 li np. 2 Li., pica, tinted, pica, 3 L. pica.
celtlo minion, brevier, Gr. Pr. gothic
No. 9 pica, L. prim. Aquatint, Gr.
Prim. 2 L. pica, pen text 3 L. pica, 2
Lu nonpariel, haw Italic brevier, L,
primer, manuscript pica, Gr. primer,
double parogon Bcrlpt, Gr. prim. Bos
ton, canon, Boston, Payson script,
black Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra
Cond. nonp. brevier, pica, 12 point
gothic, wide, lining gothic No. 14,
Venetian pica & L. prim. 24 point
handard, 24 point dado, 11 point fancy
Celtic, 24 point Edson, gothlo condense
& poster, Gr. Pr. paragon, Dble. pica,
Gr. Pr. 4 L. pica, paragon, S L. pica,
59 fonts type, 3 cs. small pica, 150 lba.
3 cs. nonpariel 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier
100 lbs. 1 c. Italic small pica, 10 lbs,
1 20 A font Gr. Pr. post Ionic, 1 10 A
case paragon Inioc, card ornaments,
Palmer & Rey's typographical charm
word ornaments, borders No. 22 1-2 N,
P. 14 1-2 N. P. S3 1-2 N. P. 29 1-2 N. P.
21 1-2 N. P. 207 N. P. 215 N. P. 228 N.
P. 217 N. P. 4 N. P. 212 N. P. 207 pica,
1 N. P. 321 N. P. wood border 10ft.
plain, 10ft. 10ft. fancy, 10ft. fancy,
wood type 2 fonts 36 II. pica, 2 fonts 20
". pica, 2 fonts 15 11. pica, 2 fonts 12 11.
pica, 6 fonts 10 11. pica 5 fonts 8 II. pica,
2 fonts 6 11. pica, 1 font 6 II. pica, 2
fonts 4 li. picn,4 rule cases, 2 slug cases,
6 frames, 1 cabinet, 21 cs. 107 full Bize
cases, 32 2-3 cases, 1 Bet Initial lettQrs,
1 set ornaments, 25 lbs. metal furni
ture, 2 sets shelves, 1 set pigeon holes
with sorts, 1 table with drawers, 1 low
table, 50 lbs. leads, 8 yards binding
cloth, 100 sheets binding paper, 25 cents
clue. 1 small work table, 250 Miss cuts,
1 strip clothes hooks, 1 mallet, 1 shelf
stand, 1 proof planer, 1 ront circular
quod, 1 numbering machine, 1 Lino
type. 1 engine & boiler, shafting put
leys- & belting, 1335 lbs. type metal, 1
pig of tin, 1 safe, 1 galley rack, 51
type racks with old type, 1 old Hlckok
press and fittings, 1 lot pulliys odd
pieces machinery, etc, 1 lot oH 'oinps
& shades, 150 books (about,) 20 bundles
old Astorlans (about), 4 bundles salm
on colored paper, 1 box Kinney salmon
ads, Astorian building, situated at cor
ner (S. W.) Cass & squemoqua streets,
Astoria, Oregon. Western Associated
Press franchise. The franchise & good
will of the Dally & Weekly Astorian
news papers,' published at said city of
Astoria, to satisfy said sum 01 m.yzo,
86, and Interest as aforesaid, and the
costs and expenses or Baie, August
10th, 1893.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
In the State of Oregon holding
Dolicles in the State Investment Ac in
surance Company, of San Francisco,
Of the withdrawal from the state of
Oregon of the State Investment As in
surance Company, of San Francisco,
California, and to all other persons in
terested, that the said company has
reinsured its business in the State of
Oreeon. in the Fireman's Fund Insur
ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali
fornia, and has filed notice tnereor witn
the secretary of state, of said state.
and proposes to withdraw its securi
ties on deposit witn tne treasurer tnere
of, and to cease doing business in said
Any policy holder in the State of
Oregon, or any other person having
claims against said insurance company,
are hereby notified to file the same with
secretary of tate or the state 01 Or
egon, within six (6) months from the
date of the publication of this notice,
This notice is given pursuant to the
provision of an act of the legislative as
sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled
"An act to amend Sections 35C4 3568
and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel
laneous Laws of Oregon, as Compiled
and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap
proved February 25, 1889.
By George L. Brander,
Attest; Charles M. Blair,
. Secretary
Notice is hereby given that' the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Caroline Han
sen, late of Clatsop county, Oregon,
deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same duly verified to the un
designed, at the nice of Fulton Bros.
Attornies, in the City of Astoria, in
said county within six months from
this date, August 5th, 1S93.
Notice is hereby given that I have
been duly appointed, administrator of
the estate of Mary Ann Adair, ae
ceased. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to call at my Of
flee at No. 119, Genevieve street. Asto
ria, Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay
the same. And all persons haying
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same to me. with the proper
vouchers, at the above named place,
within six months from date of this
Dated," Astoria, Oregon, July 25, 1893.
Administrator of said estate.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom it
may concern, that the undersigned
have been duly appointed the executors
of the last will and testament of
George Flavel, late ot Clatsop
county, Oregon, deceased, and as such
executors, authorized to administer the
estate of such deceased ; and all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased are hereby notified and
required to present the same duly veri
fied, to the undersigned at tne omce or
the undersigned, George C. Flavel, In
the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or
egon, within six months from this
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 10th
day of July. 1S93.
- " ' Executors.
Wuast Man
ttvimm .
W Route.
Puts You in Cliicago
Of my Mo.
Pullman and , Tourist E lookers
Free Reclining Chair Curs, Cln
ing Cars ar run da'ly v'a tho
Union Pacific Flyer lea v In. fort
land at 6:30 p. m.
Columbia Sunday August 27.
Mate FrliliiV Ho. tciiibcr 1.
Col imlilii WiMlnusilny KeplcmberO.
Mutt Monday September II.
Columbia Miturdiiy September U.
Ktiuo 1 humility ScpKinlmrlll.
.Columbia 'I'ueMliiy Si-pti-nibcrli'l.
Morning boat leaves Astoria dally,
except Sunday, at 6 a. m. and Sundays
at 9 a in.; returning leaves Portland
dally, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and
Saturdays at 10 p. m- Night boat leaves
Astoria daily at 6 p. m.; returning
leaves Portland at 7 a. m dally ex
cept Sunday, and Sundays at 8 a. m.
Morning boat from Portland makes
landings on the Oregon side of the river
and night boat on the Washington side
The morning boat from Astoria makes
landings on the Washington side of the
river, and night boat on the Oregon
side, except Sunday, and on Sundays
via Washington Side. All boats make
landings on both sides of the river
above Waterford. . The Potter makes
connections at Young's Bay wit hears
for Clatsop before leaving for Port
land, Sunday .mornings. The Queen
runs through to the bridge daily nnd
connects with the 5 p. m. train.
For riles and general lufoimatlon cull on or
A.. Gen. Kas. Am. Ai'eiit
Portland, Or. Astoria, Or.
Is the line to take to all
It off-'ts the best service, com;
It 1 ttte r-optibr rntito with those who
wi.vli to travel on
It Is therefore Hie rente yi u i-linu'd
take. It rum through 1 Imli-i)
trains every day 111 lite year to
No Change of Cars,
Elegant Pullman Slrtprrs,
Superior Tourist Sleepers,
Splendid Free Seconil-dass Sleepers,
Only one ohanj'o of cars
Portland to New Yortk
Through , Tickets
To Any Tart of tne lvilizta world.
Passengers ticketed via. all li.-.ats rimnlrc
between Abtorin, Kalama and l'orMhml.
Full .Information ennccrning rates, time ot
train, routes and other detiiils fiirnlilied 01.
application to
Aict-ia AMons
Stoamrr Te!eikuu Unfit.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No, 121 first Kt..eor. Washington,
Port laud. Orffou
SSt First street, Astoria, Or.
. 37" j 00 Concert
Every night t-eglnning nt R o'clock,
(iood imisic. ihe bunt of wine, li
quori and cigars always on bund,
nm pip and riTnw.s
House ramtMilng Gool. 81ii l-esi.gtrin-I-!,
facet Iron I'm utl ('upper.
AM all
Eastern Points
Many tars M