MU FiiEUC UBMRI BSQClMJ. ' in 1. 'v ;r EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XL. NO. 194. ASTOmA. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST S, 1893. PRICE, FIVE TENTS, 1 If You Want To save money, don't now going on at C. If You Want To buy goods at less than wholesale cost, go to C. H. Cooper's. If You Want To trado tartvantnge and save from $5 to $10 on a suit of clothes, go to C. II. Cooper's. If You Are Hard Up . And short of cidi, ihe little you have will go farthest at C. 1!. Cooper's. If You Want First-class goods in clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps, !-!ioes, etc., go to 0. H. Cooper. . M idsummer Sale Now going on. C. H. CALIFORNIA WlftJE HOUSE, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS I lmve m'mln nrraiijienienlH for Bnpplyhig nny brand of wiues in quantities to suit at lowest cash fijimes. The trade and faiiiilies supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoria. ' .' ' A. W. UTZINGER, Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. ASTOR HOUSE, Astoria, Oregon. J. G. ROSS, Prop'r. ila'-.s $ and $1 2r per day. Good accommodations. Clean beds a specialty. Yon are invited to rail. Free 'bus meets all steambontH. Still in the FOR SILVER 'SIDE FISHING USE IT IS hr VST MARSHALL'S IT IS THE CHEAPEST GOOD FISHERMEN IBE IF FO F LL FISHING FOR SMALL The sliiying powers of to hote of mi v. other ewr used ON HAND: 10-Ply CO's - 8-Ply 40's 15-Pivr0'8 7-Ply r.O's 9-Ply .(i miss the great reduction sale II. Cooper's. COOPER: Front ! AMERICAN LABOR MAKES IT MESH NETS FOR LASTING QUALITIES Marshall's Twine are superior on the Columbia river.. 12-Ply 40's 14-Pl'v 4Vs II Terrible Storms Along tlie Eastern Coast WRECK AND RUIN EVERYWHERE SIxty-Tliree Telegraph Llnea Torn Down anil Fifty Western Union Cable De moliKliert In a Few Hour. Associated Press. New York, August 24. The West Indian cyclone which swept over this part of the Atlantic coast last night and this morndng on its way to the New England coast, left its mark over the. whole region around New York, with a sweep of over 1,000 miles. The rainfall, measuring 3.82 Inches during twelve hours. Is the severest that has ever been recorded by the local signal fcervlee. Many ships are waiting out side for the wind to subside. Through the dragging of anchors of escaping ships in the bay and North river, more than fifty cables of the Western Union Telegraph Company were torn and are now lying useless on the bottom of the river. The ravages of the stopm are no less severe on land. Of the 75 wires to Washington, only 13 remain standing. Railroad travel has been seriouslyn interrupted. The summer sorts have suffered reverely from the high seas. In Brooklyn nearly every street In the city was covered with de bris from the trees. The police report at least ten houses unroofed. Durnig the height of the storm a policeman found the body of a dead man lying In a peddlar's wagon on Whipple street. The wagon was filled with wa ter and the man was floating around in it. In New Jersey the storm was most severely felt and reports of damage more or less serious are coming in. This streets at Ellzabethport are part ly tinder -water to a depth of two and three feet and people are floating about on rafts to get to work. From the coast the news is particu larly vague. The Burf was high during the fury of the gales, and stories from out at sea are yet (to be told. Boston, Aug. 24. The , storm which did such great damage in the vicinity of New York last night, was felt in all Its fury along the New England coast as well. New" Haven, Hartford, and other points in Connecticut 1 re port it as the worst storm known in many years with much minor dam age to property and shipping. At New Haven the damage t the harbor was very great and the oyster beds suffered especially. They are Ithought to be banked completely in mud and may prove a total loss, in which case- the pecuniary damage will be very great, amounting to many thousands of dol lars. . As the day wre on the arriving craft brought a story of the storm's work at sea, and it proved a terrible supplement to its ravages on land. The fishing schooner Empire State, with a crew of ten men and the Ella M. John son with, a crew of eight, went down last night off Manasquan on the Jer sey coast, and all on board were lost. These two vessels were in the com pany with the Chocrus last night when the stona struck them, and after beat ing around all night in some of the worst weather ever known off the ecast, and with the loss of her captain and fivst mate, the Chocrus reached port today. The steamer Eggleston Abbey from Cardiff put in for repairs this afternoon, The captain reports picking up George Upton of Portland, Maine te day before yesterday, he be ing the sole survivor of a crew of six of the fishing schooner Mary Lizzie which foundered August 21st. The .Ash ing schooner John Feney, is in tonight with two of her crew badly injured from the terrific pounding they re ceived. The captain reports seeing a man clinging to wreckage some dis tance off, but the storm was so furi ous that they were unable to render aFsistance. From Long Branch tonight it is learned that it will be some time before that resort recovers from the effects of the storm. From the West End Hotel to the Normandy, not a single bathing house is left intact The most of them were swept out to sea, while others were washed right upon the beach. Other resorts along the coast suffered severely. Telegraphic communication is cut off for the first time since the great blizzard. It Is 1m nossible yet to give anything like an idea of the amount of damage done along the coast in general. T.ocknort. N. S- Aug. 24. The great storm did much damage to shipping In this vicinity, anumber of vessels hpliie wrecked. This morning a cal barge and towing vessel were wrecked off Southampton, Lng Island. Up to "timiirht. six men from wrecked vessels were washed ashore out of a crew of 21 men on both vessels. Of the six that came ashore three were beyond reeo- T cttatlon. The other 15 are undoubtedly drowned. FOUR MEN DROWNED. Asbury Park, N. J. Aug; 24. The fishing schooner Mary F. Kelly of New York, was wrecked this morning. Four of her crew were drowned. BRIDGET LEASE ONCE MORE. Mount Gretna, Pa., Anug. 24. This was recognized as a big day at the na tional encampment of the Farmers' Alliance. Conservative estimates place the attendance for today, at over 30, 000, and this afternoon Mr. Mai; E. Lease of Kansas, addressed an au dience of 20,000. 't he said In part: 'The people of Kansas should never give up fighting for human rights and human liberty until we have Indeed and in truth! a government of the peo ple for the peopple, and by the people. When a few men in Boston can cause a suspension of twenty-one banks in a day; when a United States Benator can press the button and raise the price of oil o per cent.; when the Jews of Ber lin and Lombard treet can control tlje money of Amerfoa, it Is time to call a halt all along the line. Such crimes have brought about a revolu tion as much religious as political, Min isters of the gospel should be Interest ed in this revolution for the cauBe of Jwms Christ and humanity. Ministers who cannot dlscuBS politics of his par ty in the pulpit had better put his dir. ty, illthy politics aside; they are not fit for the religion of Jesus Christ. The time has come when politics must be discussed from the pulpit. This is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave, but the land of the rivh and the home of the slave, and I appeal to you to wake before the chains of the money power are riveted on your limbs. " the then appealed to the people to wake up and drive the money changers from our temple of American Liberty, even as Christ did 1800 years ago. A SCATHING VERDICT. Portland, Or., Aug. 24. The coroner's jury today completed the Inquest over the .remains of Lieutenant C E. Nel son, of the Oregon National Guard, whose death resulted from a wound received last Saturday in a sham bat tle. The verdict is as follows: "We find that the sham battle was crdered by General H. B. Compson, commander of the brigade, who issued the order for the battlei in the face of protests made to him by most of the commissioned officers under, his com mand, who) believed and Btated to General Compson that it was, in their opinion, unwise and dangerous to hold it. We find that the wound was the result of criminal carelessness on the part of the man who fired the shot. We have failed to establish the Identity of the man directly responsible for fir ing the fatal shot." . TWO FINE RECORDS. Indianapolis, Aug. 24. At the Inter national bicycle races today under the auspices of the ZIg-Zag Club, Zlmmer- jnan won the championship, doing the mile in 2:12 4-5, breaking the world's record of a mile in competition and reducing It by 2 3-4 seconds. Columbus, Aug. 24. The world's rec ord for five heats was broken In the free for all trot by Allx and Lord Clin ton, the miles being made in 2:12'i, 2:llH. 2-10V4, 2:1016. and 2:09 8-4. APPLIED FOR A RECEIVER. Tacoma, August 24.-J. S. White house, receiver of the Wapato Park Belt Line Railway Company, today filed a petition for a receiver for the Point Defiance, Tacoma and Edison Railway Company, which operates thirteen miles of street railway. The trouble grew out of a transfer of prop erty made some months ago when the Point Defiance Company was organ ized. The court deferred action until tomorrow. SHOT HIS JAW OFF. Eugene, Or., August 24. Yesterday morning Charles Guthrie shot his 12-year-old brother, Ivan, while hunting about a mile south of Junction City with a shot gun, the shot taking effect in the right side of the neck and tear ing the muBcles and flesh from the lower Jaw. He was unconscious for twenty-four hours, but Is now recov ering. SEIZED ALL THE PROPERTY. Taeoina, August 24. Deputy United Stated Marshal Bridges has returned from Kalama, having seized all the property belonging to Clarence Cham rers, the ex-postmaster of Kalama, convicted recently of misappropriating government property. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS .. The annual meeting of the stockhold er of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build lng Association wiu be held on Thurs day,-August 24th, at 2 p- m-, at Odd Fellows' Hall. A. J. MEGLER. Secretary. NOTICEl Use ZInfandel wtne Intend of coffe or tea. W centa per auilon. Dont fon?et fieh and apricot brandy. hUo French Cognac and win ut Aiwa. t.llbw't, c Oyer Two Hunftrefl Builcliiiss Destroyed In the WMy City, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE II0MELF.SS Imiiifinna Lumber anil Coal Yard a Knv Bf ed, ami Several Itetlricnce lilocks Destroyed. Associated Press. Chicago. August 24. A fire which in extent ct territory covered, is the larg est known in this city for many years, began in that portion known as South Chicago about 5 o'clock this afternoon, and, before it was brought under con trol, hod destroyed over 200 Lulldlngs, mostly frame residence structures oc cupied by worklngmen, and rendered many hundreds of people homeless. The fire Btarted In a three-story brick building at the corner of mat street and Suporior avenue, occupied as a residence by Wm. Gllles. It w&; cauB ed by his daughter, who accidentally upset a lamp while heating a curling Iron. From there it grew rapidly in volume, fanned by a galo from the west, and the flames ate ' their way over block after block of small frame residences, until it reached ,th lake. Within two hours after it had sturted the' fire had consumed at least five blocks of the great industrial section of the city. . Residents of that portion of the city were In a panic second only to the one which characterized the great lire. Before the few engines In the district could make the slightest Impression upon the flames, they bounded eastward between 90 and slat Btreets in the direction of the lake. House after house went down. Hard ly had these structures gone when the fire was seen to be blazing in a dozen places further east, the brands being carried long distances' by the furhms wind. The assistant marshal in charge of that district, seeing that the utmost efforts of the department were neces sary if the greater part, of the tiiwn was to be saved, notified the chief fire marshal of the condition of affairs, and two engines were Btarted down from the main portion of the city as s' on as possible. The largest fire boat, Yoscmtte, was also hurriedly started on a 13-mlle trip to the burning sec tion. Before it had reached the har bor above Chicago,' the fire had eaten away five -blocks between Superior uvenue and the lake, and the Yosomlte turned its attention to the Immense lumber yard? on the river front.' By this time additional engines began to pull in from the city and new danger was encountered fr'm the coilns of the wind, which started the fire tow ard a new district. Between! the river and the district, in which the flames originated, extend Immense lumber yards and lumber docks along the Cal umet river and harbor. The burned territory Is Just north of the business centre of South Chicago, and was giv en up almost exclusively to residences. The fears of tha firemen were well founded and before the dozens of en gines had made much' headway, Ihe immense docks of the Sunday Creek Cal Co. were burning. Over a hun dred thousand tons of coal were stored in thesg bins, and the fire boat brought to bear all Us powerful streams in the endeavor to head off the flames. A few minutes loiter, however, A. R. Beck's lumber yards were seen to be burning, and now the great battle of the firemen with 'the flames began. They had only by this time succeeded In concentrating a number of engines to begin an impression on the terri fic fire. From this time on the forces of the firemen gradually increased, and the flames wera gradually brought under control. By 2 o'clock the work of nearly forty engines besides the flreboats had told. Conservative esti mates put the aggregate loss In the residence district at $400,000. The Sun day Creek Coal Company's loss will be $250,000, and the Peck Lumber Com pany's, $200,000. MEETING OF THE DEPOSITORS. Portland, Or., Aug. 24. About seven hundrel depositors of the Portland Savings Bank hod a meeting at the Marquam theater tonight to devise some means of securing their money at the earliest possible time. The com Highest of all in Leavening j'ouv mittee appointed at a former meeting submitted a report recommending that a new receiver be appointed to Like charge of the aealrs of the bank. The report was adopted and ex-Senator H. W. Corbett was named as the choice of the meeting to be recommended to the court as receiver. In case Senator Corbett declines to serve, C. II. Lewis, Theodore B. Wilcox, Henry Falling, and Fred Wagner, were recommended as being suitable persons from -whlih to choose receivers. THE MID-WINTER FAIR. San Francisco, Aug. 24. At 2 o'clock this afternoon, the first spadeful of earth was turned for the Mld-Wlnter Fair In Golden Gate Park. Thousands of people were present, business was suspended in town, the schools closed, and the Naitianal Guard paraded, A salute was fired by the United States nrtlllery and speeches were made by prominent citizens. T'e shfpplng in the harbor, was profusely decorated with bunting, and the afternoon was a gen eral holiday. The $500,000 guarantee fund lias nearly all been subscribed. This afternoon Director-General De Young took the first spadeful of earth, which was put In-a sliver casket and Bold at auction to the highest ladder. Five hundred men commenced work Immediately on excavations for a site. The Fair will be opened on Janunry 1st, 1894, and will continue six months, to June 30th. PAID MONEY-FOR THEM. San Francisco, Aug. 24. When the llrst shovelful of earth was taken from the Mid-Winter Fair grounds and waH sot up at public auction It was knocked tiown to Roes Eros., a local clothing firm, for $050. The spade with which the first earth was turned was sold ut auction to Davis Bros., of the Golden Rule Bazaar for $105. Active operations commenced this af'.ernoon. SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST HILL. St Paul, Minn., Aug. 24. In the light for $3,000,000, left by the late Commo dore Norman Kittson, the Kittson the Kittson heirs created another sen sation today by filing a statement in the probate court, charging Jas. J. Hill, president of the Great Northern Rajlway Company, and other, mem bers "of th0 St. Paul Trust Company, with purposely delaying the settlement of the famous Farley railway suit. In order to reap large profits by the way of execution fees and large Interest on the money of the estate. The heirs make affidavits stating that the execu tion fees alone amounted to $41,000, The heirs stated that .they believe; the Trust Company has, by misuse of the Kittson funds; pocketed not less than $100,000. OUn RAPID TRANSITORY EXIST ENCE. Is brief enough without our shortening It by seekli'g medical aid, when we are somewhat unwell, from sources where t Is only obtainable at great rink. Even It' the old doctrine were true that violent diseases require violent reme uies, It does not follow that drastic purgatives, narcotics, powerful "se'ia tives" of the nervous syBtem aro ad visable In casa where slight disord ers manifestly call for the use of mild er means of recovering, Involving no subsequent danger, but equally elll cient. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters not only relieves, but ultimately and com pletely relieves disorders of the stom ach, liver, bowels, and nerves. It Is a genuine tonic, healthfully stimulates the kidneys, is a thorough alterative, and a most effectual preventive of chills and fever and bilious remittent. The utmost confidence can be reposed In the purity and safety of Its medi cinal Ingredients. 2,228,7i Thope figures represent the number of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which were sold in tho United States from March, ISM, to March, 1802. Two million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-two bottles sold In one year, and each and every bottle was Bold on guarantee that money would be refunded If sat isfactory results did not follow its use. The secret of its success is plain. It never disappoints and can always be depended on as the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds, ets. Price DOc. and $100. At Chas. Rogers, drugstore. Ilni'klen'i tnii- a Salve. The best salve In the world fot cuts, bruises, mire, pleern. unit rheum, fevr Huies, tetter, cliiiip-il hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, und positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price ' cents m-r box. Kor sale by Chas. Rogers, sue vsBor to J. C. Dement. All the patent meocTne advertised In thin paper, together with the cliulcoat perfumery, and toilet ortlclea etc.. can be bouBht at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria, -Latest V. F. Gov't Report