The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 23, 1893, Image 4

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Take the Daily Asto
rian ami Get. a
Tiie Astorian's Latest
iuid llest Premium
Kvery1 regular subscriber to The
Dally Astorian, for the next twelve
months will be entitled every ten
weeks, to a set of ten first class novels,
by sending us 30' cents (for each set of
ten books) in postago stamps of silver,
on receipt of which we will send the
books post paid.
These books are complete novels by
standard authors, each a handsome
octavo volumn of 64 large double col
umn pages, In a neat attractive cover,
and printed from clear, readable type,
l.h follows:
lutte M. Broome, author of "Dora
, THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess."
Floronce Warden.
chette Carey.
Conam Doyle.
S. Stephens.
Charlotte M. Eraeme, author of "Dora
vaniiB Cobb, Jr.
.George Elliott.
A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar
ryat. THE SEA KINO. By Captain Mar
Sir K. Bulwer Lytton.
Charlotte M. llraomc, author of "Dora
der Dumas.
Charles Readc.
M. E. Bruddon.
Dickens and Wllkio Collins.
MOND. By W. M. Thackeray.
The above books are nicely printed
and bound in attractive paper covers.
They are sold regularly at retail for
ten cents each, so that our offer en
ables our readers to buy them at one
third of their value. It Is a grand
chance to secure standurd, high-class
works of Action at merely nominal
The lowest price of theso novels In
any other way, would be 10 cents, each,
or SI for the ten books, which The As
torian subscribers can have for 30
Every ten weeks a new Bet of ten
books will bt offered on the same
terms. Thus, In the course of the year,
you will have a valuable library of CO
books that will coot you only 1.G0.
. This offer Is open only t j regular sub
scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorian,
who pay JT for one year in advance
will be entitled to theso books free of
Now Is the time to get your home
newspaper, and a valuable library be
sides, for only the regulur price of the
Subscribers to The Weekly Astorian
who pay 3 In advance for one year's
subscription, will be entitled to any of
.these books they may select at the rate
f 3 cents per book. On receipt of the
lint of books discrlbed, accompanied by
a remltance In postage stamps or sil
ver to the amount of 3 cents for each
book ordered, we will have the books
sent postpaid to the address of any
regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto
rian ss above.
The State passed out yesterday for
San Francisco with 6000 cases of salm
on and a lull miscellaneous bargo.
The R. P. Elmore .leaves here this
Inornlng for Tillamook with freight
and cannery supplies. "
The tug Escort Is on the beach for
Mrs. S. Danziger is back home again
John Fursey Is down from Cathlam-
et. , -
J. L. Weathcrbee. of Eagle Cliff Is
In town.
L. R. Flint of Ran Francisco is in
the city.
H. ft. Lake of Portland is registered
at the.pccldent.
B. S. Smith came , down the rivor
from Portland yesterday.
George B. Compson and daughter of
Klamath Falls are In town.
James B. Eddy of Pendleton, went
dewn to the beach yesterday.
Miss M. Webber of San Francisco
returned homo on the State yesterday.
Miss Mabel Zlgler, who has been vis
King Miss Winnie Goodman for the
past few weeks, returns to her home
in Portland on the Potter this morn
Ing. ;
There will be a full practice game of
football at Smith's Point tonight, The
motor leaves Main street at 6 o'clock
sharp. All players are requested to be
on hand.
Mr. F. J. Carney wishes It to be un
derstood that he Is not a candidate for
the position of county assessor.
1 1 j, .
ENCE. Is brief enough without our shortening
it by seeking medical aid, when we are
Bomewhat unwell, from Bources w"ere
It is only obtainable at great risk.
Even If the old doctrine were true that
violent diseases require violent reme
ules, It does not follow that drastic
purgatives, narcotics, powerful "seda
tives" of the nervous system are ad
visable in cas-s where slight disord
ers manifestly call for the use of mild
er means of recovering, Involving no
subsequent danger, but equally efil
clent. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters not
only relieves, but ultimately and com
pletely relieves disorders of the stom
neh, llyer, bowels, and nerves. It Is u
genuine tonic, healthfully stimulates
the kidneys, is a thorough alterative,
and a most effectual preventive of
chills and fever and bilious remittent.
The utmost confluence can be reposeu
In the purity and safety of its medi
cinal Ingredients.
All the natent meoxTnes advertised lit
this paper, . together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet nrtlcles etc.. can
bo bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel.
At The Monogram you can find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor de Madrid and all otner cnoice
and favorite brands of cigars.
These figures represent the number
of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Coius,
which were sold in the United States
from March, ISM, to March, 1802. Two
million, two hundred and twenty-eight
thousand, six hundred and seventy-two
bottles sold In one year, and each and
every bottle was sold on guarantee
that money would be rorunaea it sat
isfactory results did not follow Its use.
The secret of Its success Is plain. It
never disappoints and ran always bo
depended on as the very beHt remedy
for Coughs niul i:ouis, ets. x'rice uuc.
and $100. At Chan. Rogers, drugstore.
Gentlemen i-1-! had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules whllo traveling to Chicago to
attend tho National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very mtio noauacno since
my return, which is remarkable.
Yours, respectfully,
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., solo agent.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nml nil the train cf evl
f n mi i-m ly pi nn or Inter
cxci'sscc, Iko restilta of
oarwoik, hie k n e r,
worry, oto. FullMtrt-i;;?! Ii,
(luvuitipnient und ii-uo
plvon to every oi-j-an und
iMiitloll , of tl.o bn.iy.
KtMMW Kulluri- hiK.ii'!l.lo.
8,ui rfforenoin. lion)!,
explfttintlon nixl preoU
liiuilutl (uouli'd) free
Imparts the moat
at Mudrna, to
Ma brothrr at
May, 1851.
"lellXEA ft
PF.RR1NS' thai
their caiice la
highly esteem
ed In India, and
is In my opinion
the moat pal
atable, well
aa the moat
aauca that ia
. evade.
IWsrs cf IimtntloTis :
get Lea & Perries'
6C8 that you
Cs s&tura on werj bottle of the efnal tad griuln,
0F ill
Ollicloua teste and teat to
f SOUPS, .
fey. GAME,
j? w j RAREBITS,
cf improvements
Rr. f iorco'g Fleas
nsfc Pellets. To
begin with, thoy're
the smallest, and
tho enrfest to take,
'i'jjcy'ro tiny,
rucav-cor.tcd cnti
fcjjious granules,
tcarccly larger
tiinn mustard
ficctls. Every child
Krl-. """""' Ma
ia ready for them.
Then, after thay'ro taken, instead cf dis
titrbi:: and ehockint? tbo nystum, tbey net
in a u.ild, CMy, and natural way. There's
no cb.-ico for any reaction aiter.vnrd. Their
help l.r.-.tu. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attnt U, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all
doranr;emunts of tho livor, etomsch, and
bowj!j aro promptly relieved and perman
ently cured.
Tiiey'io put up in glass vinl3, which keens
them always fresh and rcliablo, unliko the
ordinary pilto . in wooden or pasteboard
boxen. '
Aiul tliey'ro tho cheapest pil'.i you enn buy,
for thoy'ro guaranteed to j;ivo catistaction,
or your monoy is rctunjed. You pay only
for the good you. gei.
A new and oompluto trcntment, consisting ol
Biipposltorles, ointment in eujiHiilus, also in
box niul villsj a poHitlve euro o-tcriinl, In
teriml lilind or bleedlug, itelilni;, chronic,
recent or heriidltur piles, mid innny other
diNvaaea and female wcaknesse; It in always a
(treat tinellt 10 the iiencral lunllh. The first
(llseovery of a medlenl cure rendering an oper
tlon with tho kuife mniencsaary hereafter
This remedy has uevei' bo n known to fall.
41 per box, li for Sj Heiit by moll. Why sulfer
Iiom this terrible dlBexsu hen a written Kiiar
aniee is piveu with 0 boxes, to refund the
money If not cured. Bend stamps f. r free
siimplo, Guarantee Issued by Woodward
Clark A Co., Wholesale and Retail DrucgifU
Bole Agent j'ortin:ui. ur. for sale ny J. w.
uoun. Astoria ureaoi''S I A Vs.'YV Can
Mtiiai .- ; . ftjti Pit 5.
i-i lit f over HU ,.;ir.
iSj.i.c. Jiil.rlhr l!V,.
'... Jl l-hivit ti'y;;.
niolM'S. Al (ll'Hists,
or i.i .if.! t'fi ii'jviit of
prl'V Jlc, per hoi.
c; in i!t
i Vw;-:'.. i,.i;.;.i,-.;v,Md.
In the Circuit court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clatsop.
Astoria Iron Works Plaintiff, vs,
Dean Ulanchard Defendant. .
ily virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of and under the
Heal of the above enUtled court, in the
above entitled cause, on tho 22nd day
of June, 1893, upon a judgment duly
made and rendered therein on the l'Jth
day of June, 18i3, which said execution
and order of sale tvaa to me- directed
and delivered, I did on the 14th day ot
August, 1893, levy upon all the rirjht,
title, claim and Interest of the wit hin
named defendant In and to the follow
Ing described real estate, to-wit: Be.
ginning on the meander line 30.23
chains, westerly from the NE corner of
the S. C. Smith Donation Land Claim,
thence N C5 degr. 30 mln., E 300 feet,
thence N 24 deif. 30 mln.. W to ship'B
channel of the Columbia River, thence
westerly along the said channel to a
point 21 deg. 30 mln. W. from the
tilace of beginning, thence S. .2 ueg. i
min. JU to me place or oeginmiiB, in
Section 7, Tp. IN, Kl W, of the Will
amette Meridian, Clatsop County State
of Oregon. And notice is hereby given
that I shall on Tuesday, the Htn day
of September, 1S93, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day, In iront or
tho Court House door, in the City or
Astoria. In said county and state, pro
ceed to sell tho same or so much there
of, ns shall be miiiieiont to satisfy tho
mini of $530.5, with interest thereon at
the rale of ten per cent, per annum
from June 1!), 1S93, together with the
further sum of $10.90 costs and dis
bursements niul accruing costs of this
suit, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash In band In IT. S. Cold
coin at the time of sulo.
ir. a. smith,
Sheriff of Clatsflp County, Or.
Dated, Astoria, Or., August 11, 1S'.3.
Kop'p's - Beer - Hall
t'holiv Wine?, I,'.iiois nml Oifinrs.
On'v hninled i vcr llio lnr. The Imirrst.
pla-'s of N. 1". Ilrer. lln'f nml hull, "'('.
Frco lunch.
("nr. Coiutimly nml I nfnjtltc Sts.
I' lrst si, eel, Attnriu, Or.
A F'roo Concort
Kvery nli;ht lipinnliiK at s o'clock,
(looil nnii '1 ho best of wines, li
iinors nml cljiiirx always on li nml,
A, A. CI.KVKt.ANIl, I'roiu
Gopd Bread Calces and Pastry,
Mno lint me nen Aiaieriais uscu.
Satisfaction GuarantRed Customerrs.
Brnotl deltrsred In any art of the city
Seaside Saw Mill.
A poninleto slock of linnhcr on hand In the
romrh or itrocd V'lo n im- Rustic. (Mllnr.
and all Umlaut finish; Mm. Uliiir ul Sliln
gles: a 'o lln:e'Ht ork rtoim to order. IVrma
leasnnnhle and rlcca a; tnl r ck. Al- vnli-ra
Jiromplly atttndi-il to. iiiVnniHl ynrJ i mill.
ii. i'. i . i.u,.vis, 1 rojir.
Beasldo, Oregon.
T (Witt iStasS7's?Maiifl?
Carnts. and Trarte-M rk j obtained, and all Hat- i
at buuneu conducted (or modcratc Fees.
Oun omce l 0K8ITt U. 8. TCNTOmet1
mi wo can aecure patent io le&s uwo Utan those
remote More Washington. ,
Send model, drawruir or photo., with Jescrip-i
t'on. We advise, if patentable or not, free oi
charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. ,
a timin. "How to Obtain Patents," with'
cost ot auue In the U. S. and loreign countries J
cut free. Adtxesa, - 1
" '1'n)fin!iifioT.Wh(w.iti' .
You can use it with success
Continued till old stock is closed out
at cost. New Goods arriving sold at
liberal discount.
W. W. PARKER,.Assi$nee.
Notice is hereby given, that under
and pursuant to the provisions of a
certain chattel mortgage executed and
delivered to me, the undersigned on
the 15th day of February, 1893, by the
Astorian Columbian Publishing Com
pany, upon the personal property here
inafter described, to secure the pay
ment of the sum of $11,925,80, and in
terest thereon from that date until
paid at the rate of eight per cent, per
annum, I have taken possession of the
said chattels because of default made
In the payments In said mortgage pro
vided, and will, on Monday the 28th
day of August, 1893, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon, at the Astorian
Oflice in the City of Astoria, In Clatsop
County, State of Oregon, offer for sale
and will sell at public auction .for cash
In hand to the highest bidder therefor,
as a whole, the following described
chattels in said mortgage described,
to wit:
1 sitting desk, 4 bricks, 4 maps, 1
standing desk, 4 Shannon files, letter
size; 1 bill file, 3 small spindle files,, 2
clips, 1 letter press, 1 chair, 2 stools,
1 coal stove, 1 scuttle, 1 poker, 4 Joints
stove-pipe, 3 picture frames, 1 pen
wiping glass pot, 1 book rest, 4 Ink
wells, 1 mucilage bottle, half full; 1
Amberg letter file, 1 duster, 1 hat rack,
1 letter box, 22 paper weights, 1 pair
shears, 200 letter heads, 100 envelopes,
50 J. G. Blaine pictures, 50 sheets-proof
of publication, 50 statements "Asto
rian" 6 lnrge envelopes, 50 bill-heads
"Astorian" 1 waste paper basket, 1
dally paper pigeon-hole rack, 3 blue
prints, 25 yards oil cloth, (on floor), 2
yards twine, 3 copying clothes, 1 gas
fixture, 1 red Ink pad, 6 pen holders,
2 rubber erasers, 1 12" rule, 1 18" rule,
1 ball twine, 1 Ink stand carpet, 2 doz.
Dickon's paper novels, 1 li. G. Coal
box, 9 oflice books, aect. 4 blinds with
cord attached, 1 view, 1 National cabi
net file, 3 maps, 2 ligeon-hole racks &
contents, 4jievvspaper llles, 1 waste
paper basket, 2 blinds, 29 books, 1
blotting pad, 12 square feet of linoleum,
1 gum pot and brush, 4 spindle files, 1
editor's desk, 4 bottles Ink, 1 cupboard,
6 old letter iiles, 1 gas fixture, 1 rocker,
1 chair, 1 paper case, 1 diary, 1 calen
dar, 1 spring look, 1 breeches stretcher,
nickel plated, 1 House and Senate bill
file, 25 newspaper cuts, 1 wisp broom,
1 high cupboard, containing: 35 single
person acknowledgements, 10 appoint
ment of road supervisors, 60 old
leknowledgements, 2u coriioratjon ac
knowledgements, 40 secretary or ad
ministrators accounts, 25 affidavits of
nttacliiuents, IX affidavits for publica
tion or summons, a affidavits on claim
and delivery of personal nronertv. 30
appointments of road viewers, 4 assign- t
nients, 46 agreement of sale of real es
tate, 72 administrators of exc. bond, 75
letters of administration, 75 writs of
attachments, 25 articles of co-partnerships,
28 bond of guardian safe of real
estate, 40 bond of guardian, 30 bill of
sale, 20 bench warrants, 40 bond of
road petitioners, SO general Indemnity'
bonds, 150 bill of costs, 15 county
clerk's certificates, 50 certificates of
election, 75 bill Of costs and disburse
ments, GO regular term circuit court
proceedings, 50 certificates of natural
ization, 9 com. to take deposition, 10
regular term of circuit court proceed
ings, 5 special, ditto; 100 cover of Judg
ment roll, 35 certificates of transcript,
30 creditors claims, 40 citation, 35 clerk
certificates of official character, 35 cer
tificates 4 of record, 20 deposition, 12
exc. fr. circuit court on Judgment
rendered in Justice court, 75 executions,
40 trial discharge, 20 inventory and ap
pointment, 15 indictments, 35 letters
testamentary, 35 letters of guardian
ship, 25 lease (long term), 12 mortgages,
8 per cent, and taxes, 1 ditto 11 mort
gage covenant of warranty, 30 ditto
chattel, 30 mechanic's liens, CO -notices
to Judges of election, 30 ditto to clerk
ditto, 30 ditto of appeal. 40 ditto
sheriff's sale, 33 orders of publication
of summons, CO official oath and bond,
35 order appointing appraisers, 30 ditto
administrators. 25 orders granting writ
of habeas corpus, 30 petitions for ap
pointment of guardian, 20 orders ditto,
50 power of attorney to sell real estate,
17 petitions for probate of will, 20
pewer of attorney, 25 petition for writ
of habeas corpus, 35 ditto letters of ad
ministration, 70 grand Jury BUbpoenas
copy, 100 ditto original, 75 subpoenas
(copy). 20 ditto (original), 10 ditto
criminal (original), 100 ditto criminal
(copy), 50 sheriff's certificate of sale
& foreclosure. 223 ditto on execution,
GO summons (original. 20 transcript of
Judgment, 50 testimony of sub. witness
to will, lottndertaklng on appeal, 2
ditto Injunction, 10 ditto for attach
ment, 20 venire. 40 ditto sneclal. 12 veri
fication of claim against estate, 20 '
wins, is writ of habeas corpus, 40 ditto
review, 1 folding machine. 1 cylinder
press complete, 1 gas engine, 1 monkey
wrencn. l snooting stick. 1 fret saw.
1 14" file, 1 6" file, 1 box copper rivets,
1 roll press tape. 3 oil cans. 1 dipping
table, B paper board, 1 cockroach bel
lows, 5 pieces pipe, 1 stove, 5 roller,
moulds, 2 lamps, 1 do, cans lye. 2 cans
machine oil. 6 bflles. paper, 2 1-2 rms.
ea. 24x36 30-lb, .13 bdles. paper, 2 rms.
ea, 21x33 23-lbs, 2rms, flat news 40-lbs,
1 folders table, S stones, 7 frames, 3 !
Can possibly exist in a food that has
been heated to more than 212 Fahren
heit. Every particle of the
Condensed Milk is sterilized by this
enormous heat and is therefore a perfectly
healthy food. Thousands of children are
annually reared on it and in times of con
tagious diseases it is safe, healthy and
nourishing. For 30 years it has stood
First. Buy it and take no substitute.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell it.
for all cooking purposes.
I.atterles, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel Ink
1 counter, 1 book case, 2 sets Bhelves
1 olovntmv HO fppt nhaftlnfir. 7 nulleys
6 hangers, 175 feet of belting (about
that), 1 cabinet, 1 step ladder, 1 desk,
1 chair, 2 stools, 1 proof press, 14
chases, 1 folder table, 1 box "wander
incra" fvnn K lirevler nan eases & tvne
4 ditto lower cases & type, 8 minion
upper cap cases, 4 auio lower cap
cases, 4 nonparlel cap cases, 4 ditto
lower cap cases, 54 cases advertising
type-Italic full cases, 44 2-3 advertis
ing tvDe-. 19 single galleys, 5 double
galleys, 9 gas fixtures with 150ft. pipe
1 smoothing plane, 2 planers, 1 mallet
1 shooting stick, 1 set Hempel's quoins
o uv. o laoA .iitfora 1 Mltrft mnchlnp
4, J 1J, ,VMU - - - r
1 Webster's dictionary, 2 newspaper
fdes, 1 Blug case & lead, 1 box wood
quoin, 11 galley sticks, 2 iron lock-up
sticks, 1 lot type sorts, 1 hand-saw, 1
Mitre box, 1 box wrapped Drevier upc,
1 dust pan, 12 boxes stereotype plate,
1 gi. oil can, 1 snovei, l pan, i waste
T-ri nor VinaWor Isnoncre. 4 news Sticks
100 pounds leads, 12x13 em, 25 pounds
slugs, 12x13 & 26 1-2 em, 350 daBhes &
rules, 125 warranty deeds, 45 quit claim
,iio r.9 Moot "Vorlr Tt of ladlntr. 35 for
sale cards, 16 for rent cards large, 9
house ror rent carus, as i"r rem. wra
small, 220 bonds ror eleeus, uu cnauei ofi hnnrl for rleed laree.
Ill"1 Lh 6 ' ' '
200 lease, 6ft criminal subpoenas (copy)
circuit). 60 ditto (original) circuit, 75
' - v i ii. or ili-t-A
civil subpoenas (.copy; circuit. au uinu
uinni) niivni.t inn fUttn t'nOny ius-
tlce, 125 ditto (original) Justice, 40 writ
- . . it jlii. -1 AA It--.
or attaenmene circuit, umu w uw
Lmllno Icrinnn 7K Ait tO InstlOG (COPV.
40 summons ditto (copy). CO summons
ditto (original, l-su writ ol urrusi uivl,
30 warrants ditto, 200 affidavit for writ
of arrest circuit, 40 -ditto attachment,
300 writ of attachment, 300 undertak
ings for attachment,, 300 subpoenas
oc imriai-tfilflnirq nn ball before
11V 11, 4.U ,i vi . r,--
indictment, 100 summons (copy) cir
cuit, -75 .ditto original ditto, 35 search
warrants, 20 commitment aiu-r in
dictment Justice, 25 subpoenas, 125 ex
ecutions (original) Justice, 25 garnl
,.tno 1 nrii m,i or tnUlnir for costs. 25 In
formation, 100 complaints, 75 bonds for
costs (Justice), iO shippers manifests,
25 ditto coasting, 100 marriage certifi
cates, 30 county uisDiirsemeiuu, m w
rlage licenses, 75 notice of protest, 30
protest, 2 file bocks, 75 for rent cards
small, 9 road supervisors notice books,
200 relief of tax applications, 22 fur
nished rooms, to let cards, 12 "This
awning is dangerous keep off" cards,
5 "All statements etc.," cards, 9 Posi
tively no credit etc.," cards, 6 "No
soliciting etc," cards, 11 promlsory
n. r.n tonnhpr'n nirreoments. BOO ho-
4.1 liata inn eomnlaint backs. 1
half mod. challenge Job press, 1 nos-
i ,o not- riitter. 1 card do
1 lead do, 1 mitre machine, 3 stoyes, 1
coal stove, lsrt. stove-iupe, !"'''
lng machine, 1 glue pot, 2 composition
i v lio r man in i i unra. iyiiao-i
UUCKClB, a .!. . -
17 24x17. 5 nonparlel chases, 6 hair
' . ii... rr r. f - e f rma
med. rollers, z ganej juuho, i".
pipe and fixtures, 2 stapling machines,
; ..! com i ar-rew driver. 1 cair com-
t i v,nif med. roller mould, 1
quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood
and furniture, 1 single galleys, 6 double
galley,2 Job galleys, 5 Job sticks 3
stools, 24 hemple quoin with key, 1 bel
lows, 1 broom, 1 rule shaper, 5
' 1 k,ih trn ff 1 nunch. 1
wrenciiea, x wu, , -hoVnhAt.
1 coal bucket, 7 tin lamp
shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short step-ladder
1 looking glass, 1 funnel, 1 dust pan 1
planer, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 ink
knives, 1 proof roller, 2 dust brushes,
1 Job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 past pot
and brush, 1-2 paper steel wire brads,
7 A " r tanks. 2 small screw
1 k, r.nni Kninll staples. 2
spools thread, 1-2 box McGUls-paper
fastners 10 lbs, 1 awl, 2-3 qt. diamond
a wiir. nnmnosltion. 2 cans
green copying ink, 1 1-2 lb. can purple
SSnS Sund bronze; 1-2 lb- Printers
g"oss lnk7l-2 lb. steel blue Ink 1-2 lb.
photo brown ink. 1-2 lb. gold size lrtk,
3 lbs. red Ink, 1-4 lb.- blue Ink, 1-4 lb.
gold ink. 11-4 lb, white Ink 1-2 : cardinal
red ink, 3 lbs.' poster red Ink, 2 lbs.
ultra blue ink, 1 lb., red ink 3-4 b.
Kose Lake Ink, 1-2 lb. green Ink. 1-2 lb.
vellow ink. 1-2 lb. Queen city red ink,
J ouiTce purple ink, 1 blue blank ink,
30 lbs. book ink, 53 packages grocers
statements, 49 packages single 'State
ments, 21 packages double statements,
28 packages mere, bond paper, letter
heads. 9 pkgs. Ulster linen, letter
hS 52Ppkgs. Pacific mills letter
heads. 13 pkgs. heads, 9 pkgs
redger statements, 12 pkgs . packet
heads, 18 pkgs. linen note-head 16
okKS No. 6 bill heads, 8 pkgs. No. 4
STi 10 pkgs. 1 bill 1 heads
nkirs No. 2 close ruled bill heads, 32
No? 4 close ruled bill heads, 6
SkS No 2 close ruled bill heads. 26
nkgi memoranda. 20 pkgs, cold press
pKBU. ,, mills 9 nksrs.
lines. 11 PKK- -
No 2 Atlanta mills, 1000 six and one en
vehipes XXX. boxes No. 6 XXXen.
ve ooes. 2 boxes No. 6 yellow envelopes,
IMM i wh XX envelopes, 230 wh. wove
vv No 10, 9000 No. 4 shipping tags,
sooo No." S shlppldg tags. 6000 No. 1
srZplng tags. 600 No. 6 shipping tags,
'iffi. wn-lte card board 22x2S, m
nssorted colors card board 22x-S, l-o
Sheets R. R. board. 71 pkgs. thin China
cards No. 9. 11 pkgs. ditto No. 9 18
pkgs. tongn cnecK i-nruM w , ..
tough check No. 12 cards, 35 pkgs. It.
It. board, 6 reams chromatic folios, 1
ream gun paper, 6 reams white folio,
17 X22-20 lbs. 1 1-2 ream pink folio, 17 x
22-20 lbs. 1-4 ream yellow folio, 77x22
20 lbs. 1-2 ream linen folio, 17 x 22 20
lbs. 1 1-2 ream Japanese linen folio
17 x22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream Super Royal
folio 17 x 22 20 lbs. 1 ream cap 14 x 17, 3
ream book folio, 200 sheets cover paper,
COO sheets glazed paper, 1000 sheets
ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil
paper, 7 sheets straw board paper, 9
sheets heavy manilla paper, 50 sheets
thin straw board paper, 200 sheets
black cover paper, 3 reams colored
poster paper, 3 drawers scraps paper,
200 lbs. labor saving slugs, 1 font labor
saving leads, 2 fonts dotted rule, 2
fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17
fonts border, 10 ft. border, 15 $-lago-types,
15 No. lagotypes, 6 shears, type,
8 bought of type, 1 ree'd. of type, 1
dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments', 47
boxes nssorted sizes, 1 drawer cuts,
Gr. Pris. Ex. Cond.. No. 3, Ronoldson
Cond. brevier wide gothlc, French
Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonpariel, long
primer, pica, steel plate gothlc, pica,
3 L np. 2 Li. pica, tinted, pica, 3 L. pica,
Celtic minion, brevier, Gr. Pr. gothlc.
No. 9 pica, L. prim. Aquatint, Gr.
Prim. 2 Lu pica, pen text 3 L. pica, 2
L. nonparlel, haw Italic brevier, L.
primer, manuscript pica, Gr. primer,
double parogon script, ' Gr. prim. Bos
ton, Canon, Boston, Payson script,
black Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra
Cond. nonp. brevier, pica, 12 point
gdthic, wide, lining gothlc No. 14,
Venetian pica & L. prim. 24 point
handard, 24 point dado, 11 point fancy
Celtic, 24 point Edson, gothlo condense
& poster, Gr. Pr. paragon, Dble. pica,
Gr. Pr. 4 L. pica, paragon, 5Jj. pica,
59 fonts type, 3 cs. small pica, 150 lbs.
3 cs. nonparlel 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier
100 lbs. 1 o. Italic small pica, 10 lbs.
1 20 A font Gr. Pr. post Ionic, 1 10 A
case paragon Inloc, card ornaments,
Palmer & Rey's typographical charm
word ornaments, borders No. 22 1-2 N.
P. 14 1-2 N. P. 33 1-2 N. P. 29 1-2 N. P.
21 1-2 N. P. 207. N. P. 215 N. P. 228 N.
P. 217 N. P. 4 N. P. 212 N. P. 207 pica,
1 N. P. 321 N. P. wood border 10ft.
plain, 10ft. 10ft. fancy, 10ft. fancy,
wood type 2 fonts 36 li. pica, 2 fonts 20
II. pica, 2 fonts 15 11. pica, 2 fonts 12 II.
pica, 5 fonts 10 11. pica 6 fonts 8 li. pica,
2 fonts 6 II. pica, 1 font G li. pica, 2
fonts 4 II. pica,4 rule cases, 2 slug cases,
6 frames, 1 cabinet, 21 cs. 107 full Blze
cases, 32 2-3 cases, 1 Bet Initial letters,
1 set ornaments, 25 lbs. metal furni
ture, 2 sets shelves 1 set pigeon holes
with sorts, 1 table with drawers, 1 low
table, 50 lbs. leads, 8 yards binding
cloth, 100 sheets binding paper, 25 cents
glue, 1 small work table, 250 Miss cuts.
1 strip clothes hooka, 1 mallet, 1 shelf
stand, 1 proof planer, 1 font circular
quod, 1 numbering machine, 1 Lino
type, 1 engine & boiler, shafting pul
leys & belting, 1.135 lbs. type metal, 1
pig of tin, 1 safe, 1 galley rack, 51
type racks with old type, 1 old Hlekok
press and fittings, 1 lot pulUys ocd
pieces machinery, etc, 1 lot oil 'amps
& shades, 150 books (about,) 20 bundles
old Astorians (about), 4 bundles salm
on colored paper, 1 box Kinney salmon
ads, Astorian building, situated at cor
ner (S. W.) Cass & Squemoqua streets,
Astoria, Oregon. Western Associated
Tress franchise. The franchise & good
will of the Daily & Weekly Astorian.
news papers, published at Bald city of
Astoria, to satisfy said sum of $tl,92!,
86, and interest as aforesaid, and the
costs and expenses of sale, August
10th, 1893.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
In the State of Oregon holding
policies In the Slate Investment & In
surance Company, of San Francisco,
Of the withdrawal from the state of
Oregon of the State Investment & In
surance Company, of San Francisco,
California, and to all other persons in
terested, that the said company has
reinsured Its business In the Slate of
Oregon, In the Fireman's Fund Insur
ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali
fornia, and has filed notice thereof with
the secretary of state, of said state,
and proposes to withdraw Its securi
ties on deposit with the treasurer there
of, and to cease doing business in said ,
Any policy bolder In the State of
Oregon, or any other person having
claims against said insurance company,
are hereby notilied to Hie tho same with
secretary of tate of the state of Or
egon, within six (6) months from tho
date of the publication of this notice.
This notice Is given pursuant to the
provision of an act of the legislative as
sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled
"An act to amend Sections S5C4 3.r68
and 35S0, of Chapter I,, of the Miscel
laneous Laws of Oregon, as Compiled
and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap
proved February 25, 1SS3.
By George L. Brander,
Attest; Charles M. Blair,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Caroline Han
sen, late of Clatsop county, Oregon,
deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same duly verified to the. un
designed, at the fllce of Fulton Bros.
Attornles, in the City of Astoria, in
said county within six months from
this date, August 6th, 1893.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
been duly appointed administrator of
tho estate of Mary Ann Adair, de
ceased. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to call at my of
flee at No. 119, Genevieve street. Asto
rla, Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay
the same. And all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same to me. with tvi nrinw
vouchers, at the above named place,
wimm six montns irom date of-this
Dated, Astoria, Oregon, July 25, 1S93.
Administrator of said estate.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom It
may concern. thnr tho r,,ii,m;m,a.i
- . -..w UllUtllhllCU
have been duly appointed the executors
ul l win ana testament of
George Flavel, late of Clatsop
county, Oregon, deceased, and as such
executors, authorized to administer the
estate of nueli rlpnAnsnd- o n,l di
- V. , u..u 11 JJL ( f ' 1 1 0
havlnc claims nor tho mioii, r.r
o "'"lO V ' IUC
said deceased are hereby notified and
icijuueu to present me same duly veri
fied, to the undersigned at the office of
the undersiimpd n
the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or-
cfcun, wiiinu bix montns rrom this
Dated nt Astort.1. Orir init.
day of July, 1S93.