THIS iAlLY AfeTOKlAH. AtJTOlUA, TTJJSSjDAY MOKNlHti. AUGUST lbJ3. PERSONAL MENTION. W. W, Cotton, the U. P. ottoniey, of rortlund, is in town. Jno. C. Gram, of Skamokawa, in AHtoria for a few days. A. A. Maybee, of San Francisco, registered at the Occident. J. W. Allen, day clerk of the Port land Hotel, came down the river yes terday. J. S. Urquhart is down from Por land. He leaves today for Ilwaco on business. Fred Grosbauer leaves here today on the California steamer for a vifilt to San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Gwynne of Caldwell, Idaho, are the guests of Mr. and Mm, J. O. llanlhorn. J. M. Long, Earl M. Wilbur, It. W "Wilbur, and W. G. Hill, all of port land, are in town. Iawrenee Wilson of Portland, Is vis- ltlnK In the cHy, the guest of his brother, Oscar Wilson. Miss Margaret Krobs arrived hero from Salem yesterday. She is the guest of her sister Mrs. P. W. Thlel. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Davis of port land, and Mrs. Kellogg of Portland are upending the summer at their sea side residence near Grimes'. James Iiabbldge, who was attncked with spinal meningitis oil Sunday; was somewhat better last night, and hnpos of his recovery are entertained. Geo. C. Brownell, Miss Florence Lrownell, and Miss McCann, a beach party . foil) Oregon City, stayed over in this city yesterday. Mr. . lirownell is attorney for the General Electric Com pany. The following were the arrivals at the Astor House yesterday: J. E. John ston, Nehalem; L. BasBman, Portland ,P. E. Brown, Seattle; M. Morrison and wife, Jamestown, N. V.; Mrs. L. A Northrop, Don Ellis, C. Norton, Port land; C. F. Fredrlckson, Peter Peter son, Stella; J. M. Edwards, L. A. Col well, W. C. Gram, Mrs. Atkins and child, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Flint, I). C, Rtoner, Skamokawa; It. C. Jones, W, S. Smith, Wm. Ellingham, Nehalem. NOTICE TO MRS. FORE1IVN' DANCING CLASS. Members of the class, both ladles and gentlemen, who desire ti'jks to the Class Party and nave not already ob tained them, will please call upon Mrs, Dr. Tuttle for them before Tuesday afternoon to save contusion at fie Inst moment In having them properly en dorsed. MRS. FOREMAN. EXCURSION TO THE REACH. The T. J, potter will leave the Union Pacific dock, Sunday, August .Oth. at 8:30 a. m for Young's bay, connecting with cars for Gearhart and Clatsop Reach. Round trip $1.25 by purchasing tickets In the odice before going on board tne boat, U. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use several boxes of Krause's' Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vonlitm. They acted like a charm in preventing headaches and dizziness. Have hail very llltlo headache Blnce my return, which is remarkable. Yours, respectfully, JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Rcnuvo (Pa.) Record. For sale by ("has. lingers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. LAND OFFICE NOTICE. United States Land Oflloo, Oregon City, Or., August 8th, 1.S1I3. Notice Is hereby given that the Township plat of survey of T. 4 N., (! W., has been re ceived at this olllce, and on September 1!), lS'.lll, at 9 o'clock n. in., of said day, said plat will be filed In this olllce and the land therein will bo subject to en try on and after snld date. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. TETER PAQUET. Receiver. United Slntes Land Olllce. Oregon City, Oregon. August 2, ISM. Notice Is h'-i-eliy given that the plat of survey of T 4 N. R 7 W.. lias tills day been received at this olllo and on September 12, 1893 at 0 o'clock a. m., of said day, wi'd pint will bo filed In this nlllce and tho land therein will bo sub ject to entry on and after said date. J. T. APPERSON, Register. PETER rAQIIET, Receiver. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollo, and Is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by nil drug gists throughout tho world. 2,22S,G7i These figures represent the number of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which were sold In the United States from March, 1SSM, to March, IS2. Two million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, six. hundred and seventy-two bottles sold in one year, and each and every bottle was sold on guarantee that money would be refunded if sat isfactory results did not follow Its use. The secret of its success is plain. It never disappoints and can always be depended on ns the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds, ets. Price 60o. and $100. At Chas. Rotvrs. drugstore, j . r .'. . ... . mm ' m Easily. Quickly. Prmnnllt Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ml all Hie train of evils I r, Hit. ly e i nil r lit. ww"i Um rv-ulu of voik, ilrkuti, worrv.eio. Fututi-M.dih, 4lrt-ltitii,l anil tim lilvt-n iu,ry organ and iviilnn of tlia tuily. Riinpl,-. nnuiratmetlKx't l)tr.iic-(n:it.Jm'!-nv.r. B-.'tt. KllllMWMfcMt";:l S.iui refrremvt. Kk, vxplauaUon fvml ptxoU utiUloU laukleo) (i ot ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. V. ALONG THE WHARVES. The bark Landseer had her crew of 14 men shipped yesterday afternoon and last night the Captain went up to Portland to sign bills of lading. She leaves out tomorrow morning. The Columbine went to Gray's Hnr bor yesterday. The Danube passed In Sunday morn ing with frelgh and Chinese paswen gers for Astoria and Portland. All the Celestials for this city weee taken up the rlvei. ' ANOTHER CUT IN PASSENGER RATIOS. Five dollars less oyer the Union Pa cific to Missouri river and intermedi ate points, effective Sunday, AuguHt 20th. Rates to all Kastern points corre spondingly reduced. For full Informa tion, call at Ticket office, Union Pa cific dock. G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent. All the patent meoncriiPH advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at tho lowest prices at .1. VV. Conn's ilrug store, opposite Occident hotel. Astoria. JUST FULL of improvements Dr. 1 isreo's Pleas ant J'ellnts. To begin with, thoy're tho smallest, end -5- , E5s tco easiest to tmio. 'v J f3 Thov'ro tinv. r iimnv.nnn -r suirar-coatcd nnti- biiiciis granules, ncarcoly le.rpcr than mustard - -si seeds. Every child is ready for them. Then, after thsv'ra tnkon. instead of dis turbing and shocking tbo 6ystem, they act in a mild, cosy, and natural way. There's no chunco for any reaction aftc:"r.-ard. Their holp louts. Constipation, Inoieestiou, Eilioua Attacks, Sick or Bilious Hccucbt3. and all derangements of tho liver,, and bowels are promptly relioved uutl ptrnaua ently cured. ' They're put up in glass rials, which keeps them always" fresh and :-e!:ublo. unlike tfin ordinary nills in wooden or wistebocrd Doles, And they're the clieavcxi rilb you cm buy. for thoy'ro mianmtecd to civo or your money la returned. You pay only tor tne Qooa you cor. 1 I'. . G A new mid complete treatment, couslsliiiK ol MippoKltoiIca, (ilnUnciit in nuis;iles, i.lso I box and v ills; a positive curs f ir e tcrur.l, in tenia! blind or lileeltnir. lu-liine. cluonlc reeent or l-.ereilltr." tdloH. and ninny i ther dineuKPii and lenmle wenltiioie'eii; it Is alwnys it xrcHt tiem-IH to llie cenerul hi-iillli. Ttie ilrl discovery of a mcdlrnl cure renilerhifr nil uper lion with tho tiilfe iimiecTi'siiry hurcRficr T ills remedy hni ncvi', bet n known lo fuil tl por box, (i for Jffi; sent by mull. H'liy Kiiltci from thin terrible illNenxv when a written Kiinr- aniee in lven with 0 lioea, to refund the money-, u mot ctirwi. s-iul nianns I. r irei HHiiuilo. fiiiiiraiiteb' lMiieil by Woodward Clark A Co., Whuleonle and Retail !lrn,;Biw't Hole AkuUi Portland. Or. lor mlo by J. W. Couu. Astoria Oreiroi- IVJ'Sji j '"ii'i'V? Care In use ou-r St j ,rm . 6; ttfrrltvt IIV.II- lnnl. ill-;lu-s( tcMi. nunl::'.i. At (IriKulsiB, Ul ia;ilk(l on teii,t uf prlie-5ije. per Ikix. WIi1XELW4N k BROWN I'ri)w., luni.iinre, Jld. SHERIFF'S SALK Tn tta rill.ll.lf nmi.l Af lhA Clnl. Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Astoria Iron Works I'lulntilT vs. Dean lllnuchard Defendant. Jiy virtuo or an execution anil order f ufilit luktioil ttit iT nnil utiili.t I tin noal of the above entitled court. In the anove council cause, on me L-nil nay of June, IN!)!!, upon a judgment duly mado and rendered therein on tho lUth ay or June,, wlilcli h;iii execution ,11 it aiil,. u-:la ti mn illlor-toil nil rlnllvwml I rltil ftn the 14lh flll.v if August, 1.VJ3, levy upon all the light, title, ciuini ana uueresi. oi ino wiiuiu uunied defendant in and to the follow ing ilmaiirlluvl font PHtntO. tl-vit! Hp- glnnlng on the meander line 30.23 -bains, westerly lrotn the Mis corner ot ho 8. C. Smith Donation Land Claim, lienee N US dog. :i min., i swi ieei, liencc N 24 deg. 30 inln., W to ship's ii-mnoi of the Columbia Klver. thence westerly along the said channel to a point 24 (leg. ao mm. vv. irinu me Ince of beginning, tnenoo s. ieg. .iu lln. I) to the place of beginning, in .,.! I..11 7 Tn. 8 N. it 9 w. ot the itt- nmette Meridian, Clatsop County State of Oregon. And notice is nereny given hat I shall on Ttiesdny, the 14 ui (lay f September, 1S93, at tne nour or iu 'clock n. in. of said day, in front of ... -,i,.t iiimiu rtnor. In the City of l 1 I V ' V V 1 1 1 t . ' - , in a,, i.i nnnniv n.nd state, tiro- coed to'sell the same or so much there of as shall be sutllclent to sausiy ine sum of $!30.5S. with interest thereon at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum from June 19, 1S!W. together with the further sum of $16.l0 costs ana uis- bursemonts and accruing costs or. una suit, at public auction to the blfThest bidder for cash in hand In U. S. dold coin nt tho time of sale. nrrmtT 11. J OMli.ll, Sheriff of Clatsop County. Or. Paled, Astoria. Or., August 14, 1SD3. Kopp's - Beer - Kali ( hoico WltiCi, V ,mrs and ClR irs. KENTUCKY - WH SKY, Oil'v linmle-1 over tile lr. Ths H wn: ula' of N.l Heer. lln'f nnd liali.'.-v. Free Iiuk h, 5RICKS0X & WIUKALA, lis. for. Concomly ami 1 fnsetto St MUSIC H ALL 8T4 First stKCt, Atorin. Or. T. CHRISTENSEN, PROP'R. xrjfoo Concert v. vcrv iilnht N-plmiln M '')' lll it S1K1 ei!nr tlinn- ' OKKUON : BAKEKY . 4. ri.KTKI.A5I. Prop. II K Good nred Ckcs nd Psttry, lllO .'.I'M MllTini IIMK1. Satisfaction Guaranted Customfvf flreml delivered I" aI 'rt of prlll Ml BETTO - M 4 SHLEi NO DISEASE GERMS ! ,14l!sillcsl?nalare. , . You can use it with success ASSIGNEE'S SALE Ifli fitfL Continued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. W. W. PARKER, Assignee. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby felven, that under and pursuant to the provisions of a certain chattel mortgage executed and delivered to me, tho undersigned on the 15th day of February, 1893, by the Astorlan Columbian Publishing Com pany, upon the personal property here inafter described, to secure the pay ment of the sum of $11,925,86, and in terest thereon from that date until paid at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, I have taken possession of the said chattels because of default made In the payments in Bald mortgage pro vided, and will, on Monday the 28th day of August, 1893, at the hour' of ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the Astorian Ofllce in the City of Astoria, in Clatsop County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder therefor, as a whole, the following described chattels In said mortgage described, to wit: 1 sitting desk, 4 bricks, 4 maps, 1 standing desk, 4 Shannon files, letter size; 1 bill file, 3 small spindle flies, 2 clips, 1 letter press, 1 chair, 2 stools, 1 coal stove, 1 scuttle, 1 poker, 4 joints stove-pipe, 3 picture frames, 1 pen wiping glass pot, 1 book rest, i Ink wells, 1 mucilage bottle, half full; 1 Amberg letter file, 1 duster, 1 hat rack, 1 letter box, 22 paper weights, l'patr shears, 200 letter heads, 100 envelopes, 50 J. O. Blaine pictures, GO sheets-proof of publication, 50 statements "Asto rian" 6 large envelopes, 50 bill-heads "Astorlan" 1 waste paper basket, 1 dally paper pigeon-hole rack, 3 blue prints, 25 yards oil cloth, (on floor), 2 yards twine, 3 copying, clothes, 1 gas fixture, 1 red ink pad, 6 pen holders, 2 rubber erasers, 1 12" rule, 1 18" rule, 1 ball twine, 1 Ink stand carpet, 2 doz. 1 ili-ken's paper novels, 1 I. G. Coal box, ! ofllce books, ncct. 4 blinds with cord attached, 1 view, 1 National cabi net file, 3 maps, 2 pigeon-hole racks & contents, 4 newspaper tiles, 1 waste pnper basket, 2 blinds, 29 books, 1 lilntttiig pad, 12 square feet of linoleum, 1 gum pot and brush, 4 spindle flies, 1 editor's desk, 4 bottles Ink, 1 cupboard, li old letter tiles, 1 gas fixture, 1 rocker, 1 chair, 1 paper case, 1 diary, 1 calon diif, 1 spring lock, 1 breeches stretcher, nickel plated, 1 House and Senate bill lile. 25 newspaper cuts, 1 wisp broom, I high cupboard, containing: 35 single person acknowledgements, 10 appoint ment of rood supervisors, .60 old acknowledgements, 25 corporation ac knowledgements, 40 secretary or ad ministrators accounts, 25 nflldavlts of attachments, 13 nflldavlts for publica tion of summons, 9 affidavits on claim and delivery of personal property, 30 appointments of road viewers, 4 assign ments, 40 agreement of sale of real es tate, 72 ndiiilnlHtrators of exc. bond, 75 letters of administration, 75 writs of attachments, 25 articles of co-partner-slilps, 28 bond ot guardian sale of real estate, 40 bond of guardian, 30 bill of sale, 20 bench warrants, 40 bond of road petitioners, 80 general Indemnity bonds, 150 bill of costs, 15 county clerk's certificates, 50 certificates of election, 75 bill of costs and disburse ments, 50 regular term circuit court proceedings, 50 certificates of natural ization, 9 com. to take deposition, 10 regular term of circuit court proceed ings. 5 special, ditto; 100 cover of Judg ment roll, 35 certificates of transcript, 30 creditors claims, 40 citation, 35 clerk certificates of official character, 85 cer tificates of record, 20 deposition,-' 12 exc. fr. circuit court on Judgment rendered in justice court, 75 executions, 40 trial discharge, 20 Inventory and ap pointment, 15 indictments, 35 letters testamentary, 35 letters of guardian ship, 25 lease (long term), 12 mortgages, S per cent, and taxes, 1 ditto 11 mort gage covenant of warranty, 30 ditto chattel, 30 mechanic's liens, CO notices tn Judges of election, 30 ditto to clerk ditto, 30 ditto of appeal, 40 ditto sheriff's sale, 35 orders of publication of summons, GO official oath and bond, 35 order appointing appraisers, 30 ditto administrators, 25 orders granting writ of habeas corpus, 30 petitions for ap pointment of guardian, 20 orders ditto, 50 power of attorney to sell real estate, 17 petitions for probate of will, 20 newer of attorney, 25 petition for writ of habeas corpus, S5 ditto letters of ad ministration, 10 grand jury subpoenas copy, lu ditto original, 75 subpoenas (copy), 29 ditto (original), 10 ditto criminal (original), 100 ditto criminal (copy), 50 sheriff's oertitleate of sale & foreclosure, 225 ditto on execution, 60 summons (original, 20 transcript of i judgment, 50 testimony of sub. witness , to will, 15undertaklng on appeal, 2 . ditto injunction, 10 ditto for attach-1 meiit. 20 venire, 40 ditto special, 12 verl- j ftrntlon of claim against estate, 20 i wills, 12 writ of habeas corpus, 40 ditto ' review, I folding machine, 1 cylinder press complete, 1 gas engine, 1 monkey wrench, 1 shooting stick, 1 fret saw, 1 14" lllc. 1 6" file, 1 box copper rivets, 1 roll press tape, 3 oil cans, 1 dipping table, 5 paper board, 1 cockroach bel lows, 5 pieces pipe, 1 stove, 5 roller j moutiis, x lamps, l aoz. cans lye, z cans machine oil, 6 Mies, paper. 2 1-2 rms. ea. 24x36 3n-lb, S3 bdles. paper, 2 rms. en. 23xS2 23-lbs, 2rms. flat news 40-Ibs, 1 folders table, 5 stones, 7 frames, 3 Can possibly exist in a food that has been heated to more than 2120 Fahren heit. Every particle of the GAIL DOHDEti EAGLE BHD Condensed Milk is sterilized by this enormous heat and is therefore a perfectly healthy food. Thousands of children are annually reared on it and in times of con tagious diseases it is safe, healthy and nourishing. For 30 years it has stood First. Buy it and take no substitute. Your Grocer and Druggist sell it. for all cooking purposes. batteries, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel ink 1 counter, 1 book case, 2 sets shelve 1 olpvntrtl' rifl faat Hhnftlnir 7 Tiiillr-va 6 hangers, 175 feet of belting (about that), 1 cabinet, 1 step ladder, 1 oesk, 1 chair, 2 stools, 1 proof press, 14 phneon 1 fnldpr tnhle. 1 hnv "wander. Inn-a" fviw R hrovlor nnn fnttaa Xr Ivnn 4 ditto lower cases & type, 8 minion upper cap cases, 4 auto lower cap cases, 4 nonpariel cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap cases, 54 cases advertising type-Italic full cases, 44 2-3 advertis ing type-, 19 single galleys, 5 double galleys, 9 gas fixtures with 150ft. pipe, 1 smoothing plane, 2 planers, 1 mallet, 1 shooting stick, 1 set Hempel's quoins, 2' keys, 2 lead cutters, 1 Mitre machine, 1 Webster's dictionary, 2 newspaper files, 1 slug case & lead, 1 box wood quoin, 11 galley Btlcks, 2 Iron lock-up sticks, 1 lot type sorts, 1 hand-saw, Alltrn hnv 1 hnv wranneii brevier tyne 1 dust pan, 12 boxes stereotype plate, l gl. oil can, 1 snovei, pan, j. waaiu minor hnkot. Isnomre. 4 news Btlcks 100 pounds leads, 12x13 em, 25 pounds slugs, 12x13 & 26 1-2 em, 350 dashes & rules, 125 warranty deeds, 45 quit claim deeds, 62 New York 13 of lading, 35 for a.-iln cnrrls 1(1 for rent cards laree. 9 house for rent cards, 39 for rent cards small. 220 bonus ror ueeus, bu cnaiiei mnrto'nn-pq "Eifi hnnrl for deed larere 200 lease. 60 criminal Bubpoenas (copy) circuit). 60 ditto (original) circuit, 75 civil subpoenas (copy) circuit, 125 ditto l-nvlrrlnnll nlwilH 1(10 rtltto (cOOY) 1uS- tlce, 125 ditto (original) justice, 40 writ of attachment circuit, ditto-100 ditto justice (original), 75 ditto Justice (copy), 40 summons ditto (copy), 60 summons riittn Cnrlp-lnnl 130" writ of arrest ditto. 30 warrants ditto, 200 affidavit for writ of arrest circuit, 40 ditto attaenment snn writ of attachment. 300 undertak ing ntrnz-hment., 300 subDoenas civil, 25 undertakings on ball before indictment. 100 summons (copy) cir cuit. 75 ditto original ditto, .35 search warrants, 20 commitment after in dictment justice, 25 subpoenas, 125 ex nnntlntiii tir ll nil 11 lllfltlce. 25 EHml- ciinoa innimdortnlrltin- for costs. 25 In formation, 100 complaints, 75 bonds for costs (justice), 40 snippers manners, 25 ditto coasting, 10U marriage eeruu ,.,Ti..a 5n nnnntv fi tshnrHpments. 75 mar 7R notice of Drotest. 30 nrotest. 2 file backs, 75 for rent cards small, 9 rond supervisors notice books, 200 relief of tax applications, 22 fur tn let cards. 12 "This awning is dangerous keep off" cards, 5 "All statements etc.," cams, - jr-osi-tivelv no credit etc.." cards, 5 "No oniinitint.- otc .. cards. 11 cromlsory notes, 50 teacher's agreements, 500 ho tel call lists, 100 complaint docks, i i.ntf mpd. ohallence Job press, 1 nos- nni-iri nrposi 1 nnner ciitter. 1 card do i i,l ,in 1 mitre machine. S Stoves, 1 coal stove, ISft. stove-pipe, 1 perforat ing machine, 1 glue pot, 2 composition i.. .,,!,., id i v,,if mfiriinni oh n hps. l chase. 17, 24x17, 5 nonpariel chases, 6 half nied. rollers, 2 galley racks, 7&reet gas i-1nA find flvtnrps. 2 standing machines, 1 hand saw, 1 screw driver, 1 pair com- ..ooaa i hnlf mpd roller mould. 1 quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood and furniture, 1 single galleys, 6 double O l,.l. mtllaVa K Hnh RtlckS. 3 KLlliry,4 JWU foimw a, v j - stools, 21 hemple quoin with key, 1 bel lows, 1 broom, i ruie buupci, wrenches, 1 butcher knife, 1 punch, 1 hatchet, 1 coal bucket, 7 tin lamp shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short step-ladder, 1 looking glass, 1 funnel, 1 dust pan, 1 planer, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 Ink i,.,.. 1 nrnnf rnllpr. 2 dust brushes, 1 job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 past pot and brush, 1-2 paper sieei wire umu, 1-2 paper copper tacks, 2 small screw .i ..., 1 k,,v snrn small staples. 2 spools 'thread,' 1-2 box McGllls paper fastners 10 ids, l awi, z- qv. u"" dye, 2 cans roller composition, 2 cans i,.i,,o- ink 1 1-? lb. can uurple copying ink, 1 pound Ultramarine blue ink, 1-2 pound Dronze, i-i iu. v gloss ink, 1-2 lb. steel blue Ink, 1-2 lb. photo brown ink, 1-2 lb. gold size IM, 3 lbs. red Ink, 1-4 lb. blue ink, 1-4 lb. gold ink, 1 1-4 lb. white ink, 1-2 cardinal red Ink, 3 lbs. poster red ink, 2 lbs. ultra blue ink, 1 lb. red ink, 3-4 lb. ltose Lake ink, 1-2 lb. green ink, 1-2 ID. yellow ink, 1-2 lb. Queen city red Ink, 1 ounce purple ink, 1 blue blank Ink, 30 lbs. book ink, 63 packages grocers statements, 49 packages single state ments, 21 packages double statements, 2S packages mere, bond paper, letter heads. 9 pkgs. Ulster linen, letter heads 52 pkgs. Pacinc mms 13 pkgs. heads, 8 pkgs. statements, 12 pkgs. packet 18 pkgs. linen note-heads, 16 c Kin Vcao fi nkca. No. 4 heads, ledger heads, pkgs. w ,i 111 ni, ten 3 hill heads. ill.. v HI'. 1 - t I ' Mill HCUun, v t ft - - " -a 45 pkgs. No. 2 close ruled bill heads, U pkgs. No. 4 close ruled bill heads, 5 plcgs. No 2 close ruled bill heads. 26 pkgs. memoranda, 20 pkgs. cold press lines. 11 pkgs. Atlanta mills, 9 pkgs. No. 2. Atlanta mills, 1000 six and one en velopes XXX 6 boxes No. 6 XXX en velopes. 2 boxes No. 6 yellow envelopes, 15000 wh. XX envelopes, 250 wh. wove XX, No. 10, 9000 No. 4 shipping tags. 6000 No. 8 shipping tags. 6000 No. 1 shipping tags, 500 No. 6 shipping tags, 00 sheets white card board 22 x 28, 800 assorted colors card board 22x28. 125 sheets R. R. board. 71 pkgs. thin China cards No. 9, 11 pkgs. ditto No. 9. 18 pkgs. tough check cards No. 9. 13 pkgs. tough check No. 12 cards, 35 pkgs. R. R. board, 6 reams chromatic folios, 1 ream gun paper, 6 reams white folio, 17 X22-20 lbs. 1 1-2 ream pink folio, 17 x 22-20 lbs. 1-4 ream yellow folio, 77x22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream linen folio, 17x22 20 lbs. 1 1-2 ream Japanese linen folio 17x22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream Super Royal folio 17 x 22 20 lbs. 1 ream cap 14 x 17, 3 ream book folio, 200 sheets cover paper, 600 sheets glazed paper, 1000 sheets ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil paper, 7 sheets straw board paper, 9 sheets heavy manllla paper, 60 sheets thin straw board paper, 200 sheets black cover paper, 3 reams colored poster paper, 3 drawers scraps paper, 200 lbB. labor saving slugs, 1 font labor saving leads, 2 fonts dotted rule, 2 fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17 fonts border, 10 ft. border, 15 $-lago-types, 15 No. lagotypes, 0 shears, type, 8 bought of type, 1 ree'd. of type, 1 dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments, 47 boxes assorted sizes, 1 drawer cuts, Gr. Prls. Ex. Cond. N. 3, Ronoldson Cond. brevier wide gothlc, French Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonpariel, long primer, pica, steel plate gothlc, pica, 3 ti np. 2 L. pica, tinted, pica. 3 L. nlea. Celtic minion, brevier, Gr. Tr. gothlc No. 9 pica, L. prim. Aquatint, Gr. Prim. 2 L. pica, pen text 3 L. pica, 2 u. nonpanci, naw italic brevier, L. primer, manuscript pica. Gr. nrlmer. double parogon script, Gr. prim. Bos ton, Canon, Boston, Payson script, black Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra Cond. nonp. brevier, pica, 12 point gdthic, wide, lining gothic No. 14, Venetian pica & L. prim. 24 point handard, 24 point dado, 11 point fancy Celtic, 24 point Edson, gothic condense & poster, Gr. Pr. paragon, Dble. pica, Gr. Pr. 4 Ii. pica, paragon, 5 L. pica, 59 fonts type, 3 cs. small pica, 150 lbs. 3 cs. nonpariel 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier 100 lbs. 1 c. Italic small pica, 10 lbs. 1 20 A font Gr. Pr. post Ionic, 1 10 A case paragon Inloc, card ornaments, Palmer & Rey's typographical charm word ornaments, borders No. 22 1-2 N. P. 14 1-2 N. P. 33 1-2 N. P. 29 1-2 N. P. 21 1-2 N. P. 207 N. P. 215 N. P. 228 N. P. 217 N. P. 4 N. P. 212 N. P. 207 pica, 1 N. P. 321 N. P. wood border 10ft. plain, 10ft. 10ft. fancy, 10ft. fancy, wood type 2 fonts 36 11. pica, 2 fonts 20 II. pica, 2 fonts 15 11. pica, 2 fonts 12 11. pica, 5 fonts 10 11. pica 6 fonts 8 li. pica. 2 fonts 6 II. pica, 1 font 5 li. pica, 2 fonts 4 II. pica, 4 rule cases, 2 slug cases, 6 frames, 1 cabinet, .21 cs. 107 full size cases, 32 2-3 cases, 1 set initial letters 1 set ornaments, 25 lbs. metal furni ture, 2 sets shelves, 1 set pigeon holes with sorts, 1 table with-drawers, 1 low table, 50 lbs. leads, 8 yards binding cloth, 100 sheets binding paper, 25 cents glue, 1 small work table, 250 Miss cuts. 1 strip clothes hooks, 1 mallet, 1 shelf stand, 1' proof planer, 1 font circular quod, 1 numbering machine, 1 Lino type, 1 engine & boiler, shafting pul leys & belting, 1335 lbs. type metal, l pig. of tin, 1 safe, 1 galley rack, 51 type ricks with bid type, 1 old Hickok press and fittings, 1 lot pulleys oe'd pieces machinery, etc, 1 lot oU runps & shades, 150 books (about,) 20 bundles old Astorlans (about), 4 bundles salm on colored paper, 1 box Kinney salmon ads, , Astorlan building, situated at cor ner (S. W.) Cass & Squemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Western Associated Press franchise. The franchise & good will of the Daily & Weekly Astorian, news papers, published at said city of Astoria, to satisfy said sum of $11,925, 86, and interest as aforesaid, and the costs and expenses of sale, August 10th, 1893. SAMUEL ELMORE. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS Notice is hereby given to all persons in the State of Oregon holding policies in the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California. Of the withdrawal from the state of Oregon of the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California, and to all other persons in terested, that the said company hoa reinsured its business in the State of Oregon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw its securi ties on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing business in said state. Any policy holder in the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an net of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections S5C4 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon, ns Complied and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 18S9. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., liy Ueorge Ji. liranut-r. President Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin Istrator of the estate of Caroline Han sen, late of Clatsop county, Oregon, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the un designed, at the fllce of Fulton Bros. Attornies, In the City of Astoria, in said county within six months from this date, August 5th, 1893. VICTOR HANSEN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Adair, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to call at my of flee at No. 119, Genevieve street Asto ria. Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay the same. And all persons having claims against Bald estate must pre sent tho same to me, with the proper vouchers, at the above named place, within six months from date of this notice. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, July 25, 1S93. B- VAN DUSEN. Administrator of said estate. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby glvffn to till whom it may concern, that the undersigned Iiova Koati rinlv nnnnlntpd the evecntorg of the last will and testament of George Flavel, late of Clatsop county, Oregon, deceased, and as such -AA.itMM mithnrivpd tn fidmintRter tho estate of such deceased; and all persons having Claims aguinai me esime vi me said deceased are hereby notified and required to present the same duly veri fied, to the undersigned at the ofllce of the undersigned, George C. Flavel, In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or egon, within six months from this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, tills loth day of July. 1893. MARY C. FLAVEL, S. S. GORDON, Executors. The mulish mm Route. Pullman and Tourist lechers Free Reclining Chair Cars. Din ing Cars are run da ly via ths Union Pacific Flyer leavin;.' Port land at 6:30 p. m. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS AUGUST, 1803. Oregon Wednesday Aunii't '2. Columbia Kumkiy August G. f tate 1 luirsihiy August 111. Oret;nii Monday August 11. Columbia Friday August If. Mute Tuesday August 22. ' Ortgon l-iitiu-ilny August 211. CoIjiuIjIb Wednesday August 30- ASTORIA & PORTL AND STEAMEKii Morning koat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6 a. m- and Sundays at 9 a. m.; returning leaves Portland dally, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and Saturdays at 10 p. m Night boat leaves Astoria dally at 6 p. m-; returning leaves Portland at 7 a. m., daily ex cept Sunday, and Sundays at 8 a. ni. Morning boat . from Portland makes landings on the Oregon side of the river an-4slit boat on the Washington side The morning boat from Astoria makes landings on the Washington side of the river, and night boat on the Oregon side, except Sunday, and on Sundays via Washington side. All boats make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford. The Potter makes, connections at Young's Bay wit hears for Clatsop before leaving for Port land, Sunday mornings. The Queen runs through to the bridge daily and connects with the 5-p. m. train. For rates and gcuerul Inf.iiiiKilion call on or address, W. n, HURLBUKT, G. W. T.OUNSIiEKKY, A. Gen. Has, Altt. Atrmt Tortliuid, Or, Astoria, Or. Is tin- Hue to I like to nil points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the best service, com . billing SPEED an! COMFORT It l;ll!o poptil: rroutn wills tinoe uln wi-li to IniVi'l mi IT-IK SAFEST It Is therefore llie rnule ou limiid take. It runs llirouali ' veslibuleil trains every day in tins year in ST. PAUL AND CHI('Ai;u No Chnngo of Cur ft. Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Slerpern, Splendid Free Seeciid-tlass Sleepers Only one clumse of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart, of tne civilized worlrt. Passengers ticketed via. all bents ninnint between Astoria, Kalarnii and I'orManil. Full Information concerning rales, time of trains, routes and oilier details fumis-bed on apDlleatinn to C. W. STOKE, Agent A-tnrla. Steanit r Teiephon' !ock. A. D. CHARLTON, Asli:iot General Pa,s.iengir Agent, No. li! First St.. cor. Wa-.ii,ut!!ou, l'ortHi-1. (irecou. Seaside Saw Mill; A complete Hock -f lumber on lmi i in the iwuth or dressed. Klo.-rini'. Rustle, i eiline, and all kimlsof linish: Moi-l,!inir n.i Slun Rles; ali-o Brack t-t Work done to Order. l'-rm reasonable and priees at be,l r. ck. r I orders l-r.imptly aitciuleii lo. (Vtheean.t vnl ni mill. ,, II. K. L. LOHAN, l'lopr. Seaside, Oregon. Puts You m Cliicago Points Many loirs aleai Of any other line. f