The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 15, 1893, Image 4

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    The daily astoria. abto 'ha, Tuesday mo ftNiMu, august ir, ibi3
Some of tie Attractions of tbat Popu
Hers If the Sportsman's l'aradlae and the
Holiday Boeknra' Haven of rence
ful Kent.
There Ib no more beautiful spot on
the coast than Cannon Beach, and it
Ih fiafe to nay that but few places
will afford the summer viHltor more
real enjoyment for the' same expend!
ture of money It Is the sportsman's
paradise, and lovers of the gun and
rod can find plenty of fish and game In
the mountains that form a background
tu the picturesque beach. Every
stream Is filled with speckled beauties,
the sight of which would throw Into
ecstacles even the least enthusiastic
angler. The Austin House Is tho only
hotel at Cannon Iieach and, under
the management of J. P. Austin
guests are assured of first-class ac
commodations. The hotel overlooks
the ocean and commands a magnifi
cent view up and down the beach. The
scenery around the Austin House is in
every sense grand. Arch Cape is but
a short distance down the beach, and
It is here that excellent -salt water
Ashing can be obtained. Mussels, crabs,
rock oysters, clams and other shell
fish are found In abundance. ' From
the hotel it Is but two hours' walk
over to the Neca.rney 'mountain, fa
mous for its hidden treasure. Terhaps
the grandest view in tho country can
be had from the trail that leads over
this mountain. At a height of over a
thousand feet, one can see from the
Columbia river on the north to Cupe
Lookout on fhe south, with the rest
less ocean breaking on the rocks so far
below that the nolBe of the breakers
reaches one's ears only in a faint mur
mur. Other attractions at Cannon
Iieach are the fantastic looking rocks
along the coast, and the peculiar ring
ing sand that forms the hard, white
beach. The surf bathing is excellent
and safe, there being but little under
tow. The beach slopes gradually for
quite a distance, and there lire no
dangerous holes to contend With. The
Austin House stage meets the train
at Seaside every other day and con
veys ixumengera to and from Cannon
Beach. Mr. Austin has expended a
great deal of time and money in mak
ing his place what it is, and people
visiting the coast can find no more
attractive, spot to spend a few days
in rest and recreation than at this pop
ular resort For rates at the Austin
house and information regarding the
beach, addreBS J. P. Austin, Cannon
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause'B Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. . They acted like a charm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have hud very little headache Blnce
my return, which is remarkable.
Yours, respectfully,
, Ed. Ronovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria
Or., solo agent.
Mrs. Foreman requests the members
of tho Monday and Tuesday evening
classes to meet promptly at 8 ocioc
each evening for special work to whlc
mioetatorii will not bo admitted.
J. W. Crow Is now prepnrod to sell
the ImndsonieHt grades ot wan raper
In the city at the lowest ruling pncea,
nn.l iriinrnntneH rood iroods. Give him
a call before buying elsewhere., Note
the addreBS D37 Third street.
In the stomach and bowels produced
by a violent purgative and its conse
quent drenching action, never are, be
cause It IS lllipcWHluio mey mn'um .
followed by permanent good effects
xt., u...,..iM.. u'tiixiv u-enkens and con
vulses the organs for whose relief It Is
used enn do good. Blue pills, calomel,
pixlyphyllin, salts ana sennu, vcurmure
or mineral pills, are drastic remedies
.11.. ...j.i nf iiom.iu A reliable
ami effective substitute for them is
Hontotter'B Stomach Bitters, wnicn ci
rmih nntural and thor
ough In the bowels when they are con
stipated. A SUtllCieiU unu reaumi nr
cretlon of bile by the liver and sound
digestion are also promoted by Its use.
Malaria tn all its forms, rheumatism
and kidney trouble are obviated by
this fine reformer of disordered condi
tions of the system. A wlneglnssful
three times a day is about the dose.
At the forks of Deep River, Wash.,
at Anderson's store, on Tuesday. Au
gust IGth. 189S. at 10 o'clock a. m., will
be sold by auction the following prop
erty: 100 acres on Salmon creek, con
taining 70 acres of bottom land wltk
one million feet of fir timber. For
further particulars apply to Martin
Olson, auctioneer. A'torla.
Improved machinery for the whole
sale manufacture of mineral water will
be sold at puhllo auction. Particulars
at to date ot sale, etc., can be had
by applying to Martin Olsen, auction
cer. Second street.
Astoria to Chicago In four flay.
This Is the time made by "he t'nion
Pacific. Rates have been reduced to
a very low figure. Go rev before
hlsher rates tuke effect For further
Information call ot Uckot office Union
Pacific dock.
to the active firemen of the Astoria
Fire Department. Being urged by a
number ot my friends, I hereby an
nounce myself as an independent
candidate for tha office of chief engin
eer or the Astoria Fire Department
Bncklen'i Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world fm rnta
bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive
ly cures piles, or no pay required. Xt
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
oer box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc-
wssor 10 J. fj. ucmenr.
All the patent morttcrneg advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel.
Use Zlnfandel wine lntead of coffee or
tea. DO cents per gallon. Pont forget
Peach nnd apricot brandy,- also French
cognac ana wine at Alex, uiibert s.
Of Herman Wise's stock Is now in full
blast. Everything sacrificed.
M. WISE, Mortgagee.
P. R. All persons Indebted to Her
man Wlso will please- settle at once.
At the earnest solicitation of a large
number of the Firemen of the Depart
ment, I have consented to be a-candidate
for the office of Chief Engineer,
at tho coming election.
f If you keep at it, is apt to tell upon
w. the liver. Tlio things to provont
t.hlo urn Fir VloiwOa T'lrjiwrnifr. Pnllota
Talco one of theso little Pellets for a
corrective or gentlo laxative three
for a cathartic. They're tho small
est, easiest to take, plensantost and
most natural in tho way they act,
Thoy do permanent good. Constl-
nation. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
Sick or Bilious Headache, and all
dorangomonts of tho liver, stomach,
and bowols .are prevented, relieved,
and cured.
Tlinv'ro mmrnntfifrl to trivn catin.
faction In overy case, or your -money is
Tho worst cases of Chronic Ca
tarrh in tho Head, yield. . to Dr.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy. So cer
tain is it that its makers offer $500
veward for an incurable case.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nnd all tlio train cf nvlln
limit cut ly (trrotrim Inter
exeof-es. Uiti resulta of
(Yorwotk, Rlckiii'Hfl,
worry ,0(0. FuIlRtreiigili,
development anil in no
glvon to very oiKaii and
portion of the body.
Shnplo. nntural wplhmia
Immediate improvement
seen. Kh Unto ImpoHHtlrta.
ii.OUl references. Book,
ex1auutlou and proofs
nmiled (waled) free.
A new and complete treatment, consisting ot
iippcisltcirlex, (ilnlment In capsules, also in
box and HIIm; a positive euro for o terual, In
tvruitl blind or ulet'iliuir, Helling, eliionle.
recent or h creel iturj' piled, and iiiniiy other
disease and femnlu weaknesses; It Is alwnvs a
great ticnellt to the general hen I 111. Tho first
illsoovctry of a meillenl cure rendering nn oner-
tlon with tho knife unnecessary hvrt after
This remedy nan never nen Known to luu
1 1 per box, e for fit: sent by mail. Why miller
From thin terrible disease when a written ixuar
amea ! given wlih U boxes, to refund the
money It not cured. Hencl stn:ii( s tr Ireo
nmiila. Hunranteu Issued bv Woodward
Claris A Co., Wholesale and KcUi! DrugiistB
Bole AgentK rnrilKixi. Or. for Mi'e liyj. W
Oomi. Astorlu Ongon
BETTOSNI'S I tPiw'tm Cura
In use over 311 .Wnlirr M'nii-
f. iii-Jh'm t(ii.
II In Is. jl ili'lli.'i;lslN,'
or initliisl no H'reipt of
price- Sljo, per Inn.
Prdp:.. r.ait!.iiurp, Md.
4p w
Thew plllanr to U I -i -:o, re-. Tl wllen
from othen. I hut lh. y nul . t-i ill 1 1
ooufoottou. IvrtdUitrMllfre. rtn t.t:.'.-it.: a n il
thcMio Willi srillow coini l mj i- r--.v ct : 1 ?
ordlimry ilU oro Oi l Ch 'rt ! H lr. i;..
nuke the km Ivai.l.l't . ncn lr. i- Kt li:o I ' il
For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist
The Board of Equalization wm men
at the ofllce of the coun.
ty clerk anil publicly examine
tha nmi'inmont mils of CltltSOO
county for the purnosa of correcttns
all errors of valuation or description
of lands, lots or otner property.
It is tha duty of all persons to np
pwtr at that time If they wish corras-
i a nrt rArrctlonn or alter
ations can b made by any officer after
th adjournment of the board.
The poard wilt met-t on oh-iuuij.
4 ... oetu n in nVh-trk a. ni.. nnd
close on'saturday, September 2nd, at
p. m.
Astoria. August JnART
County Assessor.
On the label of every can is
Oontinttsd till old stock is closed out
at co3t. New Goods arriving sold at
liberal discount.
W. W. PARKER, Assignee.
Notice Is hereby irlven, that under
nnd pursu-Tt to tho provisions of a
certain that; el mortgage executed nnd
delivered to me, the undersigned on
the 15th day of February, 1S93, by the
Astoilan Columbian rubiishin? Com
pany, upon the personal property here
inafter described, to secure the pay
ment of tha sum of $il,92."i,S0, and in
terest tncojn nom that daia until
paid at tnc rate J e'sht per cent, per
anni'm, T ' ve feert porsejslon of the
said c.';:t;e's because of default ma3e
in the pr v(v::nti i l bh'-I mortgage pro
vided, r. will, on J.ond'iy t ie 2Sth
day of A - - t, lS!i::, vt ihn hour rf ten
o'llc ' !:i i" a : ivno-' ,:i the A. Umaii
Ofiice in t:-j C'iy of .. in CI?.:
County, t l ie c' C c i. V'er : r sa'e
and will ncil at : '.)!! rv-Cci fx- c.-.ii
in ' t ti e !. I ';r t'.cre,:.:1,
us a v.-.-'c, t. :: . . in? t'e.. .i-'CJ
clialto'.i ii'sal.". m ,! ";' c";s,,'L:d,
to wit:
1 p,:::r; (irx'.z, 4 blinks, 4 maps, 1
stand'i.or t'esk, 4 Shannon lilt-s, letter
nW.c; 1 1 ill li!c, 3 smiill spindle files, 2
lips, 1 k'Her ptvt.s, 1 ih 'ir,. 2 Ll.otls,
1 coal sto.e, t Seville, 1 loiter, 4 jn'its
stove-rilio, 3 r-''i- riir.nei, J p?n i
wlpln-f r ''r."B p' ';, 1 i-.- i re. ;, 4 ink
wells, 1 iri'::i."7j b.lll':, h"l.' fall; 1
Amb rg !elter f'!c, 1 'u. ; r. t h .t re '",
1 letter In:', 22 r ',1:j:, 1 i r
I'eat.-j, T1 ') lei'lxv 1) ', "(.)!:ncs,
50 J. C. Ii!a"rn j I iu , ', : - vo f
ian" G lai0e crvcl- or, Ci M-hids
Ait". 1 v ! ' . - l;a6'et, 1
dally pr per r ' , .1" 'e i,-C; 3 bitie
prints, 25 ya: o'l ' ! i, ( i r), 2
yart't; twine, 3 :y! vr clothes, 1 gas
llxtu.e, l v. : i ' !, 6 pen ho tiers,
2 rubber ei'. ser:', 1 'iT rule, 1 1" ule,
1 ball wine, 1 lvk Blind carpet, 2 doz.
Ulciten s prper novels, 1 D. G. Coal
box, I) P look;:, aeet. 4 blinds wb l
cord Pltached, 1 view, 1 National cabi
net Me, 3 maps, 2 pigeon-hole racks &,
contents, 4 nevvrppper files, 1
paper bas'cet, 2 bllndf, 29 bor't.', 1
blottlrs pad, 12 square feel ( I n :ejm,
1 Rum pot nnd brush, 4 Seville fl'e?, 1
editor's desk, 4 bottles In; , 1 ( ; 'j 5ard,
C old letter tiles,. 1 gf? tlx. j e, 1 r ker,
1 chair, 1 paper e,,re. 1 diary, 1 calen
dar, 1 sprinT loc' 1 b'-ec; 'ies stretcher,
nickel plated, 1 lions? nnd Senate bill
file, 25 nowspnpor ra'", 1 wlso broim,
1 high niuboprd. tn li'.ng: "5 sinirle
person r' kowkc1 -en":i's, 10 f lolnt
ment of to-.d ?v icrvlsr r.', CO old
acknowledgement.:, ?5 ccrpc ntl- t ae
knowledRemrnts, i0 t,ei etary or ad
ministrators prounts, 25 rdldavits of
attachments, 13 allida vils for pjbllca
tlon of, 9 iiflH;' its oa cla'ni
and delhety of personal P' i perty, 30
appointive: is of road vlewe;s, 4 assign
ments. 4i nniecment ra si-ln ( ' re c.--tatc,
72 ndni'iiirirnlo 's o oc. bond, 75
letters of tidm'n'o 'a.i' -i. 75 w.lts of
atlncbiront ', 25 ritVUs - ( -partner-sliips,
2S biuu' r.' sapvd'rn sale cf real
cstn'.e. 40 bond of ci'.;ri". i, CO bill ot
salo, 20 bench wnrirn '..t. 9 bend of
road petitioners, SO ronerrl indemnity
bonds, 150 b'U of costs, 15 ( cuaty
clerk's cerU(icit?s, 50 carl'Vates ot
election. 75 bill of crsta and dlsburse
inenls, 50 tcmilar term tlr v't court
procecdliiRS, 50 certifier tes of natural
ization, 9 com. to take d"po itlon, 10
regular term o c'rcrlt court proceetl
Intts, 5 Kpeclnl, ditto; 100 cover of judg
ment roll. 35 certificate of transcript,
30 creditors claims, 40 citation, fj clerk
cettlllcpteu cf otllchl character, 35 cer
tltlcates of reco.d,. 20 deposition, 12
oxo. fr. clrcu t coeii en jo.lgirent
rerdeied I t Jjsf e cour'. 75 executions,
40 trial d'sohfige. 20 inventoiy nnd ap
pointment. .'5 InJ'?' .licnts. 35 letters
teste trrvtaiy, 35 letters i guardian
ship, 25 lerso (Ions let n). 12 mort .ages,
K per cent, r id t- :cs, 1 c' tto 11. mort
gage co. v .1:1 at of warrant, 30 ditto
chattel, 30 m?'lianlc s liens, tiO notices
to c' elee c l, 30 d' ,o t i cler't
ditto, 30 C Ho of a,ip I. 0 ditto
sheriff's srk 35 ordo.s of publ'.'atlon
of sui rjas. 60 oi'llcial o th nnd bond,
35 order upoointlnir a ipialse.-s, 30 ditto
at'mlnls tracc is, 25 i d'is ,.-an'. pg writ
of hab: s ryvs, 30 ,i.ti 'ons for ap
pointment c f bii"idlao 20 orders ditto,
50 power of attorney to fell real estate,
17 pet". ions fo" prba of will, 20
power c f f tuin.-y, .5 i Hili l for writ
if hnbees ioj1, 3 d' to letters of ad
ministrate i, 70 y.ltul jury subpoenas
copy. It) c' to ciigliu'.l, 75 svbpoonns
(copy. :i c' Mo tori ,'.:inl 10 ditto
criminal ( '-.'ml), 100 dit.'i criminal
(ccpy), M t jrln"s c Midite '. sile
& lorcclo :.v.v 22 d. ..: exe.uf-i,
60 vunvi "s oi' ' r' .0 trr K riot oi
Judgment, t-0 ttr, ;r.:ry (.''. s.ib. w'.ncss
t- will. 15rnJc ikir ; i i rppeal. 2
ditto .' V -oi:', 10 X ..o for titta:h
ment, 20 cn'-e. 0 cIMo so : -i il. 12 ver!
II "tl ,i c " chi'm naainst ef .ite, 20
wills. 12 W'.l' o' l;:'lK'i: corpus, 40 ditto
review. 1 i"ldlng niuliine. 1 cylinder
press ?n iiloie. 1 ,' ens're. 1 monkey
wrench. 1 bhcotliii FiUk. 1 fret" saw,
1 14" file, 1 0" file. 1 lt i copiier rivets.
1 roll ircss tr c, 3 c'l cjmis, 1 dipping
table, o p-rer t id, 1' cockroach bel
lows, B 1 e; V I 1 s-.ove, 5 roller
moplcH 2 Imps. 1 c'oz. i ns lye. 2 cans
machine ci). fi belles. p.npjr. 2 1-2 rms.
en. 24x36 S0-11, 33 K'r.-. viper. 2 rms.
ea. 23x32 23-lbs, 2rn- . ilat news 40-lbs,
1 folders table. 5 stones. 7 frames, 3
Hunting, Pic-nicing, Camping, Mining,
Lumbering, or on a general outing? If
you arc do not fail to lay in asupply of the
Condensed Milk. It gives the most deli
cious flavor to tea, coffee, chocolate and
many summer drinks. It will keep in
any climate. You can use it in the place
of milk for general cooking purposes.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell iJ
the signature of Gail Borden.
ba'teries, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel ink,
1 c ninter, 1 book case, 2 sets shelves,
1 elevr or, 50 feot shafting, 7 pulleys,
6 lirrr.o; , lh ieot oi belting (abom
Ihrt), :t (.-b:,vJ., 1 step ladder, 1 desk,
1 chp'r. 2 !'':..', 1 proof press, il
ct iech, 1 i'o' t'.-bls, 1 box "wanttcr-
in;,s" . :r, '', ! eier crp taes & type,
4 ditt k.vr i a; is & type, 8 minion
upper ci re. , 4 ditto lower cap
cases, 4 n yiv" ! cop cases, 4 ditto
lower ni r 64 cases advertising
tJpc-1:? i- i c ses, 44 2-3 advertls-
'n 'yrs-. s':-";le galleys, G double
l,8lle , 9 o tlr .'.es with loOit. plp3,
1 smotlh' ' , l iar ", 2 planers, 1 mallet,
1 Bho .in ; 1 set Hempel's quoins,
2 1-eya, 2 lc-d editors, j Mitre machine,
1 .Webster's i1-vt'onniv, 2 newspaper
files, J sl.-rr i so & lead. 1 box wood
(ireV, 11 gtiili i t' 's. 2 i' on lock-up
stli ks, 11. . pe srrtV, 1 hand-saw, 1
Mitre ' , J. I;., r wrap 2d brevier type,
1 fost I' I xes stereotype plate,
1 gl. i ': ir 1 i rovri, 1 pr.a, 1 waste
paper Ir-.kc.'-. Isiop-.o, i news sticks,
100 pci'iji lead". 12x13- em, 25 pounds
slt'B, ! :! &. 2(i 1-2 em, 350 dashes &
rules, 125 r -ranty deed.:, 45 quit claim
deeds, (i? Neu- Yo k 1 of ladln-r, 35 for
sale can1.. 10 f ir rcn cards large, 9
horse for lert crd-i, 39 fJr rent cards
small, bi-ids fie deeds GO chattel
rrortgrsei, i'i0 bond for deed large,
200 len .e, 00 ' .''r ial subpoenas (copy)
cir' U' ), CO d ;to (oiigiiial) circuit, 75
clv'l subptonas (.-ny) circuit, 125 ditto
(original) ciicui., 100 ditto (copy) jus-
tire, 125 d'tto (cu'-;lnnl) justice, 40 writ
of attachment ciicuit, ditto- 100 ditto
justice (c?ig' lal), 75 ditto justice (copy),
40 surrrrc:is ditto (copy), 60 summons
d I Ho (orluncl, 130 writ of arrest ditto,
30 warrants cl tto, 200 affidavit for writ
of nrrest circuit, 40 ditto attachment,
300 writ of attachment, 300 undertak
Ings for attn-hment 300 subpoenas
civil, 25 undertakings on ball before
Indictment, 100 sum-nons (copy) cir
cuit, 75 d'lto orlglnnl ditto, 35 search
warrants, 20 commitment after .in
dletment justice, 25 subpoenas, 125 ex
editions (original) justice, 25 garni
shees, lOOundertaking for costs, 25 In
formation, 100 complaints, 75 bonds for
costs (Justice), 40 shippers manifests,
25 ditto coasting. 100 marrlaijerertifl-
cates, 30 county disbursements, 7o mar
rlage licenses, 75 notice of protest, 30
protest, 2 file backs, 75 for rent cards
small, 9 road supervisors notice dooks,
200 relief of tax applications, 22 fur
nished rooms to let cards, 12 "This
awning is dangerous keep off" cards,
5 "All statements etc.," cards, 9 -posi
tlvely no credit etc.," cards, 5 "No
soliciting etc.," cards, 11 promlsory
notes. 50 teacher s agreements, 600 ho
tel call lists, 100 complaint backs, 1
half med. challenge job press, 1 nos
pallet press, 1 paper cutter, 1 card do,
1 lead do, 1 mitre machine, 3 stoves, 1
coal stove. 18it. feiove-plpe, 1 perforat
ing lrr.chlne, 1 glue pot, 2 composition
bt-ckets, 3 half medium chases, 1 cnase,
17, 24x17, 5 nonparlel chasos, 6 half
n'ed. rollers, 2 galley racks, 75feet gas
pipe nnd fixtures, 2 stapling machines,
1 hand saw, 1 screw driver, 1 pair com
pasres, 1 half med. roller mould, 1
quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood
and furniture, 1 elnsle gallevs. 6 double
galley,2 Job galleys, 5 Job sticks. 3
stoois, .'4 nemple ouo n with key. 1 Lei
Ions, 1 broom, 1 rule shaker, 5, l luitcher knife, 1 punch, 1
hat-lid, 1 coal bucket, 7 tin lsmp
shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short step-ladUer,
1 look!.-?- glass, l funnel, 1 dust pan, 1
Planer, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 ink
Knives, l proof roller. 2 dust brushes.
1 job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 past pot
and brush, 1-2 paper steel wire brads,
1-2 paper copper tacks, 2 small screw
dtleis, 1 Ivix (500) small staples, 2
spools thread, 1-2 box McGllls paper
fastncis 10 lbs. 1 awl, 2-3 qt. diamond
die, 2 cans roller composition, 2 cans
green co-pyin.'- in'.;, 1 1-2 lb. can purple
copy In 7 iak, 1 pound Ultramarine blue
ink, 1-2 pornd bronse, 1-2 lb. printers
rioss in:;, -2 10. Ftcol Uuo ink, 1-2 lb.
photo bro.i i i.ilr. 1-2 lb. gold sizo Ink,
3 lbs. l io-, 1 l lb. blue ink, 1-4 lb.
gold lr-':. 11-; i;. white ink. 1-2 cardinal
red ir. 3 li p: .er red Ink, 2 lbs.
fltra tine 1 1' , i lb. red Ink, 3-4 lb.
Pose L' e i n:. 1-2 lb. green ink, 1-2 lb.
yellow In':. 1 2 1.;. Queen city red Ink,
1 ounco i v. o i-k, 1 blue blank Ink.
30 lbs. P, -y-, 53 packages grocers
stateircris. :. pickaxes single state
ments, i'l j 'ka ;. s double otatements,
28 p?c'.'".cs mew bond paper, letter
headj, 9 p'i. Ulster linen, letter
heat's, 52 pkgs. Pacific mills letter
heads. 13 pkgs. heads, 9 pkgs.
ledRer frU'envits. 12 pkgs. packet
heads, IS kc. . linen note-heads. 16
pks. No. 6 1:m h?ads, 8 pkgi. No. 4
bill hv.H- -. io ,,kgs. N. 2 bill heads,
45 pi . o 2 lc -e ruled bill heads, 32
pkgs. N. t c!o:e n,,e,, i,ii. heads, 5
pkKs. N 2 close re'ed bill heads, 26
pkgs. men u' 20 pkgs;. cold press
lines, 11 p-s. tlantr ir'.lla. 9 pkgs.
No. f -v -. mil' . 'COO s1 : end one en
velopes XXX. 6 brxes N 6 XXX en
velopes. 2 lwcs No. 6 yellow envelopes,
15000 wh. XX envelopes, 250 wh. wove
XX. No. 10. r000 No. 4 shipping tags.
6000 No. 3 rhioping tags, 6y00 No. 1
shippln- tags. 500 No. 6 shipping tags.
200 sheets w h'.e r -.rd Ixwird 22 x 2S, S00
assorted Irrs c rd board 22x28. 123
sheets It. n. Kvrtrd. 71 pkirs. thin China
c-ards No. 9. U pkgs. ditto No. IS
pkgs. tough check cards No. 9, 12 pkgs.
tough check No. 12 cards, 35 pkgs. E.
It. board 6 reams chromatic folios, 1
ream gun paper, 6 reams white folio,
17 X22-20 lbs. 1 1-2 ream pink folio, 17 x
22-20 lbs, 1-4 ream yellow folio, 77 x 22
20 lb3. 1-2 ream linen folio, 17x22 20
lbs. 1 1-2 ream Japanese linen folio
17x22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream Super Royal
folio. 17 x 22 20 lbs. 1 ream cap 14 x 17, 3
ream book folio, 200 sheets cover paper,
600 sheets glazed paper, 1000 sheets
ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil
paper, 7 sheets straw board paper, 9
sheets heavy nianllla paper, 50 sheets
thin straw board paper, 200 sheets
black cover paper, 3 reams colored
poster paper, 3 drawers scraps paper,
200 lbs. labor saving slugs, 1 foit labor
saving leads, 2 fonts dotted rule, 2
fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17
fonts border, 10 ft. bo:dr 15 $-laTo-types,
15 No. laotypei, 6 cheprs, type,
8 bought of type, 1 reo'd. of tpe, 1
dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments, 47
boxes assorted slze3, 1 drawer cuts,
Gr. Pris. Ex. Cond. No. S, Ronoldsoa
Cond. brevier wide gothic, French
Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonparlel, long
nrlmer. pica, steel plate golh c, pica,
3 Li no. 2 L. pica, tinted, pica, 3 L. plea.
Celtic minion, brevier, Gr. Pr. gothic
No. 9 Pica. Li, prim. Aquatint, ur.
Prim. 2 L. pica, pen text 3 L. pica, 2
L. nonparlel, haw Italic orevisr, u.
nrlmer. manuscript Pica, ur. primer,
double parogon script, Gr. prim. Bos
ton. Canon, Boston, Fayson script,
black Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra
Cond. nonp. . brevier, pica, 12 point
e-othlc. wide, lining gothic wo. n,
Venetian Pica & L. prim. 24 point
handard. 24 point dado, 11 point fancy
Celtic, 24 point Edson, gothic condense
& poster, Gr. Fr." paragon, imie. pica,
Gr. Pr. 4 Ii. pica, paregon, 6 L. pica,
59 fonts type. 3 cs. irnr.u pica, iso ids.
3 cs. nonparlel 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier
100 lbs. 1 c. Italic sm-u pica, iu ios.
1 20 A font Gr. Pr. pest Ton'c, 1 10 A
case paragon In:oc, er.rd ovravr m.i,
Palmer & Rey's tyroTrrrph;- 1 charm
word ornaments, borders No. 22 1-2 in,
P. 14 1-2 N. P. 33 1-2 N. P. 29 1-2 N. P.
21 1-2 N. P. 207 N. P. 215 N. P. 228 N.
P. 217 N. P. 4 N. P. 212 N. P. 207 pica,
1 N. P. 321 N. P. wood border 10ft.
n', .;n. 10ft. 10ft. fancy. lOit. rancy,
r. iod type 2 fonts 36 li. pica, 2 fonts 20
". pica, 2 fonts 15 11. p! 'i ronts iz n,
ilea. R fonts 10 11. pica 6 fonts 8 11. p'ca,
2 fonts 6 II. pica, 1 font 6 11. pica, 2
fonts 4 11. pica. 4 rule cases, 2 slug cases,
6 frames, 1 cabinet, 21 cs. 107 lull size
cases, 32 2-3 cases, 1 set Initial letters,
1 seh ornaments. 25 lbs. metal furni
ture, 2 sets shelves, 1 set pigeon holes
with scrts, 1 table with drawers. 1 low
table, 50 lbs. leads. 8 yrrds b'ndlnj
cloth, 100 t-heets binding p-rer. 25 cents
irlue. 1 small work tabl 2j0 MitiS cuts.
1 strip clothes hooks, 1 rr. iioc, 1 shelf
stand, 1 proof planer, 1 font 'i'fu'jr
nuod. 1 numbering mx n ne, l lti
type, 1 engine & boiler, shafting pul
leys & belting, 1335 lbs. type mtal, 1
pig of tin. 1 safe, 1 g?lley ia' 51
typo racks with bid typi, 1 old Hicko'x
press and tlt'in;js, l ice iiuays ocu
pieces machinery, etc, 1 lot old 'o.inps
& shades, 150 books (about,) 20 bundles
nlil Astcrians (about), 4 bundles soim
on colored paper, 1 box Kinney sa'ram
ads, Astovinn building, situated at cor
ner (P. W.) Cass & sqcemoqua sireera,
Ar'orln, Oregon. Western Associated
Press franchise. Tho franchise & good
will of the Daily & Weekly Astorlan
news papers, published at said city of
Astoria, to satisry said sum or n,!i2i,
86, nnd Interest n aforesaid, and the
costs and expenses of sale, August
10th, 1893.
Notice is hereby given to all whom It
may concern, that the undersigned
have been duly appointed the executors
of the last will and testament of
George Flavel, late of Clatsop
county, Oregon, deceased, and as such
executors, authorized to administer the
estate of such deceased; and all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased are hereby notified and
required to present the same duly verl
fled, to the undersigned at the office of
the undersigned, George C. Flavel, In
the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or
egon, within six months from this
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 10th
day of July, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Caroline Han
sen, late of Clatsop county, Oregon,
deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same duly verified to the un
designed, nt the lllce of Fulton Bros,
Attornies, In the City of Astoria, in
satd coifnty within six months from
this date, August 6th, 1S93.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
In the State of Oregon holding
policies In the State Investment & In
surance Company, or. ban j?Ta.ncisco,
California. N
Of the withdrawal from the state of
Oregon of the State Investment & in
surance Company, of San Francisco,
California, and to all other persons In
terested, that the said company has
reinsured Its business in the State of
Oregon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur
ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali
fornia, and has filed notice thereof with
the secretary of state, of said state,
and proposes to withdraw Its securi
ties on deposit with the treasurer there
of, and to cease doing business in said
Any policy holder in the State of
Oregon, of any other person having
claims against Bald insurance company,
tire hereby notified to file the same with
secretary of tate of the state of Or
egon, within six (6) months from the
date of the publication of this notice.
This notice Is given pursuant to the
provision of an act of the legislative as
sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled
"An act to amend Sections 3564,, 3568
and 35S0, of Chapter L, of the Miscel
laneous Laws or Oregon, as complied
and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap
proved February 25, 1889.
By George I Brander,
Attest; Charles M. Blair,
V.i 1 1 nj tn h&iuTiv crtvofl .Vto f T Vn..A
hun H ii 1 xr o nnntn t cvl AimlnfRtrnfw nt
the estate ot Mary Ann Adair, de
ceased. All persons Indebted to faid
estate re requested to call at my of
flee at No. 119, Genevieve street. Ato
rla,; Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay
the same. And all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent the same to me. with the proper
vnnpfiprs. &t the above njunprt nlnna
within six months from date of this
Dated. Astoria Oregon, July 25, 1333.
Administrator of said estate.
mm Tlie
ISlFast Mail,
Of any other line.
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers,
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din.
Ing Cars are run da l via the
Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port
land at 6:30 p. m.
AUGUST, 1893.
OrPRon Wednesday Aiiuust 2. ',
Columbia Siiiiihiy Auimst (!.
State) Thursday August 10.
Oregon Monday August l.
Coliimtla Friday August, is.
Mate Tuesday August 22.
Orfjjon i-atunlay August 2d.
Col nubia Wednesday August "). .
Morning boat leaves Astoria dally,
except Sunday, at 6 a. m, and Sundays
at 9 a. m.; returning leaves Portland
dally, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and
Saturdays at 10 p. m- Night boat leaves
Astoria daily at 6 p. m-; returning
loaves Portland at 7 a. m., dally ex
cept Sunday, and Sundays at 8 a. ni. '
Morning boat from Portland makes
landings on the Oregon side of the river
and night boat on the Washington side.
The morning boat from Astoria makes
landings on the Washington side of the
river, and night boat on the Oregon
side, except Sunday, and on Sundays
via Washington side. All boats make
landings on both sides of the river
above Waterford. The Potter makes
connections at Young's Bay wit hears
for Clatsop before leaving for Port
land, Sunday mornings. The Queen
runs through to the bridge daily and
connects with the 0 p. m. train.
For rates and general Infoimatioii call on or
. . A. Gen. fas. Agt. Aeent.
Portland, Or. Astoria, Or.
Is the lino to take to all
It offers the best set vice, com
It Is the optilar route with t lof e who
wili to tiav. l on
It Is therefore Hie route yon idioultl
take. It runs through vestibuled
trains every clay iu the year to
No Change of Cars,
Elegant Pullman Sleepers,
Superior Tourist Sleepers,
Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers,
Only one clianse of cars
Portland to New York
Through Tickets
To Any Part oftnc civilized world.
Passengers ticketed via. nil boats ninnln
between Astoria, Kalania and 1'orMaud.
Full Information ttOllPrnlnflr ntaa tint a j4
tr.iiiiis routes 8ud other details ftiruislied o
application to
Agent Astoria.
Bteamer Iciepiioue 1h'K.
Assistant General Passenger AeenL
No.ia First bt..cor. Waslliifrton,
Portland. OreKon.
Seaside Saw Mill,
A complete stock, of lumber on hand hi the
much or drewd. Flo.rin?. Rustir, fei'.lne,
lid all kinds of nnlsh: Mi)..ldiue- nnd S, J
eles; aim Bracket Work done :o Order. IVrms
ieaont)le aud price at n ck. Aii onl. m
1-romptly atttuded to. Office hii.i var, ml,j
o H. f. I.. Loci Propr,
Scastcle. Orccon. 1 '
Pits Ton
II PAQBFiO 11.11,