THE DAILY A8TOR1AN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MOJKNINU, AUGUST 15, 1803. i.:T ABOUT THE CITY. Good morning, Chief Foster. An $30 lot for $2. Ice cream and eoda at Smith's today. A boy baby has been born to lira. W. I. Crawford. For $2 a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer In Hill's flrst addition. The river looks deserted again with out Its flshboats. The Belmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olsen's. Several fishermen said good bye to Astoria yesterday. Remember McGulre'a Hotel at Sea side Is open the year around. There was an ordinary meeting of the Hook 'and Ladder company last night. - Meany Is Jhe leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. Following precedent, Chief Grosbauer of the Fire Department will not retire from his position till the, 21st of next September. Ladles, .ask Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits. The Astoria Football Club will today hand to the ladles of the Library As sociation 25.80 as the result of their football match last Wednesday. Men of small means can buy leal estate in Hill's first aldluja. Receiver George H. George yesterday completed his examination into the af fairs of Mr. I. W. Case's bank, and found that there is an excess of assets over liabilities of $45,000. What is Antlfermentine? Ask Foard & Stokes. The Fort Canby Llfe-Saving crew took a spin on the ocean yesterday, and effected a landing at Tinker's. Surf bathers and anglers were numer ous at the different resorts on the North Beach. Westpcrt cream fresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third St. For fine wines and liquors call at August Danlelson'8 Sample Rooms. Deputy Marshal R. M. Stewart has received a very flattering! commenda tion from the Seaman's Abuse Commit tee, who after a lengthy Investigation have decided that his efficiency as "an officer has been proved during the past year beyond a doubt. If you want some extra fine photos, Mooers' is the place to get them. Call at the A&tonaf Real Estate Ex change and get a lot :n Il'd's iKsj ad dition for ?2. . The number of students in the Ore gon Agricultural College is 281; of these, 185 are'rfiales and 96 females. The college lias been very prosperous since it was separated from the class ical institution with which it was fornv erly connected. Wanted To rent, an upright piano. Address X. Y. J5 this office, stating conditions, make, and price per month. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish' market daily. Salmon 10 cents per pound. Get a room at the Hotel Tlghe."New, clean and neat. M. Shanahan, proprie tor. Del. Ferguson, general job printer, Astorlan building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. - The body of an unknown fisherman was found near the Jetty yesterday. There was nothing in the clothes to Identify the man. He Is evidently one of those unfortunates who lost their lives In- the heavy gales of last June, for the condition of the flesh proves that the body has been in the water for a considerable time. Parties visiting in Portland can get The Daily Astorlan at Handley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street. When preserving fruits, save labor, fruit and sugar. Perfect results. Use Antlfermentine. For sale by Foard & and Stokes. Mr. J. R..Lytle of the W. U. Tele graph office Will leave here this even ing for Seattle on a well earned vaca tion of two weeks. Mr. J. Reld of the Portland office will take his place dur ing his absence. Mr. Lytle intends to fill in his holiday cruising about the Sound in a new yacht built this year in Seattle by his brother. Fred Olsen takes the lead In manu facturing boots and shoes. All work is first class and warranted. Repairing a specialty. Corner Second and Olney streets. There is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full vaiue of their money. Hill's first addition Is located in the centre of the city. Lota are now sel ling In it for $2. The steamer Mendell was engaged yesterday o: .he bar taking soundings While reports of the work are Indefi nite, it is stated the expectations of the officials were more than realized. The water Iseween the Cape and Sand Island is stcad'ly and rapidly deepen ing, and at dead low4 water the 3team ers can reach Ilwaco by that route without difficulty. Tresarve your fruits without cooking, by using antlfermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. For all kinds of Job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan build ing. Tour fruits will riot ferment If you use Antifermontine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Spurs of rock are being put in at different points along the Jetty at Fort Stevens, with a view to the protection of the work already completed. Cap tain J- H. D. Gray, who was In that iclnitr yc-sterday, states that at the rate the rock Is being dumped in at present the whole five and one-iuarter m ft 3 Calj EEStSdSll miles of Jetty should be completed be fore the expiration of next season,. Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third (street. Don't stew your fruits over a hot stove. Preserve them, without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits is with Antlfermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. xne remains or an old man were found near Mount Hope cemetery In the vicinity of Baker City. There were no papers found on the body by which he could be Identified, and his name Is not known. He was well dressed, had a chain attached to his vest, and a bottle partly filled wltli morphine was found on his person. There is a mys tery surrounding the death, and it has not been determined whether he com mitted suicide or was foully murdered. Wanted Purchasers for general mer chandise. Everything! at oost price T. F. Laurin, 630 Third street. J. W. Thomson organist at the M. E. church gives lessons in music, piano and organ. Organs tuned and repaired. Address 689 Astor street, Astoria. Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this office. Terms cash. The Scandinavian picnic on Sunday was a grand success, and notwith standing the slfe of the crowd that at tended there was not an accident nor an unpleasant incident during the day. The outing was enjoyed by everybody, and the committee of arrangements, composed of most of the officers of the Scandinavian Benevolent Society are to be congratulated on the result of the affair. The ball in the evening at Fisher's Hall was a fitting climax to the: day's festivities. The Coffee House, 522 Third street; best place for chops and steaks: oys ters by the quart; received daily and always fresh. . At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. The public will be pleased to hear that Mr. John Gearhart's physical con dition is Improving. In this connection, Mr. Case deBlres to state that Mr. Gearhart's deposit In his bank was not "considerable," as at flrst reported, only a very small amount being on the books in the assessor's name at the time of the suspension. His unfortu-V nate condition, therefore, can by no means be ascribed to that incident, but rather to his excessive application to the work of the assessor's office for the past three years. Those desirous of furnishing houses can find as good bargains at G. V. Porter's as at any other store in the Northwest. Give him a trial and provo it. - L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, is our authorized agent... This paper is kept on file at his office. Mr. R. Peterson, "Governor of the Castle of the Rock of Ages in the Pa cific Ocean," is In the city. Mr. Peter son feels justly indignant at the ac tions of the postal authorities In this city who persistently Ignore him on their dally route. He says he has given the carriers his correct address several times, but they wont Call. Hera Is his address: No. 1, Pacific Water St, Between Columbia and Tillamook Avenues, , Astoria, Or. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olsen's. There Is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good condition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. The election for Chief of the Fire Department and two assistants was held yesterday and though only 138 votes were polled, the candidates all worked hard for thsmselves'and mat ters around Nt. 2 Engine House looked particularly busy during the greater portion of the day. Every man in the field was confident of winning the fight, and nearly all declared that they had enough votes to elect.. How ever, there must have been a slump somewhere and only one aspirant came out on top. The following result was declared last night by the clerk of election: Foster 51. I Green 33. ' V ; Worsley 25. ? ' ! Loughery 20. Robinson 9. For assistants: Reed, GO; W. Painter, 56; McCroskey. 52. . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting of the stockhold era of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build ing Association will be held on Thurs day, August 2h, at 2 p- m-, at Odd Fellows' Hall. A. J. MEGLER, Secretary. NOTICE. Seventeen 5 teal cans prepared opium, smuggled, were seized at Astoria, Or., June 27, 1893. Any person claiming the above mentioned articles, or any of them, is required to appear and file their claim with the undersigned wUh ln twenty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, viz; August 5th, 1893- E. A. Taylor, Collector of Customs for the District of Oregon. MlbE S 1Z The only Pro Crwm fTrrtrr P Jsed in Millions of Home; Another genuine treat has been pro vided for the public by the Astoria Football Club who will no doubt add another to their long list of successes. Next Friday morning the splendid band of the Fourteenth Regiment, now In camp at Gearhart will come up to Young's River bridge and meet a tug engaged by the Club for them. They will then proceed to Fort Canby on a visit to their brother soldiers and at 6 o'clock the same night will come up to Astoria, At 8 o'clock they will give a rgrand free open air concert from the balcony of the Occident Hotel, the pro gram being the same as that rendered by them at the Hotel Portland the night before leaving the metropolis. On Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clockd they accompany the grand football picnic to Gearhart, and will play dur ing the trip down and through the whole of the football match. The pfc nlc will consist of a series of amuse ments in the morning, the return game of the Ladles' Football match In the afternoon, and a clambake early In the evening, a special train conveying the party home again at night. The affair Is under the auspices of the Club who pay all the expenses of the band for the two days. The return trip tickets on steamer and train have been placed at $1.00 each and are Belling rapidly. An excellent attendance is already as sured. I won't be under sold on wall paper. Always as low as the lowest. The best stock to select from in the city. B. F. Allen, Third street. Water colors, crayons and sepias cray ons, copying and enlarging, a specialty at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Saiz' Saddlery establishment George Uhler of Philadelphia, presi dent of the National Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, reached the city yesterday, and last night was received by President Hare and a full attend ance of members of the local branch of the order at the lodge rooms. After the Initiation of a candidate and the transaction of routine business, Mr. Uhler, who is a splendid type of the best class of men In his profession, ex emplified the secret work of the socie ty and delivered a most interesting ad dress wlilch was listened to with ear nest attention. He spoke particularly of his Interview with ex-Secretary of the Treasury Foster who had declared to him that an engineer could not be considered as an officer of a steam ship. This unwarrantable decision has since been backed up by Secretary Car lisle, but the association will bring about the Introduction of a bill before congress this year providing that in future all engineers on steamboats be termed and classed as officers. Tonight Mr. Uhler will be present at the Joint gathering of the engineers and the Masters' and Pilots Association, at the rooms of the latter. There will be some discussion as to the standing of tne men In the two professions, .and pleas ant social Intercourse generally. NOTICE. The ladies of, Grace Church (Episco pal) Guild, will give a lawn party at the residence of Mrs. A. Van Dusen on August 16th, 1893. Music, refreshments and a general good time is anticipated and a cordial invitation is extended to all. ' ELECTRIC BITTER8. This remedy Is becoming so well known and bo popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Price 60c. and $1.00 per bottle at Charles Rogers' drug store. . , NOTICE. The Clatsop Mill Company will re ceive in exchange for lumber, certifi cates of deposit or certified checks on the bank of I. W. Case, at par until further notice. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY, By W. S. KINNEY, Pres. It Should Be In Kvery House. ' J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay street.Sharpsburg, Pa., says ho will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds; that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa.,clalms Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bot tles at Chas. Rogers' drug store, succes sor to J. C. Dement. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. G'JNN'S SYRUP F0R COUGHS. COLDS AND CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. When a child, mother rav me onion ymp for Coughs, ColcU and Croup, in turn I Rive ftto my lit tle ohm. Thero is nothing to ilmple, aafe nd aura. Ir. Gunn'sOniou Syrup U a hsrinlOB nd pleas ant to the iAMie aa honey. TMi l a mother bora remedy, why not try ltP Sold at bO ata For Bale by J. W. Conn, Druggist ? C: b& lbs Q mm Asiiaoiiia; ?.rt Alum. Ycnrs the Standard fovxn. k BOUT IfO FATHOMS OF NKT OFF THE 1 jetty, between buoys No. 4 ini No. 6. En quire of Captain J. W. Urowu, steuuier Oeo. 11. Mendell. XTKT FOUND-ON THURSDAY KIOHT, 1S August S, in ship channel below Smith's Point, about 250 fathoms net. Loser cau line It at memo union Cannery. LOST. UK FATHOMS OF NET ABOVE TONGUE O Point on Weonesrtay night. Corks marked Scandinavian Packing Co. A liberal reward. Apply to L, Agrun, Scandinavian Packing Co. BOUT !i00 KATAOY18 NET. FINDER KN- X. quire at cutting faulting Co., or JJUN hi ARK. "N THB NIGHT OF AUOU8T 1ST, ABOUT J 300 ituoin net 41 mesh deep at ear h cud, 46 mesh deep In middle, corks marked O. P. C. and 11. 8. finder will be llberaly rewarded by notifj lug at Columbia Cannery. MISCtCLLAMHOVU. c ALL ON P. BAKElt, 478 TiilKD STICKET and nave your clothes dyed and cleaned. Geo. Mclean, coknkk olney and as tor streets, does a general business lu black smithing and repairing. THE ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK transacts a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts ol Firms and Individuals boliulted on Favorable Terms.- Foreign anduomestlo Exchange bought au1 sold. - Money Loaned: on Personal fecurlty. Interest paid on Time Deposits as follows: For 8 months, 4 per cent per annum, i, 6 5 " " 12 6 " " " A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been established In connection with the above, deposits will be received in umouiitx of one dollar and upward. interest win be allowed as ioiiows : un ordi nary savings books, 4 pur cent per annum ; on term savings bonks, 6 per cent per annum. D. K. Wairfa, President. J. K. lunulas. Cashier. i.C. Demon, Vice Prcsidoul, D. K. Warrea, J . C. Dement, ;. S. WrlUt, Jofaa llobsoa, II. C. Thorn po, Theo Bratker, . Directors. Every Requisite for FieST-CLASS FUNERALS AT " Mil's Undertaking Parlors, Third Tirect. Rules Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. 31 AG X IS C. CROSItY, DEALER IK HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, IRON PIPK AND F1TTINOH. STOVES - AND - TINWARE, Housa Funii.shlug Goods, Sheet Lead, Strip . Lead, Sheet Iron Tin and Copper. THE : OREOOA : BAKERY A; A. CLEVELAND, Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Paatry. None but the nest Materials UBed. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer; Bread delivered In any part of the city ASTORIA litOA WORKS, Ooneomly street, foot Jackson, Astoria, Oregon. General Machinists & Coilcr Makers Land and Marine Engines, Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty, Cutingi of All Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. JOHN ROX President and 8up- . l. FOX.......... .vice rresiuen ROSS, HICCINS A CO. Butchers - and - Grocers, Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeta bles, sugar cured hams, bacon, etc, CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS Kopp's - Beer - Hall Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, Only handod over the bir. The largest glaks of N. P. Uccr. Mall and half, f. Free lunch, ERICKS0N & WIRKALA, Prs. Cor. Concoinly and Lata) ette Sts. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. HeaTT and ShdH HARD"W ARE Carry in I wk Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paints, 'Mis, Varnishes, Loggers supplies, ranuanK s Bcaies, Doors and Wlncows. PROVISIONS, FLOUR nd MILL KITED. astoria; - - okegso. MUSIC IriAJLlL ' Kll First stieet, Astoria, Or. . H. CHRISTENSEN, PROP'R. A Froo Oonoort Every night beginning at 8 o'clock. Good music, 'lhe bust of wlacs, li quors and cigars always on hand. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICK Notice la hereby srlven that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of James P. Metz, deceased. All persona Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me. at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. JAMES W. HARE. Admlnlfrtrntnr of the above Lated at Astoria. Oregon, this 7th. The Mystery of Ages. reduction Sale. Also Shoes, and everything in tho line of Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods. A child buys as chenp as tho most experienced buyer. I. L OSGOOD, The Reliable One Price Clothier and Hatter, (MO, C0'2 Third Street, Opposite Fonrd & Stokea', Astoria, Or. For an $0 1 : By becoming a member of Hill's Lot Cubs you can get a first-class lot in Hill's First Addition to Astoria. lots will be delivered weekly time to procure a lot home, for CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS I Lave niiiilo nrrancmculs for supplying nny brnnd of wines in quantities to suit at lowest oimh figures. The triido and familioa supplied. All orders delivered free Id Astoria . A, W. UTZINGER, Main Street, Astoria, Orejjon. ASTOR HOUSE, Astoria, Oregon. ,T. Or. ROSS, Prop'r. Rates $1 and ifl.25 per day. Good aecoftimodatioiis. Clean bed a upeeialty. Yon are invited to call. Kree 'bns meots all steamboats. STEAMER R. Leaves for Tillamook Hay Points tho iluy following the arrival of the Union Pacific stoamnrs from San Francisco. - Fhe steamer II. P. Elmore connrcM willi Union Pacific Rteaincrs for Portland, ami through tickets are inmied from Portland to Tillamook Kay pftliitt by tho Union Pacific Co. Ship freight from Portland by Union Pucillc steamers. , ELMORE, SANBORN & CO.,' Agents, Astoria! ' UNION PACIFIC R.R. COM I ANY. Agents Portland. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, REPRESENTING German-American, New York City, N. V, Union Fire and Marin, of New Icakni National Firo anil Marine Ins. Co., or Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Rome Mutual Im. Co,, of San Francisco. Phtrnii, of London. I Imperial, of London. New Yoik Plate Glasi Ins. Co. THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts s trustee for torpomtlous and ludlvld rials. Deposits solicited Interest will be allowed oo savings doposll as lollows; On ordinary savings rooks 4 per con: nor annum. On term savings book 6 per cent, per aunnm. On certificates of deposit: For tbrco months, i per cent, per annum. For six months, 6 per cent, per annum. For twelve months, S per cent, pur auuum. I. W. CAPE President J. Q. A. BOW LHY..... Vice-Presldeiil FRANK PATTON - Cashier W. K. DEM KM' ..ttecretarj DIHICTOKS: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowllijr, (lust Holmes, O. U. Pace, Jienj. Younv, A. 8. Reed. F. J. Taylur. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK nr I'OIITI.AM), OKKOON. I'al.l np csplU.1 rWO.mO Surplus and profits 60,out' PRANK lKK CM, President. I. P. '1 HOMi'MON, Vice-President H. C.8TKATTON, Cashier c.p. OPSHun, SHIPMiNGauiI COMMISSION Astoria, - Oregon. When will a railroad be built to Astoria? This mystery will be solved when Mr. Remington returns from his interview with the Sphinx in Egypt. In the meantime to reduce your ex penses and save from 10 2-3 to 33 1-3 per cent, you will pur chase your Men's and Boy's Clothing at my 25 per cent your Hats, Caps, Boots, Now is the to build a 1 P. ELMORE :-acr The Store of John G. Kiemi Has been purchased by Bulterfie d fr'ros., Whonre going to close nut the stock, liilemlinif nnrehns n will do well to citi unit s.uiilno koo null pners li fore pure uinI k elxewliere. They hI'O Iiuv u koo j wiitclunaKer to do repairing. Atlantic Beer Hall, 312 First street, Astoria, Or. PETE D0UREL, Proprietor. L Tho Finest Wines, Liquors - and - Clears. r oneert F.verv Evening. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX Porter. All oulers promptly Attended to. BOOTS AND SHOES The Urgent Btook, Beit Qualltj and towest Prices itt the Blicn of I be Onlun Hlioe. Lot Si! day of July, 1893. A.XTX'J dj CO.