The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 15, 1893, Image 1

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    mm wm imam Asseciiiia
VOL. XL. NO. 185.
rf Vrf- :
U r : U. r i .
If You Want to Save
Don't miss the great reduction sale now going on at
C. H. Cooper's. -
If You Want to Buy Goods
At less than wholesale cost, go to C. H. Cooper's.
If You Want to Trade to Advantage .
A.iid save from $5 to
If You are Hard Up and Short of Cash.
The little you have will go farthest at C. H. Cooper's.
If You Want First-Class Goods
Iiuclothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps, shoos, etc,,
go to 0. II. Cooper.
Great Midsummer sale nOw going On.
OUll ill
We Lead Competition Follows.
30-7 Ply; 40-S. Ply; 30-9 Ply. The staying
powers of Marshall's Twine are superior to those
of uiy other ever used on the Columbia river.
Buys the latest improved
White Sewing Machine at
lll.uik Cooks, Fine Stationery,
CJootls. Footballs,
Hammocks. Iaby Carriages. -
New (V.i arriving tlnily. Low Prices for Cash.
.$10 on a suit of clothes, go to
the Front !
Guests in a Chicago Hotel Burnt to
Dcatn Lite Rats.
Some of Them Crnied-by Fear, Jnmped
noun to the Street Itelow and Were
Horribly Mangled.
Associated Press. . ,
Chicago, Aug. 14. A hotel fire re
sulting in the death of a number of
guests occurred this ' morning' in a
three-story house near Fifth Avenue.
A man Jumped from1 the top of the
bullddng and was killed, and about
half a dozen v others were suffocated,
and burned to death. The body of Har
ry Godfrey, seven years old, was re
covered. The building was a dilapidated
structure,' which was occupied by
restaurant on the first floor, and by
the Senate Hotel on the upper floors.
Thirty guests ' were In the building
when the fire broke out, and those per
ished in the fire, caught like rats in
a' trap, unable to make their escape.
Three additional bodies have been tak
en' from the ruins, but none are' Iden
tified. In all, seven people were burned
to death. : :
The origin of the fire is a mystery,
but It la supposed that It was caused
by thft overturning or explosion of a
stand lamp. The night clerk had Just
gone to the wash room to clean up,
preparatory to leaving his watch, when
he heard a slight noise outside the of
fice. By the time he returned to it, the
place was full of smoke, and he had
barely time after shouting fire, a few
times, to escape down stairs. Jdward
Short, and one unknown dead man
would have been saved had they
obeved the firemen. who were getting
ladders in position while they were at
the windows. The firemen shouted to
them to keep cool, but "they seemed
crazed wit fear and Jumped from Hhe
third floor to thet flagstones below, sus
taining fatal Injuries. Some others in
haled the flames and died In horrible
agony and two were suffocated by in
halation of smoke. The firemen say
the place was the worst kind of a fire
trap. Owing to the fact that It was
but three stories high, the law did not
compel the owners to put fire escapes
on the building .and this fact Is ac
countable for most of the loss of life.
Denver, Col., Aug. 14.-The Crescent
Flouring Mills, the largest in the West,
are burning. The loss will be over $300
Itoby, Ind., Aug. 14. The Creedon-
Greggatns contest here brought out
fully five thousand people tonight.
George Francis Train was here and
received an ovation.
In the first round, Greggalns tried
for Creedon's neck hut was stopped.
Creedon rushed, but Greggalns ducked
and got in, two face blows, and the
round ended in his favor.
In tho second round It was give and
take, with honors easy.
In the third, Greggains landed on
Creedoil's face and got away without
a return. Greggaln's generalship was
much admired. The round was much
In Greggaln's favor.
In the fourth, and fifth there were
numerous sharp exchanges.
In the sixth, Creedon rushed his man
and soon had himbleedlng at the
mouth. Creedon scored the first
knock-down, and almost had his man
finished, but Greggalns came gamely
to the scratch. i
Round 6even started in with Cree
don doing his man fast, but Greggalns
had steam left, and held his own
In the eighth round Greggalns
seemed to have his second wind, but
Creedon ruBhed and 'Greggains, to
wards the end of the round had barely
strength to stand. He sparred for wind
In the ninth, but Creedon landed on
on his ribs several times.
In the tenth and eleventh Creedon
landed frequently, making Greggalns
bleed freely at the mouth. During the
twelfth Creedon landed twice on the
stomach and got a face displacement
in return At this limp a SOOTO In the
audience caused by the ticket office
being set on lire, caused a smau paiuc,
H.i it .1 "j onAn nvr Round thirteen
nru3nAi Kir rVMtrlrtn Innritncr freelv on
Greggains wind and receiving light
punishment In return, ureggains re
navaA hfiavv fnpe nnntqhmpnt at the
end of the round and was staggering
when the bell Bounded.
In tho fourteenth, creedon received
several hard ones in the face but con
fnr nrpfi-rralnH' wind
and finally began to have his-man
groggy. Again the gong savea ureg
gnlns. f
In rminrl fifteen Piwdrm Came UP
with determination to dm hi man,' and
by a heavy biow on the enm, Knocitea
Greggains out within one minute af
ter coming to the centre of the ring.
Time, fifty-five minutes.
- As long as the good weather contin
ues) people will flock to the seaside re
sorts. The Clatsop beaches have a
good crowd now, ' In spite of the pre
vailing hard times, and each; incoming
boat adds new faces to the large num
ber already there. Of course there- is a
falling oft from last year at the hotels,
but the cottages are all filled, and
campers seem just 'as numerous as
they were last year. The visitors seem
contented to stroll around the beach,
go In bathing or picnic quietly in some
of; the pretty groves about Seagldo
an.1 Gearhart, all of which amusements
call but lightly on the holiday maker's
picket book. Still there were several
delightful little gatherings last week,
boating and bonfire parties, partici
pated in by the cottagers and camp
ers.. The Neeanlcum holds a peculiar at
traction for the Portland angler, and
scarcely a day passes, but some en
thusiastic wlelder'of the rod and reel
comes In with a well filled basket of
speckled beauties taken from the pools
of this stream. Col. Ed. Hughes was
down last week and made several
good hauls on . the upper creek, but
even his best friends have failed to
get a confession from him as to the
exact number of fish he landed.
Mr. Graver and Mark Warren went
flown to Cannon Beach on Friday.
MThey will camp at Will Warren's
ranch for a few days.
J. N. Griffin is still at Cannon Beach,
his cottage being filled wltli visitors.
Mr. Griffin met with -an experfenue
last week that he will remember l.r
many days. He went flHhIng- back in
the mountains and while-following up
a crooked stream, that Vinos down oiv;
of the deep canyons back of the beauli,
be lost his way. Late In he evening he
found his trail to the beach near Elk
Creek, and his Jattered garments and
shoeless feet, told a tale of hardship
experienced in his endeavor to get out
of the dense Jungle. It Is not known
whether he caught any fish, on that
trip, but the probabilities are that he
did not.
Leo Mansur and family are at Canr
nan Beach for' the summer.
A party of fifteen, from Portland will
be . at the Elk Creek House on Wed
nesday next. '
Mrs. W. H. Rowe and daughter, Mrs.
Amy Cummlngs of Salt Lake City,
have arrived at the . coast an
will spend a few days at Silver Cliffs
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay Smith.
There was a delightful ball at the
Anderson Hall, Seaside, on Wednesday
night. Professor Houseman's orches
tra furnished the muslo. About twen
ty couples enjoyed the occasion.
I Messrs. O'Connor and Webber gav,e a
select ball at ttie unmes otei iubi
Tuesday evening. The muslo was
splendid, and all had a very pleasant
time. ,
Dr. Jstes Is now spending the greater
part of his time at Seaside with his
The cottage of R. L. Jeffrey la now
furnished and occupied. It is one of
the neatest residences at the beach.
The following registered at Me
Gulre's during the past week: A. B.
Coby, F. C. Powell, F. A. Bancroft,
Mrs. A J. Russell, H. Woodhouse, A.
Lange and wife, J. R. Nell, C. A.
Brandes, . Willie Brandes, Frank
Brandes, C. H. Vanllorn, C. H. 'Van
Chase, T. R. Redpath, E. Schiller, J.
W..Pogue, W. E. LennettJ. J. Ryan,
A. Roberts, Joa. EV Penny, wife and
child, Mark Wllzlnskl, Fred N. Hen
ion, Myrtle Merrill, A. W", Cook, F. D.
Robblns, W. H. Colwell and wife, C.
W. Burney and wife, Portland; R. L.
Jeffrey, W. A. ' Fry, Peter Grant, C.
J. Curtis, Miss Leila L. Hughes, Miss
May Utzlnger, Miss Nellie Utzlnger,
F. L. Parker, Sam L. Simpson, L. E.
Sellg, J. G. Ross, H. A. Smith, John
Hobson. Phil. F. Bower, J. R. Hawes,
Dr. Jansen, Dr. Bell, W. B. Parker, C,
H. CoopeV, L. Mansur, A. R. Carruth
ers, W. B. Adair, F. A. Crosby; Asto
ria: Mrs.' A. W. Ferguson, Then.
Bracker, Astoria, C. H. Calender,
Knappton; C. Brhard, Masslllon, Ohio;
W. Roseburg, Pittsburg, Lewis Cordes,
St. Louis; Fred Oberg, Skamokawa;
H. Diamond. Gearhart Park; H. B.
Hurley and wife, St. Louis, Ma; Miss
L. Russell, La Center, Wash.; R. Cat
Hn, Washington City, D. C.
E. J. S.
Walter Ridehalgh leaves for the Til
lamook cannery , this morning on the
Miss Polly McKcan will leave for
San Francisco on Friday, and will
spend a few weeks In that city.
The T. J. Potter will leave the Union
Pacific dock, Sunday morning, August
13th, at S::30 for Young's Bay, con
necting with the cars for . Gearhart
Park and Clatsop Beach. Round trip
only $1.23. Please secure tickets In the
ofllce on the dock before going on
board the boat.
. i W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent-
What Sonic of Onr Statesmen Say on
the Subject.
Amendment! and a Variety of Rrmlnllnni
' ' Already Ileitis Offered fur the Solu
tion of the Problem.
Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 14. While the mo
notonous debate over the question of
recolnage or repeal Is progressing in
the houBe with no prospect of a vote
until two wteks from today, Indica
tions are that he Benate will devote
Its first legislative action to entirely
another remedy for the financial sit.
uallon that of permitting of national
banks to issue currency to the par val
ue of their United States bonds on de
posit in the treasury. Thus the two bod
les will be working somewhat at cross
purposes and out of the complications
to ensue, no one knows what will fin
ally happen. The document In the sen
ate are decidedly discouraging to those
who hoped for the unconditional re
peal of the Sherman luw. The lntrouc;
tlon . by Senator Voorhees of tho In
creased currency bill and Its reference
to the committee of which he Is chair
man, indicates, that the finance com
mittee will first seek relief in recom
mending te Issue of national bank
notes to par value of the bonds depos
ited, and that the questions of free
coinage and the repeal of the Sherman
act will be relegated to the futurs for
more consideration. Later In the day,
when Senator Vest reaffirmed his al
legiance to ' bimetallism and spoke
against the unconditional repeal of the
Sherman act, the repealing men found
greater cause fr disappointment. When
the senate met an avalanche of peti
tions was presented and referred. Some
pruyed for the repeal of the purchas
ing clause of the Bherman law.; quite
as many were against repeal, and sev
eral were for the free use of sliver as
legal tender In .the United States. Some
begged for free coinage of silver at "the
ratlq of 16 to 1. ' y
Mitchell of Oregon, gave notice of an
amendment to be offered to the Joint
resolution to maintain the parity of
gold and silver. The amendment after
a long preamble, declares that It Is the
senBe of congress that no changes shall
be made In the tariff during the C3d
congress. .
Vest, demacrat, of ' Missouri, Intro
duced a Wll for the coinage of Bilvot
bullion in the treasury, saying that it
was sent him from New York, and met
his partlul approval.
Stewart sent to the clerk's desk, to
have read, an article from the New
York Recorder, under the heading:
"Give us free silver." After a portion
of the article had been read an objeo-
tlon to the further reading was made
by Hoar and Hawley, and the article
was rdered printed as a document,
Stewart remarking, that the Recorder
was the first great paper In the city
of New York that had said a word
against the annihilation and destruc
tion of half the money of the country,
and this showed that either the senti
ment of New York on the subject of
silver was changing, or that the Re
corder was a very brave paper.
Hoar gave notice that he will tomor
row call up a resolution as to the Mon
tana senatorlul case, and that he wuld
on Wednesday press it to a conclusion,
Portland, Or., Aug. 14. News has
been received her that the Union Ptt'
clflc Bteamer Annie Faxon, plying, on
the Snake river between Rlparia: and
Lewiston, blew up this morning at
Wade's Bar, four miles below Almota.
Six persons were killed and a number
wounded Among the killed is Engineer
Brown. The Faxon was a stern-wheel
er, with a capacity of 564 tons.
Colfax, Aug. 14. A Commoner spe
clal says the steamer Annie Faxon
blew up oft Walle's Bar, four miles be
low Almota, on the Snake river, at 8
o'clock this morning. Eight persons
were killed and ail on board were in
Jured. There were five passengers. The
vessel waa blown to pieces. The names
of the killed are: Thos. Mcintosh, and
his brother, pascne"er; Mrs- Tappan,
the purser's mjfe; George Farwell, a
waiter; Joseph Bush, a deck hand
William Kidd, a deck hand; and ''a
firemannamed Paul.
The injured are: Jack Morltz, stew
ord; Sage Aiken, anBlstant engineer;
Captain Henry Baughman; Daniel
Bechtol, and two others. Aid was sent
Immediately by teams from Colfax.
Klmoro. Sanborn & Co.'s salmon Clr
cular for the season of 1893, hns the
ffllwlnir to say concerning the pack
"Thn total salmon park f'r the iwa-
on of 1893, which closed tonight, In
375,700 cases of all grades, or about
equal to that of 1891, and 90,000 casew
sliort of last year's pack. Of these, a
large proportion are flat cans, anil
have been sold for domestic use. Tho
conditions for fishing this year , were
similar to those of 1877 and 1887, the
weather being cold, wet and stormy,
and the freshet being of. almost une
qualed duration. Excepting in May,
there were comparatively few fish
packed, the usual heavy run of July
being conspicuous by Its absence. That
the supply Is not diminishing is amply
demonstrated by the fact that at the
Cascades, where the pack ordinarily
consists almost entirely of blue backs.
there were more large fish caught than
during any previous season In the his
tory of the Industry. Tills unusual feat
ure Is easily explained, the fish having
run deep on account of the long con
tinued freshet, and thus escaped all
the iets on their way to the upper
river. The trapa, usually an appreci
able source of BUpply, were this year a
failure, owing to the currents and
enormous quantities of .drift. There
will not be a single unsold can of
salmon on the Columbia river this
season, and many of the canners will
be short in their deliveries. In view of
the general business depression
throughout the country, the increasing'
demand for Columbia salmon argues
well for Us matchless quality and pop.
ularlty, not a case having been sold to
the foreign trade. Fall packing on out
side Oregon rivers will be confined to
a few localities noted for the excel
lence of the fish packed. The pack of
the season Is distributed as follows:
Ahorrippn 30.000. American Star 9,000,
McOowan's 12,000, North Shore lO.GOO,
Hilar Rock 13,500, Megler 14,000, War-
ren (Cathlamet) 11,000, Ocean 7,500,
Hapgood 12,000, 'Hume 8,000, JJlmore
18,000, Cutting 15,200, Kinney 42,000, .
Booth 19,000, George & Barker 14,000,
Hanthorn 21,000, Fishermen's 15,000, ,
Cook 18,000, Warren (Cascades) 3r,000,
Bucchelt 13,000, Dalles 18,000. ' Total,
375,700. '
The.R. P. Elmore leaves out thls1
morning with cannery supplies and
njen for . Tillamook. She also has 'on
board a very large quantity of freight .
ror merchants In Tillamook and Uny
City. She leaves here again for the 81-
tlslaw and Tillamook on the 18th Inst.
The lighthouse tender Columbine re
turned this morning from her south
ern trip.
The Oregon went out yesterday with
a full cargo of miscellaneous freight
for San Francisco.
The barkentlne Quickstep arrived In
Sunday evening 38 days from Kachen-
otza, Japan, with coal. .
Yesterday morning the Truckee
miitln her apuearance from the south.
The Columbia which arrived In from
California yesterday, hnd 65 tons of
general merchandise for this port. '
The American bark Pactolus arrived
on Sunday morning from New York
after a pleasant run of 145 days. She
has a general cargo, consigned to Sut
ton & Beebe of Portland for 'which
port she leaves thin afternoon. Captain
Watts reports speaking the following
vessels during the voyage: April Cth,
American ship Norris, from New York
to Zanzibar, in lat 19-15 N., long. 32
deg. 09 W.
April 12th, British bark, letters M.
L. S. D whaler from Antarctic ocean,
for Dundee, on the equator in lat. 2d
deg. W.
April 15th, German bark, letters R.
G. C. M., from North Shields for Val-
Ivla, in lat. 3 deg. 08 S., long. 23 deg W.
April 16th, French bark, Aslz, in lat.
3 deg. 58 S.. 24 deg 41 W. April
18th, British bark Forfarshire,'
from London for Astoria, 41 days out.
April 21st, British ship Ilala, from
Cardiff, in lat. 15 deg. 29 S., long. 31-15
April 21st, Norwegian bark Don
Juan,, from Montevideo, for Falmouth,
In lat. 16 deg. 6., long. 34-21 W.
April 22d, American Fawn, from San
tos, In lat. 17 deg. 14 S., long. 34-15 W.
: April 22d, Norwegian bark, letters
Q. F. B. D., In lat. 17 deg. 14 8., long.
34-45 W. .-
April 23d, swedisn Dng, leners ii. w.
0. J., In lat. 19 deg. 05 8., long, 35-30 N.
May 1st, British bark Allonby, from
Liverpool for Astoria, 68 days out. In
lat. 34 deg. 23 S., long. 45-61 W.
May 13th, British steamer Gulf of
Guinea, from Valparaiso for Liverpool,
In lat. 41 deg. 25 N., long C7-51 W.
May 19th, British bark Thetis, from
Liverpool for Valparaiso, 69 days out.
having lost boats- on May lfllh. In n
heavy gale In lat. 48 deg. 35 8., Ion. C
10 W.
May 2Uh, British bark Charles
Cotesworth, from Iqulqul for Falmouth
32 day out. In lat. 66 deg. 33 S., 6a w.
July 18th, British four-masted ship
Afon Alaw, from Cardiff for San Fran, 130 days out, in lat. 17 dog. 01 N.,
long. 119-02 W.