flit' DAILY A&TOIUAA. ASiOltiA) BUNDAV MOilNlHU. AUGUST 18, 193 LOOK AT THIS ! Take the Daily Asto riaa and Get. a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest aiid Hest Pmnium Offer. fivery re&ulnr subscriber to The Pully Astorlan for the next twelve monthg will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first clans novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, eacli a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable type, us follows: THE BELLE OP LYNN; or THE MILLER'S DAUGHTUIt. By Chur lutte ML Browne, author of "Dora Thorne." THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Pumas. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. XIERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou- A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. Oosiun Doyle. KOCK RUIN; Or, THE DAUGH TER OK THE ISLAND. By Mrs. Ann t. Stephens. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Broome, author of "Dora 'i home." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GlLl-'IL'S LOVE STORY. By i.coige Elliott. A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryat. THE SEA KING. By Captain Mar ryat. THE BEIGE OF GRANADA. By Kir E. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S WILL, By H. Rider Haggard. JENNY HARLOWE. By W. Clark RuBsell, BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mi. Alexander. THE , SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE RUSSIAN GIPSY. By Alexan der Dumas. THE WANDERING HEIR. By Charles Reade. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Braddon, NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles Dickens and WUkle Collins. THE GREAT HOGGARTY DIAMOND- Py W. M. Thackeray. The above books are nicely printed and bound In attractive paper covers. They are sold regularly at retail for tea cents each, so that our offer en ables our readers to buy them at one third of their value. It Is a grand hance to secure standurd, high-class Works of llctlon at merely nominal cost. The lowest li.-u u( these novels In any other way. wiiUl be 10 cents each, or $1 for the U n hihms, which The As torlan subscribers can hare for 30 cents. Every ten weeks a new sot of ten books will I) j offered on the same terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a vuluuble library of GO books that will cost you only J1.C0. This offer is open only to regular sub- mrlbera. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who puy $7 for one year in advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to got your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay $2 In udvunco for ono year's Hiibri'i'lption, will be entitled to any of iliexe books they may select at the rate of '3 cents per book. On receipt of the IIhI of books diserlbed, accompanied by a remitance In postage stamps or ell- vor to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan as above. AUCTION SALE. At the forks of Deep River, Wash., tt Anderson's store, on Tuosduy. Au gust 15th, 1893. at 10 o'cloi k a. m., will be mid by auction the following prop erty: 160 acres on Salmon creek, con taining 70 acres of bottom land wltk one million feet of fir timber. For further particulars apply to Martin Olson, auctioneer. Astoria. FOR SALE BYUCTION. Improved mnclilnery for the whole sale manufacture of mineral water will be sold at public auction. Particulars a to date of sale. etc.. can be had by applying to Martin Olson, auction eer, Second street- ASTORIA TO THE WORLD'3 FAIR. Astoria to Chicago In four flanr, This Is the time made by 'he Vnlon Iaclfle. Rates have been rdncM to a very low figure. Go n-vv lfor higher rates take effect. For further information call at ticket umoo Union Pacific dock. Q. W. I-OUNSBERRY. Agent, A Jolly picnic party will leave here at daylight this morning for the wilds of the Ne'halem and Flshhawk 'alls. It will consist of Hon. C: W. Fulton and wife, O. C. Fulton and wife, Waller Robb and wife, P. A. StokoB and wife, the Misses Nora and Dora NK'kerson, Fred Prael, and Mr. An l.e.-n, Fsoj., chief cook and bottlewaistiif its well us chaperone. Needless to say, Mr. Ah Lem will have his hands full. At the stroke of 6, Senator Fulton, on board his famous Glen Dudley thm'oughbied, and attired in a sombrero hat, a brace of pistols, and the other necessary gar ments that cruel clvllatlon demands, will rldo out of the Transfer Ft-iMts, followed by the balance of the party In vehicles and the provlsioi wagon In the rear. This wagon contains nine tents, two cook stoves, guns, fishing tackle, smelling salts, canne'l goods, three volumes of the laws of Oregon, an Insurance certificate, butterfly rets, kettles, pans, bedding, catsup, novel ettes, poison oak specific, two marlin spikes, etc., etc. Mr. Ah Lem will ride on the seat of honor on this vehicle. At the Junction; of Cass and Second the caravan will come to anchor and Crow Is to take a cabinet photograph of Hhe group before they leave on their perilous journey. Last evening was spent In bidtUng tearful adleux to friends and relatives who have prob ably gazed for the last time on some of the youth and beauty of the feck. Though O. C. Fulton and WnHer Robb have been trying to hide the wl rea son why they- Joined the party, the fui-t hns leaked out. In the deep for ests of the Flshhawk., Robb Intends to race against time, ' punch the bag, climb trees, jump creeks, an1 other wise get himself In readiness for the next football match. Clyde Fulf.irf linn been engaged at a handsome rwlt'ry ns his trainer. Over Jll'0,000 was paid out In wages xlay to fishermen by the various can neries and on Monday another $100,000 will bo dispensed In the same way. Next week winners will be busy filling final Eastern orders, and receiving boats and gear from .the men. The bnrk Thermopylae arrived In from Victoria today in tow of the tug Wanderer. She will load lumber at the Clatsop Mills for Shanghai. THE CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY. Is to idve a fair trial to articles pre sented for popular approval and then to testify to the merits of the best. Tried by this standard, the best ex ternal remedy known to both the meu Ical fraternity and the general public Is the Allcock's Porus Plaster. Its fall trial has extended over a period of more than thirty years. In all that time it has never failed in remedial and early effect. There is no experi ment about it. Buyers of Allcock's Porus plasters take no chance. They are getting standard goods which have been known and proved lor a genera tion. Their composition and Ingredients have not been equalled In any Imita tion plaster. The people know this. They have found a true friend in All cock's PoruB Plaster. Other so-called porus plasters are feeble Imitations of the genuine. They may, now and then, be sold to the unwary, but experience and use Boon show their worthless character. For all purposes wherein a nlnster Is reaulred Allcock's is tne oniy one that Is worth buying or trying. This is not the unsupported assertion of the manufacturers (they need no such factitious aid to popularize their remedy), but the voluntary and nearly testimony of tho living men and wo men who have had a personal experi ence of disease and their cure. The custom of the country" has put All cock's Porus Plaster at the head of ex ternal remedies, and there it win stay, tnr thn Rlmnle reason that It is thor oughly good, safe, sure and speedy In action. What more could bo asked? Ask your druggist for aucock s unu accept no other. Burkion's rnli'ii Salve. m... 1 . Bnti.. I ilia Tx'firlit fill Cilia. i nn Ut-Bl diiitt; ... ...... . l.mnl ulllt I'limim T.Vf-r gores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd nil skin eruptions, and Positive ly cures plies, or iiu puy, '"i"11, " Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 2; cenif per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc cessor to J. u. ijemein. in .v.,. nnAnf m oitw-tnca Advertised In . Z i..nn,ap ulh the choicest HUB luipei, ...... perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bougtit at tne lowest iiriu ... -Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. NOTICE! tt m.. v.i intmwl nf f-nffep. or evu s.iiuiiiiiK-i tth.tj - ---- ten, SO cents per ganon. i ivm." i i ...... i... .i hmm.iv h so French i i hi ii iiiiu m-ii. -'"." ;,,. ',. Cognac ana wine nt aix. uum-n . THE FORCED MORTGAGE SALE. Of Herman Wise's stock Is now In full blast. Everything sacrltleeu. m wrsR. Mortcncee. no ill npi-Hnnn Indebted to Her man Wise will pleas setuo ai once. JAPANESE CURB . ..l.lm.iti( til OUlkMllIt'R. AIM PI hnv ml uIIIn: ft iHitlvo imr f'r v tt-rniiym toriml bltn.l or bUwiliiiff, Itolijmr. t'Unmhn RrVHl OPUtMlI U Lilt riMU-rui iK'n"1 - " ai.,..i... ii f.vrtv u.tui isv inn . wny fiuit-r i iiih ru metis m-u-i v. I1 - ii.i.. .11 ... a u-rill tll uiliir iroin hub irrriniu tunvnnv ' - 7 - . tmeoiii Kiven with 6 boxe. n-u.-.u money it not wired. 80ml HtRmp ' frJ'J (Murk A Co., WholrMrte au ReUU lr OiiIa Aaillt Iirt HIUl. Uf. fDf tlllU "J Conn. AHtortA Orotioi DR. GUMS 0!! I OH SYRUP COLDS m mi r ARlflA sy AXit wuur. a nriuiCDV FOR CHILDREN. Wh ehtm t horn, wofher mJ ' .poout.il of onion .,n.( Vr.rt no mj ooiulh wu ton.. For Crour L ,ij IjLm ud without WU oinuollulUioouioai. Boia ' i. i -.r arm W81 For sale by J. W. Conn. Pniselst NOTICE OF SALE. KT! IJ I.A.AI1V nl.fni. (dot nnrlao i'ot".v ia iicici (JltCll, IJiai. Ul'uvi and punuant to the provisions of a rltffilri fihaHnl ni rrt rro rra. &vnmi taA and delivered to me, the undersigned on the 35th day of February, 1893, by the VLUI lail t UIUIIIIJILIII Jl'UUllHIllUK ttm- inafter dewcribed, to secure the pay- n u n nor ca In. iiicTjii, vi tin: sum ui xiui.u, ov, atiu m- ton.c t Ihnronn - fr-rrv tViot lota lltltll bi-Mi-OV 1111.1 11 Ulll L. UUIV V paid at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, I have taken possession of the said chattels because of default made 111 1111. iiicuin 111 I7.1K1. iiiui .QnA 1" " vided, and will, on Monday the 28th uay or August, ikm, at me nour or icn (-t'r.lr.iilr In 1 l. n fsdrmtv n 1 4Yn A u t Ml It n Olllce in the City of Astoria, in Clatsop County, Stute of Oregon, offer for sale ami will sen at punnc auction tor casn in lwin.1 n Ilia tiln-hout V.tilili.t thnraflir as a whole, the following described cnaiteiK in sam mortgage uescrjoeu, to wit: 1 ulltlnty floalr A hntVa A. iTiiina 1 standing desk, 4 Shannon flies, letter size; I mil tne, 3 small spinuie nies, z r.lti.u 1 lutfni- Ttnia 1 olifill 9. tttnnla 1 coal stove, 1 scuttle, 1 poker, 4 Joints Hiuve-piir, o ,iuiurt; iiujiies, i jich wiping glass pot, 1 book rest, 4 ink urollu 1 miiollnirn hnttlo Vinlf full? 1 Amberg letter tile, 1 duster, 1 hat rack, 1 letter box, 22 paper weights, 1 pair shears, 200 letter heads, KM) envelopes, 50 J. (1. Ulalne pictures, CO sheets-proof or publication, uu Hiuieiiu-ms noi" rian" 6 largo envelopes, 50 bill-heads A uhiil;i n" 1 -want a nnrior hiiHket. 1 dally paper pigeon-hole rack, 3 blue prints, 25 yards on ciotn, ton nour;, i. yards twine, 3 copying clothes, 1 gas llxture, 1 red Ink pad, 6 pen holders, 2 rubber erasers, 1 12" rule, 1 18" rule, 1 ball twine, 1 Ink stand carpet, 2 doz. 1 1. f5. Ooal box, olllce books, acct. 4 blinds with cord attached, 1 view, 1 National cabi net file, i maps, a pigeon-noie nu.-Ks contents, 4 newspaper tiles, 1 waste paper basket. 2 blinds, 2!t books, 1 blotting pad, 12 square feet or linoleum, 1 nr., onrl 1,1'lluh 4 Mlllnilla flleS. 1 editor's desk. 4 bottles Ink, 1 cupboard, fl old letter mips, i gas irxuire, i rwnci, 1 chair, 1 paper case, 1 diary, 1 calen ilnr. 1 snrlnir lock. 1 breeches stretcher. nickel plated, 1 llouso and Senate bill tile, 2u newspaper cuts, i wisp uruum, i i,i,rh rmiilumi-il rontatnlnir: 85 slnerle person acknowledgements, 10 appoint ment of road supervisors, 60 old acknowledgements, 25 corporation ac knowledgements, 40 secretary or ad ministrators accounts, 25 affidavits of attachments, 13 affidavits for publica tion nf Hiimmnnn. 9 affidavits On claim and delivery of personal property, 30 appointments of road viewers, 4 assign ments, 46 agreement or saio oi rem m- to olmlnlatmlnra nf PXC bond. 75 letters of administration, 75 writs of attachments, 25 articles of co-partner-..i.i. ,o oa iinn,i nf mi.irdlan sale of real estate, 40 bond of guardian, 30 bill of sale, 20 Dencn warrama, w wu road petitioners, 80 general Indemnity bonds, 150 bill of costs, 15 county clerk's certificates, 50 certincates ot election, 75 bill of costs ana aisDurse ments, 50 regular term circuit court proceedings, 50 certificates of natural ization, 9 com. to lane aepomuun, recular term of circuit court proceed ..." c .iittn. mn r-over of ludg- ment roll, 35 certificates of transcript, 30 creditors claims, 40 citation, oo ucm certificates of official character, 35 cer tificates of record, 20 deposition, 12 exc. fr. circuit court on judgment rendered in justice court, 75 executions, 40 trial discharge, 20 Inventory and ap pointment. 15 indictments, 35 letters testamentary, it letters oi Buniumu uViin vr, l.mao nnnc term). 12 mortgages, 8 per cent, and taxes, 1 ditto 11 mort gage, covenant of warranty, su uui chattel, 30 mechanic's liens, B0 notices to Judges of election, 30 ditto to clerk ditto, 30 ditto of appeal, 40 ditto sheriff's sale, 35 orders of publication .,ii ...,,.,,,r,u r.n nnii-l.nl nnth and bond. 1,L DUllunuuo, " ' " i,, 35 order appointing appraisers, 30 ditto administrators, oruers graining of habeas corpus, 30 petitions for ap- ....i.,(,r.i,t nf irnsiivlinn. 20 orders ditto. 50 power of attorney to sell real estate. 17 petitions ror pruoaie ui mm, v pewer of attorney, 25 petition for writ of habeas corpus, yn out" iulicih ui o.. ...i..iui,.an..n m in-niiri lurv subooenBS 1IIIIIIPVI"LIUI.) " . O - copy, 100 ditto original. 75 subpoenas (copy), 20 auto lorignmu, x un.i" irlminal (original), iuu auto unmi i r.n ahui-ifTo r.prtmea.te OI Baie i. n......i..0i.o 9r. iiittn on execution, 60 summons (original, 20 transcript of udgment, 50 testimony "t suu. wuuw . ...mi ir..,r,.ini-i!ikliiir nn anneal. 2 ditto Injunction, 10 ditto for attach ment, 20 venire, 40 ditto special, 12 veri fication of claim against cowk, wills, 12 writ of habeas corpus, 40 ditto review, 1 folding machine, 1 cylinder press complete, 1 gas engine, 1 monkey wrench, 1 snooting buck, j. u out., i.i-' n n i r.-- too l nox cornier rivein, ....ii .,,..'.0ti tuna 'i nil rans. 1 dinning 1 11-11 JHLnp " t' 1 ' " - ' - - table, 5 paper boara, l cocKroucn ut-i-lows, 5 pieces pipe, 1 stove, 5 roller moulds, 2 lamps, 1 doz. cans lye, 2 cans machine oil, miles, paper, z i-z mis. ea. 24x30 30-lb, 33 bdles. paper, 2 rms. on avn2 sa-lhs. 2rms. Hat news 40-lbs, f.iiiinrn mlile. R Rtones. I rrames, 6 latteries, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel ink, counter, 1 book case, 2 sets shelves, 1 elevator, 50 feet shafting. 7 pulleys, C hangers, 175 feet of belting (aoout that), 1 cabinet, 1 step ladder, 1 desk, l ,-hnlr. 2 stools. 1 proof press, 14 chases, 1 folder table, 1 box "wander ings" type, 8 brevier cap cases os type, 4 ditto lower cases & type, 8 minion upper cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap cases, 4 nonparlol cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap cases, 54 cases advertising t-..Tt,ii,. full ,-iiMeq 44 2-3 advertis ing type-. 19 single galleys. 5 double galleys, gas tixiures wiwi iwu. I'lif, 1 mnoothlng plnne, a pianers, i nmnei, 1 shooting stick. 1 set Jlempel's quoins, 2 kes, 2 lead cutters. 1 Mitre machine, 1 Webster's dictionary, 2 newspaper & lead. 1 box wood quoin. 11 galley sticks, 2 Iron lock-up sticks, 1 lot typo soriB. i nnmi-nuw, i Mitre box, 1 box wrapped brevier type, 1 dust pan, 12 boxes stereotype piaie, 1 gl. oil can, 1 shovel, 1 pan, l waste paper basket. Ispongo. 4 news sticks, 100 pounds leads. 12x13 em. 25 pounds Blugs, 12x13 & 26 1-2 em, S.iO dashes ii rule 125 warranty deeds, 4fl quit claim deeds, 62 New York H of lading, 35 for sale cards. 16 for rent cards large, 9 hoiiao for rent cards. 39 for rent cards small. 220 bonds for deeds, 50 chattel mortgages. ir.O bond for deed large. 200 lease, 60 criminal subpoenns (copy) circuit). 60 ditto (original) circuit. 73 civil subpoenas (copy) circuit, 125 ditto (original) circuit. 100 ditto (copy) Jus tice 125 ditto (original) Justice, 40 writ of attachment circuit, ditto 100 ditto Histlce (original). 75 ditto Justice (copy). 4. summons ditto (copy), 60 summons ditto (original. 130 writ of arrest ditto, ;) warrant ditto, 200 affidavit for writ of arrest circuit, 40 ditto attachment, m writ of attachment. 300 undertak ings for attachment, 300 subpoenas civil. 25 undertakings on ball before Indictment. 10!) summons (copy) cir cuit. 7S ditto original ditto, 35 search warrants. 20 commitment after in dictment justice. 25 subpoenas, 125 ex ecutions (original) Justice. 25 garnl nhees. lOOundertaklng for costs. 25 In formation. 100 complaints. 75 bonds for cost (Justice), 40 shippers manifests. 25 ditto coasting. marriage certlfi ontes. 30 county disbursements. "5 mar riage licenses, 75 notice of protest, 30 protest, 2 file backs, 75 for rent cards small 9 road supervisors notice books, 200 relief of tax applications, , 22 fur nished rooms to let cards, 12 "This awning is dangerous keep off' cards, 5 "All statements etc.," cards, 9 ' Posi tively no credit etc.," cards, 5 No soliciting etc.," cards. 11 Pmlsory noteB, 50 teacher's agreements, 500 ho tel call lists, 100 complaint backs, 1 half med. challenge Job press, 1 nos parlel press, 1 paper cutter, 1 card do, 1 lead do, 1 mitre machine, 3 stoves, 1 coal stove, 18ft. stove-pipe, 1 perforat ing machine, 1 glue pot, 2 composition buckets, 3 half medium chases, 1 chase 17 24x 17, 6 nonparlel chases, 6 hair m'ed. rollers, 2 galley racks, 76feet gas pipe and fixtures, 2 stapling machines, 1 hand saw, 1 screw driver, 1 pair com passes, 1 half med. roller mould, 1 quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood and furniture, 1 single galleys, 6 double galley,2 Job galleys, 6 Job sticks, 3 stools, 24 hemple quoin with key, 1 bel lows, 1 broom, 1 rule shaper, 6 wrenches, 1 butcher knife, 1 punch, 1 hatchet, 1 coal bucket, 7 tin lamp shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short step-ladder, 1 looking glass, 1 funnel, 1 dust pan, 1 planer, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 ink knives, 1 proof roller, 2 dust brushes, 1 Job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 past pot and brush, 1-2 paper steel wire brads, 1-2 paper copper tacks, 2 small screw drivers, 1 box (500) small staples, 2 spools thread, 1-2 box McGllls paper fastners 10 lbs, 1 awl, 2-3 qt. diamond dye, 2 cans roller composition, 2 cans green copying Ink, 1 1-2 lb. can purple " i.. ink 1 urn mil TTltramarlne blue Ink, 1-2 pound bronze, 1-2 lb. printers gloss Ink, 1-2 id. steei uiue i,i, . photo brown ink, 1-2 lb. gold size Ink, n. t.o.1 ink i-i lb. blue Ink. 1-4 llx gold Ink, 1 1-4 lb. white ink. 1-2 cardinal red Ink, 3 lbs. poster reu mn., ultra blue Ink, 1 lb. red ink, 3-4 b. Kose Lake Ink, 1-2 lb. green Ink, 1-2 lb. yellow Ink, 1-2 lb. Queen el'ty red ink, 1 ounce purple Ink, 1 blue blank ink, 30 lbs. lxxk Ink, 53 packages grocers statements, 49 packages single state- io oi nn fUn rim ilouble statements, "8 packages mere, bond paper, letter heads, 9 pkgs. Ulster linen, letter heads 52 pkgs. Pacific mills letter heads, 13 pkgs. neaus, im8a. ledger statements, iz pkbb. in heads, IS pkgs. linen note-heads, lr ht a Kill honrla. 8 nkirs. Noi 'i i.i.r L.io in rvinw, Mr. 2 bill head i. Oil, lllTtinr,, j'-.n 7 , , 45 pkgs. No. 2 close ruiea oui iieii.ua, .. i... Kin i f-lnon ruled bill heads. 6 pkgs! No 2 close ruled bill heads, 26 pkgs. memoranda, 20 pkgs, cold press lines, 11 pkgs. Atlanta mum, Pe, t. a i,i,,nio miiia khio six nnd one en velopes XXX, 6 boxes No. 6 XXX en velopes, 2 boxes jno. 0 yeiiow euvciuiicu, 15000 wh. XX envelopes, 250 wh. wove XX No. 10, 9000 No. 4 snipping ihb. 6000 No. 3 shipping tags, 6000 No. 1 -i.i to .n, r.nn Nn R nhlDDlner tags. 200 sheets wnue cara uwuu r-cirii hoB.nl 22 x 28. 125 , t tj Virto Tii 71 nkM. thin China cards No. 9, 11 pkgs. ditto No 9. 18 pkgs. tough check caras jno, , u v i..ri. t.ri. mo, io. miT-riB 35 nkers. R. XOllgll uncun. ii-- i R. board,. 6 reams chromatic folios, 1 ream gun paper, 6 reams win iu.., .nn nn n. i 19 roam nlnk TOliO. 17 X ... 1 A Mam, VallOW TOllO. 77 X lb 20 lbs. 1-2 ream linen folio, 17 x U iv lbs 1 1-2 ream Japanese iinen 17 x 22 20 lbs. 1-2 ream Super Royal n i-i on 9ft lha 1 ream- caD 14 x 17, 3 .mil xi a - - ream book folio, 200 sheets cover paper, 600 sheets glazed paper, mw mCCi ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil 7 .udii ntmw hoard Daoer, 9 UttUCl, I oi"-. . sheets heavy manllla paper, 50 sheets thin straw board paper, zuu b ii black cover paper, a reams curacu onor s drawers scraDS naper, 200 lbs. labor saving slugs, 1 font labor saving leads, 2 fonts aottea ruie, n fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17 fonts border, 10 ft. Doraer, io -m8o- 1C XTr. lno-ntvrma. 6 Shears, type, iijco, iti ii", i-ov.-" - r - . 8 bought of type, 1 ree'd. of type, 1 dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments, 47 . ii aoa 1 drawer cuts. Gr. Prls. Ex. Cond. No. 3, Ronoldson Cond. brevier wide gotnic, Drencn Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonpariel, long I ln utonl nlatR ETOthlC. blca. 3 L, np. 2 L. pica, tinted, pica, 3 L-P1 celtlc minion, brevier, w. n. " t.t n Ino T. nrlm. Aauatlnt. Ctr. Prim. 2 U pica, pen text 3 L. pica, Z U nonparlel, haw ltanc ore vie,, xj. primer, manuscript pica, Gr. primer, double parogon script, ui. r, TinBton. Pavson script Hill. I " ' , ' - - - - - black Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra Cond. nonp. brevier, pica, i i'. gAhlc, wide, lining gothic No. 14, ?,:.i7 r.i Xr T. nrlm. 24 nolnt handard, 24 point dado, 11 point fancy celtlc, 24 point HMsan, gotnic cmiucoc & poster, Gr. Pr. paragon, Dble. pica, Gr. Pr. 4 L. pica, paragon, 5 L. pica, co tvno s es small nica. 150 lbs. 3 cs. nonparlel 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier 100 lbs. 1 c. Italic small pica, iu iu. 1 20 A font Gr. Pr. post Ionic 1 10 A case paragon inloo, cara onmnreuis, Palmer & Rey's typographical charm .i n.Ania linrdora No. 22 1-2 N. worn in mum in". P 14 1-2 N. P. 33 1-2 N. P. 29 1-2 N. P. 21 1-2 N. P. 207 N. P. 215 N. P. 228 N. P 217 N P. 4 N. P. 212 N. P. 207 pica, 1 N P 321 N. P. wooa Doraer iuiu m. 1ftfl fnnr-V 10ft. fancy. llllllli, i". iin wood type 2 fonts 3ti 11. pica, t 11. pica, 2 fonts 1& 11. pica, & iuuib w . ..i r j.in m ii nlirn r fnnts 8 11. blca, 2 fonts 6 11. pica. 1 font 5 II. pica, 2 fonts 4 11. plca,4 rule cases, z sms 6 frames, 1 cabinet. 21 cs. 107 full size ..., 19 nnana 1 Bet Initial letters i-iTci-o, . ' '.- - i onik ni.nmnnt9 !,-, lbs. metal furni ture, 2 sets shelves, 1 set pigeon noies with sorts, 1 table with drawers. 1 low i n Kin r.n lha lemla. 8 vards binding cloth! 100 sheets binding paper, 25 cents glue, 1 small work tame, zw ansa cum, 1 strip clothes hooks, 1 mallet, 1 shelf cin,iA i riTVTfif ninnor. 1 font circular quod,' 1 numbering machine, 1 Lino- tvpe. 1 engine & boner, snartmg pul leys & belting. 1335 lbs. type metal, 1 ..in. nf 1tt 1 nnfn 1 cnllev rack. 51 type racks 'with old type, 1 old Hlckok press and fittings, 1 lot puuys ouu pieces machinery, etc. 1 lot oH 'amps & shades. 150 books (about,) 20 bundles old Astorlans (about), 4 bundles salm on colored paper, 1 box Kinney salmon ads, Astorlan building, situated at cor ner (S. W.) Cass & Squemoqua streets, Astoria. Oregon. Western Associated Press franchise. The franchise & good will of tho Pally & Weekly Astorlan. news papers, published at said city of Astoria, to satisfy said sum of $11,925. 86. and Interest as nforesald, and the costs nnd expenses of sale, August 10th, 1S93. SAMUEL. ELMORE. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The Board of Equalization will meet at the office of the coun ty clerk and publicly examine the assessment rolls of Clatsop county for the purpose of correcting all errors of valuation or description of lands, lots or other property. It Is the duty of all persons to ap pear at that time if they wish correc tions made, ns no corrections or alter ations can be made by any officer after the adjournment of the board. The board will meet on Monday, August 2Sth. at 10 o'clock a. m., and close on Saturday, September 2nd, at 5 p. m. Astoria, August 5th, 1S9J. J. W. GEARnART, County Assessor. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given to all persons in tho State of Oregon noiuing iiniaa in tho fftnto TnvpHtment & In- surance- Company, of San Francisco, California. , ; . Of the withdrawal from the state of nf ih State, investment & In- surance Company, of San Francisco, California, ana to an otner persuuB in terested, that the said company has .ni..,n Ito hnnlneafl in the State Of iruiDuitu . . " " Oregon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur ance company, oi can rreiiumtu, Cali fornia, ana nas niea nouce uwrmi wn aaAraiflrv nf ntatiT. nf said state. and proposes to withdraw its securi ties on aeposlt witn tne ireuuurer ik, c of, and to cease doing business in said Any policy holder In the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary or tate or tne state oi Or egon, within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon:, entitled An .nl tn DITIOnil Rffl-tlnnB W.IU . V.RR and 35S0, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous iaws oi uregon, as uompuea and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved Jieoruary ia, ibbj, THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., By George I,. Brander, President Attest; Charles M. Blair, (secretary ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Adair, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to call at my of floe at No. 119, Genevieve street Asto ria. Clatsop county, Oregon, and pay the same. And all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same to me, with the proper vouchers, at the above named place, within six months from date of this m. Uce Dated, Astoria, Oregon, July 25, 1893, B. VAN DUSEN. Administrator of said estate. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned have been duly appointed the executors of the last will and testament of George Flavel, late of Clatsop county, Oregon, deceased, and as such executors, authorized to administer the estate of such deceased; and all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified and required to present the same duly veri fied, to the undersigned at the olllce of the undersigned, George C. Flavel, in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or egon, within six months from this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 10th day of July, 1893. GEORGE C. FLAVEL, MART C. FLAVEL, S. S. GORDON, Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned nas Deen appointed admin istrator of the estate of Caroline Han- Into nf Plntann county. Orecron. deceased,' and all persons having claims against saia estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the un- Aactanart at th fTlPB nf FllltOn BrOS. uta.gni.u, w v..w ....... Attornles, in the City of Astoria, in said county wltnin six montns irom this date, August ttn, issm. VICTOR HANSEN. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Vntlnfl la TioT-ohv D-lvPn thftt T VlflVfi been appointed administrator of the es tate or James V. jvietz, aeceasea. ah persons indebted to said estate, are no hrua inmv the Hum a to me. at Astoria. Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notinea to present me same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date nereor. JAMES W. HARE. Aiminlatrntnr nf the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th, day of July, 183. Kopp's - Beer - Hall Choice Winei, L'guors mid Cigars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, On y handed over the bar. The lnrgest gU-s of N. P. llecr. ibilf nnd half, !c. Free IniK h, , ERICKSON & WIUKA.U, Pi s Cor. Ooueonily and J.afujetto Sts. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and Shall H A HDAV AJJl K C.O'ln Wk Wagons ail-1 Vehicles, Farm Machlneryi Paint. iK Varnishc. Loggers "tWppiH-, rniirniimn inii-.i, Doom and Wlm.own. PROVISIONS FLOUR ind MUX KFED. ASTORIA, - - OREGNO, MUSIC h ALL S.1I First street, AstoriA, Or. H. CHRISTENSEN, PROP'R. v jpx'oo Concert "very nigh' beginning at 8 o'clock. (Jood mimic 'I ho best of wlni-s, li quora and cigars always on hand. VIGOR S Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DE32LITY, nd all th train of -v!s iromrmrly errursor later exows, Ue rvstih of cverw ork, ilrkut-x!, worrv, elc Full strength, dtvel"pnetit ami ivn given t every organ portion of the birfy. 8lni0i.naiurlmei hi tl Immed tale 1 m prtweinerit in. Fntliire lmpcMlMdL referenc. H--t, explanation and pmofs uUW (aieil free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Line Running 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. 32 1 DAYS ro 2 CH ICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and, Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleeker,, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Dln . ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS ACOUBT, 1SIKJ. Oregon Wcilnewlay AiikimI. 2. Coliiinliia Kmuliiy Aiifrust . StiUH llinrsdiiy AiiKimt 10. OrcK'-n Miiiultiv August I I. CiiliiHinlii Kridny AngiiKt is. -tale Yuemliiy Aimutit ii. Oregon 'iitnnlny Augnsl Sill. Ol inililn Wi'ilncsdny Aiigust I'D. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMER3 Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6 a. m. and Sundays at 9 a. m.; returning leaves Portland doily, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and Saturdays at 10 p. m. Night boat leaves Astoria daily at 6 p. m-; returning leaves Portland dally at 7 a. m. The morning boat from Portland makes landings on the Oregon side of the river and night boat on the Washington side. The morning boat from Astoria makes landings on the "Washington side of the river, and night boat on the Oregon side, except Sunday, and on Sundays via Washington side. All boats make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford- For rites ami general Inf .iininlinii call on or address, V. H. nUKl.BURl, . W. LOUNSllKltRY. A. Uen. 'a. Airf. Ai?ciit 1'urtlaiHl, Or, Astoria, Or. , Is the line tn ake to all. imuits EASTand SOUTH It is the DIMNG CAR ROUTE It offers tlie best service, eom bluing - SPEED and COMFORT It Is the ropiilar route wit It t'm.-e hu wiili to travi'l mi THE SAFEST It is therefore the route you s limiltl take. Jt runs tlirougli vt-slibiileil trains every day in Hie year to ST, PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleep ts, Kn porior Tourist Sleepprs, Splendid Free Sffond-elass Slerpcnr, Only one change ol ears Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tort of tne civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all boats rnnnln between Aktoria, Kalama and For'land. Full Information concerning rates, time ol trains, routes wid other details lurnished on apiillealiuii to C.W.STONE. Agent Astoria. Steamer Telephone Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Ceneral Passenger A cent No, U First St.. cor. WashingUiD, - Portlaud. Urecou. Seaside Saw Mill. A rOmillrlA Klnrlr f.f liuulw. nn K.h.I ln il. rough ni dressiHl. Flo irin. Rusti, Oiliiiu, and ail klmlsof tlnlsh; Mnr.lilinn and Shin lo8: alo Bracket Work done 10 order. Terms icasnnable ami prices at In! n ck. ml orders 1 rjuii-liy alluded U. Ollii-e am. viCnl at mill Seaside, Oregon. Hi