THE DAILY ASTOEIAN, ASTORIA, FBI DAY AlOUNJUU, AUGUST 11 , 1 8id, ABOUT THE CITY. Good bye to the Royal Chinook for another year. An $80 lot for Z. Ice cream and soda at Smith's today, There have been twelve picnics In Astoria in the past two weeks. For $2 a lot is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's first addition. Two Juveniles were sent to jail for a day In Judge Osborn's court yester day. Meany la the leading tailor and pays tne Highest cash price for fur skins. -Little Miss Lieberman was found by her parents at a late hour on Wednesday night. Remember McGuire's Hotel at Sea side is open tha year around. Forty nets will be short at the var fous canneries when the count over Is made next week. The Belmont cigar can bo had at Chas. Olson's. C. W. Schofleld went through to San Francisco yesterday morning. Ho had no railroad intentions. Ladiea, ask Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits. Miss Wilson, of San Francisco, who has been visiting Mrs. Murray of 11 waco for Borne time, returned home yesterday. . Men of small means can buy leal estate In Hill's first a1di:iJ' Part of the New Astoria wharf at Tansy Point was burned yesterday. It is supposed that the fire was caused by. a spark from a passing steamer. What Is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard & Stokes. C. W. Kent and wife the talented elocutionists and artistes of Portland went down on the California steamer yesterday to fill a three weeks engage ment In San Francisco. Westpcrt cream fresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third St. During the' last few days small boys have been defacing the signs of streets- on the hills. At the corner of Cass and Court the names read respectively "Ass" and "Our" streets. For fine wines and liquors call at , August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. The executive committee of the As torlai Football Club will meet at the president's office to night at 7:30 to consider the proposed excursion to Gearhart, and the football match m the hotel grounds. If you want Some extra tine photos, Mooers' Is the place to get them. Steamer Inspectors McDermott and Edwards came down from Portland yesterday and inspected five steamers. They left for Ilwaco on the Ocean Wave last night, and today will Inspect steamers on Shoalwater Bay. Call at the Astoria Real EJtate Ex change and get a lot "n HU' flrsJ ad dition for J2. The monthly report of School Dis trict No. 6, Fort Stevens, from July 10th, to August 4th, shows the number of days taught, 20; number of pupils enrolled, 14; total number of days at tendance, 270; and average attendance, 13. Under the able tuition of Mrs. Will iam McBurney, the school continues to improve. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents per pound. George Traynor, a young man work ing near the jetty, met with a very painful accident yesterday which may result seriously. He was rolling a log down the Incline when his hand be came tangled In the cant-hook, throw ing him in front . of the log which crushed his spine and right side. The sufferer was at once taken to the Fort Stevens hospital where his Injuries are being treated. , Del. Ferguson, general Job printer, Astorian - building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. . Parties visiting In Portland can get The Daily Astorian at Handley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street. From a letter received In this city yesterday from Mr. A. Bartholomew, who is on his way East via Victoria and the Canadian Pacific railway, It is learned that Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingate will return from their Sound trip about the beginning of next week. Mrs. Wingate Is now camping with the family of her brother-in-law at Ameri can Lakes, a short distance from Ta coma, and Mr. Wingate was in Victo ria on Tuesday last. There is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money. For nil kinds of Job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing. -,. ' . , Astoria Lodge No. 60 A. O. U. W., has Introduced a new feature Into Its meetings which tends to create an ac tive Interest among the members. At Its session this evening the Committee on Authorities wll present extracts from papers from Dr. Sherwood, "of the John Hopkins University; Prof. Taussig, of Harvard University, and others. This feature is elevating and gives rise among the members, to re search into science, literature and art. Win?; Lee has just received a full line of .Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will 3ell at cost. 529 Third street. Don't stew your fruits over a hot stovs. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you bow. The Astorian Is In receipt of the Au gust number of the "Parish Guide" which contains an unusual amount of readable matter. Among the articles is one by the Episcopal Bishop of Cal ifornia, In which his lordship speaks very pleasantly of his trip to Oregon JfTPpn rpi.a n-iw nff iff U, iiiu uiiij liiiutuuiuul. and his visit to Astoria. TheGuide also publishes several interesting Items from Sklpanon, and the usual, amount of Guild: and Sewing .Circle news, and Is altogether a very creditable August number. . Pres3rve your fruits without cooking, by using antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard Sc. Stokes. Your fruits will not ferment if you use Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. . Last Sunday afternoon says the Canyon City News, there occurred a deplorable accident which cost Clyde; youngest son of J. A. Cameron, his life, In company with W. G. Fry's son he was shooting robins in the cherry trees at Mr. Fry's residence below John Day. After loading his ' gun the Fry boy left the hammer Blip accidentally, and the gun was discharged, the con tents entering the Cameron boy's left side, penetrating a lung. Dr. Lewis was summoned but the little sufferer only lived about half an hour. J. W. Thomson organist at the M- E. church gives lessons In music, piano and organ. Organs tuned and repaired. Address 689 Astor street, Astoria. The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits is with Antifermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. A good deal of Interest la being dis played over the forthcoming election for a chief and two assistant engineers of the fire department which conies off on Monday next at No. 2 Engine House, The candidates , for chief en gineer are, from No. 2:, B. S. . "Wjrsley, T. B. Loughery, and E. C. Foster; from No. 3: John Robinson; Hook and Ladder Co: T. M. Green. For assistant engineers: Ed. Reed, from No. 1, Wra. McCrosky from No. 2,. and W. B. Painter from No. 3. The polls will be open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and none but active firemen of the Department may vote. It Is expected that 135 bal lots will be cast. Hill's first addition is located in the centre of the city. Lots are now sel ling In it for 2. Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this office. Terms cash. William Bendt, the pioneer of the Japanese j sealing itndustr)y, returned from Oregon this morning by rail, says Tuesday's Examiner. .Bendt was one of the party aboard the steamer Emily when she was wrecked on her last voyage. He had made the trip to look at his new schooner Winchester, now nearly completed, in Coos bay. Bendt found a number of letters from Japan awaiting him' here, giving news of the Japan sealing fleet, but this informa tion has been ' generally anticipated and Bendt Is understood to be well sat isfied. The steamer Emily has gone to pieces. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Salz' Saddlery establishment. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. America's , application of astronomy to the uses of dally life Is curiously Il lustrated by Professor E. S. Holden, director of the Lick Observatory, In an instructive article In the August Fo rum. Our. public lands, he observes, are laid out In rectangular plots; every Important" seaport has its noon time ball to regulate the chronometers of ships; most railways and towns have correct time-signals furnished by the observatories, and thousands of local times werei changed into standard times over the whole of the United States in a single day without the slightest accident or detention on more than one hundred thousand miles of railway. He makes a notablo show ing of America's achievements In sci entific astronomy. GAINED TEN POUNDS. Gentlemen, I am subject to periodi cal attacks of sick headache of the worst possible type, anr commenced taking Krause's Headache - Capsules last summer. They cure It In every In stance, and since that time I am en joying splendid health and have gained ten pounds In weight. Yours truly, F. M. DANIELS, . Corwlth, Iowa. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon. .Sole Agent. " Biirklcn'i Arnica Salve. rro. ht dolva In thA wnrlH for ruts. bruises, gores, plcera, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, cnappeu nanus, iui'i corns, and all skin eruptions, and posltlve- i , r... nn rav ronulrpd. It is guaranteed to give perfect natlBfac tlon or money refunded. Price 25 cents oer Dox. j' or saie Dy uua. lessor to J. C. Dement. SCOW FOR SALE. A big scow 52x24 will be sold cheap. Apply to P. Sevenson, at Sevenson's Landing or to August Danielson, As toria Oregon. ANDREW PETERSON- NOTICE. To the active firemen of the Astoria Fire Department. Being urged by a number of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself a an independent candidate for the office of chief engin eer of the Astoria Fire Department Respectfully, -THOS. B- LOUGHERY. jf t1 1 3 e frYr The only Ture C -v o'T .r!; r J- used in Miiiioa? cf If erne f0 THE END OF THE SEASON. Fish and Game Protector McGuIre came to the city yesterday, and at once Interviewed the cannerymen con cerning the rumor that they Intended to fish Into Saturday night Instead of closing down at midnight last night He also communicated with Fish Pro tector Crawford of Washington, and decided to send patrols out along the river and arrest every man found defy ing the law. Mr. McGulre intends to give all boats a reasonable time to de liver fish caught up to midnight last night, at the canneries, but he desires to warn all cannerymen that the river will be carefully watched for the de tection of the receipt of a single salm on captured after that time. In an In terview yesterday he said: "I am confident that during the present season the work of the fl&h protectors has been as effective as possible under the circumstances, but it seems certain that unless measures for the more efficient protection of salmon " are taken quickly, disastrous results will follow. The only means by which this can be prevented are In creased propogatlon at the hatcheries, a combination of cannerymen who will agree on a reasonable amount of fish ing, and a change of the close season date to August 1st Instead of thelOth. Last year, four millions of young fry were turned out into' the river. The number should have been, thirty mil lions. If the present system of fish ing continues with none of the reme dies that I have mentioned, It seems to me that in five years the run of the fish into the Columbia will be so small that It will not pay to work a single cannery." . Ther has been a controversy as to the meaning of the words of the statute, which says that "the close season shall last from the 10th of Au gust to the 10th of September." The point Is whether this means the close season shall begin at midnight on the 9th or midnight on the 10th. However as It has always been the custom to consider the latter meaning correct, Mr. McGulre will not make any at tempt' to change - matters, but a friendly suit may result, when the question can be legally tried end de cided. The run of fish that started, on Monday fell off considerably yesterday and the boats averaged only a shade over six salmon each. NOTICE. i A t th enrnoRi-. solicitation of a large number of the Firemen of the Depart ment, I have consented to be a candi date for the offlce of Chief Engineer, at the coming election. 11. K. WUKOlJJlil. A CHANCE FOR HARD TIMES. T TO' Crrsar la tirvw nrpn&refl to sell the handsomest grades of Wall Paper In the city at tne lowest ruling prices, -nod c-oods. Olve him a call before buying elsewhere., Note the address 537 Third street. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Tko nnniml meeting1 of the stockhold era of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build lng Association will be held on Thurs day, August 24th, at 2 p. nv, at Odd Fellows' Hall. - A. J. MEGLEIi, secretary. All Fre. Those wha have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. 13. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers' drugstore. LAND OFFICE NOTICE. - United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., August 8th, 1893. Notice is hereby glvn that the Township plat of survey of T. 4 N., 6 W., has been re ceived at this offlce, and on September 19. 1893. at 9 o'clock a. m., of said day, said plat will be filed In this offlce and the land therein will De suDjeci to en try on and after said date. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. . PETER PAQUET, Receiver. . PICNIC. Round trip ticket 50 cents, children half fare. Members of the Sunday school free. Bring your lunch basket -brine a laree one bring It full. The above applies to bathing suits. Appe tites furnished on tne Deaen tree. Good bathing, beach and ocean and river near jetty and jold fort Capacity limited. Apply early for tickets at Ross. Hlgglns &. Company, or Parker & Hanson. Steamer leaves promptly at 9 p. m. from the Electric dock. . There ia no Dlace In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer Is kept in such good condition as at Utzlnger'a popular resort. hDR. GUNN'S impoovxd . LIVER PILLS 01,'Lf 0HE - FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH EOUr, Breath ted cr7Tc?d:h'.!-r:i' 0cfihew t'"i" heveii;lrrlii!lii(m.i.ohi.i tuna i n , eneeaouiiia-he rorwrKweenllioto wt'. " purines Uir bmiih. -be innuro r "". "; rpnltMhe bowels and euro eomnipa'i. ;. ' r act prom ptly.yet v. r (rrtr Ol r . Ktrusguta or mail. lioeauao MuL Co.,- -a., For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist u n- va Mm VMI - . .'.::ii0ia;Yo -'uin. cars the Sf-tidard Altf5S m - I C I r BSJSW n t--L VKL - rOB BAL&. CHHAP A HEW CHOIOB LOTS IN ADAM'S Aatorlii-Kiny terms, twM) Frank Su.ltie at torney at law 173 Cuss Street. 1 f-A FATHOMS OF WKB BETWEHN NO. 10U u4 Mo. (J buoy at the Jetty Ownerean have possession by proving property. Apply aboard the MeDtJell. About io fathoms of net off the Jettv, between buoys No 4 and Ivo. 6. Ku uuireof Captain J. W. Brown, steamer Ueu. 11. Mendell. SET FOUND-OX THURSDAY NKiHT, August 3, In ship clianuel below miiIOi'h i)t, about it'io fathoms net. looser call line it at Faollio Union Cannery, L.OST. 1 4 FATHOMS OF NET ABOVK 10NGUB I'll) Point on We'inewlay nUlit. Corks ui Hiked fccftjOtnavlan Paikiug Co A libera! reward. Apply to L, Agntii, Scandinavian FdeklDK Co. ABOUT aOO FAl'AOilS NET. FIM)KR KN qulre at Cutting Packing Co., or JjllN S.AKK. ON THE NIGHT OF AUGUST 1ST, ABOUT 300 fathoms net 41 mesh deep at each end, 4- mesh deep in middle, corks marked 0. 1. C. and II. 8, Under will be llburaly rewarded by notify lug at Columbia Can u try. ROOMS TO MBXT. ROuMB WITH BOARD AT REASONABLE rotes. Also, cottage of six rooms to relit. I no ulre of Mrs. B.C. Holden, corner Mailt ami JelVerson streets. FURNISHED HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS, CKN trolly located, lmititre ttt this olllce. MISCELLAXKO VH. CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 THIRD STKK1CT and bave your clothes dyed and cleaned. GEO. Mcl.KAN, CORNER OLNEY AND A tor streets, does a general business In black smithing and ivpalrliii!. TIX ID ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A . GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts ot Firms and Individuals noltnited on Favorable Teimi. Foreign and Uomeslio Exehango bought anl ld. Money Loaned on Personal security. Interest paid on Time Deposits us follows: For 8 months, 4 per cent per annum. g II 5 II U H ' lU ' " ' 6 M " " A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been established In connection wilh the above. deuoMls win be received la umo tat of one dollar and upward. interest win ue allowed 09 follows : on ordi nary savings books, 4 per cent per annum ; on term savings bonks, 6 per cent per annum, D. K. Warm, President. J. K. Hiiglaa. Cashier. J.C. Uemeat, Vice President. 0. K. Warren, J.C. Demr-nt. ;rV.'r. Director.. H. (!. Thorn pnoa, i Theo Bracker, . GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION And Picnic Given by the TO SEASIDE, Oazxios, Iusio ,ril Dancing Wl l constitute the festivities of the iluy. . Music by Utziupjev's Kind. The commodious and noonlnr bout Telephone will leave Flavc 's wharf at 8::X) . in. slim p. Ticket, 11.00 for round trip, Inclining bull in Fisher's Hull in the eveiiluK. Children under 10 years free when necnmpH nied by tbelr parents, not otherwise. COMWiriEE: J. L. Carlson, C. 8. Gundeigrm, Anr. D.unelson, 1' Llmnttrom, K. Muter FOR SALE BY -MOTION On SATURDAY, AUGUST 12th, At 2 p. m, a the auction rooms of MARTIN OLSEN Second Street, Latpt Improved and new machinery for Did manufacture of aoiM wat-r, A tjrntirl opiortunity to iMuhllsh a lucra tive buMiieSH at Muall rost. I'ou'l lor K I the day. Nine Head of Horses will be sold at auction by Martin Olsen at bis auction rooms near Oc cident Hotel on Satur day, Aug. 12, 1893. Horses consist of farm team and saddle ani- 1IARTIN OLSEN, Auctioneer. W.M1093 HORSES HORSES The Bottom Has OroppedOut 0 It I. L OSGOOD, The Reliable One Price Clothier and Halter, 000, 002 Third Street, Opposite Fonrtl & Stokes', Astoria, Or. For an $8 Lot By becoming a member of Hill's Lot Clubs you can get a first-class lot in Hill's First Addition to Astoria. Lots will bo delivered weekly. Now is the (n time to procure a lot to build a j home, for " C Jr- Blank Books, Fine Stationery, , Baseball Goods, Footballs, Hammocks, Baby Carriages. New Goods arriving daily. Low Prices for Cash. GRIFFIN &. REED ASSIGNEE'S SALE i mml i A Cpntiuued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. V. W. PARKER, Assignee. Ep 35-00 Buys the latest improved White Sewing Machine at FOAED & STOKES'. CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, FINE WINES AND LiaUORS I hnve made arrangements) for supplying nny brand of wines in quantities tomit at lowest ciisli fl times. The trade anil families supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoriu. . A- W. UTZINGER, . Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. ASTOR HOUSE, Astoria, Oregon. J. G. EOSS, Prop'r. ItfttM fl nnd fl 25 w day. Ocxvl accommodations. Clean beds a eppoialty. Yimi are invilrtd lo call, l'reo 'bug meets all tteambonts. Hjrth Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX 1'mtfr. Al! o:dcr promptly attcndi-d to. Tf the bottom has dropped out, I, for one, intend to hold on to what is left. Therefore I shall sell until times im prove on the Columbia all lines of Men's and Boy's Clothing, com prising my new fall lines of American and Imported cloth at 25 per cent, less than my regular retail prices, which is from 10 2-3 to 33 1-3 less than elsewhere. I do not intend to bo undersold in any line of Clothinp:, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, or in any article of Furnishing Goods for man nr boy. A child buys as cheap as the most experienced buyer. K ST Atlantic Beer Hall, 31 1 V rot street, AstorM, Or. PETE D0UREL, Proprietor. Tho KIiK'st Froo Cmicf rt Kvtry Evening.