The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 10, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 181 .
Has Struck the Town.
Big Betsy of the
Fired into Cooper's
ottom out of
Jllj L
First Class Goods Slaughtered
The Greatest Eeduction Sale
Ever Known in Astoria.
Positively, You Wjll Get
Bargains. No Humbug. At the
Midsummer Sale now in Progress.
J u
The Leading- Merchant of Astoria.
Tne Democratic Senators -Unable to
v. Agree on a
Radical Silver Man of the Wait Will lie
,;XVed to Com Into the Fold
' 3 . and Keep Qalet.
Washington, Aug. 9. The develop
ments' of- today have been such as to
give promise of an early discussion of
the silver question In the two houses
of Congress. The democratlo senators
after la' caucus lusting? several hours
found. themselves absolutely unable to
agree upon any line of action and An
ally adjourned until a later day. The
Intention of the senate is to adjourn
from tomorrow till Monday In order to
give an opportunity for the fullest In
formal discussion among1 the senators
of Jboth parties before entering1 upon
any. legislation. In the failure of the
den5oeratlc senators to agree upon any
'pfirty policy,' the advocates of the re
peal of the Sherman law And great en
couragement. The free coinage men of
tho house tield a caucus . today and
adopted a resolution which will be a
revelation to the free coinage men of
tho West, but It will be' a tower of
strength to those who are fortifying
themselves against the unconditional
repeal of the Sherman purchase act.
The resolution Is regarded as a master
stroke on the part of the sliver men, as
It practically abandons the ratio of 16
to 1, and agrees to accept such a com
promise ratio as will maintain the par
ity between gold and silver, and Im
plies that the 'most vigorous ef
forts will be made to Induce the radi
cal silver men of the far West to
yield to the Judgement of the more
conservative free coinage men of the
Washington, August 9. The senate
met apd without transacting any bus
iness adjourned till tomorrow on mo
tion of Gormon. The yeas and nays
were demanded by Piatt, and resulted
48 to 21. This -will be the day of the
The house adjourned till Thursday to
give full scope to the sllVer men for
consultation. The antl-sllver men have
been led to expect by expressions of
the silver .men that no filibustering
will be countenanced.
, The negative votes were all republi
cans, Pfelffer, p1pullat, olj Kansas,
voting with them and Kyle, populist,
of South Dakota, voting with the dem
ocrats. The democrats all voted . for
adjournment and were joined by the
fcfllojwlng-nlamed republicans; Dubois
of Idaho, Jones of Nevada, Perkins of
California, Power of Montana, Shoup
of Idaho, Stewart of Nevada, Teller
and Wolcott of Colorado.
After the adjournment of theouse
the friends of free silver held a caucus
.and adopted the following resolution:
"Resolved, . that we will support the
bill repealing the purchasing clause of
the Sherman act, and concurrently
providing for the free and unlimited
coinage of silver with a full legal ten
der quality, on such ratio as will pro
vide and maintain the parity between
gold and silver. Be it further resolved
that a committee of seven be appoint
ed by the chairman of this conference
to draft and Introduce such a bill.
The committee was then named as
follows: Bland, Sibley, Boatner, Lane,
Bankhead, Bryan, and Bailer. The
name of Culberson, the chairman of
the committee was afterward added.
The . democratic senators also cau
cussed. After a two-hours session the
caucus adjourned without reaching a
conclusion as to Its line of policy. The
subject of silver repeal will not figure
In the senate for a few days, for Its
purpose Is to adjourn from tomorrow
till Monday.
Nashville ,Tenn., Aug. 9. The First
National Bank of this city, the oldest
national Institution south of the Ohio
river, closed Its doors this afternoon.
The capital Is $1,000,000, and the sur
plus fund of undivided profits, $100,000.
The directors of the Fourth National
Bank and other capitalists represent
lngseveral millions of property have
signed a guarantee pledging them
selves and their Individual estates to
the, payment of all deposits.
The directors of the City Savings
Bank held a meeting tonight and de
cided to suspend payment . for sixty
days. The bank la considered solvent.
An uneasy feeling prevails.
Portland, Or., Aug. 9. Edward Mar
shall and George Nordale are under
arrest here on a charge of passing
counterfeit money. Thr men Were ar
rested yesterday on a train between
Mosler and The Dalles. Seventy-six
counterfeit dollars were found on their
persons. Other arrests are expected, ns
there Is evedence of a gang working In
the Northwest. The counterfeit is pro
nounced a dangerous one,
William Cody, Fred Smith. E. J.
Maynard and J. F. Frourey were ar
rested In this city this afternoon on
the same charge.
This gang has been flooding this city
and vicinity with spurious money; and
officers have been shadowing them for
a month with a view of discovering
the principals and plant. They had lo
cated the plant on a ' small Island in
the Columbia river near Columbia
beach, and would have probably raided
the place hod not the counterfeiters
become alarmed and tried to escape.
Cincinnati, Aug. 9. Will the democ
racy of Ohio stand by President Cleve
land, or by the platform on which he
was elected? That Is the question to
be Bolved within the next thlrty-slx
hours and there Is no man In or out of
Ohio who can predict the result with
confident accuracy. Half "a dozen can
didates are in the field. Neal, who
framed the tariff plank In the last
democratic national platform, and who
Is a rabid free silver free coinage man,
Is In tho load. Neal has declared that
he w'U abide by tho Chicago platform
and his followers are democrats of the
unterrlfled stamp who will stick to hlin
as long as there Is a show of his nom
ination. Ex-Governor Campbell and
his friends make no denial of the fact
that they are with the administration
and that they are out to beat Neal,
Campbell himself, will not be a candidate.
New York, August 9. Wall street
received a dlsagreeablo surprise thlB
morning In the shape of a notice from
the Associated National Bonks that
they had unanimously decided to In
crease the rates of call loans of recent
date to 12 per cent, and those of long
standing to 10. .They say the reason
for this Is that so many borrowers laid
down on them that It Is necessary for
their self-protection.
Minneapolis, August ; 9. The Com
mercial Bank has failed. The officers
say depositors will be paid In full.
Lebanon, Pa., August 9. Robert H.
Coleman, the millionaire iron dealer,
and his wife,' have executed a deed of
assignment. ' Liabilities, about $3,500,
000, which exceed the assets. .
Santa Rosa, Cal., August 9. The se
verest earthquake felt here since 1SC8,
occurred this morning. The oscillations
were apparently southeast to north
west. Considerable damage was rtone
In the way of falling chimneys, broken
windows, etc. , The court house was
badly shaken up, and the plastering
extensively damaged.
New York, Aug. 9. A large crowd
of small depositors assembled today
before the St. Nicholas Bank, which
refused last week to clear for the
Madison Square Bank, and started a
run. Later, however, Henry Goldstein,
a millionaire coal dealer, agreed to
bond himself In the sum of $300,000 to
pay all depositors and the run stopped.
Washington, Aug. 9. Upon enquiry
at the pension office It I learned that
up to date there have been 6,472 pen
sions suspended which were granted
under the act of June 27, 1890, the av
erage being 170 dally. A large propor
tion of these cases, It Is said, were sus
pended pending medical examination.
Tucoma, Waflh,, Aug. 9. The steamer
Milton was burned on her way from
Seattle to Tacoma this evening. The
fire began In her aft boilers, and the
crew were compelled to beach a boat
on Vashon Island to escape. The am
ount of insurance is hot known. She
was worth about $4000,
Chippewa Falls, Wis., Aug. 9. It Is
reported that Thorpe, a village of 1500
Inhabitants on the Wisconsin Central
railroad Is burning up. A large saw
mill, much lumber, and a number of
buildings have already been destroyed.
London, Aug. 9. The United States,
Great Britain and Germany are re
solved to end the Samoan trouble. It
In said that Mataaffa Is to be exiled,
Washington. Aug. 9.-Rear Admiral
Thornton Jenkins died at his residence
In this city of heart failure tonight,
aged 81 years.
nnirn wkii mi? mm
A Bicycle Covers Fonr Miles ol Tract
in 10:12 1-8.
Tlie Finish of the Chicago TouriiMiiitnt
Gives Knjoyment to Thoui.udi
ii f Sporting Meu.
Chicago, Aug. 9. Three unusual
events marked the racing tournament
today. A serious accident occurred, the
world's four-mile competition record
was broken, and the great Zimmer
man was beaten. J. I. Brandenburg of
Chicago and W. T. Murphy of Spring
field, were the victims of the painful
mishap. The five-mile national cham
pionship was the event of the day, J.
S. Johnson, Zimmerman, Tuttle, Mun
ger, Kinsley, Glthens and Gary enter
ing. At the start Munger took the lead,
setting the pace for the lap, when
Kinsley took his place. As the miles
piled up It was seen that wonderfully
fast racing was being ridden. As the
fourth mile was finishing Kinsley shot
Into the lead, and as the riders flushed
across the'llne N.' II. 'Van Sycklcn ran
forward and announced that the
world's record for four miles In com-,
petition had been broken: time, 10:12
1-5, giving Kinsley the championship
record by. one second. But the race was
getting still more earnest. Johnson and
Zimmerman .who had been keeping
back, now moved up, and Zimmerman
took the lead followed closely by,
Johnson, Zimmerman shot Into the fin
ish with a slight Increase and many
thought he would be the winner.
Johnson, however, had been moving up
Into a phenomenal Bpurt, and, as the .
last 200 yards were entered, he caught
Zimmerman and dashed across the lino
a winner by five feet. Time, 12:41. Zlm
merman landed the other two races In
which he entered.
Chicago, Aug. 9. In the suffrage
congress today, Fred Douglass was
greatly wrought up by Stephen B.
Weeks, a professor of Trinity College,
North Carolina, who read a aper on
negro suffrage. The professor said.
"Negro suffrage is a failure. It must
must remain a failure so long as It. Is
not an ally of the white vote. The
Southern people will not submit to
domination. The white man must rule.
No man who had not lived in Negru
land knows what negro domination Is.
It means the destruction of property,
ruin, and bankruptcy,"
When the professor finished, Doug
lass made an Impassioned reply. "You
are not afraid of negro domination,"
he said, "The negro can never rulo
this country. He would be outvoted by
60,000,000 of whites. There is no oppo
sition to the negro In the South, until
he aspires to rise. If he aspires to be
come a lawyer or a doctor, he at once
becomes an upstart."
Albany, Or., Aug. 9. A report from
Coburg says the farm house of W. P.
Barger and the publio school building
three miles from Coburg were des
troyed by fire on Monday forenoon.
Two Germans, deserters from a ves
sel In Portland, gave the officers a
lively chase today. One of them was
supposed to bo Fredericks, who re
cently Bhot a brakeman at Gold Run,
Cal., and afterwards kllleii the sheriff,
but on being arrested in a grain field
where he had concealed . himself, he
was found to bo the wrong man and
wus released.
Washington, Aug. 9. In reference to
a published statement that President
Cleveland and Secretary Lamont were
Interested In the pulp mill at Appleton,
Wis., Colonel Lamont said today that
Clevelund had never held any stock in
the mill and that he (Lamont,) had
disposed of his Interest In It two years
ago. Don M. Dickinson la connected
with the mill and It 1b understood that
W. C. Whitney also has stock In It..
London, Aug. 9. The sum of 405,000
pounds sterling In gold was withdrawn
from the Hank of England for ship.
ment to the United States today. The
Bank of England is charging a pre
mium on eagles and la holding bar
gold at a higher rate. The sum of
830,000 pounds was shipped todny for
New York.
Fulton, 111., August 9.-IIarry Be
thune yesterday ran a hundred yards
In 9 S-4 seconds.
The water commissioners wish to re
mind their patrons that water rata
are due and paynble today. Tomorrow
thy am delinquent.