TUB DAILY AttTOIUAN. AtfTOllJLA, FJQ1DAV MOIININti, AUGUST 4, lbi3 LOOK AT THIS ! Take the Daily Asto riaa and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE Tlie Astorian's Latest Mud Best Premium Utter.' Every regulnr subscriber to The Dally Astorian for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sending us SO cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are complete novels by rtandard authors, each a handsome ovtavo volumn of 61 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, md printed from clear, readable type, k follows: THE BELLE OF LYNN; or THE MILLER'S DAUGHTER. By Char lutte 11 Braeme, author of "Dora Thome." THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dumas. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. MERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey. A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. Cunam Doylo. ROCK RUIN; Or, THE DAUGH TER OP THE ISLAND. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GILFIL'S LOVE STORY. By George Elliott. A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryat. THE SEA KING. By Captain Mar ryat. THE BEIGE OF GRANADA. By Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S WILL. By II. Rider Haggard. JENNY HARLOAVE. By W. Clark Russell. BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mrs. Alexander. THE SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE RUSSIAN GII'SY. By Alexan der Dumas. THE WANDERING HEIR. By Charles Reade. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Biaddon. NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles Dickens and Wllkle Collins. THE GREAT HOGGARTY DIA MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. The above books are nicely printed and bound n attractive paper covers. They are sold regularly at retail for ten cents each, so that our offer en ables our readers to buy thein at one third of their value. It Is a grand chance to secure standard, high-class works of flotlon at merely nominal cost. The lowest price of these novels in uuy other way, would be 10 cents each, or U for the ten books, which The As lurlun subscribers can have for 30 tvnts. Every ten weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the same terms. ' Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of 50 books that will cost you only $1.60. This offer U open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorian, who pay 17 for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now la the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorian who pay M In advance for one year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 3 cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance In postage stamps or sli ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to tho address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rian as above. All the patent jneoKinrs advertised In this paper, together with the cholceat iwrfumery. and toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn'u drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. NOTICE! Uss Zlnfnmlel wine Intend of coffee fir tea. W rents per gallon. Pont forget veacn inq apricot brandy, also srvuen f'ono and wtna at AUx. Gilbert's. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow't Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, Hllnys all pain, cures wind chollc, and I the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the World. UNION PACIFIC RETRENCHING. Omaha, August 3. An extraordinary meeting of the board of directors of the Union Pacific has been called for next Tuesday at Boston, and while the officials say the session has been ordered only for the purpose of de creasing salaries, It Is hinted In in side circles that the action to be taken will be a great deal more important than the alleged object. Comptroller Oliver W. Mink, has been here for sev eral days, doing everything In his pow er to cut down expenses to the lowest limit. Owing to the sickness of Presi dent Clarke,' Mink is the executive headof the committee. Speaking of the situation today he said: "Physic ally the Union Pacific is In excellent condition, but financially we are com pelled to retrench in every depart jnent. We have met our August Interest, and other obligations falling due on that date with money to spare, but sa gloomy Is the outlook that our at tention Is fully directed toward cut ting down our expanses. Nebraska and portions of Kansas promised magnif icent returns, but the enormous track age of the Union Pacific west of the North Platte gives little hope of yield ing satisfactory returns for 90, and possibly for 120 days. The western section of this continent Is In a condi tion that absolutely requires from us the most aggressive attempts at retrenchment. HARRISON'S COMING CAMPAIGN. Chicago, August 3. A special from Shelbyvllle Ind., says: L. T. Mlehner, has taken charge of Harrison's cam paign for the presidential nomination of 189C, and Is working systematically from . Washington. Secret clubs are now being formed all over the statei, They will magnify pension suspensions and attribute tho monetary stringency to the democratic administration. It Is understood that similar tactics will bo followed In other states. TROUBLE ABOUT WAGES. Leadvllle, Colo., August 3. Trouble occurred at the Arkansas Valley smelt er today, when the company announced a reduction of ten per hcent on all wag es. Quite a number accepted, but oth ers refused to go to work. The strikers drove the men who were working out of the smelter. A scrimmage ensued but no one was seriously injured. The plant will be shut down for the pres ent. ""OPPOSED TO THIRD TERMS. Des Moines, Iowa, August 3. Gover nor Boise today wrote a letter to Clinlr man Fuller, of the democratic state central committee, positively refusug to a candidate for renomlnatiim for governor. He snyB he Is conscientious ly opposed to a third term in office, and thinks it 'violative of well estab lished precedents, and that the re sult would be disastrous to his party. MRS. STANFORD'S ALLOWANCE. Ran Francisco, August 3. Judge Oarber this morning made nn order giving Mrs. Jane L. Stanford, widow of the into Senator Stanford, a month ly allowance of $5,000 out of her hus band's estate, VIRGINIA POPULISTS. LVnchburg, Vn., August 3. The pop ulists of Virginia In slate convention today nominated a state ticket headed by E. R. Cooke, for governor. HOPS IN NEW YORK. New York, August 3. Hops show nn Increasing firmness under firm foreign advices, but no Improvement In either volume of trade or quotations. The following Is a statement of the transactions of tho Astoria Custom House for the year ending June 30, 1803: Vessels entered from foreign ports, 98; vessels cleared for foreign ports, 59; vessels entered from domestic ports, 609; vessels cleared for domestic . ports, 557; entries of merchandise for duty, 30; entries of merchandise free of duty. 2; entries for warehouse 16; entries from warehouse for consumption, 135; entries from warehouse for exportation, 1; entries for consumption liquidated, 153; entries for warehouse liquidated. 16; certificates of registry granted, 5; certificates of enrollment granted, 17; licensee for coasting trade granted, 43; license to vessels under 20 tons granted. 29; value of export8 domestic, $635, 776; foreign. $1,450. Receipts from nil sources Duties on Imports. $93,776; tonnage tax, $4,628.40; fines, penalties, and forfeitures, $4,4415 30; mlsellaneous customs receipts, $408-65; official fees, $813.79. Total, $104,042.20; amount of re: funds and drawbacks paid $18.990 10. Expense of collection Salaries of col leotor, deputies, clerks, inspectors, weighers, storekeepers, &c, $12,517,10; miscellaneous expenses, 476.33, Total expenses of the year, $12,993.43. The British ndmlrallty has- fitted up a torpedo gun-vessel to be employed In taking parties of petty officers and seamen to the North Sev for gun practice, thus avoiding tha possibility of risk to fishing vessels by tho firing of long-range guns along the coast at the entrance to the river Thames. COUNTY "ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The nard of Equalization will meet at the office of the covin ty clerk and publicly examine the assessment rolls of Clatsop county for the purpose of correcting all errors of valuation or description of InmH lota or other piirty. It Is the duty of all Krms to np pear at that time If they wish eiwrvo- tlonis made, as no corrections or alter ations can be mnde by any otTlcer after the) adjournment of the board. Th ho.ir.1 will meet on Monday, August 2Sth. at 10 o'clock a. in., and cUb on Saturday, September 2nd, at 5 d. m. Astoria. August 5th, 1S93. J. W. CK.vmiART, County Assessor. ALL OVER ii. -.... i'llW51'' lc siwamre. It is simply pure milk of the best quality from which a large percentage of water has been evaporated. LITERARY NOTE- A witty writer has said that life would be endurable If It were not for the month of August. Romance pro vides the best possible means for mak ing one forget the discomforts of the dog-day season, its August issue being a model "Midsummer Number." A feature is made of the remarkable tales of Polish and Hungarian writers, fure mot of whom Is Maurice JokaL Among these talcs is "The Fate of a Nihilist," an original production of great power; "The Attaman," a won derful story from the Polish; and a Hungarian election comedy. A humor ous pateHng-place sketch by Geraldlne Bonner; a charming love story by "The Duchess;" a blood-curdling ghost story by Guy de Maupassant; an Ideal rural sketch by Henri GrevMle; and a very funny Incident by Fernand Belsser, are a few of the many other attractions. This magazine Is Issued by Romance Publishing Company, Clinton Hall. Astor Place, New York; at 25 cents a number, $2.50 a year. FRANCE AND SI AM. Says Prance to the King of Slam: "For your rights I don't care a yam; Lest England Bhould grab, The Menam I'll nab, Tho' Bangkok with shells I may slam." Ut'ca Herald. Says Slam to France: "The Mekong To nab, you're decidedly wrong; For, 'twlxt England and France, I'll be soon left to dance On air, which I cannot do long.' Exchange. A TREMENDOUS SHAKING UP. This Is what every system afflicted with chills and fever, bilious remittent, or any other form of male rial disease, undergoes periodically. Not inly Is malaria teirlble in Itself it is the breeder of nn infinity of bodily all ments. Spoclncs .used for Its preven tion and removal prove. In the vast majority of cases, useless for every other purpose than to mitigate tho di sense and etavo off It attacks. They ore sure, with the average treatment, ntnp n ...Min. Tl.e Rnffnrer V. I1 till U ll "iit j...- -.... may rhnniri his location to a healthier . ... ...I.... ..i.l..i. la In one, UUt I lie coilipianil, wii'iu i his blood, is not thus lightly got rid n .,..i..,na nflnn 4 1,. tiriiMtml In Ull il.1'11 1IHU' "llln .-..... ... tervnl- Organic affections of the . .... ,n..i,1 l.iKlliMr IH'IVM, IH'Ul I I.I.IOM", iicmii'iji of the system, nrp the offspring of nia lai-la. Cure the originating cause and avert future physical Injury with Ilos tetter's Stomach Hitters, efficacious ats In liver complaint, inactivity of 11 11 i.l,n..lvinl4am fl 111 tfwllfrPR Hon- AUCTION SALE. t h, fnrita of neon Ttlver. Wash., at Anderson's ptorp, on Tuesday. Au gust IRth. 1S9S. nt 10 o'clock n. m., will be sold by nuction the following prop erty: 1G0 ncres on Salmon creek, con ih,in 7n nnvoa tit bottom land with one million feet of fir timber. For further particulars apply to niaruu Olson, auctioneer, Astoria. A Sure Hire fur I'llcn. i L I TIIIao d.a Ifnnn'n hv mnlsturfi like perspiration, causing intense itching when warm, mis uhiu, we. hp j. ., Illeedlnif or l'rotrudhig, yield at once to Dr. liusiinko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allavs Itching and effects a ......a r.ii.i lipui'i'lut or mall. I1CI IIUI llt'llV 4.n. .v.. .-."r.o -u- -- - Circulars free. Pr. liosaiiko. 3J9 Arch street, Philadelphia, la, ooiu uy j. . Conn. - NOTICE. nv. tha nntlva firemen of the Astoria Fire Department. Being urged by a number of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself as an Independent candidate for the office of chief engin eer of the Astoria Fire Department. Respecttuuy, 'XUUS, XJ. lAiuunnni' lIui'Mi'D'a ruten Salve. Tho heat s:ilve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, pteers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price & cents oer box. For sale iy unas. ogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Impart the moat delicious taste and teat to EXTRACT of i IXVTKR from a MF.D1CAL GENTLEMAN at Madraa, to hi brother ut WORCESTER, Mar, i8st. . "Tell XFA ft PERR1NS' that their aauca ta highly esteem ed in India, and Is in my opinion the moat pal atable, M well as the moat wholesome aauce that is made, Beware of Imitations! sea that you get Lea & PGrrins' Signature tn tverj bottle ) the onjtnil lad jeaulne. John duncan' son, ncw York. rry soups, 4 GRAVIES. I ' FISH, 1 J.IL HOT ft COLO mm -eats. iUC WELSH- f-w- : RAREBITS, THE WORLD They are calling for it and our shipments are increasing daily to other lands. The GA1LB0RDEH EAGLE BR&HD Condensed Milk is the first conden sed milk ever offered to the public. It is the leading brand. It has stood the test for 30 years. It has im. itations but no - equal. Try to remember that! AH Grocers and Druqqists sell it. r mi Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and alt the train of evils f mm early errors or later exu.'BHea, Ue results ot ivorwork, Rtekiiess, worry. oU). Fulitrengih, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, naturolmethoda limned inteltnprovement Been. FflllureimuoBKll.le. 2.0UU ri-rereiloi'8. Book. explanation and proofs muueu iseaieuj iree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. BETTG.WS l Pf't-:"9 Curs rOR PILES. in list, iivit .51) vrnrii, Nli,f, Kltrrhre II mi itc.'u. 11 iillii'st tcHi;. llioihllls. At UrilKKiHlH. or nmllril on iirelpt of prii u 50c. per Iwx. HlitKEtMANK t, IROWN l'nK.. iimliuioro, Mil. EWE CURE A now anil uumplulo treatinant, consisting ol suppositories, nliilmciil in capsules, also in box ami Bills; a positive rare t r tenia), in liTiml lilin.l or Ii eeil ml'. Itclunir. chronic recent or hereil itnrf lilies, and nuinr other illsenses ami Icnialo wcaKiiesses; it is always a great hcnellt to vlic eeiicrnl lieallh. 1 lie lirm iliticovtirv of a meillcal euro rewU'riiijr an oper tion with tho knife unnecessary hort after Ttiiu remeilT Ims nevGi' lie II known to full. 1 per hox, 6 for fS; sent by mail. Why sutler irom tins lerrinie niseaso wneii a wrnieii Kimr anice is riven with 6 boxes, to refund the money 11 not riirea. Heu stamps ior iree sainnln. Unaranleo issued by Woodward Clark A Co., Wholesale and Retail DriuiKists Sole Agents 1'ortland. Or. For sale by J. W Conn. Astoria On-fon DR. GUMS ONION SYRUP F0R COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rnisinff a family of nine children, my only rem edy for CoiiKliH, Colds and Croup waa ouiou syrup. It UjufttaactToortvoto-dav ns it was forty years niro. Now my frrondphildren tnkn Dr, Qiinn's Onion Syrup which U alrondy propared ond more plaantwt to tho luttt. Sold at 60 oouu a botUa. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. iT. 13. -WT"-A.a?T Denier in Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Tine Oil, Brtplit Vnrnlnh, PI'.mcle on Cot ton fHiivft", t'i'liip Siiil Twliif ':ni Oil, Wrought 1 run Spikes, oalvaiiiiteilt'nt Nails Orooorloa, "E7to. Agilcultiual Iniplcment.s, Swln(r H i mat hlnes, Paints and Oils. Kopp's - Beer - Hall cholec Wines, L'(iiors und Ciirars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, Only handed over the b ir. The Invest gin's of '. 1'. Peer, llii'f anil half, oe. Free lmu h, EU1CKS0N & AVIHKAijA, lrs. O r. Coneomly anil I sfn; ette M USIC I i A l L S'.l First street, Ist.trLi, Dr. H. CHRISTENSEN, Prop'R. J3l JProo Concert Kverv niiiht becinnliii: at S nYlork. (ioiul nitisie. the IksI of wiHes, ii Oiior' inn! ulnars always on li.uiil. Atlantic Beer Hall 31 ! f rst slieei, Astoria, Or. PETE D0DREL, Proprietor. The Finest Winos Liquors - and - Cigars. Free Coneert Every Evening. Seaside Saw Mill. A complete slook of lumber on hand in the roucn or dressea. rioorinpr, unsiie, i eiiinx and all kimlsof finish: Mouldings and Shin- tries: also Braeket Work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bed nnk All onlem promptly attended to. Oilice and yard at mill. it, r. i kooaa, i ropr. roasido, Orexon, SALVEi SHERIFF'S SALE. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county or uiaisop: Astoria Iron Works, Plaintiff, vs. Dean Iilancnara, jjeienaani: T?.. vrtvt.iik nf an e-rpeiitfrvn Anil order Hni laBimit mit rf onrl unrlpr the Ul DUIt UWUVU VM - - seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause on the swa oay oi t.,o i bos unnri a. ludrment duly made and rendered therein on the 19th day of June, 1893, wnicn eaia execution wiu order of sale 'was to me directed ju. T AA nn tha Fth dav Of UCILICICli, v.. . ' July. 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim, ana lniereBt oi iub iu named defendant In and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Lots numbered one (1) and two (2) of block numbered one nunarea iweuiy-uuc, (121) of J. M. Shlvely's Birst Anaiuun i tatnria na rpenrdpd bv him In the w - record of said county, said real estate being! situated in uiaisop coumy, ui egon, and notice Is hereby given that I shall on Friday, the 4th day of Aug ust, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. In the city of Astoria, In said county and state, in iront yi the court house door, proceed to sell noma nr an miieh thprOOf fl-M shall mo w w be sufficient to satisfy the sum of J530.B8, with interest tnereon at me rate of ten per cent per annum from June 19, 1893, together with the fur ther sum of $16.90 costs and disburse- .viattfa an A aem-iilne rwttfl of this BUlt. HKiiwi cu - a - at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand in TJ. S. gold coin at time or saie. r SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated, Astoria, Or., July. 5, 1893. NOTICE TO POLICT HOLDERS Notice Is hereby elven to all persons in th State of Oreifon holding policies In the State Investment & In surance company, oi oaa iiuitiB-, Of the withdrawal from the state of Oregon of the State investment ac in Hiirnnpft Oomoanv. of San Francisco, C'nllfornla, and to all other persons in t" rusted, that the said company has insured Us business in the State of regon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with th secretary of state, of said State, and proposes to withdraw Its securi ties on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing Dusiness in earn Any policy holder in the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (C) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice Is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 35C4 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous Laws- of Oregon, as Compiled and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1889. THK STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., By George L. BranUer, President. Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy aud Shall PI ARD W AR R Cwvy III ! toek Wagons ami Vehicles, Farm Machlucry, Paints, ils, Varnishes. Loggers Hnpplles, r-aiibanK s Tales, Doors and Wim.ows. PROVISIONS FLOUR Hid MUX KKED. ASTORIA. - - OREONO. THE ilIOlP-KUILMiiS, THKlIt WORKS A.NI) RK.MOS, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. EDITOR OF AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN, Author of Animal Effigies and Emblematic Mounds, etc. This book treats of the Mound-lmllders; their occupation, modes of life, religious systems, trllial divisions and early migrations. The work contains descriptions of the earth workifof all classes. The classification of the mounds Is mada according to their uses, whether as village residences, as defenses, ns religious structures, or as sacrificial or burial places. The work contains many illusiratlnns and descriptions of Moiind-lnillders' relies, es pecially pipes and pottery. Tho value ol the book is that it contains a comprehensive view of the whole Held, and givs information about the mounds find relies of all stales and districts. It is one of a series which is dovoted to pre historic America, anil perhaps would lie regarded as the most inter esting volume. The suthor solicits subscriptions. Orderscan be sent to the publishing bouse, 17" Wabash avenue, Chicago, or to the author at Avon, 111. FIUCK.S3.BO. CaTeata, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Modchatc Fees. and we can secure patent iu leu time Ulan lliose J remote irom n aauingioo. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with coat of same in the U. & and foreign countries aeot free. Address. C.A.SfJOW&CO. mm iirMT Am. WltHlNfiTOH. IV C. I GORE FITS I When I Daycare I do not mean mcrrly to t top them for a tune and then hawthem return aeain. i mean a radical fare. I hare msde the dine of KITS, KI'lLKPSY or KALL1.NU BfL'KJiES? a life-long studr. I warrant mr remedy to cur.' the worst caseaL Beraui others have failed it " no reason for Dot now receh ing a cure, 8end atonrekira treatise and a Free Foltle of my Infallible remedv. tilve Kxpressanti Hxt- llir. H O. ROOT. M. C-, IU Pearl M. V. iffiiii . Line Running THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 AM. " " 7:30 PM. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker toSt. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker toChicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din. Ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS AUGUST, 1893, Oregon Wednesday Augmt 12. Columbia Sunday August (I. Statu ihiirsday August in. Oregon .Monday August I I. Columbia Friday August IS. Mute Tuesday Augusts. Oregon t-ntiirdny August 2H. Columbia Wednesday August .10. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERU Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6 a. m. and Sundays at 9 a. m.; returning leaves Portland dally, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and Saturdays at 10 p. m. Night boat leaves Astoria daily at 6 p. m-; returning leaves Portland daily at 7 a- m. The morning boat from Portland makes landings on the Oregon side of the river and night boat on the Washington side. The morning boat from Astoria makes landings on the Washington side of the river, and night boat on the Oregon side, except Sunday, and on Sundays via Washington side. AH boats make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford. Fur rates ami general liifoiinatinn call on or address, w. H.nuRi.Buitr, c. w. lounshkuky, A. (ien. fas. Agt. AL'ent. Port laud, Or, Astoria, Or, Is the lino to lake to all points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the best setvlce, com baling SPEED and C0MF0JIT It is the opubr route with those wl wish to travel ou THJ5 SAJFJLST It Is therefore the route yen should take. It runs tliviiiigh'veslibuled trains every day in the year to ST. PAUL AM) CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Seeoml-dass Sleepers, Only one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of tne civilized world. Passengers tickoed via. all boats running between Astoria, Kalama ami Portland. Kull inforniatlon concernintr rates, time ol trail's, routes ami other details furnished on application In C. W. STONE. Agent Astoria Steamer Telephone Pock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral Passeniter Aeent, lit Pirst St. .cor. WanliinWuu, Porthuid. Orevou. These tiny Capsules arcBupcrlcr to .uaisam of Copaiba, Cubcla and Injections. (PJJjy) They cure in 48 hours tho same diseases tritbout an v incon venience. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS 1