TUB DAILY ASTOMAN, ASTOItiA, THURSDAY MOILNUNU. AUGUST 3,- LOOK AT THIS! Take the Daily Asto riaa and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest aad Best Premium Offer. Every regular subscriber to The Dally Astorlan for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable type, i.8 follows: THE BELLE OF LYNN; or THE MILLEU'S DAUGHTER. By Char lotte tit. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne.". ' ' THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dumas. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence warden. MERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey. . A' STUDY IN SCARLET. By A, Conam Doyle. -' ROCK RUIN; Or, THE DAUGH- Tirn nTT THE ISLAND. Bv Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GILFIL'S LOVE STORY. By George Elliott. A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryut. THE SEA KING. By Captain Mar ryat. THE SEIGE OF GRANADA. By Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S WILL. By II. Rider Haggard. v JENNY HARLOWE. By W. Clark Kussell. BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mrs. Alexander. THE SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE RUSSIAN GIl'SY. By Alexan der Dumas. . THE WANDERING HEIR. ' By Charles Reade, FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Braddon. NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles Dickens and Wllkle Collins. THE GREAT HOQGARTY DIA MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. The. above books are nicely printed nnd bound In attractive paper covers They are sold regularly at retail for ten cents each, so that our offer en able our readers to buy them at one third of their, aw. It Is a grand olianct to secure standard, high-class works of fiction, at merely nominal cost. The lowest price of these novels In any other way, would be 10 cents each, or $1 for the ten books, which The As- mrlan subscribers can have for 30 i. tits. Every ten weeks a new set of ten uooka will be offered on the same inrma. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of CO books that will eost you only fl.GO. This offer Is open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay 3? for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to gut your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay 32 In advance for One year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 3 cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance In postage stamps fir sil ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan a above. All the patent meoKinea advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be boUKht at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. NOTICE1 , Use ZInfandel wine Intend of coffee or tea. 60 cents per gallon. Dont fomret Henoh and apricot brandy, also French t'o-nao and wine at AUx. Gilbert's. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS' Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollo. and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 8old by, all drug gists throughout tho world. , . UnaiitlioiiM Use ol His Name by Hawaiian Royalists. GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATION Bpreckle Presented Willi a Cane and Blount Made to Figure a One of HI Admirer). Associated Press. . Honolulu, July 20. (via Son Frnn clsco) The royalists who' Vesonted a cane to. Claus Spreckels Jut before the Australia sailed, have deeply offended Mlnlnter Blount by an unauthorized ue of hl name, and tha matter has be come tho subject of diplomatic corres pemdenca. Jut before tho steamer Austriiila left port, a prearranged schemo of presenting Clau Spreckles with a cane Inscribed with a lint of names headed by those of LHiunknlani and .lames H. Blount, was carried out amldt the popping of champagne fur nltthed by friends of Mr. Spreokles. Th royalists took occasion to assert on tho boat ' and wharf that 'MlnlHtcr Blount had allowed the ue of his name to show his appreciation of Spreckels nnd the ex queen's cause. Half an hour after the matter became public, Minis ter Blount denounced It In an excited manner as an outrage, and authorized a local reporter to publish his state ment. On July 20th, Minister Blount sent the provisional government a note calling their attention to the matter, and the government at once began In vestlgatlons as to the persons responsl ble for the outrage. The provisional government is fully In earnest In sift lng the matter, and it Is understood will not stop short of full reparation to the American minister. FINANCES OF THE FAIR. Chicago, August 2--Now that the fain is half over, the council of admin istration and the national commlsson have become convinced that heroic measures must be adopted to Induce people to come in crowds large enough to Insure financial success. They are making every effort to stop lcuks and create new attractions. W'th regard to the financial position of the company now. President lligginbothnm said to day It is impossible to give exact fig ures concerning the indebtedness yet. However, when they say that with the best half of tho exposition season be fore them, they are out of debt, they think It is doing well, "fnslde of five days," said Hlgglnbotham, "we will have all the funds necessary to pay every debt we owe. The assertion that 31,000,000 would not put us even Is en tirely false." FINED FOR CONTEMPT. Chicago, August 2- - Judge Stein, In the Bupwlor court today, adjudged the World's Fair directors guilty of contempt on Sunday, July 23d. He ordetvd that Directors Gage, Hutchtn son, Honrotln. McNally, and Kerfoot, bo fined 31000 each- Director Lnwwm received a fine, of $100. Director Gen eral Davis was fined $250- An appeal was taken. PREPARING FOR THE FAIR. Han Francisco. August 2. Herr 1? Cornell)'., assistant director general of the Midwinter Fair, leaves tomorrow for Chicago to nuiko a systematic can vass among the foreign and other ex hibitors for the 'purpose of inducing thorn to come to San Francisco. The foreign departments will bo asked to establish commissioners In whose hands tho matter of the pre.pu ration of ex hibits for the Midwinter Fair will be placed, and likewise, through various council's in this city, to appoint agents here for a similar purpose. PRICE OF PORK AND WHEAT. Chicago, August 2 At the opening of the board of trade September wheat started at GO; September pork opened unchanged at 12 12 1-2. The tnic-ypnc, luM'vet', was BhirtMvH Soon after opening the failures wore announced ttf D- Eggelston & Son, George Q. parker & Co., and Thos. Gregg. This caused a break In wheat to 58 3-4, but a rally quickly followed to CI 1-2- Pork declined to 11, but re covered to '12 2-5. CHAMBERS ON TRIAL. Tacoma, August 2. Ex-Potmnter Clarence Chambers, of Knluma, charged with purloining postoflloe property, is on trial In the United States circuit court. Tho trouble grew out of de fendant's refusing to hand over the Kalnma po-stoOlee to his successor, C. F. Smith, from March ISth to Mnh 23d of this year. CRACKED HIS LAST SAFE. Moscow, Idaho, August 2 At Voll mer, Idaho, last night. J. C. Nelson and Jim F. Cody entered the Btoi'e or T.estee & Llewellyn, and were I" the act of blowing open the safe when de tected by J. II. Hayes. The intiRr' opened fire, but Hayes returned It. wounding Nelson mortally. Cody was arrested. ' A MILL SHUT DOWN- Woonsocket. R. I-.' August 2. The Plants Valley Falls Cimipany, making cotton dress goods here and t Valley Falls, running 2.000 looms, ana em ploying 750 hands, has shut down In definitely. ' DUE TO RECKLESS MANAGEMENT Kan Francisco. August 2 The Chtn- lola rhanrea that the failure of the Paclflo Bank, the only commercial bank ALL OVER They ... .fclLBUI.LH.iy V WYORKCONCKNSW V" 1 y0'. pnStTeet.Kow a w w It is simply pure milk of the best quality from which a large percentage of water has bcun evaporated. in San Francisco which has closed its doois, was not due to the present fi nancial stringency, but to reckless man agement. The bank, It says, s hope lessly wrecked- About two million dollars are gone. CREATED A SENSATION. Charles H. Jones Assumes Charge of the New York World. New York, August 2 A sensation was created In the World office this evening when Colonel Charles H. Jones, formerly editor of the St. Louis Republic, walked Into the editorial rooms and assumed direction of the paper. Colonel Jon'cS comes not only as editor, but as personal representative of Pulitzer, with supreme authority over all departments of the paper. THE BEHRING SEA QUESTION. Paris, August 2. With reference to the London report that the Beelng Sea decision will fuvor Great Britain, Hon. C II. Tuppcr, Canadian minister of marine and British agent here, said all forecasts are mc-re surmise. The nrbt trators ha-d arrived at a decision In re gard to half the points presented, but did not k"ow when the work would terminate. ESTABLISHED THEIR CLAIMS. Portland, Or., August 2. Two Chin ese merchants. Lee Chow and Wong Hoy, were allowed to land from the Haytinn Republic, having fully estab llshed the fact that they are Astoria merchants. A TREMENDOUS SHAKING UP. This is what every system afflicted with chills and fever, bilious remittent, or any other form of malarial disease, undergoes periodically. Not only Is malaria terrible In Itself If Is the breeder of an Infinity of bodily ail ments. Speclnes used for Its preven tion and removal prove, in the vast majority of cases, uselts for every other purpose than to mitigate the di sease and stave off It attacks. They are sure, with the average treatment, to return after a while. The sufferer may change his location to a healthier one, but the complaint, which Is in his blood, is not thus lightly got rid of, and returns aflen the wonted In tervn-1. Organic affections of the nerves, heart troubles general debility, of the system, are the offspring of ma laria. Cure the originating cause and avert future physical injury with Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, efficacious also in liver complaint, inactivity of tho kidneys, rheumatism and lndtges Uc.n- AUCTION SALE. . At the forks of Deep River, Wash., at Anderson's Flore, on Tuesday, Au gust lfith. ISM, nt 10 o'clock a. m., will be sold by unction tho following prop erty: 100 acres on Salmon creek, con taining 70 acres of bottom land with one million feet of fir timber. For further particulars apply to Martin Olson, auctioneer. Astoria. A Ktire Cure tor I'llw. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, musing intense Itching when warm. This form, ns well as Wind, Kleedlug or Protruding, yield at once to I ir. lioKiuiko's Pile Remedy, which nets directly on ihe parts affected, ahsorbs tumors, allnvs lh'hlng and effects a permanent cure. Me. Druggist or mall. Circulars free. Pr. Bosunko, 329 Arch street. Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by J. W. Conn. , NOTICE. To tho active firemen of tho Astoria Fire Department. Being urged by a number of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself as an independent candidate for tho office of chief engin eer of the Astoria Fire Department. Respectfully, THOS. B. LOUGHERT. Biicklcu's rnlcii Salvo. The best salve In the 'world for cuts, bruises, sores, pleers, salt rheum, fever gores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, nnd positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents oer box. For sale by Clias. Rogers, suc vssor to J. C. Dement. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) m, ... U U . IJJJI. (ifllUBU iNI III UMW Win SAUCE Impart the most delicious taste and test to EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN nt Madras, to his brothrr at WORCESTER, Mar, 1851. "tell XEA & -PERRINS" that their sauce U highly eteen. cd in India, and is in my opinion tha moat pal atable, as well - . k m n a wholesome t .A aauca that la made." Fewnra of Imitations: eco that you get Lea & Perrins' Signature en ewiji bottle ! the original and jeauia. John Duncan' sons. New York. n soups, r4 " GRAVIES, FISH, I i ll HOT ft COLO M'l MEATS, ;wt:- WELS RAREBITS, fto. THE WORLD are calling for' it and our shipments are increasing aany iu other lands. The GAIL BORDEH EAGLE BRAHD Condensed Milk is the first conden sed milk ever offered to the public. It is the leading brand. It has stood the test for 30 years. It has im itations but no equal. Try to remember that! All Grocers and Druqaisls sell it. OF ra Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tlio train of evlln from early error or later excenrtes, the results of overwork, h 1 c k u e R , worrv.eto. Fullfttrength, development; and tone given to every organ and portion of the body, filmplp.naturnlmethortfc Immediate Improvement Bwn. Fatlure IinposHlhle. 2,110 references. Book, explanation and proof mulled (aealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. BETTOS'Q A Positive Cure J tOR PILES In use over 30 yem . Stmiilr. KffrrUxt. U'hh Jrrnl. lilithmt ti'ti uicinliils. At itrllgKlHts, or mailetl on icoulpt of price 5lje. per box. I WlWREtMAKM k BROWN drub cn., i'roiM., Jtultlmore, Md. JAPANESE CURE A new and complete treatment, consisting ol suppositories, (liniment in capsules, also in box and pills; a positive cure fur external, In ternal blind or bleedimi, ltcbiiiit, chronic, recent or bercditiiry piles, and many other diseases and femalo weaknesses; it is always a great bene lit to the ecneial health. The first discovery ol a medical cure rendering an oper tion with the knife unnecessary hereafter This remedy has never been known to fail. 1 per box, 6 for $5; sent by mail. Why suffer from this terrible diseaso when a written guar antee is riven with V boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send stamps (or free SHinple. fiuarantee issued by Woodward Clark tt Co., Wholesale and Retail Pruggists Solo Agents Portland. Or. For sale by J. W. Conn. Astoria Oreu on - DR. GUNIfS ONION SYRUP F0R COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In raising a family of nine children, my only rem ody for Cough,, Cold, and Croup wan ouion ayrup. It i. Just Meltcottve to-day a, it won forty ycara aKo. Now my (rranrtchildren tako Dr. Omni", Onion Byrup which iaalivndy propal i and more Vleaaant to tho lane, doldat OOoeiiua botUa. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. T. 13. WYATT Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandlery. Pure Oil, Rrllit VairiMi, Plnacle nit Cot ton Cunvas, Hemp Sail Twine, l.anl oil, Wrought Iron Hplkes, UalvaiiiztuilCut Nails Grooorios, . T3to. AgiU'iilluinl Iiiiilciii('iit.i, S"w iii Ma liiadilnes, Paints and Oils. Kopp's - Beer - Hall Chnlfo Wlne, I.liiiors nn'l Cigars. KENTUCKY - WHISKEY, Onlv lianded over the bir. The largest plan's f N. P. P.eor. llu'f nnd half, .V. Free lunch, ERICKSOX & lVIHKATiA, Prs. Cor. Concomly nnd 1 afajcttc Sts. MUSIC F ilLL !h1 I First street, Astoria, Or. H. CHRISTENS EN. PROP'R. J. Froo Concert Every night beginning at S o'cliK k. (lo.'d music Ihe l st n( wixi-s, II luor and cigars nlwnvs on h.aid. Atlantic Beer Hall, 31 F rst st'eot, Astori . Or. PETE DOURSL! Proprietor. The Finest Wines, - Liquors - and - Cigars. Freo Conrcrt Kvery Evening. Every Requisite lor FIRST-CLASS FUNERALS AT Mil's tGdcrialing Parlors, Third TireeU Bates Keasonable. Embilmii g a Siwcialty. VIGOR CAI IfV ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. imniinlj nt Firm, and Individual, solicited oa Favorable Termi. TorelgD a&dUoineltle Ezchango DouRnt an i wld. ' . Money Loaned on Personal necurity. Interest paid on Time Deposits as follows: . For 8 months, 4 per cent per annum. g " S " " " .12 6 " " " A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been establlslied In connection with the above. clepolts will be received In amounts of one dollar and upward. Interest will be allowed as follows : On ordi nary savings books, 4 per cent per annum ; on term savings bonks, 6 per cent per annum. D. K. Warren, President J. K. minim. Cashier. J.C. Deneat, Vice President, D. K. Warrea. 1 J. 0. Dement. I I). H. Wrlnlit. Job a llolmon, Pirentoni. It. C.TbomiisoB, i Theo Hracker, J North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - 'Lager - Beer And XX Torter. All orders promptly attended to. . , HUNTER & MERGENS, Tropiletors of the Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets. MAftMTN O. OltOSKY, - DKALKIl IN HAUDWAUE, IROK, STEEL, IRON FlPf AND FITIINOS. STOVES AND - TIN WAKE, Hoiish Furnishing Goods, Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron Tin and Coriper. THE : OREGON : BAKERY A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pastry, Noue but the est Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer? Bread delivered in any part of the city NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given to all persons in the State of Oregon holding nolleles In the State Investment & in. Burance Company, ol San Francisco, California. Of the withdrawal from the state of Oreeon of the State Investment & in surance Company, of San Francisco, California, and to all other persons in terested, that the said company has reinsured its business In the State of Oregon, In the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw its securi ties on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing business in said stale. ' Any policy holder In the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 35G4., 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Mlscel laneous Laws of Oregon, as Compiled and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1889. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., " By George L. Hrander, President Attest; Charles M. Blair, Seoretary I. W. CASE, jxarNiEjiv. Transacts a General Baneins Business, Drafts drawn available In any par. of the D 8. and Europe, aud on Hong Kong, China, Office Hours:10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Building, . Astoria, Oregon. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, KErKEoKNTINU German-American, New York City, N. T. I'nion Fire and Sarin", of New Zealand. National Fire and Marine In). Co., of Hartford. Connectirnt Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Phtririi, of London. Imperial, of London. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. THE ASTORIA SAYINGS BANK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individ uals Deposits solicited Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as tollows; Ou ordinary savings h ioks 4 per cent ner annum. On term savings book s t per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months. 5 per cent, per auuum. For tweive mouths, 6 per cent, per annum. I. W. CASE . -..President J. Q. A. BOWI.BY Vice-President FRANK HATTON. Cashier W. K. DK.MKNT .-Secretary Dtatcroas: t W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlhy, Gust. Holmes, C. U. Pure, Benj. Youim, A. 8. Reed. F. J. Taylar THE PGRTLAHO SAYINGS BANK OP FOBTULXD, ORKOON. Paid hp cnpilat . . . -.iCWI.noO durplusand profit... - 60,000 I RANK DEKTM, President D. P. THOMPSON, Vies-President U. C. ST RATION, Cannier Grand Annual Picnic . OF TUB - Finnish - Brotherhood, At Seaside, Or,, And Dance at Fisher's Hall Sunday, August 6. The commodious and elegant steamer T. JT. POTTER Will leave tho U. P. dock at 8 a. in. Tickets for ronnd trip, includinc ad mission to the ball, 81.00. Trtzinuflr's oelebrnted I. nnd nnd or chestra will Btipply tbo musict. 1?. AVinlrmnn. Alex Holraan. Harry Jones, Charles Laity, Wm; Fnnttajn, John Stark, committee of arrangements. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. t Heavy and Sholf HAEDAV A.K Cr.r.'y in t Wk Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paints, ')ils, Varnishes. Loggers' Supplies, Kairbank's Hcales, , Doors and Windows. PROVISIONS, FLOUR ind MILL FKED. ASTORIA, - OREftNO. i0nly Line Running 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. 1 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO' 7 Hours Quicker toSt. Paul,, 23 Hours Quicker togChicatr,. 40 Hours Quicker to Omab&andJ Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Steele, Free Reclining Chair Cars Din ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO OCEAN STEAMERS... AUGt'ST, IS'.Ki. Oreson Vfednesdiiy AnjiiHt 2. Coliiiutiia Sunday August li. State I liursdiiy August 111. Oreirr.n Mondav August 14. CuIiiimi Iii Friday August IS. "tate Tuesday Aucust Oreiion Hitunliiy August ill. OobinMa Weduesday Au)?uiy(;5-. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STElMERS Morning boat leaves Astoria flally, except Sunday, at 6 a. m. and Sundays at 9 a, m.; returning leaves Portland daily, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. and Saturdays at 10 p. m. Night boat leaves Astoria daily at G p. m-; returning leaves Portland dally at 7 a. m. The morning boat from Portland makes landings on the Oregon side of the river and night boat on the 'Washington eldo The morning boat from Astoria makes landings on the "Washington side of the river, and night boat on the Oregon side, except Sunday, and on Sundays via Washington side. All boats make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford. For rates and geueral Infoiniatlon call on or address, W. H. HTJRLBURT,' G. W. 1.0UNSBERRY. A. Gen. Has. Aat. Aueut. ' Portland, Or. Astoria. Orz. mm fiip SHERIFF'S SALE. In the circuit court of the state- of Oregon for the county of Clatsop: Astoria Iron Works, Plaintiff, vs. Dean Blanchard, Defendant: By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause on the 22d day of June, 1893, upon a Judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 19th day of June, 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 5th day of July, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim, and Interest of the within named defendant In and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Lots numbered one (1) and two (2) of bloc numbered one hundred twenty-ce, ' (121) of J. M. Shively's First Addition," to Astoria as recorded by him in the. -record of said county, said real estate, being situated In Clatsop county, Oiv egon, and notice Is hereby given that I shall on Friday, the 4th day of Aug ust, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, In the city of Astoria, in said county and state, in front of the court house door, proceed to sell the same or eo much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $530.58, with interest thereon at the. rate of ten per cent per annum from ' June 19, 1893, together with the fur ther sum of $16.90 costs and disburse ments, and accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the highest bidder" for cash In hand In U. S. gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated, Astoria, Or., July E, 1S93.