y. TELE DAILY ASTOItlAH, ASTORIA, THlKHDAY MOBNltiO, JULY 27 IblK, ABOUT THE CITY. Machinery for a new portable saw mill was yesterday received by Shaw 1 & Lnrson. An 80 lot for $2- Oregon, strawberries at Smith's today. The ship Pactolue, from New York with a general cargo, is expected to arrive here dally. Strawberries mann's. and cream at Col- Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the hlshcut cash price for fur skins. Considerable money was distributed yesterday among the gill net men nail ing for the Elmore cannery. What is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard & Stokes. Westport cream fresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third St. The first sale of property on account of delinquent taxes for the year 1892 will take place on Monday next. If you wunt some extra nn nhntos. Mooers' is the place to get them. For fine wines and liquors call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. There is a dangerous break in Sec ond street between Cass, street and Main, which should bo repaired without delay. For genuine sweet cream that will whip, go to Colmonn's. Remember McGuIre's Hotel at Sea side is open the year around. Yesterday's Oregonlan had a clever headline over its wellwrltten account of Vice President Stevenson's visit to Portland: "A Displayed Ad." The Belmont cigar can be had at Chus. Olsen'B. Ladle3, ask Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits. The proposed football game between the first and second elevens of the Astoria Football club was postponed from last evening uUll Saturday even Ing. Every lover of good music should at tend theconcert this evening at the M. E. church. Hill's first addition is located in the centre of the city. Lots are now sel ling in it for $2. The first drawing in George Hill's lot club took place yesterday in presence of a number of business men. The winning ticket was No. 31. drawn by John Stevens. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. Don't stew your fruits over a hot stove. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. Among loverg of music much Inter est Is manifested in the. concert at the M. E. church this evening, and all who attend ,are certain of enjoying them selves. There is no risk taken by Joining IUU's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money. Y. Ing Lee has just received a full line f Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. W ill sell at cost. 529 Third street. "The program for the concert at the M. E. church this evening," said a tal ented vocalist yesterday, "Is the finest I ever saw1 formulated in this city, and every one should attend." Parties visiting In Portland can get The Daily Astorian at Handle)- u, rtauu' news Maud, 15U First street. Your fruits will not ferment if you use Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard Stokes. The Cascades arrived down yesterday morning with the steamer Lincoln and three barges loaded with rock In tow. While the Mendell is being overhauled, the Lincoln will take her place. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents per pound. .. Men of small means can Buy ieal estate in Hill's first adding-" Conan Doyle has written for Mc Clure's for August a short story of ad venture of the class of his "White Company" and "The Refugees," It is to be Illustrated by Alfred Brennan, for ail kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build- ' Ing. : Del. Ferguson, general job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. cldent waa put ashore at St. Helens to get medical treatment. . Dry hemlock wood delivered at 13.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Aluerbrook. Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this oince. Terms cash. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Ex change and get a lot "n IlU's firs; ad dition for 52. The cars will leave for the baseball ground at Smith's Point this evening at 6 and 6:30 o'clock- Betting on the re sult of the game Is in favor of Astoria Lodge, which has among Us members several good twlrlers and w'elders of the willow. The picked nine, however, are confident, and promise to make matters lively for their opponents. There la no place In Astoria where JOhn Kopp's famous beer is kept In such good condition as at Utzinger's popular resort. The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits Is with Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. An order for six seals for the Brook lyn, New York Park, was, received yes terday by Deputy United States Mar shal Stewart. The order came from Park Commissioner George V. Bower, of Brooklyn, who Is on uncle of Mr. Stuart. The latter contemplates ship ping the seals in a tin tank as as soon as he can make satisfactory ar rangements with" fishermen to capture them. - The admission to the Epworth League concert at the M. E. church this evening has been placed at 25 cents. The Astoria Library will be opened Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. for the use of country subscribers. Time on books is extended to 21 days. The Bteam launch Ellda, which was launched oft the ways at Louis Martin's shop on Thursday, raised yes terday. It was erroneously stat ed In yesterday's, issue that the boat was built by Mr- Martin, whereaa it should have been stated that the deck house alone was constructed by him. The Ellda was built on Young's River, and the reason why she sank was on account of one of the plugs in the hull having been knocked out accidentally Just before she slid oft the ways. J. W. Thomson organist at the M. E. church gives lessons in music, piano and organ. Organs tuned and repaired. Address 689 Astor street, Astoria. There Is no doubt bub that Crow's photographs are the very best- A crtt leal v comparison with other work will show it. Owners of horseB can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Saiz' Saddlery establishment. A difficult and dangerous Surgical op eration was yesterday performed at St. Mary's Hospital on the person of a pa tient named Tozler, whose leg was re moved near the hip Joint by Drs. Ful ton and Baker. Mr. Toizer comes from Snohqmlsh, where he was engaged in business, and arrived in this city about week ago. He has been suffering from tubernacular disease of the bone of the leg, and in the heroic treat ment resorted to yesterday was the on ly possible chance of saving his life. Last evening the patient was very weak and it will be some days before the attending physicians can tell what the result of the amputation will be. The steamer La Camas has been 11' beled for a claim of J500 due the A torla Iron Works. Sheriff Smith served the warrant, last evening, and the othejr papers will arrive here this morning. Preserve your fruits without cooking, Iby using antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olseu's. "Yoa missed the best musical enter talnment of the season," is what will be said tomorrow to those who fall to attend the M. E. church concert this evening. The admission will be only 25 cents, and every one with a soul for music should be present. For J2 a lot is delivered every week to the buyer " tail B nri aua'uuu. ' L P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent. 21 Merchants' Exchange, Ban Fran cisco is our authorized a&ent. This paper ts kept on file at his office. A fishing boat was broken in two near St. Helens by the Potter on Tuesday evening, but no lives were lost, as the single occupant of the boat grasped one iha nartrlla blades and hung on In desperation until the machinery was stopped. His arm was Daoiy cruneu ami wa said to have been broken. A dispute has arisen as to where the re sponsibility for the accident rests, the fisherman claiming he had a lig&l Dur ing, and the captain of the Potter be mg equally positive on the other side of the question. The victim of the ac- The ladies of Bethania, Norwegian Lutheran Church, Upper Aitor'a, will give a grand "Bazar" in t.1o basement of their new church on Fifth street, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday even ings this week. Musical progr-ini each evening at 8 o'clock. Admission, 10c. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan Theater was thronged as usual last evening and every one was delighted with Miss Zola Vera, Miss MllUe Morris and Frank Millen, the talented theatrical artists, In songs and specialties. Splen did music was furnished, and the ex cellent and varied program, which will be reproduced this evening, was an Immense success, the audience showing their appreciation of a first class show. FOLLOWING SUIT. 25 per cent discount on all grades of wall paper for the next 30 days at B. F. Allen's. , . . - . - i ASTORIA TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. Tills is the time made by the Union Pacific. Rates have been reduced to a very low figure. Go now before higher rates take effect. For further information call at llcket office Union Paciflo dock. G. W. LOUNSBERllY. Agent. Tha neurit- nntitm tnnrnhlriA and to bacco habits ore dreadful powers in a mans lire. Many wouia sacrmce an thev Dossess If they could rid them selves of these evils. It has been made possible to be cured, for it Is a disease, and at a moderate cost. The Ameri can Institute guarantees a cure. Call at their office over the Astoria Na tional bank. NOTICE- To the active firemen of the Astoria vi-ro nnnnrtment. Belnsr ursred by a number of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself as a inaepeuaem. candidate for the office of chief engin eer of the Astoria Fire ueparimeui Respectfully, lt3.Ua. uutunr.ni. THE FORCED MORTGAGE SALE. Of Herman Wise's 6tock Is now In full blast. Everything sacrincea. . M. WISE. Mortgagee. P..S. All persons Indebted to Her man Wise will please settle at once. OUR ABSENT AUTHOR. The following beautiful poem by Col Pat Donan la b0 strictly in Une with that gifted writer's remarkable and lurid write up of Clatsop county's re sources, that it deserves a plac In pubHo print, The newspapers of today do not run much to poetry, that W a fact, deeming that the sterner and more sensational side of life demands the greater attention; but as there may be in the "dim and distant" a reissue' of Col, Pat's crimson Clatsop effusion, It Is well that this musical triumph of his muse Bhould be preserved as a possible addendum thereto, It will be observed that Astoria has no place in the scintillating' stanzas, except that the line: "Brings the smell of stale tommycods blummered in blue," may contain a covert . allusion to our extensive fishing Interests, The appnr ent oversight might have arisen f.om the dashing cblonel's disgust ad 01b appointment at losing some slmoleons in a real estate; trade, which he Intended to supplement Ms $100,000 rnkeoff on the-contemplated half a inilll'in tmlom nlty racket he tried to work However, here Is the ByronoM:! tonic soar inn the empyrean of soul Mt Idealization, by Colonel Pat Donan: FIRST VERSE. When the breeze from the blue bottle's blustering bliss Twirls the toads In a tooroomaloo. And the whiskery whine of the wheedle some whim, Drowns the roll of the rattattatoo. Then I dream in the shade of the shally go shee; And the voice of the ballymolay Brings the smell of stale tommy cods blummered in blue From the willy wad over the bay, SECOND STANZA, Ah, the shuddering shoo and the blink etty blanks When the pungling falls from the bough In the blast of a hurricane's hicketty hanks On the hills of the hocketty howl Give the rigamarole to the clangery wang, If they care for such fiddlededee; But the thingumbob kiss of the whang erybang Keeps the hlggledeplggle for me. THIRD SPASM'. It is pllly po doddle and allgobung When the lolly pop covers the ground : Yet the poldlddle perishes punkety pung When the heart jimmy cogglea around, If the soul cannot snoop at the giggle some care. Seeking surcease in gulggety glug. It is useless to say to the pulsating heart, "Panky doodle ker chuggety chug!" A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell, Sharpsburg, pa., Dear Sir: I am glad to say a go d word for !". f "un-ie Capsules. After suffering.' for over three vars with acute neuralgia and its consequent insomnia, (which seemed to baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almoBt instant renet- worrjs lr to express the praise I should Ike to bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules. Gratefully yours, MRS. E- R. HOLMES, Mout.-otje, Pa. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria. Or., sole agent. GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION And Picnic . Given by the TO SEASIDE, May, Am 13, 1893 Qamos, Mxisio ftxxcl Will eonstitute the fcstivltlei of the day. Music, by Utzinger's Baud. The pnmmndlnii and popnlnr boat Telephone will leave Klave ,' wharf at 8::so a. in. li arp. Ticket, tl.00 for round trip, Including hall In Flslier'a Hall In the evening. Children under 10 years free when oceompa nltd by their puren , uot utuurai e. COMWIfTEE: J I, Cnrla". 0. 8. fiiindMBor, Aiif. Ihiinel'on, Muitln Olsen, trunk Mil .iiron), n.. oaier. OH. GUNN'S t onion. SYRUP FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. Whon a child, mother btb me onion .yrnp for ConKhi. Co!0 and Croup.inturnl give IttomyW tlnone.. Tbere 15 nothing o.lmplendu. Br. Ouon'a Onion Byrnp it i h armloM '"fPJ0"" to the lM a ho.iey. This it. n"oa wmedy, why no try UP Sold at 00 wnU. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist Q 4 i t L L- u Ten only J'ure C -im: 'Jsed in Millions of lit rr.f ', ".no::::;; No A!nsi. vs the Ptrmdaid The Almighty Dollar. We have the pleasure to announce a new departure the looatiod of on ajreaoy in New York oity for'lhe purchase and selection of onr stock, in order to enable us to quote lower pricJS than others who buy o i lot g time and ask big prices in these days of panic nnd hard timed. Our agent has instructions to watch every snlo nnd failure, to look ufter every house ou tlif yeta of bank ruptcy and ruin, and with cash in hand to buy the lumi, or in tho lot, very cluss ot merchant!! a thai we can get at less than its value, so that we cau murk iu plain figure on our bargiiiug prices Unit have uot bren nnnn tl or quoted in this market or auy other. ; Not by favor, but by merit ulone, will we maiutain and iowesi our tinrivalltd reputation. Bif prices will not do in these times, when even the wealthy rennet afford to waste their money n! the poor require double duty of every dollar and every peuny. is oar prices chatige with every sale, it will be luipot-siblo to give quotations, bat it will bd our uim tn " name figures that will compel you in self-defense to buy of na. ' We deal iu good goods, not trash, and believe the musses will patronize the house that sells the best goo.ln for the least money. Among our daily arrivals we shall place before our people some landdid-ies that nre positively beyond the whisper of competition, comparison or monopoly j prices that will leach you la the silent logio of truth the ' difference between dealing with live and tltnd men, between the chth an J credit b stem, between the rifht ' and the wroDg way. Henee we throw out among the masses these specialties these matchless goods und matchless price. tn check the insane ond criminal practice of wasting money for the paltry consideration of n little credit. Who can tell the watte of money when you get your goods of honRf a that buy and sell on lon time ? Gold is a good thiug, but give us genius end ambition, nnd then no energy thit nover tiroc, a mini Ih it never waudera, an eye that never sleeps, itnJ u nerve that never quivers, ni:d wo will ride rough shod all ovir the world. : New advanced ideas are crowding out tho old, pluck iustcad ot luck, cash instead of rrctli', brains in the place of cheek, science and ability bentiug back nnd crushing into oblivion thece men shine n erchants wi'.h their tough and tremendous long-time prices. , Whatis the nse of wostiug a dollar when yon may save It? Upon our oounters will be thrown, day after thy, new arrivals in panio prices, from houses that oollupeed, others that wilPgo down tomorrow, nud still others who throw out these focrificcsin vain hupea to outlive the storm. . ' From such souroes as these we buy our goodit, and the house that wants the trade of the people must jr beyond these advanced lines, must beat these prices or go down, for if there is honor in man or virtue iu good goods at low prices we mean to be masters of the situation the live pioneers who dive down to rock bottom. We shall answer such unanswerable arguments as no house can match; leaders and specialti) at quota tions that no other can offer; stern and stubborn facts that will level your head on the subject of geuniue bar gains. Hard luck and harder times pinch some high toned old concerns. They must havo money U meet the in evitable note tomorrow. They all know we have the cash the hard and solid caHh and a thousand will buy double tho value, and we oan offer goods at fin urea away below the regular wholesale jobbers. We wish to right the wrong, ond believe the god of battle is ever with the right. When bankruptcy and ruin overtakes tho victim we are always there nth the American dollar; When the hammer of the auctioneer falls upon suob grand and gigantic windshakes linten lor our name. Thus we are fighting agaiust the old, rotten credit system for money, for reputation and for the people. This is the musio these low prices that crowd our store whilst other merchants sleep on their counters, lit tle dreaming of the day of disaster and ruin awaiting all who buy on long tune and sell on longer who pay big prices, and all at figures that no people can afford to pay. We invite nn early and repeated vinit nnd inspection. Our stock will bo replenished every lew days, und to merchants we offer some special leaders fully 13 to 20 per cent, less than current prices in New York city. HESPBOTPUIjIiY SUBMITTED To Mm Cimi Trail Only by SHANAHAffl 0 Import rs and Dealers in Dry Goods, Ladles and Gents Furnishings, Fancy Goods, Notions, itc, Etc., 575 Third Street,- Astoria, and Portland, Or. . Leaders of Low Trices ,r.l Honest Vanrs for Your Wor.ry. FOR BJLfi. 3 GOOD LOTS AT SMITH'S POINT KINK view. Apply at thl oince ClIIKAl' A FEW CHOIOK LOTS IN ADAIK'S ANtnrin-KiMy terms. Bit) Frank Hultllo :it torney at law 173 Cass Htreet. WAfiTKD. G IIlL TO 1)0 LKillT HOUSKWORK. Al' piy ui aw, main street, ueiore n in. A COMPETENT OIRL TO DO (SKNERAL holme work. Apply In the forenoou at 311 Amor Street. ROOMS TO MEXT. Mil m RO MS WITH HOARD AT KKA90NABLK ratal. Also, cottage of six rooms to rent. Inquire of Mn, E. C. Hoi Jon. corner Main anil J el It moil street. tttJRNlSH HD HOUSE OK 12 KOOMS, CEN 1 trally located. Inquire at this olllce. FOVSD. NET, OKF BAND ISLAND NKAKLY Wi fathoms, Monday .In y 17. Owner apply to John Wuoplo. fclmore'i I'anucry. M1BC ELLA A HO CM. CALL ON P. BAKEK, (It TlllKl) STKItKi' and have your clothes dyed nnd cleiiueil. ASSIGHEE SALE 11. m i Um Continued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. W. W. PARKER, Assignee. CITY GEO. MCLEAN, COIINEK OLN'EY AND A--tor xi reef, dmsafC'-neKilbusiiit-s.Hlii blavk sinithiiig a:itt r.-palrliu. The S ore of John G. Mem' Has been purchased by Butterfield Pros., Who are poll! to close out the stork. IntcndiiiK purvhaa. M will (t J well to out i.xainliie ot- s and pn. en tM-fore nurc'a.HinK elsewhere. 'Ihejr alo havrf gooi watohmaner to do rt-puirliur. ASTORIA WOItKN, Conoomly street, loot Jacksou, Astoria, Oreicon, General MaehinisU & Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines, Bolter work. Steam boat and Cannery Woik s Specialty. CmUdm tf ill Deieriptiosi Hiis to Order at 8hort Boiie. JOtK FOX- fit-tMent xnd rnp- .L. POX . Vlee Prenideu CP. UPSHUR, SHIPPING ftiitl COMMISSION Astoria, ' Oregon. Blank Hooks,' Fine Sialionerv, -Haseball Goods, Footballs, Hammocks, Iaby CaniagoH. Now Goods arriving daily. Low Prices for Cash. GRIFFIN & REED CALIFORNIA WIHE HOUSE, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS ' I have timJe Brrat)iemnl8 (or snpplyiriK nDy brand of wine in qniiiilitifa to iiiit lit lowest obbIi flnieti. The trade Bixl fiunilioa Bitpplifil, All prdera delivered free in A.f'uri-'. . . A. W. UTZINGER, r'- ,. Muin Street, Astoria, Oregon. dutchers - and Grocers, Aitorla iiul Upper Attorlit. PluoTe and CofT-M.Tnhle Drll acli, b!r,ugii cured lianK, b;ic. elo. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MKATS Seaside Sav Mill. A complete UTk of lumber on hand In the miikd or ilrefited. Kloorinir. Hum to, Cellini, dii'l lilt klmlxif HnUli; Moi.iUuir and K i , j i. tlea; a'lo Braeket vnrk to t::Si.i T.-r.. :'t:;ir.!'!u a.mI fioeaai txt rK'k Alt tnl n I ro nptly (tlriiili'il to. Oiliw and vnr.l at mhl. II. V. 1 liOliAN, Pn.pr, Heaside, Oregon, 1- - n A 'I V.?. i . a hi,.Mfil! Ill 1