The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 23, 1893, Image 1

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    m IF Ml iff ifr9tms& '-Aff-ihiHti
W JiV iif JFr&i" vV -fr IW lH
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VOL. XL. NO. ,167.
Has Struck the Town,
etsy of the
The B(
ottom out of
Jilt J
ufjr lt33 HE2y fill 111
Class Goods Slaughtered
he m c sin
Secrtnary Carlisle - Endorses Director
Preston's Action.
. i
A Flurry la Milwaukee and General in Kentucky The Atti
tude of Cuu(rfu
Associated Press. ' ' .
Washington, July 22. Secretary Car
lisle this morning authorized the As
soclated Press to state that he fully
approyes the policy pursued in his ah
sence by Acting Mint Director Preston
In purchasing silver, and that the same
policy . -will govern silver purchases in
the Immediate future. It is not ex
pected. that the total 4,500.000 ounces
will be purchased this month, but this
Is not worrying the treasury officials,
as Secretary Carlisle holds with Pres
ton, tliat the law does not require the
treasury to purchase that amount in
case 1 is not offered within the mar
ket pi;!ce. ,
New York, Juljc 22 The "World, will
print -the following today: "The World
Is enabled to announce authoratatlvely
the : Immediate policy of President
Cleveland in regard to the approaching
special session. Briefly it . will be as
follow: -
"First Silver reform by the abso
lute and unqualified repeal of the
Sherman law.
"Second Tariff reform, to be prose
cuted Jn accordance with the pldeges
of the party as soon, as (but not before)
the finances of the country are upon
a stable .basis. " ,
."Mr. , Cleveland is annoyed and ex-
esee-Vvft irto'tariiL "retorm' pians,""But
he Is -not discouraged. From informa
tion at Ms command Cleveland has no
doubt that his policy will be adopted
by the house 'after a reasonable dis
cussion. It is in, the senate that troub
le will come. What will follow the re
peal Is a matter that will not be in
troduced Into the present fight if the
administration has Us way. That fur
ther financial legislation will be needed
the president considers probable, ' but
what' Us nature shall be is a matter
for future determination
the leading banks In the city. The
South' Side Savings Bank closed Its
doors at 10:40.
The situation seems better this rfter-
noon. The run on the Merchants' EX'
change, which1 was the heaviest, sub'
sided, in consequence of the posting of
a guarantee notice of leading citizens.
The Second Ward National, in which
are mostly small German! depositors,
has the backing of the big brewers,
and no danger Is appneh'ended. Presi
dent Noyes, of the Milwaukee Nation
al, has given a statement for publica
tion in which he says the bank Is per
fectly Solvent, with assets of half a
million above Its liabilities: but in the
present , strained condition of affairs It
was thought best to close the doors.
New York. July 22. In accord with
the resolution passed by the governing
committee, president Sturgls, of the
New York stock exchange, delivered an
address to the .members this morning,
read'ngi the riot act to the brokers who
have been engaged in the disreputable
work of circulating, in an underhanded
manner, rumors to lower the credit of
several large Institutions, with the pur
pose of affecting speculation. Presi
dent Sturgls gnld In part: "The times
through which we are now passing are
phenominal In their nature, and It be
hooveeB every member of the exchange
not only to be loyal t his own sense
of honor, but to stand firmly by the
institution of which he is a member-
The community has always looked to
the exchange for a high standard of
financial and commercial integrity. It
Is our Intention, in so far as our power
goes, to put the stamp of absolute dis
approval upon all Irregularities, and
all methods of doing business subvers
ive of the welfare of and injurious to
the public credit."
"The governing committee has ruled
that offers to buy . or sell securlntles,
under any form of contract other than
that provided for by the constitution,
will be deemed a violation of the rules.
punishable --B"-'TfVpe"vs,,1l.
vl.rnln . eommJi&Sr U ihetnod
of bringing to account the members
who have spread damaging reports,
Her Ultimatum to Siam Often in
fimrr Tone. ".
a. B&TfLE 1! 8 TAKlM PUiJi'
Three Hunheil Rlamr.e Kllleil anil Twn
Hundred Viun,!-il---AVIint
KiiClnml Wll !
Associated Press.
Paris, July 23 A dispatch to Le
Tomps from Saigon, says telegrams
from Stungtreng announce that -Captain
Vlllers, commanding the French ,
forces at Khong reopened fire upon the
Siamese on the morning pf the 19th
Inst. In the course of the engagement
the ' French captured : Forts Dondua.
Donga and Donhan, thus confining the
enemy to Fort Donsomr which, though
protected by a series of well-construct,
ed fortifications was captured the fol
lowing day without loss to the French. .
who now occupy the entire groip f
Islands. Only the town of Khong ro
mnlos to be captured- '
It is estimated that 300 Siamese Were
killed and 200 Voundnd In the encoun
A Bangkok dispatch says the Siamese
government, which hns anxiously been .
awaking advices from Great Britain
has been Informed by Lord Rosebery
that the British government must first
receive Lord Dufferln's report on the
Sin Francisco, "July 22. After a re
ception by the Merchants, Club this
afternoon, Vice-President StevenBon
and party started overland for Port
land, Or-, and Puget Sound-
The Greatest Reduction Sale
Ever Known in Astoria.
Positively, You Will Get
Bargains. No Humbug. At the
Midsummer Sale now in Progress.
Washington, July 22. Since the first
of January nearly two hundred Na
tional banks have closed their doors,
against less than fifty in the same pe
riod last year. Of the failures this year
five have been United States deposit
ories, as follows: First National Bank,
Little Rock, Ark-: Gate CUy National
Bank, Atlanta, Ga-; Peoples' National
Bank, Denver, Colo-; German National
Bank. Denver, Colo-, and the Kentucky
National Bank, Louisville. Ky. This
latter had. by the last report, received
$330,000 in United States funds. The
government, however, will not lose
anything by these failures, as each Na
tlonal bank that is a government de
pository has- to deposit United States
bonds to the amount of the govern
ment money it is allowed to carry.
New 3fcrk. July 22The weekly bank
statement show that the banks now
hold $1,256,550 less than the amount re
quired by law-
y Lz3 Li U rj
The Leading Merchant of Astoria.
New York, July 22--The Bond-Buyer
prints the following: President. Cleve
land has made by one of the most .com
petent officers of the government, a
thorough canvass of both houses of
congress on the silver question. The
conclusions reached' point to a long,
exciting and bitter contest n both
branches-" The eventual repeal of the
Sherman act may be brought about.
but not promptly- The extra session
will doubtless run into the regular ses
slon 'without agreement on this dls
turblng question.
Louisville, Ky-, July 22The Ken
tucky National Bank, with a capital
of $1,000,000, has failed. It Is thought
the bank will be able to resume short
ly. It Is a government depository.
In addition to that heavy failure,
three others of national banks are re
ported to, Comptroller Eckle this
morning, the State and National banks
of Vernon, Tex., with capital" of $100,
000 and $85,000, respectively; and the
State National bank, of Knoxvllle,
Tenn., witK capital of $100,000. All
are small Institutions having deposits
In each In the neighborhood of $100,000.
Milwaukee, July 22 The MUwari t
National Bank failed to open its doors
thbi morning; a run was mafle on all
A fire yesterday In the bottling de
partment (if the Pnbst Brewing Co.,
Milwaukee, inflicted a loss of $55,000-
Hanlnn won the single scull race at
Ovllla, Canada, yesterday, In 21:12
Gaudaur (jult before turning 4he buoy.
The business portion of EUgei'ton, O-,
a town of 1.200 Inhabitants, was burn; 1
last night; loss $100,000; Insurance, two-
Governor Markham has appointed ex-
Governor George C Perkins, United
States senator to Bucceed the late Ice
land Stanford-
The report Sent east that the Burling
ton had had a wreck near Oxford Gap,
Co... and that seven nassenirers were
killed, is without the least foundation.
A dispatch from Rio Grand do Sul,
via Montevideo, says that an Import
ant battle with insurgents at Jaguara
resulted in the complete overthrow of
the' government troops. The command
ing general of the government troops,
Soares, was killed-
Georee B. Jefferys, the locomotive
engineer who has been on trial in Sac
ramento for the past two weeks, charg
ed with bigamy, has been discharged
on the ground of no Jurisdiction, the
alleced marriage constituting the crime
of bigamy having taken place in San
Valoaralso. Ind.. July 22. Judge Gil
bert, of the circuit court, has written
a letter to Governor Matthews concern-
Ing the pr'ze fights at Roby, Ind-, say
ing that undar no circumstances would
the Corbett-Mltchell light be allowed
. ni,Aa tt,ara n n,l that Ho nrft-
IV, IQAD JJIO m.--.-, , -
posed to act W lthout the co-operation
of the governor.
Paris, July 22 The SlameseT reply to
France's ultimatum was handed to Pa
vle, the French minister resident at
Bangkok, and telegraphed to the Siam
ese legation here- Its terms render
EOTH? iffa"repfy rwltTiioV beT given '
out for several days.
Paris. July 22The Siamese Minister
to France called on the French foreign
Minister this morning and asked for
an extension of time for reply to the
French ultimatum. The request was
refused and the Siamese Minister was
Informed that If not acceded to In the
time specified, France would proceed
at once to enforce her demands.
Berlin. July 22. Addressing a large
nartv of excursion! from Brunswick
yesterday afternoon, Prince Bismarck
said In part: "Such opposition as i ex- .
nerlenced when I wn minister prewl-
dent""of Prussia, has not been attempt
ed, recently- During the old regime,
however, no Berlous danger was appre
hended from the opposition, becau
tre fullest confidence was felt that
neither the empire not Prussia could be
endangered as long as the helm of state
was In the hands of the bid emperor
and his ministry (enthulastlo cheer
ing). Today the same belief in the sol
idity and stability of affairs can hardly
be Bald to exist."
Angels Camp, Cal-, July 22. Two tons
of giant powder in the warehouse be
longing to Garland & Manuel, at Mur
phy's, near here, exploded last mght
and set fire to the town. A livery stab
le, butcher shop, Baloon. and the Native
Sons' hall were destroyed. Mitchell's
hotel was badly damaged by falling
pluster and burning cinders. No lives
were lost, o far as is known-
New York, July 22 There was re
newed depression In stocks, this morn
ing, at the opening. In early tradifig
declines to 1Mb , .
London, July 22. Stocks are weak,
and realizations cauie declines in rear
ly all securities.
Those who wish to have the fliicat
Shoalwater Bay oysters or clams by
the quurt. or pint in Jars, can have
them delivered nice and fresh by Hom
er Fletcher. Orders left at The Aiito
rlnn office will receive prompt and care
ful attention from him.
For an $8 Lot
By becoming a member of Hill's lot
Clubs you can get a first-class lot in Hill's;
Fiwt Addition to Astoria. Lots will bo
delivered weekly. Now' is the (ff)
time to procure a lot to build a y I I
home, for yi':-3