OLE HAlLY ASTOKiAJN, AdTOUIA, THURSDAY AlOllNINtt. JUL? 20, ltSiU rCBLKHIDBT Aslonaa-tolninbisB Publishing Coaipanj. A6TUMIA, OREGON I vro(AX BOICOIKd, - - Ca STBKKX Twaa Of Huberlptlo. OAll.T.. ri-ited oy Carrier, yer week U j , ly Hall, per month ' ... it by .tl mi. tier Vuiir - -....(.' WEEKLY. s u M mall, per 2 On in ad.aiic . we putae to subsoribtw Ih om a guaranteed It HdvrilitrH ihe largest circulation ol auy newspaper put" nlifii 'Hi tlir Columbia r.ivor. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, July 19 For Oregon and Washington: Continued fair weather. Local weather for the twenty-four rmur ruling at 6 p. m.. yesterduy, furnished by the U. S. Department of A tculture. weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 66 degree- Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from July lt. 18931 to date, .J Inch- DoflL-lenuy' of precipitation from July l8t 1393,. to. date, -21 lnca- Lordi SallHbury opposes the Home Rulli of Irwlanil UP the ground tiat the IrlHll. will )) etiemif to the end of time, no. mo-ttor how well treated, uml: liuimatus that they won id be hostile- "In, Uio avimfc oC a war between flrenti Brituln. ami. unutliuB power. An unfriendly, oxouuUvn- In. Irelitfid' could, in.tlra-evnnti otwnr, (muwi untold dis tress by allowing nil: ninny to. prxure ((ia.li and! proviHlotm in IriU ports,, and by, allowing tlw wwrt to be used s rPiidviu ffir privateers." Mr. Glad Httino'St bulUif,, and thu foundation of his politiy,. i Unit,, toi the event of dor intf jtiBtic to Ireland,, the Irish would Wt tlm stanch, reliabk Mends la peace and war,, of England. Much depends mil tile standpoint. A feeler has been put forth in Eu rope1, tu the effect that a proper solu tion of the Samoan trouble would be anexation to one of the great powers, and Great Britain has been Ineldent allly mentioned as the proper one.That would hardly meet with favor In the eyes of Americans or, Samoans, as the latter prefer the United States to any other power, and we have interest there which would be Imperilled by British annexaUonV The attitude now assumed by France, regarding the Bangkok Affair, would indicate that It was a mistake and they "didn't mean It." This will probably be satisfactory to Slam, unless it is merely a ruse to. nuiet the natives while they gst a stronger hold- It seems hardly probable that France would send three gun-boats to the Menam river merely for tho fun of the thing. The very test reason why the United Slates should control the Nicaragua Canal, is the act announced by Presi dent Warner Miller, that Bome of .the promoters da not jwlshj It, believing that they can make more money by retain ing Hhe control themselves. The following account of the loss of the ftshermeu lost Monday has bee recelvbd: Editor Afctorlan; fToday has been blue day for the glllnet fishermen, sev nre reported lost. Tho weullicr v thick and a tremendous sea was rtui, nlng about noon time. Captain Stuart of the life saving crew anticipated that trouble was coming and he therefore manned the surf boat and stood out to word the bell buoy and keep a bright lookout for boats in distress. The bar. prevented x anyone looking very far but during one interval of clearing weather a boat was Bigh'.ad careening violently in the breuk near tho boll buoy sands. The life crew settled dow to work at a hard stroke, but when within eighty yards tho i1shig bo it capslced, and the men were e?n, one clinging to the keel, and tho ither hold lng on to the side, but ere the life boat reached .them they were torn from the boat, and no trace of them could bo found. This proved to be a Cutting Tacking Co. boat No. 11. Tho life crew re mained outi five and one-half hours, on tha lookout, but saw nothing else to require their services. There was another fishing boat seen at the time No. 11 was capsUed, but the thick weather afterwards hid It from their view. Tho life crew dont complol that their surf boat Is old and unsafe, but anyons of any nautical experience For the Next Thirty Dajs, To moot imporotivo demands, I will ofler at 6uch low prices on install ments, wilh e-isy payments, that catt Bee that It Id quite unfit for the venturesome business !t id engaged to Some day when the whole bottom drops out of It, which H likely to oc cur lna storm, the deparment will see tho necessity of providing- a sub stantial and suitable boat G. -A, It. - - THEY NEVER PAIL. ' J. N. Harris, 8 Fulton Market. New York City, says: "1 have been using Brandreth's Pills for the last fifteen years. There is nothings equal to them as Blood Puri fiers a"d Liver Regulators. But I wlHh to state how remarkably they cure rheumatism, and how easily; I was af fected by rheumatism in the legs. My buHlness (wholesale fish dealer) nat urally leads me to damp places. I could not walk, and at night I suffered cuuiu mjv waan, una at mgni JL BUixerea I fearfully; I tried Balsams, Sarsaporlllasi and all kinds of tinctures, but they did me no good and I was afraid of being a cripple. I finally commenced using Brandreth's Pills. I took two every night for ten nights, then I legan to improve. I continued taking them for forty days and I got entirely well Now, whenever sick, I take Bran dreth's pills. They never fall. FUNERALS. E. W. Kuykendall, the leading under taker, having completed, arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, has made a great reduction In the cost of funerals: $ 5.00 Coffins reduced to $ 3.00 8.00 Collins reducted to 6.00 2.1.00 Collins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. ' 36.00 Coffins or casitcts re'd to 25.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 30.00 60.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caskets reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., Astoria, Oregon. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es- ova;i by prominent physicians in my neigh tate of James P. Metz, deceased. All i,nriinn,i nmi in New York. Growine con- persons indebted to said estate, are no- ing cluisWs against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to " . 1 .... . me. at the above place, witnin six months from the date hereof. JAMES AV. HARE. Administrator of the above estnte. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th, day of July. 1893. A Jllllion Friends. A friend In need Is a friend Indeed, nur!iBlural Wr" &6 i New Discovery for consumption, colds, and coughs. If you have never used this great couglr medicine, one trial win , convince you thu it has wonderful cur- , ative powers In 11 diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guar- anteed to ao all that is ciaimea or money i will be refunded. Trial bottle free at Charles. Rogers' drug store, Large bot- ties 50c ana 1.W, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for aiarrnoea. Twen ty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all urug glsts throughout the world. THE APPROACHING HOUR- DINNER Is fraucht with no pleasant anticipa tions for the unhappy mortal plagued with dysnepslot Appetite seldom, dis comfort after and between meals, al ways is his portion. Heartburn and flHtnlpnce Bubseouent to eaung, a enawing at the rtt of the stomach be fore It, are only a few among the woes arising from this truly impish complaint. Sick headache, nervous ness, constipation and miiou"ess urn its diabolical offsp.-'ng- Until ir.1 all them are annihilated by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, widen tone the f-as-trlo organs and regulaets the liver and the bowels with certamtv cnu pr.nnpi ltude. Chills and feer, kidney trouble. rhniimatism and leu.alji'a arc uic remedied by this medicine of rare purity and compreho.isivo ues. vallds of all kinds are greatly swiftly benefited by It. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From O'Brien's stable on Wednesday night, June 21st, one dark chestnut horse, white spot on the nose, smooth shod on fore feet, rough shod on hind feet, about 11 years om, weignt aooui 1 mn nntindn. thin In flesh. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the animal to the chler or ponce, or io Shaw & Iarsen's woodyard. FOLLOWING SUIT. 25 per cent discount on nil grades of wall paper for the next 30 days at B. F. Allen's. . All the patent meuHtnes ndvertlsod In this paper, together with tne cnoicesi perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. ... NOTICE! Use Zlnfandel wine Intend of coffee or An rji .anii n,.i imUiin. Dont foivet Peach and apricot brandy, nlso French Cognac and wine at Alx. Gilbert s. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIUTED1 PURE YOU CAM HAVE A H0EIE IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. - YOU "SHOULD REAP THIS. The nonulnrlty of the Union Pacific la bent 1. temilnea by the superior service it act-o- d. the traveling public in main tainw.,. two daily through trains to Omaha, St, Paul, Chicago and Pplnts east, thoroughly equipped with all the Uteat appliances for tho comfort and safety of He patror.H sld.-s shortening the distance materially with its fast trains. The pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reach St. 1'aul seven- hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha and Kansas City and intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the Pacific Northwest. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad if you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tlckfis can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. If you have friends in Europe whose paoaige you wish to prepay to Astoria, call nt the Northern Pacific offlce.steamer .reiepouii.- ui . ......... r" f wantF. induced rates via all the leaa Telcnlione UocK. ana mane miuwu lng steamship lines. Handley & Haas, 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorian. so ('.at visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads : "James C. II , a line looking and apparently healthy man, was observed to stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this afternoon, and after taking one or two un certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When picked up lie was dead. A physician ex amined the body , and pronounced hearlditeaxt the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of the caso is that Mr. II was on his way lo Maine, to settle in the home of his boyhood I le had passed the previous ten years in the v.'CBtcrn mining country, and had amassed a fortune, if YOU haveany of the symptoms given in the foliowingtestimonials you should lose no time in seeking relief. From John L. Eoberts, glatington, Pa: "I have Buffered with palpitation, irregular pulxc, faintinrj and smothering spelU, pain in nhouldcn. side, and arms for over forty years. For twelve years have been treated without 6t:lllty wor8e Braothering spells followed one i iivcumw..o."..iv. Vr , 7i u 7 wired by Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, he sent .1 1 111 mi il & Jaka SHA me tnree Domes. iue nrsi uuw b"t uib instant relief. Belore using tne last Dome I was completely cured. Although seventy five years old I feel twenty years younger. I claim my cure to be almost a miracle." .Here is a letter from Mrs. John Kolges, of Cleveland, O.: "I had been troubled wilh mv heart and stomach for years, but for six- ien ,nntlis had been confined to my bed. I ld four of the bat doct onjnthtat noneofthemcouldbenefittheweaknessotmy heart. I also had dropsy and rheumatism. , took medicjne that relieved me at ' . , n , d r once as Vr. Maetf Mw Heart utra, aoes. , i am much stronger. My appetite is splendid. j ain strength with every dose. 1 nave , K:T frora vour treat- ment than in sixteen months from all the doctors." 5 . . . . .11" " Dr. Milei New Cure for the Heart is sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists. . ' r .re..,:..- 1.1. J. ,,. it IS wijc. qemvtf, ufrciir, unu wo vwi. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. That ' I had for dinner was the best I ever ate. Thanks to COTTOLENE, the new and successful shortening ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. Pa EVERY LABORING Mil OR ICHMI Can avail himself of this golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH; AT $5 D3W:a ON; BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. Nature should bo assisted to throw offlmpur'. tics of the blood. ! ll.l Jl .1 CURES MALARIAL so wen, so Biuei j or so promptly as SwitVa SpeciOc. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS." t Ihrf year I wm ircjble-1 with malirial poKon, .h ca'jvrrl mjr rwtito to f.U.and 1 wut catv re 1 1 Mm) tvitaOi rrmrrtii'C htit tn nit tl, r I .-.1-1 n ir-Si. f. 1 then trk'U tfffrfyn A f.;w IxmlcYoi iTtii LVdii.-ti-riiil mn cine flO,J:J,W.''' I m a d h land permanent euro. uVW-!tJ a n 1 1 now JJ Utfttcr h&Uh than ever. J. A. K1CE, Ottawa, Kin. Ot.r r,n Clood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Ci.SIFT SPBQIPtO CO.. ATLANTA, QAw SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive and permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of lie.-.hhy vigor to the tissues is offered to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it is a True Specific for Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be lieve it ? Sena for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury and ther yoisons. This remedy will cure you in 30 to oo days without fail. We guarantee a cure or refund the money Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., Ito Flrt Street PORTLAND, OB- BUSINESS CARDS. AC.BBONS, . , l) Us li- it OF ACCOUNTS mid I'K'IKfiSSIONAL t-OOKKlifclPKIi. OKKir : With (icimral Me-wugcr Oo 615 Bkaiimciuo street . 4 A CLEVELAND, JX., ATTOKNEY AT LAW Oltlce-Kinney's nmv lin.k tnriUlliiK, cornwr Third and Ueuevlcve streets : up slum. J Q. A. BOWLBY. OIHuo oil Second Hirwet, - Atturiit, JOHN H. SMI H, , O ATl'OltNKV AT LAW. Offlce in KliineyS new iirlck ImildiiiK, over Astoria National li ink, W. PARKER, REAL HSTATIi AND iNsUKANCK AGENT OlUce 111! lluiiton street, Astoria, Oregon. D4. EUIV JANSON. PHV-.lClAiN Si HUlUiriO.V. K OM 7 (Hllceover Osvuod's Cloiliins Store, liours, 10 to 12 m, 2 to 5 u, in, 7 to H ii in. -i.nia.iy, 10 to 11 m. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHVrtlCIAN a 1i dUllOEON. special attention to Di. n-isns ol Women unu Murxery. UUlceoverUd ziger's store Astoiia TAY TUTtLE M. D., t) r-llYslUlAiN, nU.HHia.N Si lOilOUHHEUIt. Ofllce, rooms 3, 4 ov -r Astoria N ttioualKiiiik. hours, ll li & t to5 hes uenee. 63V Cedar st. DR. WALTER I.HOWARD. Uo.vlj5ol'ATillC PUVSICIAN & SUK geon. Ollice, 451. 1'lurd street, lloum 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2 Ke-ddeuce 4u8 3d sircel LP. WULLINIX. M D., , tilves ,siucial u(!;iun,'iit for Calarrli, lliro.tt I.uiiks, Kid iey Geiiilo-Urinary organs Omueuistaii's,wtl'ii 1'lilrd Sc. llours, u.m.U p.m. RICHAHU HAHKV. 0. II. IHOM City Surveyor. JJARHY & ISOfW, CIVIL, ENUl.NEEKS AMD SUhVKVOKa. KOOMS 5 AMI) 6, OVER ASTORIA AXIOM Al, BANK. W. T. BUUNRT, J. W. DUAPBB Burney & Draper, A', ttornevs aiLawi - Oregon uuy, uregon. Twelve years' experience as register of th U. 8. Laud Oillce here, reeommends us In our specialty of Mining and all oilier business be fore tliu Land ofiloe or the Courts, and involv ing the practice ol the General Land Otllce. B ROCK EN BR OUCH & COWING. f.AW OKKIOH. OREGON ITY. Oil. Special aitentlon (liven to land business. Set tlers on liome.stea is or pre-emption claims and tlnilier land purchases sliown every advantage of the law. For assistance ' In making tlnal proof call on us. THOS. FREORICKSON, 1IA0 lUMbU. No J3I. West Sixth street. Foard & Stokes anooniRS l in nh.Kxu-nre. fi-ockerv. Shlo SllDPlle" i..ii!w..-. w-.m. Mini Klne whiskies. Fine Teas HiidColf.c.iSnrciiiltv. I he Finest Display of Kiuiis In 'lie Oitv, Fresh on Kvery siemi'.er. Corner of I'lilrd and West Kiglitn Stiets. Seashore Railway. TIME CARD. Traill leuvi s SeaMilo : 7 :!Wa. ni iliiily. , , aAl p in Alo:nl:i,v, We i' esly, rnuay and Muuduy. r. liO p. in. Tiitdday, Thiir.-day and Sat urday. Leaves Young's 1 'J' I' t n .. ... .r. 1 1 u 5 p". m! Momiay, Wednesday, Friday and guiulay. . , . -i:S0aud 5:." p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and SJturdav. J. t. A. Iluwi.liv, D. lv. WARltKN. Seereliuy. President. Boats leave Artorla at 8;30 a. m and 4:30 p. m. COLUMBIA TRAKS;ER CO., WILLIAM WILSON, Troi. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery Husli.ess. Office HOOlney strict. Stiibles fno of West Ninth st, Astoria. Tel. phone o. II. MACHINE SHOP J AS. DALG1TY, Trop'r. (SiiiH-cssor to Arndt & Ferchcn.) Boiler Repilrli'.i a d ''a -nery Woik. rV. lng of River t:rafl a s.ei-ilty. M aehlna W -r of all kinds done. Sho?, root r.f l.afn "e t. LIT . .. '4 Kipans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Centi. One I'ack.ige (Four Boxes) I wo Dollare. RipansTabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample address RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ; j NEW YORK. CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated Willi $i',ooo Capital Stock. Heal Kstm- uml Insurance Brokers, Notnry I'ublio and (,'ouveyaueers. Hpeclal attention paid to rents, payment ol taxes, etc., for non residents. Bole ageuta lor South Astoria, 1'ros nerll'Hik. Uemlook Park and Owen's Addition. also best Boaaldo, business and Inside property and choice acreage. 474 1 mm si.. Astoria. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail t. I O U O fl DEALERS. i-.-i- iIi-imiI Ail iiraiKm 01 foreign aud Domes tut Wines. Llouors ,tud Ulears. .1. 11 Kiei (Viiisfcm a siieclalty. Vai Blatz hoi ti..d iwsr. elnest oramir 01 s wesrano DuuiestK I i'Hri l.hiuors for itlbilieniai I'liiposes. Haiiiily I rarte Solicited All order fro- fh. City and Country prop"- ay filed ijqiieinogue. (Uree! , Astoria. Owi-i I. xi. cj 3r, 00., e Steamer Ilwaco l.euven Astoria dallr at 7:30 a. m. for flwaeo chlliug at Tansy Point, and connecting with railroad running north at 10 a. in, and with boats on siioalwater bay for South Bend, Suimlilno, North Cove And other point through to Oruy'n Ilur. bnr. Kel.nriiliicr cnnueeis at Ilwaco with s earners for Astoria and NlKht Boat tor Portlana. JOHN K. GOULTER. L. A. LOOMIS. Seeretarv. President R, V. EGUKRT, Bupeilnteudent. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Satur day at 7 p. m. Ariivesat Astoria Every day except Sunday at 2 p.m. , Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a. m. u. w. stunk, Agent, Asiona. E. A. Sikley, General Agent, Portland Or. Merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connecting with Canadian raelflo and Great Northern Railway anil China steamship Line Taking freight and passengers for Vancouver and Victoria II. C. and Seattle, Tacnma and n'l Sound Points, lavinc Astoria every 10 days. For particulars apply at the ollice Asloria Abstract 1, 1. i. FFRGTJiON BRO?., Agents. G. A. STINSOii k CO.. BUCKSMrrHlN( Hhlu aud Cannerv work. Horse iuoelnir. W aa ons made Hnd repaired. God work guaranteed un tjass sireei.. opiHtHiu-iii -ir iiure ui-t. CARTJAHAN &, CO Successors to I. W. Case, Importer and Wholesale and Retail dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Second and Casa Street, ASTORIA, OREGON Incandescent, nil night.... $1.50 12 o'clock... 1.00 M 10 ... 75 For pnrtiYnlars inquire of any membf r of the firm or at tne ounce, loot or uou comly St. West Shork Mills Co., T. O. Trullinger, President ELECTRIC LIGHTS For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory ou Columbia river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ..AND... ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the M t. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th Only IRoute Through California, to ) Pointi Et tad Seath The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAKR Attached to express trains, affoidlng superior accommodations for second-class passengers. - I'or rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations etc., call upon or address K. P. KOG EltS, Assist ant Ceneral Freight and I'assenger Agent, Tort aud. Or. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH AM. TUANSCONT1N ESTAL LINKS, -IS THE- OITL7 LUTE RUNNING ElQCtrio liigntod Cars BKrWEKN) ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESH TKAIN8 consist of VESTI BUI.KI), BI.KKI'INO, DININtl AND PARLOR OAKS, HtATCD BY STEAM And furnished with every lnxury known tc modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safely this Line is Unequaled. Tickets ou sale at all prominent railw offices. FVir further Information inquire of any tick agent, or C. J. EDDY. General Afft. J. W. CASEY. Trav. Pass. Acrt. PORTLAND, OREGON.